Terrorismo em Inglês

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Terrorism – Christ is the solution

(by John, the apprentice of life)

The bigger questioning of the last days is how to end up the terrorism,
this cancer that destroys the Humanity. Debates and more debates are provided
to understand how to deal with this enemy without face, without motherland,
without address, without love to his own life, where the religious fanaticism or
ideological overthrow his own basic survival instinct.
And more unfortunate is that hate causes more hate, violence causes
more violence, in a continuous tragedies, where innocents are sacrificed without
any results.
Thus we conclude that there is a solution which still has not been
experienced, however it is part of the most occidental people: the Gospel of
Jesus Christ. The occidental potencies, however being Christian, are not able to
see that the solution to end up the hostilities is simple and is graved for almost
two thousand years in their books where they keep in their homes, temples and
even under their arms. All that Christ taught us wasn’t to be only in the religious
theory, but is to be used in our daily lives. And today, we are called to testify our
faith, in a way to test what Christ has said: “Love your enemy and be good to
those who hate you and pray to those who chase and slander you; because if
you love only those who love you, what is the reward you have with that?”
“Reward the bad with the goodness”, in other words, forgive our enemy. In order
to invert the hate, only love softens, erases. Only love has the same force as
the hate, because they are the same facets of the coin.
Everybody is sensitive to love, even those who are not Christian.
The USA are extremely democratic, and all that was done by the
American government until now to hold back the spread of terrorism in the world
was done by its people approval, so religious so conscious of Christ doctrine,
but so forgetful in practice of his precious lessons. It’s necessary to change the
strategy: break up the pride and place Christ in our attitudes. We should see our
terrorist enemy as human beings deceived by his leaders, with hate infiltrated in
their harts, born to be programmed to kill or die in the name of their fanaticism.
They are dignified of compassion!
The solution which has not been tried, however could result in a global
effect totally unexpected, is that in reward of so many lives destroyed in the
name of the terror, give to the people of the countries which support the
terrorism, economical and social benefits in order to extirpate the hungry, the
diseases and poorness, as it was done in Japan and Germany after the
Second World War. Instead of sending soldiers to these suspicious countries for
repression of these people, send doctors, nurses, medicines, engineers,
besides teachers to alphabetize the children in their own mother languages.
This unusual attitude (“sui generis”) from the part of whom that has
suffered an aggression, would be a way to pull down the “backbone” of those
who carry out the terrorism. Thus, the terrorism supporters would lose their
arguments and would have its support basis weakened, as their people would
realize that what used to represent the “Evil”, is in true, the way to a Peaceful
Life, Health and Evolution. What it is proposed here is not to change the
religion, nor the culture of these people, but apply with them the golden rule
taught by Christ: “Do to others what you would like to be done to you yourself”.
Christ as a solution would demolish the belief of these people who support the
terror that the United States is a country of pride, selfish and explorer people.
As would say San Francisco: “to the darkness, only light; to the hate,
only love; to the pride, only humility; to the revenge, the compassion”.
As they already tried all ways known to hold up the terrorism, and all of
them only resulted in more fuel to feed the “terror fire” , why not to try, the
simplicity of Christ doctrine, infinitely cheaper than the expense to manufacture
and develop weapon?
Finally, if the nations that consider themselves Christian follow truly in
practice what Christ has said, today the world would be living in a Paradise.
Let’s celebrate, so that the occidental people seemingly Christian can really
honor the name of Christ! Celebrate all !

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