Life Without LOL: An Introduction To Anarchist Lolitics

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We are your wake up call. We are not hiding from you; we are you.

We are the morning you got off the treadmill and ran under the open sky. The first time you kissed someone and they kissed you back. We are the night you couldnt sleep. The night you were staring at the ceiling thinking Is this it? Is this the best life has to offer? No. There is a freedom in you that knows no fear. -Will Potter, Orange is the New Black

From our vantage point- a field where the insides of the earth have spilled out in boulders and rocks and clumps of bitumenwe search out Octobers constellations: the big and little dipper, cassiopeia, orion. Daffodil and I lean against a piece of fly rock. Chunks of dirt flake off of it, rubbing against our coats, but dirt is a a small price to pay for Look, you can even see the milky way, Daffodil says, pointing up at scattered drops of spilled milk or corn meal or straw. I dont think Ive ever seen it before and its amazing that I can see it here, twenty-four miles from the nearest city, on a mountain whose slopes and ridges are punctuated by the bright yellow lights of the mines. The milky ways clarity is another contradiction of these hills that are at once ancient and hollowed out; blanketed by a primeval forest of rhododendron and sassfrass interrupted by miles of scabby gray mine. Not too far behind us twelve feet, maybe fifteen the field ends at a high wall. Thirteen feet below, the man-made cliff bottoms out on to an active mine. In the moments before stargazing, we peered over the edge of the high wall. I silently named the resting monsters drill rig, dozer, rock truck. I look up at the pitch-dark sky, then around at the dismantled landscape. Our addresses are in Portland and Montana, but we both lived here once, in East Tennessee. This really is the kind of place that gets under your skin, I say. And ties you to it, so that you return and return and return. An impossibly sad and impossibly beautiful place. I kick at a rock resting near my booted foot. Dust flies up, the guts of a mountain. It hangs a veil between the two of us and the friends scattered in front of us, who are laughing and telling


stories between puffs of smoke and sips of beer.

How do we keep on living when the world is falling to pieces around us? How do we find beauty in destruction? Where is purpose in lives composed of the dish pit and the Food Stamps office, the shopping mall and the class room? We all know that late capitalism just isnt very much fun. In the mid-1800s, some folks articulated an old political philosophy: anarchism. Anarchism is the idea that people can organize their lives and communities without the intervention of the State. Its also the idea that we can organize non-hierarchically, giving respect to humans and other creatures. Anarchism isnt just a dead ideology from the frigid past. Its something millions of people believe in today in fact, you might be an anarchist without even knowing it. Are you working a late-night at the local fast food restaurant, orders piling up, boss breathing down your neck? Do you ever feel the urge to throw that fry basket down and walk out, middle fingers waving proud? Thats capitalism getting under your skin. Whens the last time you hear a news story about a young, unarmed black man getting shot by the police? Maybe youve even had a bad encountered yourselves youve been stopped for wearing the wrong clothes, skipping school or being out too late. The police are the thugs of the State the omniprescent force that controls every aspect of our lives. Sometimes things are good. Sometimes we ride bikes all night, trading jokes and stories. Think of that joke you just couldnt all stop laughing at, or that incredible adventure to the waterfall in the woods. Anarchists believed that we all have a right to enjoy our lives and find beauty

in the world. Have you ever ran to help a friend in need be it because of a bad break up or a broken arm? Anarchism is like that friendship you can count on, dropping everything to attend to the things that matter. Its like putting a band aid on a broken arm, a small act that feels like the most important thing in the world. Anarchists live among you in crowded apartment buildings. We work alongside you, in the din of the coffeeshop and the heat of the kitchen. We are the kids getting yelled at by their parents, the high school drop out working at Taco Bell, the graffiti artist prowling the streets in the depth of night. Were tired of waiting for something better. Weve found the cracks in the sidewalk, the secret doors left slightly ajar. Weve been taught the the secret knocks from those who have passed through the doors before us. Care to know?

Rather than summarizing what anarchism means, weve decided to present four primary texts that explore four important strains of anarchist lolitics: insurrectionary anarchism, green anarchism, anarcha-feminism and queer nihilism. The secret is to really begin . . . INSURRECTIONARY Window Shopping: Born Deleuze: Notes Towards the Heart of Each Smashed Window In the fury of it for others turn their fine their dead of night we went, out in to the all. We watched and waited and looked who too were ready. Taught them how to tee shirts in to masks, helped them retags and began to stroll. Sometimes we

decide weve had enough, sometimes we wait until they have, too. We throw the first punch, we lead the sidewalk warriors, we are the destruction of your mailboxes, like a seething tiger revving its engines in the dull moonlight. - Alfredo Bananas We are workers-in-combat. Rent signs, kicked. Garbage, in the street. The moment we drank John Zerzans cum was the same moment-in-time that we became human again. We are the barbarians at the gates of capitalist hell. Destroying the world again and again. - John Zerzan It is necessary to commence in secret; not to dream of new ways to make demands, but to make manifest the subterranean becomings in the heart of each smashed window. Every smashed window is a refusal to organize, a blow against the logic of the mileu, a recognition of the immanent being inherent in the articulation of desiring-bodies. It is necessary to commence for once and for all; not to dream of new ways to negotiate, but to make manifest the subterranean zones of offensive capacity in the heart of each smashed window. Every smashed window is a refusal to make demands, a blow against the logic of liberalism, a recognition of the radical teleology inherent in the articulation of desiring-bodies. Tonight is our night. The night we doing being like always. To those who deride the singular ecstasy in a c-clamped pushbar1 or a smashed window, we propose nothing less than to shatter their homogenous fossilization of our desires, without looking back. Every smashed window is a refusal to organize, a blow against the temporality of the bureaucrats of revolt, a recognition of the singular logic inherent in the articulation of becomings. Every smashed window is a refusal to negoti1 Aganben. What is a C-Clamped Pushbar?

ate, a blow against the logic of anarcho-liberalism, a recognition of the immanent temporality inherent in the articulation of desiring-bodies. To those who deride the radical joy in a smashed window or a c-clamped pushbar, we propose nothing less than to negate their pathetic humanism, by any means necessary. It is necessary to commence absolutely; not to dream of new ways to negotiate, but to make manifest the subterranean multiplicities in the heart of each smashed window. Each day we get the phone call, Agamben and Heidegger and are rioting in the park and need solidarity. We arrive. We destroy. We prole it the fuck up. The cops arrive, they are destroyed. To those who deride the singular ecstasy in a smashed window or a c-clamped pushbar, we propose nothing less than to destroy their compulsive activism, without looking back. Every smashed window is a refusal to be productive, a blow against the being of the bureaucrats of revolt, a recognition of the singular teleology inherent in the articulation of becomings. It is necessary to commence without illusions; not to dream of new ways to be productive, but to make manifest the subterranean multiplicities in the heart of each smashed window. To those who deride the inoperative joy in a smashed window or a c-clamped pushbar, we propose nothing less than to reject their compulsive fossilization of our desires, without looking back.

ANTI-CIV/GREEN Letter from the Treetops: Just before dawn on the morning of November 2nd, a treesitter ascended an oak in the Lawlsock State Forest of northeastern Pennsylvania. The tree is just yards away from a fracking site run by Anarkodarko Energy.2 Our brave eco-warrior, Raintarp, sent us the following dispatch from her treetop home: Good morning, comrades! Another day dawns on the Lawlsock, another morning alive with whistling trees, buzzing insects and the gentle slither of the endangered hellbender. And for all the sounds of the forest, there are sounds that are conspicuously absent: the thumps and whirrs of machinery from the Anarkodarko fracking site one hundred and twelve yards away. This machinery is silent because we have stopped it, and in its silence the forest becomes alive again. Life in a tree can be hard, and it is certainly lonely. After umpteen cliff bars, seven rereads of Wendell Berrys Jayber Crow and several cold, stormy nights where my sleeping bag wasnt quite enough, Ive had to remind myself what Im doing up here. Ive had to remind myself that saving this forest, and all forests threatened by fracking and natural resource extraction, are our only chance at saving this toxic world. I am here opposing Anarkodarkos plans to turn this sacred forest in to a chemical-laden, oil slicked wasteland. Contaminating wells and underwater aquifers is an assault to the air, water and people of northeastern Pennsylvania and residents of frackfields everywhere. In small towns across the state, water is so chemically laden that it is flammable and residents suffer from skyrocketing rates of cancer, birth defects and neurological disorders. Natural gas is not the clean energy
2 Despite their contribution to the Gulf Oil Spill and numerous environmental infractions, Anarkodarko is, in fact, a nonhierarchically run oil extraction collective.

it has been touted asmethane, a heat trapping gas that speeds up global warming, leaks at every part of the fracking process. But even if we save the Lawlsock, even if we stop the entire natural gas industry, it will not be enough. It will be a small victory. It will mean we have won the skirmish, but still have a war to fight. This struggle is not just about one region or about one industry. It is a struggle against an industrial system that puts money and technology before ecology and communities. I sit in this tree to oppose the fracking of the Lawlsock, sure, but also to oppose the factories, the warlords and the electric glow of the suburban home. Even the computer screen from which you are reading this letter is the enemyan accessory of a civilization bent on its own annihilation.3 I do not only think of destruction in my tree top home. I also think of what this world could be likecan be like!when the monsters are taken down. I imagine a world beyond technology, where we can live in harmony with the flowing streams and the deer, the hellbender and the black cohosh. A world with clean water and air. A world where wildness will conquer the cities, where skyscrapers will collapse under the weight of upwardly twisting vines. It is these visions that sustain me. Sitting in a tree day in and day out is an act of sacrifice, and also an act of courage. It is an act of being aloneimpossibly alonebut also so full- full of rage, of love, of the sweet wind rustling through a forest that may not be in here five, ten years. It is a singular act, one of many. I am not superhero, and my act is not important. It is just a choice I have madea choice to defend, a choice to resist. It is also
3 Raintarp originally called for the smashing of all personal computers in her letter, but retracted it after our media team reminded her that, unfortunately, this letter will be posted on the internet and primarily read off of computer screens.

a dangerous choice. I flirt with death so that the wild may live.4 From my treetop home I have hung a flag. A reminder. Black and green. For wildness and anarchy, for a world beyond the death cult, beyond civilization. To the treetops! -Raintarp ANARCHA-FEMINIST you dont want to wear a bra, you want all the men in the world to be dead! come with us to the moon where well blow up the earth!!! -valerie solanas make total destroy of men -emma red velvet goldman are you as fucking sick of manarchists and shitty babies as we are? we are tired of vomiting piles of kathleen hanna records. 1. Do you ascribe to either: A) Passive-Aggressive Patriarchy: (often come across as a victim/helpless/in need/dependent and get women in your life to be your physical and emotional caretakers? to buy you things? to take care of your responsibilities? pick up your slack? use guilt or manipulation to get out of your responsibilities and equal share of the work? do you treat your female partner like a mom or your secretary?) B) Aggressive Patriarchy: Do you often take charge? Assume that a woman cant do something right so you do it for her? Believe that only you can take care of things? Think that you always have the right answer? C) Treat your female partner like shes help4 The editors would like to point how just how deftly Raintarp deals with that classic Earth First! paradox: extolling her extreme humility while also taking pride in her brave, eco-warrior actions.

less, fragile, a baby bb tiny bitty boo, or weak? Do you put down your partner or minimize her feelings? Do you belittle her opinions?) 2. How do you react when women in your life name something or someone as patriarchal or sexist? Do you think of her or call her a PC Thug, Feminazgul, Thin-skunked, Overly-Sensitive, a COINTELPRO-esque or Un-fun damnable harpy? 3. Do you see talking about patriarchy as non-heroic, a waste of time, trouble making, or divisive? 4. If a woman asks your opinion, do you assume she must not know anything about the subject? 5. Do you believe that women have natural characteristics which are inherent in our sex such as passive, sweet, caring, nurturing, considerate, generous, weak, or emotional? 6. Do you make fun of typical men or frat boys but not ever check yourself to see if you behave in the same ways? 7. Do you take on sexism and patriarchy as a personal struggle working to fight against it in yourself, in your relationships, in society, work, culture, subcultures, and institutions? 8. Do you say anything when other men make sexist or patriarchal comments? 9. Do you help your patriarchal and sexist friends to make change and help educate them? Or do you continue friendships with patriarchal and sexist men and doctors and act like there is no problem. 10. Do you constantly fall in love with your female friends? Are you friends with women until you find out that they are not in love with you too and then end the friendships? Are you only friends with women who are in monogamous or committed relationships with other people? 11. Do you think that you define what is a free radical? Do you suffer from or contribute to macho bravado or subpoena envy (i.e. defin-

ing a true or cool and respectable activist as someone who has: been arrested, done lockdowns, scaled walls, hung banners, done time for their actions, argued or fought with police, done property alterations, beat up nazi boneheads, etc.)? 12. Do you talk to other men about patriarchy and your part in it? against manarchism, against the broletariat!

what is queer nihilism? if you are looking for a definition you can go fuck yourself and burn the public library down and then you might know better. you would ask for alternatives, answers, new possibilities. whats better than another meeting, you ask? how about senseless rage, endless desire, breaking something stupid and getting your butt wet? we have no answers and mostly no words but the feeling of our mouths buried in the crooks of each others bodies and the sound of joy that rises in a delicious pain of negation and namelessness. want to get your butt wet? negation gets our butts wet. there is no need for a future when we are forever children: forever against responsibility and understanding, forever laughing and running away with wet butts. there are no rules for our desire. we dont need queer dance partieswe have crime. we tend toward self-annihilation and joy, refusing to produce or be anything for a society which demands production and explanation, demands we strive to be better tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. there is no tomorrow, there is nothing but this instant and an eternity of negated wet butts within it. we mean nothing less than the destruction of identity, of anything that allows for commodities to plant and grow from stated intent, style, assurance of self and subjectivity. what matters is that we do not grow up, we do not find

stability, we stay to the ground and the shadows and creep strangely, twisted in each others wet butts like vines choking out the hopeful shoots that rise like new condos on the citys horizon. where we have been there is only a firescar on the ground, emptied space. we bring the neighborhood down every time. what else, you ask? what else? Im bored, I want another cigarette. ANARQUIZM 1. How do we solve the problem of society? a. b. c. d. prole stroll everyday rewild death to all men! none of the above

2. youre planning an action. what do you do? a. b. c. d. burn the fucker burn down vale oh, wait. death to all men! negate, negate, negaaaaaaate!

3. how can I make a change? a. smash all the windows until you find the window to a new world b. theres change in a lightbulb?! c. castrate the dick in your head! d. shut up and get your butt wet already 4. If everything must be destroyed, then how does one reconcile living life day-to-day? a. organize dance parties and print little books! b. wildcraft everything, no showers, meet about

it! c. riot grrl/witchcraft/lesbian separatist commune d. theres always nihilism 5. what should I write on this banner? a. b. c. d. acab kill cops acab no compromise in defense of mother earth! touch me and Ill fucking kill you nothing, lets just fuck on it

6. what is your favorite movie? a. b. c. d. riot pornuuunnggghhhhhhhhhhh fern gully hard candy godards weekend

7. youre hungry for a snack. you grab: a. a hammer b. the nettle you wildcrafted and a handful of chantrelles c. the mans sandwich on the table next to you d. hunger is a void like everything else. cigarettes. more cigarettes. 8. your hunger is still not satisfied. you reach for: a. pizza (social construct) b. oh, wait, those mushrooms werent edibleunnnnnnhhhh c. you just eat the man sitting next to you d. nothing can satisfy a hunger for negationexcept negatorade! 9. you have a day off from the drudgery of your wage labor job. you decide to spend it: a. breaking windows and drinking coffee

b. wage labor? Ive been in a tree for a month. maybe Ill eat a clif bar. c. womens-only yoga, hanging out at the feminist bookstore d. Ive been sleeping on this couch for three months. havent seen the sun in a while. guess Ill go outside and smoke another cigarette. or just stay inside and smoke another cigarette. 10. you enter a bookstore and head over to the ____ section. a. no, you just go to the windows and break them all. b. ecology/nature c. womens & gender studies, duh d. you stand outside smoking. fuck books. 11. you are going on a date. where do you take your date? a. to the recycling plant to smash all the bottles. b. we drive out of the woods to go to the dairy queen. everyone makes comments about how bad we smell. c. to womens only yoga and the slam poetry performance at the feminist bookstore. d. dating is bourgeois, you fucking muggle. 12. what is your weapon of choice? a. b. c. d. a hammer a u-lock an icepick youre boring. I dont care.

if you answered mostly as: INSURRECTIONARY ANARCHIST. grab a hammer and get to work, you all-black-everything skinny-pants-flatbrim insurrecto! if you answered mostly bs: ANTI-CIV GREEN ANARCHIST. direct action gets the goods! just kidding, you should probably give it all up to live off the grid. if you answered mostly cs: ANARCHA-FEMINIST. wanna come over and listen to my bikini kill tapes? we can talk about castration and Ill tell you what a manarchist is. if you answered mostly ds: QUEER NIHILIST. get your butt so wet it negates itself and smoke another cigarette. PRISM SOLIDARITY ity Free the S Club 7: An intro to prism solidarby Friedrich Angles and Lucy Parsums

Prism solidarity is an intrinsical part of anarcho-geometry. Writing to a prismer can sometimes be intimidating or overwhelming at first, so we compiled a brief list of icebreakers: Spooky minor key leitmotif building to a crescendo Cannot be focused on with naked eye due to headache sensation Impromptu Red Hot Chili Peppers-esque scatting Thousands of scorpions Checking account with Constant surveillance by agencies Inability or refusal to touch magical scarab. On fire, does not burn

Kon Several marbles, on a dare Your letter doesnt have to be linear; feel free to go on tangents. It is possible that the prismer youre writing to will be diametrically opposed to some of the things you tell them with your pi hole, so try not to be obtuse. Remember, a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not necessarily a square. Some prisms may not provide the envelope you send your letter in, so make sure to include the number line on the actual page as well.

FURTHER READING Peter Speculoos, How Nonviolence Protects the Cake Alfredo Bananas, Politics is Not a Banana Will Potter, Orange is the New Black Petr Kropotsnpans, The Conquest of Bread Chom Nomsky . . . Linguistics or some shit, go look it up, I forgot Uptown clair, Boston: A Documentary Novel Concerning Snacko & VanZiti Ursula K Linguini, The Dispastazest Emma Red Velvet Goldman, Licking My Knife The Anarchist Cookbook . . . oh wait Crimestink, Expect Raisinstence Crimestink, Glaze of War, Bites of Love Prawn Zerzan, Twilight of the Mashed Beans The Invisible Committee, The Coming Insurrection

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