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Review questions

Who was Messiaen What are some distinctive features of his music? Who was Boulez? What work by him did we study? What are some distinctive features of his music?

Quiz Tuesday

John Cage
Prepared piano Zen Buddhism: express musically the idea of zero thought. How? Silence: 433 Audience to focus on sounds in their environment

Cages 433

Sounds that are not notated appear in the written

music as silence openin! the doors of the music to the sounds that happen to be in the environment"#here is always somethin! to see and to hear$ %n fact try as we may to make a silence we cannot$&

George Crumb (b. 1929)

Taught at University of Pennsylvania But taught here at CU before that! New timbres New ways of playing instruments

George Crumb
Unusual instruments (toy piano, harmonica, musical saw) Interest in non-Western music Programmatic Symbolism Visual, theatrical elements

Ancient Voices of Children

Soprano, boy soporano, electric piano, harp, percussion

Poetry by Fredrico Garcia Lorca A child tries to find his voice-how to express musically? Extended vocal techniques.. Humming, singing into piano, boy sings through cardboard tube

'leatoric music

'lso called indeterminacy Some elements are left to chance or to the performer ()ample* +utoslawski* ,enetian -ames +- ..

Venetian Games
There are 8 sections, A-H Each section is timed Players play notes within a given number of seconds No conventional meter String players may choose their notes Sounds different each time it is played

Exam review
Debussy Impressionism Symbolism Why is his work considered Impressionist? Afternoon of a Faun Poem by Mallarm

Expressionism Atonality Serialism Pierrot Lunaire What is the poetry about? The work sounds chaotic, but is structured Sprechstimme

Three compositional periods? Russian (folk tunes) Neoclassical Serialism

Aaron Copland
Important influences? Jazz Mexican Music Cowboy tunes Billy the Kid: ballet

New Orleans-Armstrong, hardin Big Band-Ellington Bebop-Parker, Gillespie

Musical Theater
Kerns Show Boat West Side Story?

World Beat
Syncretic Chieftains Reel Ladysmith Black Mambazo

20th century
Messiaen Boulez (reviewed at beginning)

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