Ho6 (1) .l03 Cs Small Signal

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Lecture 3 Common Source Amplifier Small-Signal Model

R. Dutton, B. Murmann Stanford University

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)

Let's Build Our First Amplifier

One way to amplify Convert input voltage to current using voltage controlled current source (VCCS) ( ) Convert back to voltage using a resistor (R) "Voltage gain" = Vout/Vin Product of the V-I and I-V conversion factors

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)

Common Source Amplifier

MOS device acts as VCCS

1 W I D = Cox (Vi Vt )2 2 L

1 W Vo = VDD Cox (Vi Vt )2 R 2 L

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)

Need some sort of "battery" that brings input voltage into useful operating region Define e e VOV=VI-Vt, "quiescent qu esce t po point t gate o overdrive" ed e
VOV=VGS-Vt with no input signal applied

Vo VO Vi "Signal" "Bias" VI
R. Dutton, B. Murmann EE114 (HO #6) 4



Relationship Between Incremental Voltages

What is Vo as a function of Vi?
1 W VO + Vo = VDD Cox (VOV + Vi )2 R 2 L 1 W Vo = Cox R (VOV + Vi )2 VOV 2 2 L 1 W = Cox R 2VOV Vi + Vi 2 2 L Vi 2I = D R Vi 1 + VOV 2VOV
Note: Vgs=Vi=(VI+Vi)

[ [

As expected, this is a nonlinear relationship Nobody likes nonlinear equations; we need a simpler model Fortunately, a (1st order) linear approximation to the above expression is sufficient for 90% of all analog circuit analysis
R. Dutton, B. Murmann EE114 (HO #6) 5

Small Signal Approximation (1)

Vo = 2I D Vi R Vi 1 + VOV 2VOV

Assuming Vi << 2VOV, we have

Vo 2I D R Vi VOV

If we further pretend that the input voltage increment is infinitely small, we can find this result directly by taking the derivative of the large g signal g transfer function at the "operating p gp point" VI
dVo dVi =
Vi =VI

W 2I D R = Cox VOV R = Av VOV L

Small-signal voltage gain

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)

Small Signal Approximation (2)

Graphical illustration:
Notation: VO dVo/dVi = vo/vi = Av


The slope of the above tangent is the so called "small-signal voltage gain" of our amplifier (Av)
R. Dutton, B. Murmann EE114 (HO #6) 7

Total quantity Quiescent point value Incremental change

Vo = VO + vo
Alternatively: (IEEE standard)
Total quantity Quiescent point value Incremental change

vO = VO + vo
R. Dutton, B. Murmann EE114 (HO #6) 8

Small Signal MOS Model

Fortunately we don't have to repeat this analysis for every single circuit we build Instead, we derive a linearized circuit model for the MOS t transistor i t and d plug l it i into t arbitrary bit circuits i it

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)

The parameter that relates small signal gate voltage to drain current is called transconductance (gm), or y21 in two-port nomenclature The transconductance is found by differentiating the large signal I-V characteristic of the transistor at its operating point
1 W I D = Cox (VGS Vt )2 2 L
gm = id I W W = D = Cox (VGS Vt ) = Cox VOV v gs VGS L L

gm =


R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)


Small-Signal Equivalent of CS Amplifier

Use large signal I-V law to compute operating point (ID, VO, gm) Make sure device operates in proper region; consider desired signal swing Now perform rest of calculations in small-signal land Gain, bandwidth (more later),
R. Dutton, B. Murmann EE114 (HO #6) 11

Example (1)
Given: VI=1.5V, W=20m, L=1m, R=5k, VDD=5V Technology parameters: Cox = 50A/V2, Vt=0.5V Calculate: C l l t ID, VO, gm, Av
VDD R VO+vo ID+id vi VI

ID =

1 A 20 2 50 2 (1.5V 0.5V ) = 500A 2 V 1

VO = 5V 5k 500A = 2.5V

Saturation VGS Vt = VI Vt = 1V

VDS = VO = 2.5V

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)


Example (2)

gm =

2I D 2 500A = = 1mS VOV 1.5V 0.5V

Av = g m R = 1mS 5k = 5

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)


Getting Started with HSpice

The above circuit was easy to analyze And it is unlikely that we made a mistake In general, we want to be able to compute circuit characteristics both manually and by using a circuit simulator Both hand calculation and simulation is important; one does not replace the other Double book keeping is important in design and analysis to detect flaws in assumptions and understanding Lets see how we can duplicate this result using HSpice

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)


HSpice Input File (1)

* Common source amplifier * B. Murmann, Fall 2008

*** d device i model d l .model my_nmos nmos kp=50u vto=0.5

*** useful options .option post brief nomod

vdd vdd 0

*** input voltage vi + + vi 0 dc ac 1.5 0.1 *** value for .op analysis *** amplitude for .ac analysis *** sinewave for .tran: V_I=1.5V, v_i=0.1V, f=1kHz

sin 1.5 0.1 1k

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)


HSpice Input File (2)

*** d mn1 vo R g vi s 0 5k b 0 my_nmos w=20u l=1u

vdd vo

*** calculate operating point .op

*** large signal analysis (sweep Vi) .dc vi 0 5 0.01

*** small signal analysis (sweep frequency) .ac dec d 10 100 1k

*** transient analysis (sweep time) .tran 1u 5m .end

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)


.op Output
**** mosfets element model region id vgs vds vbs vth vdsat vod b t beta gam eff gm gds 0:mn1 0:nmos114_ Saturati 500.0000u 1.5000 2.5000 0. 500.0000m 1.0000 1.0000 1 1.0000m 0000 527.6252m 1.0000m 0.

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)


.dc Output
5.5 5 45 4.5 4 3.5 Vo [V] 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 Vi [V]
R. Dutton, B. Murmann EE114 (HO #6) 18

.ac Output
1 |v o| [ [V]

05 0.5

0 10

10 f [Hz]

Av = vo/vi = -0.5V/0.1V = -5

phase(v vo) [V]

300 200 100 0 10

2 3

10 f [Hz]

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)


.tran Output
3.5 3 2.5 2 [V] 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 Vi Vo 0.5 1 1.5 t [sec]
EE114 (HO #6)

2.5 x 10


R. Dutton, B. Murmann



Another Run
Now with the following stimulus
*** input voltage vi + + vi 0 dc ac 1.5 1000 *** value for .op analysis *** amplitude for .ac analysis *** sinewave for .tran: V_I=1.5V, v_i=0.1V, f=1kHz

sin 1.5 1000 1k

1000V input amplitude applied to the circuit!

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)


.tran Output
6 5 4 3 [V] 2 1 0 -1 0 Vi Vo 0.5 1 1.5 t [sec]
EE114 (HO #6)

2.5 x 10


R. Dutton, B. Murmann



.ac Output
10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 |v o| [V] 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 10

5000V output!

10 f [Hz]

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)


Important to Remember
Once a small-signal model of the circuit is constructed, all large signal g information is lost The small-signal (.ac) circuit transfer function is linear and extends from to + Features such as finite voltage range, signal clipping, etc. are lost and completely meaningless in a small-signal analysis (or .ac simulation) The input amplitude in the .ac statement is irrelevant and can be set to any number (other than 0) Best to use 1V, in which case the output amplitude corresponds to the circuit gain

R. Dutton, B. Murmann

EE114 (HO #6)



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