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ee MZICLOGE | FIZIOLOGIA UMANA §I MECANISMELE BOLILOR Arthur C. Guyton, M.D. \ Professor of Physiology and Biophysics ‘ Department of Physiology and Biophysics... University of Mississippi Medical Center, | ‘Jackson, Mississippi le | bee ediia in limba rominii sub redactia | Dr, Radu Carmaciu i Profesor do Fiziologie Facultaton do Medicina, UMF “Carol Davila” Bucurestt ‘Editura Medicalé AMALTEA W.B. SAUNDERS pera, Pope ne Termeni Cua Geen Usha CRE Poe ‘resus Foc rece compart: AMALTEA Tbe “Birt AC. PapeeDrind, Cian Cs tL arotyuD .O ait Je cilgoid bara vpotoleed? ta voseste Ccolectivul de traducare gl redactare! Prof. Dr. Radu CBrmaciu (coordonatci) ‘br. Carmen C&runt 5 De. Catiaa Gierel Dr, Laureniu Coman 1. Ancol oncu De, Ana Pose Dir na Stinbu br. Anca Tew ‘aitura Medical AMAL-TEA money Funda SOROS pena o Socitte escisd ent spelina acordat in pabliare acest nei Horan Physiology ant Mecha of Diese / Aur C, Guyton OW, Saunders Company ‘Tauctes let Hunan Plosilogy ond Mechanis of Disease ‘sont cu WB, Sacer Copan. PaSlphia, USA. sili! ArburC. Guyton ISBN 9789750710 (B99? baa Mesicala AMALTEA Pomoc $27, 7210, Bue jaa Sa, fos renin ‘Aces manual, inttlat “Ficcogie Und Mecenitnle olor’ se ese cls ten cae usp tpl ecesar enw asta oak eae

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