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Why dont we have naked Baptism today like they did in the early church? Well, theres a reason.
They just dont do naked Baptisms any more, showing that something sexually at some time has definitely changed. That is, something that was not part of the original Scriptures.

Overview:, Do Parts of the Gospels Come From Pagan Mythology?, Similarities between Pagan and Christian practices:

(This article is duplicated from my Cybele page.) According to an ancient Christian tradition, Christ died on MAR-23 and resurrected on MAR-25. These dates agree precisely with the death and resurrection of Attis. Early Christians initiated converts in March and April by baptism. Mithraism initiated their new members at this time as well. Early Christians were naked when they were baptized. After immersion, they then put on white clothing and a crown. They carried a candle and walked in a procession to a basilica . Followers of Mithra were also baptized naked, put on white clothing and a crown, and walked in a procession to the temple. However, they carried torches. There were many additional points of similarity between Mithraism and Christianity. 3 St. Augustine even declared that the priests of Mithraism worshiped the same God as he did
Encyclopedia of Women and World Religon, Young, 1999, Vol. 2, pp. 729-730, Nudity:

Via embedded teaching, todays Christian women would be ashamed being naked in front of others, and Ive never heard of a modern day naked baptism. So, todays Christians are definitely taught different / opposite than early Christians, concerning sexuality., The Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus of Rome (Saint; early church writer), c. 215 AD, 21:

21 At the hour in which the cock crows, they shall first pray over the
water. 2When they come to the water, the water shall be pure and flowing, that is, the water of a spring or a flowing body of water. 3Then they shall take off all their clothes. 4The children shall be baptized first. All of the children who can answer for themselves, let them answer. If there are any children who cannot answer for themselves, let their parents answer for them, or someone else from their family. 5After this, the men will be baptized. Finally, the women, after they have unbound their hair, and removed their jewelry. No one shall take any foreign object with themselves down into the water. 6At the time determined forbaptism, the bishop shall give thanks over some oil, which he puts in a vessel. It is called the Oil of Thanksgiving. 7He shall take some more oil and exorcise it. It is called the Oil of Exorcism. 8A deacon shall hold the Oil of Exorcism and stand on the left. Another deacon shall hold the Oil of Thanksgiving and stand on the right. 9When the elder takes hold of each of them who are to receive baptism, he shall tell each of them to renounce, saying, "I renounce you Satan, all your servicea, and all your works." 10After he has said this, he shall anoint each with the Oil of Exorcism, saying, "Let every evil spirit depart from you." 11Then, after these things, the bishop passes each of them on nude to the elder who stands at the water. They shall stand in the

water naked. A deacon, likewise, will go down with them into the water. 12When each of them to be baptized has gone down into the water, the one baptizing shall lay hands on each of them, asking, "Do you believe in God the Father Almighty?" 13And the one being baptized shall answer, "I believe." 14He shall then baptize each of them once, laying his hand upon each of their heads. 15Then he shall ask, "Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was born of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, who was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and died, and rose on the third day living from the dead, and ascended into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of the Father, the one coming to judge the living and the dead?" 16When each has answered, "I believe," he shall baptize a second time. 17Then he shall ask, "Do you believe in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Church and the resurrection of the flesh?" 18Then each being baptized shall answer, "I believe." And thus let him baptize the third time. 19Afterward, when they have come up out of the water, they shall be anointed by the elder with the Oil of Thanksgiving, saying, "I anoint you with holy oil in the name of Jesus Christ." 20Then, drying themselves, they shall dress and afterwards gather in the church. 21The bishop will then lay his hand upon them, invoking, saying, "Lord God, you who have made these worthy of the removal of sins through the bath of regeneration, make them worthy to be filled with your Holy Spirit, grant to them your grace, that they might serve you according to your will, for to you is the glory, Father and Son with the Holy Spirit, in the Holy Church, now and throughout the ages of the ages. Amen. 22After this he pours the oil into his hand, and laying his hand on each of their heads, says, "I anoint you with holy oil in God the Father Almighty, and Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit." 23Then, after sealingb each of them on the forehead, he shall give them the kiss of peace and say, "The Lord be with you." And the one who has been baptized shall say, "And with your spirit." 24So shall he do to each one. 25From then on they will pray together will all the people. Prior to this they may not pray with the faithful until they have completed all. 26After they pray, let them give the kiss of peace. 27Then the deacons shall immediately bring the oblation. The bishop shall bless the bread, which is the symbol of the Body of Christ; and the bowl of mixed winec, which is the symbol of the Blood which has been shed for all who believe in him; 28and the milk and honey mixed together, in fulfillment of the promise made to the fathers, in which he said, "a land flowing with milk and honey," which Christ indeed gave, his Flesh, through which those who believe are nourished like little children, by the sweetness of his Word, softening the bitter heart; 29and water also for an oblation, as a sign of the baptism, so that the inner person, which is psychic, may also receive the same as the body.30The bishop shall give an explanation of all these things to those who are receiving. 31Breaking the bread, distributing a piece to each, he shall say, "The Bread of Heaven in Jesus Christ." 32And the one who receives shall answer, "Amen." 33The elders, and the deacons if there are not enough, shall hold the cups and stand together in good order and with reverence: first the one who holds the water, second the one who holds the milk, and third the one who holds

the wine. 34They who partake shall taste of each three times. And he who gives shall say, "In God the Father Almighty." The one who receives shall respond, "Amen." 35The one giving shall say, "And in the Lord Jesus Christ." The one who receives shall respond, "Amen." 36The one giving shall say, "And in the Holy Spirit, and in the Holy Church." And the one who receives shall respond, "Amen." 37It shall be done so for each. 38When these things are done, they shall be zealous to do good works, and to please God, living honorably, devoting themselves to the church, doing the things which they were taught, and advancing in piety. 39We have delivered these things to you only briefly concerning baptism and the oblation because you have already been instructed concerning the resurrection of the flesh and the rest according to what is written. 40If there is anything else which needs to be told, the bishop shall tell it privatelyd to those who receive baptism. None but the faithful may know, and even them only after receiving baptism. This is the white stone about which John said, "A new name is written on it, which no one knows except the one who received the stone."

Other ancient authorities read servants. That is, making the sign of the cross. c That is, wine mixed with water. d Lit., in quiet

The fact that at sometime they quit doing baptisms in the nude shows that they wanted to suppress the sexual connotations developed by the church at some point., Religion In The News: Bare Naked Christians:

Fundamentalist Christians and the Southern Baptists may object to us, but I will meet with them anytime to talk about both Natura and nudity, Martin said on January 23. Its funny that some Southern Baptists oppose us, because for about the first 500 years after the death of Christ, mass baptisms were done nude. Newsweek, which picked up the story in its January 26 issue, quoted Martin as also claiming that early Christians were nudists. Christ was nude when he washed apostles feet. Peter rode nude in his boat. Preposterous, sputtered the Rev. John Revell of the Southern Baptist Convention in that same article. There is no historical support for that.

In early Christian art:, The AdHoc Image and Text Database on the History of Christianity, Image of baptism from Cemetery of St. Callistus Rome 4th century:

This image is from the oldest part of the cemetery of St. Callistus. The baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, the ceremony in which he received the Holy Spirit and was recognized as the son of God, is the basis of baptism in the Christian tradition. Baptism is not only a Christian ritual however, but in ancient times was done as a means of purification. In early Christian art, the baptized were often depicted nude, a custom that arose from ancient tradition. Baptismin these scenes took place in natural surroundings, like rivers or streams. However, if there was not enough water for total immersion, pouring water on one?s head three times was viewed by some to have the same effect.
The Catacombs of St. Callixtus; Baruffa; Published by L.E.V., Vatican City; 1993; p. 147; Crypts of nd Lucina. Baptism of Christ (Cubiculum X, late 2 century). Reconstruction of the fresco:

The Catacomb of St. Callixtus, Carletti, Pontifical Commission of Sacred Archaeology, no date (prob. early 1970s), English edition, p. 22:

P. 24, Crypts of the Sacraments: (via, Dura Europos, Over the baptistry was a figure of the good shepherd. (oldest Christian church house):

Early Christian Art: AD 200-395: From the Rise of Christianity to the Death of Theodosius, Andr Grabar, 1968, p. 136, 2. Christian Painting and Sculpture before the Peace of the Church (before AD 313) | 139. Sarcophagus, detail: Baptism:, From Apollo to Jesus Christ!:

Baptism of boyish 6th century Christ (Ivory, Egypt or Syria British Museum). Early Christian Art, W. F. Volbach, 1961, plate 76, Istanbul, Archeological Museum. Part of drum of a column with vine and ornamental figures, Vth century. Above: Pair with sacrificial animals. Below: Baptism of Christ:

Early Christian Painting, Pierre du Bourguet, 1965, figure 102:

List of Plates | Catacomb of St Peter and St Marcellinus:

Early Christian Art: AD 200-395: From the Rise of Christianity to the Death of Theodosius, Andr Grabar, 1968, p. 106, 2. Christian Painting and Sculpture before the Peace of the Church (before AD 313) | 103. Rome, Catacomb of SS. Pietro e Marcellino. The Baptism of Christ: (Rice University), Baptism:

Early Christian and Byzantine Art, Beckwith, 1979, pp. 110-111, illustration 89, The Age of Justinian:

Early Christian Art, W. F. Volbach, 1961, plate 149, Ravenna, Arian Baptistery. c. 500 Mosaic in the dome. Baptism of Christ, the twelve Apostles before the throne of the Apocalypse:, ARIAN BAPTISTRY, RAVENNA, BAPTIS M OF CHRIST AND APOSTLES, L 5TH C.:

Early Christian & Byzantine Art, Lowden, 1997, p. 126, illustration 74, Art before Iconoclasm | Heretics and Bankers | Ravenna and the West | Baptism and apostles. C.500-25. Dome mosaic. Baptistery of the Arians (now Sta Maria in Cosmedin), Ravenna:

The Clash of Gods: A Reinterpretation of Early Christian Art, Mathews, 1993, p. 132, figure 102, The Baptism of Christ:

The Clash of Gods: A Reinterpretation of Early Christian Art, Mathews, 1993, p. 133, figure 103, The Baptism of Christ:

Early Christian Art, W. F. Volbach, 1961, plate 141, Ravenna, Orthodox Baptistery. Dome, Baptism of Christ in the centre, surrounded by the Apostles (AD 458):

The Origins of Christian Art, Gough, 1973, p. 94, From Constantine to Justinian:

P. 95, illustration 81:

(Image mirrored.)
The Origins of Christian Art, Gough, 1973, p. 208, List of Illustrations:

Early Christian and Byzantine Art, Beckwith, 1979, p.39, Early Christian Art: Rome and the Legacy of the Caesars: (via, Baptistry of the Orthodox, Ravenna, Italy, Detail of Baptism of Christ:

Early Christian Art, W. F. Volbach, 1961, plate 232, Ravenna, Archiepiscopal Museum. Detail from ivory throne of Archbishop Maximianus. Behind the throne, Baptism of Christ:

Early Christian Art, W. F. Volbach, 1961, plate 248, Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Collection. Gold jewellery from Cyprus. Two necklaces and medallion. Baptism of Christ. c. 600:

Early Christian and Byzantine Art, Beckwith, 1979, p. 60, Early Christian Art: The Eastern Provinces of the Empire and the Foundation of Constantinople:

P. 61, illustration 44:, The AdHoc Image and Text Database on the History of Christianity, Baptism of Jesus in fresco painting, cemetery of Pontianus Rome 6th - 8th century:

Drawing of a fresco painting of Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River. God the Father is designated by the Hebrew letters inscribed on the circular tablet held by the angel. God the Spirit is figured by the dove. The stag symbolizes the longing of the soul after the waters of regenerate life, a reference to Psalm 42:1. Bibliography: Lundy, John P. Monumental Christianity or the Art and Symbolism of the Primitive Church. New York: J. W. Bouton, 1876;
Origins of Western Art, Dr. Donald E. Strong, 1965, p. 104, (A) METZ SCHOOL Ivory Casket, showing The Baptism, early 10th century Brunswick, Herzog Anton Ulrich Mus.:

Early Christian & Byzantine Art, Lowden, 1997, p. 273, illustration 159, Art after Iconoclasm | Holy Books | Illuminated Manuscripts c.976-c.1100 | The Baptism, Menologion of Basil II. P. 299, late 10th or early 11th century Biblioteca Vaticana, Rome:

Early Christian & Byzantine Art, Lowden, 1997, p. 262, illustration 151, Art after Iconoclasm | Sacred Spaces | Decorated Churches c.960-c.1100 | Daphni Interior looking west:

Early Christian & Byzantine Art, Lowden, 1997, p. 313, illustration 182, Byzantine Art in a Wider World | Perception and Reception | Art in Twelfth-Century Italy | Cappella Palatina, Palermo Interior looking south:

The Invisible Made Visible: Angels from the Vatican, Duston / Nesselrath, 1998, p. 152, catalogue 36, figure 36, Angels in the Life of Christ:

P. 153, catalogue 36, figure 1:

P. 153, catalogue 36, figure 2:

P. 153, catalogue 36, figure 3:

The International Dictionary of Religion, Kennedy, 1984, p. 26, Baptism:

World Religions, Bowker, 1997, p. 137, Christianity:

Michelangelo: The Last Judgment (painted 1537 to 1541; 1555):

The reason no one baptizes anyone today naked, as the above drawings depict, is for the same reason that the Vatican ordered clothes to be painted on Michelangelos paintings in the Sistine Chapel in 1555 AD., Great Moments in Sex:

1555A. D.--- Paul IV became pope and decreed that the nudes painted by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel were obscene. Daniele de Volterra was ordered to paint clothes on them,, Study Art, Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564):

One of his paintings, the "Last Judgement," shocked many people because the subjects were not clothed. Michelangelo refused to cover the people in his painting, so another artist was hired to paint clothes on his subjects., Michelangelo Buonarroti:

Although he had painted the ceiling of the chapel twenty-eight years earlier, the style of "The Last Judgment" was greatly different. On the ceiling, the ideas of hope and exaltation seem to rule, but on the altar wall, there is the depiction of Christ as the unforgiving Judge. It was completed in October of 1541 and unveiled on Christmas Day two months later. Many were appalled to see the great amount of nudity which filled the painting. They did not feel that it was appropriate for such holy people to be depicted without clothes on. Because they decided to deface a very great work of a very great artist, this shows that the sex based issue, in religion, is the greatest; even more than a Christ of unforgiving judgment to sinners / liars. I believe that God desires more people like Michelangelo than Pope Paul IV and other brainwashed minds., The Last Judgment (Michelangelo):

Enlarged sample:

The Last Judgment is a depiction of the second coming of Christ and the apocalypse. The souls of humans rise and descend to their fates, as judged by Christ surrounded by his saints. The Last Judgment was an object of a heavy dispute between Cardinal Carafa and Michelangelo: the artist was accused of immorality and intolerable obscenity, having depicted naked figures, with genitals in evidence, inside the most important church of Christianity, so a censorship campaign (known as the "FigLeaf Campaign") was organized by Carafa and Monsignor Sernini (Mantua's ambassador) to remove the frescoes. When the Pope's own Master of Ceremonies, Biagio da Cesena, said "it was mostly disgraceful that in so sacred a place there should have been depicted all those nude figures, exposing themselves so shamefully," and that it was no work for a papal chapel but rather "for the public baths and taverns, The genitalia in the fresco were later covered by the artist Daniele da Volterra, whom history remembers by the derogatory nickname "Il Braghettone" ("the breeches-painter").

So, Michelangelo had inspiration that the apocalypse has something to do with nudity.

Some other Christian nudity:, via Lat ina catacomb: (via, CATACOMB OF PETER AND MARCELLINUS, GOOD SHEPHERD, ORANT, AND JONAH, 3RD C.:, Art History & Archaeology Database: Skylight in the cubiculum of the Seasons; Catacomb of S. Callisto, Rome (via, Art Hum Section:, Search # DE003105, Wall in the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian:

: Early Christian Art: AD 200-395: From the Rise of Christianity to the Death of Theodosius, Andr Grabar, 1968, p. 143, 2. Christian Painting and Sculpture before the Peace of the Church (before AD 313) | 147-148. Rome. Sarcophagus, details: Story of Jonah. Museo Laterano, Rome:

Early Christian Art: AD 200-395: From the Rise of Christianity to the Death of Theodosius, Andr Grabar, 1968, p. 137, 2. Christian Painting and Sculpture before the Peace of the Church (before AD 313) | Italy. Sarcophagus, detail: Daniel, Jonah and an Orant:

Early Christian Art: AD 200-395: From the Rise of Christianity to the Death of Theodosius, Andr Grabar, 1968, p. 78, 2. Christian Painting and Sculpture before the Peace of the Church (before AD 313) | 72. South Italy. Votive Relief of Cassia Priscilla:

Art of the Christian World: A.D. 200-1500: A Handbook of Styles and Forms, Christe / Velmans / Losowska / Recht, 1982, p. 40: (via, Cubiculum of Tellus; Hypogeum of Via Dino Compagni, Rome:

Early Christian Painting, Pierre du Bourguet, 1965, figure 110:

List of Plates | New Catacomb of the Via Latina:

The Roman Empire: Art Forms and Civic Life, Hans Peter LOrange, 1985, p. 168, illustration 106:, Vaults of Memory:

"The Death of Cleopatra" 110. Reclining amidst a lush field of roses and wheat, a voluptuous pagan earth goddess clutches to her bosom a serpent, symbol

of earth's fecundity. The scene has been associated with the myth of the fertility goddess Persephone, but popularly evokes the sad fate of Egypt's queen. Lunette painting. Cubiculum E, catacomb of Via Latina.

Early Christian & Byzantine Art, Lowden, 1997, pp. 87-88, illustration 47, Art before Iconoclasm | Emperors and Holy Men | Constantinople and the East | Vienna Genesis, 6th century Rebekah and Abrahams Servant, p. 13: (via, Early Medieval Art:

Front cover of binding, Lindau Gospels, c. 870 A.D. Gold and jewels, 13 3/4" X 10 1/2".
Art: An Introduction, Cleaver, 1972, p. 146, figure 12-17, Early Christian and Byzantine Art: 1001453 | Byzantine Period: 500-1453:

Seeing Salvation: Images of Christ in Art, MacGregor, 2000, p. 178, plate 55, The Body Lowered and Raised:

Jesus addresses the issue:

Matthew 21:6-11 (NKJV): The Triumphal Entry:

So the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them. 7They brought the donkey and the colt, laid their clothes on them, and set Him on them. 8And a very great multitude spread their clothes on the road; others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! Hosanna in the highest! 10 And when He had come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this? 11 So the multitudes said, This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.

This having the disciples take off their cloths so Jesus could ride into Jerusalem sitting on top of them, and the rest of His followers disrobe so He could trample over their clothes on the road path, has a very sexual connotation. Five days later he was crucified by then minds like Pope Benedict XVI, Billy Graham, Hannity and OReilly. Was it worth it? Well, I can sure utilize it. Compare Gospel of Thomas, 37: Jesus said, When you strip without being ashamed, and you take your clothes and put them under your feet like little children and trample them, then [you] will see the son of the living one and you will not be afraid. Translation: Lets all get naked and party! You see, if Jesus didnt make a message completely clear back then, theres a reason, which wont become clear until I write my commentary.

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