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Santiago Tarazona Moreno Diana Ortiz Manrique Raquel Pez Guzmn


Biology Lab Report

Change from milk to yogurt

Daniella Garcia


Results Boil The teacher joined the milk of the groups and boiled it, and then it was distributed equivalently, the milk was really hot, and it still white. We waited, stir and blew the milk until it had a slightly warm temperature in which when inserted the finger it wouldnt be burned, after we skimmed the milk because of the skin that was formed. We added yogurt to the milk and mix it, as we mixed it changes its texture and color, now it is tangy and pink.




We covered the jar with newspaper and vinipel so no air will enter and it will stay warm.


We covered the jar with a blanket so it will stay in warm temperature.


We leave it in a place were no sunlight could reach it.


Mix the curd with a wooden spoon, so that no curd would stay.


We added some sugar to give the yogurt a better taste.


We put the yogurt in the fridge so that it will stay cold and likewise is preserved.

Data analysis



The milk was boiled to kill all the bacteriathat are able to live in it, with this we can assure that the only bacteria that stay alive are the ones that we are going to introduce in the yogurt. We dont boil the yogurt as well because that would kill the bacteria that are in charge of creating the new yogurt. We wait, stir and blow the milk, with this we want to get the yogurt to a temperature in which the bacteria that





Sugar Refrigerator

live in it will be able to stay alive. Bacteria need to be warm and nutrients to grow and reproduce; the bacteria grow and transform the milk into yogurt. We covered the jar so no more bacteria will be allowed to enter the yogurt. And it will keep a warm temperature. We cant put it in the sun because the sunlight will change the temperature and it may kill the bacteria in the yogurt. We mix the curd so the yogurt will be a homogeneous mixture. That mixture is pink has a thick, creamy tangy consistency and smells a little bit bad. The sugar is added to the yogurt so it will get a sweet flavor. The yogurt is introduced in the refrigerator so it will be conserved for a longer time. The yogurt needs to have a tight cover on the container to keep the bacteria that are good inside so it would bring benefits to your body.

[Enlnea], recuperado: November 2 de 2013 [En lnea], recuperado: November 2 de 2013 Observation: The yogurt turns its color from White to pink, its texture change into tangy and tastes bad. The Lac Operon We can deduce that in the container the bacteria is growing and reproducing while the lactose is being consumed, this means that the repressor in the Lac Operon is off the structure so it isstopping the production of milk.

Conclusions The yogurt is produced when two kind of bacteria are mixed with the milk, this bacteria eats the natural sugar in the milk called lactose. The assimilation of the sugars inside of the bacteria produces an acid lactic that makes the sugars bacteria to form a curd. The effects of this coagulation are an acid flavor and a creamy composition. Questions 1. What is pasteurization?

Pasteurization is a process of heating liquids to a specific temperature to kill microorganisms that can cause disease [En lnea], Updated January 16; 2009 o rev. November 2, 2013

2. Compare your home-made yogurt to the store-bought variety. What effect do some of the other ingredients have on the store-bought yogurt? The home-made yogurt obtains its color from the fruit you added to it, also it doesnthavepreservatives, and it doesnt have sugar. Instead the store-bought yogurt has artificial colors for give the appearance that it has a lot of fruit, also it contains preservatives to increase unopened shelf life, and it contains sugar in order to remove a little bit the tangy taste. [En lnea], 23 De Octubre de 2012.

3. What are the 2 most common bacteria used in yogurt making? Which one did you use? The most common bacteria used in yogurt are Lactobacillus Bulcaricus and Strepctococcus Thermophilus. We used both of these bacteria because from the Lactobacillus Bulcaricus we got the acid flavor and from the Strepctococcus Thermophilus we got the creamy composition. [En linea], recuperado: November 2 de 2013

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