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Come and eat, Jaejoong.

Mrs. Kim called.

12 years old Jaejoong smiled and ran over. He sat in front of her in their tiny one bedroom shack. Although they were poor, they were never sad because they had each other. Thank you for the food. Jaejoong dug in. Mrs. Kim warmly smiled and put some side dishes into his bowl. He looked at her and smiled. She patted his head. As Jaejoong put another scoop of rice into his mouth, the door broke open. He lo oked up with big eyes. Big, burly men in black suits with fierce glowers came in . Mom Jaejoong whispered. Her eyes were round in fright. The first thing she did was protectively put Jaejoong behind her, W-what are you doing here? The 3 months is up. husband s debt. The leader Jangsuk growled, And you still haven t paid back your

I know. I m trying my hardest but it s hardI don t care. What do you think this is? Some charity shit? If you borrowed money, you should pay back within the due dates! He snarled. My mom didn t borrow the money! You should go find my dad! Jaejoong snapped. What? Jangsuk sneered. Jaejoong-ah! Mrs. Kim clasped a hand over his mouth and gave him a pleading look t o be quiet. She turned to Jangsuk and rubbed her hands together in plea, Please, I beg you. Just give me 2 more months. No-two! Please. I already gave you 3 chances which is over my limit. But I can t do this now. Mrs. Kim tearfully begged. Jangsuk barked. He growled.

Aish. This isn t going to work. Bring her out. The men grabbed her arms.

Jaejoong s eyes widened, NO! MOM! Jaejoong! Stay! She screamed as they dragged her out . WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! LET HER GO! Jaejoong shouted in rage. He tried to fight the men but they were too big and strong for him. With a shove and a smack, Jaejoon g went down with a bloody lip. His eyes flared in fury and frustration at what h e couldn t do. Jaejoong wiped the blood from his lips, got up, and ran out the doo r. Outside it was covered with snow. It was cold and he was barefoot but he didn t care. Jaejoong raced to wherever his mom was. MOM! MOM! He cried out until his vo ice was hoarse. AHHH! Jaejoong heard a painful scream somewhere. Tears fell down his face, MOM! WHERE ARE YOU?! He wiped his tears away and ran for it. Jaejoong turned into an alley and skidded to a stop. There his mom was. Her clothes were ripped, her hair was a mess, and her eyes we re closed. Her blood had turned the snow red. M-mom. Jaejoong whispered in horror. MOM! He dashed to her side. Mom! Wake up! g pulled her into his arms and tapped her cheek. Jaejoon

But it was too late. She was gone. MOM! Jaejoong screamed in grief. Tears poured down his face. His hand shook as he balled it into a tight, angry fist. He resentfully glared up *I ll get you back. I l l get you back for killing my mom. One day, I ll become stronger and richer than y ou and I won t show you any mercy. Just like you had done to my mom. *

The field trip at the amusement park ended late at night. The teachers dropped e veryone off at the respective corners. Bye, ~~~~~! Your friend Nayoung waved.

Bye. You waved as she took her mom s hand and left. You rubbed your frozen hands ins ide your mittens together and blew hot air onto them. You rubbed your arms and h opped on one foot at a time. You glanced side to side at the dark, icy streets. W here is my family? Brr! It s cold! You trembled. Snow began to fall. It s snowing! You smiled up at the sky and held out your red mitten. You giggled as snow covered your palm. Suddenly, you heard a car coming. You looked up and beamed. You waved , UMMA! APPA! OPPA! Your parents and older brother Sangjoon waved from the car. They stopped at the red light. *They re ited for the car pushing e down. here! They re finally here!* You jumped up and down in excitement as you wa them to come. The light turned green. Your dad stepped on the pedal and went forward. CRASH! Out of nowhere, a black car slammed into your car, it far, far away. Your eyes widened in horror as your car flipped upsid

The black car stopped for a moment before speeding off.

Mom dad oppa you whispered in horror. NO! MOM! DAD! OPPA! Crying, you ran towards the ac ident. Broken glass and metals were everywhere. You crouched down and peered int o the broken windows, MOM! DAD! OPPA! ~~~~~~-ah. bit. Your mom furrowed her eyebrows in pain. Sangjoon and your dad groaned a You screamed.

MOM! DAD! OPPA! I LL GET YOU OUT OF HERE! No- don t. You ll get hurt.

Your mom mumbled.

You didn t care. You squeezed into the car and began to free them. With your tiny hands, you managed to pull them out (not very far). Their bones and organs were broken and split. Your hands and knees were bleeding as well but you couldn t feel the pain. You sniffled and gently shook your mom, ~~~~~~She breathed. Mom, mom. Don t go. Please wait.

You stood up and looked around. You yelled, SOMEBODY! HELP! PLEASE! MY FAMILY IS DYING! Tears muffled your cries.

But nobody came. You looked down to see your dead family. Sobbing hard, you shook each and every

one of them, DADDY! WAKE UP! OPPA-ANDWAE! OPPA NOONDUH! MOMMY! NO! PLEASE! YOU AL L CAN T JUST LEAVE ME! AHHHH! You clutched onto your heart and grieved. You were only 7 years old when you had lost your precious family and your voice. ----NOTE: when i write 'said' for you sometimes, it doesn't mean that you actually s peak. ur mute in here. ^^ thanks now ur 20 and jae is 25 ------

You watched as your aunt packed you tons of food. Don t forget to put this in the fridge. And you must microwave this before you eat it, ok? Do you want some of this, too? She asked. Before your aunt could pack the whole refrigerator, you grabbed her hand with bo th of yours. She looked at you. You smiled at her with your kind eyes and signaled, nough. Thank you. She hugged you tightly as her bottom lip trembled, by yourself. What would my sister say to me? No, auntie. I m fine. This is e I feel guilty letting you live

You pulled back and signed, That you re the most wonderful sister ever. It was my c hoice to live alone, remember? You didn t want to intrude in on your cousin who had moved back in and claimed her space. Speaking of her, Eunsuh came in. She made a face and crossed her arms, You still here, mute? Eunsuh. Your aunt gave her a dark look.

What? Eunsuh pushed you out of the way to get some water. She bumped shoulders wit h you again as she went into your well, now her- room. That girl. Your aunt shook her head in disapproval. It s okay, auntie. I should go.

You gave her a small smile,

She took your hand and patted it, Come back whenever you want to. I will. You bowed, took the food, and headed to the door. Your uncle came in, You bowed, Oh, you came?

Hello, uncle. He said.

You should eat.

You shook your head . Next time then. He went into the bedroom. You waved to your aunt one last time and left. You trudged up the hill to your r ooftop house. You came in with a gentle sigh and started preparing food. You saw

white from the corner of your eye and looked out the window. It was snowing. Ju st like it had 13 years ago. You swallowed hard and shook your head before tears could start forming. You set the table with your family s pictures and food. You sat on your knees in front of it. You gently touched the faces in the photos wit h a sad, teary smile. You signed, Today is the death anniversary of you: mom, dad, and oppa. Your brave smile fell into a sad, depressed frown. Tears dropped onto your lap. You covered your face *I miss you so much. If you hadn t died that day, we could ve still been a happy family. It s all my fault. I m sorry.*

Jaejoong rushed down the stairs of his club Midnight. His men followed closely b ehind. Jaejoong put his glove on his hand *I can t fucking believe I m spilling bloo d on this night.* Why couldn t you take care of it?! Sorry, hyungnim. His men bowed.

Jaejoong growled in aggravation. He yanked open the door of his basement. The beat up man on the ground was from Club Twist. His eyes widened in fear as J aejoong came down, H-hero. HYUNGNIM! His men bowed. They held high respects for him. He was a skilful fight er with the brains to make millions of dollars annually. P-please. Jinho began to shake in fright, Please let me go. I have a wife-and kids! He s lying, hyungnim. Joons uh whispered. Jaejoong raised an eyebrow, Please. You lie and you expect me to save you?

Jinho was sobbing now, Have mercy!

Jaejoong had a flashback of 13 years ago when his mom begged for mercy but she e nded up dying. His heart froze up even more and his hand tightened around the gu n in his hand. He pointed it at Jinho, I don t give second chances. BAM! Jinho was o ut cold. Jaejoong pushed the gun into Joonsuh s chest, Clean it up. Yes, hyungnim! He bowed. Jaejoong got into his car and sped to his black million dollar mansion. His pris tine, marble house was cold and empty as usual. But he was too numb and cold to feel any loneliness. Jaejoong sighed and pulled his jacket off. He loosened his tie and sat on the bed. Jaejoong glanced at his drawer. Very carefully, he pulle d out a picture of his mother. His beautiful, loving mother. Now his beautiful, loving DEAD mother. Jaejoong grew spiteful and almost hurled something across the room. He was beyon d furious and his heart broiled for blood *Choi Jangsuk. I ll get you one day. I ll find you and when I do, I won t show you any fucking mercy.* Jaejoong gripped the picture frame and lowered his head. A tear slid down his cheek, Umma I'm so sorry -----The next night, it was snowing as well. You bowed to the owner of the restaurant you worked at. She nodded, See you tomorrow.

You took out your phone and texted your aunt. She liked to know if you were safe and where you were at the hour. Meanwhile, Jaejoong was running for his life- again. He clutched onto his bloody side and gritted his teeth in pain and annoyance *Fuck. This is the second time someone stabbed me there.* There Hero is! His enemies pointed. *Shit.* Jaejoong r an even faster. Or at least he tried to. He stumbled into a dark, deserted alley . You jumped as someone stumbled into a pile of snow. Your eyes widened and you bl inked. You were frozen stiff near the wall. Jaejoong looked up. *Damn! I didn t know someone was here!* He dangerously narrowe d his eyes, What the hell are you staring at? You quickly shook your head and looked away. You dared another peek at him. Your eyes enlarged as the snow around the stranger turned red. His shirt was soaked with his blood and he was hissing in pain. Without thinking, you ran over and st ooped down in front of him. Jaejoong went on alert and defensively sneered, What the hell do you think-

You whipped off your pink cardigan and rolled it into a ball. You pressed it aga inst his side to stop the bleeding. His eyes widened in shock. Why would a stran ger help him? *Why isn t she screaming at my blood or running away and telling the police?* You curled your hair behind your ear and focused on stopping the blood. Jaejoong forgot about the pain. He forgot about the men that were chasing him. H e forgot everything when he looked at you. *She s pretty. Wait, what the fuck am I t hinking?! Kim Jaejoong, focus!* Before Jaejoong could make a snappy comment, he heard running footsteps, Do you see Hero? *Shit!* Jaejoong thought. They were heading your way! Before the men came into view, Jaejoong clasped his slightly bloody hand over yo ur mouth and whirled you around so that your back was pressed into him. Your eye s widened in fear and alarm *What is he doing?! OMG. What if he s going to do some thing bad to me?* You kicked and struggled, but of course made no sound. Jaejoon g tightened his grasp on you and hissed in your ear, Stop if you don t want to die! You froze. Jaejoong turned his head to listen for anymore footsteps. There was none and he sighed in relief. You spun out of his grasp and stood up. You stared at him. Jaejoong blinked back. Without hesitance, you ran away *That was scary.* Wait- Jaejoong called but you were gone. He looked at your now-red cardigan *What do I do with this?* You rushed inside your house. You went into the bathroom and looked in the mirro r. There was a light red stain next to your mouth. It was HIS blood. You quickly

washed your face. You looked down and noticed that you were wearing nothing but your white shirt *My cardigan.* You sighed *Oh well. I can t get it back now.* ------:] now u met him!

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