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Test #5: The Civil Rights Movement I. II. Quotes: look at your test Multiple Choice a.

Eisenhower sent federal troops to protect African American students in Little Rock, Arkansas. b. James Meredith tried to enroll at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). c. Bull Connor used police dogs and fire hoses against the marchers in Birmingham. d. Bloody Sunday describes the confrontation on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. e. The Kerner Commission claimed that the race riots of the 60s were caused by continued discrimination and poverty. NO SHIT. f. The I have a dream speech, JFKs assassination, and the bombing of a church in Birmingham that killed four girls all contributed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. g. Malcolm X converted to the Nation of Islam. h. Khrushchev lost prestige and power after the Cuban Missile Crisis. i. The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty led to nearly forty nations ending aboveground nuclear tests. j. The Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone shooter in JFKs assassination. k. Kennedy created the Green Berets to fight the Cold War because they were trained in more tactics than just dropping A-bombs everywhere. l. The Bay of Pigs invasion (Cuba) was an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro. m. Kennedy prevented completion of missile bases in Cuba by setting up a naval blockade. n. The Cold War made the U.S. space program very important. They wanted to beat the Soviets. o. The Great Society was LBJs plan to increase the quality of the lives of underprivileged Americans. p. The Warren Court was known for making strives for civil liberties. q. JFK was a very good debater. r. Brown v. Board of Education declared separate but equal to be unconstitutional in public schools. s. The Civil Rights Act of 1957 made it illegal to deny voting rights. t. The Black Panthers were willing to use violence, but they focused mainly on social issues to improve the lives of African Americans. u. De facto segregation is when blacks and whites were separated because of cultural normsthink (sad) fact of life (e.g. living in different neighborhoods). De jure segregation was enforced by lawthink a jury upholds laws (e.g. Jim Crow laws, poll taxes). v. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.





w. The Freedom Riders brought an end to segregation on interstate bus travel. x. Affirmative action is one product of the Civil Rights Movement that is being challenged today. Reverse racism may be too extreme. y. The Black Panthers were formed because of police brutality in Birmingham. z. The Southern Manifesto was a white, Southern doctrine that did everything to deny civil rights to African Americans. Supreme Court Cases a. Miranda v. Arizona: all criminals must be informed of their fifth and sixth amendment rights when being arrested (Miranda Rights) b. Engle v. Vitale: no prayer in public (Engle=Angel) c. Gideon v. Wainright: all defendants have a right to an attorney d. Mapp v. Ohio: evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in court (treasure Mapp leads to illegal treasure) e. Brown v. Board of Education: separate but equal is not constitutional in public schools Definitions a. Alliance for Progress: economic program to aid specifically Latin American countries and to build good will; was not successful b. VISTA: Volunteers in Service to America; domestic version of the Peace Corps c. Medicare: federal healthcare insurance for the elderly d. NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration; founded to beat the Soviets in space e. Jim Crow Laws: unfair law that enforced segregation by law (also known as?) f. Freedom Summer: summer in Mississippi that expanded the voting rights of African Americans; led to the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party g. Daisy Commercial: a political ad for Johnson that said Goldwater would use the atomic bomb and end up killing innocent American children, so dont vote for him h. Head Start: a program that help underprivileged children get education People a. Thurgood Marshall: lawyer for the NAACP; first black on the Supreme Court b. Earl Warren: most controversial Supreme Court justice who advocated for personal liberties c. Barry Goldwater: conservative opponent against LBJ; lost by the biggest margin up until that time d. Neil Armstrong: first man on the moon e. James Earl Ray: assassinated MLK Jr. Books a. Unsafe at Any Speed, by Ralph Nader; outlined how unsafe GM was making cars; led to reform in the auto industry


b. The Other America, by Michael Harrington; highlighted presence of poverty in the U.S.; led to more programs to help the poor c. Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson; discussed the effects of chemicals and fertilizers on the environment; led to stricter environmental guidelines The Great Society Pros and Cons a. Pros i. Elementary and Secondary Education Act ii. Medicare and Medicaid iii. jobs programs iv. poverty rate went down v. Civil Rights Era legislation b. Cons i. deficits were high ii. more government, more limits iii. not enough good to justify the cost iv. underfunded

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