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UNIT 1 REPRESENTATION OF SIGNALS SHORT ANSWERS 1. Differentiate Continuous-Time and Discrete-time signals. 2. Define periodicity and state the condition for a signal to be periodic. 3. Define even and odd symmetry of signals. 4. Define Time-Invariant systems. 5. Differentiate Energy and Power signals. 6. Write any three basic elementary signals. 7. Differentiate Deterministic and Random signals. 8. Evaluate () 9. State the significance of the impulse response of a LTI system. 10. Define causal system. 11. What is meant by BIBO stability? 12. What will the impulse response of a system that comprise of two LTI systems connected in series with the impulse response h1(t) and h2(t) respectively.

PROBLEMS 1. Decompose the following signals it to its even and odd part, and sketch each of the components; (i) x(t) = t u(t+2) + (1-t) u(t-1) - u(t-2) (ii) The x(t) shown in the following figure.


2. Determine whether the following are energy signals or power signals. Evaluate energy or power of each.
(i) (ii) (iii) 1 = 7 () 2 = (2 + 4) = 2

[] = { 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 0, 2, 3}

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3. Define periodic signals. Show that the complex exponential sequence x[n] = ejn is periodic only if /2 is a rational number. 4. Determine whether the following systems are memoryless, time-invariant, linear, causal, and stable; (i) y(t) = x(t-2) + x(2-t) (ii) y(t) = 3x(t-2) + 2x(t) + 3 (iii) y[n] = x[n-2] 2x[n-8] (iv) y[n] = x2[n-2] 2x[n-1] + x[n] 5. If two LTI system with impulse response h1(t) and h2(t) are connected in series, find the overall impulse response. 6. For a system the output is defined by the equation y[n] = y[n-1] + x[n] If the given input signal is x[n] = {2, 3, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1}, determine the output sequence. Plot both the input and output sequence.

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SHORT ANSWERS 1. State the conditions for the convergence of Fourier Series 2. State the Parsevals Theorem for Continuous-time Fourier Transform. 3. State the Duality property of Continuous-time Fourier Transform with an example. 4. State the time-shifting property of the CT Fourier Transform. 5. What is the Region of Convergence for a Laplace Transform. What are its significance? 6. State the initial and final value theorem of Laplace Transform. 7. Define Transfer Function H(s) of an LTI system. 8. Define poles and zeros of the Transfer function H(s). 9. How will you determine the stability of an LTI system from its Transfer Function H(s)? 10. Define frequency response of an LTI system.

PROBLEMS 1. Determine the trigonometric Fourier series coefficients for the following signals; (i)

(ii) Verify the Parsevals theorem for the above signal. 2. Sketch the following signal and determine the complex exponential Fourier series coefficients if g(t) is periodic with time-period of 4.
() = 2 8 2 : 0 < < 2 2 < < 4

3. State and prove the differentiation property of continuous-time Fourier Transform. 4. State and prove the convolution property of CT Fourier Transform. 5. Explain with examples, how the causality and stability can be analyzed from the Transfer Function H(s) of an LTI system. Page | 3


6. The input and output of a stable and causal LTI system are defined by the differential equation
() 2 () + 6 + 8 () = 2 () 2

(i) (ii)

Find the frequency response of the system. What is the response if x(t) = t e-2t u(t) ?

7. Determine the overall system function H(s) and the impulse response h(t) for the system shown in the following block diagram; (i)

(ii) Find using Laplace Transform method, the output of the system if given the input is x(t) = 2e-2t u(t)

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UNIT 3 - ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS TIME SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS SHORT ANSWERS 1. Find the DTFT of [n-1]. 2. Find the Fourier coefficients of x[n] = cos(2n/5). 3. State the conjugation property of Discrete-time Fourier Transform. 4. State why the DT-FT is always periodic with a period of 2. 5. State the Parsevals relation for Discrete-Time Fourier series. 6. State the equation for Inverse DT-FT. [ [] = { 5, 0, 5 }

8. What is the condition for h[n] for an LTI system to be causal? 9. State the general form of linear constant-coefficient difference equation. 10. Find H(ej) if the system is defined by y[n] = y[n-1] +2 y[n-2] + 3x[n]

PROBLEMS 1. Determine the Fourier coefficients for the following periodic sequence x[n] = (i) [] = = 3 [ 4 ] + 2 [ 4 1] + [ 4 2] (ii) [] = []

, < 1

2. 3. 4.

State and prove the multiplication in time domain property of DT-FT. State and prove the differencing and accumulation properties of DT-FT. State and prove the time shifting and frequency shifting properties of Discrete-time Fourier Transform. A causalLTI System gives an output of [] = 5 [ 1] (i) Determine the frequency response H(ej) of the system. Determine the impulse response h[n] of the system. Page | 5
3 1


, when the input is

[] = 5 [] (ii)



SHORT ANSWERS 1. State the properties of RoC with respect to finite length x[n]. 2. Differentiate bilateral and unilateral z-transform. 3. What is the z transform of [n]? 4. Define poles and zeros of Z Transform. 5. Explain Unit circle and its significance in LTI systems. 6. State the integration method of finding the inverse z-transform. 7. State the conjugation property of z-transform. 8. State the initial and final value theorems in Z Transform. 9. Write the general system equation of a recursive LTI system of Nth order. 10. Show the structure of 2nd order FIR system and write its equation 11. What is meant by cascade form of realization? 12. State the sampling theorem. PROBLEMS 1. Find the z-transform and ROC of (i) [] = [] (ii) (iii) [] = 2 [] = 2 []
1 +1

[ + 2]

2. Determine using Z-Transform, the response of an LTI system which has the input signal x[n] and the impulse response h[n] as shown in the following figure.

3. Explain the time shifting and time reversal properties of Z-Transform. 4. State and prove the convolution properties of Z-Transform. 5. Explain with proof the property of scaling in z-domain.
6. Explain the method of finding the inverse Z-Transform using residue theorem for a causal

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sequence. 7. Determine the inverse z-transform of the following, using both power series expansion and partial fraction method for h[n] to be a causal sequence. () =
1+2 1 + 2 1+2 1

8. 9. 10.

Find the transfer function and obtain the pole-zero plot of the following system. [] = 0.1 [ 1] + 0.72 [ 2] + 0.7 [] 0.25 [ 2] Obtain the Direct Form I and Direct Form II for the above system. (Problem 8) Obtain the Cascade and Parallel form for the above system. (Problem 8)

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