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Oliver (Working title DRAFT)

INT. PSYCHOLOGIST ROOM - DAYLIGHT SCENE STAYS DARK THROUGH DIALOG OLIVER: Do I just talk? Well Im not sure why Im here, well Im sure but Im just not sure if that like makes sense? I felt like I was about to have a breakdown really, well maybe I have had a breakdown and I just dont know yet, you know? Like how does a crazy person know theyre crazy? Does someone tell them theyre crazy, it reminds me of this movie I saw where this person was living out this whole life and at the end it turns out they were dreaming it all, like could you imagine how fucked up that would be? Its kind of comforting really, like that show "The biggest loser" like you know people like that show because it makes you feel better about yourself and your eating habits. Talking about eating I feel like I am an over eater, where I eat too much like Im actually getting fatter everyday which wouldnt be a problem if I was straight but being gay and fat is awful, like I know thats a horrible cliche but for a minority we are an incredibly judgmental group of people. Sometimes I bleed when I poo. Like, do I tell you about that? Well, I do just saying. I just have to get off everything off my mind, Ive been told I over talk, do you mind? The thing is I have all these thoughts that run through my mind and they run like at 1000 miles an hour and they never stop you know? Its like tat tat tat tat (banging fingers against head) never ending. I feel like Im self destructive, I ruin my relationships, I feel like I ruin relationships because one I just do and second because people get boring you know? Life gets boring or maybe Im just boring and everyone is really interesting.


Scene comes up from black and credits start EXT SHOT OF AUCKLAND CBD BUILDING INT. OF COFFEE PLACE Oliver works as a barista in Auckland CBD and is working in a trendy office area. CUSTOMER I asked for a 1/4 strength soy caramel macchiato OLIVER Yes, thats what I made CUSTOMER Yes, I dont need the attitude mate, I know this isnt quarter strength I drink this drink every day OLIVER I make it the same as every day maam CUSTOMER maam? Jesus, bad coffee and insults, please let me pay you more. Oliver looks indifferent and numb about this angry customer INT. PSYCHOLOGIST ROOM - DAYLIGHT OLIVER I feel like I was meant to do more you know? Like I cant just be stuck in this city going through life, like how boring, does anyone even realize that we die you know? At the end of a boring life someone dies and thats it. We dont live forever and we forget that, well normal people do but Im not normal you know Im fucking weird and not in the endearing way like "ooh look at me, Im weird and quirky" but like the "Jesus I better be his friend because he may end up (MORE) (CONTINUED)



OLIVER (contd) shooting up our workplace and he might let me live type of way" DR. JAMES Tell me about your ex boyfriend? OLIVER Whats their to say, hes absolutely perfect, I kind of always felt like I was punching above my weight with him and I think that was half the problem, I was so insecure that I always thought that he had some ulterior motive for dating me which is stupid because Im not rich or I dont come from money and I only had my personality to offer him which he liked, weirdly. Hes another one who quickly realized that I wasnt endearing anymore and suddenly my insecurities arent fucking cute anymore DR. JAMES Why do you think he ended the relationship? OLIVER Because Im a fucking mess, like why else? I mean their were other reasons DR. JAMES Like? OLIVER Like, I lied to him about stupid things that I shouldnt of lied to him about INT. APARTMENT BUILDING Scene flashes back to the past when Jared and Oliver are dating. Jared is packing his stuff and moving out OLIVER Please dont go like I know I fucked up but you dont understand what its like to be in my mind




JARED oh Jesus Ollie really, youre so "feel sorry for me act" ugh its gross OLIVER okay its not an act its who I am JARED You lied about your mum being alive, you told me she was dead, who says that? OLIVER To be fair, she is dead, dead to me. Like, you dont understand she has ruined my life and I didnt want you to get to know her JARED Then why not tell me the truth to begin with OLIVER Because then you would really know how much of a mess I am, youve no idea how much pressure it is to date you. Youre like perfect with your perfect family who are all from Remerua and accept you for you and arent dysfunctional and Im me, overweight and sometimes an off putting personality. Like this relationship was ticking time bomb anyway JARED What does that even mean, like are you even fucking listening to yourself? OLIVER It means, IT MEANS, that you know this was a time bomb relationship. youre perfect and Im not so you know lets be honest here JARED Please do me a favor and just get the fuck over yourself. I fell in love with you for you, not because of anything else. This thing with your mum is just the tip of the (MORE) (CONTINUED)



JARED (contd) iceberg of things that youve done to sabotage this relationship. You shut me out constantly, you expect me to fix all your insecurities and problems and god knows Ive tried but youre not actually willing to change because you like this cycle of self abuse you actually like it Ollie and thats sad. Youre a mess and you need help INT. PSYCHOLOGIST ROOM - DAYLIGHT Oliver is sitting in the room and he has suddenly stopped, he is contemplating the scene over and over again OLIVER I dont actually know why I do the things I do, I lie and hide things and I dont actually think I have a conscience any more, like I feel numb about lying to someones face and thats bad you know? Like how does someone become like that, I feel like I could blame my mum for that but its so petty to blame your parents for your problems right? Yeah it is, its petty. But like thats all I know how to do. DR. JAMES What do you expect to achieve here Oliver? OLIVER What do you mean? DR. JAMES Out of these sessions what are you hoping will come to fruition from them? OLIVER I dont know, I just want to sort out my head you know? Like I wish this was like that show DIY home edition, where someone goes in and changes your life around, well your house but its expected that your life changes as well, I wish that someone would do that for me. Im (MORE) (CONTINUED)



OLIVER (contd) sick of fighting my own mind, it feels like a constant battle everyday. Stop over eating, stop picking your nose its gross, stop lying, stop believing your lies, everyday its like this, the same thing. I just want it to stop, you know? I just want to be honest and happy like a normal person thats all Ive ever wanted. DR. JAMES Tell me about your friends? OLIVER My friends are surprisingly the best thing about me. I have my friend Alicia, she and I were friends in College and we kind of reconnected again and now were best friends, and my other friend Alex is everything I wish I could be. Hes like attractive and guys seem to like him, we make each other laugh, I actually really love spending time with him. Alicia is the arty friend, she is also really fucking pretentious at the best of times, but arent we all on some level, you know? And Alex has a horrible temper and flares up over the stupidest things. All in all they are a perfect balance around my universe. INT. ALEXS APARTMENT All three of them are around the coffee table eating ALEX fuck that, fuck that OLIVER What do you mean, hes hot. ALEX Oh my god Ollie, he screams crazy serial killer and you know it




ALICIA Where? Let me have a look (Oliver passes laptop) OLIVER Hes not that bad, maybe? ALEX Oh my god, seriously ALICIA Yeah, he definitely looks like he keeps his mum locked in an attic somewhere OLIVER You guys are just being judgmental, he actually looks really nice and look hes a Pisces and Im compatible with Pisces so thats like one thing ALICIA This is your thing Ollie, you always pick these gross guys because you dont think you can do any better OLIVER Okay, well thats probably true, but I have to try and meet people. Remember last year when you guys were telling me (Ollie starts picking food off Alexs takeout) that I wasnt doing enough, well now that Im doing more you guys are telling me that Im trying too hard, I cant win ALEX Yes, its good that youre dating, but I would, for once like to think that I dont have to watch out for late night news to see if youve been murdered and thrown down one of those dodgy streets in K road OLIVER Anyway enough about me, whats happening with you Alex? Alicia told me youre dating a 16 year old?




ALEX Leesha?! ALICIA It slipped out, you know Im no good at keeping secrets, I always say this OLIVER Why all the secrecy Alex? Are you ashamed? ALEX He is actually really mature for his age OLIVER Oh god Alex, thats what creepy teachers who have sex with their students say ALEX No, its not like that. I mean, look at him, he is cute (passes phone to Oliver) OLIVER Okay, he is really cute ALICIA What about the law, isnt that illegal? ALEX Well obviously Im not stupid, I did look that up, and no it isnt, I really want you guys to meet him OLIVER No, I just cant, will he even be able to contribute anything to the conversation? probably not, like Im not trying to be an asshole here just being honest ALEX Well, youre going to murder, just being honest OLIVER Ugh, hashtag jealous much? Anyway, Alicia how goes you with that adorable Bradley, I see that he was (MORE) (CONTINUED)



OLIVER (contd) quick to turn into one of those people on facebook who are really couply and write joint statuses like "were going out for dinner and were enjoying this movie and we have mergerd into one being with a bland personaility" I mean on other peope its irriating but I really like him ALICIA I know, it awful. The thing is I like him I do but its just he is so wanting me to settle down and thats not what Im here for ALEX Why? Hes like the nicest guy you have ever dated, like ever. Like dont screw this up ALICIA Yeah hes nice, hes just a bit of a man child and its irritating you know? OLIVER Hes endearing and quirky ALICIA He said he collects old Disney films like eek OLIVER Umm, thats adorable and actually pretty amazing like what are you going to say next, hes a gourmet chef in his spare time? Like get over it leesh, dont let your constant need for drama to affect your judgment here ALICIA I dont have a need for Drama ALEX No, you do

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