Intercultural Comunication in The Global Workplace

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Second Edition Linda B earner

California State UniversityLA.

Iris Varner
Illinois State University

Boston B rr Rid!e" IL # $ % e" IA Madison" W& Ne' (or) San *rancisco St+ Lo is Ban!)o) London Madrid Bo!ota Caracas K a&a L ,- r Lis$on Me.ico Cit/ Mi&" in Mnn&roa& Ne' #e&0i Santia!o Seo &

Sin!a-ore S/dne/ Tai-ei Toronto Ac)no'&ed!e,ents

Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace is t0e res &t o1 ,an/ /ears o1 'or)+ W0i&e t0is $oo) is $ased to a !reat e.tent on o r -ro1essiona& researc0 and o r -ersona& e.-eriences" 'e a&so 'ant to ac)no'&ed!e t0e s !!estions and ad2ice 'e 0a2e recei2ed 1ro, o r 1a,i&ies" 1riends" c&ients" co&&ea! es" and st dents+ We are -artic &ar&/ inde$ted to t0e sers o1 t0e 1irst edition 1or !i2in! s 2a& a$&e 1eed$ac)+ Man/ -eo-&e 'ere !enero s in s0arin! in1or,ation 'it0 s" and 'e are !rate1 & 1or t0eir s --ort+ We !i2e s-ecia& t0an)s to t0e re2ie'ers '0o care1 &&/ read t0e 1irst edition and o11ered t0eir insi!0ts and s !!estions+ Gina PonciniUni2ersit/ o1 L !ano" Ita&/ Mart0a B&a&oc)Uni2ersit/ o1 Wisconsin3Madison 40 ( n.iaUN5TEC Instit te o1 Tec0no&o!/" Ne' 4ea&and 6anet He/ne,anUni2ersit/ o1 Roc0ester A&&/son #+ AdrianGeor!eto'n Uni2ersit/ #e$ora0 Va&entineE,or/ Uni2ersit/ Last" $ t not &east" 'e t0an) t0e -eo-&e at Ir'in7 Crai! Be/tien 1or s --ortin! t0e second edition8 And/ Winston t0e s-onsorin! editor" Sara Strand" t0e editoria& coordinator" and Crai! Leonard" t0e -ro9ect ,ana!er+ T0eir 'or) and s --ort ,ade t0is edition -ossi$&e+ 1inance" ,ar)etin!" and ,ana!e,entand to esc0e' s)i&&s de2e&o-,ent+ Trainin! -ro!ra,s tend to 1a2or do:s and ta$oos o1 internationa& interactiondon:t

cross /o r &e!s and $e s re to acce-t t0at c - o1 tea'it0o t an nder&/in! conce-t a& $asis t0at ena$&es -eo-&e to interact e11ecti2e&/ '0en t0e/ are o tside t0e scri-ted &ist o1 r &es+ In s-ite o1 t0e n ,$ers o1 $ siness-eo-&e '0o need interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication s)i&&s" 1e' so rces 1or a s/ste,atic de2e&o-,ent o1 co,-etence+ T0is $oo) 1i&&s t0is 2oid+ As in t0e 1irst edition" t0is second edition o1 Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace -ro2ides e.a,-&es o1 t0e i,-&ications o1 c &t ra& 2a& es 1or $ siness co,, nication+ We e.-&ore t0e re&ations0i-s a,on! t0e c &t ra& en2iron,ent o1 t0e 1ir," t0e str ct re o1 t0e 1ir," and a--ro-riate 'a/s to co,, nicate 'it0in and 1ro,;to 1ir,s+ T0ro !0o t t0e disc ssions a$o t s-eci1ic co,, nication tas)s" 'e concentrate on t0e nder&/in! c &t ra& reasons 1or $e0a2ior+ We con1ident&/ $e&ie2e t0at t0is a--roac0" as 'e asserted in t0e 1irst edition" 'i&& 0e&t0e reader de2e&o- an a$i&it/ to 'or) s ccess1 &&/ 'it0in an en2iron,ent o1 c &t ra& di2ersit/" $ot0 at 0o,e and a$road+ We 0a2e contin ed to stri2e to a2oid s-eci1ic c &t ra& 2ie'-oints in t0is $oo)" $ t 0a2e co,e to rea&i<e since t0e 1irst edition t0at tota& c &t ra& ne tra&it/ is not -ossi$&e+ Nor is ii &ti,ate&/ desira$&e8 e2er/ 0 ,an 0as so,e c &t ra& 1i&ters t0ro !0 '0ic0 s0e or 0e 2ie's t0e 'or&d+ Ne2ert0e&ess" t0e 1ra,e'or) 'e de2e&o- 0ere a--&ies to a&& readers re!ard&ess o1 t0eir o'n nati2e c &t res+ T0is $oo) is 1or an/one 1ro, an/'0ere aro nd t0e !&o$e '0o 'ants to de2e&o- and i,-ro2e interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication s)i&&s+ Interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication is an e.citin! 1ie&d" and 'e are -ro d to $e a$&e to contri$ te in a $roader nderstandin! o1 it+

Pre1ace to t0e Second Edition

We&co,e to t0e second edition o1 Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace. We a--reciate t0e rece-tion o1 t0e 1irst edition" -artic &ar&/ t0e ,an/ co,,ents and s !!estions sers !a2e s+ T0e second edition 0as $ene1ited 1ro, t0e incor-oration o1 ,an/ o1 t0ese co,,ents" and 'e are con1ident t0at t0is $oo) -resents a 2a& a$&e too& in /o r teac0in! and researc0+ *ina&&/" 'e are 2er/ !rate1 & to readers 1or ,a)in! t0is $oo) a $estse&&er a,on! interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication te.t$oo)s+ G&o$a&i<ation and t0e e11ects o1 c &t re on 0 ,an $e0a2ior are constant&/ in t0e ne's toda/+ T0e Ne' Econo,/ is acti2e across nationa& and et0nic $o ndaries in 'a/s 'e did not $e!in to antici-ate a ,ere 1i2e /ears a!o+ #ra,atic c0an!es in tec0no&o!/" s c0 as t0e !ro't0 o1 t0e Internet and t0e ado-tion aro nd t0e -&anet o1 sate&&ite and ce&& &ar te&e-0on/" ,a)e internationa& co,, nication e2en ,ore co,,on-&ace toda/+ B sinesses need interc &t ra& co,, nication s)i&&s e2en ,ore t0an t0e/ did '0en t0is $oo) 'as 1irst 'ritten+ T0e second edition o1 Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace 0as -dated disc ssions o1 )no'&ed!e ,ana!e,ent" !&o$a&i<ation" and tec0no&o!/ in $ siness co,, nication toda/+ W0at e&se is ne'= T0is second edition a&so addresses an iss e t0at is e2er ,ore -resent in t0e increased 2o& ,e o1 interc &t ra& interactions toda/7 et0ics+ Readers 'i&& 1ind a ne' disc ssion in C0a-ter > o1 et0ica& iss es across c &t res+ T0e disc ssion o1 'or&d re&i!ions in C0a-ter ? 0as $een e.-anded a&so+ In C0a-ter 5" $rie1 s ,,aries o1 interc &t ra& t0eor/ 0e&- 1oc s t0e a--roac0 o1 t0is $oo)" '0ic0 is nderstandin! c &t res t0ro !0 2a& es orientations+ We 0a2e added ,ore s0ort cases+ Readers 'i&& see introd ctor/ 2i!nettes to eac0 c0a-ter &o i&& strate t0e iss es co2ered in t0e c0a-ter+ C0a-ter s ,,aries are in

$ &&et o t&ines" &o !i2e s ccinct o2er2ie's o1 t0e c0a-ters: contents+ Ne' i&& strations and e.a,-&es 0a2e $een added" o1ten dra'n 1ro, c &t res not ,entioned in t0e 1irst edition+ S-eci1ic sa,-&e co,, nications 0a2e $een added to C0a-ters @ and 5A+ *ina&&/" t0e entire $oo) 0as $een i,-ro2ed 'it0 ,ore disc ssions+ I iscis o1 t0e 1irst edition 'i&& a&so notice a di11erence in a--earance o1 t0is edition7 T0e te.t t0at i&& strates c0a-ter )e/ -oints is -rinted a!ainst a screened $ac)!ro nd 1or ,ore e,-0asis+ Ke/ 'ords 0a2e $een $o&d1aced and a &e' ne' e.0i$its 0a2e $een added+ T0ese c0ances ic&&ec& o r co,,it,ent &oo&1ei an accessi$&e so rce 1or readers &oo)in! & i +i i inn B -0ia& \y,\\\\ 'it0 -i+ In a& a--&ications &o 0e&- readers de2e&oin&eicii&& ra& co,3 i a& inn + i C DE + 55+ 555 + E+ I in i' I+:i IF+3 a,i s)i&&s I:M in)s ,i ,&ei na&i,i+i& $ siness iiicii&ion I 0e ,i&& I:H ni&iiiii&&iii+i& I i &iiiii&i,ia& +Mr+i n n i&&" in +5 i&& & && &ii & In i 5555555 i +

A$o t t0e A t0ors Linda Beamer is a 1 && -ro1essor in t0e #e-art,ent o1 Mar)etin! at Ca&i1ornia Sta&e Uni2ersit/" Los An!e&es" '0ere in addition to ,ar)etin! co rses s0e teac0es $ siness co,, nication" interc &t ra& co,, nication" di2ersit/ in t0e 'or)-&ace" and co rses in 0i!03-er1or,ance ,ana!e,ent and internationa& $ siness in t0e MBA core+ S0e 0as ta !0t and cons &ted in Britain" Canada" t0e Midd&e East" C0ina" Ar!entina+ Hon! Kon!" and Ne' 4ea&and In addition" s0e and 0er 0 s$and s-end as , c0 ti,e as -ossi$&e in t0eir 0o se in centra& Me.ico+ Her BA is 1ro, t0e Co&&e!e o1 Wooster" in O0io G'it0 one /ear in Scot&and at Edin$ r!0 Uni2ersit/H" and 0er MA and P0# are 1ro, t0e Uni2ersit/ o1 Toronto+ T0e &atter &ed to d a& US3Canadian citi<ens0i-+ Her researc0" res &tin! in a$o t t'o do<en - $&ications" 0as 1oc sed -ri,ari&/ on t0e e11ect o1 c &t re on co,, nication" 'it0 s-ecia& interest in C0inese co,, nication iss es+ S0e ser2es on t0e Editoria& Board o1 t0e usiness Communication !uarterly, and is Associate Editor o1 t0e "ournal of usiness Communication. S0e ser2ed as c0air o1 t0e Interc &t ra& Co,,ittee o1 t0e Association 1or B siness Co,, nication 1or t0ree /ears and as a ,e,$er o1 t0e Board o1 #irectors 1or 1i2e /ears+ S0e 'as 2oted a *e&&o' o1 t0e Internationa& Acade,/ o1 Interc &t ra& Researc0 at its ince-tion" and is a ,e,$er o1 t0e Internationa& Co,, nication Association and t0e Association 1or Internationa& B siness+ Bea,er is t0e reci-ient o1 t'o t'o3/ear !rants 1ro, t0e #e-art,ent o1 Ed cation:s -ro!ra, 1or B siness and Internationa& Ed cation" as 'e&& as a researc0 !rant 1ro, t0e C+R+ Anderson *o ndation+ S0e 'as 0onored to recei2e t0e o tstandin! - $&ication a'ard G5II@H 1ro, t0e Association 1or B siness Co,, nication" and a t0ree3/ear Ad9 nct Pro1essor a--oint,ent at UNITEC" A c)&and" Ne' 4ea&and+ Iris I. Varner is a -ro1essor in t0e #e-art,ent o1 Mana!e,ent and

J antitati2e Met0ods" Co&&e!e o1 B siness at I&&inois State Uni2ersit/" '0ere s0e teac0es t0e c &t ra& en2iron,ent o1 internationa& $ siness" internationa& ,ana!e,ent" and ,ana!eria& co,, nication $ot0 at t0e nder!rad ate and !rad ate &e2e&+ Her P0#" MBA" and MA are 1ro, t0e Uni2ersit/ o1 O)&a0o,a+ S0e 0as t0e Staatse.a,en and Assessorene.a,en 1ro, t0e A&$ert3L d'i!s3Uni2ersi1at" *rei$ r!" Ger,an/+ Varner 0as e.tensi2e internationa& e.-erience+ S0e !re' - in 1or,er East Ger,an/" st died in Ger,an/" *rance" Great Britain" t0e United States" and Tai'an+ S0e 0as !i2en se,inars and &ect res aro nd t0e !&o$e" inc& din! Ne' 4ea&and" R ssia" *rance" Be&!i ," 6a-an" and Ger,an/" and 0as s-ent ti,e in ,an/ ot0er co ntries+ Varner is t0e a t0or o1 n ,ero s artic&es in t0e area o1 interc &t ra& ,ana!eria& co,, nication+ S0e is t0e a t0or o1 Contemporary usiness #eport Writin$, - $&is0ed $/ t0e #r/den Press" and 0as -resented 0er researc0 at re!iona&" nationa&" and internationa& con2entions+ S0e 0as $een 0onored 'it0 t0e O tstandin! Me,$ers0i- A'ard and t0e Meada Gi$$s O tstandin! Teac0in! A'ard o1 t0e Association 1or B siness Co,, nication+ S0e 'as na,ed a Cater-i&&ar Sc0o&ar and a State *ar, *e&&o' $/ I&&inois State Uni2ersit/+ Varner is -resident o1 t0e Association 1or B siness Co,, nication" '0ere s0e 0as $een a ,e,$er since 5I>K+ S0e 'as c0air o1 t0e Et0ics Co,,ittee and an acti2e ,e,$er o1 t0e Internationa& Co,,ittee+ S0e is a ,e,$er o1 t0e Acade,/ o1 Mana!e,ent and t0e Acade,/ 1or H ,an Reso rce #e2e&o-,ent+ S0e ser2es as a re2ie'er 1or a n ,$er o1 sc0o&ar&/ - $&ications and cons &ts 1or a 2ariet/ o1 nationa& and internationa& 1ir,s+

IN TR O # U C TIO N T0e Need 1or Interc &t ra& B siness Co,, nication Co,-etence

W0at does c &t re 0a2e to do 'it0 $ siness= Man/ $ siness ,a9ors and -ractitioners i,,ersed in % estions o1 1inancia& 1orecastin!" ,ar)et st dies" and ,ana!e,ent ,ode&s 0a2e t rned aside 1ro, t0e % estion o1 c &t re and 0o' it a11ects $ siness+ Un&i)e t0e 0ard data 1ro, ,eas ra$&e iss es" c &t re is so1t and s&i--er/8 /o can:t rea&&/ !ras- c &t re in /o r t'o 0ands and nderstand '0at /o :2e !ot+ B t ,ore and ,ore or!ani<ations are 1indin! t0e,se&2es in2o&2ed in co,, nication across c &t res" $et'een c &t res" a,on! c &t res$eca se t0e/ are doin! $ siness in 1orei!n co ntries" -er0a-s" or $eca se t0e/ are so rcin! 1ro, anot0er co ntr/" see)in! 1inancin! 1ro, anot0er co ntr/" or 0a2e an increasin!&/ , &tic &t ra& 'or)1orce+ In t0e United States" 1or e.a,-&e" t0e -ercenta!es o1 Latinos 1ro, Me.ico and Centra& and So t0 A,erica and Asians 1ro, So t0east Asia" C0ina" India" and Pa)istan" are !ro'in!+ In E ro-e" t0e co,-osition o1 t0e -o- &ation is c0an!in! as ,ore and ,ore -eo-&e i,,i!rate 1ro, A1rica" Asia" and t0e Midd&e East+ In t0e Midd&e East" ,an/ 'or)ers co,e 1ro, India" t0e P0i&i--ines" and So t0east Asia+ As a res &t o1 t0ese ,i!rations" -eo-&e 1ro, di2erse $ac)!ro nds and di11erent &an! a!es are 'or)in! side $/ side in ,an/ co ntries+ Interc &t ra& co,, nication at 'or) is not t0e !oa& o1 so,e distant 1 t re8 it is a rea& need 0ere and no'" and t0is $oo) addresses t0at need+ B siness co,, nication is interc &t ra& co,, nication+ In order to co,, nicate 'it0 anot0er c &t re" /o 0a2e to co,e to ter,s 'it0 it so,e0o'+ (o need to nderstand it+ T0is $oo) o11ers an a--roac0 to n1a,i&iar c &t res t0at ,a)es nderstandin! easier and conse% ent&/

,a)es $ siness co,, nication 'it0 t0e, ,ore e11ecti2e+ T0is $oo) is $ased on i0e idea t0at interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication s)i&&s can $e &earned+ Ai its &o'est &e2e&" $ siness co,, nication 'it0 n1a,i&iar c &t res ,eans si,-&/ 1indin! a trans&ator 1or cond ctin! disc ssions in a 1orei!n &an! a!e+ Ho'e2er" as ,ore and ,ore cor-orations are 1indin! o t" co,, nication is a$o t ,eanin!s and not 9 st 'ords+ In order to nderstand t0e si!ni1icance o1 a ,essa!e 1ro, so,eone" /o need to nderstand die 'a/ t0at -erson &oo)s at t0e 'or&d" and t0e 2a& es t0at 'ei!0 0ea2i&/ in t0at -er3:+i,:s Gi i&t ina& $ac)-ac)+ (on need to nderstand t0e ,eanin!s t0at are not - t into 'ords" 55 itE ini-iiiiai :e oi iIn3 'inds t0ai are ii+iii:+niiiii:i& sed" and t0e 'a/ t0e ,essa!e is or!ani<ed and V, +i1+ii iici3d &o )no' '0ai &o I:.-ec& '0en t0at ot0er

-erson en!a!es in a -artic &ar co,, nication $e0a2ior s c0 as ,a)in! a decision )no'n" or ne!otiatin! a sa&es a!ree,ent" or 'ritin! a &e!a& doc ,ent s c0 as a contract+ And /o :d $e 'ise &o )no' so,et0in! a$o t t0e or!ani<ation t0at -erson 'or)s in and 0o' its str ct re a11ects co,, nication+ In a--&/in! interc &t ra& co,, nication s)i&&s to -ractica& $ siness concerns" t0is $oo) ,a)es an i,-ortant contri$ tion+ Most $oo)s a$o t doin! $ siness 'it0 -eo-&e 1ro, ot0er c &t res co,e 1ro, one o1 t'o areas7 interc &t ra& co,, nication and its near re&ati2e interc &t ra& trainin!" or internationa& $ siness+ Interc &t ra& co,, nication is !ro nded in a $od/ o1 t0eor/" $ t 0as &itt&e a--&ication to $ siness co,, nication+ Interc &t ra& trainin! dra's 1ro, -s/c0o&o!/ and re&ated 1ie&ds and s-ecia&i<es in -re-arin! -eo-&e 1or so9o rns in 1orei!n co ntries 1or de2e&o-,ent 'or)" s c0 as 1or t0e Peace Cor-s 1or instance" 1or st d/in! a$road" or 1or 'or)in! 1or an e,-&o/er in an e.-atriate -ostin!+ T0is -artic &ar trainin! a&so 0as &itt&e a--&ication to $ siness co,, nication+ Boo)s on internationa& $ siness" on t0e ot0er 0and" concentrate on

$ siness 1 nctions s c0 as 1inance" ,ana!e,ent" ,ar)etin!" s0i--in! and ins rance" and acco ntin!+ T0e/ tend to i!nore t0e i,-ortance o1 t0e a&&3 enco,-assin! co,, nication tas)s and t0e s)i&&s necessar/ to co,-&ete t0e, s ccess1 &&/+ T0e/ a&so tend to i!nore t0e di11erent -riorities in ot0er c &t res t0at a11ect t0e act o1 co,, nication and its o tco,es+ T0is $oo) connects $ siness co,, nication and nderstandin! o1 c &t ra& -riorities 'it03 act a& $ siness -ractices+ O1 co rse" $ siness -ractices t0e,se&2es" as t0is $oo) -oints o t" are c &t ra&&/ $ased+ In co,$inin! interc &t ra& co,, nication s)i&&s 'it0 $ siness" t0is $oo) 0e&-s /o $eco,e a s ccess1 & co,, nicator in c &t ra&&/ di2erse en2iron,ents $ot0 at 0o,e and a$road+ As ,ore and ,ore 1ir,s are 1indin! o t" e11ecti2e interc &t ra& co,, nication is cr cia& 1or s ccess" do,estica&&/ and internationa&&/+ INTERCULTURAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE AN# GROWING #OMESTIC #IVERSIT( A&& o2er t0e 'or&d nations are tr/in! to co,e to ter,s 'it0 t0e !ro'in! di2ersit/ o1 t0eir -o- &ations+ Reactions ran!e 1ro, acce-tance to ,ere to&erance to re9ection+ As ,i!rations o1 'or)ers and o1 re1 !ees 0a2e increased !&o$a&&/" so,e co ntries are tr/in! to contro& di2ersit/ $/ esta$&is0in! strict ! ide&ines 1or i,,i!ration 1ro, ot0er co ntries+ Ot0er co ntries are atte,-tin! to de2e&o- !o2ern,ent -o&icies concernin! t0e ri!0ts o1 i,,i!rants to -reser2e t0eir o'n c &t res in ado-ted 0o,e&ands+ Canada is an e.a,-&e o1 a co ntr/ '0ere 1edera& and -ro2incia& !o2ern,ents 0a2e Ministers o1 M &tic &t ra&is, to -rotect t0e c &t ra& F,osaicF -attern t0at i,,i!rants $rin! to Canada+ T0e United States 0istorica&&/ a11orded a 0o,e to ,ore -eo-&e o1 di2erse c &t res t0an an/ ot0er co ntr/+ B t e2en in t0e United States" 'it0 its idea&s o1 e% a&it/ and to&erance" t0e ad2anta!es and disad2anta!es o1 ac)no'&ed!in! di2ersit/ are 0ot&/ de$ated+ Recent&/ so,e socia& critics in

t0e United States 0a2e 2oiced o--osition to ,eas res t0at -reser2e i,,i!rants: c &t ra& di11erences+ T0e/ sa/ t0e insistence on di2ersit/ act a&&/ separates A,ericans 1ro, one anot0er $/ 1orcin! t0e, to 1oc s on '0at di11erentiates t0e,+ So,e a t0ors ar! e t0at t0e F,e&tin! -otF t0at descri$es A,erican c &t re de-ends -on t0e 1 sin! o1 a&& ot0er c &t ra& identities into one+ T0e/ c&ai, t0at e11orts to -reser2e i,,i!rant c &t res act a&&/ di2ide i,,i!rants into cate!ories" instead o1 treatin! t0e, a&& as one FA,ericanF !ro -+ T0e/ s !!est t0is is contrar/ to t0e A,erican idea& o1 o11erin! e% a& A,erican3ness to e2er/$od/+ * rt0er,ore" t0e/ 'arn t0at , &tic &t ra&is, ,a/ t0reaten t0e 2er/ c0aracteristic t0at is so A,erican7 t0e nion o1 one 1ro, ,an/+ Toda/ in t0e United States" a &on!standin! tradition o1 to&erance coe.ists side $/ side 'it0 an a2ersion to di11erence+ Uni1or,it/ G1or -eo-&e o1 a&& c &t resH is easier to dea& 'it0 t0an di2ersit/+ #i2ersit/ is di11ic &t+ O1ten t0e i,- &se to den/ c &t ra& di11erences co,es 1ro, an e,$arrass,ent at 1oc sin! on di11erence" since 1re% ent&/ to $e di11erent in t0e United States is to $e e.c& ded+ It isn:t -o&ite to -oint o t t0at so,eone &oo)s di11erent" ta&)s di11erent&/" 'ears di11erent c&ot0es" or eats di11erent 1ood+ So" ,an/ ti,es o t o1 a concern to a2oid ,a)in! so,eone 1ee& nco,1orta$&e" di11erence is -&a/ed do'n+ T0is attit de ,a/ $e ,oti2ated $/ a sincere desire 1or e% a& $e0a2ior to'ard -eo-&e" re!ard&ess o1 t0eir et0nic or c &t ra& $ac)!ro nd" nder t0e a&&3enco,-assin! ,$re&&a o1 t0e idea& o1 e% a&it/+ A1ter a&&" ,ost -eo-&e '0o ca&& t0e,se&2es FA,ericanF 0a2e ancestors '0o 'ere i,,i!rants+ Toda/ ,an/ sti&& 0a2e a stron! desire to inc& de ne'co,ers in a 1riend&/ and to&erant nationa& e,$race and to a11ir, t0e 0i!0 -riorit/ o1 e% a&it/ in A,erican c &t re+ B t t0e tr t0 is t0at -eo-&e 1ro, di11erent c &t res rea&&/ are di11erent+ T0at:s a !reat stren!t0 o1 t0e 0 ,an race and a -otentia& so rce o1 de&i!0t and 'onder,ent as , c0 as o1 1ear and s s-iciont0e c0oice is o rs+ Peo-&e o1 di11erent c &t res $e!in 'it0 di11erent data$ases" 'e se

di11erent o-eratin! en2iron,ents" 'e r n di11erent so1t'are and -rocess in1or,ation di11erent&/'e ,a/ e2en 0a2e di11erent !oa&s+ To -retend 'e:re a&& a&i)e nderneat0 is 'ron! and can &ead to ine11ect a& co,, nication" or 'orse+ W0i&e t0e de$ate is !ro'in! a$o t 0o' , c0 to 1oc s on c &t ra& di2ersit/" in 1act c &t ra& di2ersit/ is t0e rea&it/+ B sinesses , st dea& 'it0 it+ Indi2id a&s 'it0in or!ani<ations , st a&so co,e to ter,s 'it0 di2ersit/+ %he &ay to 'eal &ith 'iversity is not to 'eny it or i$nore it, hut to learn about 'ifferences so they 'on(t impair communication an' successful business transactions. T0e descri-tion o1 t0e United States as a F,e&tin! -otF is neit0er an acc rate descri-tion o1 t0e rea&it/ nor an idea& t0at ,an/ o1 t0e ,ore recent i,,i!rants e,$race+ E2en t0e E ro-ean i,,i!rants o1 a -re2io s cent r/ did not tota&&/ F,e&tF8 t0e/ created a ne' c &t re 'it0 distinct di11erences $ased on c &t ra& 0erita!e+ As t0e ne' i,,i!rants arri2e" t0e United States c &t re $eco,es a Fs-ic/ ste'+F T0e -otatoes sta/ -otatoes" t0e carrots sta/ carrots" t0e onions sta/ onions" $ t a&& ta)e on certain c0aracteristics o1 eac0 ot0ers: 1&a2ors+ T0is $&endin! creates a ni% e co,$ination t0at !ains 1ro, eac0 in!redient+ T0e United States: 2a& e o1 to&erance a&&o's i,,i!rants t0e 1reedo, to )ee- t0eir o'n identities '0i&e $eco,in! -art o1 a ne' c &t re+ It is an idea&" $ t it is a&so ac0ie2a$&e8 in 1act" it a&read/ e.ists to a de!ree in so,e co,, nities in t0e United States+ C &t ra& di11erences don:t -re2ent s 1ro, 'or)in! 'it0 eac0 ot0er or co,, nicatin! 'it0 eac0 ot0er or 0a2in! -rod cti2e $ siness transactions+ Indeed" 'e must &earn to 'or) 'it0 eac0 ot0er+ T0e 1 t re o1 an/ or!ani<ation de-ends on it+ T0e rea&it/ is t0at $ sinesses 'i&& increasin!&/ $e s-ic/ ste's o1 c &t res" and so increasin!&/ 'i&& t0e '0o&e !&o$e t0e/ in0a$it+ T0is 1act is one reason '0/ 'e , st a&& ac)no'&ed!e di2ersit/ and acce-t it+ Anot0er reason is t0at i,,i!rants can add enor,o s&/ to a societ/:sor an or!ani<ation:sc &t re+

T0e $i!!est !ain 1ro, acce-tin! c &t ra& di11erences is t0at c &t ra& di2ersit/ enric0es eac0 one o1 s+ Peo-&e aro nd t0e 'or&d and t0ro !0o t 0istor/ 0a2e de2e&o-ed a st nnin! 2ariet/ o1 socia& s/ste,s and 0ierarc0ies o1 2a& es+ As a ,e,$er o1 t0e 0 ,an race" /o can c&ai, /o r ri!0t1 & -art3o'ners0i- o1 t0is ric0ness" and /o can ce&e$rate t0e 1erti&it/ o1 t0e 0 ,an i,a!ination a&on! 'it0 its di2erse -rod cts+ T0e essentia& in!redient 1or a s ccess1 & c &t ra& ste' is s)i&& in interc &t ra& co,, nication+ Co,-anies &i)e He'&ett3Pac)ard in t0e United States 0a2e disco2ered t0e 2a& e o1 interc &t ra& co,, nication s)i&&s and t0e increased -rod cti2it/ t0e/ $rin!" and t0e/ 0a2e instit ted di2ersit/ -ro!ra,s to train e,-&o/ees+ T0e/ nderstand t0at t0e 1irst stein e11ecti2e interc &t ra& co,, nication is acce-tance o1 di2ersit/+ T0is ,eans 'e e.a,ine o r o'n 2a& es and t0e 2a& es o1 ot0ers" &oo) at t0e i,-&ications o1 t0ese 2a& es 1or $ siness" deter,ine '0ere t0e di11erences &ie" and see 0o' 'e can $est o2erco,e t0e di11erences and 'or) to!et0er+ CHANGES IN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOG( AN# POLITICAL STRUCTURES T0e LAt0 cent r/ n rt red an n-recedented c0an!e in

co,, nication tec0no&o!/+ Internationa& co,, nication t0at on&/ a 1e' decades a!o too) da/s" i1 not 'ee)s" no' ta)es seconds+ Wit0 E3,ai&"" te&e-0ones" and t0e We$ 'e can contact o r internationa& -artners at a ,o,ent:s notice+ I1 'e 'ant a ,ore -ersona& e.c0an!e" te&econ1erencin! can $rin! t0e ot0er -erson ri!0t into o r o11ice+ And i1 'e 'ant a tr e 1ace3 to31ace disc ssion" 9ets can ta)e s an/'0ere 'it0in 0o rs+ T0e 2ariet/ o1 c0anne&s o1 co,, nication is a,a<in!+ T0e c0oice o1 '0ic0 c0anne& to se in a -artic &ar sit ation is itse&1 in1& enced $/ c &t ra& -riorities and 2a& es+ T0e c0an!es in tec0no&o!/ 0a2e 1aci&itated t0e e.c0an!e o1 ideas" $ t t0e/ a&so 0a2e ,a!ni1ied t0e -ossi$i&ities 1or c &t ra& $& nders+ It is so eas/ to ass ,e t0at t0e -erson on t0e ot0er end o1 t0e &ine co,, nicates 9 st as 'e do+ A1ter a&&" 0e or s0e ses t0e sa,e tec0no&o!/ and ,a/$e

e2en t0e sa,e $ siness ter,ino&o!/+ In addition to c0an!es in tec0no&o!/" t0ere 0a2e $een ,assi2e -o&itica& and econo,ic c0an!es in recent /ears t0at a11ect $ siness co,, nication internationa&&/+ Co ntries t0at once 'ere -art o1 t0e So2iet B&oc) no' str !!&e to de1ine and rea&i<e nationa& !oa&s8 C0ina is ado-tin! Western -ractices and e.-eri,entin! 'it0 a ,ar)et econo,/+ S,a&& ind stria&i<ed co ntries resent $ein! $ &&ied $/ t0e $i! ones+ Non3Western co ntries are $eco,in! ,ore asserti2e and -rotecti2e o1 t0eir c &t ra& 2a& es and $e0a2iors and do not % iet&/ acce-t Western $ siness -ractices an/ &on!er+ T0ese ne' 2oices are increasin!&/ -o'er1 &+ Not &on! a!o an e&ite o1 ind stria&i<ed co ntries co &d ,ore or &ess dictate econo,ic -ractices+ T0is is c0an!in!+ Toda/ t0ose 1irst3'or&d co ntries , st ta)e into consideration t0e c &t ra& 2a& es and -ractices o1 t0ese ne' -&a/ers+ As a res &t" nderstandin! ot0er c &t res is ,ore i,-ortant t0an e2er+ I1 'e consider t0at -eo-&e 1ro, t0e sa,e econo,ic" -o&itica&" and c &t ra& $ac)!ro nd 0a2e -ro$&e,s co,, nicatin! e11ecti2e&/" 'e can a--reciate t0e di11ic &ties and c0a&&en!es t0at -eo-&e 1ro, di2erse c &t res 1ace '0en tr/in! to co,, nicate+ Mis nderstandin!s 'i&& a&'a/s $e a -art o1 interc &t ra& co,, nication+ One o1 t0e !oa&s o1 t0is $oo) is to ,ini,i<e ,is nderstandin!s t0ro !0 an a'areness o1 t0e -riorities and e.-ectations o1 $ siness -artners+ INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AN# CORPORATE RESPONSES Man/ 1ir,s aro nd t0e 'or&d 0a2e e.-anded internationa&&/ o2er t0e -ast decade+ (et nti& recent&/" t0e i,-&ications o1 interc &t ra& co,, nication s)i&&s 1or !&o$a&i<ation 'ere se&do, addressed+ Mana!ers ta&)ed a$o t t0e need 1or 1aster and ,ore e11icient co,, nication" as i1 s-eed ! aranteed e11ecti2e co,, nication+ T0e/ -aid &i- ser2ice to t0e need 1or !ood cross3c &t ra& co,, nication" $ t sta11in! decisions 'ere

t/-ica&&/ $ased on tec0nica& )no'&ed!e rat0er t0an !ood cross3c &t ra& co,, nication s)i&&s+ Wit0 !ro'in! co,-etition and increasin! !&o$a&i<ation" t0at attit de is $e!innin! to c0an!e+ Internationa& e.-erience is $eco,in! ,ore i,-ortant 1or ,a)in! it to t0e to- o1 t0e cor-orate &adder" $ t it 'i&& ndo $ted&/ $e ,ore ni2ersa&&/ 2a& ed in t0e 1 t re+ Consider t0e F'or&d carF *ord -rod ces in E ro-e and se&&s in @L co ntries 'or&d'ide+ An internationa& tea, desi!ned t0e car" t0e FMondeo+F T0e en!ines co,e to Kansas Cit/ 1ro, C&e2e&and" O0io8 C0i0 a0 a" Me.ico8 and Co&o!ne" Ger,an/+ Seats are ,ade in t0e United States and t0e ,oon roo1 is ,ade in Canada+ Air3conditionin! is ,ade in C0ar&e2i&&e" *rance" and t0e cata&/tic con2erter co,es 1ro, Br sse&s" Be&!i ,+ T0ro !0o t t0e *ord Motor Co,-an/" interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication ta)es -&ace constant&/ to !et t0e 9o$ done+ En!ines and ot0er co,-onents co,e to t0e Gen)" Be&!i , -&ant 1ro, Britain" Ger,an/" *rance" Ho&&and" S'eden" S-ain" Mic0i!an" Indiana" and O0io+ *ord ses a !&o$a& so rcin! -roced re 1or c0oosin! s --&iers o1 t0e t0o sands o1 s,a&&er -arts" t0ro !0 an intense internationa& co,-etition+ *ord -rod ced t0e !&o$a& FMondeoF in order to ,eet !&o$a& co,-etition+ *or t0e sa,e reason Vo&2o" t0e nationa& -ride o1 S'eden" and Rena &t" a *renc0 1ir, o'ned &ar!e&/ $/ t0e !o2ern,ent o1 *rance" co,$ined 1orces to 1or, t0e si.t0 &ar!est a to,o$i&e co,-an/ in t0e 'or&d+ *ord is no' a -art3o'ner o1 Vo&2o" as 'e&& as Ma<da 1ro, 6a-an" and 6a! ar and Aston Martin 1ro, Great Britain+ #ai,&er3Ben<" a Ger,an 1ir, t0at -rod ced to- % a&it/ cars 1or decades" ,er!ed 'it0 C0r/s&er 1ro, t0e United States+ T0e ne' co,-an/" #ai,&erC0r/s&er" recent&/ added a s0are o1 Mits $is0i 1ro, 6a-an and H/ ndai 1ro, Korea to t0e o'ners0i,i.+ T0e trend to'ard a !&o$a& $ siness en2iron,ent is not restricted to t0e $i! ind stria&i<ed co ntries s c0 as t0e United States" Ger,an/" 6a-an" *rance" Canada" and Great Britain+ Nor is it restricted to &ar!e cities or" in

t0e United States" t0e ind stria& centers on t0e East and West coasts+ It in2o&2es !eo!ra-0ic &ocations t0at 9 st a 1e' /ears a!o 'ere considered to $e '0o&&/ en!a!ed in do,estic $ siness+ Man/ s,a&& to'ns in t0e &and&oc)ed states o1 Me.ico" 1or e.a,-&e" are in2o&2ed in internationa& $ siness toda/+ Loca& 1ir,s ,a/ e.-ort or i,-ort" t0e/ ,a/ $e o'ned $/ 1orei!n 1ir,s" or 1orei!n 1ir,s ,a/ esta$&is0 s $sidiaries+ Peo-&e '0o ne2er drea,ed o1 !oin! into internationa& $ siness ,a/ 'or) side $/ side 'it0 recent i,,i!rants 1ro, di11erent c &t res+ T0e sa&es-erson in a s,a&& $ siness in a s,a&& to'n in an/ one o1 a 0 ndred co ntries ,a/ 0a2e to ans'er in% iries 1ro, aro nd t0e !&o$e+ T0e sa&es-erson 'on:t 0a2e ti,e to t0in) a$o t 0o' to dea& 'it0 a 1orei!ner+ S0e or 0e , st $e read/ to co,, nicate on t0e s-ot+ THE *OUN#ATION *OR INTERCULTURAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION T0e 1irst ste- in e11ecti2e interc &t ra& co,, nication is t0e nderstandin! and acce-tance o1 di11erences+ T0at does not ,ean 'e 0a2e to a!ree 'it0 anot0er c &t re:s 2ie'-oint" or t0at 'e 0a2e to ado-t anot0er c &t re:s 2a& es+ It does ,ean 'e and t0e/ e.a,ine o r and t0eir -riorities and deter,ine 0o' 'e a&& can $est 'or) to!et0er" $ein! di11erent+ In t0e -rocess" 'e 'i&& rea&i<e t0at a -erson enterin! anot0er c &t re 'i&& a&'a/s 0a2e to ada-t to a n ,$er o1 c &t ra& conditions+ T0at doesn:t ,ean t rnin! one:s $ac) on one:s o'n c &t re or den/in! its -riorities+ Rat0er" it ,eans &earnin! '0at ,oti2ates ot0ers and 0o' ot0er c &t ra& -riorities in1or, t0e $e0a2ior" attit des" and 2a& es o1 $ siness co&&ea! es+ T0is a--roac0 ,eans addin! to one:s o'n c &t re" not s $tractin! 1ro, it+ *or e.a,-&e" a $ siness-erson 1ro, Ne' 4ea&and !oin! to 6a-an , st ada-t to ,an/ 6a-anese -ractices" 9 st as a 6a-anese $ siness-erson !oin! to Ne' 4ea&and , st ada-t to a 2ariet/ o1 Ne' 4ea&and -ractices+ In atte,-tin! to nderstand anot0er c &t re:s -ers-ecti2e" 'e 'i&& $e

1 rt0er a0ead i1 'e ta)e o11 o r o'n c &t ra& $&inders and de2e&osensiti2it/ in t0e 'a/ 'e s-ea) and $e0a2e+ T0at is not a&'a/s eas/+ We are a&& c &t ra&&/ $ased and c &t ra&&/ $iased+ *or e.a,-&e" -eo-&e in t0e United States re1er to t0e,se&2es as FA,ericans+F T0e/ o1ten sa/ t0at t0e/ &i2e in :A,erica+F Most E ro-eans se t0e sa,e ter,ino&o!/+ Ger,ans" 1or e.a,-&e" re1er to t0e co ntr/ o1 t0e United States as 'ie Staaten Gt0e StatesH" or as USA, $ t t0e/ a&'a/s re1er to t0e -eo-&e as Amerikaner GA,ericansH+ T0e *renc0 ca&& t0e -eo-&e o1 t0e United States les americains GA,ericansH8 t0e/ re1er to t0e co ntr/ as les )tats Unis Gt0e United StatesH or I(Ameri*ue GA,ericaH+ T0e 6a-anese re1er to -eo-&e 1ro, t0e United States as america+,in. B t t0is is not -recise&/ acc rate8 it is an e.a,-&e o1 c &t ra& $ias+ Peo-&e 1ro, Centra& A,erica and So t0 A,erica ca&& t0e,se&2es American too+ T0e/ ca&& -eo-&e 1ro, t0e United States -an*uis G(an)eesH+ As residents o1 t0e United States" acc sto,ed to sin! t0e 'ord American to re1er to -eo-&e o1 t0e United States" 'e 0a2e str !!&ed 'it0 t0e ter,ino&o!/ in t0e 'ritin! o1 t0is $oo)+ We 0a2e atte,-ted to distin! is0 $et'een ot0er A,ericans and t0ose o1 t0e United States+ B t no e.c& si2e ter, e.ists 1or t0e -eo-&e o1 t0e United Statess c0 as Statesians co,-ara$&e to .e/icans or Cana'ians. We se the Unite' States '0en re1errin! to t0e co ntr/" and o1ten se t0e -0rase people of the Unite' States and Unite' States businesspeople to re1er to t0e -eo-&e+ B t occasiona&&/" '0en 'e 1ee& t0e conte.t is c&ear&/ t0e United States" 'e a&so se t0e ter, Americans to denote t0e -eo-&e+ ORGANI4ATION O* THIS BOOK T0is $oo) 0as t0ree ,a9or -arts7

An nderstandin! o1 c &t re and 0o' to )no' n1a,i&iar T0e a--&ication o1 interc &t ra& co,, nication s)i&&s to

c &t res 1or $ siness" and c &t re:s i,-act on co,, nication+

s-eci1ic $ siness co,, nication tas)s+


T0e i,-&ications o1 interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication 1or

t0e do,estic , &tic &t ra&;internationa&;!&o$a& 1ir,+ PART ONE T0is section $e!ins 'it0 an introd ction to c &t re 1o&&o'ed $/ t0e 1irst ste-s in de2e&o-in! interc &t ra& co,, nication s)i&&s and a &oo) at t0e 'a/ c &t re a11ects co,, nication+ T0en C0a-ter L e.a,ines t0e iss e o1 &an! a!e in co,, nication 'it0 an n1a,i&iar c &t re and disc sses t0e i,-ortant ro&e o1 t0e inter-reter+ C0a-ters ? and M -resent a str ct re 1or nderstandin! t0e di,ensions o1 an n1a,i&iar c &t re t0ro !0 -osin! s-eci1ic % estions in 1i2e di11erent cate!ories+ T0ese % estions co2er t0e -riorities or 2a& es o1 an/ c &t re t0at are i,-ortant 1or $ siness+ E.a,-&es s0o' 0o' t0ese -riorities a11ect $ siness transactions+ PART TWO T0is section e.a,ines 0o' c &t re a11ects $ siness co,, nication+ C0a-ter @ disc sses t0e in1& ences o1 c &t ra& 2a& es and &an! a!e -atterns on t0e or!ani<ation o1 $ siness ,essa!es+ C0a-ter K &oo)s at t0e ro&e o1 non2er$a& co,, nication across c &t res+ C0a-ter > disc sses '0at 0a--ens '0en -eo-&e 1ro, di11erent c &t res enco nter one anot0er in s-eci1ic socia& conte.ts t0at 0a2e di11erent ,eanin!s 1or eac0 -art/" and to c0es -on et0ics across c &t re+ C0a-ter N e.a,ines t0e i,-act o1 c &t ra& -riorities on in1or,ation !at0erin!" decision ,a)in! and -ro$&e, so&2in!a&& acti2ities t0at in2o&2e certain co,, nication tas)s+ C0a-ter I conc& des t0is section on t0e a--&ication o1 interc &t ra& co,, nication s)i&&s to $ siness ne!otiations across c &t res+ PART THREE C0a-ter 5A e.-&ores t0e &e!a& en2iron,ent and t0e co,, nication i,-&ications 1or t0e internationa&;!&o$a& ,ana!er+ C0a-ter 55 ties interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication -ractices to t0e or!ani<ation and str ct re o1 t0e internationa&;!&o$a& 1ir,+ A $road 2ariet/ o1 e.a,-&es i&& strates t0e i,-act o1 str ct re on co,, nication+ T0e &ast c0a-ter disc sses t0e re&ations0i- a,on! c &t ra& a'areness" t0e -osition o1 t0e co,, nicator in t0e 1ir, and t0e 1ir,:s de!ree o1 internationa& in2o&2e,ent" and c0oice o1 co,, nication c0anne&+ W0o s0o &d

co,, nicate 'it0 '0o,= W0at are t0e a--ro-riate c0anne&s= W0at is t0e a--ro-riate &e2e& o1 c &t ra& nderstandin!= In s0ort" 0o' can t0e co,, nication $e carried o t ,ost e11ecti2e&/= In connectin! interc &t ra& co,, nication t0eor/ and internationa& $ siness concerns" t0is $oo) -resents a ni% e a--roac0+ It -ro$es t0e reasons 1or c &t ra& -riorities and $e0a2ior and identi1ies t0e ,a9or a--&ications in interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication tas)s+ In t0is -rocess it esta$&is0es a 1ra,e'or) t0at 'i&& 0e&- readers as) t0e ri!0t % estions and identi1/ c &t ra& iss es so t0e/ can co,, nicate e11ecti2e&/ in ne' c &t ra& settin!s+ T0is $oo) is $ased on ,an/ /ears o1 e.-erience" &i2in! and 'or)in! in a 2ariet/ o1 c &t res" and o1 researc0+ As ot0er sc0o&ars in t0is 1ie&d 0a2e -ointed o t" t0is is not an e.act science+ T0e ,an/ e.a,-&es ,a)e t0e $oo) -artic &ar&/ 2a& a$&e 1or an/one '0o 'ants to $e an e11ecti2e -&a/er in internationa& $ siness+ OOTES Ra/,ond Co0en+ 0e$otiatin$ Across Cultures, GWas0in!ton" #C7 United States Instit te o1 Peace" 5II5H+ Pa & Gon<a&es+ F#ri2en to T0in) G&o$a&&/"F %he Los An$eles %imes, FT0e Great Trade WarF s --&e,ent" T esda/" Ma/ 5N" 5II?+ Mart0a Gro2es+ FHe'&ett3Pac)ard Co+ #isco2ers #i2ersit/ is Good 1or B siness"F %he Los An$eles %imes, FWor)-&ace #i2ersit/F s --&e,ent" Ma/ 5>" 5II?+

Contents in Brie1

CHAPTERi C &t re and Co,, nication 1

CHAPTER 2 T0e Ro&e o1 Lan! a!e in Interc &t ra& B siness Co,, nication ?5

CHAPTER ? Gettin! to Kno' Anot0er C &t re KI

CHAPTER M Indi2id a&s and Gro -s in B siness C &t res 5A5

CHAPTER @ Or!ani<ation o1 Messa!es to Ot0er C &t res 5L@ CHAPTER K Non2er$a& Lan! a!e in Interc &t ra& Co,, nication CHAPTER > Varia$&e R &es o1 En!a!e,ent CHAPTER N In1or,ation" #ecisions" and So& tions L5> CHAPTER I Interc &t ra& Ne!otiation LM@ 5N> 5@I

CHAPTER io Le!a& and Go2ern,enta& Considerations in Interc &t ra& B siness Co,, nication L>5

CHAPTER II T0e In1& ence o1 B siness Str ct res and Cor-orate C &t re on Interc &t ra& B siness Co,, nication CHAPTER 5L T0e E11ecti2eness o1 Interc &t ra& B siness Co,, nication and B siness 6 d!,ent ??? LII


CHAPTER I7 Co,, nication

C &t re and I

T0e I,-ortance o1 Learnin! a$o t C &t res 5 Culture1 %he 2peratin$ )nvironment or Win'o&s of the .in' 3 Understandin! C &t re ?

Culture Is Coherent Culture Is Learne' 5

4 5

Culture Is the 6ie& of a Group of 7eople Culture #anks What Is Important Culture 9urnishes Attitu'es Res-onses to Ot0er C &t res %he Challen$es of ;iversity ;iversity Abroa' >? >4 : = I >? Culture ;ictates <o& to ehave 8

%he !uestion of Chan$e in Cultures %he Importance of Self+@no&le'$e Co,, nication and C &t re LA

%ypical #eactions to Unfamiliar Cultures >:


<i$h+Conte/t an' Lo&+Conte/t Cultures 7erception an' Communication Communication S ,,ar/ Notes ?A LI A3 A8 AA A Schemata .o'el for lntercultural .ultilevel .essa$es



T0e Ro&e o1 Lan! a!e in &nterc &t ra& B siness Co,, nication

T0e Lan! a!e Barrier and Its Conse% ences7 Rea& and Percei2ed an' Culture 3> 3A ?5 %he #elationship bet&een Lan$ua$e Lan$ua$e as a #eflection of the )nvironment Lan$ua$e as a #eflection of 6alues 33 %he .eanin$ of Wor's Chan$es in Lan$ua$e 34 35


38 3: ?>

Implications of the Lan$ua$e arrier Se&ection o1 t0e Ri!0t Lan! a!e Lin$uistic Consi'erations usiness Consi'erations 7olitical Consi'erations T0e Co,-an/ Lan! a!e 3= 3B 4? 4> 4A ML

Appropriate Level of 9luency

Choosin$ a Company Lan$ua$e T0e Ro&e o1 t0e Inter-reter MK

Usin$ A''itional 9orei$n Lan$ua$e )/pertise %he Importance of Choosin$ a Goo' Interpreter 4: %he )ffective Use of an InterpreterSome Gui'elines 4= 5> Co,, nication 'it0 Non3nati2e S-ea)ers @5 )ffective 9ace+to+9ace Communication )ffective Written Communication 53 8? Some Gui'elines for Communicatin$ &ith usinesspeople from ;ifferent Cultures S ,,ar/ Notes KN KK Communication &ith a .ulticultural Workforce




Gettin! to Kno' Anot0er C &t re >A


As)in! J estions Culture :? :>

%heories about Un'erstan'in$ an Unfamiliar Where Can Information about Cultures e 9oun'C

Are GeneraliDations 7ro'uctive or 7erilousC


Cate!or/ 57 T0in)in! and Kno'in! ;oes @no&in$ Come from Concepts or )/perienceC :4 :5 ::


;oes @no&in$ Come from Askin$ !uestions or .asterin$ #eceive' Wis'omC ;oes @no&le'$e <ave LimitsC

In What 7atterns ;o 7eople %hinkC Cate!or/ L7 #oin! and Ac0ie2in! Are %asks ;one Se*uentially or SimultaneouslyC =?

:: >I :B

Is ;oin$ Important or Is ein$ ImportantC

;o #esults or #elationships %ake 7riorityC Is Uncertainty Avoi'e' or %olerate'C Are #ules to e 9ollo&e' or entC =5 NK =A

=> =3

Is Luck an )ssential 9actor or an IrrelevanceC Cate!or/ ?7 O r P&ace in t0e Uni2erse ;ominate <umansC )ventsC == =8

;o <umans ;ominate 0ature or ;oes 0ature Are ;ivine 7o&ers or <umans at the Center of <o& Is %ime Un'erstoo', .easure', an' @eptC Is Chan$e 7ositive or 0e$ativeC B5 Is ;eath the )n' of Life or 7art of LifeC S ,,ar/ Notes II Indi2id a&s and Gro -s in B siness C &t res 5AL IOI IN B8 B4


Cate!or/ M7 T0e Se&1 CollectiveC >?3

%he asic Unit of Society1 %he In'ivi'ual or the 2bli$ation an' In'ebte'ness1 ur'ens

or enefitsC

>?4 >?: >?=

A$e1 Is Seniority 6alue' or ;iscounte'C Cate!or/ @7 Socia& Or!ani<ation 7ermanentC >>? >>4 55A

Gen'er1 Are Women )*uals or Subor'inatesC Group .embership1 %emporary or 9orm1 Important or Untrust&orthyC 7ersonal .atters1 7rivate or 7ublicC <ierarchicalC Conc& sion S ,,ar/ Notes 5L? >>=


Social 2r$aniDational 7atterns1 <oriDontal or Approach to Authority1 ;irect or .e'iate'C 5LL 5LL >A?


Or!ani<ation o1 Messa!es to Ot)er C &t res 5LK >A=

5L @

Re2ie' o1 t0e Co,, nication Mode& %he %ricky+ Issue of .eanin$ >A8

%he 7urpose an' 9actors of Communication Or!ani<in! Ro tine Messa!es 5?A ;irect 7lan In'irect 7lan >3? >3>

Or!ani<in! Pers asi2e Messa!es and Ar! ,entation 5?? Ar$umentation an' Lo$ic 7ersuasion %actics >38 5?I >35

Or!ani<in! Un'e&co,e Messa!es Sayin$ 0o Storytellin$ >4?

Communicatin$ about 7roblems >3B Or!ani<in! Pro$&e,3So&2in! Messa!es >4> 5M5

Syllo$istic an' In'uctive #easonin$ ar$ainin$ ;iscourse >43 T0e Ro&e and *orce o1 Words 5MI


%he #elative Importance of )nco'in$ .essa$es in Wor's >44 >45 >48 %he #ole of Wor's in Arabic Cultures %he #ole of Wor's in "apanese Culture %he #ole of Wor's in )n$lish+Speakin$ Cultures >4: >4: >5? 5MI %he )ffect of Lan$ua$e(s Structure C0anne&s o1 B siness Messa!es )/ternal Channels for Written .essa$es >5> >5> >5A 5@? Structure' ehavioral Channels 2ral Channels Co,, nication St/&e <oriDontal >53 >54

Internal Channels for Written .essa$es

9ormal or Informal1 <ierarchical or 9rame' .essa$es S ,,ar/ Notes 5@K T0e Non2er$a& Lan! a!e in Interc &t ra& Co,, nication 5K5 >8> >8A 5@I 5@@

CHAPTER K7 Para&an! a!e 6ocaliDation

6ocal !ualifiers

Non2er$a& B siness Con2entions in *ace3to3 *ace Enco nters 5KL )ye Contact >83 >84 9acial )/pressions

Gestures %ouchin$

>88 >8= >8B >:A >=> 5NM Varia$&e R &es o1 En!a!e,ent 5N>

%imin$ in Spoken )/chan$es %he Lan$ua$e of Space Appearance Silence S ,,ar/ Notes 5N@ >=3


Res-ect 1or A t0orit/ and t0e Str ct rin! o1 Messa!es 5NN " == >=B >B> Si$nals of #espect

7ositions of Authority

;ress as Symbol of Authority

Po'er #istance and S/,$o&s o1 Po'er and A t0orit/ 5IL >BA >B8 %one an' ehavior of 7o&er an' Authority Lan$ua$e as Symbol of 7o&er an' Authority 9amily an' Societal Structures as In'icators of 7o&er >B= 5II Asserti2eness 2ers s Peace)ee-in! Stan'in$ Up for 2ne(s #i$hts >BB 7reservin$ <armony .onetary #eco$nition 0onmonetary A&ar's Hos-ita&it/ LA? A?? LA5 A?> A?A Reco!nition o1 Per1or,ance

Con2entions 1or E.tendin! In2itations LAM .i/in$ Social )n$a$ements an' usiness Appropriate ehavior for <osts an' Guests A?5 A?5

Gift Givin$

A?: A?B

;ealin$ &ith Controversy in Social Settin$s A?B <oli'ay Greetin$s En!a!e,ents S ,,ar/ Notes L5@ In1or,ation" #ecisions" and So& tions L5N A>= L5> L5M L5A Et0ica& Considerations in Interc &t ra&


B siness In1or,ation3Gat0erin! 7ossession of Information AA>

%he 0ature of usiness Information Ambi$uity versus E<ar'E ;ata usiness Information Sources 7ublic Information Sources Informal Sources #ecision3Ma)in! AA= AA3 AA4 AA4

Information an' the @no&le'$e )conomy Criteria for usiness Information L?A AAB


.akin$ ;ecisions ase' on )n's A3? (FLikin$ ;ecisions ase' on .eans A3A Pro$&e, So&2in! and Con1&ict Reso& tion L?@ A38 ;efinin$ 7roblems an' ;ealin$ &ith %hem A35 .ana$in$ Conflicts Communicatin$ about Conflicts A4? S ,,ar/ Notes LMM Interc &t ra& Ne!otiation LM@ LM?


What Rea&&/ <appene' &ith Can&all

in ChinaC

A4: A5? L@L A5A A5= A8?

<o& @no&le'$e of Culture Can <elp *actors in Ne!otiatin! )/pectations for 2utcomes

.embers of the 0e$otiatin$ %eam A54 7hysical Conte/t of the 0e$otiation %he 7hases of 0e$otiation S ,,ar/ Notes L>A Le!a& and Go2ern,enta& Considerations in Interc &t ra& B siness LKI A83 Communication an' Style of 0e$otiatin$

CHAPTER IO7 Co,, nication L>5

Co,, nication and Le!a& Messa!es S-eci1ic Le!a& S/ste,s Co'e La& A:5 An$lo+American Common La& A:5 Islamic La& A:5 #is- te Sett&e,ent L>K ;irect Confrontation an' Arbitration Communication &ith A$ents A:: %ra'emarks an' Intellectual 7roperty Interest LN5 LN? LNM A=4 A=8 A=: L>M


A:8 A:B

M &tinationa& Enter-rise and t0e Nationa& Le!a& Iss es in La$or and Mana!e,ent Co,, nication La$or Re! &ations Safety on the "ob )*ual 2pportunity

)mployment Communication

Le!a& Considerations in Mar)etin!

Co,, nication


In2est,ent Attit des and t0e Co,, nication o1 *inancia& In1or,ation Case LI@ LIK Notes LI> T0e In1& ence o1 LII ?AA ?AL ?AM S ,,ar/

CHAPTER II7 Co,, nication Co,, nication

B siness Str ct res and Cor-orate C &t re on Interc &t ra& B siness Cor-orate C &t re and Interc &t ra& Sta!es in Internationa&i<ation T0e I,-ort3E.-ort Sta!e #easons for )/portin$ )nvironment 3?4 T0e M &tinationa& Cor-oration %he 0ational Subsi'iary %he International ;ivision T0e G&o$a& *ir, ?5K 3?: 3?= ?A> 3?4

Communication in the Import+)/port

%he Structure of the Global 9irm 3>8 Communication in the Global 2r$aniDation 3>: T0e E.a,-&e o1 Leis re W0ee&s" Inc+ Str ct res 1or Co,, nication in t0e Internationa& *ir, Cre'entials 3A3 Communication in the 2r$aniDation ase' on Conte/t 3A5 Communication in the 2r$aniDation ase' on ?L? Communication in the 2r$aniDation ase' on ?L5 I,-&ications o1 C &t ra& As-ects o1 B siness

9amily 2rientation 7olitical 7rinciples Case Notes ?LI ??A ??5 S ,,ar/

3A: 3A:

Communication in the 2r$aniDation ase' on


T0e E11ecti2eness o1 ??? ??M 7urpose of the 33= Cultural

Interc &t ra& B siness Co,, nication and B siness 6 d!,ent T0e Re&ations0i- $et'een E11ecti2eness and C0anne& C0oice .essa$e 334 Availability of %echnolo$y )nvironment of Channel Choice

338 Concerns for Confi'entiality

33= T0e Re&ations0i- $et'een E11ecti2eness o1 ??I Intercultural 34? Intercultural usiness

Interc &t ra& B siness Co,, nication and Position in t0e Or!ani<ation usiness Communication 0ee's for Upper+Level .ana$ers Communication 0ee's for .i''le+Level .ana$ers Communication for Lo&er+Level )mployees t0e C &t ra& En2iron,ent o1 t0e *ir, 348 Attitu'es to&ar' usiness 34= 6olume of Communication 344

34A Intercultural usiness

T0e Re&ations0i- $et'een E11ecti2eness o1 Interc &t ra& B siness Co,, nication and ?M@ 7erceptions of #oles 345 Lin$uistic ;ifferences 348 ;ifferent Lea'ership Styles 348 Gro&in$ Cultural 34: 9eelin$s of Cultural Superiority 34B A S ,,ar/ o1 Inter1ace $et'een C0anne&" Position in ?@A ?@A

;iversity in ;omestic an' International 2perations t0e *ir," and C &t ra& En2iron,ent S ,,ar/ ?@L Notes ?@L

Reco,,endations 1or S ccess1 & Interc &t ra& B siness Co,, nication


C &t re and Co,, nication

#ona&d Hastin!s 0ad $een c0air,an o1 Linco&n E&ectric" a &eadin! ,an 1act rer o1 arc3 'e&din! -rod cts" 1or on&/ LM ,in tes on t0e 6 &/ da/ in &&6&HL '0en 0e &earned i0e co,-an/ 'as s 11erin! 0 !e &osses in E ro-e+ T0e &osses ,eant t0e co,-an/ ,i!& not $e a$&e to -a/ U+S+ e,-&o/ees t0eir e.-ected ann a& $on s+ Since t0e $on s s/ste, 'as a )e/ co,-onent o1 t0e ,an 1act rer:s s ccess" 'idi $on ses ,a)in! - a$o t 0a&1 t0e U+S+ e,-&o/eesF ann a& sa&ar/" t0is 'as a , c0 !reater t0reat t0an si,-&/ a disa--ointin! -er1or,ance $/ t0e co,-an/" &3or t0e 1irst &i,e in its >@3/ear 0istor/" it &oo)ed &i)e Linco&n 'o &d 0a2e to re-ort a conso&idated &osQ+ Linco&n H&eciric+ $ased in C&e2e&and" O0io" 0ad e.-anded 0 !e&/ in t0e &ate I:6SOs+ s-endin! a$o t S?LrQ ,i&&ion to ac% ire 1orei!n co,-anies+ B t accordin! &o Hastin!s" &ac) o1 )no'&ed!e a$o t eit0er t0e c &t res o1 t0e ac% ired co,-anies or I0e c &t res o1 t0e co ntries t0e/ o-erated in 'as a critica& 1actor in t0e co,-an/:s 1inancia& no+sedi2e+ Lor e.a,-&e" t0e $on s s/ste, 'as not an incenti2e to E ro-ean 'or)ers" '0o 'ere 0osti&e to t0e idea o1 co,-etin! 'it0 co3'or)ers 1or t0eir ann a& -a/+ Instead t0e/ 1o&&o' -a/ sca&es t0ai 8ire t0e res &t o1 contract ne!otiations $/ &a$or &eaders '0o re-resent 'or)ers and reac0 a!ree,ents 'it0 ,ana!e,ent+ T0e idea t0at indi2id a& 'or)ers ,i!0t e.ceed or 1a&& $e&o' t0e a!reed a,o nt o1 inco,e de-endin! on indi2id a& -er1or,ance 'as 'or)ers+ Linco&n E&ectric a&so &earned t0at -rod cts not ,ade in a E ro-ean co ntr/ 'o &d not easi&/ $e a$&e to -enetrate t0at co ntr/:s ,ar)et $eca se o1 a c &t ra& &o/a&t/ to do,estica&&/ -rod ced !oods+ A t0ird -ro$&e, 'as t0at ti2es o1 Linco&n:s recent&/ ac% ired E ro-ean co,-anies on&/ 'anted to dea& 'it0 Linco&n:s to- ti2es" not 'it0 &o'er3&e2e& -eo-&e sent o2er 1ro, O0io+ T0is stat s iss e arises 1ro, t0e c &t ra& c0aracteristic o1 0ierarc0/ in Ger,an c &t re+ Anot0er c &t ra& iss e is t0at 'or)ers in Ger,an/" *rance" and ot0er E ro-ean co ntries t/-ica&&/ 0a2e a ,ont0 o1 2acation in t0e s ,,er" so -rod ction !ears do'n d rin! t0is s&o' ti,e+ A 1i1t0 -ro$&e, 'as t0at no$od/ in t0e ti2e 9o$s at Linco&n 0ad 0ad internationa& e.-erience or 0ad &i2ed a$roadt0e c0ie1 1inancia& o11icer GC*OH didn:t e2en 0a2e a -ass-ort" and a &ast3,in te -anic occ rred to !et one 1or 0i, $e1ore a Ui- 0e r!ent&/ needed to ,a)e to nacce-ta$&e to E ro-ean

E ro-e+ It 1ina&&/ $eca,e c&ear to Hastin!s t0at 0e co &d not 0o-e to $rin! Linco&n $ac) to -ro1ita$i&it/ 'it0o t ,o2in! to E ro-e 0i,se&1" '0ere 0e co &d $e at 0and &o i&ea& 'it0 -ro$&e,s i,,ediate&/ '0i&e &earnin! '0at 0e and t0e ot0er ti2es needed to )no' a$o t c &t re+ T0e stor/ o1 0o' Linco&n E&ectric ra&&ied and 1ina&&/ ac0ie2ed s ccess is a dra,a a$o t t0e enor,o s e11orts $/ t0e U+S+ 'or)ers '0o 0ad $een 1 &&/ in1or,ed o1 t0e $&eedin! in E ro-e+ It is a&so a ca tionar/ ta&e o1 0o' t0e c0air,an and ti2es -ain1 &&/ &earned t0e &essons o1 c &t re t0e/ needed to )no' to o-erate o2erseas+5

*ai& re in $ siness acti2ities a$road can $e 1ata& to a co,-an/" as t0e Linco&n E&ectric e.-erience a&,ost de,onstrated+ Mista)es can $e nconscio s as 'e&& as nintentiona&+ A '0o&e $od/ o1 &iterat re 0as a--eared t0at doc ,ents c &t ra& $& nders in internationa& $ siness e11orts+ T0e &ist o1 errors is 2er/ &on!+ A&on! 'it0 t0e errors are &ists o1 do:s and ta$oos 1or $ siness-eo-&e+ T0ese are caveats a!ainst t0ose -otentia&&/ 1ata& fau/ pasas i1 re,e,$erin! not to cross /o r &e!s in T0ai&and and not to re1 se a c - o1 co11ee in Sa di Ara$ia is a&& /o need to )no' in order to c&ose a dea&+ B t &ists can:t co2er e2er/t0in!" and t0is -ro&i1eration o1 -rint does not te&& /o &hy /o s0o &dn:t cross /o r &e!s or sa/ no to t0e co11ee+ And n&ess /o nderstand t0e '0/" /o 'i&& sooner or &ater tri- - and 1a&& on /o r 1ace+ T0e $& nders3and3$&oo-s &iterat re is 1 && o1 instances in '0ic0 t0e 1a&& rea&&/ 'as 1ata& and t0e dea& ca,e a-art+ It is a&'a/s $eca se so,eone didn:t nderstand t0e &hy rat0er t0an t0e '0at o1 c &t re+ *ront3sta!e c &t re is '0at -eo-&e in contact 'it0 one anot0er 1ind easiest to o$ser2e and react to+ It in2o&2es c &t ra&&/ identi1ia$&e actions s c0 as s0a)in! 0ands or $o'in! or )issin! -on ,eetin!+ At t0e 1ront o1 t0e sta!e" interactants can res-ond to c &t ra& c es and ,odi1/ t0eir o'n $e0a2ior" creatin! a transactiona& c &t re $et'een t0e,+ In t0is transactiona& c &t re" '0ic0 ,a/ $e transitor/ and &ast on&/ as &on! as t0e interactants are in2o&2ed in co,, nication" t0e -artici-ants can 1or, $e0a2iors and act -on attit des t0at are s0a-ed -ri,ari&/ $/ t0e interaction+ T0e conte.t o1 t0e interaction $eco,es ,ore i,-ortant 1or ,o&din! actions t0an t0e indi2id a&s: o'n c &t ra& $ac)!ro nds+ W0en interactants are sensiti2e to anot0er c &t re and )no'&ed!ea$&e a$o t it" t0e/ ad9 st t0eir $e0a2ior+ T0e a,o nt o1 ad9 sted $e0a2ior t0at occ rs in t0eir co3created

transactiona& c &t re de-ends -on t0eir &e2e& o1 so-0istication 'it0 t0e ot0er c &t re+ *or instance" a Canadian $ siness,an ,a/ $o' to a 6a-anese $ siness,an" a&t0o !0 t0e Canadian 'o &d not $o' to a 1e&&o' co ntr/,an+ A Tai'anese $ siness'o,an 'it0 e.-erience o1 Bra<i&ian c &t re ,a/ )iss t0e c0ee) o1 a Bra<i&ian $ siness,an on 1irst ,eetin!" $ t 'o &d not )iss t0e c0ee) o1 a Tai'anese ,an or 'o,an+ T0ese -eo-&e 0a2e ad9 sted t0eir nati2e c &t ra& $e0a2ior and 0a2e &earned to act as i1 ,e,$ers o1 t0e ot0er c &t re+ T0eir co nter-arts ,a/ a&so e.0i$it ad9 sted $e0a2ior7 T0e 6a-anese ,a/ o11er 0is 0and 1or a 0ands0a)e and t0e Bra<i&ian ,a/ )ee- a distance in de1erence to Tai'anese c sto,+ Indi2id a&s: o'n c &t ra& $ac)!ro nds !i2e rise to t0e $ac)3sta!e c &t ra& $e0a2iors+ T0ese are not so easi&/ o$ser2ed $/ ot0ers as are t0e 1ront3sta!e $e0a2iors" $ t t0e/ nder&ie '0at ot0ers do see+ T0e $ac)3sta!e $e0a2iors are s a&&/ nconscio s8 t0e actors are not a'are t0e/ are $e0a2in! in a c &t ra&&/ dri2en 'a/+ Us a&&/ -eo-&e t0in) t0eir o'n $ac)3sta!e $e0a2ior is si,-&/ nor,a&+ Bac)3sta!e $e0a2iors inc& de t0e 'a/ -eo-&e ,a)e decisions" res-ond to dead&ines" acco,-&is0 tas)s" ran) e2ents $/ i,-ortance" and conce-t a&i<e )no'&ed!e+ I1 /o nderstand t0e &hy o1 c &t re" /o can e.-&ain $ac)3sta!e $e0a2ior+ T0e &hy is t0e essence o1 a -eo-&e:s c &t re+ E2er/t0in! /o ,a/ )no' and can sa/ a$o t a c &t re &eads $ac) to t0at7 ans'ers to '0/ -eo-&e $e&ie2e as t0e/ do" act as t0e/ do" and !i2e i,-ortance to t0in!s as t0e/ do+ I1 /o nderstand '0/ -eo-&e 2a& e so,e t0in!s" nderstand '0/ t0en /o can ,a)e !ood ! esses a$o t '0/ t0e/ 2a& e ot0er t0in!s+ I1 /o

t0e/ $e0a2e a certain 'a/" /o can inter-ret ot0er $e0a2ior 'it0 a de!ree o1 acc rac/+ Once /o 0a2e an insi!0t into '0at -eo-&e t0in) is i,-ortant and 0o' t0e/ $e0a2e" /o can do $ siness 'it0 t0e,+ (o )no' '0at ,a)es t0e, t0e 'a/ t0e/ are+ Culture: the Operatin En!ironment or "indo#s o$ the %ind Geert Ho1stede" a t0or o1 researc0 in interc &t ra& co,, nication and or!ani<ationa& -ractices" re1ers to c &t re as Ft0e so1t'are o1 t0e ,ind+F B t 'e 'ant to ta)e t0at co,- ter ana&o!/ 1 rt0er and sa/ t0at c &t re is the operatin$ environment t0at ena$&es so1t'are -ro!ra,s to r n+ C &t re is &i)e #OS or Uni. or Windo's7 It is '0at ena$&es s to -rocess in1or,ation in 2ario s s-eci1ic a--&ications+ We 1ind t0e ,eta-0or o1 &in'o&s 2er/ a--ea&in! to descri$e c &t re7 C &t re is a ,enta& set o1 'indo's t0ro !0 '0ic0 a&& o1 &i1e is 2ie'ed+ It

2aries 1ro, indi2id a& to indi2id a& 'it0in a societ/" $ t it s0ares i,-ortant c0aracteristics 'it0 ,e,$ers o1 a societ/+ Ho' t0e 'indo's di11er 1ro, societ/ to societ/ and 0o' an o tsider can &earn to reco!ni<e '0at is essentia&&/ trans-arent to t0e indi2id a& ,e,$er o1 a c &t re are t0e s $9ect o1 t0is $oo)+ T0e rest o1 t0is c0a-ter is di2ided into t0ree sections7 Understandin! C &t re" Res-onses to Ot0er C &t res" and C &t re and Co,, nication+ UN#ERSTAN#ING CULTURE T0ere are 0 ndreds o1 de1initions o1 culture. It is di11ic &t to de1ine $eca se it is a &ar!e and inc& si2e conce-t+ FE2er/t0in! /o need to )no' in &i1e to !et a&on! in a societ/F is not as se1 & a de1inition" 0o'e2er" as one t0at 1oc ses on '0at c &t re:s c0aracteristics are+ C &t re in2o&2es &earned and s0ared $e0a2iors" nor,s" 2a& es" and ,ateria& o$9ects+ It a&so enco,-asses '0at 0 ,ans create to e.-ress 2a& es" attit des" and nor,s+ A c &t re is not s a&&/ disc ssed $/ t0e ,e,$ers '0o s0are it+ Ed'ard Ha&&" a )e/ researc0er into c &t res" 'rote C &t re RisS t0ose dee-" co,,on" nstated e.-eriences '0ic0 ,e,$ers o1 a !i2en c &t re s0are" '0ic0 t0e/ co,, nicate 'it0o t )no'in!" and '0ic0 1or, t0e $ac)dro- a!ainst '0ic0 a&& ot0er e2ents are 9 d!ed+L C &t re is &i)e t0e 'ater 1is0 s'i, ina rea&it/ t0at is ta)en 1or !ranted" rare&/ e.a,ined+ It is in t0e air 'e $reat0e and as necessar/ to o r nderstandin! o1 '0o 'e are as air is to o r -0/sica& &i1e+ C &t re is t0e -ro-ert/ o1 a co,, nit/ o1 -eo-&e" not si,-&/ a c0arac3 teristic o1 indi2id a&s+ Societies are -ro!ra,,ed $/ c &t re and t0at -ro!ra,,in! co,es 1ro, si,i&ar &i1e e.-eriences and si,i&ar inter-retations o1 '0at t0ose e.-eriences ,ean+ I1 c &t re is ,enta& -ro!ra,,in!" it is a&so a ,enta& ,a- o1 rea&it/+? It te&&s s 1ro, ear&/ c0i&d0ood '0at ,atters" '0at to -re1er" '0at to a2oid" and '0at to do+ C &t re a&so te&&s s '0at o !0t to $e+M It !i2es s ass ,-tions a$o t t0e idea& $e/ond '0at indi2id a&s ,a/ e.-erience+ It 0e&-s s in settin! -riorities+ It esta$&is0es codes 1or $e0a2ior and -ro2ides 9 sti1ication and &e!iti,i<ation 1or t0is $e0a2ior+ *ro, a,on!3i0e ,an/ de1initions o1 c &t re" 0ere is t0e de1inition t0is $oo) 'i&& se7 Culture is t0e co0erent" &earned" s0ared 2ie' o1 a !ro - o1 -eo-&e a$o t &i1e:s concerns t0at

ran)s '0at is i,-ortant" 1 rnis0es attit des a$o t '0at t0in!s are a--ro-riate" and dictates $e0a2ior+ T0is de1inition deser2es a c&oser e.a,ination+ *irst" it contains t0ree c0aracteristics o1 c &t re8 t0en it o t&ines t0ree t0in!s c &t re does+

Culture Is Coherent Eac0 c &t re" -ast or -resent" is co0erent and co,-&ete 'it0in itse&1an entire 2ie' o1 t0e ni2erse+ T0e -ioneer researc0er into t0e st d/ o1 c &t res" Ed'ard T/&or" said in 5N>5 t0at c &t re is t0e o t'ard e.-ression o1 a ni1/in! and consistent 2ision $ro !0t $/ a -artic &ar co,, nit/ to its con1rontation 'it0 s c0 core iss es as t0e ori!ins o1 t0e cos,os" t0e 0ars0 n-redicta$i&it/ o1 t0e nat ra& en2iron,ent" t0e nat re o1 societ/ and 0 ,an)ind:s -&ace in t0e order o1 t0in!s+ @ T0at di11erent !ro -s o1 0 ,an $ein!s at di11erent ti,es in 0istor/ co &d de2e&odi11erent 2isions is $ot0 a ca se 1or 'onder" and as 'e s0a&& see" a ca se o1 ,is nderstandin!+ T0e incredi$&e ric0ness o1 t0e 2ariet/ o1 c &t res 1ascinates 0istorians" ant0ro-o&o!ists" tra2e&3 ers" and near&/ e2er/$od/+ It ,a)es a&& o r &i2es ric0er to !&i,-se and e2en c&ai, a $it o1 t0is treas re o1 0 ,an ac0ie2e,ent+ Re!ard&ess o1 0o' -ec &iar a 1ra!,ent o1 a c &t re see,s" '0en it is -&aced 'it0in t0e '0o&e ta-estr/ o1 t0e c &t re" it ,a)es sense+ Consider a 0/-ot0etica& case+ A $oat 1 && o1 so t03 coast C0inese decide to set sai& 1or San *rancisco" )no'n as FO&d Go&d Mo ntainF in C0ina 1or a cent r/ and a 0a&1+ It is a -&ace '0ere i,,i!rants can ac% ire !o&d" i1 not $/ ,inin! it t0en $/ 'or)in! 1or it+ So,e'0ere a&on! t0e 'a/ t0e/ are $&o'n o11 co rse $/ a stor," and t0e/ act a&&/ reac0 &and1a&& o11 t0e coast o1 Me.ico+ It is t0e &ast 'ee) o1 Octo$er" and t0e/ 'eari&/ !o as0ore to t0e nearest to'n to see '0ere t0e/ are+ B t to t0eir 0orror and dis,a/" in e2er/ store 'indo' and e2er/ 0o,e are i,a!es o1 s)e&etons" s) &&s" and !ra2es+ In C0ina" deat0 is not to $e ,entioned e2en $/ 0o,on/, G'ords t0at ,ere&/ so nd &i)e 'ords associated 'it0 deat0 are a2oidedH" &et a&one $roadcast $/ i,a!es e2er/'0ere+ Ho'e2er" )l ;ia 'e Los .uertos, t0e #a/ o1 t0e #ead" is a 1iesta 'it0 dee- ,eanin! 1or Me.ican 1a,i&ies+ It e,-0asi<es 1a,i&/ ties t0at reac0 $e/ond t0e !ra2e" as de-arted 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers are re,e,$ered and conscio s&/

$ro !0t to 9oin t0e &i2in! 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers t0ro !0 a ce&e$ration+ GIn 1act" t0e C0inese traditiona&&/ 0o&d a ce&e$ration 'it0 a si,i&ar o$9ecti2e" ca&&ed !in$ .in$, on t0e 1i1t0 da/ o1 t0e 1o rt0 ,ont0" or A-ri& @+H I1 t0e C0inese nderstood &hy t0e Me.icans dis-&a/ s) &&s and s)e&etons e2er/'0ere" t0e/ co &d res-ect t0e Me.icans: attit des to'ard deat0 s/,$o&s+ B t i1 a&& t0e/ 0a2e is t0e c &t re 1ra!,enta $it o1 $e0a2iort0e/ 'i&& -ro$a$&/ re!ard it as $i<arre" nnat ra&" and odio s+ T0e co,-&eteness o1 c &t res a&so ,eans ,e,$ers &oo)in! o t 1ro, t0eir o'n sea,&ess 2ie' o1 t0e ni2erse -ro$a$&/ do not see an/t0in! &ac)in! in t0eir F ni1/in! and consistent 2ision+F W0/ do I need to )no' anot0er c &t re= Ho' can I see t0e -ossi$i&it/ o1 so,et0in! e.istin! '0ere I 0a2e a&'a/s seen not0in!= Ho' can I )no' '0at I don:t )no'= T0e res-onse to t0ese % estions 1irst reco!ni<es t0at c &t re deter,ines $ siness -ractices+ B siness -ractices are not ne tra& or 2a& e31ree+ Neit0er are $ siness co,, nication -ractices+ (o need to nderstand t0e c &t ra& 2a& es /o trans,it '0en /o interact 'it0 so,eone 1ro, anot0er c &t re" as 'e&& as t0e ot0er -erson:s c &t ra& 2a& es+ (o a&so need to reco!ni<e t0e &i)e&i0ood t0at t0ere 'i&& $e !a-s in co,-re0ension0o&es instead o1 connectionsin /o r interaction+ Understandin! anot0er c &t re is a &e!iti,ate concern o1 $ sinesses+ More t0an t0at" it is essentia&+ T0ose '0o ,a)e t0e e11ort to nderstand anot0er c &t re !ain )no'&ed!e a$o t 0o' to $e0a2e in t0at c &t re+ Or - t it anot0er 'a/7 I1 /o )no' '0at -eo-&e 2a& e and nderstand t0eir attit des" /o 'on:t nintentiona&&/ do so,et0in! t0at o11ends and di,inis0es /o r c0ances 1or $ siness s ccess+ An a t0or s-ea)in! a$o t t0e need 1or $ siness-eo-&e to )no' a$o t anot0er:s 2ie'-oint sa/s" Fre&ati2e&/ 1e' -eo-&e nderstand t0at ,asterin! a--ro-riate $e0a2ior ta)es -recedence o2er ,asterin! t0e &an! a!e+FK C ulture Is Learned

C &t re is not so,et0in! 'e are $orn 'it0" $ t rat0er it is learne'. T0is is not to sa/ -eo-&e can ta&) o$9ecti2e&/ a$o t t0eir o'n c &t re+ M c0 o1 '0at is &earned a$o t one:s o'n c &t re is stored in ,enta& cate!ories t0at are reca&&ed on&/ '0en t0e/ are c0a&&en!ed $/ so,et0in! di11erent+ We a&& 0a2e to $e ta !0t o r c &t re+ T0e -rocess $e!ins i,,ediate&/ a1ter $irt0e2en ear&ier" accordin!

to so,e+ I1 c &t re is &earned" t0en it is a&so learnable. T0at ,eans no$od/ 0as to re,ain 1or a &i1eti,e &oc)ed inside on&/ one c &t re+ I1 /o 'ant to nderstand ot0er c &t res" /o can &earn t0e,not 9 st &earn a$o t t0e," $ t act a&&/ !et inside t0e, and act accordin! to '0at is e.-ected in t0e,+ Man/ -eo-&e 0a2e &earned ,ore t0an one c &t re and ,o2e co,1orta$&/ 'it0in t0e,+ W0en circ ,stances dictate" t0e/ ,a)e t0e transition 1ro, one c &t re to anot0er easi&/+ B sinesses don:t 0a2e to acce-t 1ai& re in anot0er c &t re si,-&/ $eca se no re-resentati2e o1 t0e or!ani<ation !re' - in t0at c &t re+ T0is $oo) is a$o t 0o' to &earn ot0er c &t res+ We $e&ie2e it is not on&/ -ossi$&e to do so" $ t interestin! and re'ardin!+ Culture Is t&e Vie# o$ a 'roup o$ People A c &t re is s0ared $/ a societ/+ Me,$ers o1 t0e societ/ a!ree a$o t t0e ,eanin!s o1 t0in!s and a$o t t0e &hy. A&on! 'it0 e2er/one 1ro, '0o, t0e/ 0a2e &earned t0eir c &t reo&der 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers" teac0ers" s-irit a& &eaders" -eers" and re-resentati2es o1 &e!a&" -o&itica&" and ed cationa& instit tionst0e/ 0a2e inter-reted &i1e e.-eriences in 'a/s t0at 2a&idate t0eir o'n c &t re:s 2ie's+ T0ere1ore" since t0e/ 0a2e &itt&e do $t a$o t t0at 2a&idit/" t0e/ a&& s0are t0e 2ie' t0at t0eir inter-retations are correct+ T0e/ a!ree a$o t '0at t0e i,-ortant t0in!s are t0at tr &/ ,erit res-ect+ Me,$ers o1 a societ/ -ro$a$&/ a!ree 'it0o t 0a2in! to sa/ so t0at so,et0in! is necessar/ and i,-ortant+ Gro -s are ,oti2ated $/ co,,on 2ie's" and t0ese 2ie's are a d/na,ic 1orce in ena$&in! !ro -s to ac0ie2e societa& !oa&s -rotectin! econo,ic reso rces 1ro, nscr - &o s o tsiders" 1or e.a,-&e+ Peo-&e in a !i2en c &t re s0are s/,$o&s o1 t0at c &t re+ T0e ,ost o$2io s set o1 s/,$o&s is &an! a!e+ M c0 ,ore 'i&& $e said a$o t t0e ro&e o1 &an! a!e GC0a-ter LH and co,, nication G&ater in t0is c0a-terH+ C &t res a&so s0are 2is a& s/,$o&s+ Co,-an/ &o!os" icons" re&i!io s i,a!es" and nationa& 1&a!s are e.a,-&es o1 2is a& s/,$o&s+

A stor/ is to&d o1 t0e S &tan o1 Br nei" one o1 t0e 'or&d:s 'ea&t0iest ,en" '0o 'as s0o--in! in 0e stated+ T0e sa&es-erson a insisted 0e needed to s0o' de-art,ent store in Man0attan+ W0en identi1ication+ A % ic)3t0in)in! 0e ,ade a - rc0ase" 0e 'as as)ed aide 1or darted 1or'ard" - t 0is 0and identi1ication+ Ho'e2er" 0e carried no identi1ication+ FI:, t0e S &tan o1 Br nei"F No' 'e:&& &oo) at '0at c &t re does+ Culture Ran&s "hat Is Important W0at is o1 -ara,o nt i,-ortance to one !ro - ,a/ $e 2irt a&&/ ,eanin!&ess to anot0er+ *or instance" consider t0e a,assin! o1 'ea&t0+ In one Paci1ic Is&and c &t re" t0e G r r ,$a o1 Ne' G inea" a ric0 ,an is re% ired to e.-end a&& 0is care1 &&/ a,assed 1ort nein t0is case" -i!sin t0e &a2is0 entertain,ent o1 t0e ,e,$ers o1 0is societ/+ To $e a$&e to entertain t0is 'a/ is t0e rea& ,eanin! o1 'ea&t0 $eca se it ,eans t0e !i2er is o'ed and t0ere1ore 0as !reat -resti!e+ B t e.-&ain t0at to a $ siness-erson in t0e United States or Hon! Kon! or Ita&/ '0o 0as s-ent 0is or 0er &i1e a,assin! 'ea&t0T Us a&&/ in t0ese c &3 t res reso rces are to $e 0 s$anded and increased" not de-&eted in one $i! $&o'3 o t+ To $e s re" $ siness-eo-&e in t0ese c &t res o1ten ,a)e !enero s c0arita$&e and -0i&ant0ro-ic donations" $ t t0eir c &t res teac0 t0e, to treat 'ea&t0 'it0 care and ,a)e it !ro'+ C &t res ran) '0at is i,-ortant+ In ot0er 'ords" c &t res teac0 2a& es or -riorities+ T0e ter, values cro-s - 1re% ent&/ in $oo)s a$o t interc &t ra& $ siness+ So does t0e ter, attitu'e. W0at is t0e di11erence= In distin! is0in! $et'een attit des and 2a& es" one 'riter e.-&ains t0at !alues -ro2ide s 'it0 standards o1 co,-etence and o1 ,ora&it/" ! idin! or

deter,inin! attit des" $e0a2ior" 9 d!,ents" co,-arisons o1 se&1 and ot0ers" rationa&i<ations and 9 sti1ications" e.0ortati2e atte,-ts to in1& ence ot0ers" i,-ression ,ana!e,ent and se&13-resentations+ T0 s de1ined" 2a& es are

,oreo2er 1e'er in n ,$er t0an attit des" are conce-tions t0at transcend s-eci1ic attit de o$9ects and sit ations" are deter,inants o1 attit des as 'e&& as $e0a2ior" are d/na,ica&&/ c&oser to needs" and are ,ore centra& to t0at core o1 t0e -erson t0at 'e identi1/ as t0e se&1+> Va& es nder&ie attit des+ T0e/ a&so s0a-e $e&ie1s+ T0e/ ena$&e s to e!aluate '0at ,atters to s or to a--&/ standards to o r attit des and $e&ie1s+ Va& es are '0at -eo-&e !o to 'ar o2er or cond ct $ siness $/+ In order to co,, nicate a$o t $ siness in anot0er c &t re" it is necessar/ to nderstand t0e 2a& es t0at o-erate in t0at $ siness c &t re+ Beca se 2a& es te&& s 0o' to 'ei!0 t0e 'ort0 o1 so,et0in!" t0e/ indicate a re&ati2e 0ierarc0/+ We can ta&) a$o t 2a& es as c &t ra& -riorities+ Wit0in a c &t re" 2a& es ,a/ $e o1 !reater or &esser i,-ortance+ *or e.a,-&e" a c &t re ,a/ - t a 0i!0 -riorit/ on 0onest/ and a &o' -riorit/ on ,a)in! a ,ini,a& e11ort+ Priorities 2ar/ 1ro, c &t re to c &t re7 Pro!ress re-orts a$o t t0e de&i2er/ o1 a co,-onent 1ro, a 9oint32ent re ,a/ $e o1 !reat 2a& e to a # tc0 1ir, doin! $ siness 'it0 6a-an" $ t ,a/ $e o1 &itt&e 2a& e to a 6a-anese 1ir, a'aitin! de&i2er/ o1 a co,-onent 1ro, Ho&&and+ C &t res ena$&e -eo-&e to 1ind ans'ers to t0eir rec rrin! % estions7 D D D D D D

W0o are 'e= W0ere did 'e co,e 1ro,= W0at is t0e ,eanin! o1 o r $ein! 0ere" on t0is -artic &ar '0ir&in! Ho' does t0e ,eanin! o1 &i1e re2ea& itse&1= Ho' s0o &d 'e or!ani<e so 'e can !et a&on!= Ho' can 'e )no' o r s-irit a& di,ension= W0at does t0e best &i1e inc& de=

-&anet" at t0is ti,e" 'it0in t0is ecos/ste,=

T0e 2ariet/ o1 res-onses to t0ese % estions can astonis0 and enric0 s a&&+ We a&& can reco!ni<e and ,a)e a c&ai, to so,e e&e,ents o1 a&& c &t res $eca se 'e nderstand t0e 1 nda,enta& need t0at is $e0ind t0e,+ In $ siness conte.ts" t0e ,oti2ations o1 e,-&o/ees" -artners" s -eriors"

contractees" socia& associates" and ,e,$ers3at3&ar!e o1 a societ/ s-rin! 1ro, c &t ra& 2a& es" or in ot0er 'ords" '0at -eo-&e t0in) is i,-ortant+ In order to nderstand 0o' to do $ siness 'it0 ,e,$ers o1 anot0er c &t re" it is necessar/ to nderstand '0at ,oti2ates t0e,+ No &ist o1 do:s and ta$oos te&&s /o t0at+ B t '0ere to $e!in= W0at do /o need to )no' to co2er a&& necessar/ $ases in order to do $ siness= C0a-ters ? and M -resent a strate!/ 1or &earnin! a$o t anot0er c &t re+ T0e strate!/ can $e a--&ied to an/ c &t re+ It in2o&2es as)in! certain % estions a$o t a c &t reand contin in! to as) t0e, 'it0o t $ein! content t0at t0e '0o&e ans'er 0as e2er $een recei2ed+ (o 'i&& constant&/ $e $ i&din! /o r )no'&ed!e str ct res a$o t c &t res+ T0e % estions are in 1i2e !enera& areas7 5+ L+ ?+ iss es= M+ c &t re= @+ Ho' is t0eir societ/ or!ani<ed= Ho' do t0e/ see t0e indi2id a& se&1 in re&ation to t0e rest o1 t0e Ho' do -eo-&e in t0is c &t re t0in) and )no'= W0at do t0e/ consider ac0ie2e,ent= W0at is t0e re&ation o1 ,e,$ers o1 t0is c &t re to ti,e and s-irit a&

T0ese cate!ories and s $% estions 'it0in t0e, can !i2e eno !0 in1or,ation 1or a &earner o1 t0e c &t re to $eco,e 1& ent in t0at c &t re+ W0en /o nderstand t0e -riorities -eo-&e 0a2e" /o can -redict 'it0 so,e con1idence 0o' t0e/ -ro$a$&/ 'i&& res-ond to a s-eci1ic sit ation+ Culture (urnishes Attitudes An attitude is &earned" and it is a tendenc/ to res-ond t0e sa,e 'a/ to t0e sa,e o$9ect or sit ation or idea+ Attit des are 1ee&in!s a$o t t0in!s" $ased on 2a& es+ Attit des can c0an!e" a&t0o !0 c0an!e can $e di11ic &t+ (o can 0a2e an attit de to'ard eatin! ra' 1is0" 1or e.a,-&e" t0at is -ositi2e and is $ased on t0e $e&ie1 t0at e.-ert -re-aration o1 sushi and sashimi $/ 6a-anese c0e1s res &ts in c &inar/ de&icacies+ Or /o ,a/ 0a2e an attit de t0at is ne!ati2e" $ased on t0e

$e&ie1 t0at ra' 1is0 can contain -arasites t0at ca se n-&easant conse% ences in t0e 0 ,an di!esti2e s/ste,+ (o can e2en 0o&d $ot0 attit des at t0e sa,e ti,e+ I1 /o do" t0en -ro$a$&/ /o !alue $ot0 1ine eatin! e.-eriences and -0/sica& 0ea&t0+ Attit des are $ased on $e&ie1s as 'e&& as 2a& es+ Belie$s are con2ictions or certainties $ased on s $9ecti2e and o1ten -ersona& ideas rat0er t0an on -roo1 or 1act+ Belie$ s)stems or re&i!ions are -o'er1 & so rces o1 2a& es and attit des in c &t res+ We 'i&& &oo) at re&i!ions in ,ore detai& in C0a-ter ?+ Attit des 2ar/ accordin! to 0o' i,-ortant so,et0in! is rec)oned to $e G2a& eH+ In Me.ican c &t re" a deat0 o1 an a nt is an e2ent t0at $ siness associates are e.-ected to 2ie' as si!ni1icant to t0e 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers8 a $oss is e.-ected to 0a2e an nderstandin! attit de to'ard an e,-&o/ee '0o is not a$&e to !et a re-ort done $/ a dead&ine $eca se o1 t0e 1 nera& and 1a,i&/ needs+ In Britain" t0e attit de to'ard a $ siness associate:s &oss o1 an a nt is t0at t0is is a -ri2ate a11air" re!retta$&e and -er0a-s 2er/ sad" $ t so,et0in! t0at EB0o &d not a11ect 'or) to a !reat e.tent+ In 1act" 1or a $ siness-erson" 0and&in! t0e sit ation 'e&& ,eans )ee-in! it 1ro, 0a2in! an i,-act on 'or)+ Re-orts s0o &d co,e in on :+77ne i1 -ossi$&e+ Culture *i+tates Ho# to Beha!e To contin e t0e e.a,-&e o1 t0e -re2io s disc ssion" a $rie1 e.-ression o1 s/,-at0/ $/ one $ siness-erson to a $erea2ed 'or) associate at t0eir ne.t ,eetin! is a--ro-riate Britis0 $e0a2ior+ I1 t0e association is &on!standin!" -er0a-s a card is sent+ In Me.ico" on t0e ot0er 0and" , c0 ,ore t0an an e.-ression o1 s/,-at0/ is a--ro-riate $e0a2ior+ B siness associates ,a/ attend t0e 1 nera&" send 1&o'ers" o11er ser2ices s c0 as trans-ortin! 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers" and 2isit t0e 1a,i&/ 0o,e to s0o' res-ect+ Beha!ior co,es direct&/ 1ro, t0e attit des a$o t 0o' si!ni1icant so,et0in! is0o' it is 2a& ed+ Va& es dri2e actions+ B siness is a co,-osite o1 actions+ So 'e:re $ac) at t0e -oint ,ade ear&ier7 C &t ra& -riorities ,oti2ate $ siness $e0a2ior+

In $ siness" c &t ra& di11erences s a&&/ ,a)e t0e,se&2es )no'n 1irst $/ $e0a2ior" '0ic0 is re&ated to attit des and '0ic0 s-rin!s 1ro, -riorities G2a& esH in t0e c &t re+ Ta)e t0e case o1 an o2erd e re-ort in t0e 1o&&o'in! scenario+ A 6a-anese e,-&o/ee in To)/o '0ose re-ort is not read/ $/ t0e dead&ine !oes to 0is s -erior and e.-&ains t0at -ro$&e,s at 0o,e 'it0 0is 'i1e 0a2e dri2en 0i, to drin)in! ,ore t0an 0e s0o &d and !oin! 0o,e 2er/ &ate a1ter t0e e,-&o/ees: e2enin!s o t+ T0e res &t is a ra!in! 0an!o2er t0at ,a)es 0i, na$&e to concentrate on 'ritin! t0e re-ort+ *or t0e 6a-anese 'or)er" neit0er t0e e.cessi2e drin)in! nor t0e do,estic -ro$&e, is a so rce o1 s0a,e" and 0is e.-ectation is t0at t0e s -erior:s attit de 'i&& $e acce-tance and a -aterna&istic concern 1or t0e e,-&o/ee:s -&i!0t+ T0e s -erior:s $e0a2ior is -ro$a$&/ to co nse& t0e e,-&o/ee and to in% ire into t0e do,estic sit ation in s $se% ent 'ee)s+N W0en t0is scenario is -resented to $ siness-eo-&e in t0e United States" t0e/ t/-ica&&/ sa/ t0at an e,-&o/ee '0o e.-&ained t0at 0e 0ad 1ai&ed to co,-&ete a re-ort $eca se o1 a 0an!o2er 1ro, e.cessi2e drin)in! G'0et0er or not it 'as to esca-e do,estic -ro$&e,sH 'o &d -ro$a$&/ inc r do $&e conde,nation" at &east in t0e ,ind o1 t0e s -erior+ He 'o &d $e critici<ed 1or drin)in! too , c0 and a&so 1or not co,-&etin! t0e re-ort on ti,e+ Genera&&/ s-ea)in!" in t0e United States t0e s -erior:s $e0a2ior 'o &d $e to te&& t0e e,-&o/ee to !et 0o&d o1 0i,se&1 and !et so,e 0e&- or e&se e.-ect t0e n-&easant conse% ences t0at 1o&&o' 1ro, 1ai& re to -er1or, one:s 'or)+ T0e e,-&o/ee in t0e United States ,a/ $e no &ess de$i&itated $/ a 0an!o2er t0an 0is 6a-anese co nter-art" $ t 0e 'i&& o11er so,e ot0er reason 1or not $ein! a$&e to !et t0e re-ort done7 He ,a/ ca&& in sa/in! 0e:s i&&+ Be0a2iors $/ t0e e,-&o/ee and t0e s -erior in 6a-an and t0e United States are di11erent8 attit des a$o t t0e ro&e o1 t0e s -erior are di11erent8 attit des $/ t0e s -eriors to'ard t0e e,-&o/ees: sit ation are di11erent+ A&& t0ese di11erences can $e traced to t0e root di11erence7 T0e c &t ra& -riorit/ -&aced on s $,ittin! a re-ort on ti,e is di11erent+ In 6a-an" t0e -assed dead&ine ,a/ not $e as si!ni1icant as t0e ,aintenance o1 t0e re&ations0i- $et'een e,-&o/ee and

s -erior" and t0at re&ations0i- is a )ind o1 -aterna&is, or -atron3c&ient re&ations0i-+ In t0e United States" an e,-&o/ee:s -er1or,in! 'or) on sc0ed &e is si!ni1icant as an indicator t0at t0e e,-&o/ee is res-onsi$&e" s0ares t0e or!ani<ation:s !oa&s 1or ac0ie2e,ent" and - ts t0e or!ani<ation:s !oa&s 1or -er1or,ance a$o2e -ersona& ,atters+ O1 co rse" indi2id a&s and indi2id a& or!ani<ations 'i&& not a&& s0are t0ese !enera&i<ed c0aracteristics" eit0er in 6a-an or in t0e United States+ B t '0en t0is scenario is -resented to 6a-anese and A,erican !ro -s" t0e/ res-ond 'it0 t0ese !enera&i<ations+

RESPONSES TO OTHER CULTURES W0en ,e,$ers o1 di11erent c &t res 1ind t0e,se&2es 1ace to 1ace" a n ,$er o1 res-onses are -ossi$&e+ Histor/ s0o's t0at a co,,on res-onse is to c&as0 and to str !!&e 1or t0e do,inance o1 one set o1 2a& es o2er anot0er+ T0is is '0at 0a--ened in t0e ear&/ 0istor/ o1 t0e United States+

I,,i!ration tre,endo s&/ increased

0as t0e t0e

Priorities in t0e Nati2e c &t res o1 United States inc& ded Gand

-o- &ation o1 t0e United States traditiona&&/ sti&& inc& de toda/H so,e 'it0in t0e -ast MAA /ears" a1ter t0in!s t0e E ro-ean i,,i!rants did not initia&&/ -o- &ation United red cin! States" o1 t0e nati2e 2a& e" and 2ice32ersa+ *or e.a,-&e" T0e i,,i!rants 'anted to o'n &and8 Nati2es is t0o !0t t0e idea a$s rd t0at 0 ,ans" 'it0 dra,atica&&/+ co rse"

-ri,ari&/ a nation o1 i,,i!rants t0eir s0ort &i1e s-an and 1ee$&e stren!t0" 1ro, ot0er c &t res+ T0e 0istor/ o1 'o &d tr/ to o&n &and+ t0e -ast MAA /ears is t0e 0istor/ o1 Me,$ers o1 Nati2e c &t res 1o nd t0e 2a& es o1 certain c &t res si!ni1icance in )no'in! t0eir -&ace in t0e do,inatin! t0e 2a& es o1 ot0er sc0e,e o1 t0in!s in t0e nat ra& 'or&d" c &t res+ t0eir re&ations0i- to ot0er &i2in! creat res"

and t0eir ancient ori!ins+ Nati2e A,ericans &oo)ed $ac)






o2er Renaissance 2ie' t0at 0 ,an $ein!s 'ere

i,,eas ra$&e ti,e to t0e so rce ena$&ed $/ t0eir 'i&& to acco,-&is0 o1 t0eir e.istence in ani,a& '0ate2er t0e/ 'anted+ T0e/ sa' no ancestors '0o 'ere endo'ed ani,a& ori!ins $e0ind t0e s -er$ a-e. o1 'it0 si!ni1icant s-irit a& creation t0e/ $e&ie2ed 0 ,an)ind to $e+ T0e Nati2e A,ericans 'ere ass ,ed to c0aracteristics+

T0e E ro-ean i,,i!rants $e &ess t0an 0 ,an" a&t0o !0 so,e 'ere tr/in! to $rea) 'it0 0istor/ E ro-eans t0o !0t t0e/ 'ere redee,a$&e and start so,et0in! ne' and t0ro !0 ed cation into t0e E ro-ean 2ie'+ $ra2e+ T0e ,ode&s t0e 1o ndin! Ne2ert0e&ess" i,,i!rants to t0e 'estern 1at0ers conscio s&/ e, &ated !o2ernors+ t0eir T0e

United States in t0e 5It0 cent r/ 'ere

ere c&assica& Gree) and Ro,an re'arded in cas0 1or t0e sca&-s o1 Nati2e E ro-eans A,ericans+ Be0a2ior o1 t0e t'o !ro -s 'as a&so 2er/ di11erent+ T0e i,,i!rants 'ere &o d '0en t0e nati2es 'ere si&ent8 t0e/ 'ere a!!ressi2e '0en nati2es 'ere -assi2e+ T0e i,,i!rants $o !0t and so&d s&a2es t0at 'ere not considered % ite 0 ,an+ T0e s&a2e o'ners 'o &d 0a2e $een asto nded $/ t0e notion t0at t0e s&a2es -ossessed t0eir o'n 2ie'1ro, t0eir o'n c &t ra& 'indo'so1 a '0o&e and co,-&ete 2ision o1 t0e ,eanin! o1 &i1e+ T0e s&a2e o'ners 0ad no a--reciation 1or t0e co,-&e." ric0" o&d c &t res t0at 0ad 1&o ris0ed in West A1rica 1or cent ries+ T0e s&a2e o'ners t0o !0t t0e/ 'ere o11erin! t0e s&a2es an o--ort nit/ to $e&ie2ed God and reason 'ere on




t0eir e.-os re to E ro-ean c &t re+

Unti& t0e ,id3LAt0 cent r/" t0e !reatest n ,$er o1 i,,i!rants to t0e United States ca,e 1ro, E ro-e+ Since t0e c0an!e in i,,i!ration &a' in 5IKN" t0e &ar!est n ,$er o1 i,,i!rants 0as $een 1ro, Asia+ T0e/ s-ea) &an! a!es t0at are nre&ated to E ro-ean &an! a!es8 t0e/ 'rite in s/ste,s E ro-eans cannot deci-0er8 t0e/ c&ear&/ 0a2e 'or&d 2ie's t0at 0a2e $een de2e&o-ed 'it0o t re1erence to t0e West+ It is so,eti,es a s0oc) to t0e sensi$i&it/ o1 United States residents to rea&i<e t0at 1ar 1ro, as-irin! to assi,i&ate t0e c &t re o1 t0e do,inant E ro-ean i,,i!rants" t0ese i,,i!rants do not 'ant to assi,i&ate and t0ere$/ &ose t0eir o'n c &t res+ The Challen es o$ *i!ersit) #i2ersit/ is a 1act" and it is not !oin! to !o a'a/+ Not a&& c &t res in t0e 'or&d are !oin! to $eco,e &i)e /o rs+ Most -eo-&e in t0e 'or&d act a&&/ t0in) ot0ers o !0t to tr/ to i,itate and ado-t t0eir c &t re+ T0is is tr e" no ,atter '0o F'eF and Ft0e/F are+ Pa)istanis '0o 'or) in t0e oi&3ric0 e,irates o1 t0e Midd&e East" Po&es '0o 'or) in Ger,an/" Per 2ians in Canada'0oe2er t0e/ are" -eo-&e tend to $e&ie2e t0eir 2ie' o1 t0e ni2erse" as s0ared $/ ,an/ ot0ers and 2eri1ied $/ t0eir e.-eriences" is 1a,i&iar and nor,a& and home. Es-ecia&&/ '0en con1ronted 'it0 anot0er 2ie' o1 t0e ni2erse" 0 ,an)ind ta)es re1 !e in t0e co,1ort o1 t0e 1a,i&iar+ So,e0o' 'e need to &earn" in Ha&&:s 'ords" to Facce-t t0e 1act t0at t0ere are ,an/ roads to tr t0 and no c &t re 0as a corner on t0e -at0 or is $etter e% i--ed t0an ot0ers to searc0 1or it+FI We can start 'it0 Ho1stede:s ad2ice7 FT0e -rinci-&e o1 s r2i2in! in a , &tic &t ra& 'or&d is t0at one does not need to t0in)" 1ee& and act in t0e sa,e 'a/ in order to a!ree on -ractica& iss es and to coo-erate+F5A We can a!ree to $e di11erent and to a&&o' 1or di2ersit/+ We can ce&e$rate o r o'n c &t re in ter,s o1 0o' it is or is not &i)e anot0er" and ce&e$rate ot0er c &t res $eca se t0e/ are di11erent or si,i&ar+ T0e ,ore 'e )no' a$o t ot0er c &t res t0e ,ore 'e 'i&& )no' a$o t o r o'n+ T0en 'e can $e!in to

e.-&ain '0/ -eo-&e 1ro, di11erent c &t res $e0a2e t0e 'a/ t0e/ do in $ siness sit ations+ T0eir $e0a2ior &ill di11er" e2en i1 t0eir 'or)-&ace is in t0e sa,e c &t re+ *i!ersit) A,road O1ten interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication is re!arded as so,et0in! necessar/ on&/ 1or internationa& $ siness+ B t 'e 'ant to e,-0asi<e t0at ,an/ c &t res are re-resented 'it0in t0e $orders o1 one nation7 T0is is tr e o1 a&& co ntries t0at a&read/ 0a2e" or are ra-id&/ de2e&o-in!" a 0i!0 de!ree o1 tec0no&o!ica& e.-ertise+ In 1act a&& &ar!e cit/ centers" 1ro, #e&0i to #etroit" 1ro, Caracas to Canton" are -eo-&ed $/ ,e,$ers o1 c &t res 1ro, a&& o2er t0e 'or&d+ As ,ateria&s" ca-ita&" e.-ertise" and or!ani<ations ,i!rate" so a&so t0e 'or)1orce o1 e2er/ ,a9or center in t0e 'or&d is increasin!&/ ,ade - o1 ,i!rants+ Mar)ets" &a$or" and ,one/ are a&& !&o$a&+ Corres-ondin!&/" interc &t ra& co,, nication s)i&&s are e.tre,e&/ i,-ortant 1or $ siness-eo-&e &oo)in! 1or ,ar)ets" s --&iers" associates" -artners" s $sidiaries" or 9oint 2ent re co,-anies in 1orei!n co ntries+ Toda/:s s ccess1 & $ siness3-eo-&e , st $e a$&e to co,, nicate interc &t ra&&/ $ot0 at 0o,e and a$road+ B siness tra2e&ers are o1ten c0aracteri<ed as na'are o1and nconcerned a$o t-riorities in ot0er c &t res and t0e $e0a2iors t0e/ !enerate+ T0e/ are s --osed&/ interested on&/ in -ro1its+ T0e/ sa/" FIt 'or)s at 0o,e" so it 'i&& 'or) an/'0ere"F or FI )no' 0o' to se&&;,an 1act re;,ana!e an/'0ere"F or FM/ -rod ct is t0e $est" so I don:t 0a2e to 'orr/ a$o t t0e c &t re+F #ona&d Hastin!s" C0air,an E,erit s o1 Linco&n E&ectric" attri$ ted ,an/ o1 t0e co,-an/:s ,ista)es a$road Gsee t0e o-enin! o1 t0is c0a-terH to an ti2e attit de t0at since t0e/ 'ere s ccess1 & in t0e United States t0e/ , st certain&/ s cceed in ot0er co ntries+ B t t0ese c0aracteri<ations ,a/ not $e acc rate+ Most $ siness-eo-&e 'ant to act a--ro-riate&/ and a2oid o11endin! t0eir co nter-arts in 1orei!n co ntries+ Most $ siness-eo-&e 'ant to )no' t0e $ ttons to - s0 t0at ,oti2ate -eo-&e in ot0er c &t res" i1 on&/ 1or t0e sa)e o1 ,a)in! a sa&e+ B t t0ose '0o are !en ine&/

concerned a$o t 0o' to &earn '0at ,atters in anot0er c &t re 0a2e 1e' ! ides" $e/ond &ists o1 Fdo:s and don:ts+F As 'e 0a2e s !!ested" s c0 &ists are ne2er co,-&ete+ One researc0er s !!ests t0at Mc#ona&d:s s ccessit 0as ,ore o t&ets 'or&d'ide t0an in t0e United States" and a ne' Mc#ona&d:s o-ens so,e'0ere e2er/ 5> 0o rsis $eca se t0e/ -ractice a &oca&i<ed a--roac0+ Mc#ona&d:s s cceeds $eca se it o11ers '0at &oca& -eo-&e 'ant+F T0at ,eans $ein! sensiti2e to t0e c &t ra& needs o1 t0e i,,ediate ,ar)et+ So,e $ siness-eo-&e t rn to &ists o1 do:s and ta$oos 1or 0e&-" s c0 as t0is one !o2ernin! non2er$a& co,, nication7 D D D D Ne2er re1 se t0e o11er o1 co11ee 1ro, a $ siness,an in K 'ait+ Be 2er/ care1 & not to cross /o r &e!s so t0at t0e so&e o1 /o r 1oot On&/ re,o2e /o r 9ac)et and 'or) in s0irts&ee2es in 6a-an '0en Ne2er 0e&- /o rse&1 to 1ood '0en /o are t0e ! est o1 0onor at a #o not $eco,e irritated i1 /o 1ind /o rse&1 'aitin! 0a&1 an 0o r or Use $ siness co rtesies in India" s c0 as s0a)in! 0ands '0en #o not disc ss -o&itics in Ni!eria+ #o not o11er /o r 0ost !i1ts 1or 0is 'i1e or c0i&dren '0en doin! P&an to s-end a$o t t'o 0o rs on & nc0 in *rance+

-oints to so,eone in T0ai&and+ /o r 6a-anese co&&ea! es do so 1irst+ $an% et in C0ina+


,ore 1or an a--oint,ent 'it0 a $ siness-erson 1ro, Vene< e&a+ D D D D introd ced" e.ce-t '0en 1e,a&es are in2o&2ed+

$ siness in Sa di Ara$ia+

T0e do:s and ta$oos &ists are s a&&/ acc rate" $ t t0eir 0e&-1 &ness is &i,ited+ One3sentence ad2ice on $e0a2ior is &i)e seein! a sna-s0ot 1ro, a ,o2ie+ It is acc rate" $ t 'it0o t t0e conte.t o1 t0e ,o2ie:s stor/ &ine" c0aracter de2e&o-,ent" or e2en t0e s-eci1ic e-isode" t0e sna-s0ot:s si!ni1icance ,a/ not $e nderstanda$&e+ Lists o1 do:s and ta$oos can:t e.-&ain &hy /o s0o &d or s0o &d not $e0a2e in a -artic &ar 'a/ in a -artic &ar -&ace+ Lists can:t -ossi$&/ $e co,-re0ensi2e+ And e2en i1 a $ siness tra2e&er 'ere ar,ed 'it0 a 2er/ &on!

&ist" '0o can cons &t a &ist 1or e2er/ n ance in e2er/ di11erent co ntr/= It:s no 'onder t0at $ siness-eo-&e ,a/ see, to discard ti-s on do:s and ta$oos in 1a2or o1 si,-&/ $ein! t0e,se&2es and actin! t0e sa,e 'a/ a$road t0at t0e/ 'o &d at 0o,e+ And /et ,ost $ siness-eo-&e )no' t0at $ siness as s a& doin! '0at t0e/ do at 0o,ecan $e co nter-rod cti2e '0en doin! $ siness a$road+ To $e e11ecti2e in a 1orei!n $ siness settin!" /o need to )no' certain t0in!s" $ t not necessari&/ e2er/t0in!" a$o t t0at c &t re:s -riorities" its ,e,$ers: attit des" and 0o' t0e/ t0in) -eo-&e s0o &d $e0a2e+ Wit0 t0e ri!0t set o1 % estions" /o can &earn '0at /o need to )no' a$o t 0o' -eo-&e o1 anot0er c &t re t0in)+ T0en /o can dra' -ara&&e&s 1ro, 0o' -eo-&e t0in) to 0o' t0e/ -ro$a$&/ e.-ect /o to act+ *or e.a,-&e" i1 /o )no' -eo-&e in a -artic &ar c &t re 0a2e !reat res-ect 1or a!e and seniorit/" /o can in1er t0e/ 'i&& a--re3 ciate /o r standin! - '0en an o&der re-resentati2e 1ro, t0eir co,-an/ co,es into a ,eetin! roo,+ Beca se c &t res are co0erent and ,ade o1 e&e,ents )nit to!et0er in a 1a$ric" nderstandin! &hy ena$&es /o to nderstand t0e s-eci1ic &hat o1 $e0a2ior+ *or e.a,-&e" consider so,e o1 t0e &ist o1 do:s and don:ts a$o2e in t0e &i!0t o1 t0ese e.-&anations+ Hos-ita&it/ is 0i!0&/ 2a& ed in K 'ait" and re1 sin! t0e o11er o1 co11ee o11ends t0at 2a& e+ In B dd0ist T0ai&and" t0e so&e o1 t0e 1oot is t0e 1 rt0est -art o1 t0e anato,/ 1ro, 0ea2en and t0e &east sacred+ To s0o' t0e $otto, o1 t0e 1oot to so,eone is to s0o' disres-ect+ Si,i&ar&/" it s0o &dn:t s r-rise /o to )no' t0at T0ais consider to c0in! a -erson:s 0ead to $e disres-ect1 &" since t0e 0ead is sacred+ In 6a-an" '0ere standin! o t and $ein! di11erent t0reatens socia& 0ar,on/" ,atters o1 1or,s c0 as c&ot0in!are do,inated $/ consens s+ In C0ina" a 0ost can &ose 1ace i1 t0e ! est a--ears to $e 0 n!r/" since it is t0e 0ost:s ro&e to o11er e2en ,ore t0an t0e ! est can eat+ T0ere1ore" Fc&eanin! /o r -&ateF is not a !ood idea+ Ti,e in Latin A,erican c &t res is 1&e.i$&e8 it can $e stretc0ed to a&&o' t0in!s to $e attended to -ro-er&/+

Once /o $e!in to $ i&d a -ict re o1 a c &t re:s -riorities" /o can dra' 1air&/ acc rate ded ctions a$o t '0at )ind o1 $e0a2ior 'i&& $e o11ensi2e and '0at $e0a2ior 'i&& $e -&easin!+ C0a-ters ? and M disc ss '0at % estions to as) in order to 0a2e an nderstandin! o1 a c &t re t0at 'i&& ena$&e /o $ siness e11ecti2e&/+ CULTURE SHOCK One o1 t0e ine2ita$&e e.-eriences o1 i,,ersion in a ne' and n1a,i&iar c &t re is c &t re s0oc)+ It 0a--ens to e2er/$od/+ It:s i,-ortant to )no' t0at c &t re s0oc) and its s/,-to,s are nor,a& and to $e e.-ected in cross3c &t ra& i,,ersion e.-eriences+ T0e ter, culture shock is not % ite acc rate $eca se it re1ers to a ran!e o1 res-onses t0at ta)e -&ace o2er ti,e+ It isn:t a sin!&e 9o&t+ C &t re s0oc) is t0e sense o1 dis&ocation a&on! 'it0 t0e -ro$&e,s" -s/c0o&o!ica& and e2en -0/sica&" t0at res &t 1ro, t0e stress o1 tr/in! to ,a)e t0e 0 ndreds o1 ad9 st,ents necessar/ 1or &i2in! in a 1orei!n c &t re+ T0e 1irst sta!e o1 e.-eriencin! a ne' c &t re is s a&&/ euphoria. E2er/t0in! a$o t t0e e.citin! ne' ad2ent re is 'onder1 &+ T0is sta!e !enera&&/ &asts no &on!er t0an t'o 'ee)s" and so,e -eo-&e s)i- it a&to!et0er+ Tra2e&ers so,eti,es !o 0o,e $e1ore t0e/ 0a2e -ro!ressed to t0e ne.t sta!e+ T0e second sta!e is s a&&/ a do'nt rn as disillusionment and $rustration arise+ T0is is s a&&/ t0e sta!e -eo-&e re1er to '0en t0e/ se t0e ter, culture shock. It is a sense o1 dis&ocation t0at res &ts 1ro, 1indin! o t t0at inade% acies in /o r nderstandin!" /o r ,enta& road ,a-" 1or na2i!atin! in t0is ne' c &t re+ (o don:t )no' '0at /o don:t )no'+ *indin! o t '0at /o don:t )no' is e.0a stin!" e2en '0en it is a&so e.citin!+ Ine2ita$&/ t0ere are disa--oint,ents" in /o rse&1 and in ot0ers8 ine2ita$&/ /o ,a)e ,ista)es+ W0en t0e ad9 st,ent to a ne' c &t re ,eans an -'ard c0an!e in stat s" -eo-&e 1ee& !ood a$o t t0e ne' c &t re &on!er+ W0en t0e ad9 st,ent ,eans a do'n'ard c0an!e in stat s" -eo-&e 1ee& n0a--/ ,ore % ic)&/+ Most so9o rners e.-erience -s/c0o&o!ica& s/,-to,s o1 c &t re s0oc)+ So,e -eo-&e 1ind t0e,se&2es $eco,in! de-ressed+ T0e/ ,a/ e.-erience &on! -eriods o1 0o,esic)ness+ So,e are 2er/ &one&/" and t0e/ ,a/ $e in2o&2ed in to do

re&ations0i-s t0at t0e/ 'o &dn:t 1or, i1 t0e/ 'ere in t0eir o'n c &t re+ Near&/ a&& so9o rners and te,-orar/ residents in a ne' c &t re e.-erience dissatis1action 'it0 t0e 'a/ t0in!s are+ T0in!s t0at 1or,er&/ see,ed acce-ta$&e $eco,e irritations+ So9o rners can $eco,e a!!ressi2e and e.0i$it n-&easant $e0a2ior t0at t0e/ 'o &d not se at 0o,e+ T0e/ ,a/ !et an!r/ easi&/ and e.-ress 0osti&it/ and s s-icion to'ards ,e,$ers o1 t0eir 0ost c &t re+ *re% ent&/ c &t re s0oc) s0o's itse&1 '0en so9o rners $e&ie2e nati2e ,e,$ers o1 t0e c &t re are tr/in! to ta)e ad2anta!e o1 t0e,to o2erc0ar!e t0e," 1or e.a,-&e$eca se t0e/ are 1orei!n+ P0/sica& s/,-to,s o1 distress a&so can res &t 1ro, t0is sta!e o1 c &t re s0oc)+ T0e/ inc& de ac0es and -ains in &i,$s" 0eadac0es" c0ronic 1ati! e and &ac) o1 ener!/" &oss o1 a--etite" ina$i&it/ to !et a !ood ni!0t:s s&ee-" sto,ac0 -sets" and 1re% ent co&ds or 1& + T0is sta!e can &ast &on!er t0an t0e 1irst e -0oric sta!e-er0a-s ,ont0s+ T0e t0ird sta!e is ad-ustment. As t0e e.-atriate sees $ot0 sides and &earns ,ore a$o t 0o' t0e ot0er c &t re 'or)s" 0e or s0e is a$&e to coo-erate ,ore e11ecti2e&/ 'it0 ,e,$ers o1 t0e 0ost c &t re+ So,e s ccesses ,a/ occ r" and so& tions ,a/ $e 1o nd 1or t0e -ro$&e,s t0at see,ed so nreasona$&e and intracta$&e in sta!e t'o+ At t0is sta!e $ siness can -ro$a$&/ $e cond cted s ccess1 &&/+ T0e 1o rt0 sta!e" inte ration. occ rs '0en t0e e.-atriate $eco,es 1& ent eno !0 in t0e ot0er c &t re to ,o2e easi&/ 'it0in it and not $e t0ro'n $/ t0e di11erent attit des" $e&ie1s" and 2a& es and $/ t0e $e0a2iors t0e/ !enerate+ O1ten &in! istic 1& enc/ acco,-anies t0is sta!e+ At t0is sta!e t0e e.-atriate is a$&e to identi1/ 'it0 t0e 0ost c &t re+ B sinesses '0ose e,-&o/ee ac0ie2es inte!ration in anot0er c &t re ,a/ 1ee& at so,e ris)+ T0e/ ,a/ 'orr/ t0at t0eir e,-&o/ee" '0o is no' so at 0o,e in anot0er c &t re" does not tota&&/ re-resent t0e, an/ ,ore+ Most -eo-&e '0o 'or) in anot0er c &t re" re!ard&ess o1 t0e &en!t0 o1 t0e sta/" e.-erience a&& 1o r sta!es o1 c &t re s0oc)+ * rt0er,ore" t0e &on!er one sta/s" t0e ,ore c/c&es one !oes t0ro !08 t0e 1o rt0 sta!e" in '0ic0 one 1ee&s

co,1orta$&e in t0e ne' c &t re" &eads to anot0er e -0oric sta!e" 1o&&o'ed $/ 1r stration and disa--oint,ent" 1o&&o'ed $/ ad9 st,ent" and so on+ (o can red ce t0e s/,-to,s o1 c &t re s0oc) i1 /o are -re-ared to dea& 'it0 it7 D Be1ore /o &ea2e 0o,e" t0in) a$o t '0at /o :&& ,iss ,ost and tr/

to ,a)e so,e arran!e,ents to )ee- it in /o r &i1e+ Ta)e $oo)s" , sic" and -ersona& -ossessions t0at are i,-ortant to /o + D /o T0in) a$o t '0at /o can do to -ass 0o&ida/s and s-ecia& da/s t0at Ma)e -&ans to )ee- in to c0 'it0 s-ecia& -eo-&e and to 0a2e 1 nds s a&&/ s-end 'it0 1a,i&/ and 1riends+

1or an occasiona& -0one ca&& or -ac)a!e+ E3,ai& is 'ides-read and a con2enient 'a/ to 1ee& /o are in to c0+ In so,e co ntries it is e.-ensi2e" so /o ,a/ need to ,a)e so,e arran!e,ents $e1ore /o !o 1or ens rin! a re&ia$&e connection+ D I1 /o can !et -eo-&e to 'rite on a re! &ar $asis" /o :&& 1ind /o a--reciate t0eir ne's 2er/ , c0+ *or e.a,-&e" 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers or -eo-&e /o 'or) 'it0 co &d ta)e t rns" eac0 'ritin! a ,essa!e $/ E3,ai& or snai& ,ai& once a 'ee)+

(o can a&so 1ee& c&oser to 0o,e i1 /o can 1ind -eo-&e in t0e ne'

en2iron,ent '0o are 1ro, /o r o'n c &t re+ B t $e'are o1 t0e tendenc/ to de2e&o- an F sF and Ft0e,F attit de to'ard t0e 0ost c &t re8 1orei!ners can enco ra!e eac0 ot0er to ado-t 0osti&e 2ie's o1 t0e nati2es t0at ,a)e it 0arder to dea& 'it0 c &t re s0oc)" not easier+

It 0e&-s to 0a2e so,eone to ta&) to '0o 'i&& &isten s/,-at0etica&&/

-re1era$&/ so,eone 1ro, t0e 0ost c &t re+ (o ,a/ $e a$&e to $e t0e &istener" too8 &oo) aro nd and see '0o is a 1orei!ner in /o r ,idst+

It a&so 0e&-s to )no' t0at c &t re s0oc) does -ass+ T0e do'n'ard

-attern o1 de-ression and &one&iness e2ent a&&/ !i2es 'a/ to an -'ard s'in! o1 o-ti,is, and connection 'it0 t0e ne' c &t re+ As t0e date o1 de-art re 1or 0o,e dra's near" ,ost so9o rners 1ee& -ositi2e a$o t t0e ne' c &t re t0e/ 0a2e e.-erienced" and -ositi2e a$o t t0e,se&2es+

REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK A si,i&ar ad9 st,ent -eriod and its acco,-an/in! s/,-to,s s a&&/ occ r '0en a so9o rner ret rns 0o,e+ T0is is o1ten ca&&ed re2erse c &t re s0oc)+ It ta)es -eo-&e $/ s r-rise '0o don:t rea&i<e it is nor,a&+ A1ter a&&" it:s so,e'0at ironict0e so9o rner 0as $een &on!in! to ret rn to t0e o&d" 1a,i&iar c &t re o1 0o,e+ B t once 0o,e" t0e so9o rner 1inds ,an/ t0in!s to critici<e and o1ten as)s '0/ t0e o&d c &t re can:t $e ,ore &i)e t0e one so recent&/ enco ntered+ *riends and 1a,i&/ t/-ica&&/ 1ind t0e tra2e&er i,-atient 'it0 t0in!s t0at ne2er e.-eriences t0e/:2e 0ad+ E.-atriates a&so 1ind t0at -eo-&e at 0o,e 0a2e 0ad ne' e.-eriences to '0ic0 t0e/ , st ad9 st+ T0in!s 0a2e c0an!ed at t0e co,-an/ '0ere t0e so9o rner 'or)s" and -eo-&e 0a2e $een -ro,oted" ac0ie2ed s ccesses" retired" &e1t 1or anot0er e,-&o/er" and so 1ort0+ T0e so9o rner is so,et0in! o1 an o tsider and ,a/ 0a2e a ne' 9o$ to !et sed to as 'e&& as ne' contacts to ,a)e+ Ret rnees 1ee& t0e/ 0a2e $een &a$orin! in t0e 1orei!n 1ie&ds 1or t0e sa)e o1 t0e cor-oration" s a&&/ at so,e Gnon,onetar/H cost and -ersona& sacri1ice" $ t -on ret rn t0e/ o1ten 1ee& t0e/ are not 2a& ed+ So,e co,-anies -ro2ide ,entors and trainin! -ro!ra,s to ease reentr/+ The /uestion o$ Chan e in Cultures M c0 is 'ritten a$o t t0e constant c0an!e c &t res nder!o+ A!ents o1 c0an!e" it is said" inc& de !&o$a& co,-anies &i)e Pe-si or Son/ or #ai,&erC0r/s&er+ It is tr e t0at -o- &ar taste c0an!es8 1ads co,e and !o" es-ecia&&/ in t0e ,ar)et-&ace" '0ic0 is dri2en $/ c0an!in! tastes+ Po- &ar c &t re" '0ic0 co,-rises t0e -rod cts o1 t0e c &t re t0at are 'ide&/ cons ,ed 1or e.a,-&e" , sic" 1ood" 0airst/&es" c&ot0in!" recreationa& acti2ities and t0eir e% i-,ent" st/&es o1 cars" 1 rnis0in!sdoes constant&/ c0an!e+ B t $ac)3sta!e c &t re" t0e 2a& es" attit des" and $e0a2iors t0at 0a2e $een &earned 1ro, $irt0" c0an!e 2er/ &itt&e and 2er/" 2er/ s&o'&/+ So,eti,es t0e s0i1tin! e,-0asis o1 e.istin! 2a& es in a c &t re is sed to ca se co,-&aint+ So9o rners: ,ost 1re% ent co,-&aint is t0at no$od/ 'ants to 0ear a$o t t0e 'onder1 & ne'

,ista)en 1or c &t ra& c0an!e+ As i1 a s-ot&i!0t 1irst i&& ,inates one and t0en 1ades '0i&e anot0er is i&& ,inated on t0e sta!e" so circ ,stances!eo-o&itica&" econo,ic" e2en s-irit a&s-ot&i!0t so,e 2a& es as ot0ers recede+ A&& c &t res inc& de 2a& es t0at can $e in o--osition+ In t0e United States" t0e 2a& e o1 inde-endence is so,eti,es in con1&ict 'it0 t0e e% a&&/ 0e&d 2a& e o1 res-ect 1or -ersona& -ro-ert/+ In Sin!a-ore" t0e 2a& e o1 $e&on!in! to a !ro - is so,eti,es at odds 'it0 t0e 2a& e o1 assertin! one:s -osition to acco,-&is0 a tas)+ B t t0ese 2a& es are in t0e c &t re a&& t0e ti,e+ Certain sit ations $rin! o t one or anot0er 2a& e+ In Hon! Kon!" So t0 Korea" and Tai'an" !oin! o t 1or 1ast 1ood 0as $eco,e an acc sto,ed socia& -asti,e 1or teena!ers and 1or seniors+ St dents 1ro, Korea 2isitin! Tai'an 'ere de&i!0ted '0en" a1ter eatin! t0e 1ood o1 Tai'an 1or a 'ee)" t0e/ 'ere a&&o'ed to !o to one o1 Ft0eirF resta rantsa Mc#ona&d:sT T0e/ are no &ess Korean $eca se t0e/ eat 1ast 1ood t0at ori!inated in t0e United States+ S 11erers 1ro, ,i!raine 0eadac0es in Ar!entina '0o cons &t ac - nct rists are no &ess Ar!entine 1or see)in! a C0inese traditiona& treat,ent+ T0ese are instances o1 -o- &ar taste+ More si!ni1icant c0an!e in socia& or!ani<ation occ rs 'it0 econo,ic c0an!e+ In C0ina" a co ntr/ t0at 0as a&'a/s -racticed $e0a2iors associated 'it0 t0e Con1 cian 2a& e o1 1i&ia& -iet/" econo,ic c0an!e is ,a)in! a s0i1t in 1a,i&/ str ct re+ Rat0er t0an a son $rin!in! 0is 'i1e to 0is -arents: 0o,e" ,arried co -&es are increasin!&/ &i2in! on t0eir o'n+ T0is c0an!e 0as co,e a$o t $eca se /o n! -eo-&e can a11ord 0o sin! o1 t0eir o'n" and t0eir -arents can a&so a11ord to 0o se t0e,se&2es+ It isn:t c&ear" 0o'e2er" t0at t0is c0an!e in 0o sin! ,eans 1i&ia& -iet/ is no &on!er 2a& ed in C0ina+ *i&ia& -iet/t0e d t/ c0i&dren 0a2e to &oo) a1ter a!in! -arents and to - t t0eir 'is0es $e1ore t0e c0i&dren:s o'n,a/ si,-&/ ta)e ot0er 1or,s t0an &i2in! 'it0 t0e -arents+ A st d/ o1 ,an/ !enerations: 2a& es 'i&& $e necessar/ to de,onstrate t0at c &t res act a&&/ c0an!e" in C0ina or an/'0ere e&se" and t0at t0e c0an!e is ,ore t0an -roceedin! and recedin! e,-0ases on 2a& es t0at 'it0in t0e c &t re+ In

t0e s0ort ter," t0e o&der ,e,$ers o1 a c &t re a&'a/s de-&ore t0e 'a/ /o n! ,e,$ers see, to $e a$andonin! t0e traditiona& 2a& es+ W0en t0ose c0i&dren are -arents and !rand-arents t0e,se&2es" t0e c &t ra& 2a& es t0e/ 'ere ta !0t as /o t0s o1ten reassert t0e,se&2es+ %echnolo$y is ca&&ed an a!ent o1 c &t ra& c0an!e" and its ro&e deser2es so,e disc ssion+ Tec0no&o!/ is t0e 'a/ 0 ,ans re&ate to t0eir en2iron,ent+ *or e.a,-&e" tec0no&o!/ 0as a&tered t0e 'a/ s-ace and ti,e a11ect 0 ,an co,, nication8 ce&& -0ones and E3,ai& 0a2e red ced $ot0 ti,e and s-ace constraints to a&,ost not0in!+ Microc0i-s are ,a)in! s,art ,ac0ines -ossi$&e in a 'ide ran!e o1 a--&ications+ T0e constraints o1 t0e 0 ,an $od/ and t0e -0/sica& en2iron,ent are disa--earin!" and acti2ities t0at 'ere not -ossi$&e e.ce-t $/ !reat e11ort and e.-ense are no' occ rrin! 'it0 ease+ Acti2ities as di11erent as on&ine s0o--in! and on&ine acade,ic researc0 are c0an!in! t0e ,ar)et-&ace and t0e ni2ersit/+ Medica& inno2ations inc& de t0e -ossi$i&it/ o1 s r!ica&&/ e,$edded ,icroc0i-s in 0 ,ans '0o are -0/sica&&/ na$&e to do so,e t0in!s+ B t t0is ,ar2e&o s tec0no&o!/ does not c0an!e t0e c &t ra& i,-rint on t0e indi2id a& ,e,$er o1 a c &t re+ Indi2id a&s sti&& carr/ t0e ,a- o1 t0eir c &t res in t0eir ,inds and 0earts" '0ate2er tec0no&o!ica& inno2ations t0e/ i,-&e,ent+ E3,ai& ,essa!es" 1or e.a,-&e" a--ear to 1a2or a direct co,, nication st/&e t0at is in1or,a&+ Ho'e2er" ,e,$ers o1 1or,a& c &t res t0at -re1er indirect co,, nication sti&& -ractice t0at $e0a2ior in E3,ai& ,essa!es+ T0e/ sti&& $e!in ,essa!es 'it0 attention to t0e re&ations0i- t0e/ 0a2e 'it0 t0e reader" and t0e/ ,a/ ,ention 1a,i&/ or so,e s0ared -ast e.-erience+ T0e/ 'i&& se co rteo s &an! a!e i1 t0at is t0eir c &t ra& $e0a2ior+ In c &t res '0ere -o&iteness ,atters in corres-ondence" E3,ai&s 'i&& e.0i$it a !reater &e2e& o1 -o&iteness t0an t0e E3 ,ai&s o1 c &t res '0ere -o&iteness is not as i,-ortant as !ettin! to t0e -oint+ C &t res a--ear to re,ain nc0an!ed at dee- &e2e&s and on&/ c0an!e on t0e s r1ace+ T0is is 1ront3sta!e $e0a2ior" '0ere -o- &ar c &t re t0ri2es+ Nor are a&& c &t res $eco,in! a&i)e+ E2idence does not s !!est t0at one !&o$a& c &t re 'i&& one da/ do,inate t0e -&anet+ A !&ance at t0e e2ents in recent

/ears in 1or,er ( !os&a2ia s0o's 0o' 1ar et0nic !ro -s are 'i&&in! to !o to de1end t0eir c &t re+ *renc0 Canadians '0o 'anted to de1end t0eir c &t re near&/ s cceeded in se-aratin! 1ro, t0e rest o1 Canada in 5II@ '0en a nationa& re1erend , on t0e % estion 1ai&ed $/ &ess t0an 0a&1 o1 5 -ercent+ As societies ac0ie2e ,ore econo,ic sta$i&it/" de1endin! t0eir c &t res see,s to increase in i,-ortance" not decrease+ In s-ite o1 an increasin!&/ !&o$a& tec0no&o!/" and in s-ite o1 t0e a2ai&a$i&it/ o1 t0e sa,e cons ,er !oods in ,an/ co ntries" and e2en in s-ite o1 c0an!in! tastes and 1ads t0at s'ee- 1ro, continent to continent" t0e dee- 2a& es o1 c &t res re,ain nc0an!ed+ T)pi+al Rea+tions to 0n$amiliar Cultures T0e ,ost co,,on res-onse to di2ersit/ is to c0oose so,e0o' not to acco,,odate it+ H ,an reaction is to re9ect di11erence+ We insist on sa,eness and re% ire -eo-&e to con1or, to s+ Or 'e den/ di11erence" c0oosin! not to see it e2en '0en it is t0ere+ It is ,ore co,1orta$&e to $e&ie2e /o r o'n c &t re is a&& /o :&& e2er need to )no' t0an to e,$ar) -on a ris)ier o-enness+ And it is much ,ore co,1orta$&e to $e&ie2e /o r o'n c &t re can:t $e i,-ro2ed -on" and e2er/one '0o enco nters it 'i&& ine2ita$&/ $e dra'n to ada-t to it and &ea2e $e0ind '0ate2er in1erior 2ie' -receded it+ It:s ,ore co,1orta$&e" $ t in s-ite o1 0istorica& e2idence t0at so,e c &t res do,inate ot0ers '0en t0e/ co,e into contact" it is nrea&istic to ass ,e one:s o'n 'i&& $e t0e c &t re o1 c0oice 1or ,e,$ers o1 anot0er c &t re+ ASSUMPTIONS O* SUPERIORIT( A ni2ersa& res-onse to

di11erences in c &t res is7 FO1 co rse t0e/:re di11erent" $ t 'e:re $etter+F W0at t0is does is ,ini,i<e di11erence $/ ,a)in! it ni,-ortant co,-ared to one:s o'n c &t re+ Most c &t res ass ,e t0eir o'n 2a& es and -ractices are s -erior to t0ose o1 t0e rest o1 t0e 'or&d+ En!&is03s-ea)in! c &t res encode t0is ass ,-tion o1 s -eriorit/ $/ sin! 'ords s c0 as back&ar' and primitive, '0en act a&&/ t0ose e2a& ations are one c &t ra& 2ie'" seen t0ro !0 s-eci1ic c &t ra& 'indo's" not an a$so& te assess,ent+ A 2i&&a!e in Ban!&ades0 t0at &ac)s ,ost o1 t0e

tec0no&o!/ ta)en 1or !ranted in t0e 'or)-&aces o1 ot0er -arts o1 t0e 'or&d te&e-0ones" e&ectricit/" a to,o$i&es" air-&anes,a/ 0a2e a ,ore so-0isticated con1&ict3reso& tion -rocess t0an t0e tec0no&o!ica&&/ ad2anced c &t res o1 t0e 'or&d+ So '0o is F$ac)'ardF= ETHNOCENTRISM T0e Ger,ans &i2e in Ger,an/" t0e Ro,ans &i2e in Ro,e" t0e T r)e/s &i2e in T r)e/" $ t t0e En!&is0 &i2e at 0o,e+5L B siness-eo-&e can !enera&&/ de-end on t0is7 Me,$ers o1 ot0er c &t res" dee- do'n in t0eir 0eart o1 0earts" are con2inced t0eir o'n c &t re is t0e ri$ht one+ Peo-&e e2er/'0ere tend to ass ,e t0eir o'n c &t re is ri!0t and nor,a&" and to assess a&& ot0er c &t res $/ 0o' c&ose&/ t0e/ rese,$&e t0eir o'n+ Most -eo-&e" es-ecia&&/ t0ose 'it0 &itt&e e.-erience o1 ot0er c &t res" $e&ie2e t0eir o'n c &t re Get0nicit/H is at t0e center o1 0 ,an e.-erience0ence Fet0nocentris,+F T0e 1 rt0er 1ro, o r o'n anot0er c &t re is" t0e ,ore it see,s to $e&on! on t0e 1rin!e" to $e -eri-0era& and not o1 -ri,ar/ i,-ortance+ Con2erse&/" t0e c&oser anot0er c &t re is to o r o'n" t0e tr er it see,s to $e+ A&on! 'it0 t0e -re1erence 1or c &t res t0at are si,i&ar to o r o'n is t0e 2ie' t0at di11erence is dan!ero s+ #i11erence ,a/ e2en $e 'ron!+ *or t0is reason" et0nocentris, can &ead to co,-&acenc/+ We ,a/ not ,a)e an e11ort to &oo) 1 rt0er t0an o r o'n c &t re" and 'e ,a/ see &itt&e i,-ortance in nderstandin! ot0er c &t res+ In ot0er 'ords" et0nocentris, &eads to ass ,in! one:s o'n c &t re is s -erior to a&& ot0erst0e ass ,-tion o1 s -eriorit/+ B siness or!ani<ations t0at 0a2e -ro2en t0e/ can s cceed in one c &t re o1ten ado-t an et0nocentric -osition7 We )no' 0o' to ,a)e it 'or) 1or s at 0o,e" so 'e can ,a)e it 'or) 1or s an/'0ere+ A1ter a&&" &earnin! anot0er c &t re ta)es ti,e" e11ort" and reso rces+ It:s , c0 easier 1or an or!ani<ation to o-erate 1ro, an et0nocentric -osition+ B t cost&ier+ ASSUMPTIONS O* UNIVERSALIT( One o1 t0e co,,ents /o n1ort nate&/ it can $e , c0

o1ten 0ear 1ro, tra2e&ers to 1orei!n co ntries is" FT0e/ ,a/ ta&) Gdress" eat" etc+H di11erent&/" $ t nderneat0 t0e/:re 9 st &i)e s+F B t t0is is -ro1o nd&/ ,ista)en and -otentia&&/ dan!ero s ro,anticis,+ Peo-&e nderneat0 are not a&i)e+ Peo-&e $e!in 'it0 di11erent o-eratin! en2iron,ents and r n di11erent so1t'are+ Peo-&e 0a2e di11erent data$ases and -rocess in1or,ation di11erent&/+ As a res &t" t0e/ arri2e at di11erent res &ts+ As 'e sa' ear&ier" c &t re is t0e '0o&e 2ie' o1 t0e ni2erse 1ro, '0ic0 -eo-&e assess t0e ,eanin! o1 &i1e and t0eir a--ro-riate res-onse to it+ To ass ,e /o )no' 0o' so,eone e&se is t0in)in! $ased on 0o' /o see t0in!s is ca&&ed pro,ecte' co$nitive similarity. It occ rs '0en /o t0in) /o )no' so,eone e&se:s -erce-tions" 9 d!,ents" attit des" and ass ,e t0e/ are &i)e /o r o'n+ T0is can &ead to 2a& es $eca se /o

disr -ted co,, nication and e2en con1&ict+ A1ter a&&" -eo-&e ,a/ 0a2e di11erent !oa&s+ E2en '0en -eo-&e ,a/ a!ree on !oa&ssa/" 1or e.a,-&e" t0e cor-orate !oa&s o1 an or!ani<ationt0e/ ,a/ e.-ect to reac0 t0ose !oa&s $/ di11erent ,et0ods+ B siness is , &tic &t ra&8 $ siness is 'or&d'ide No or!ani<ation can a11ord to !o a&on! $e&ie2in! t0at ,e,$ers o1 di11erent c &t res are a&& see)in! to con1or, to one c &t re" or t0at one da/ di11erences 'i&& cease to T0ere1ore" t0e )e/ 1or $ siness is to fin' &ays for people &ho think 'ifferently to &ork to$ether. The Importan+e o$ 1el$23no#led e T0e $est res-onse 1or $ siness across c &t res is o-enness to '0at ,a/ $e &earned a$o t anot0er c &t re and dra'n 1ro, it in order to co,, nicate ,ore e11ecti2e&/ 'it0 its ,e,$ers+ T0e sa,e o-enness needs to $e a--&ied to one:s se&1 and one:s o'n c &t re+ Kno' t0/se&18 )no' t0ine ene,ies7 One 0 ndred $att&es8 one 0 ndred 2ictories+ S nT< " Chinese martial philosopher

FKno' t0/se&1 is ad2ice 0anded do'n 1ro, ancient -0i&oso-0ers o1 ,an/ c &t res+ In order to nderstand t0e ot0er -erson /o 0a2e to nderstand /o rse&1+ T0is isn:t as eas/ to do as it ,a/ see, at 1irst8 ,ost o1 '0at ,a)es - a c &t re is a$sor$ed nconscio s&/ in t0e !ro'in!3 -rocess o1 socia&i<ation+ Ho' do 'e !et at it= Ho' do 'e distin! is0 '0at 'e ta)e 1or !ranted as ni2ersa& 0 ,an e.-erience 1ro, '0at is c &t ra&&/ deter,ined= We need to $e a$&e to e.a,ine t0e o-eratin! en2iron,ent o1 t0e ,ind t0at ena$&es s to r n 2ario s ,enta& -ro!ra,s+ T0e trans-arent nat re o1 t0e c &t re 'indo's is t0e $asic di11ic &t/ in co,in! to ter,s 'it0 one:s o'n c &t re+ T0e ,ore dee-&/ e,$edded c &t ra& 2a& es and attit des are" t0e &ess conscio s t0e/ are and t0e 0arder t0e/ are to e.a,ine+ Or as Ha&& sa/s in descri$in! a ,an in a 1orei!n en2iron,ent" FT0e ,ore t0at &ies $e0ind 0is actions + + + " t0e &ess 0e can te&& /o +F5? *or e.a,-&e" ta)e an acco ntant+ S0e o-erates 'it0 ,enta& -rocesses and -ara,eters t0at s0e &earned t0ro !0 acco ntin! co rses and t0ro !0 -racticet0e/ constit te 0er ,enta& so1t'are a$o t acco ntin!+ B t s0e ses a set o1 2a& es and ideas a$o t 0o' to act t0at are not on&/ -art o1 t0e acco ntanc/ so1t'are in 0er ,ind" $ t a&so -art o1 t0e &ar!er o-eratin! en2iron,ent o1 nconscio s&/ 0e&d 2a& es" attit des" and $e0a2iors 1ro, 0er societ/+ It:s easier 1or 0er to &oo) at '0at ,a)es - 0er 2ie' o1 acco ntin! t0an '0at ,a)es - 0er 2ie' o1 &i1e+ Most -eo-&e ass ,e t0at '0at t0e/ ta)e 1or !ranted as natural is '0at e2er/one on t0is -&anet a&so considers nat ra&+ Most -eo-&e on&/ disco2er '0en t0e/ co,e into contact 'it0 so,et0in! di11erent t0at t0e ideas t0e/ 0o&d as a$so& te tr t0s are act a&&/ c &t re3$ased -ositions+ It can $e a disorientin! e.-erience" &i)e enco nterin! -eo-&e '0o serio s&/ te&& /o t0at t'o and t'o ,a)e 1i2e3and3one3% arter" or t0at t0e 'or&d 'i&& end -recise&/ on 6 ne LI" LAL5+ W0en $asic ass ,-tions a$o t &i1e are c0a&&en!ed" one t/-ica& res-onse is to 1ind t0e ot0er c &t re:s ass ,-tions irrationa&+ T0e/ see, to $e cra</+ Rationa&it/ is" o1 co rse" c &t ra&&/ de1ined+

W0at is Fnor,a&F $ siness attire= In Indonesia"

in a $o&d&/ -atterned cardi!an

a s'eater8 0is 0osts 'ere a&& in dar) s its

$ siness,an 'ears a &oose cotton and '0ite s0irts+ T0e ca,era ca !0t one s0irt o2er -ants+ A ,a&e -ro-rietor o1 t0e 0ost -art/" a 'o,an" re-eated&/ o1 a s,a&& 1ir, ,i!0t not 'ear &oo)in! at 0is s'eater 'it0 so,et0in! -ants at a&&" $ t a s)irt3&i)e 'ra-+ &i)e a&ar, in 0er e/es" and &oo)in! a'a/ In Sa di Ara$ia a $ siness,an a!ain+ T0e s'eater co &d indeed 0a2e 'ears a &on! ro$e o2er 0is tro sers $een a 1actor in 0is re-orted 1ai& re to !et and s0irt+ In 6a-an" a $ siness,an a sin!&e sa&e+ 'ears a dar) s it 'it0 a '0ite T0e sa&es,an in t0is e-isode 'as s0irt+ In eac0 o1 t0ese co ntries" actin! accordin! to ideas a$o t dress t0at e.-ectations are t0at a serio s" see,ed a--ro-riate to 0i," 1ro, 0is res-onsi$&e $ siness,an in t0at c &t ra& c &t re 'i&& dress &i)e t0at+ B siness,en United States 1ro, o1ten 'indo's+ He ,a/ 0a2e considered t0e in1or,a&it/ o1 0is dress as t0e si!na&in! a 'i&&in!ness to - t aside ri!id dress r &es o1 $e0a2ior and $e 1riend&/+ He ,a/

in1or,a&&/" in s'eaters and s&ac)s" 0a2e $een co&d and en9o/ed t0e 'ar,t0 or in s0ort3s&ee2ed s0irts 'it0o t o1 a &ar!e s'eater+ He ,a/ 0a2e s-ent t0e 9ac)ets+ W0en t0e/ are in 2er/ -re2io s LA 0o rs on a -&ane and" 'ar, co ntries t0e/ ,a/ 'ear 'it0o t a c0ance to c0an!e 0is c&ot0es" s0orts 1or &eis re+ T0is attire can ,a/ 0a2e !one strai!0t to t0e trade s0o'" $e acce-ta$&e in certain $eca se" to 0i," $ein! t0ere 'as ,ore sit ations" $ t it can a&so a--ear i,-ortant t0an $ein! dressed a certain disres-ect1 & to'ard t0e ot0er 'a/+ c &t re:s attit des+ Recent&/ a United States a to,o$i&e -arts ,an 1act rer 'as s0o'n on te&e2ision tr/in! to ,a)e a sa&e to so,e 6a-anese a to,o$i&e 1ir,s+ He 'as dressed

I1 a sa&es,an:s -riorit/ is to stereot/-es" 0o'e2er" as i&& strated $/ t0e 0istorica& 1 &1i&& t0e e.-ectations o1 0is ori!in o1 -ieces o1 t/-e set in a 1ra,e 1or -rintin!" co,-an/ in sendin! 0i, to a is t0at t0e/ are 1i.ed and ri!id+ We se t0e ter, 6a-anese trade s0o'" 0e 'i&& $e prototype to ,ean ,enta& re-resentations $ased on &ess 'it0 concerned $ein! 'it0 0is !enera& c0aracteristics t0at are not 1i.ed and ri!id" His con1ronted 'it0 so,et0in! n1a,i&iar or co,-&e." a--earance and ,ore concerned $ t rat0er are o-en to ne' de1initions+ W0en s ccess1 &+ e,-&o/er 'ants 0i, to -ro,ote -eo-&e cate!ori<e data in order t0e co,-an/:s -rod cts and to ,a)e contacts+ He 0as a ,enta& to ,a)e sense o t i1 it+ I1 /o )no' not0in! i,a!e o1 '0at a !ood e,-&o/ee a$o t t0e ,ar)et 1or 1ro<en 1renc0 1ries" 1or does in 1orei!n trade s0o's+ We e.a,-&e" $ t /o s dden&/ 0a2e an r!ent need to a&& $e0a2e accordin! re-resentations in o r ,inds+ MENTAL to )no'" /o $e!in 'it0 or!ani<in! t0e to-ic into cate!ories7 -rod cers" t0eir ,ar)et s0ares" co,,ercia& sers G$/ si<e" $/ t/-eH" retai& ,ar)et se!,ents" -rices" -otato s --&iers" and so 1ort0+ T0e REPRESENTATIONS One 'a/ sa,e cate!ori<in! occ rs '0en /o enco nter a o1 nderstandin! o r o'n c &t re" ne' c &t re+ I1 'e co &dn:t ,a)e !enera&i<ations as 'e&& as anot0er" is to se and - t si,i&ar ite,s into cate!ories" 'e co &dn:t ,enta& cate!ories to re-resent ,a)e an/ sense o1 an n1a,i&iar s $9ect+ !ro -s+ T0ese are o1ten ca&&ed Menta& re-resentations c0an!e 'it0 t0e Fstereot/-es+F T0ese ,enta& ind ction o1 ne' e.-erience+ T0e/ are d/na,ic and re-resentations $e 2er/ not can $e a&tered to 1or, ne' ,enta& cate!ories as necessari&/ $ad+ In 1act" t0e/ can ,ore data co,es in+ E2er/one 0as a &ar!e data $an) se1 & too&s+ B t so,e o1 ,enta& re-resentations+ In order to nderstand distinction is necessar/ $et'een /o rse&1 /o need to $e a'are o1 /o r o'n data stereot/-e and -rotot/-e+ $an) and its cate!ories+ T0en '0en /o enco nter T0e ter, stereotype co,es an act a& c &t re" /o can nderstand 0o' /o r 1ro, -rintin!" '0en t/-e set in ,enta& -rotot/-e is $ein! trans1or,ed $/ rea&it/+ one 1ra,e identica&&/ re-rod ced (o can $e o-en to ne' a'areness and 0a2e a t0at t/-e in anot0er 1ra,e7 stereo d/na,ic e.-erience o1 t0e trans1or,ation o1 /o r t/-e+ T0e &i,itation o1 ,enta& cate!ories+ are

E2en inco,-&ete" s)etc0/ B t hot+tempere' is a 9 d!,ent one assi!ns $ased -rotot/-es $ased on o$9ecti2e on one:s c &t re+ Pre9 dice" or -re9 d!in! $e1ore a&& o$ser2ation $e se1 &+ s a&&/ 0a2e so,e t0e 1acts are )no'n" is &ea-in! to an e2a& ati2e FLatin A,erican c &t re and t0e conte.t+ BIAS E2er/one 0as $iases and ,an/ are readi&/ ac)no'&ed!ed+ (o ,a/ 0a2e a $ias to'ards to !0 disci-&inar/ ,eas res 1or dea&in! 'it0 t0ose '0o $rea) t0e r &es" or a $ias to'ard a 'or) en2iron,ent '0ere t0e s -erior is a--roac0a$&e and &o'3)e/" or a $ias to'ard a 1o r3 da/ 'or) 'ee)+ A $ias 1or so,et0in! is rea&&/ not0in! ,ore t0an -re1erence+ Man/ $iases are reca&&ed 1ro, &on!3ter, ,e,or/ on&/ '0en 1orced $/ an e.terna& c0a&&en!e+ *or e.a,-&e" in st dies done o1 9o$ inter2ie's" res &ts s0o' inter2ie'ers are $iased to'ard inter2ie'ees '0o a--ear to co,e 1ro, t0eir sa,e c &t ra& $ac)!ro nd'0o 0a2e an accent t0at indicates ,e,$ers0i- in t0e sa,e et0nic !ro -" 1or e.a,-&e+ W0en ot0er 1actors re,ain constant" t0e accent is t0e 1actor t0at deter,ines '0ic0 candidate !ets t0e 9o$ 1ro, '0ic0 inter2ie'er+5M In t0is case t0e $ias 0as an easi&/ &itt&e t0reat+ We need to $e a'are o1 o r $iases+ We need to $e o-en to t0e disco2er/ 'it0in o1 nreco!ni<ed $iases t0at can e.ert an in1& ence on 0o' 'e nderstand anot0er c &t re+ nderstanda$&e $asis8 'e -re1er '0at is )no'n and 1a,i&iar $eca se it -oses tr t0 in t0e,+ T0at:s '0/ t0e/ can conc& sion 'it0o t !at0erin! in1or,ation a$o t t0e $ siness-eo-&e ta&) a$o t t0eir 1a,i&ies" o1ten $e1ore !ettin! do'n to $ sinessF8 F6a-anese ne!otiators se si&ence a &ot ,ore t0an E ro-eans+F Genera&i<ations t0at e.-ress an evaluation o1 ,e,$ers o1 a c &t re /o are -re9 dicespre+ ,u'$ments1 FC0inese a&'a/s !i2e a 1is03e/e &oo)8 t0e/ don:t 1ee& an/ e,otionF8 FIris0 0a2e 0ot te,-ers and !et an!r/ easi&/8 t0e/ can $e rea&&/ di11ic &t to dea& 'it0+F In ot0er 'ords" it:s '0en 'e $e!in dra'in! e2a& ati2e 1ro, ,a/ t0e $e ,enta& one:s conc& sions tro $&e+ It

re-resentations t0at 'e ,a/ $e in e.-erience t0at C0inese do not readi&/ s0o' e,otion" $ t t0at doesn:t e% a& col'ness, '0ic0 is an e2a& ation+ It is 9 d!in! C0inese c0aracter" not si,-&/ o$ser2in! $e0a2ior+ It ,a/ $e one:s e.-erience t0at Iris0 easi&/ 1ind 'ords to e.-ress e,otion+

#ISCRIMINATION AN# not on 1acts+ It ,a/ $e 0e&d in s-ite o1 t0e 1acts+ A PRE6U#ICE W0en $iases are -re9 dice is s a&&/ ne!ati2e" and $eca se it is not acte' upon, t0e actor is s0o'in! !ro nded in 1act" it can $e ca&&ed an irrationa& $ias+ discri,ination si1tin! accordin! o t to and and $ias -re9 dice+ Pre9 dice is o1ten acco,-anied $/ or $ased -on se&ectin! co,, nicators need to $e a'are o1 stereot/-e and to'ard $ias" 'e a&so need to $e a'are o1 -re9 dices and Racis, is one 1or, o1 -re9 dice+, is anot0er+ A!eis, is -re9 dice in 1a2or o1 /o n!er tasteF as a co,-&i,ent rat0er t0an o&der indi2id a&s+ <omophobia is t0e $eca se t0at -erson is a$&e to si1t ter, s a&&/ sed to ,ean -re9 dice a!ainst care1 &&/ t0ro !0 a ,ass o1 ite,s 0o,ose. a&s" a&t0o !0 t0e 'ord rea&&/ ,eans a and identi1/ t0e $est+ To $e -0o$ia or irrationa& 1ear o1 sa,e3se. eroticis,+ ndiscri,inatin! is to &ac) Pre9 dices can a11ect interc &t ra& $ siness+ Not 9 d!,ent and to $e na$&e to dis3 on&/ are t0e/ o1ten nreco!ni<ed $/ t0e -eo-&e t0at cern t0e $est 1ro, t0e second3$est 0a2e t0e," $ t a&so" in 1orei!n s rro ndin!s" or t0e in1erior+ In t0e United -eo-&e:s -re9 dices can co,e to t0e 1ore1ront+ States discri,ination $eca,e a Peo-&e '0o 'o &d not a&&o' t0e,se&2es to e.-ress 'ide&/ sed ter, 1or racis,+ -re9 dice in t0eir o'n c &t re ,a/ ne2ert0e&ess do Peo-&e identi1ied ot0er -eo-&e as so in an n1a,i&iar c &t re+ T0is is a 'e&&3 $etter or 'orse t0an t0e rest $ased doc ,ented e.-ression o1 c &t re s0oc)" as so&e&/ -on t0eir -ercei2ed racia& disc ssed ear&ier+ ,e,$ers0i-" and t0e ter, An interestin! e.-eri,ent 'as cond cted to 'iscriminate a$ainst $e!an to $e identi1/ t0e -resence o1 -re9 dice+ E+S+ Bo!ard s sed+ T0is c0an!ed t0e ,eanin!7 as)ed -eo-&e to rate on a sca&e 1ro, 5 to N 0o' Fto discri,inateF 'it0 Fa!ainstF 1a2ora$&/ t0e/ 1e&t to'ard !ro -s o1 -eo-&e ca,e to ,ean Fto si1t t0ro !0 and accordin! to t0eir nationa& identit/+5@ T0e ,ost se&ect o t t0e nacce-ta$&e+F 1a2ora$&e" n ,$er 5" indicated a 'i&&in!ness to 0a2e Pre9 dice is an e2a& ati2e a da !0ter or son ,arr/ so,eone o1 t0at !ro -8 an N o-inion t0at is $ased on e,otion ,eant not $ein! 'i&&in! to a&&o' so,eone o1 t0at or so,e ot0er irrationa& $asis" $ t #iscri,ination is t0e act o1 s s-icion" 1ear" 0ate" or conte,-t+ 6 st as $ siness

so,et0in! or so,eone+ We sa/ conscio s&/ a2oid actin! -on t0e,+ so,eone 0as Fdiscri,inatin!

!ro - into t0e co ntr/" &et a&one Lan! a!e is re&ated to t0o !0t -rocesses and to into one:s 0o,e+ T0e interestin! ,enta& &earnin! -rocesses+ Lin! ists &i)e W0or1" t0in! 'as t0at t0e &ist o1 ,ore Sa-ir" and Ha/a)a'a 0a2e connected 0o' 'e )no' t0an KA nationsIta&ians" C<ec0s" so,et0in! and 0o' 'e t0in) a$o t so,et0in! 'it0 Moroccans" Ni!erians" T0ais" and &an! a!e+ So interconnected are co,, nication T r)s" 1or e.a,-&einc& ded and c &t re t0at so,e sc0o&ars 0a2e $een &ed to se and Wa&&onians+ and Fco,, nication is c &t re+F5K (et &an! a!e is n'i&&in! to s !!ests t0e/ are indeed se-arate -0eno,ena+ 'ere to 0e&- s nderstand c &t re" es-ecia&&/ o r And o'n+ Lan! a!e - ts &i,its on e.-ressin! certain to'ard % a&ities or conce-ts 'it0 a sin!&e 'ord+ Lan! a!e t0ree 1ictitio s ones7 #anireans" t0e, interc0an!ea$&/7 Fc &t re is co,, nicationF Pireneans" Bo!ard s 1o nd t0at t0e -eo-&e t0e too& 'e ,ost o1ten se to descri$e c &t re" '0ic0 '0o 'ere ,ore into c&ose ad,it ,e,$ers o1 ot0er nations Lan! a!e is c&ear&/ inade% ate re&ations0i-s a&so+ n'i&&in! to ad,it t0e n)no'n nations: ,e,$ers con2erse&/" to&erance

,an/ nations inc& ded to&erance can a&so &i,it t0e order in '0ic0 'e -resent to'ard t0e t0ree n)no'n and t0o !0ts+ W0en &an! a!e is t rned $ac) -on itse&1 none.istent nations+ T0is 1indin! and co,, nication is t0e o$9ect o1 its in% ir/ as i,-&ies t0at into&erant -eo-&e are 'e&& as t0e ,eans" t0en at &east nderstandin! into&erant across t0e $oard" '0i&e co,, nication can 0e&- s to nderstand c &t re+ to&erant -eo-&e are to&erant e2en o1 n)no'n nationa&ities+ Hi &2Conte4t and Lo#2Conte4t Cultures One too& 1or e.a,inin! t0e c &t re 'indo's COMMUNICATION AN# is t0e a--roac0 to c &t res descri$ed $/ Ed'ard CULTURE Co,, nication s/ste,s Ha&&" distin! is0in! a,on! c &t res on t0e $asis o1 t0e ro&e o1 conte.t in co,, nication+5> Hi!03 conte.t c &t res re&/ on t0e conte.t" eit0er t0e act a& -0/sica& en2iron,ent o1 co,, nication or an interna&i<ed socia& conte.t or $ot0" to con2e/ a &ar!e -art or e2en a&& o1 t0e ,essa!e:s ,eanin!+ In c &t res in '0ic0 conte.t is i,-&icit&/ re1erred to in

s c0 as &an! a!e and non2er$a& co,, nication are -rod cts o1 c &t re+ T0e/ are a&so too&s intricate&/ -rocesses $o nd o1 in t0e c &t re itse&17

co,, nication" t0e,se&2es can

t0e $e


A 2er/ distin! is0ed >@3/ear o&d C0inese (et it is not 0ard 1or a Western

e&&i-tica&" sc0o&ar and

indirect" and a&& si2e+ In c &t res i,a!ination to in '0ic0 conte.t is not ass ,ed to $e states,an 'as $ein! 0onored $/ a ni2ersit/ nderstood" ,essa!es are in t0e s --ose t0e sit ation in re2erse+ A tra2e&er to eastern United States+ He and 0is 'i1e 0ad !ets o11 t0e -&ane a1ter LM 0o rs o1

e.-&icit" direct" and co,-&ete&/ Bei9in! encoded in 'ords+ T0is descri$es &o'3conte.t c &t res" in '0ic0 t0e 9 st ,ade ,eanin! is tr sted a&,ost entire&/ contin o s tra2e& to 'ords+ Ha&& dre' a contin t0e L530o r 1&i!0t 1ro, Bei9in!" and t0e/ , 'ere ,et at and" in res-onse to t0e sa,e co,,ent" t0e air-ort $/ so,e 1riends '0o e.c&ai,ed" $e tiredTF re-&ies" FTiredT I:2e ne2er $een so , st $e 2er/ tiredTF His res-onse 'as keyi, ,/ &i1eT I:2e $een sittin! on -&anes or in

reac0in! 1ro, t0e e.tre,e o1 &o'3 F(o , st conte.t c &t res to t0e o--osite e.tre,e o1 0i!03conte.t c &t res" F(o and a&on! -&otted t0e nationa& contin c &t res tired in ,+ He

identi1ied Ger,an S'iss as a 2er/ FIt:s -os3 &o'3conte.t c &t re" in '0ic0 'ait3 ,essa!es are s-e&&ed o t 1 &&/" c&ear&/" c &t re" and '0ere -recise&/+ ,essa!es identi1ied 6a-an as a 0i!03conte.t &e!s are

si$&eF or FIt:s OK+F O1 co rse 0e 'as tiredT He

He 'as an in! roo,s 1or LM 0o rs and 'ondered i1 ,/ o&d ,an '0o 0ad sat on air-&anes or in 'o &d 'or) a!ainT M/ e/es are so

, &ti&e2e& and i,-&icit+ He - t air-orts 1or LM t0e United States on t0e &o'3 !ritt/ 'it0 s&eeconte.t side o1 ,idd&e+

0o rs strai!0t+ B t t0e conte.tt0e ,eetin! t0e/ 1ee& &i)e t0e Go$i desert 'as in t0at

Hi!03conte.t c &t res" in in an air3 '0ic0 t0e conte.t o1 t0e ,essa!e -&aneTF and is 'e&& nderstood $/ $ot0 sender and recei2er" co,, nicate t0e ,essa!e+

-ort at ni!0t" 9o rne/" 0is a!e" 0is so 1ort0"

se t0e conte.t to t0e 1act o1 0is &on!

s&i !0t &/ !&a <ed e/e s co , , nic ate d t0e o$ 2io s+ It 'a s n nec ess ar/ to - t it int o 'o rds

Me,$ers o1 &o'3conte.t c &t res - t t0eir t0o !0ts into 'ords+ T0e/ tend to t0in) i1 t0o !0ts are not in 'ords" t0en t0e t0o !0ts 'i&& not $e nderstood correct&/ or co,-&ete&/+ W0en ,essa!es are in e.-&icit 'ords" t0e ot0er side can act -on t0e,+ B t 0i!03conte.t c &t res 0a2e &ess tendenc/ to tr st 'ords to co,, nicate+ T0e/ re&/ on conte.t to 0e&- c&ari1/ and co,-&ete t0e ,essa!e+ A T r)is0 ,a&e !rad ate st dent in t0e United States &i2ed in a residence 0a&& '0ere 0e s0ared a roo, 'it0 an A,erican+ One da/ 0is roo,,ate 'ent into t0e $at0roo, and co,-&ete&/ s0a2ed 0is 0ead+ T0e T r)is0 st dent easi&/ disco2ered t0is 1act '0en 0e 0i,se&1 2isited t0e $at0roo, and sa' t0e 0air e2er/'0ere+ He ret rned to 0is roo, and said to 0is roo,,ate" F(o :2e s0a2ed /o r 0ead+F T0e A,erican re-&ied" F(ea0" I did+F T0e T r)is0 st dent 'aited a &itt&e" t0en said" FI disco2ered /o :d s0a2ed /o r 0ead '0en I 'ent into t0e $at0roo, and sa' t0e 0air+F F(ea0"F t0e A,erican con1ir,ed+ T0e T r) 'as at a &oss+ He $e&ie2ed 0e 0ad

co,, nicated


t0e 'it0 T r)is0 1riends '0o to&d 0i," FListen" 'it0

stron!est -ossi$&e &an! a!e 0is A,ericans /o act a&&/ 0a2e to sa/ :C&ean - t0e 'is0 t0at t0e A,erican 'o &d $at0roo,:TF T0e T r)is0 st dent $e&ie2ed 0is c&ean - t0e ,ess 0e:d ,ade in ,essa!e 0ad $een 2er/ c&ear+ He 'as re&/in! on t0e t0e $at0roo,+ B t no s c0 conte.t o1 t0e co,, nication 1or t0e ,essa!e to $e nderstood7 Hair 'as recent&/ and 'ide&/ scattered ,eanin! 'as attri$ ted to 0is

'ords $/ 0is roo,,ate+ Later 0e a&& o2er t0e $at0roo," and 0is roo,,ate no' 0ad disc ssed t0e s r-risin! e-isode no 0air+

Per+eption and Communi+ation Co,, nication is t0e -erce-tion o1 2er$a& G'ordedH and non2er$a& G'it0o t 'ordsH $e0a2iors and t0e assi!n,ent o1 ,eanin! to t0e,+ Co,, nication ta)es -&ace '0et0er t0e sendin! o1 si!na&s is intentiona& or nintentiona&+ It e2en ta)es -&ace '0en t0e 2er$a& or non2er$a& $e0a2ior is nconscio s" as &on! as it is o$ser2ed and ,eanin! is assi!ned to it+ W0en a recei2er o1 si!na&s -ercei2es t0ose si!na&s" decides to -a/ attention to t0e, as ,eanin!1 &" cate!ori<es t0e, accordin! to cate!ories in 0is or 0er ,ind" and 1ina&&/ assi!ns ,eanin! to t0e," co,, nication 0as occ rred+ Co,, nication is a -rocess t0at can 1a&ter at an/ one o1 t0ese ste-s '0en it ta)es -&ace $et'een ,e,$ers '0o s0are 2a& es" attit des" e.-eriences" $e0a2iora& e.-ectations" and e2en a 0istor/ to!et0er+ W0en co,, nicators co,e 1ro, di11erent c &t res" 0o'e2er" not on&/ t0e ,eanin!s" $ t a&so t0e ,enta& cate!ories are 2er/ di11erent+ We a&& de2e&o- cate!ories in order to ,a)e sense o1 &i1e+ (o r e.-erience readin! t0is $oo) $e&on!s in certain acti2it/ cate!ories+ T0e 'a/ /o dress" eat" and !et to 'or) e2er/ da/ is $e0a2ior t0at $e&on!s to certain cate!ories+ A&& t0e 2a& e -riorities t0at nder&ie /o r $e0a2ior a&so $e&on! to certain cate!ories+ T0ese cate!ories are &earned 1ro, t0e c &t re aro nd /o + (o &earned to nderstand t0e 'or&d accordin! to t0ese cate!ories+ Si!na&s can $e eit0er 2er$a& or non2er$a& or a co,$ination o1 $ot0+ I,a!ine a !&ance 1ro, so,eone" acco,-anied $/ a noise in 0is or 0er t0roat+ W0en /o

enco nter so,et0in! n1a,i&iar" /o 0a2e se2era& c0oices+ (o can ass ,e it is not0in!+ It 1its no cate!or/ )no'n to /o " and ,eans not0in!+ At t0is -oint" /o 0a2e -ercei2ed a si!na& $ t 0a2e c0osen not to attend to it+ Or /o can ass ,e it is si,-&/ a 2ariant o1 so,et0in! 1a,i&iar t0at is a&read/ in a ,enta& cate!or/+ It ,a/ see, t0e noise in t0e t0roat is a -re& de to s-eec0 t0at 'i&& $e directed at /o " since t0e -erson is &oo)in! at /o + In t0is case" /o 0a2e cate!ori<ed it and assi!ned ,eanin! to it" $ t $ot0 ,a/ $e 'ron!+ T0e !&ance ,a/ in 1act $e -ast /o to so,eone or so,et0in! e&se" and t0e noise in t0e t0roat ,a/ act a&&/ $e 'ords in a &an! a!e /o don:t nderstand+ Anot0er o-tion is t0at /o can c0oose to -ercei2e t0e si!na&s as n1a,i&iar and t0ere1ore not to $e ,atc0ed 'it0 e.istin! ,enta& cate!ories8 t0 s /o re9ect t0e, or )ee- t0e, 'aitin! nti& /o can re&ate t0e, to so,et0in! a&read/ 1a,i&iar+ It:s 0ard to )ee- t0e n,eanin!1 & in /o r ,ind 1or 2er/ &on!" E5HIBIT 121 Per+eption %odel o$ Communi+ation ncate!ori<ed and

n&ess /o 0a2e &earned to do so+ *ina&&/" /o 0a2e t0e o-tion o1 a&terin!

/o r ,enta& cate!or/ to acco,,odate t0e ne' in1or,ation and assi!nin! a ne' ,eanin!+ T0is is 0o' cate!ories are constant&/ $ein! re2ised and increased" as s0o'n in E.0i$it 535+ Meanin! is assi!ned to 2er$a& and non2er$a& $e0a2ior $ased on one:s acc , &ated e.-erience and nderstandin!one:s ,enta& data $an)+ We attri$ te ,eanin! on t0e $asis o1 '0at 0as $een ,eanin!1 & to s in -ast e.-eriences+ Peo-&e 1ro, c &t res t0at are si,i&ar 'i&& 0a2e a si,i&ar store o1 -ast e.-eriences and )no'&ed!e in t0eir data $an)s" and t0at s a&&/ &eads to attri$ tion o1 ,eanin!s t0at are c&ose+ I1 'e s0are co,,on e.-eriences and 2a& es 'it0 ot0ers" it is easier to inter-ret t0e ,eanin! $e0ind t0eir $e0a2iors acc rate&/+ Ho'e2er" '0en 'e don:t s0are co,,on e.-eriences" t0ere is a !reater c0ance 'e 'i&& assi!n an incorrect ,eanin! to t0e si!na&s+ W0en -eo-&e 1ro, di11erent c &t res co,3 , nicate" t0e data $an) cate!ories are not a&& t0e sa,e" t0e o-eratin! en2iron,ent t0e c &t re 'indo'is not e.act&/ t0e sa,e" and t0e ,eanin!s assi!ned to si!na&s are not a&& t0e sa,e+ T0is can 0a--en 'it0 2er$a& G'orded" 'ritten and ora&H co,, nication+ In 1act" -eo-&e 1ee& ,ost nco,1orta$&e '0en t0e/ nderstand t0e 'ords so,eone is sin!" $ t don:t nderstand '0at t0ose 'ords ,ean to t0e ser+ It a&so descri$es '0at 0a--ens 'it0 non2er$a& co,, nication" '0ic0 is , c0 $roader in sco-e 'it0 !reater -ossi$i&ities o1 ,is nderstandin!+ In order to 0a2e !ood co,, nication 'it0 anot0er c &t re" /o need to nderstand ,eanin!s in t0at c &t re+ T0is is $eca se !ood co,, nication ,eans !ood re&ations0i-s" and FGood re&ations0i-s ,ean increased -rod cti2it/ and -ro1its+ Bad co,, nication &eads to con1&ict" ine11icienc/" and &oss+F5N It is tr e 1or co,, nicators '0o s0are one c &t re as 'e&& as 1or co,, nicators 1ro, di11erent c &t res+ A 1+hemata %odel $or Inter+ultural Communi+ation T0e ,enta& cate!ories 'e create in order to ,a)e sense o t o1 t0e 'or&d can $e ca&&ed schemata. A,on! t0e sc0e,ata are t0ose t0at cate!ori<e '0at 'e )no' a$o t c &t res ot0er t0an o r o'n+ I1 /o are as)ed to s ,,on - '0at /o )no' a$o t a c &t re" sa/ t0e

do,inant c &t re o1 Et0io-ia" /o ,a/ not 0a2e , c0 data in /o r sc0e,a indeed" /o ,a/ e2en 0a2e to create a ne' sc0e,a $eca se t0is is t0e 1irst ti,e /o :2e t0o !0t a$o t Et0io-ia+

I1 /o )no' t0is Et0io-ia is a co ntr/ in A1rica" /o

2a& ed+ B siness-eo-&e are not

,a/ a1raid to stand - 1or t0eir indi2id a&

,a)e certain additions to /o r ri!0ts" $ t at t0e sa,e ti,e t0e/ a&so sc0e,a" '0ic0 ,a/ or ,a/ not $e s0o' sensiti2it/ to t0e ri!0ts o1 acc rate+ #oes it 0e&- to )no' t0at ot0ers+ T0e/ 0a2e t0e a$i&it/ to o2er 5AA di11erent et0nic !ro -s end re ad2ersit/ 'it0 -atience+ A!e 1ind a 0o,e in t0is co ntr/= Here in1or,ation+ is so,e T0e ,ore is res-ected+ A$o t M@ -ercent o1 t0e

do,inant -o- &ation are M s&i," '0i&e anot0er Ort0odo. C0ristians+

c &t re is A,0aric" '0ic0 is a&so MA -ercent o1 t0e -o- &ation are t0e o11icia& &an! a!e+ Et0io-ia is Et0io-ian one o1 t0e o&dest co ntries in t0e *or,er&/ t0e 0i!0est &e2e&s o1 societ/ 'or&d+ T0e ca-ita& is Addis 'ere ,ost&/ C0ristian" $ t" since t0e A$a$a+ B siness,en t/-ica&&/ -o&itica& -0ea2a&s in Et0io-ia in 'ear a '0ite ro$e GshammaH o2er recent /ears" M s&i,s as 'e&& as t0eir s0irts and tro sers" and ,a/ C0ristians occ -/ a&& &e2e&s+ Wo,en stand c&oser to -eo-&e in con3 o1ten o'n s,a&& $ sinesses" and" 2ersation t0an E ro-eans do+ n&i)e so,e ot0er M s&i, c &t res" B rea crac/ 1&o ris0es8 a stron! t0e M s&i, 'o,en o1 Et0io-ia do c0ie1 or &eader do,inates $ siness not 'ear a 2ei& or cha'or. Et0io-ians or!ani<ations+ *a,i&ies are stron! are Se,itic -eo-&e G&i)e 6e's and nits and 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers ,a/ $e Ara$sH+ Co11ee is a ,a9or e.-ort $ siness -artners+ Peo-&e tend to -rod ct+ ,a)e distinctions $ased on socia& and econo,ic -osition+ B siness enco nters are 1or,a&8 0os-ita&it/ is 0i!0&/

We can ,ode& o r e.-andin! )no'&ed!e o1 anot0er c &t re and 0o' 'e co,, nicate 'it0 it+5I T0e 1o&&o'in! dia!ra, GE.0i$it 53LH s0o's /o r c &t re as C &t re A" Et0io-ian c &t re as C &t re B" and /o r -ro9ection or sc0e,a a$o t Et0io-ian c &t re as B5+ T0e dia!ra, s0o's t0at /o r nderstandin! o1 C &t re B is rea&&/ t0e -ro9ection" or sc0e,a" /o 0a2e - t to!et0er a$o t Et0io-ia+

E5HIBIT 122 Co,, nication Is 'it0 Sc0e,ata" Not Act a& C &t re

EOHIBIT 53? Co,, nicators Send and Recei2e Messa!es t0ro !0 Sc0e,ata C &t re

C &t re A

I1 /o /o

i,a!ine /o rse&1 Et0io-ian c &t re+ E.0i$it 53? descri$es t0is W0en /o co,, nicate" /o are

tra2e&in! to Et0io-ia 1or $ siness" -rocess+ no' ,a/ $e a$&e to ,a)e 1 rt0er -ro9ections" $ased on t0e sendin! ,essa!es to B5" t0e sc0e,a o1 cate!ories in /o r sc0e,a" o1 Et0io-ian c &t re+ W0en /o recei2e ,essa!es '0at /o 'o &d e.-ect to 1ind+ 1ro, a ,e,$er o1 t0at c &t re" t0e/ arri2e a1ter T0e ,ore /o &earn a$o t Et0io-ia" t0e W0at 1ood 'i&& /o $e o11ered $/ $ein! 1i&tered t0ro !0 B5+ /o r $ siness contacts t0ere= W0at 'i&& $e 1or /o (o W0at n&i)e&/ to $e ,ore /o can re2ise and ad9 st /o r ,enta&

o11ered= Wo &d it $e acce-ta$&e -ro9ection o1 B5" and t0e c&oser it can co,e to to re1 se re1res0,ent= t0e rea&it/ GBH t0at is Et0io-ian c &t re+ E.0i$it o$ser2e /o Et0io-ians 5U5 s0o's t0is -rocess as a res &t o1 ind ction" I1 t0e ation o1 t0e sc0e,a+ T0e ,ore /o nderstand 'i&& 'i&&

eatin! 'it0 t0eir 1in!ers+ W0/= or t0e acco,,odation o1 ne' data $/ a&ter3 do= $ siness-eo-&e /o s-end ti,e o1 anot0er c &t re" t0e c&oser /o r sc0e,a 'i&&

'it0 a&& re-resent one co,-an/" $e to t0e rea&it/ t0at is t0e ot0er c &t re" and '0at e&se ,a/ t0e/ 0a2e in t0e $etter /o r co,, nication 'i&& $e+ (o co,,on= 'i&& 0a2e 1e'er ,is nderstandin!s o1 t0e )ind W0ate2er /o )no' a$o t t0at arise '0en ,essa!es are assi!ned di11erent Et0io-ia" $ased on t0ese 1e' 1acts ,eanin!s and di11erent cate!ories+ and % estions or on /o r -rior )no'&ed!e" n&ess /o are Et0io-ian" /o r ,enta& sc0e,a 'i&& not % ite acc rate&/ re1&ect t0e rea&it/ t0at is Et0io-ian c &t re+ Et0io-ian $ siness /o r * rt0er,ore" i1 /o 1or 'i&& o1 atte,-t to co,, nicate 'it0 co nter-arts - r-oses" /o

-ro$a$&/ $e co,, nicatin! 'it0 ,enta& -ro9ection

C &t re A C &t re B

co,, nicates t0e ,essa!e+ T0e conte.t and t0e &an! a!e to!et0er create ,essa!es t0at co,, nicate on ,ore &e2e&s t0an 9 st t0e 'ords+ In En!&is0" i1 a s-ea)er res-onds to a % estion 'it0 F/esF in a dra'n3o t" do'n'ard" s)e-tica& tone" '0i&e &oo)in! a'a/ and

%ultile!el %essa es W0en

co,, nication 1ro'nin!" t0e ,essa!e ,a/ rea&&/ $e" FT0is Here is an e.a,-&e o1 0o' ,essa!es

de-ends 0ea2i&/ -on t0e conte.t -ro$a$&/ 'i&& not $e -ossi$&e+F o1 t0e co,, nication act and ,essa!es tend to $e nderstood o-erate on ,ore t0an one &e2e& and ,is nder3 A 1e,a&e ne ro&o!ist 1ro, Bei9in! 'as

t0ro !0 t0e conte.t rat0er t0an standin! res &ts+ t0e 'ords" as in 0i!03conte.t can -&a/ aro nd 'it0 c &t res" t0en t0e ,essa!e sender 'or)in! on a researc0 -ro9ect in a Toronto t0e 0os-ita&+ S0e s0ared a s,a&& o11ice 'it0 a re&ations0i- $et'een ,eanin! and /o n! Canadian ,a&e 1ro, a &ar!e 1a,i&/" '0o 'ords+ Lan! a!e t0at encodes t0e &o2ed -ean t $ tter+ He 'as so 1ond o1 -ean t ,essa!e can di11er 1ro, t0e rea& $ tter" 0e )e-t a 9ar in t0e o11ice+ One da/ 0e ,eanin!+ O1 co rse" t0is can ca,e into t0e o11ice and e.c&ai,ed" FW0o 0a--en in &o'3conte.t c &t res too) ,/ -ean t $ tter=F GT0is 'as not c&ear&/ a&so+ Encoders can -&a/ 'it0 encoded e2en t0o !0 0is Canadian c &t re is &an! a!e8 t0e res &t is - ns and &o'er3conte.t t0an 0i!0er3conte.t+ He rea&&/ do $&e3,eanin! 9o)es+ So,eti,es ,eant" FW0ere is ,/ -ean t $ tter= I can:t t0e additiona& ,eanin! is nin3 1ind it+FH B t t0e C0inese 'o,an i,,ediate&/ tentiona&+ Messa!es t0at 1it t0is 1e&t acc sed+ A1ter a&&" t0ere 'ere on&/ t'o o1 descri-tion are o-eratin! on ,ore t0e, in t0e o11ice+ t0an one &e2e& at once7 t0e S0e 'as dee-&/ distressed" $ t tr e to encoded ,essa!e o1 t0e 'ords" 0er &earned c &t ra& $e0a2ior o1 ne2er s0o'in! t0e a--arent $ t i,-&ied ,essa!e" an!er in - $&ic" s0e said not0in!+ Later t0at t0e rea& ,essa!e" and so 1ort0+ da/ s0e 'as 'or)in! in a roo, '0ere a T0ese ,essa!es are not se-ara$&e -0/siot0era-ist 'as treatin! a -atient '0o 1ro, t0e conte.t t0at a&so s 11ered -ara&/sis o1 0is &e!s and ar,s 1ro, a




t0e -atient 0ad !one" and t0en said to said+F T0e -0/siot0era-ist 'as ta)en

-0/siot0era-ist ,o2ed one o1 t0e t0e -0/siot0era-ist" FI:, 2er/ -set $/ '0at -atient:s &e!s in a 'a/ t0at ca sed /o 0i, -ain+ FO c0TF 0e cried+ t0e -0/siot0era-ist+ FIt 'as t0at doctor o2er t0ere"F and -ointed to t0e C0inese 'o,an+ a$ac)+ W0at 0ad s0e said= F(o said I 0ad t0ree 0ands"F t0e doctor 1ina&&/ c0o)ed+ F(o W0at 'as !oin! on in t0is e.c0an!e= o-erated on t'o &e2e&s '0en s0e said t0e

FO0" I didn:t do t0at"F said t0in) I too) t0e -ean t $ tter+F s0e T0e -0/siot0era-ist 'as ,a)in! a 9o)e t0at

FHo' co &d s0e 0a2e done doctor 0ad Ft0ree 0ands+F S0e 'asn:t serio s" it since s0e:s on t0e ot0er side o1 o1 co rse" and e.-ected t0e -atient to $e t0e roo,=F t0e -atient -ointed a, sed at 0er 1anci1 & e.-&anation 1or 0is o t+ t0e -0/siot0era-ist re-&ied+ At t0ese 'ords t0e C0inese -ain7 t0at t0e doctor on t0e ot0er side o1 t0e FA0" s0e 0as t0ree 0ands"F roo, co &d 0a2e reac0ed an i,a!inar/ t0ird 0and o t to to c0 0i,+ T0e C0inese 'o,an ca,e 1ro, a

doctor $eca,e e2en ,ore -set+ c &t re '0ere t0e % estion FW0o did t0is=F S0e 'as so dist r$ed s0e $e0a2ed ,eans so,eone is to $&a,e+ Her c &t re in a 'a/ nc0aracteristic o1 0er 1 rt0er,ore -ro0i$its direct acc sation n&ess c &t re+ S0e 'aited nti& a -erson 0as $een tar!eted 1or s0a,e+ S0a,e is a terri$&e ordeat since it ,eans - nis0,ent 1or not $ein! a coo-erati2e ,e,$er o1 t0e !ro -+ And 1ina&&/" in C0inese a F,ree30anded -ersonF is s&an! 1or a t0ie1+ T0e -0/siot0era-ist didn:t )no' t0at" nor did s0e )no' an/t0in! a$o t a ,issin! 9ar o1 -ean t $ tter+ B t $eca se t0e C0inese 'o,an s-o)e o t &o d and - t 0er distress into 'ords" t0e '0o&e e-isode 'as reso&2ed+ T0e t0era-ist e.-&ained to t0e doctor t0at s0e on&/ said Ft0ree 0andsF $eca se it 'as so

o$2io s




not res-onsi$&e 1or ca sin! t0e -ain to t0e -atient+

P&a/in! aro nd 'it0 t0e !a- $et'een t0e coded ,essa!e and t0e rea& ,eanin! in2o&2es conte.t8 ,an/ instances are not trans1era$&e to 'ritten &an! a!e $eca se t0e/ de-end -on non2er$a& $e0a2ior+ *or e.a,-&e" '0en a co3'or)er res-onds to t0e % estion" FHo' 'as /o r 'ee)end 'it0 /o r in3&a's=F 'it0 e/es ro&&ed -'ard and a ,onotone 2oca& de&i2er/" t0e 'orded ,essa!e FGreatF ta)es on a ,eanin! t0at is t0e o--osite o1 t0e 'ord:s s a& ,eanin!+ M &ti&e2e& ,essa!es do occ r in &o'er3conte.t c &t res" $ t t0ese c &t res tend to tr st t0e ,essa!e ,ost&/ to 'ords and to e% ate a,$i! it/ 'it0 increased ris) o1 ,isco,, 3nication+ GT0e C0inese ne ro&o!ist )ne' t0at Canadians s a&&/ encode ,essa!es in 'ords '0en t0e s $9ect is serio s+H Hi!0er3conte.t c &t res 2ie' 'ord3&e2e&3on&/ ,essa!es as nso-0isticated" c0i&dis0" and r de+ T0e/ -re1er con2entions o1 co,, nicationa&& sion to c&assica& te.ts" -ara$&es and -ro2er$s" nderstate,ent" and Gsa/in! so,et0in! in ter,s o1 '0at it is notHt0at can &ead to ,is nderstandin! $/ co,, nicators '0o are not 2ersed in t0ese con2entions+ Ta)e t0at &ast con2ention"" 1or instance+ In T0ai&and" 6a-an" C0ina" and ot0er Asian c &t res it is -o&ite to descri$e one:s a$i&ities in se&13 de-recatin! ter,s+ FI 0a2e so,e s,a&& e.-erience in t0atF ,a/ $e t0e 'a/ a 'or&d3 1a,o s ,at0e,atician descri$es a &i1e:s 'or)+ In Nort0 A,erica" 0o'e2er" t0e 'ords are ta)en at 1ace 2a& e and t0e conte.t is i!noredit is not -ro$ed8 it is not t0e s $9ect o1 1 rt0er in% ir/+ T0e ,et0ods o1 co,, nicatin! are on&/ -art o1 t0e sit ation" o1 co rse+ T0ere are a&so 2ar/in! concerns a$o t '0at $e&on!s to t0e co,, nication conte.t and '0at is a--ro-riate to $e co,, nicated rat0er t0an 'it00e&d+ S0o &d an Indonesian trainee in t0e United States 2oice concerns a$o t a -ossi$&e ins &t to 0is 0ost ni2ersit/ i1 0e a&so ta)es a co rse in anot0er instit tion= Or is t0is $etter &e1t nsaid= S0o &d an Indian 9o$ a--&icant in A stra&ia 'it0 considera$&e e.-erience - t 1or'ard -ast ac0ie2e,ents= Or is t0at nacce-ta$&/ se&13i,-ortant=

T0ese % estions arise in co,, nication sit ations in an/ !i2en c &t re8 t0e/ are ,a!ni1ied '0en co,, nication occ rs across c &t res+ T0en t0e si!ni1icance o1 '0at conte.t a& e&e,ents $e&on! in t0e encoded ,essa!e is nc&ear+ A # tc0 $ siness-erson in Indonesia ,i!0t !et into tro $&e '0en si,-&/ as)in! 1or c&ari1ication in t0e 1o&&o'in! 'a/7 F(o said /esterda/ /o are /o sa/in! /o can:t ,eet t0e dead&ine a1ter a&&= Or don:t /o t0ese % estions as a de&i$erate atte,-t to 0 ,i&iate+ Pattern Re+o nition Anot0er )e/ 1actor in co,, nication is re&ated to t0e 'a/ -eo-&e -rocess in1or,ation+ In ot0er 'ords" co,, nication is a11ected $/ t0e 'a/ -eo-&e t0in)" t0eir -rocesses o1 co!nition+ C &t ret0e o-eratin! en2iron,ent o1 t0e ,ind deter,ines 0o' -eo-&e t0in)+ One o1 t0e )e/s to nderstandin! co!nition is t0e ,ind:s a$i&it/ to reco!ni<e -atterns and its de-endenc/ -on -atterns to or!ani<e in1or,ation into sc0e,ata+ T0e r &es 1or sentence str ct re o1 eac0 &an! a!e 1or, a co,-&e. -attern t0at orders s-o)en or 'ritten t0o !0t+ Ot0er -atterns t0at str ct re co!nition inc& de re&ations0i-s o1 , t a& interde-endence Ga s-rin! season i,-&ies an a t ,nH" re&ations0i-s o1 ca se and e11ect GFi1+ + + t0enFH" re&ations0i-s o1 di2ision and addition G-arts t0at add - to t0e '0o&eH" -atterns o1 antit0esis Go--ositesH" -atterns o1 ded ction and ind ction" and -atterns o1 sa/in! so,et0in! in ter,s o1 '0at it is not+ T0ese are 9 st a 1e' -atterns o1 co!nition" not an e.0a sti2e &ist+ T0e &ast" Fdescri$in! so,et0in! in ter,s o1 '0at it is not"F is a')'ard to e.-ress in En!&is0" $eca se En!&is03s-ea)in! c &t res do not o1ten se it+ #escri-tions $/ En!&is0 s-ea)ers '0o 'rite a$o t t0is Asian t0o !0t -attern o1ten se t0e ter, ne$ative space. T0is is t0e s-ace t0at is not 1ore!ro nd+ Loo) at t0e $are $ranc0es o1 a tree" 1or e.a,-&e+ I1 /o t0en &oo) at t0e s-aces $et'een t0e $ranc0es" /o :&& $e!in to nderstand t0e ne!ati2e s-ace conce-t+ W0en /o &oo) at a ,o ntain ran!e" t0e -ea)s in t0e 1ore!ro nd see, to 0a2e ot0er -ea)s $e/ond nderstood t0e i,-ortance o1 0a2in! t0is -0ase o1 t0e -ro9ect co,-&eted $/ t0e dead&ine+ No' nderstand t0e sit ation=F T0e $ siness-erson:s Indonesian co nter-art 'o &d &i)e&/ -ercei2e

t0e," and -er0a-s ,ore $e/ond t0ose+ B t '0at &ies $et'een t0e ,o ntains= T0at is a ,eta-0/sica& % estion t0at 0as interested ,an/ Asian t0in)ers" and conte,-&atin! t0e n)no'n s-ace $et'een '0at is )no'n is a 'a/ o1 &oo)in! at so,et0in! t0at is ,ere&/ i,-&ied+ SUMMAR( T0is c0a-ter $e!an 'it0 a !&i,-se at '0/ interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication ,atters to or!ani<ations7 Co,, nicators '0o nderstand &hy -eo-&e t0in) and $e0a2e t0e 'a/ t0e/ do can -re2ent ,isco,, nication ,ore o1ten+ Second" t0e c0a-ter 0as de1ined c &t re as Coherent. Learne'. Share'.

C &t re -er1or,s t0ree 1 nctions7 D D D Culture ranks &hat is important. Culture furnishes attitu'es. Culture 'ictates behavior. n1a,i&iar

Ne.t t0e c0a-ter considers 0o' 'e res-ond to 1orei!n and c &t res in t0e 1o&&o'in! 'a/s7

%he challen$e of 'iversity Gdi2ersit/ is not a 1 t re $ t rat0er a -resent ;iversity abroa', inclu'in$ culture shock an' reverse culture shock. %he *uestion of chan$e in cultures. C &t res a--ear to c0an!e 2er/ %ypical reactions to unfamiliar cultures. T0ese inc& de ass ,-tions %he importance of self+kno&le'$e. Se&13)no'&ed!e is critica& 1or

rea&it/H+ D

&itt&e on a dee- &e2e&" a&t0o !0 -o- &ar c &t re and -o- &ar taste do c0an!e+

o1 s -eriorit/" et03nocentris," and ass ,-tions o1 ni2ersa&it/+


nderstandin! ot0er c &t res and co,, nicatin! s ccess1 &&/ 'it0 t0e,+ T0is ,eans reco!ni<in! t0e ,enta& re-resentations eac0 o1 s ses to nderstand and !enera&i<e" 1acin! $ias in o rse&2es" and ac)no'&ed!in! discri,ination and

-re9 dice as $e0a2iors t0at can a11ect interc &t ra& $ siness interactions ad2erse&/+ *ina&&/" t0e c0a-ter 0as &oo)ed at t0e re&ations0i- $et'een c &t re and co,, nication+ T0e ,ain -oints inc& de t0e 1o&&o'in!7 D D D D D <i$h+conte/t an' lo&+conte/t cultures. 7erception an' communication. Schemata .o'el for Intercultural Communication. .ultilevel messa$es. 7attern reco$nition.

Learnin! a$o t c &t re and a$o t co,, nication across c &t res 'i&& $e disc ssed in ,ore detai& t0ro !0o t t0e $oo)+ T0e ,ost o$2io s iss e 1or co,, nication across c &t res" o1 co rse" is &an! a!e+ T0at is t0e s $9ect o1 t0e ne.t c0a-ter+ NOTES


#ona&d *+ Hastin!s" FLinco&n E&ectric:s Hars0 Lessons 1ro,

Internationa& E.-ansion"F <arvar' usiness #evie& >>, no+ ? GMa/36 ne 5IIIH" --+ 5K?35>@+

Ed'ard T+ Ha&&" %he <i''en ;imension, GNe' (or)7 Anc0or Nor,a Carr3R 11ino" .ana$in$ ;iversity, GNeed0a, Hei!0ts" MA7 Ric0ard Mead" International .ana$ement, Lnd ed+" GMaiden" MA7 Ra/,ond Co0en" 0e$otiatin$ Across Cultures, GWas0in!ton" #C7

Press;#o $&eda/" 5IKKH+


Si,on V Sc0 ster" 5IINH+


B&ac)'e&&" 5IINH" -+ N+

United States Instit te o1 Peace" 5II5H" -+ N" -ara-0rasin! T/&or:s 7rimitive Culture.

Hendric) Serrie" FCross3C &t ra& Interaction7 So,e Genera&

Considerations 1or Innocents A$road+F In Anthropolo$y an' International usiness, St dies in T0ird Wor&d Societies no+ LN" Hendric) Serrie" ed+ GWi&&ia,s$ r!" VA7 #e-art,ent o1 Ant0ro-o&o!/" Co&&e!e o1 Wi&&ia, and Mar/+ 5INKH" -+ @@+

Geor!e A+ Borden" Cultural 2rientation1 An Approach to

Un'erstan'in$ Intercultural Communication, GEn!&e'ood C&i11s" N67 Prentice3 Ha&&" 5II5H -+ IN" % otin! M+ Ro)eac0" FVa& e T0eor/ and Co,, nication Researc07 Re2ie' and Co,,entar/+F In #+ Ni,,o" ed+" Communication -earbook 3 GNe' Br ns'ic)" N67 Transaction Boo)s 1or t0e Interc &t ra& Co,, nication Association" 5I>IH" -+ 5A+

Hiro)o Sa)o, ra and S e Wins)i" n- $&is0ed case 1ro, Trans1or,

Cor-oration" To)/o" in an n- $&is0ed -a-er" SIETAR Internationa& Con!ress" #en2er" 5INN+


Ed'ard Ha&&" eyon' Culture, GNe' (or)7 Anc0or Press #o $&eda/"

5I>KH" -+ >+


Geert Ho1stede" Cultures an' 2r$aniDations1 Soft&are of the .in', 6a,es L+ Watson" FC0ina:s Bi! Mac Attac)"F 9orei$n Affairs, Ma/3 6+ H+ Gorin!" 5IAI n rser/ r0/,e" % oted in Ho1stede" Cultures an' Ha&&" eyon' Culture, -+ 55K+ Larr/ Co-e&and and Larr/ Gri!!s" Goin$ International 2ideo+ Ne' S r2e/ instr ,ent re-rod ced in a -a-er $/ #+A+ Goin!s+ Ste-0en *+ Ed'ard Ha&&" %he Silent Lan$ua$e, GNe' (or)7 Anc0or Press

GLondon7 McGra'3Hi&&" 5II5H" -+ L?>+


6 ne LAAA" --+ 5LA35?M+


2r$aniDations, -+ L?@+
5?+ 5M+

(or)7 Rando, Ho se" 5IN@+


A stin State Uni2ersit/" Naca!doc0es" TO+


#o $&eda/" 5I@IH8 Larr/ A+ Sa,o2ar" Ric0ard E+ Porter" and Ne,i C+ 6ain" Un'erstan'in$ Intercultural Communication, GBe&,ont" CA7 Wads'ort0" 5IN5H+
5>+ 5N+

Ha&&" eyon' Culture, --+ N@35LN+ Ric0ard Mead" Cross+Cultural .ana$ement Communication, GNe' Linda Bea,er" FA Sc0e,ata Mode& 1or Interc &t ra& Co,, nication

(or)7 6o0n Wi&e/ V Sons" 5IIAH" --+ L3?+


and Case St d/7 T0e E,-eror and t0e En2o/"F "ournal of usiness Communication ?L GA-ri& 5II@H" --+ 5M535K5+

CHAPTER TWO T0e Ro&e o1 Lan! a!e in Interc &t ra& B siness Co,, nication

T0e Lan! a!e Barrier and Its Conse% ences7 Rea& and Percei2ed Ro$ert Brec)enrid!e 1ro, nen3nen ,ic0 Bo$+ Ic0 1re e ,ic0" Sie < t0e United States is ,eetin! K&a s tre11en nci Hart,ann 1ro, Ger,an/+ T0e/ are ,eetin! 1or t0e 1irst ti,e" and t0e/ are !oin! to disc ss o--ort nities 1or coo-eration $et'een t0eir t'o 1ir,s+ Ro$ert Brec)enrid!e is ?L8 K&a s Hart,ann" @@+ Ro$ert is e.cited a$o t t0e o--ort nities and 'ants to co,e across as 1riend&/ and o t!oin!+ He s-ea)s Ger,an $ t 0as not dea&t 'it0 Ger,ans $e1ore" and Mr+ Hart,ann 0as not done $ siness on an internationa& &e2e& eit0er+ T0is is Mr+ Hart,ann:s 1irst tri- to t0e United States8 0is En!&is0 is &i,ited+ As Mr+ Hart,ann 'a&)s into Ro$ert Brec)en3rid!e:s o11ice" 0e is !reeted 'it0" FHa&&o" 'ie !e0t:s= Ic0 $in Ro$ert Brec)enrid!e" a$er a&&e

$in sic0er" K&a s" da1i 'ir ! t -iece o1 c0e'in! ! , in 0is ,o t0+ :T0is is > sa,,en ar&2iien 'erden+F GHi" !oin! to $e eas/7 doin! $ siness 'it0 0o':re /o doin!+ I:, Ro$ert so,eone 1ro, anot0er co ntr/ is no& !oin! Brec)enrid!e" $ t e2er/$od/ ca&&s to $e $ad at a&&"F 0e t0in)s+ FIn 1act" 'e:&& ,e Bo$+ I:, e.cited to ,eet /o " co,e &o an a!ree,ent -rett/ 1ast 0ere+F Mr+ I K&a s" and I:, s re 'e:&& $e a$&e to &art,ann see,s to !o a&on! 'it0 0is 'or) to!et0er 'e&&+H He o11ers 0i+3 -ro-osa&+ 2isitor a c0air+ Ro$ert Ro$ert is+ t0ere1ore" 2er/ is s r-rised '0en Mr+ Hart,ann in1or,s 0i,

co,1orta$&e and re& as t0e/ so,e ti,e &itter t0at 0e is no &on!er disc ss t0e 1 t re+ He - ts 0is 1ee& interested in t0e dea&+ W0at 0a--ened= - on t0e ta$&e and - ts anot0er

The Relationship ,et#een Lan ua e and Culture In t0e a$o2e e.a,-&e" Ro$ert Brec)enrid!e s-o)e !ra,,atica&&/ correct Ger,an" $ t 0e 1ai&ed c &t ra&&/+ Mr+ Hart,ann" '0o is rat0er 1or,a& $/ United States standards" resents $ein! ca&&ed $/ 0is 1irst na,e and resents t0e 1a,i&iarit/ o1 t0e !reetin!+ B t 0e resents e2en ,ore t0at Mr+ Brec)enrid!e - t 0is 1eet on t0e ta$&e and c0e'ed ! , '0i&e ta&)in!+ :FHo' can one do serio s $ siness 'it0 so,eone &i)e t0at=F 0e t0in)s+ As t0e e.a,-&e s0o's" c &t re and &an! a!e are intert'ined and are s0a-in! eac0 ot0er+ It is i,-ossi$&e to se-arate t0e t'o+ Lan! a!e is not ne tra& codes and !ra,,atica& r &es+ Eac0 ti,e 'e se&ect 'ords" 1or, sentences" and send a ,essa!e" eit0er ora& or 'ritten" 'e a&so ,a)e c &t ra& c0oices+ We a&& a!ree t0at &an! a!e 0e&-s in co,, nicatin! 'it0 -eo-&e 1ro, di11erent $ac)!ro nds+ Ho'e2er" 'e ,a/ $e &ess a'are t0at c &t ra& &iterac/ is necessar/ in order to nderstand t0e &an! a!e $ein! sed+ I1 'e se&ect &an! a!e 'it0o t $ein! a'are o1 t0e c &t ra& i,-&ications" 'e ,a/ at $est not co,, nicate 'e&& and at 'orst send t0e 'ron! ,essa!e+ In o r o'n en2iron,ent 'e are a'are o1 t0e i,-&ications o1 t0e c0oices+

*or e.a,-&e" i1 an A,erican sa/s" ::Ho' are /o =F ot0er A,ericans re!ister t0e -0rase as <ello, t0e e% i2a&ent o1 Guten %a$, on,our, or 2hio GoDayimasu, rat0er t0an t0e &itera& ,eanin!+ A 1orei!ner in t0e United States" '0o )no's so,e En!&is0 $ t is not 1a,i&iar 'it0 t0e c &t re and sa!e o1 En!&is0" ,a/ attri$ te a 2er/ di11erent ,eanin! to t0e -0rase and inter-ret it , c0 ,ore &itera&&/+ K&a s Hart,ann" 1or e.a,-&e" ,a/ 5+ L+ ?+ Consider t0e -0rase as too -ersona& and t0in) t0at it is none o1 T0in) t0at Ro$ert &itera&&/ ,eans '0at 0e sa/s and -roceed to Consider Ro$ert insincere $eca se it $eco,es o$2io s t0at Ro$ert

Ro$ert:s $ siness 0o' 0e is+ ans'er t0e % estion+ is not rea&&/ interested in t0e ans'er+ T0e -oint is t0at 'ords in t0e,se&2es do not carr/ t0e ,eanin!+ T0e ,eanin! co,es o t o1 t0e conte.t" t0e c &t ra& sa!e+ *or e.a,-&e" a Ger,an '0o 0as &i2ed in t0e United States 1or ,an/ /ears 'i&& ta)e on" o1ten n)no'in!&/" ,an/ A,erican $e0a2iora& -atterns+ S0e ,a/ $e ,ore o t!oin! and ent0 siastic" &ess 1or,a&" ,ore o-ti,istic+ W0en s0e !oes $ac) to Ger,an/" s0e s-ea)s Ger,an $ t increasin!&/ 'it0 an A,erican 1ra,e o1 re1erence+ At socia& 1 nctions" s0e 'i&& introd ce 0erse&1 $/ 1irst and &ast na,e rat0er t0an $/ &ast na,e and -ro1essiona& tit&e+ FIn!rid 4er$e" er1re t Sie )ennen< &ernenF GIn!rid 4er$e" -&eased to ,eet /o H rat0er t0an F#r+ 4er$e" er1re t Sie )ennen< &ernen+F T0e Ger,ans are at a &oss8 t0e/ don:t )no' 0o' to address 0er+ T0e/ co &d sa/ F*ra 4er$e"F $ t i1 s0e 0as a -ro1essiona& tit&e t0at 'o &d not $e correct+ In an/ case" no$od/ cares a$o t 0er 1irst na,e an/'a/+ In!rid 4er$e" on t0e ot0er 0and" 1inds t0ose Ger,ans !ettin! sti11er a&& t0e ti,e8 'it0 e2er/ 2isit t0e/ are $eco,in! ,ore reser2ed+ It is !ettin! ,ore di11ic &t to esta$3 &is0 a connection and 1ee& co,1orta$&e+ Lan ua e as a Re$le+tion o$ the En!ironment Lan! a!e re1&ects t0e en2iron,ent in '0ic0 'e &i2e+ We &a$e& t0in!s t0at

are aro nd

s+ *or e.a,-&e" in t0e A,a<on area sno' is not -art o1 t0e

en2iron,ent8 t0ere1ore" -eo-&e in t0e re!ion do not 0a2e a 'ord 1or sno'+ It si,-&/ does not In areas '0ere it sno's occasiona&&/" -eo-&e 0a2e a 'ord 1or sno'" $ t it ,a/ 9 st $e one 'ord 'it0o t an/ di11erentiations+ Most A,ericans" 1or e.a,-&e" se ter,s s c0 as sno&, po&'er sno&, sleet, slush, bliDDar', ice. T0at:s t0e e.tent o1 ,ost -eo-&e:s sno' 2oca$ &ar/+ Peo-&e '0o &i2e in an en2iron,ent '0ere it sno's d rin! ,ost ,ont0s o1 t0e /ear ,a/ 0a2e a , c0 ,ore di11erentiated ter,ino&o!/ 1or sno'+: I1 /o !o to a - $ in t0e nort0 o1 Ger,an/ and order 'ine" /o ,a/ as) 1or Fein G&as WeiB'ein $itteF Ga !&ass o1 '0ite 'ine" -&easeH+ (o ,a/ s-eci1/ .osel&ein or #hein&ein, $ t t0at:s it+ T0e nort0 o1 Ger,an/ is $eer co ntr/" and t0e )no'&ed!e o1 'ine is , c0 ,ore &i,ited+ In Baden" t0e so t0'est o1 Ger,an/" on t0e ot0er 0and" an/ 'aiter 'o &d 9 st stare at /o i1 /o as)ed 1or a !&ass o1 '0ite 'ine+ Here /o 'o &d s-eci1/ t0e t/-e o1 'ine" t0e 2ine/ard" and t0e /ear+ Wine is i,-ortant in t0e re!ion" and /o are e.-ected to )no' a$o t 'ine+ T0e en2iron,ent 'i&& in1& ence t0e de2e&o-,ent o1 tec0no&o!/" -rod cts" and t0e a--ro-riate 2oca$ &ar/+ *or e.a,-&e" c &t res in tro-ica& c&i,ates 'i&& not de2e&o- 0eatin! s/ste,s and" as a res &t" 'i&& not 0a2e an/ o1 t0e acco,-an/in! 2oca$ &ar/" 9 st as -eo-&e in co&d c&i,ates 0a2e no need 1or air conditionin!+ Lan ua e as a Re$le+tion o$ Values In addition to t0e en2iron,ent" &an! a!e a&so re1&ects c &t ra& 2a& es+ Ha&&" 1or e.a,-&e" -oints o t t0at t0e Na2a9os do not 0a2e a 'ord 1or late.A Ti,e" 0e te&&s s" does not -&a/ a ro&e in Na2a9o &i1e+ T0ere is a ti,e to do e2er/t0in!" a nat ra& ti,e rat0er t0an t0e arti1icia& c&oc) ti,e t0at ind stria& co ntries se+ As a res &t" t0e Na2a9os do not 0a2e t0e di11erentiated 2oca$ &ar/ connected 'it0 ti,e and c&oc)s t0at A,ericans 0a2e+ Ti,e and t0e -assin! o1 ti,e are t0in!s one can:t contro&8 t0ere1ore" one s0o &d not 'orr/ a$o t 'astin! ti,e and settin! sc0ed &es+ In Mandarin C0inese" one 'ord I*in$H re-resents

2ario s 0 es o1 $& e and !reen+ W0at ,i!0t $e ca&&ed $reen in En!&is0 'i&& $e ca&&ed *in$, and '0at co &d $e ca&&ed blue in En!&is0 is a&so ca&&ed *in$. It isn:t t0at C0inese s-ea)ers cannot distin! is0 t0e di11erence in 0 es8 t0e/ si,-&/ se one 'ord 1or a ran!e o1 0 es+ One o1 t0e -ro$&e,s in dea&in! 'it0 -eo-&e 1ro, ot0er c &t res is t0at 'e trans&ate conce-ts 1ro, a 1orei!n &an! a!e and c &t re 'it0 'ords t0at 1it o r -riorities+ *or e.a,-&e" $ siness-eo-&e in t0e United States t/-ica&&/ are 1r strated 'it0 t0e mahana ,enta&it/ o1 S-anis03s-ea)in! co ntries7 FT0e/ said to,orro'" $ t t0e/ did not ,ean it+F *or A,ericans tomorro& ,eans ,idni!0t to ,idni!0t" a 2er/ -recise ti,e -eriod+ To Me.icans" on t0e ot0er 0and" mahana ,eans in t0e 1 t re" soon+ A Me.ican $ siness,an s-ea)in! 'it0 an A,erican ,a/ se t0e 'ord tomorro& $ t ,a/ not $e a'are o1 or ,a/ not intend t0e -recise ,eanin! o1 t0e 'ord+ T0is 2a! e ter,ino&o!/ is not -recise eno !0 1or A,erican e,-0asis on e11icienc/+ T0e di11ic &ties o2er t0e 'ord mahana are at &east as , c0 an A,erican -ro$&e, as a Me.ican -ro$&e,+ #ictionaries do not 0e&- $eca se t0e/ t/-ica&&/ -retend t0at t0ere are e.act 'ord e% i2a&encies t0at 0a2e t0e sa,e ,eanin!s+ In order to co,, nicate conce-ts e11ecti2e&/" c &t ra& )no'&ed!e is as i,-ortant as &in! istic )no'&ed!e+ T0e C0inese" 1or e.a,-&e" do not 0a2e a 'ord 1or communication, as in t0e ter, business communication. T0e/ se letter e/chan$e or transportation traffic $ t not communication. T0e C0inese a&so do not 0a2e a conce-t o1 -ri2ac/8 as a res &t" t0ere is no corres-ondin! 'ord in t0e C0inese &an! a!e+ T/-ica&&/ privacy is trans&ated reclusiveness, '0ic0 $rin!s - 2er/ di11erent connotations in En!&is0 t0an t0e 'ord privacy. T0e 'ord privacy 0as a -ositi2e connotation 1or -eo-&e in t0e United States+ T0e/ t0in) o1 t0e -ri2ac/ o1 t0eir 0o,es" t0e ri!0t to -ri2ac/" t0e ri!0t to -ri2ate -ro-ert/+ T0e 'ord reclusive+ ness, on t0e ot0er 0and" indicates t0at a -erson 'it0dra's 1ro, societ/" is a &oner" or does not 1it in+ In t0e U+S+ conte.t" a rec& si2e -erson is considered so,e'0at stran!e+ In C0ina a rec& si2e -erson is , c0 ,ore ne!ati2e&/ 2ie'ed+

The %eanin o$ "ords So,eti,es di11erent c &t res se identica& 'ords t0at 0a2e rat0er di11erent ,eanin!s+ T0e res &ts can $e 0 ,oro s" anno/in!" or cost&/ de-endin! on t0e circ ,stances+ Let s &oo) at se2era& e.a,-&es+ An A,erican ni2ersit/ and its *renc0 -artner disc ssed t0e -ossi$i&ities o1 e.c0an!es 1or st dents" -ro1essors" and ad,inistrators+ Bot0 sides a!reed t0at 'o &d $e a !ood idea+ T0e *renc0 ne!otiator s-o)e -rett/ !ood En!&is0" at 1irst !&ance 2er/ !ood En!&is08 t0e A,erican s-o)e !ood *renc0+ In t0e disc ssion t0e/ sed $ot0 *renc0 and En!&is0+ In $ot0 &an! a!es t0e/ sed t0e identica& 'ord a'ministration '0en t0e/ ta&)ed a$o t e.c0an!es $et'een t0e t'o instit tions+ T0e s r-rise ca,e &ater+ *or t0e A,erican" a'ministration in t0e ni2ersit/ conte.t ,eant de-art,ent c0air" dean" -ro2ost+ *or t0e *renc0" a'ministration ,eant --er3&e2e& c&erica& sta11+ W0at t0e A,erican considered to $e an ad,inistrator" t0e *renc0 considered 1ac &t/+ T0e 'ord mana$er is sed 'or&d'ide" $ t it 0as di11erent &e2e&s o1 i,-ortance and ,eanin! in di11erent c &t res+ T0e sa,e is tr e 1or t0e tit&e 'irector. Man/ 6a-anese" 1or e.a,-&e" 0a2e t0e tit&e 'irector on t0eir $ siness card+ In t0e A,erican conte.t" a director is a -erson o1 so,e i,-ortance and -o'er+ In 6a-an" t0e tit&e ,a/ not carr/ t0e sa,e &e2e& o1 a t0orit/+ It ,a/ ta)e so,e ti,e to deter,ine '0at tit&es ,ean and '0ere t0e -erson stands in t0e 0ierarc0/+ T0e ter, 'irector co &d $e a &oan 'ord 1ro, En!&is0 to trans&ate t0e -osition 1or se on a $ siness card8 t0e 'ord is t0e sa,e" $ t t0e ,eanin! ,a/ $e s&i!0t&/ di11erent+ T0e ter, co &d a&so re1&ect cross3c &t ra& di11erences in or!ani<ationa& str ct re+ T0e 'ord 'irector ,a/ $e t0e c&osest trans&ation o1 a 9o$ tit&e t0at does not in t0e U+S+ cor-orate str ct re+ Li)e'ise" t0e 'ords office &orker or staff are o1ten sed 1or t0e !enera& ad,inistrati2e 'or)ers in a 6a-anese 'or) !ro -" '0ic0 tends to 0a2e &ess de1ined 9o$ cate!ories t0an its U+S+ e% i2a&ent+ An nderstandin! o1 t0e s-eci1ic tit&e 'o &d re% ire a ,ore detai&ed e.-&anation o1 t0e 9o$ and its 1it in t0e or!ani<ationa& str ct re+ In t0e United States doc ,ents are o1ten notari<ed+ T0is is not a co,-&e. -rocess+ One si,-&/ !oes to a notar/ - $&ic and !ets t0e sta,- and si!nat re+

So,eti,es one -a/s a 1ee8 so,eti,es t0e ser2ice is 1ree+ T0e Ger,an ter," notarielle e$laubi$un$, o1ten trans&ated as notariDe', ,eans so,et0in! % ite di11erent+ In t0is case one 'o &d !o to a 0otar, a &a'/er+ T0e Notar 'o &d -re-are t0e doc ,ent or" at a ,ini, ," si!n t0e doc ,ent+ T0is ser2ice is , c0 ,ore e.-ensi2e+ T0e ,eanin! o1 t0e United States conce-t notariDe' is $etter re1&ected in t0e Ger,an ter, e$laubi$un$, so,et0in! an/ o11icia& -erson can do+ T0e con1 sin! -art is t0e 'ord notariDe' in t0e A,erican e.-ression+ A notar/ - $&ic is not a 0otar. T0e sa,e con1 sion arises in Me.ico '0ere a 0otario is a &a'/er 'it0 s-ecia& -ri2i&e!es to -er1or, certain 1 nctions t0at re% ire s-ecia& % a&i1ications+ Bot0 t0e *renc0 and t0e A,ericans se t0e 'ord force ma,eure, $ t t0e -0rase carries 2er/ di11erent ,eanin!s+ Litera&&/ t0e ter, ,eans s -erior or irresisti$&e 1orce+ In U+S+ &e!a& &an! a!e" t0e ter, re1ers !enera&&/ to 1orces o1 nat re or -ossi$&/ 'ar+ T0e i,-&ications are t0at t0e ter,s o1 a contract ,a/ $e c0an!ed $eca se t0e ris) 'as not a&&ocated in eit0er t0e e.-ressed or i,-&ied ter,s o1 t0e contract+ In E ro-ean &a' t0e ter, 0as a $roader ,eanin!+ It a&so inc& des c0an!es in econo,ic conditions or ot0er circ ,stances t0at 'ere not reasona$&/ antici-ated '0en t0e contract 'as dra'n -+ T0e i,-&ication is t0at '0en A,ericans ,a)e a!ree,ents 'it0 E ro-eans t0at inc& de disc ssions o1 n1oreseen circ ,stances and se t0e ter, force ma,eure, t0e/ need to c&ari1/ '0at t0e/ ,ean and s-e&& o t '0at t0at ter, co2ers+ CHan es in Lan ua e As an/one '0o 0as $een a$road 1or an/ &en!t0 o1 ti,e can attest" &an! a!e &i2es8 it c0an!es o2er ti,e+ Words and -0rases t0at are co,,on&/ $ein! sed at one ti,e ,a/ $e discontin ed or t0eir ,eanin! ,a/ c0an!e o2er ti,e+ *or e.a,-&e" t0e 'ord $ay ,eans 0a--/" &i!0t30earted+ In recent decades" 0o'e2er" t0e 'ord 0as ta)en on t0e ,eanin! homose/ual. As a res &t" En!&is0 s-ea)ers in co ntries &i)e Ne' 4ea&and" Canada" A stra&ia" t0e United

Kin!do," and t0e United States don:t se t0e 'ord in its ori!ina& ,eanin! an/ ,ore" and /o n! s-ea)ers o1 En!&is0 ,a/ not e2en $e 1a,i&iar 'it0 t0e tra3 ditiona& ,eanin!+ In ot0er cases" t0e 'ords ,a/ ta)e on additiona& ,eanin!s" and one , st nderstand t0e conte.t in order to nderstand t0e ,eanin!+ An e.a,-&e is t0e 'ord har'&are, '0ic0 sed to re1er to too&s and ,ateria&s sed in re-airin! and $ i&din! 0o ses+ Toda/ t0e 'ord a&so re1ers to co,- ters and co,-onents t0at can $e added to a co,- ter" s c0 as a -rinter or an e.tra dri2e+ *orei!ners and U+S+ citi<ens '0o 0a2e &i2ed o tside t0e United States 1or so,e ti,e ,a/ not $e 1a,i&iar 'it0 s $t&e c0an!es in &an! a!e sa!e+ T'ent/ /ears a!o 'ords s c0 as businessman, chairman, salesman, airline ste&ar'ess, and fireman 'ere re! &ar&/ sed+ Toda/" 'it0 ,ore 'o,en in t0e 'or)1orce and 'it0 !ro'in! a'areness o1 t0e 'a/ !ender and -o'er can $e &in)ed to co,, nicate 2a& e" t0e se o1 !ender3ne tra& ter,s" s c0 as businesspeople, chairperson or chair, sales clerk, fli$ht atten'ant, and firefi$hter is co,,on+ T0e o&d ter,ino&o!/ is seen as too restricti2e+ Co ntries s c0 as *rance and Ice&and tr/ to )ee- t0eir &an! a!e - re+ T0e *renc0 Aca'emie 9rancaise -o&ices t0e &an! a!e and ens res t0at $ sinesses se - re *renc0+ B t e2en 0ere t0e &an! a!e c0an!es+ T0e o11icia&s ,a/ 1ro'n on 9ran$lais, $ t -eo-&e in *rance eat a san'&ich, !o on a tri- 1or le &eeken', and !o on le ,o$$in$, a&& -rono nced in t0e *renc0 ,anner 'it0 t0e accent on t0e &ast s/&&a$&e+ To se En!&is0 is Fc0ic"F and so,e0o' t0e En!&is0 ter,s 9 st see, to $e ,ore -recise and descri-ti2e+ *renc0 Canadians ,a)e t0e Acade,ie *rancaise rea&&/ ner2o s '0en t0e/ se char 1or car" and ,an/ ot0er En!&is0 'ords in t0eir *renc0+ *renc0 Canadians do not 1ee& co,-e&&ed to 1o&&o' t0e r &es o1 t0e Acade,ie *rancaise+ T0e e.a,-&e o1 Canadian *renc0 i&& strates t0at a &an! a!e" i1 s-o)en in di11erent -arts o1 t0e !&o$e" 'i&& &ti,ate&/ de2e&o- di11erent&/+ T0e Acade,ie *rancaise ,a/ insist on certain r &es" $ t ot0er *renc03s-ea)in! !ro -s ,a/ ,a)e t0eir o'n r &es and consider t0eir *renc0 9 st as correct+ T0e sa,e is tr e 1or t0e de2e&o-,ent o1 En!&is0+ W0at is standard and correct En!&is0= *or,er Britis0 co&onies s c0 as India and Ni!eria increasin!&/ insist t0at t0eir En!&is0

is 9 st as correct as O.1ord En!&is0+ T0e res &t is t0e e,er!ence o1 di11erent FEn!&is0esF sed in di11erent -arts o1 t0e 'or&d+ Attention recent&/ 0as 1oc sed on FSin!&is0Ft0e En!&is0 o1 Sin!a-ore t0at incor-orates Ma&a/ and t0e Ho))ien dia&ect o1 C0inese as 'e&& as En!&is0 'ords" and 1o&&o's a s/nta. &i)e ot0er -id!in En!&is0es+ Here are t0ree e.a,-&es o1 Sin!&is07 D E0" t0is road so narro'" 0o' /o !oin! to to,$a&i) /o r $i! 1at I !oin! to do 5AA3-oint t rn or '0at= Se)a&i to,$a&i) into t0e &an!3)a /o r 1at0er )i&& /o t0en /o )no'T GO0" t0is road is so narro'" 0o' are /o !oin! to t rn aro nd /o r $i! 1at Mercedes= Are /o !oin! to do a 5AA3-oint t rn" or '0at= Wait nti& /o t rn it into t0e roadside ditc0+ (o r 1at0er 'i&& $e 1 rio sTH

Mare3see3deese= (o

E0" Katon! so--in! se0nta !ot t0e FSa03Le0F /o )no'+

So,e - to 0a-3-ride a0T GHe/" t0e Katon! S0o--in! Center 0as a sa&e" so,e Rite,sS are - to 0a&13-rice o11TH

Ai/a0" /o 'ant to c0it in /o r e.a, to,o&&o0" 0ar=

(o tin) /o can &ite t0e ansir on t0e ta$&e= C0er catc0 /o " &--& G&a, -a -a) IanH ,anT GO0 no" /o 'ant to c0eat on /o r e.a, to,orro'= (o t0in) /o can 'rite t0e ans'er on t0e des)= Teac0er 'i&& catc0 /o " and it R/o r -&anS 'i&& $ac)1ireTH? Man/ co ntries ado-t En!&is0 ter,s s-eci1ica&&/ in $ siness and re&ated areas+ So,e 'ords are si,-&/ ta)en o2er 'it0o t c0an!es+ *or e.a,-&e" die Ger,ans 1re% ent&/ se t0e 'ord shop instead o1 t0e Ger,an 'ord Gesch'ft or La'enJ ticket instead o1 9ahrkarteJ stan'ar' instead of 0orm. T0e/ se t0e 'ords computer and soft&are, $ t t0e/ do not se t0e 'ord calculator, retainin! t0e Ger,an 'ord %aschenrechner. T0e di11ic &t/ is t0at t0e o tsider

cannot $e s re '0et0er t0e/ 'i&& t0e

se Ger,an or A,erican se o1

ter,ino&o!/+ An increasin! n ,$er o1 Ger,ans are concerned a$o t se o1 En!&is0 in e2er/da/ Ger,an and ad2ocate t0e Ger,an '0ene2er -ossi$&e+ T0e ne'&/ 1or,ed Verein #e tsc0e S-rac0e" 1or e.a,-&e" 0as re% ested re-&acin! En!&is0 co,- ter ter,ino&o!/ 'it0 Ger,an ter,s" and t0ere are so,e c0an!es+ *or e.a,-&e" a 1e' /ears a!o Ger,ans 'o &d se Fdo'n&oad ,ateria&F and Fs0 t do'n t0e co,- ter+F Toda/ t0e/ sa/ Fr nter&adenF and Fr nter1a0ren+F In so,e cases -eo-&e se 1orei!n 'ords" $ t ada-t t0e, to t0eir o'n &an! a!e $ot0 in !ra,,atica& sa!e and -ron nciation+ *or e.a,-&e" t0e 6a-anese 0a2e c0an!ed t0e 'ord salaryman to sarariman, homerun to homurunu, hea'hunter to he''o hantaa, and t0e Ger,an 'ord Arbeit to arubaito, ,eanin! a -art3ti,e 9o$+ A1ter so,e ti,e" t0e 'ords are considered 6a-anese $eca se t0e/ 0a2e $een inte!rated into t0e 6a-anese &an! a!e and c &t re+ In Ger,an" 1or e.a,-&e" t0e 'ord stress 0as $een inte!rated+ T0irt/ /ears a!o no$od/ sed t0e 'ord+ Toda/ e2er/one ses it+ T0e -ron nciation is Ger,an and '0en sed as a 2er$ is !i2en Ger,an !ra,,atica& 1or,+ A Ger,an sa/s" FIc0 $in !estreBt"F I a, stressed+ T0e 'ord 0as $eco,e -art o1 t0e &an! a!e+ A+ron)ms Acron/,s -ose s-ecia& -ro$&e,s $eca se t0e/ are $ased on a -artic &ar &an! a!e+ T0e sa,e instit tion ,a/ carr/ a di11erent acron/, in di11erent &an! a!es+ *or e.a,-&e" MITI" t0e 6a-anese Ministr/ o1 Internationa& Trade and In2est,ent" is re1erred to as MITI $/ t0e Ger,ans $ t t0en s-e&&ed o t as .inisterium fiir In'ustrie un' Aufienhan'el. T0e UN stands 1or United Nations" $ t t0e Ger,ans transcri$e UN as 6ereinte 0ationen. T0e 1or,er East Ger,an/ 'as ca&&ed #e tsc0e #e,o)ratisc0e Re- $&i)" ##R+ T0e En!&is0

trans&ated t0e ter, $ t a&so c0an!ed t0e acron/, to Ger,an #e,ocratic Re- $&ic" G#R+ Ger,ans 'o &d not 0a2e i,,ediate&/ reco!ni<ed t0at G#R and ##R stood 1or t0e sa,e t0in!+ Impli+ations o$ the Lan ua e Barrier As t0e -re2io s e.a,-&es s0o'" co,, nication across c &t res and &an! a!es is di11ic &t and 1 && o1 0 rd&es and -it1a&&s+ E2en i1 t'o -eo-&e 1ro, di11erent c &t res can s-ea) a co,,on &an! a!e" t0e/ ,a/ ,isinter-ret t0e c &t ra& si!na&s+ T0e res &t is con1 sion and ,is3 nderstandin!+ Man/ -eo-&e 0a2e di11ic &t/ identi1/in! t0e root o1 t0e -ro$&e,+ *or e.a,-&e" A,erican st dents o1ten co,-&ain t0at t0e/ can:t nderstand t0eir 1orei!n -ro1essors+ In so,e cases t0e -ro1essors ,a/ act a&&/ 0a2e a -oor co,,and o1 t0e En!&is0 &an! a!e8 0o'e2er" in ,ost cases t0e -ro$&e, is not t0e &an! a!e itse&1 $ t di11erent intonation -atterns and di11erent c &t ra& si!na&s+ En!&is03s-ea)in! st dents &isten to t0eir instr ctors 'it0 certain e.-ectations+ *or e.a,-&e" i1 t0e instr ctor:s 2oice dro-s to a &o' -itc0" t0e st dents ta)e t0at as a si!na& o1 a r0etorica& to-ic $o ndar/FI:, 1inis0ed 'it0 t0is idea"F'0ereas t0e instr ctor ,a/ act a&&/ ,ean no s c0 t0in!+ St dents ad9 st t0eir inter-retation o1 t0e &ect re accordin! to t0ose intonation si!na&s" t0ere$/ ,isconstr in! t0e instr ctor:s intent+ A -ro1essor '0o co,es 1ro, a c &t re '0ere t0e -ro1essor is a&,i!0t/ and ne2er c0a&&en!ed" Korea or India" 1or e.a,-&e" ,a/ send si!na&s to t0at e11ect to 0is st dents+ I1 t0e st dents are not a'are o1 t0e c &t ra& iss es" t0e/ 'i&& in a&& &i)e&i0ood identi1/ t0e -ro$&e, as a &an! a!e -ro$&e, rat0er t0an a c &t ra& -ro$&e,+ In t0is conte.t t0e -0rase" ; 'on(> un'erstan' you, can ,ean an/ o1 t0e 1o&&o'in!7 5+

I don:t nderstand t0e 'ords /o


M/ inter-retation o1 '0at /o sa/ raises a 1&a! and ,a)es ,e In ,/ -erce-tion" /o r 'ords and non2er$a& $e0a2ior do not

'onder i1 t0is is act a&&/ '0at /o 'ant to sa/+ ?+ co,-&e,ent eac0 ot0er" and I a, - <<&ed+

SELECTION O* THE RIGHT LANGUAGE In ot0er -arts o1 t0e $oo) 'e disc ss t0e i,-ortance o1 c &t ra& &iterac/ in ,ore detai&+ Here &et s concentrate on &in! istic &iterac/+ T0e United States ,a/ $e t0e on&/ co ntr/ in t0e 'or&d '0ere $ siness-eo-&e in2o&2ed in internationa& $ siness do not nani,o s&/ ad2ocate 1& enc/ in a 1orei!n &an! a!e+ In t0e rest o1 t0e 'or&d it is acce-ted t0at" o1 co rse" one 0as to &earn a 1orei!n &an! a!e i1 one 'ants to $e en!a!ed in internationa& $ siness+ T0e ar! ,ents A,ericans t0at are sed 1re% ent&/7 5+

se to e.c se t0eir

1ai& re to &earn ot0er &an! a!es are &e!ion+ T0e 1o&&o'in! are e.a,-&es

E2er/one s-ea)s En!&is0+ (o ne2er )no' '0ere /o 'i&& 'ind -" so /o ,a/ $e

&earnin! t0e 'ron! &an! a!e8 t0ere1ore" it is $etter to 'ait nti& /o )no' '0at &an! a!e /o 'i&& need+ ?+ M+ @+ K+ A !ood ,ana!er is a !ood ,ana!er e2er/'0ere G,eanin! t0at I 0a2e $een s ccess1 & 'it0o t &earnin! a 1orei!n &an! a!e (o can a&'a/s 0ire a trans&ator+ (o 'i&& -ro$a$&/ not $e !ood eno !0 to ne!otiate in t0e &an! a!e is not i,-ortantH+ Gi,-&/in! t0at &earnin! a &an! a!e is a 'aste o1 ti,eH+

1orei!n &an! a!e an/'a/8 t0ere1ore" don:t 'aste /o r ti,e+ Mis! ided researc0 tends to e.acer$ate t0e -ro$&e,+ A recent s r2e/" 1or e.a,-&e" deter,ined t0at Canadian and U+S+ ,ana!ers o1 internationa& 1ir,s $/ an o2er'0e&,in! ,ar!in did not t0in) t0at a 1orei!n &an! a!e 'as 2er/ i,-ortant in doin! $ siness a$road+ T0e conc& sion o1 t0e st d/ 'as t0at &an! a!e indeed is not t0at cr cia&+ W0at t0e s r2e/ did not address 'as t0e -ro$&e, 'it0 t0e a--roac0+ Mono&in! a& ,ana!ers" and t0e s $9ects in t0e s r2e/ 'ere ,ono&in! a&" are -ro$a$&/ &ess &i)e&/ to ad2ocate 1& enc/ in a 1orei!n &an! a!e t0an $i3 or tri&in! a& ,ana!ers+ T0e s r2e/ a&so did not inc& de ,ana!ers '0ose nati2e &an! a!e 'as not En!&is0+ T0e s r2e/ 1 rt0er,ore did

not e.a,ine t0e i,-&ications o1 ,ono&in! a&is, in a co,-etiti2e en2iron,ent+ Lin uisti+ Considerations I1 /o 0a2e decided to st d/ a 1orei!n &an! a!e" t0e ne.t % estion is '0ic0 one= Gi2en t0e n ,$er o1 &an! a!es on t0e !&o$e" t0is decision is not eas/ and 'i&& $e in1& enced $/ ,an/ 1actors+ E.-erts don:t a!ree on e.act&/ 0o' ,an/ &an! a!es are s-o)en in t0e 'or&d8 t0e 1i! re is so,e'0ere $et'een ?"AAA and K"AAA+ Esti,ates are t0at 'it0in t0e ne.t 5AA /ears 0a&1 o1 t0ese &an! a!es 'i&& disa--ear and 'it0 t0e, so,e o1 t0e di2ersit/ o1 c &t res+ Since no one &an! a!e can e.-ress a&& 1or,s o1 0 ,an t0o !0t and ideas" t0is red ction 'o &d ,a)e a&& 0 ,anit/ -oorer+M One -ro$&e, is a de1inition o1 '0at constit tes a &an! a!e+ An additiona& 1actor is t0e distinction $et'een &an! a!e and dia&ect+ At '0at -oint does a -erson s-ea) a di11erent &an! a!e 1ro, o rs" and at '0at -oint does t0at -erson s-ea) a dia&ect" or 2ariation o1 o r &an! a!e= To a Ger,an 1ro, t0e nort0 '0o s-ea)s 7latt'eutsch, t0e dia&ects ca&&ed S&abian or avarian 1ro, t0e so t0 are in ,an/ 'a/s ninte&&i!i$&e and" t0ere1ore" 1orei!n &an! a!es+ O11icia&&/" 0o'e2er" a&& t0ree are dia&ects o1 Ger,an+ T0e 6a-anese" e2en t0o !0 t0e/ &i)e to te&& s t0at t0e/ are a 0o,o!eneo s c &t re" 0a2e dia&ects+ Peo-&e 1ro, Hons0 s-ea) di11erent&/ t0an -eo-&e 1ro, K/ s0 + T0e -o&itica&" econo,ic" and entertain,ent centers o1 6a-an are in To)/o" '0ic0 is &ocated on Hons0 + As a res &t" t0e s-eec0 o1 -eo-&e 1ro, Hons0 carries ,ore c&o t and -eo-&e 1ro, Hons0 tend to &oo) do'n on t0e dia&ect o1 t0e -eo-&e 1ro, K/ s0 + India is t0e -ri,e e.a,-&e o1 &in! istic di2ersit/ 'it0 a$o t KAA &an! a!es" o1 '0ic0 5M ,a9or &an! a!es are s-o)en $/ a$o t IA -ercent o1 t0e -o- &ation+ T0is di2ersit/ ca ses -ro$&e,s $ot0 do,estica&&/ and internationa&&/+ T0e 5M &an! a!es $e&on! to t'o distinct &an! a!e 1a,i&ies+ Lan! a!es in t0e nort0 are Indo3E ro-ean8 in t0e so t0" #ra2idian+ In order to 1aci&itate co,, nication in t0e co ntr/" India reco!ni<es t0ree o11icia& &an! a!es" Hindi" En!&is0" and t0e &oca& &an! a!e G1or &oca& a11airsH+ O1 co rse"

t0e n ,$er o1 -eo-&e '0o act a&&/ s-ea) En!&is0 1& ent&/ is s,a&& and restricted to t0e ed cated --er ,idd&e c&ass+ A,on! t0at !ro -" ,an/ -eo-&e s-ea) En!&is0 e2en at 0o,e+ T0e/ se t0e &oca& &an! a!e 1or co,, nication 'it0 ser2ants+ Indians '0o &i2e a$road 1ind t0at in ,ost cases t0e co,,on &an! a!e a,on! Indians is En!&is0+ C0ina a&so 0as a n ,$er o1 di11erent &an! a!es" t0e t'o do,inant ones $ein! Mandarin and Cantonese+ Mandarin is s-o)en $/ a$o t t'o3t0irds o1 t0e -o- &ation" and t0e -o&itica& -o'er center" Bei9in!" is Mandarin s-ea)in!+ T0e so t0 and Hon! Kon!" '0ic0 are ,ore o-en to o tside in1& ences" s-ea) Cantonese a&t0o !0 Mandarin is t0e o11icia& &an! a!e e2er/'0ere+ Mandarin and Cantonese s-ea)ers do not nderstand eac0 ot0er '0en t0e/ co,, nicate ora&&/" $ t t0e/ 0a2e no -ro$&e,s '0en t0e/ co,, nicate in 'ritin!+ A $ siness-erson &earnin! C0inese s0o &d $e a'are o1 t0e i,-&ications o1 c0oosin! eit0er Mandarin or Cantonese+ Peo-&e '0o s-ea) Mandarin tend to &oo) do'n on -eo-&e '0o s-ea) Cantonese and 2ice 2ersa+ T0e Cantonese t0in) nort0erners are $ar$arians" and nort0erners 1ee& s -erior to t0e Cantonese s-ea)ers+ T0is is a c&ear si!n o1 re!iona& and &in! istic sno$$er/+ Since Hon! Kon! 0as $eco,e -art o1 C0ina" t0e o11icia& &an! a!e 0as c0an!ed 1ro, Cantonese to Mandarin+ It 'i&& $e interestin! to see 0o' t0is ,o2e 'i&& a11ect &in! istic and c &t ra& sensiti2ities+ Business Considerations A1ter 'ei!0in! &in! istic as-ects" /o , st a&so consider $ siness

as-ects in decidin! '0ic0 &an! a!e to &earn+ Partia&&/ /o r decision 'i&& de-end on '0et0er /o are t0e $ /er or t0e se&&er o1 a -rod ct+ Man/ $ siness-eo-&e ar! e t0at one needs to s-ea) t0e &an! a!e o1 t0e c sto,er+ I1 /o 'ant to se&& a -rod ct" it is in /o r interest to ada-t and &earn+ Ho'e2er" ot0er econo,ic considerations 'i&& in1& ence /o r decision a&so+ *or e.a,-&e" i1 /o are t0e on&/ ,an 1act rer o1 a -rod ct t0at is in 0i!0 de,and" /o ,a/ $e a$&e to se&& and $e 2er/ s ccess1 & 'it0o t s-ea)in! t0e &an! a!e o1 /o r c sto,er" at &east in t0e

s0ort r n+ Ho'e2er" i1 /o &oo) a0ead" /o ,a/ 1ind t0at e2en nder t0ese 1a2ora$&e circ ,stances it is in /o r &on!3ter, interest to ada-t to t0e c sto,er+ A1ter Wor&d War II U+S+ $ sinesses do,inated t0e internationa& ,ar)ets+ T0e -rod ction 1aci&ities o1 ,ost ot0er ind stria& co ntries &a/ in r ins+ As a res &t" -rod cts ,ade in t0e United States 'ere in 0i!0 de,and+ In t0e s0ort r n t0is 'as 2er/ $ene1icia& 1or A,erican 1ir,s+ Un1ort nate&/" t0e A,ericans did not &oo) at t0e &on! ran!e+ T0e/ acted as i1 t0is sit ation 'o &d contin e 1ore2er and t0eir -rod cts 'o &d re,ain in de,and not $eca se t0e/ 'ere t0e on&/ -rod cts aro nd $ t $eca se t0e/ 'ere so,e0o' s -erior+ T0e United States 0as -aid dear&/ 1or t0e n'i&&in!ness to ada-t and 1or t0e s0ortsi!0tedness and arro!ance o1 its $ siness-eo-&e+ *or e.a,-&e" Cater-i&&ar Tractor did not consider Ko,ats as a serio s co,-etitor nti& a1ter Ko,ats 0ad esta$&is0ed itse&1 in internationa& ,ar)ets+ I1 $ sinesses in t0e United States 'ant to e.-and t0eir internationa& ,ar)ets" t0eir -eo-&e , st &earn t0e &an! a!es o1 t0e -otentia& ,ar)ets+ T0e 6a-anese are &earnin! En!&is0" t0e Koreans are &earnin! En!&is0" /et 2er/ 1e' En!&is0 are st d/in! Korean or 6a-anese+ T0e t/-ica& ar! ,ent is t0at t0ese &an! a!es are 9 st too di11ic &t to ,aster+ T0e 6a-anese 0a2e contri$ ted to t0e senti,ent $/ insistin! t0at t0eir &an! a!e is 2er/ s-ecia& and o tsiders can ne2er -enetrate and ,aster it+ In rea&it/" 6a-anese is not i,-ossi$&e to &earn i1 -eo-&e are deter,ined+ T0e -oint is t0at t0e 6a-anese 0a2e decided t0at t0e/ can &earn En!&is0 '0ereas t0e A,ericans 0a2e decided t0at 6a-anese is ,/sterio s and a&ien and not 'ort0 t0e e11ort+ T0is attit de 0e&-s e.-&ain '0/ so ,an/ 6a-anese -eo-&e st d/ En!&is0 '0i&e co,-arati2e&/ 1e' A,ericans st d/ 6a-anese+ T0e &an! a!e /o c0oose 'i&& de-end on /o r !oa&s and - r-oses+ I1 /o r nati2e &an! a!e is not En!&is0" /o ,a/ 'ant to st d/ En!&is0 $eca se En!&is0 is t0e &in! a 1ranca o1 internationa& $ siness+ In 1act" in ,an/ co ntries" En!&is0 is t0e ,ost 1re% ent&/ ta !0t 1orei!n &an! a!e8 o1ten it is re% ired in sc0oo&+ I1 /o &i2e in an En!&is03s-ea)in! co ntr/ and i1 /o co,e 1ro, a 1a,i&/ t0at considers its et0nic roots as 2er/ i,-ortant" /o ,a/ st d/ t0at &an! a!e and decide to do $ siness 'it0 t0at co ntr/+ *or

e.a,-&e" i1 /o r 1a,i&/ is 1ro, Iran" /o ,a/ decide to st d/ *arsi and do $ siness 'it0 Iran+ (o ,a/ 1ind t0at c &t ra&&/ /o 0a2e so,e $ac)!ro nd a&read/ and are t0ere1ore at an ad2anta!e+ I1 it is /o r &i1e:s drea, to do $ siness in Bra<i&" t0en /o s0o &d st d/ Port ! ese and t0en &oo) 1or a 9o$ in Bra<i& or 'it0 a 1ir, t0at does $ siness 'it0 Bra<i&+ I1 /o don:t 0a2e a -artic &ar reason to st d/ a -artic &ar &an! a!e" /o ,i!0t 'ant to decide $ased on -o&itica& and econo,ic i,-ortance in t0e 'or&d and t0e i,-ortance o1 t0e &an! a!e in t0e $ siness re&ations 'it0 /o r co ntr/+ A n ,$er o1 -eo-&e ,i!0t ar! e t0at" i1 /o r nati2e &an! a!e is En!&is0" /o s0o &d c0oose Ger,an or 6a-anese $eca se t0ese t'o co ntries are 2er/ stron! econo,ica&&/+ Ot0ers 'o &d add S-anis0 G-artic &ar&/ $eca se o1 t0e Nort0 A,erican *ree Trade A!ree,entH" *renc0" and C0inese+ Ot0ers ,i!0t ar! e t0at R ssian is a !ood c0oice" or Ara$ic $eca se o1 t0e oi& interests+ (o need to t0in) o1 /o r !oa&s and t0en c0oose t0e a--ro-riate &an! a!e+ T0ere is no ri!0t &an! a!e" $ t t0ere a&so is no 'ron! &an! a!e i1 /o 0a2e !ood reasons+ W0at i1 /o st d/ *renc0" and t0en /o are sent to 6a-an= T0is is a rea&istic -ossi$i&it/+ Man/ U+S+ co,-anies sti&& ar! e t0at t0e/ cannot send so,eone to a co ntr/ 9 st $eca se t0e -erson is 1a,i&iar 'it0 t0e c &t re and &an! a!e o1 t0at co ntr/+ One ,a9or , &tinationa& cor-oration GMNCH act a&&/ ar! ed t0e -oint and insisted t0at $ siness decisions 0ad to carr/ t0e ,ost 'ei!0t rat0er t0an &an! a!e and c &t ra& 1aci&it/+ It is interestin! to note t0at t0is co,-an/ 0as 0ad ,a9or -ro$&e,s a$road o2er t0e -ast decade and is 1acin! increasin! internationa& co,-etition+ It see,s stran!e to t0in) t0at &in! istic and c &t ra& a$i&it/ are not considered as-ects o1 a $ siness decision+ I1 /o 0a2e ,astered one 1orei!n &an! a!e" t0e second 1orei!n &an! a!e is easier+ So e2en i1 /o 0a2e t0e F'ron!F &an! a!e" /o ,a/ 1ind it ta)es &ess ti,e to !ain 1aci&it/ in t0e second+ In ,an/ cases" 1orei!n $ siness-eo-&e react ne!ati2e&/ to t0e 1act t0at t0e A,erican s-ea)s no 1orei!n &an! a!e rat0er t0an t0e &ron$ &an! a!e+ I1 t0e 6a-anese 1ind o t t0at /o on&/ 0a2e a 1e' 'ords in 6a-anese $ t are 1& ent in En!&is0" S-anis0" and *renc0" t0e/ ,a/ $e &ess critica&+ W0i&e idea&&/ /o 'o &d s-ea) 6a-anese" at &east /o s-ea) ot0er

&an! a!es/o 0a2e 'or)ed at &an! a!es and !one t0ro !0 t0e e11ort+ T0e sentence" FI:, sorr/" I do not s-ea) 6a-anese" $ t I do s-ea) *renc0 and S-anis0"F can 'or) 2er/ 'e&& to s0o' t0at /o are not t0e t/-ica& ,ono&in! a& A,erican+ Politi+al Considerations I1 /o a&read/ 'or) 1or a 1ir," /o r decision as to '0ic0 &an! a!e to st d/ 'i&& $e in1& enced $/ '0ere /o r co,-an/ does $ siness+ T0e -o&itica& en2iron,ent o1 internationa& &ocations 'i&& a&so -&a/ a ro&e+ I1 /o 'i&& $e in2o&2ed 'it0 t0e !o2ern,ent to % ite an e.tent and i1 a&& t0at co,, nication , st $e in t0e nati2e &an! a!e" /o ,a/ 1ind it necessar/ to $eco,e at &east 1 nctiona& in t0at &an! a!e" ,eanin! t0at /o can co,, nicate $ot0 ora&&/ and in 'ritin! a&t0o !0 /o ,a/ not 0a2e ,astered t0e !ra,,ar and 1ine -oints o1 t0e &an! a!e+ T0e -ri2ate sector ,i!0t $e ,ore 1or!i2in! t0an t0e - $&ic sector '0en it co,es to s-ea)in! t0e &an! a!e+ Bein! a$&e to s-ea) t0e &an! a!e a&so carries s/,$o&ic 2a& e+ I1 /o do $ siness 'it0 a 1ir, in J e$ec" /o ,a/ !et t0ro !0 on En!&is0" $ t /o r &in! istic insensiti2it/ co &d 0a2e serio s ne!ati2e conse% ences+ Appropriate Le!el o$ (luen+) Idea&&/ /o s-ea) se2era& &an! a!es 1& ent&/8 t0at is" &i)e t0e nati2es o1 t0e 0ost co ntr/" /o s-ea)" 'rite" nderstand" and t0in) in t0e 1orei!n &an! a!e+ T0at:s t0e idea&8 ,ost -eo-&e 1a&& s0ort o1 t0at !oa&+ We se a&& sorts o1 -0rases to descri$e t0e &e2e& o1 1& enc/+ T/-ica& &a$e&s are nati2e" near3nati2e" 1& ent" 1 nctiona&" and con2ersationa&+ T0e &a$e&s are not 2er/ -recise" and ,an/ s-ea)ers 0a2e a tendenc/ to o2erstate t0eir &an! a!e -ro1icienc/+ A Mid'estern &a' 1ir, in t0e United States c&ai,s t0at a&& o1 its -artners are F1& entF in at &east t'o 1orei!n &an! a!es+ Gi2en t0e t/-ica& A,erican attit de to'ards st d/in! 1orei!n &an! a!es" one ,a/ 'onder '0at de1inition o1 fluency t0e 1ir, ses+ W0i&e &in! istic 1& enc/ is ndo $ted&/ i,-ortant and a !reat ad2anta!e '0en doin! $ siness 'it0 -eo-&e 1ro, ot0er c &t res" it is not t0e on&/ criterion+

E% a&&/ i,-ortant" as -ointed o t -re2io s&/" is c &t ra& 1& enc/+ A -erson '0o s-ea)s so,e S-anis0 $ t is )no'&ed!ea$&e a$o t t0e c &t re o1 Me.ico 'i&& $e ,ore s ccess1 & in doin! $ siness in Me.ico t0an t0e -erson '0o s-ea)s S-anis0 1& ent&/ $ t does not )no' an/t0in! a$o t t0e c &t re o1 Me.ico+ C &t ra& &earnin! , st acco,-an/ &an! a!e &earnin!+ So,e ar! e t0at $/ &earnin! a 1orei!n &an! a!e /o are a to,atica&&/ e.-osed to t0e c &t re+ T0at is not necessari&/ tr e+ A&& too ,an/ &an! a!e co rses in t0e United States" 6a-an" T0ai&and" R ssia" and ,an/ ot0er co ntries are ta !0t $/ teac0ers '0o 0a2e ne2er $een to t0e co ntr/ or 'ere on&/ t0ere 1or a s0ort -eriod o1 ti,e" and -ossi$&/ % ite so,e ti,e a!o+ * rt0er,ore" t0e e,-0asis in ,an/ &an! a!e c&asses is on t0e ,asterin! o1 !ra,,ar and s-e&&in! rat0er t0an on nderstandin! t0e nder&/in! c &t re+ St dents st d/in! t0e 6a-anese &an! a!e ,a/ &earn 2er/ &itt&e a$o t 6a-an and t0e 6a-anese+ I1 /o -&an to &i2e in t0e 1orei!n co ntr/ 1or an e.tended ti,e -eriod" /o r need to s-ea) t0e &an! a!e is !reater t0an i1 /o are t0ere 9 st 1or a 1e' da/s+ I1 /o 'ant to ,a)e t0at co ntr/ a ,a9or center 1or /o r 1orei!n ,an 1act rin!" /o r &in! istic needs are !reater t0an i1 /o 'ant to e.-ort a -rod ct t0at is in 0i!0 de,and Ga&so see C0a-ter 5AH+ I1 /o 'ant to nderstand '0/ -eo-&e act t0e 'a/ t0e/ do" i1 /o 'ant to !et a 1ee& 1or t0eir 'a/ o1 t0in)in! to $e $etter at ne!otiatin!" /o need a 0i!0er &e2e& o1 1& enc/ t0an i1 /o 0a2e decided a&'a/s to se an inter-reter+ I1 /o re&/ on an inter-reter" 0o'e2er" /o s0o &d a&so $e a'are o1 t0e &i,itations /o i,-ose -on /o r $ siness o--ort nities+ *or ,ost -eo-&e it is easier to co,-re0end t0an to s-ea) a 1orei!n &an! a!e+ Listed $e&o' are a 1e' -ossi$&e reasons 1or t0is -0eno,enon7 D D

Peo-&e are inti,idated8 t0ere1ore" t0e/ do not tr/+ Peo-&e are 'orried a$o t sin! t0e 'ron! 2er$ 1or,s and tenses+ Peo-&e ,a/ $e tr/in! to trans&ate a sentence 1ro, t0eir o'n

&an! a!e 'ord 1or 'ord into t0e 1orei!n &an! a!e and rea&i<e t0at t0is -rocess is not 2er/ e11ecti2e+ As a res &t" t0e/ !et disco ra!ed+

Peo-&e t0in) too &on! a$o t '0at t0e/ 'ant to sa/ so t0at t0e/ don:t

-artici-ate in t0e con2ersation+ B/ t0e ti,e t0e/ 0a2e 1or, &ated '0at t0e/ 'ant to sa/" t0e con2ersation 0as ,o2ed on+ D 1ace+ O r &e2e& o1 co,-re0ension is in1& enced $/ t0e s-eed 'it0 '0ic0 t0e s-ea)er !oes t0ro !0 -oints" $/ t0e -ron nciation" $/ t0e -a ses in t0e con2ersation" and $/ co&&o% ia&is,s and idio,s+ S-eec0 -atterns are a11ected $/ a 2ariet/ o1 1actors" a,on! t0e, et0nic $ac)!ro nd" !eo!ra-0ic di11erences" and !ender+ *or e.a,-&e" recent researc0 st dies 0a2e -ointed o t t0at ,en and 'o,en 0a2e 2er/ di11erent s-eec0 -atterns t0at !reat&/ in1& ence t0e -erce-tion o1 co,, nication and t0e s ccess o1 co,, nication+ Men tend to interr -t a s-ea)er ,ore 1re% ent&/ t0an 'o,en do+ Men are ,ore direct" '0ereas 'o,en are ,ore indirect and a,$i! o s in '0at t0e/ sa/+ I1 -eo-&e '0o are nati2e s-ea)ers o1 t0e sa,e &an! a!e 0a2e di11erent co,, nication st/&es $ased on di11erent co,, nication -rinci-&es" 'e can nderstand t0at t0e -ro$&e,s are co,-o nded '0en t0e s-ea)ers co,e 1ro, di11erent c &t res+ Perce-tions o1 1& enc/ are a&so in1& enced $/ non2er$a& co,, nication+ Non2er$a& co,, nication -&a/s a ,a9or ro&e in a&& co ntries8 0o'e2er" t0e non2er$a& is ,ore -rono nced in 0i!03conte.t c &t res t0an in &o'3conte.t c &t res+ I1 'e are 1ro, a &o'3conte.t $ac)!ro nd" 'e ,a/ not $e conscio s&/ a'are o1 t0e non2er$a&'e ,a/ t0in) t0at t0e ,eanin! co,es o t o1 t0e s-o)en 'ord+ Ho' , c0 t0e non2er$a& in1& ences o r co,-re0ension" s-eci1ica&&/ i1 'e s-ea) in a 1orei!n &an! a!e" $eco,es o$2io s '0en 'e co,3 , nicate in a 1orei!n &an! a!e on t0e te&e-0one+ T0e rin! o1 t0e te&e-0one in a 1orei!n co ntr/ can stri)e terror in t0e 0earts o1 e2en co ra!eo s -eo-&e+ E2en -eo-&e '0o are 1air&/ 1& ent ,a/ 0a2e -ro$&e,s on t0e te&e-0one+ A&& o1 a s dden t0e/ s-ea) in iso&ation 'it0o t non2er$a& c& es and non2er$a& 1eed$ac)+ *or e.a,-&e" t0e/ cannot see a 1acia& e.-ression si!na&in! a--ro2a& or do $t+ T0e non2er$a& as-ects de1inite&/ 0e&- s in t0e co,-re0ension -rocess Ga&so see Peo-&e are 'orried a$o t $ein! 9 d!ed ne!ati2e&/ and a$o t &osin!

C0a-ter KH+ THE COMPAN( LANGUAGE Choosin a Compan) Lan ua e As co,-anies e.-and t0eir internationa& dea&in!s" t0e n ,$er o1 &an! a!es t0e e,-&o/ees 0a2e to dea& 'it0 increases a&so+ A do,estic Korean co,-an/ does not 0a2e to 'orr/ a$o t di11erent &an! a!es+ As t0e co,-an/ e.-ands" t0e -ict re c0an!es+ W0en t0e 1ir, esta$&is0es s $sidiaries in T0ai&and and Tai'an" t0e co,-an/ dea&s in t0ree &in! istic ,ar)ets" Korean" Mandarin" and T0ai+ In '0ic0 &an! a!e s0o &d e,-&o/ees co,, nicate 'it0 eac0 ot0er= T0e ans'er is to so,e e.tent in1& enced $/ sta11in! -atterns G1or a ,ore detai&ed disc ssion o1 t0e in1& ence o1 sta11in! on co,, nication" re1er to C0a-ter 55H+ I1 t0e Korean 1ir, ses ethno+entri+ sta$$in . 1i&&in! a&& ,ana!eria& -ositions 'it0 Korean -ersonne& in a&& t0ree &ocations" a&& co,, nications 'it0 0ead% arters and a,on! t0e ,ana!ers 1ro, t0e t0ree s $sidiaries can $e in Korean+ In et0nocentric sta11in!" a&& ,ana!ers in a&& s $sidiaries are 1ro, t0e 0o,e co ntr/" and t0e inter1ace $et'een t0e &an! a!e o1 t0e 0o,e co ntr/ and t0e 0ost co ntries occ rs so,e'0ere in t0e s $sidiaries+ T0e Korean ,ana!ers eit0er , st &earn t0e &oca& &an! a!e or de-end on trans&ators to co,, nicate 'it0 t0e &oca& 'or)1orce+ Toda/" et0nocentric sta11in! is considered insensiti2e" e.-&oitati2e" and o tdated+ Man/ 1ir,s" t0ere1ore" are sin! pol)+entri+ sta$$in -atterns+ In -o&/centric sta11in!" a&& ,ana!ers in a&& s $sidiaries co,e 1ro, t0e res-ecti2e s $sidiar/ co ntr/+ T0at ,eans t0e sa,e Korean 1ir, 'o &d 0ire on&/ Tai'anese -eo-&e 1or its s $sidiar/ in Tai'an and on&/ T0ais 1or its s $sidiar/ in T0ai&and+ Po&/centric sta11in! is $ased on t0e ar! ,ent t0at &oca& ,ana!ers 'i&& $e $etter a$&e to co,, nicate in t0e s-eci1ic en2iron,ent+ T0e &in! istic inter1acet0e contact $et'een t0e &an! a!e o1 0ead% arters and t0e &an! a!e o1 t0e s $sidiar/occ rs in t0e co,, nication $et'een 0ead% arters and t0e s $sidiar/+ In et0nocentric sta11in!" on t0e ot0er 0and"

t0is contact o1 di11erent &an! a!es occ rs 'it0in t0e s $sidiar/+ Po&/centric sta11in! a&so ,a)es t0e co,, nication $et'een s $sidiaries ,ore di11ic &t+ In '0ic0 &an! a!e" 1or e.a,-&e" do t0e T0ais and t0e Tai'anese co,, nicate 'it0 eac0 ot0er= T0e co,, nication -ro$&e, is e2en ,ore -rono nced in eo+entri+ sta$$in . In !eocentric sta11in!" t0e $est -erson is c0osen 1or a 9o$ re!ard&ess o1 &in! istic" c &t ra&" and nationa& $ac)!ro nd+ In t0e a$o2e scenario" t0e co,-an/ ,a/ 0a2e Tai'anese" T0ais" and Koreans 'or)in! at 0ead% arters in Korea+ Geocentric sta11in! $rin!s -eo-&e 1ro, di2erse &in! istic and c &t ra& $ac)!ro nds into t0e sa,e o11ice '0ere t0e/ , st 'or) side $/ side+ E.0i$it L35 s ,,ari<es t0e c0aracteristics o1 t0e 2ario s sta11in! -atterns+ As a res &t o1 !eo!ra-0ic e.-ansion and c0an!es in sta11in!" ,ore and ,ore co,-anies 0a2e desi!nated an o11icia& co,-an/ &an! a!e+ T0at ,eans a&& co,, nication in a co,-an/ 'i&& $e cond cted in t0e co,-an/ &an! a!e+ T0at so nds eas/ eno !08 in -ractice it is so,e'0at ,ore co,-&e.+ A 1ir, t0at is 0ead% artered in 6a-an and does $ siness in t0e United States" *rance" Ger,an/" Ho&&and" Sa di Ara$ia" Me.ico" Bra<i&" So t0 A1rica" and Ni!eria ,a/ decide t0at t0e co,-an/ &an! a!e is 6a-anese+ It is n&i)e&/ t0at a&& o1 t0e e,-&o/ees in t0e 2ario s s $sidiaries s-ea) 6a-anese+ T0e s-ea)in! o1 6a-anese co &d 0ard&/ $e ,ade a condition o1 e,-&o/,ent+ In t0is case t0e co,-an/ &an! a!e re1ers to co,, nication a,on! ,ana!ers 1ro, a certain &e2e& -+ In t0e case o1 6a-anese" !i2en 0o' 1e' non36a-anese -eo-&e act a&&/ s-ea) 6a-anese" t0e 1ir, 'o &d need a !ood n ,$er o1 6a-anese ,ana!ers at eac0 s $sidiar/ '0o 'o &d co,, nicate 'it0 0ead% arters+ T0e 1ir, does not 0a2e to c0oose t0e &an! a!e o1 t0e 0o,e co ntr/ '0ere 0ead% arters are &ocated as its co,-an/ &an! a!e+ It co &d decide t0at t0e &an! a!e o1 t0e 0o,e co ntr/ is not s-o)en $/ ,an/ -eo-&e aro nd t0e !&o$e and t0ere1ore a ,ore 'ide&/ s-o)en &an! a!e is a $etter c0oice+ *or e.a,-&e" P0i&i-s" a # tc0 1ir," 0as c0osen En!&is0 as its

co,-an/ &an! a!e+ Ko,ats

1ro, 6a-an 0as set t0e !oa& t0at a&&

e,-&o/ees" e2en in t0e 6a-anese 0o,e o11ice" s0o &d co,, nicate in En!&is0" and t0e 1ir, -ro2ides t0e a--ro-riate &an! a!e &essons+ Sa,s n! 1ro, Korea a&so 0as started o$&i!ator/ En!&is0 &an! a!e &essons 1or a&& its e,-&o/ees+ T0is c&ear&/ is a reco!nition o1 t0e i,-ortance o1 En!&is0 in internationa& $ siness+ Indeed" En!&is0 0as $eco,e t0e &in! a 1ranca o1 internationa& $ siness+ One t/-ica& e.a,-&e is t0e &an! a!e o1 a2iation+ Pi&ots and 1&i!0t contro&&ers aro nd t0e 'or&d are e.-ected to co,, nicate in En!&is0+ *or /ears *renc0 -i&ots resisted t0e se o1 En!&is0 in *renc0 airs-ace" $ t t0en Air *rance ordered a&& its -i&ots to se on&/ En!&is0 '0en ta&)in! to air3tra11ic contro&&ers at C0ar&es de Ga &&e+ It see,s t0at sa1et/ considerations 1a2or t0e c0an!e 1ro, *renc0 to En!&is0+ Modern tec0no&o!/" t0e Internet" E3co,,erce" E3,ai&" and te&econ1erencin! 0a2e !reat&/ contri$ ted to t0e internationa& se o1 En!&is0+ W0at U+S+ $ siness-eo-&e , st )ee- in ,ind" 0o'e2er" is t0at all o1 t0ese $ siness-eo-&e are 1& ent in at &east one ot0er &an! a!e $esides En!&is0" na,e&/ t0eir res-ecti2e nati2e &an! a!e" and ,an/ o1 t0e, in at &east one additiona& &an! a!e+ A Korean $ siness-erson 1& ent in En!&is0 can do $ siness in $ot0 Korean and En!&is08 an A,erican $ siness-erson 1& ent on&/ in En!&is0 can do $ siness on&/ in En!&is0+ T0e Korean ,ar)et 'i&& $e ,ore di11ic &t to enter 1or A,ericans nder t0ese circ ,stances+ Traditiona&&/" t0e c0oice o1 t0e o11icia& co,-an/ &an! a!e 'as t0e &an! a!e o1 t0e 0o,e co ntr/+ T0at see,s to $e c0an!in!" as t0e a$o2e e.a,-&es indicate+ I1 t'o 1ir,s 1ro, di11erent co ntries do $ siness and t0e &an! a!e o1 neit0er is 'ide&/ s-o)en" t0e/ 1ace a di11erent di&e,,a+ T0e/ eac0 ,a/ 0a2e t0eir co,-an/ &an! a!e $ t t0at does not necessari&/ 0e&- in t0is case+ To i&& strate" &et s ass ,e a 1ir, 1ro, Po&and does $ siness 'it0 a 1ir, 1ro, 6a-an+ T0e t'o 1ir,s 0a2e at &east t0ree o-tions 1or co,, nicatin! 'it0 eac0 ot0er" ass ,in! t0e Po&es do not s-ea) 6a-anese and t0e 6a-anese do not s-ea) Po&is07 5+ T0e/ can se a Po&is036a-anese inter-reter8 0o'e2er" t0e n ,$er

o1 Po&is036a-anese inter-reters is -ro$a$&/ % ite &i,ited+


T0e/ can se t'o inter-reters7 one a Po&is03En!&is0 inter-reter" one Bot0 co,-anies ,a/ 0a2e dec&ared En!&is0 as t0e co,-an/

a 6a-anese3En!&is0 inter-reter+ ?+ &an! a!e8 t0ere1ore" ,ana!ers co &d direct&/ ne!otiate in En!&is0+ E2en i1 $ot0 sides s-ea) En!&is0" t0e/ sti&& 1ace 0 rd&es+ *or e.a,-&e" do t0e/ s-ea) t0e sa,e En!&is0" or does t0e Po&is0 1ir, s-ea) Britis0 En!&is0 '0i&e t0e 6a-anese 1ir, s-ea)s A,erican En!&is0= * rt0er,ore" t0e En!&is0 t0e Po&is0 ,ana!ers s-ea) 'i&& 0a2e so,e Po&is0 c0aracteristics" and t0e En!&is0 t0e 6a-anese ,ana!ers s-ea) 'i&& 0a2e so,e 6a-anese c0aracteristics+ T/-ica&&/" t0e c &t ra& re1erences" t0o !0t" and &an! a!e -atterns o1 eac0 side 'i&& in1& ence t0eir co,, nication in En!&is0+ T0e/ ,a/ 0a2e di11erent -re1erences 1or or!ani<in! ,ateria& and -ro2idin! detai&+@ No ,atter '0at t0e co,-an/ &an! a!e is" an/ internationa& 1ir, e.-eriences t0e need to ad9 st to t0e di11erences $et'een t0e co,-an/ &an! a!e and t0e &oca& &an! a!eGsH o1 1orei!n s $sidiaries" -artners" c&ients" and s --&iers+ Wit0 a co,-an/ &an! a!e t0at a--&ies to a&& ,ana!ers" t0e inter1ace $et'een &an! a!es t/-ica&&/ ta)es -&ace $et'een ,ana!e,ent and &oca& e,-&o/ees $e&o' t0e ,ana!eria& &e2e&+ A U+S+ 1ir, t0at ses En!&is0 as t0e co,-an/ &an! a!e cannot e.-ect t0at a&& o1 its e,-&o/ees in Vene< e&a s-ea) En!&is0+ E,-&o/ees $e&o' t0e ,ana!eria& &e2e& 'i&& -ro$a$&/ s-ea) S-anis0+ T0ere1ore" trans&ation 'i&& $e necessar/ '0ere t0e t'o &an! a!es co,e to!et0er+ A co,-an/ &an! a!e 1aci&itates co,, nication a,on! s $sidiaries and $et'een 0ead% arters and s $sidiaries8 it can" 0o'e2er" a&so !i2e 0ead% arters a 'ron! sense o1 sec rit/ i1 0ead% arters -ersonne& t0in) e2er/one in t0e co,-an/ is 1& ent in t0e co,-an/ &an! a!e+ As ,an/ re-orts attest" $ siness-eo-&e 1ro, En!&is03s-ea)in! c &t res 0a2e di11ic &ties nderstandin! t0e co,-&ications and conse% ences o1 &i,ited En!&is0+ T0e 1o&&o'in! case i&& strates so,e o1 t0e iss es t0at arise e2en i1 a 1ir, 0as a co,-an/ &an! a!e+ %he #ole of Lan$ua$e in Intercultural usiness Communication M=




a Head% arters re&ied on t0e co,-an/ and ass ,ed t0at

s $sidiar/ in To)/o sed En!&is0 &an! a!e

as t0e co,-an/ &an! a!e+ T0e co,, nication 'as no -ro$&e,+ T0e s $sidiar/ 0ad one A,erican rea&it/ 'as rat0er ,ore co,-&icated+ In e,-&o/ee '0o s-o)e so,e t0e 6a-anese s $sidiar/" 1or e.a,-&e" t0e e,-&o/ee recei2ed a&& 6a-anese $ t 'as not 1& ent+ He A,erican -resident and t0e t'o

did not read or 'rite 6a-anese+ T0e inco,in! ,e,os 1ro, 0ead% arters+ He 2ice 'o &d read ,an/ o1 t0e, and o1ten -residents s-o)e nati2e 6a-anese+ res-ond to in% iries and" i1 as)ed" 0e&T0e -resident s-o)e 2er/ !ood t0e 6a-anese ,ana!ers 'it0 t0eir co,, 3 Ger,an and on t0e s r1ace !ood nications 'it0 0ead% arters+ In e11ect" 0e En!&is0+ T0e 2ice -resident 1or 'as an inter-reter in t0e co,, nication 1inance a&so s-o)e Ger,an and $et'een t0e s $sidiar/ and 0ead% arters+ so,e En!&is0" $ t 0is En!&is0 'as B t 0e 0ad not $een sent to To)/o 1or , c0 ,ore &i,ited+ T0e 2ice t0at - r-ose+ He 0ad a s-eci1ic 9o$ to do8 -resident 1or sa&es 0ad 2er/ 0e 'as t0e o-erations ,ana!er and in &i,ited En!&is0+ T0e ,ar)etin! c0ar!e o1 co,- teri<in! t0e s $sidiar/+ ,ana!er 'as 6a-anese 'it0 a B+A+ T0e inter-retation too) -&ace Fon t0e 1ro, a ni2ersit/ in t0e United side+F Head% arters sent &en!t0/ 1inancia& States+ His En!&is0 'as 2er/ !ood

$ t !ettin! r st/+ T0e rest o1 t0e ,e,os on a 'ee)&/ $asis to t0e 2ice e,-&o/ees !enera&&/ s-o)e a &itt&e -resident 1or 1inance" '0ose En!&is0 'as En!&is0" s c0 as to rist -0rases" &i,ited+ T0e ,e,os 'ere not ada-ted to a $ t not eno !0 to carr/ on a 1orei!n s-ea)er o1 En!&is0+ Head% arters con2ersation or do $ siness in ass ,ed t0at t0e 2ice -resident 1or En!&is0+ No$od/ a&& at s-o)e 6a-anese+ In t0is sit ation" co,, nication and $et'een ot0er 0ead% arters 1inance read a&& t0e ,ateria&8 0o'e2er" 0ead% arters '0en t0e corres-ondence $et'een

s $sidiaries occ rred in En!&is0+

0ead% arters s $sidiar/ 0ad to 'as as)

and e.a,ined"

t0e -resident de2e&o-ed 0is o'n 'a/ o1 it co-in! 'it0 t0e sit ation" a so& tion t0at 1or -resident 1or internationa& o-erations at

$eca,e o$2io s t0at 0ead% arters 'as cost&/ and ti,e cons ,in!+ T0e 2ice re-eated&/ in1or,ation a second and t0ird 0ead% arters in t0e United States" '0en ti,e $e1ore t0e 2ice -resident 1or 1irst as)ed a$o t 0is co,, nication 'it0 1inance act a&&/ res-onded+ 6a-an $/ one o1 t0e a t0ors" said t0ere Initia&&/" t0e 2ice -resident 'as 'ere no -ro$&e,s+ FT0e 6a-anese s-ea) re& ctant to disc ss t0e sit ation" En!&is0" so t0ere is no &an! a!e 0 rd&e+F $ t a1ter so,e ti,e 0e ad,itted 0e On&/ a1ter &en!t0/ disc ssions did 0e 'as o2er'0e&,ed $/ t0e s0eer ad,it t0at 0e 'as concerned a$o t 0is 2o& ,e o1 t0e corres-ondence+ He interaction 'it0 6a-an+ He 1e&t t0at t0e did not read t0e ori!ina& ,e,os 6a-anese -resident o1 t0e s $sidiar/ $eca se it too) too , c0 ti,e and s-o)e Fsocia&F En!&is0 $ t t+iat 0e 0ad a $eca se 0e !ot 1r strated 'it0 a&& &i,ited !ras- o1 En!&is0 '0en it ca,e to t0e detai&s+ He 'or)ed nder t0e $ siness conce-ts and $ siness ass ,-tion t0at i1 so,eone really disc ssions+ T0e -resident o1 t0e 6a-anese needed in1or,ation 1ro, 0i," s $sidiar/ -retended to nderstand" and t0e/ 'o &d !et $ac) to 0i, 'it0 on t0e s r1ace t0ere 'ere no -ro$&e,s" s-eci1ics+ He 'o &d 0a2e $ t t0e 2ice -resident at 0ead% arters -re1erred a c&ear and concise $eca,e increasin!&/ 1r strated 'it0 t0e s ,,ar/ o1 ,a9or -oints ada-ted co,, nication -rocess+ He so,e0o' to 0is &e2e& o1 En!&is0 $ t '0at 0e 9 st did not see, to !et t0ro !0+ As a !ot 'as &en!t0/ ,e,os 'ritten $/ res &t" co,, nication $et'een nati2e En!&is0 s-ea)ers 1or nati2e 0ead% arters and t0e s $sidiar/" a&t0o !0 En!&is0 s-ea)ers" and 0e 'as s,oot0 on t0e s r1ace" 'as co,-&icated" 'orried a$o t &osin! 1ace i1 0e o1ten red ndant" and ine11ecti2e+ e.-&ained t0e -ro$&e,+ T0e 2ice Usin! Additiona& *orei!n Lan! a!e E.-ertise Ho' can /o se /o r 1orei!n &an! a!e e.-ertise i1 t0e co,-an/ &an! a!e

is En!&is0= T0e - r-ose o1 t0e co,-an/ &an! a!e is to ens re t0at e2er/one in t0e co,-an/ can nderstand e2er/one e&se8 t0ere1ore" t0e se o1 1orei!n &an! a!es ,a/ $e disco ra!ed or at &east &i,ited+ T0is co,es $ac) to t0e ass ,-tion t0at in an En!&is03s-ea)in! 1ir," nati2e En!&is0 s-ea)ers do not need a 1orei!n &an! a!e since e2er/t0in! is 'ritten in En!&is0 and a&& ne!otiations 'it0in t0e 1ir, ta)e -&ace in En!&is0+ As a res &t" a 6a-anese s $sidiar/ o1 a 1ir, 0ead% artered in an En!&is03s-ea)in! co ntr/ ,a/ not 0ire t0e $est -erson" $ t t0e -erson 'it0 t0e $est En!&is0+

Patricia" '0o is *renc0 $ t is $ein! 'asted+ s-ea)s 1& ent En!&is0" S-anis0" and # tc0" 'or)s 1or Patricia 0as 1o nd a 'a/ aro nd t0e an di&e,,a t0o !0+ In so,e cases" s0e 'rites

A,erican 1ir, in t0e United a ,e,o to Arna d Marc0ais in *renc0 and States t0at does $ siness in ,an/ t0en sends a co-/ o1 t0e ori!3 co ntries" one o1 t0e, *rance+ T0e co,-an/ &an! a!e is En!&is0+ S0e sends a co-/ o1 a&& t0e ,e,os s0e -re-ares to t0e E ro-ean s $sidiaries to 0er $oss and" i1 necessar/" to ot0er ,ana!ers+ W0en s0e corres-onds 'it0 Arna d Marc0ais" '0o is *renc0 En!&is0" En!&is0 and s0e s-ea)s , st t0at &i,ited 'rite is in t0e

$eca se

co,-an/ &an! a!e and $eca se t0e ,ana!ers at 0ead% arters s0e sends co-ies to s-ea) eit0er no *renc0 or on&/ &i,ited *renc0+ It &oo)s as i1 0er &an! a!e e.-ertise


-& s


En!&is0 e.tensi2e&/ '0en s0e ta&)s to Arna d on

trans&ation to t0e -eo-&e '0o t0e -0one or '0en s0e 2isits t0e s $sidiar/ need a co-/+ T0is" o1 co rse" in *rance+ Arna d a--reciates t0e 1act t0at ta)es e.tra ti,e" and so,e 0e can contact Patricia and e.-&ain to 0er in nderstand+ Patricia:s ,ana!ers at 0ead% arters ,a/ *renc0 a$o t a -artic &ar -ro$&e, and !et sti&& resent t0e se o1 *renc0 and an ans'er 0e can dea&in!s+ &an! a!e e.-ertise ,ore ,a/ $e s s-icio s o1 secret a$i&it/ to co,, nicate 'it0 Arna d in t0e *renc0 &an! a!e and c &t re 0as i,-ro2ed nderstood and a--reciated+ Patricia can se 0er 1orei!n $ siness considera$&/" and Arna d 1ee&s

In $ot0 t0e e.a,-&es" t0e 6a-anese and t0e *renc0" t0e co,-an/ &an! a!e" a&t0o !0 t0e o11icia& &an! a!e" ,a/ not $e s 11icient 1or c&ear and e11ecti2e co,, nication+ An o11icia& co,-an/ &an! a!e 'i&& si,-&i1/ co,, nication 'it0in an internationa& 1ir," $ t to ass ,e t0at t0e dec&aration o1 an o11icia& &an! a!e 'i&& e&i,inate a&& co,, nication -ro$&e,s" e2en 'it0in t0e 1ir," is a$s rd+ Mono&in! a& co,-anies o1 nati2e s-ea)ers 0a2e ,an/ co,, nication -ro$&e,s8 no 'onder t0at -eo-&e 1ro, di11erent $ac)!ro nds s-ea)in! t0e sa,e co,-an/ &an! a!e 0a2e co,, nications -ro$&e,s+ Interc &t ra& co,, nication !oes $e/ond t0e ,aster/ o1 a 1orei!n &an! a!e+ THE ROLE O* THE INTERPRETER To o2erco,e t0e co,, nication -ro$&e,s in internationa& $ siness created $/ t0e , &tit de o1 &an! a!es s-o)en aro nd t0e !&o$e" $ sinesses 0ire inter-reters or trans&ators+ Man/ -eo-&e se t0e t'o ter,s interc0an!ea$&/8 0o'e2er" t0ere is a di11erence+ Strict&/ s-ea)in!" a trans&ator trans&ates a ,essa!e 2er$ati,8 t0e inter-reter a&so trans&ates $ t" as t0e 'ord i,-&ies" a&so inter-rets t0e ,essa!e in c &t ra& ter,s+ An inter-reter not on&/ trans&ates an idio, $ t -ro2ides t0e e% i2a&ent idio, in t0e tar!et &an! a!e+ T0e % estion t0at arises is 0o' 1ar t0e inter-reter can !o in t0e c &t ra& ada-tation+ *or e.a,-&e" it is !enera&&/ considered acce-ta$&e to trans&ate bon,our 'it0 hello, $ t it is not acce-ta$&e to trans&ate a 2er/

cas a& !reetin! 'it0 a 2er/ 1or,a& one 9 st $eca se t0e &istener co,es 1ro, a 1or,a& c &t re+ T0e inter-reter 1aci&itates , t a& nderstandin! and co,-re0ension+ S0e is a cond it and does not enter t0e disc ssion on 0er o'n $e0a&1+ In s ccess1 & inter-retation t0e



intended ,essa!e !ets across at 1irst tr/+ T0is so nds eas/ eno !0" $ t t0ere are n ,ero s 0 rd&es and -ro$&e,s+ Let s &oo) at t0e -rocess as i&& strated in E.0i$it L3L+ T0e inter-reter , st decode '0at t0e s-ea)er sa/s and t0en encode t0e ,essa!e 1or t0e &istener+ B siness-eo-&e '0o are ne' to internationa& $ siness o1ten ass ,e t0at t0e inter-reter nderstands a&& t0e si!na&s t0at are $ein! sent and decodes t0e, a--ro-riate&/ as intended+ T0is re% ires t0at t0e inter-reter is $ot0 &in! istica&&/ and c &t ra&&/ 1& ent in $ot0 &an! a!es and c &t res+ T0e inter-reter , st -ic) - $ot0 t0e 2er$a& and non2er$a& si!ns o1 a&& -eo-&e in t0e disc ssion+ The Importan+e o$ Choosin a 'ood Interpreter Inter-reters s0o &d $e c0osen 'it0 !reat care+ Nati2e s-ea)in! a$i&it/ does not a to,atica&&/ ,a)e a -erson a s)i&&ed and e11ecti2e inter-reter+ *or e.a,-&e" a U+S+ trans-ortation co,-an/ as)ed a 'o,an 1ro, Ger,an/ to trans&ate se2era& $ siness &etters re&atin! to tr c)s+ T0e -ro$&e, 'as t0at t0e 'o,an did not )no' t0e ter,s re&atin! to tr c)in! in eit0er Ger,an or En!&is0+ S0e 'as 'e&& ed cated $ t 0ad no idea '0at a Sattelschlepper 'as in Ger,an and" t0ere1ore" co &d not trans&ate t0e ter, correct&/ as semi+truck. W0en s0e -ointed t0at o t to t0e A,erican '0o ,ade t0e re% est t0at s0e trans&ate" 0e 'as - <<&ed+ His res-onse 'as" FI1 /o s-ea) Ger,an" t0en /o can trans&ate t0is 'e&& eno !0+ We 9 st 'ant to )no' '0at t0e

&etter sa/s+F Act a&&/" 0o'e2er" t0e inter-reter , st $e 1& ent in t0e &an! a!e o1 t0e 1ie&d in '0ic0 s0e trans&ates+ A -oet ,a/ $e a$&e to inter-ret 1or 6a-anese and En!&is0 s-ea)ers in t0e 1ie&d o1 &iterat re $ t $e at a &oss '0en as)ed to inter-ret in $ siness+ Inter-retin! is 0ard 'or)+ Peo-&e st d/ 1or ,an/ /ears to $eco,e e11ecti2e inter-reters+ Man/ $ siness-eo-&e '0o don:t s-ea) a 1orei!n &an! a!e are nder t0e ass ,-tion t0at a nati2e s-ea)er can easi&/ and e11ecti2e&/ act as an inter-reter+ T0e/ are tota&&/ na'are o1 t0e 'or) in2o&2ed in t0e -rocess+ As a res &t" ,an/ $ siness-eo-&e 0ire 1orei!n st dents or nati2e s-ea)ers o1 t0e 1orei!n &an! a!e '0o &i2e in t0e United States as inter-reters 1or t0eir co,-anies+ T0e res &ts ,a/ $e cost&/" e,$arrassin!" and a, sin!+

Ric)s" 1or e.a,-&e" re&ates t0at in one case a st dent

ter,ino&o!/ trans&ated

soft&are 'it0 un'er&ear. 1ro, Indonesia '0o 'as not 1a,i&iar 'it0 co,- ter Hirin! -eo-&e '0o c&ai, to $e 1& ent in t0e tar!et &an! a!e '0en t0e/ are not can a&so $e a -ro$&e,+ T0e Econo,ic #e2e&o-,ent Co,,ittee o1 a co nt/ in I&&inois 'as interested in attractin! 1orei!n $ sinesses to t0e area+ One o1 t0e tar!et co ntries 'as Ger,an/+ T0e co,,ittee de2e&o-ed a $roc0 re in En!&is0 and t0en 0ad it trans&ated into Ger,an+ T0e $roc0 re &oo)ed !ood $ t 0ad a n ,$er o1 &an! a!e ,ista)es" a&t0o !0 no ,a9or -ro$&e,s+ In t0e -rocess o1 -re-arin! t0e $roc0 re" t0e na,es o1 t'o ,e,$ers o1 t0e co nci& 0ad $een o,itted+ T0e co,,ittee 'ent a0ead and -re-ared a $rie1 state,ent e.-&ainin! t0e o,ission and -ro2idin! t0e na,es+ T0is state,ent 'as trans&ated and attac0ed to a&& $roc0 res+ T0e trans&ation o1 t0e s --&e,ent 'as a tota& disaster+ It 'as a&,ost ninte&&i!i$&e e2en i1 t0e reader )ne' $ot0 En!&is0 and Ger,an+ T0e co,,ittee 'o &d 0a2e done $etter to &ea2e t0e na,es o11 rat0er t0an to send t0e Fcorrection+F Readin! t0e s --&e,ent 9 st con1ir,ed a&& t0e -re9 dices Ger,ans 0a2e a$o t t0e &o' &an! a!e a$i&it/ and s -er1icia&it/ o1 A,ericans+ T0e disastro s trans&ation a&so s0o'ed t0at t0e co,,ittee 'as not 2er/ t0oro !0 and care1 & in c0ec)in! t0e credentia&s o1 t0e trans&ator+

Inter-reters" t0en" , st $e c0osen 'it0 t0e !reatest care+ T0e 1o&&o'in! ! ide&ines 'i&& 0e&- /o in ,a)in! a !ood c0oice and !ettin! an inter-reter '0ose 'or) /o can se+ The E$$e+ti!e 0se o$ an Interpreter61ome 'uidelines <ire -our 2&n Interpreter. It is a,a<in! 0o' ,an/ $ siness-eo-&e '0o are s a&&/ 2er/ care1 & a$o t $ siness ,atters re&/ on t0e 1orei!n $ siness -artner to s --&/ t0e inter-reter+ (o de1inite&/ need to 0ire /o r o'n inter-reter+ Most e,$assies or co,,ercia& sections o1 an e,$ass/ 0a2e &ists o1 trans&ation and inter-retation ser2ices t0at /o ,i!0t contact i1 /o don:t )no' an/$od/+ Lan! a!e instit tes s c0 as Ber&it<" t0e A&&iance *rancaise" and t0e Goet0einstit t ,a/ a&so $e a$&e to 0e&- in 1indin! an inter-reter+ W0/ do /o need /o r o'n inter-reter= (o need an inter-reter '0o nderstands /o r side and '0o is &o/a& to /o +

Midori Ito" a 6a-anese 'o,an '0o re! &ar&/ inter3 t0e disc ssion -recedin! t0e o11icia& res-onse+ T0e -rets 1or 6a-anese and U+S+ $ sinesses" e,-0asi<es A,ericans don:t )no' t0at" and t0e/" in t rn" 0ard&/ t0is -artic &ar -oint+ S0e e.-&ains t0at in ,ost cases e2er as) 1or t0at in1or,ation on t0e 6a-anese side+ s0e is 0ired and -aid $/ t0e 6a-anese side and is as)ed T0e trans&ator" on 0er -art" does not 2o& nteer t0at to trans&ate $ot0 1or t0e 6a-anese and t0e A,ericans" in1or,ation+ Her ar! ,ent is t0at t0e 6a-anese -a/ Let s ass ,e t0e A,ericans are -re-arin! an ans'er 0er8 t0e/ as) and t0e A,ericans don:t+ Her &o/a&t/ is to a % estion $/ t0e 6a-anese+ T0e/ disc ss t0e -oint to t0e 6a-anese side" not to t0e A,erican side" a,on! t0e,se&2es $e1ore t0e/ 1ina&i<e t0e ans'er+ C&ear&/" t0e A,ericans are at a disad2anta!e in t0is

Mrs+ Ito sa/s t0at t0e 6a-anese ne!otiators re! &ar&/ sit ation" as) 0er 1or a trans&ation or at &east a s ,,ar/ o1 Whenever 7ossible, .eet &ith the Interpreter eforehan'. (o need to 1ee& co,1orta$&e 'it0 t0e inter-reter and de2e&o- a &e2e& o1 tr st+ Un&ess /o can se t0e sa,e inter-reter eac0 ti,e /o do $ siness in Cairo" Tai-ei" or Seo &" /o need to esta$&is0 so,e co,,on !ro nd+ T0is ,eetin! 'i&& a&so ass re /o t0e co,-etenc/ in t0e tar!et &an! a!e+ Hire Qualified Professionals. *on7t as) a co&&ea! e 1ro, anot0er de-art,ent to trans&ate 1or /o n&ess it is t0at -erson:s 9o$ to trans&ate 1or ot0ers+ I1 /o do se a co&&ea! e" /o need to set t0e !ro nd r &es 2er/ care1 &&/+ #o /o 'ant trans&ation on&/" or do /o 'ant in- t 1ro, t0e co&&ea! e= I1 /o 'ant in- t" t0en t0e co&&ea! e 0as to se-arate care1 &&/ 0is or 0er o'n co,,ents 1ro, '0at t0e ot0er side sa/s+ Check the Technical Expertise of the Interpreter. E2en i1 /o 0ire t0e inter-reter 2ia a re- ta$&e a!enc/" /o need to c0ec) t0e tec0nica& $ac)!ro nd o1 t0e inter-reter+ Has s0e trans&ated in /o r 1ie&d $e1ore= Ho' , c0 e.-erience does s0e 0a2e= Has s0e )e-t - in t0e 1ie&d= (o ,a/ 'ant to c0ec) re1erences 1ro, -ast e,-&o/ers+ As -ointed o t a$o2e" t0e tec0nica& e.-ertise in /o r 1ie&d is 2er/ i,-ortant to ens re correct trans&ations+ Inform the Interpreter of Your Business Plan and Ob ecti!es. I1 t0e inter-reter nderstands t0e o2era&& o$9ecti2es and t0e - r-ose o1 t0e ,eetin!" s0e 'i&& $e ,ore e11ecti2e t0an i1 s0e co,es into t0e session nin1or,ed and is as)ed to trans&ate -0rase $/ -0rase+ I1 t0e inter-reter nderstands t0e o2era&& !oa&" s0e 'i&& $e a$&e to inter-ret n ances $etter and see ot0er'ise iso&ated state,ents in t0e o2era&& conte.t+ It is easier to trans&ate in conte.t+ Treat the Interpreter as a Professional. E2en t0o !0 /o in1or, t0e inter-reter o1 t0e o$9ecti2es and -ro2ide necessar/ $ac)!ro nd in1or,ation and detai&s" t0e inter-reter is not a ,e,$er o1 t0e ne!otiation tea,+ S0e is 0ired as an o tside -ro1essiona& 'it0 s-eci1ic e.-ertise+ To as) t0e inter-reter to enter in t0e act a& decision3,a)in! -rocess and to as) t0e inter-reter 1or $ siness ad2ice is 'ron!+ o1 t0e inter-reter:s co,-etenc in /o r &an! a!e e2en t0o !0 /o ,a/ not $e a$&e to c0ec)

It is neit0er 1air to t0e inter-reter nor to /o r $ siness+ (o r re&ations0i- to t0e inter-reter is -ro1essiona& and s0o &d $e )e-t at ar,:s &en!t0+ Pro!ide Breaks. Inter-retin! is 0ard 'or)+ It is $ot0 ,enta&&/ and -0/sica&&/ e.0a stin!+ I1 /o 'ant !ood 'or) 1ro, t0e inter-reter" /o , st -ro2ide t0e ri!0t en2iron,ent+ Re! &ar $rea)s 1or t0e inter-reter are essentia& e2en i1 /o 1ee& /o can sti&& contin e+ "peak Clearl#. E2en i1 t0e inter-reter is 1& ent in /o r &an! a!e" /o , st s-ea) c&ear&/ and at a reasona$&e -ace+ (o s0o &d $e -artic &ar&/ care1 & i1 /o s-ea) a dia&ect+ T0e inter-reter ,a/ 0a2e di11ic &t/ nderstandin! /o and 1o&&o'in! /o r reasonin!+ #ia&ects can $e di11ic &t 1or s-ea)ers o1 t0e sa,e &an! a!e8 'it0 1orei!n s-ea)ers t0e -ro$&e,s are co,-o nded+ (o r inter-reter , st 1ee& co,1orta$&e as)in! /o to re-eat so,et0in! i1 s0e does not nderstand /o t0e 1irst ti,e+ T0e 1o&&o'in! e.a,-&e i&& strates t0e di11ic &ties t0at can arise $et'een t'o s-ea)ers o1 t0e sa,e &an! a!e '0en one s-ea)s a dia&ect+

A Ger,an MBA st dent at a ni2ersit/ in t0e United t0e Ger,an FSi&icon Va&&e/"F t0e na,e sed 1or t0e States 0ad an interns0i- 'it0 a ,a9or Ger,an , &ti3 area in Ca&i1ornia '0ere ,an/ 0i!03tec0 co,- ter nationa&+ T0e st dent ca,e ori!ina&&/ 1ro, t0e nort0 co,-anies 0a2e t0eir 0ead% arters" o1 Ger,an/" 1ro, t0e area aro nd #ort, nd" and 0ad Since t0e area aro nd St tt!art 0ad $een rat0er $een in t0e United States 1or 1o r /ears+ Her En!&is0 -ros-ero s in t0e &ast 1e' /ears" t0e nati2es 'ere 'as e.ce&&ent+ T0e Ger,an 1ir, 'as &ocated in t0e -ro d o1 t0eir dia&ect and so,e e2en ar! ed t0at t0e so t0 o1 Ger,an/ near St tt!art '0ere -eo-&e s-ea) econo,ic s ccess 'as -roo1 t0at t0e &an! a!e" s 3 t0e &oca& dia&ect" S'a$ian+ T0is area is re1erred to as a&&/ $e&itt&ed $/ -eo-&e 1ro, t0e nort0" 'as s -erior+

T0e intern 0ad a 0ard ti,e

'ere sti&& a11ected $/ t0eir dia&ect+ A 1orei!n

co,, nicatin! 'it0 0er co3'or)ers inter-reter '0o &earned standard Ger,an 'o &d in Ger,an+ S0e s-o)e Ger,an" 0er 1ace t0e sa,e -ro$&e,+ Internationa& ,ana!ers ,ana!er and s -er2isor s-o)e need to re,e,$er to en nciate as c&ear&/ as Ger,an" $ t s0e t/-ica&&/ 'o &d -ossi$&e+ T0e/ don:t 'ant to 'aste ti,e $/ 0a2e to as) t0e, to re-eat '0at t0e/ need&ess&/ re-eatin! in1or,ation+ said+ E2en a1ter t0e/ re-eated t0eir ,essa!es in '0at t0e/ considered to $e standard Ger,an" s0e so,eti,es didn:t nderstand+ Pron nciation and 'ord c0oice

Concentrate on the Business Partner$ not on the Interpreter. Man/ $ siness-eo-&e &oo) at t0e inter-reter as t0e/ s-ea) and ne!&ect t0e $ siness -artner+ In order to !et e2er/ $it o1 non2er$a& in1or,ation /o can" /o , st concentrate on t0e ot0er side and 'atc0 t0e, as /o s-ea)+ T0is is e2en ,ore i,-ortant i1 t0e ot0er side 0as so,e )no'&ed!e o1 /o r &an! a!e+ Ma/$e t0e/ don:t s-ea) /o r &an! a!e 1& ent&/" $ t t0e/ ,a/ s-ea) so,e and 1o&&o' t0e !enera& trend o1 '0at /o sa/ as /o !i2e /o r ,essa!e to /o r inter-reter+ In t0at case /o 'ant to $e a$&e to read t0eir reaction to '0at /o sa/ as ear&/ as -ossi$&e+ A&so" /o 'ant t0e, to nderstand /o r non2er$a& co,, nication8 t0ere1ore" /o need to s-ea) to t0e a dience and not t0e inter-reter+ W0en t0e inter-reter trans&ates /o r ,essa!e" a!ain /o , st 'atc0 t0e ot0er side 1or a&& t0e non2er$a& si!na&s+ In so,e c &t res t0e non2er$a& si!na&s ,a/ $e o$2io s8 in ot0ers" s c0 as 6a-anese c &t re" /o 'i&& 0a2e to concentrate and 'atc0 ,ore c&ose&/+ Wit0 -ractice /o 'i&& $e a$&e to deci-0er t0e non2er$a& reactions ,ore acc rate&/ and se t0e in1or,ation in /o r res-onses and % estions+ I1" 1or e.a,-&e" t0e ot0er side acts s r-rised at '0at /o sa/" /o ,a/ 'ant to 1ind o t t0e reasons+ (o ,a/ 'ant to as) a$o t t0e e.-ectations in ,ore detai&+ As t0e -eo-&e on t0e ot0er side disc ss /o r res-onse" a!ain 'atc0 c&ose&/+ (o need to as) t0e inter-reter 1or t0e s-eci1ics o1 t0e disc ssion+

A&so 'atc0 t0e ot0er side as t0e inter-reter trans&ates into /o r &an! a!e+ T0e/ 'i&& 'atc0 1or /o r reaction+ In so,e cases /o ,a/ 'ant to as) t0e inter-reter 1or 'ord31or3 'ord res-onses and a&so 1or t0e c &t ra& trans&ation o1 t0e res-onse+ %ind Out the &ole of the Interpreter on the Other "ide. T0e ot0er side ,a/ 0a2e a -ro1essiona& inter-reter or se an e,-&o/ee 1ro, t0e co,-an/+ Ma/$e t0e -erson e2en is a re! &ar ,e,$er o1 t0e ne!otiation tea,+ I1 at a&& -ossi$&e" /o s0o &d 1ind o t t0e stat s o1 t0e inter-reter+ A n ,$er o1 $ siness-eo-&e 1ro, t0e United States" not s-ea)in! t0e &an! a!e o1 t0e -artner and not )no'in! t0e stat s o1 t0e inter-reter" ta&) to t0e inter-reter+ A1ter a&&" t0e inter-reter s-ea)s En!&is0 and see,s to )no' '0at is !oin! on+ T0e/ 1ee& co,1orta$&e 'it0 t0at -erson+ On&/ too &ate ,a/ t0e/ 1ind o t t0at t0e/ 0a2e 9 st s-ent ti,e 'it0 an o tsider or s $ordinate and ne!&ected t0e -erson or -ersons in c0ar!e+ Check the 'ork of the Interpreter. (o ,a/ ar! e t0at t0e reason /o 0a2e an inter-reter is $eca se /o can:t s-ea) t0e &an! a!e and" t0ere1ore" /o cannot c0ec) t0e acc rac/ o1 t0e trans&ation+ Sti&&" /o can do a &ot to ens re acc rac/+ In a&& 'ritten ,ateria&s /o need to c0ec) t0e acc rac/ o1 na,es" dates" and n ,$ers+ An inter-reter '0o rea&i<es t0at /o c0ec) 'i&& $e ,ore care1 & in 0er 'or)+ As n ,$ers can $e di11ic &t to trans&ate and as ,is nderstandin!s can easi&/ occ r" /o s0o &d a&'a/s 'rite o t n ,$ers" 9 st to $e on t0e sa1e side+ In C0inese" 1or e.a,-&e" '0ere 5A"AAA is a nit o1

,eas re,ent" -eo-&e s0o &d a&'a/s !i2e t0e n ,$er o1 <eros in t0e n ,$er+ C0inese 1re% ent&/ ,istrans&ate as millions n ,$ers t0at are 0 ndreds o1 t0o sands+ A si,i&ar -ro$&e, occ rs $et'een En!&is0 and Ger,an+ T0e Ger,ans se t0e 1o&&o'in! se% ence7 t0o sand" 0 ndred t0o sand" ,i&&ion" ,i&&iarde" $i&&ion+ En!&is0 9 ,-s 1ro, ,i&&ion to $i&&ion+ W0en t0e A,ericans sa/ t0at t0e 1&ood da,a!e in t0e United States in 5II? 'as W5@ $i&&ion GW5@"AAA"AAA"AAAH" in Ger,an t0e sa,e 1i! re 'o &d $e W5@ milliar'en. I1 t0e trans&ator ses t0e 'ord billion in t0e Ger,an conte.t" t0e da,a!e 'o &d $e !reat&/ o2erstated+ E2en 'it0in t0e En!&is03s-ea)in! 'or&d billion does not ,ean t0e sa,e % antit/+ In Britis0 En!&is0" 5"AAA"AAA"AAA is a t0o sand ,i&&ion8 t0e Britis0 $i&&ion is a ,i&&ion ,i&&ion" or a tri&&ion in t0e United States G5"AAA"AAA"AAA"AAAH+

COMMUNICATION WITH NON3NATIVE SPEAKERS In ,an/ sit ations /o ,a/ not $e 1& ent in t0e ot0er &an! a!e $ t an

inter-reter ,a/ not $e a2ai&a$&e" and /o , st dea& 'it0 t0e non3nati2e s-ea)er '0o is not 1& ent in /o r &an! a!e direct&/+ T0e s ccess o1 t0e co,, nication 'i&& de-end to a !reat e.tent -on 0o' 'e&& /o ada-t to t0at -erson+ Ta&)in! &o d&/ and re-eatin! e2er/t0in! does not necessari&/ i,-ro2e t0e co,, nication+ I1 t0e ot0er side does not nderstand /o at /o r re! &ar -itc0 and 2o& ,e o1 s-eec0" t0at -erson 'i&& not nderstand /o an/ $etter i1 /o screa,+ I1 t0e ot0er side is not 1a,i&iar 'it0 $ase$a&&" t0e/ 'i&& not nderstand /o r state,ent" FT0is ti,e 'e are !oin! to $e s ccess1 &8 a&& t0e $ases are &oaded and o r 0ea2/ 0itter is ste--in! - to t0e -&ate"F and no a,o nt o1 re-eatin! 'i&& c0an!e t0at+ Co,, nicatin! 'it0 non3nati2e s-ea)ers in an/ &an! a!e ta)es s)i&& and e.-erience+ T0e 1o&&o'in! -oints ,a/ 0e&- /o to $e ,ore s ccess1 &+ E$$e+ti!e (a+e2to2(a+e Communi+ation Enunciate. (o , st s-ea) c&ear&/ so t0at t0e -erson nderstands t0e 'ords /o se+ Contractions are di11ic &t $eca se t0e/ $& r o2er indi2id a& 'ords+ "peak "lo(l#. Nati2e s-ea)ers in an/ &an! a!e see, to s-ea) 1ast8 at &east t0at is t0e -erce-tion o1 t0e non3nati2e s-ea)er+ S&o'in! do'n 0e&-s t0e non3nati2e s-ea)er to co,-re0end '0at /o sa/+ (o , st ad9 st /o r s-eed to t0e &e2e& o1 t0e ot0er side+ T0e non2er$a& c& es /o r -artner sends 'i&& 0e&- /o to ad9 st+ I1 t0e ot0er -erson &oo)s - <<&ed or o1ten 0as to as) /o to re-eat so,et0in!" /o ,a/ $e s-ea)in! too 1ast+ In t0at case /o s0o &d re-eat /o r idea s&o'&/ and" i1 t0at sti&& does not 'or)" re-eat it a!ain sin! di11erent 'ords+ An A stra&ian '0o 0as st died so,e Ara$ic 'ants to s0o' '0at 0e 0as &earned+ He 'i&& a--reciate it i1 0is -artner 1ro, E!/-t 'i&& s&o' do'n and !i2e 0i, a c0ance to $ot0 nderstand and s-ea)+ )!oid "lan* and Collo+uialisms. Un&ess t0e s-ea)er 0as &i2ed in /o r co ntr/ 1or so,e ti,e" /o s0o &d a2oid s&an! and co&&o% ia& e.-ressions+ S&an! c0an!es8 t0ere1ore" t0e ot0er side ,a/ not $e 1a,i&iar 'it0 t0e &atest ter,s+ *or e.a,-&e" a -erson '0o s-ea)s En!&is0 1& ent&/ $ t 0as not 0ad an/ contact 'it0 t0e United States o2er t0e -ast 1e' /ears ,a/ not )no' '0at a st dent ,eans '0en sa/in! Get a Life or

a&esome. An ti2e '0o st died Ger,an /ears a!o 'i&& not 0a2e an/ idea '0at Ich hab keinen ock, t0e ado&escent e.-ression 1or I(m not intereste' or ; 'on > care, ,eans+ T0e *renc03Canadians sa/ "(ai mon voya$e GI 0a2e ,/ tri-H '0en an En!&is0 s-ea)er ,i!0t sa/ %hat(s the last stra&. T0e/ sa/ Ce n (est pas un ca'eau/ Git is no !i1tH '0en so,et0in! is not !oin! 'e&&8 En!&is0 s-ea)ers ,i!0t sa/ It(s no ,oke. In *rance t0ese *renc03Canadian idio,s 'o &d so nd odd and $e nc&ear+ *orei!n &an! a!e instr ction in ,ost co ntries e,-0asi<es t0e correct and 1or,a& rat0er t0an t0e co&&o% ia& &an! a!e+ A&so" in 2er/ 1or,a& c &t res" s&an! ,a/ $e o11ensi2e and si!na& a &ac) o1 res-ect+ C rse 'ords ,a/ a&so si!na& disres-ect+ W0i&e in 1or,a& A,erican En!&is0 c rsin! is not acce-ta$&e" ,an/ $ siness-eo-&e se ter,s t0at at one ti,e 'ere considered s'ear 'ords+ ;amn, as in FI )no' da,n 'e&& 0e is !oin! to $e at t0e ,eetin!"F is one o1 t0ose 'ords+ Un&ess /o )no' t0e ot0er side 2er/ 'e&&" a2oid an/ &an! a!e t0at co &d $e o11ensi2e+ Be Careful about ,okes. H ,or does not trans&ate 'e&&+ W0at one c &t re considers 1 nn/ anot0er ,a/ consider not 1 nn/" cr de" or r de+ In addition" 0 ,or &oses , c0 in trans&ation+ 6o0nn/ Carson 1o nd t0at o t '0en 0is s0o' 'as aired in Great Britain+ His 9o)es 'ere rooted in A,erican c &t re and o1ten 'ere $ased on c rrent e2ents+ T0e Britis0 'ere not 1a,i&iar 'it0 t0e e2ents and did not s0are t0e A,erican sense o1 0 ,or" and t0e s0o' 'as cance&ed a1ter on&/ a s0ort ti,e+ In order to a--reciate 9o)es" t0e &istener , st s0are c &t ra& re1erences 'it0 t0e s-ea)er+ In t0e a$sence o1 t0at co,,on e.-erience" 9o)es &ose t0eir 1 nniness+ H ,or" in ,an/ cases" is $ased on - ns and 'ord -&a/s+ T0ose se&do, trans&ate into anot0er &an! a!e+ I1 a &en!t0/ e.-&anation is re% ired" t0e sit ation is s a&&/ not consid3 ered 1 nn/ an/,ore+ (o ,a/ 0a2e 0eard o1 t0e s-ea)er '0o de&i2ered 0is s-eec0 t0ro !0 a trans&ator to 0is 1orei!n a dience+ His a dience &a !0ed at t0e a--ro-riate -&aces+ W0at t0e s-ea)er did not )no' 'as t0at t0e inter-reter s --&ied 0is o'n 9o)es or as)ed t0e a di3 ence to &a !0 $eca se t0e s-ea)er 9 st to&d a 9o)e and it 'o &d $e i,-o&ite not to &a !0+ 6 st i,a!ine t0is sit ation i1 t0e s-ea)er is addressin! an a dience o1 -eo-&e 1ro, 5A di13 1erent co ntries '0o a&& 0a2e t0eir o'n si, &taneo s trans&ators+ 6o)es 'o &d $e a ni!0t3 ,are in t0is en2iron,ent+

Be "incere. W0i&e !ood'i&& and sincerit/ a&one do not !et t0e ,essa!e across" t0e/ 0e&- in creatin! a -ositi2e at,os-0ere+ W0en $ot0 sides are sincere and eac0 side reco!3 ni<es t0at" t0en $ot0 'i&& tr/ 0arder to co,, nicate 2er$a&&/+ Gen ine sincerit/ can 0e&o2erco,e o$stac&es+ I1 $ siness-eo-&e 1ro, t'o co ntries sit do'n to ne!otiate a dea&" one can reasona$&/ ass ,e t0at $ot0 sides are sincere and !en ine&/ interested+ One can a&so ass ,e t0at t0e/ res-ect eac0 ot0er and don:t intend to ins &t eac0 ot0er+ I1 so,et0in! so nds stran!e or e2en ins &tin!" c0ances are t0at t0e s-ea)er sed t0e 'ron! 'ords and didn:t ,ean an/ 0ar,+ I1 $ot0 sides ass ,e !ood'i&&" ,an/ 0 rd&es can $e o2erco,e+ Be Culturall# "ensiti!e. T0e ,ore /o )no' a$o t t0e c &t re o1 t0e ot0er side" t0e easier it 'i&& $e to s-ea) 'it0 a 1orei!ner '0o s-ea)s on&/ a &itt&e o1 /o r &an! a!e+ *or e.a,-&e" a -erson doin! $ siness in 6a-an 'i&& $e ,ore s ccess1 & i1 0e )no's t0e $asics o1 socia& $e0a2ior and eti% ette+ E2en t0o !0 0e s-ea)s no 6a-anese and t0e 6a-anese co nter-art on&/ s-ea)s so,e En!&is0" t0e/ can co,, nicate i1 $ot0 sides are c &t ra&&/ sensiti2e+ T0e non36a-anese $ siness-erson '0o is 1or,a&" ses &ast na,es" is nona!!res3 si2e" and &istens care1 &&/ ,a/ s cceed+ T0e 6a-anese $ siness-erson '0o is ,ore o t!oin! and 2er$a& t0an 0e nor,a&&/ 'o &d $e '0en dea&in! 'it0 so,eone 1ro, a ,ore asserti2e c &t re ,a/ $e ,ore s ccess1 & a&so+ C &t ra& ,ista)es so,eti,es dro'n o t t0e 2er$a& ,essa!e+ T0at is tr e in $ot0 internationa& $ siness and in do,estic 1ir,s t0at e,-&o/ -eo-&e 1ro, a 2ariet/ o1 et0nic and c &t ra& $ac)!ro nds+ Maria Lo-e< 1ro, Per 0as 'or)ed 1or se2era& ,ont0s as a s -er2isor in t0e United States+ S0e s-ea)s so,e En!&is0+ S0e co,es 1ro, a 2er/ traditiona& and 1or,a& $ac)!ro nd and is sed to $ein! addressed 'it0 0er &ast na,e $/ non1a,i&/+ As 0er 1e&&o'3s -er2isor" /o t0in) s0e does !ood 'or) and /o 'ant to co,-&i,ent 0er+ (o are o t!oin! and 1riend&/ and sa/ to 0er ::Maria" /o are doin! !ood 'or)+F S0e ,a/ $e so o11ended a$o t /o r sin! 0er 1irst na,e t0at t0e rest o1 t0e ,essa!e ,a/ $e &ost+ (o ,a/ ar! e t0at i1 Maria Lo-e< 'ants to !et a0ead in an A,erican co,-an/" s0e , st ada-t to A,erican c &t ra& nor,s+ Ho'e2er" /o need to as) /o rse&1 '0at /o r !oa& is+ Is it to A,ericani<e Maria or to $ i&d an e11ecti2e 'or) tea,= I1 /o 'ant t0e e11ecti2e tea," t0en /o need to consider t0e 2a& es o1 /o r e,-&o/ees+ Idea&&/" /o 'o &d -ro2ide trainin! 1or /o r non3nati2e s-ea)ers in A,erican &an! a!e and c &t re" and 1or /o r A,erican e,-&o/ees at &east in t0e c &t re o1 t0eir 1orei!n co3'or)ers+

@eep a Sense of <umor. Per0a-s t0is s0o &d $e t0e ! idin! r &e 1or co,, nicatin! in an/ 1orei!n &an! a!e+ (o , st $e a$&e to &a !0 at /o r o'n ,ista)es and not $e o11ended $/ 0onest ,ista)es 1ro, t0e ot0er side+ E$$e+ti!e "ritten Communi+ation To a2oid an/ con1 sion on t0e ot0er side" /o , st care1 &&/ -roo1read a&& 'ritten co,, nications 1or s-e&&in!" - nct ation" and !ra,,ar+ Errors t0at ,a/ not -ose a -ro$&e, 1or nati2e s-ea)ers can $e serio s 0 rd&es to nderstandin! 1or t0e non3nati2e s-ea)er+ T0e 1o&&o'in! ! ide&ines 'i&& 0e&- /o to $e ,ore e11ecti2e in /o r 'ritten co,, nication+ Use 7lenty of White Space. T0e non3nati2e s-ea)er ,a/ need s-ace 1or co,,ents and trans&ations+ Pro2ide t0at s-ace to 1aci&itate nderstandin! and co,, nication+ Use Correct %itles an' Spellin$s of 0ames. Acc rac/ in t0e s-e&&in! o1 na,es 'i&& s0o' t0at /o care" t0at /o are sincere and o1 !ood'i&&+ Most -eo-&e !et anno/ed at t0e ,iss-e&&in! o1 t0eir na,es" so $e do $&/ care1 & in t0at area+ As) i1 necessar/+ Un'erstan' 7atterns of 2r$aniDation. Wit0 o r &i,ited &an! a!e a$i&it/" 'e are $et3 ter a$&e to 1o&&o' in1or,ation i1 a&& t0e ot0er FnoiseF Gan/ t/-e o1 distractionH is e&i,inated+ One so rce o1 noise is or!ani<ation+ Peo-&e 1ro, di11erent c &t res or!ani<e in1or,ation di11erent&/+ Peo-&e 1ro, East Asian c &t res or!ani<e ,ateria& $ased on re&ations0i-s o1 e&e,ents rat0er t0an t0e &inear -ro!ression t/-ica& o1 Western t0in)in!+ Bot0 !ro -s are con2inced t0at t0eir ar! ,ents are &o!ica&&/ de2e&o-ed and -resented+ T0ere are a&so di13 1erences" 0o'e2er" 'it0in eac0 ca,-+ Canadians" 1or e.a,-&e" &i)e to 0a2e reco,,enda3 tions at t0e $e!innin! o1 a re-ort+ T0e rest o1 t0e re-ort -ro2ides a rationa&e and necessar/ $ac)!ro nd+ T0e e,-0asis is on t0e -ractica& se o1 in1or,ation+ T0e Ger,ans" on t0e ot0er 0and" -re1er a c0rono&o!ica& arran!e,ent and -resentation+ T0e/ !i2e t0e $ac)3 !ro nd 1irst8 t0e reco,,endation co,es at t0e end+ T0e *renc0" , c0 ,ore t0an t0e Ger,ans and t0e Canadians" de&i!0t in t0e &in! istica&&/ e&e!ant -resentation o1 t0e ar! ,ent+ T0e -resentation is o1 i,-ortance 1or its o'n sa)e in addition to t0e -ractica& considerations+ I1 t0e Ger,an )no's t0at t0e Canadian -re1ers to 0a2e t0e reco,,endations 1irst" 0e ,a/ decide to arran!e 0is in1or,ation t0at 'a/+ Since t0e or!ani<ation corres-onds

'it0 0is e.-ectations" t0e Canadian 'i&& $e a$&e to concentrate on t0e act a& ,essa!e and not &ose -atience 'it0 t0e Fs&o'erF Ger,an -resentation Ga&so see C0a-ter @H+ Bot0 t0e Ger,ans and t0e Canadians ,a/ 'ant to 'atc0 ,ore care1 &&/ 1or st/&e and -resentation o1 t0e ar! ,ent '0en co,, nicatin! 'it0 t0e *renc0+ T0e *renc0" Ger,ans" and Canadians" 0o'e2er" are - <<&ed $/ t0e re&ation3$ i&din! arran!e,ent o1 t0e 6a-anese -resentation+ W0i&e ra--ort is considered i,-ortant" neit0er t0e *renc0" nor t0e Ger,ans" nor t0e Canadians consider t0e $ i&din! o1 ra--ort as an inte3 !ra& -art o1 t0e -resentation+ T0e &o!ica& ar! ,ent is '0at se&&s" rat0er t0an t0e esta$&is03 ,ent o1 re&ations0i-s Gsee C0a-ter @H+ Use <ea'in$s. Headin!s" i,-ortant in a&& $ siness 'ritin!" are -artic &ar&/ i,-ortant '0en co,, nicatin! 'it0 non3nati2e s-ea)ers+ T0e/ 'i&& 0e&- t0e -erson nderstand t0e or!ani<ation and /o r &ine o1 reasonin!+ Be Careful (ith -umbers. (o a&'a/s need to c0ec) t0e acc rac/ o1 n ,$ers and $e 1a,i&iar 'it0 t0e con2entions o1 'ritin! n ,$ers+ W@"?@A+MN $eco,es W@"?@A"MN in ,ost E ro-ean &an! a!es+ T0e co,,a and t0e deci,a& -oint are re2ersed" and o1ten t0e - nc3 t ation to set o11 t0o sands is not sed at a&&+ Con1 sion in t0e - nct ation o1 n ,$ers cre3 ates con1 sion in t0e ,eanin!+ To $e sa1e" /o ,a/ 'ant to 'rite o t cr cia& n ,$ers+ Be Careful (ith .ates. #ates can $eco,e i,-ortant '0en t'o 1ir,s disa!ree on contract conditions" de&i2er/ dates" and ,eetin! dates+ #i11erent c &t res 0a2e di11erent 'a/s o1 'ritin! dates as t0e 1o&&o'in! e.a,-&e i&& strates7 A,erican sa!e7 Ma/ K" LA.. or A@;K;LA.. Ger,an sa!e7 K+ Mai LA.. or K+ @+ LA.. Increasin! internationa& sa!e7 LA.. Ma/" K or LA.." A@" AK To a2oid con1 sion" /o s0o &d a&'a/s 'rite o t t0e na,e o1 t0e ,ont0+ Avoi' Abbreviations. A$$re2iations 0inder t0e -rocess o1 co,-re0ension+ T0e/ ,a/ $e con2enient 1or t0e 'riter" $ t t0e/ are di11ic &t 1or t0e reader+ T0e sa,e !oes 1or acron/,s" as -ointed o t ear&ier+ A reader '0o does not )no' t0at ASAP ,eans as soon as -ossi$&e 'i&& 0a2e to -a se and t0in) $e1ore !oin! on+ T0e a$$re2iation interr -ts t0e 1&o' o1 t0o !0t+ A $ siness-erson 1ro, Mani&a '0o s-ea)s Ger,an ,a/ not )no' t0at t0e a$$re2iation betr.1 stands 1or betreffs and ,eans sub,ect. %ollo( the Con!entions of 'ritten Communication. (o s0o &d st d/ t0e con2en3

tions o1 /o r co nter-art:s c &t re+ *or e.a,-&e" $ siness &etters 1o&&o' di11erent 1or,ats in di11erent co ntries+ In internationa& 1ir,s" s $sidiaries aro nd t0e !&o$e ,a/ se t0e sa,e 1or,at+ A &etter 1ro, a Ni!erian s $sidiar/ in *rance -ro$a$&/ ses a *renc0 1or,at8 6a-anese e,-&o/ees o1 a Ger,an 1ir, -ro$a$&/ se t0e Ger,an 1or,at+ A&t0o !0 $ siness &etters 1ro, di11erent co ntries a&& -ro2ide in1or,ation on t0e sender" t0e recei2er" and t0e date o1 t0e &etter" t0e -&ace,ent o1 t0is in1or,ation can 2ar/ 'ide&/+ I1 /o cannot read t0e &an! a!e o1 t0e sender or i1 /o do not )no' t0e -&ace,ent o1 t0e -arts" /o ,a/ !et con1 sed+ *o&&o'in! are so,e e.a,-&es o1 &etters 1ro, di11erent c &t res+ O$2io s&/" 'it0in a co ntr/ 2ariations in st/&e and 1or,at T0e &etters -resented 0ere are si,-&/ sa,-&es o1 1or,ats+ T0e c &t ra& in1& ences on or!ani<ation o1 $ siness &etters are disc ssed in ,ore detai& in C0a-ter @+ T0e 1or,at o1 &etters is a&so in1& enced $/ c0anne& c0oice+ *or e.a,-&e" so,e 'riters do not 1o&&o' t0e con2entions 1or &etters '0en t0e/ trans,it t0e, $/ 1a.+ T0e &etters 1ro, Iran and Hon! Kon! Gsee E.0i$it L3K and L3>H do not -ro2ide an inside address+ In ,ost cases" $ siness &etters are 'ritten on &etter0ead stationer/ -ro2idin! in1or,ation on address" te&e-0one" and 1a. n ,$ers+ Ger,an &etters a&so -ro2ide t0e co,-an/:s $an) n ,$ers+ /nited "tates Business 0etters. In t0e United States" a $ siness &etter 0as t0e 1o&&o'in! -arts GE.0i$it L3?H7 &etter0ead;ret rn address" date" inside address Gaddress o1 t0e recei2erH" sa& tation" $od/ o1 t0e &etter" co,-&i,entar/ c&ose" and si!nat re $&oc) 'it0 t/-ed na,e o1 sender $e&o' t0e 0and'ritten si!nat re+ A1ter t0at co,es in1or,ation on enc&os res" initia&s o1 t0e t/-ist" and na,es o1 -eo-&e '0o recei2e a co-/ o1 t0e &etter+ Increasin!&/ A,erican $ siness &etters are $&oc)ed8 t0at ,eans -ara!ra-0s and a&& -arts o1 t0e &etter are 1& s0 'it0 t0e &e1t ,ar!in+ B siness &etters are a&'a/s sin!&e s-aced+ 1erman usiness 0etters. T0e Ger,an 1or,at is % ite di11erent+ Most co,-an/ sta3 tioner/ 0as a &ine 1or annotations+ In t0e e.a,-&e in E.0i$it L3M t0is &ine &ists G&e1t to ri!0tH t0e initia&s o1 t0e reci-ient" t0e s $9ect o1 t0e &etter" a 1i&in! n ,$er 1or t0e reci-ient" t0e te&e3 -0one e.tension o1 t0e 'riter" and t0e date+ So,eti,es t0is &ine !i2es t0e initia&s o1 t0e sec3 retar/ and t0e sender+ T0e i,-ortant di11erence is t0at t0is in1or,ation co,es $e1ore t0e sa& 3 tation" '0ereas in t0e United States ,ost o1 t0at in1or,ation co,es at t0e end i1 it is -ro2ided

at a&&+ T0e na,e o1 t0e co,-an/ a--ears $e&o' t0e co,-&i,entar/ c&ose+ Traditiona&&/" Ger,an &etters are si!ned" $ t t0e na,e o1 t0e sender is not t/-ed+ In t0e e.a,-&e" it is i,-ossi$&e to deci-0er t0e na,e o1 t0e 'riter+ I1 *ra Boe0,er" '0o recei2ed t0e &etter in E.0i$it L3M" 'ants to send a re-&/" s0e , st send it to t0e de-art,ent rat0er t0an to a -artic &ar indi2id a&+ In contrast to -ractice in t0e United States" t0e Ger,an st/&e e,-0a3 si<es t0e co,-an/ rat0er t0an t0e identit/ o1 t0e indi2id a& sender+ T0e 'riter is an a!ent o1 t0e 1ir,+ *re% ent&/ Ger,an $ siness &etters are si!ned $/ t'o -eo-&e+> %rench Business 0etters. *renc0 &etters Gsee E.0i$it L3@H t/-ica&&/ se indented st/&e8 $&oc)ed st/&e is rare&/ sed+ T0e date can 1o&&o' or -recede t0e inside address" '0ic0 a--ears on t0e ri!0t30and side+ As in Ger,an &etters" t0e <i- code -recedes t0e na,e o1 t0e cit/" and t0e na,e o1 t0e cit/ is set o11 $/ a do $&e s-ace+ T0e 1or,at o1 t0e address is !o23 erned $/ -osta& re! &ations+ *renc0 $ siness &etters a&'a/s 0a2e a s $9ect &ine+ Initia&s and re1erence n ,$ers" i1 t0e/ are !i2en at a&&" a--ear a1ter t0e inside address $e1ore t0e s $9ect &ine and sa& tation+ In *renc0 $ siness &etters t0e co,-&i,entar/ c&ose ,a/ $e 1o&&o'ed $/ t0e si!nat re o1 t0e 'riter and t0e t/-ed na,e or 9 st t0e t/-ed na,e+N Iranian usiness 0etter. T0e &etter in E.0i$it L3K is 1ro, Iran+ Un&ess /o can read *arsi" /o 'i&& not $e a$&e to read an/t0in! in t0e &etter" not e2en t0e date" na,e o1 sender" or na,e o1 co,-an/+ T0e &etter is 'ritten 1ro, ri!0t to &e1t+ T0e En!&is0 trans&ation a--ears in t0e Western st/&e" &e1t to ri!0t+ In t0e --er ri!0t30and corner o1 t0e ori!ina& a--ears t0e re1erence n ,$er o1 t0e &etter $/ '0ic0 it is 1i&ed+ Be&o' t0at n ,$er co,es t0e date" Octo$er L" 5?KA+ T0e date is $ased on t0e Is&a,ic ca&endar" '0ic0 starts in K?L

o1 t0e Western ca&endar+ T0e si!nat re at t0e $otto, co,es a1ter t0e t/-ed na,e o1 t0e

sender and t0e co,-an/+

E5HIBIT 228 United States *or,at 1or B siness Letters COMMUNICATION CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL ?NLI Wi&&o' Road Nor,a&" I&&inois K5>K5 Te&7 G?AIHM@L35555 *a.7 G?AIH M@L3LLLL *e$r ar/ LI" LA.. Mr+ A$ra0a, Monroe #irector o1 Mar)etin! Leis re W0ee&s" Inc+ @A5 Grant Street Kansas Cit/+ MO KM5M5 #ear Mr+ Monroe7

T0an) /o 1or t0e $ac)!ro nd in1or,ation on ,ar)etin! trainin! at Leis re W0ee&s" Inc+ T0is ,ateria& 'i&& $e 2er/ 0e&-1 & in -re-arin! trainin! sessions t0at 'i&& ,eet t0e -artic &ar needs o1 /o r -eo-&e+ At /o r re% est" t0e t'o3da/ se,inar 'i&& -a/ s-ecia& attention to interc &t ra& co,, nication iss es to en0ance t0e s)i&&s o1 t0e ,ar)etin! tea, as Leis re W0ee&s" Inc+" e.-ands internationa&&/+ T0e attac0ed se,inar sc0ed &e re1&ects t0e c0an!es 'e disc ssed on t0e -0one /esterda/+ *or t0e se,inar I 'i&& need t0e 1o&&o'in! e% i-,ent7 D D D

o2er0ead -ro9ector 1&i- c0art 2ideo e% i-,ent s&ide -ro9ector

Co,, nication Cons &tants" Inc+ a--reciates t0e o--ort nit/ to -ro2ide t0e trainin! 1or /o r e,-&o/ees+ I &oo) 1or'ard to $ein! in Kansas Cit/ on Marc0 LA and L5" LA..+ Sincere&/" Ma.'e&& Ha,i&& IV

E5HIBIT 229 Ger,an B siness Letter

Ba/er AG Person *ra a&a$tei& n! @AIA Le2er) sen" Ba/er'er) Te&e1on7 C0ristina Boe0,er MA5 Wa&)er Ha&& USA3Nor,a&" I&&inois K5>K5 GAL 5MH ?A35

I0re 4eic0en


Nac0ric0t Be'er$er3Nr+ n) Se0r !ee0rte *ra Boe0,er"

Te&e1on3 GAL5MH ?A # rc0'a0& N5M>>

Sie 0a$en sic0 $ei ns , ein Pra)ti) , $e'or$en+ Leider )onnen 'ir I0re Be'er$ n! nic0t $er c)sic0ti!en" da i, an!e!e$enen 4eitra , a&&e Pra)ti)anten-&at<e in der 2on I0nen An&a!e XUXX Gcontinue'H Chinese Business 0etter from Hon* 2on*. T0e &etter 1ro, Hon! Kon! in E.0i$it L3> is 'ritten $/ 0and" a&t0o !0 ne' co,- ter -ro!ra,s no' ena$&e C0inese to )e/ in 'ords+ T0e &etter is 'ritten 1ro, &e1t to ri!0t a&t0o !0 traditiona&&/ C0inese is 'ritten 1ro, ri!0t to &e1t and to- to $otto,+ In t0is &etter t0e date a--ears &ast a1ter t0e si!nat re+ Since t0e &etter0ead is in En!&is0" a non3C0inese reader can read t0e na,e and address o1 t0e co,-an/+ EOHIBIT LU5 Ger,an B siness Letter Gtrans&ationH

Ver/ 0onored Mrs+ Boe0,er" (o 0a2e a--&ied 1or an interns0i-+ Un1ort nate&/" 'e cannot consider /o r a--&ication $eca se d rin! t0e ti,e /o re% ested a&& interns0i- s&ots 0a2e a&read/ $een 1i&&ed+ We re!ret to 0a2e to !i2e /o t0is decision and send $ac) /o r a--&ication ,ateria&s+ Wit0 $est 'is0es BA(ER AG Enc&+









COMMUNICATION T0e tec0no&o!ica& re2o& tion d rin! t0e &ast decade 0as 0ad a tre,endo s i,-act on inter3c &t ra& co,, nication -ractices+ We 'i&& address t0e in1& ence o1 tec0no&o!/ t0ro !0o t t0e $oo)+ As te&e-0one ser2ice 0as i,-ro2ed aro nd t0e 'or&d and as -rices 0a2e dro--ed" ,ore and ,ore $ sinesses se t0e te&e-0one 1or disc ssions t0at 'o &d 0a2e re% ired 1or,a& &etters or a -ersona& 2isit in t0e -ast+ T0e i,,ediac/ o1 t0e contact 0as ad2anta!es and dis3 ad2anta!es+ In t0e -ast" C0eetan S0a0 1ro, India co &d ta)e so,e ti,e and conte,-&ate t0e $ siness re&ations0i- 'it0 Mario Esca&ante 1ro, C0i&e+ He ,i!0t t0in) a$o t t0e re&a3 tions0i- 1or se2era& da/s" disc ss it 'it0 so,e $ siness co&&ea! es" and &ti,ate&/ send a &etter to Mario Esca&ante+ Toda/" it is 2er/ &i)e&/ t0at C0eetan S0a0 !ets on t0e -0one to disc ss t0e iss es at 0and+ T0at ,eans Mario Esca&ante , st react i,,ediate&/8 it a&so ,eans $ot0 sides are direct&/ con1ronted 'it0 &an! a!e iss es+ Te&econ1erencin! is sed $/ ,ore and ,ore $ sinesses in an e11ort to c t do'n on tra2e& costs+ Peo-&e can 0a2e a 2irt a& ,eetin! and $e in t0e Fsa,e roo,+F T0e/ can see eac0 ot0er and !et a&& t0e 2er$a& and non2er$a& 1eed$ac) t0at a&&o's+ *or t0is ,edi , to $e s ccess1 &" -artici-ants s0o &d !et trainin!+ E2en i1 e2er/one -artici-atin! s-ea)s t0e sa,e &an! a!e" a te&econ1erence ,a/ $e inti,idatin!" -artic &ar&/ 1or -eo-&e 1ro, ,ore % iet and reser2ed c &t res+ An Ita&ian ,ana!er" 1or e.a,-&e" ,i!0t co,e across as do,ineerin!" '0ereas a ,ana!er 1ro, Vietna, ,i!0t a--ear to t0e Ita&ian as ninterested+ In addition" $rin!in! -eo-&e to!et0er 1ro, 5A di11erent &ocations aro nd t0e !&o$e ,a/ -resent a &o!istica& -ro$&e," and ti,e di11erences and 0o&ida/ sc0ed &es ,a/ ,a)e a !&o$a& te&e3 con1erence c0a&&en!in!+ E3,ai& 0as $eco,e a c0anne& o1 c0oice 1or co,, nication+ It is 1ast and nrestricted $/ di11erent ti,e <ones+ Ho'e2er" t0e i,,ediac/ a&so can -resent so,e -ro$&e,s+ E3,ai& E5HIBIT 22: *renc0 B siness Letter ETABLISSEMENT MA4ET 5@" r e de Verd n MMAAA Nantes

Te&+7 KA@ IA LL Adresse Te&e!ra-0i% e E#UREO Ban% e Societe Generate IRA* COMMUNICATION L?" a2en e Gaston ??5AA BOR#EAUO


Nantes" &e LK ,ars LA.. Re1+ 6L O$9et7 LAKISRA ESAL A 6 attention de Messie rs *rederic et Mic0e& R se&ar/ Messie rs" *aisant s ite a nos di2ers entretiens" 9e 2o s con1ir,e" -ar &a -resente" % e 9e detiens act e&&e,ent @AY des -arts de &a LAKISRA ESAL dont &e sie!e est sit e a Paris" >N r e de Ric0e&ie et dont &e !erant est Monsie r Attre!a$+ 6e ,:en!a!e irre2oca$&e,ent -ar &a -resente a 2o s en ceder &e no,$re corres-ondant a @AY des -arts tota&es de &a dite LAKISRA ESAL+ Cette o-eration sera rea&isee dans &es ,ei&&e rs de&ais" et se&on des ,oda&ites con1or,es a . -rati% es -ro1essione&&es+ En -artic &ier" &a 2a&e r de cession des dites -arts sera eta$&ie en 1onction de &a sit ation co,-ta$&e de &a LAKISRA ESAL a 9o r de &a cession+ Par ai&&e rs" 9e 2o s con1ir,e % e &e ca-ita& de cette societe est en ,a9e re -artie constit e -ar &:a--ort d scenario d -ro9et d 1i&, FHote& GodinF dont 9e s is &:a te r inte!ra& et e.c& si1+ #ans &:attente" 2e i&&e< rece2oir" Messie rs" nos ,ei&&e res sa& tations+ 6a% es La!ose E5HIBIT 22: *renc0 B siness Letter Gtrans&ationH Gent&e,en"

To 1o&&o' - on o r ,an/ ,eetin!s" I a, con1ir,in! to /o $/ t0is &etter t0at 5 a, act a&&/ 0o&din! @A -ercent o1 t0e s0ares o1 LAKISRA ESAL '0ose 0ead% arters is &ocated in Paris" >N r e de Ric0e&ie " and o1 '0ic0 t0e !enera& ,ana!er is Mr+ Attre!a$+ I a, en!a!in! ,/se&1 irre2oca$&/ $/ t0is &etter to trans1er o2er to /o t0e a,o nt corres-ondin! to @A -ercent o1 t0e tota& s0ares o1 said LAKISRA ESAL+ T0is o-eration 'i&& $e carried o t 'it0o t de&a/" and accordin! to ,oda&ities t0at con1or, to -ro1essiona& -ractices+ In -artic &ar" t0e 2a& e o1 t0e trans1er o1 said s0ares 'i&& $e esta$&is0ed 'it0in t0e acco ntin! re! &ations o1 LAKISRA ESAL 1or t0e da/ o1 t0e trans1er+ Here'it0 I a, con1ir,in! to /o t0at t0e assets o1 t0is cor-oration 1or t0e !reater -art consist o1 t0e re2en es o1 t0e scri-t o1 t0e 1i&, -ro9ect FGodin Hote&F o1 '0ic0 I a, t0e ,ain and on&/ a t0or+ In t0e ,eanti,e" -&ease recei2e" !ent&e,en" o r $est sa& tations+ 6a% es La!ose

&ends itse&1 to an in1or,a& and -ersona& 'ritin! st/&e t0at ,a/ t rn o11 so,eone '0o co,es 1ro, a ,ore 1or,a& c &t ra& $ac)!ro nd+ As t0e non2er$a& 1eed$ac) is ,issin!" t0e sender o1 t0e ,essa!e does not !et an/ si!na&s t0at 'o &d 0e&- to !a !e t0e &e2e& o1 tone and sa& tation and co,-&i,entar/ c&ose+ E3,ai& see,s to in2ite a ,ore c0att/ a--roac08 it 1ee&s ,ore &i)e ta&)in!" and as a res &t" t0e 'riter ,a/ se an in1or,a& a--roac0 '0ere a ,ore 1or,a& one 'o &d $e ,ore a--ro-riate+ Co,-ati$i&it/ o1 tec0no&o!/ ,a/ a&so -&a/ a ro&e in t0e s ccess o1 co,, nication+ L/nn Ro$ertson sent an E3,ai& 'it0 an attac0,ent to Brian E&drid!e in Mo&do2a+ S0e 'anted to ,a)e s re t0at t0e 1or,at o1 0er ,essa!e 'as )e-t+ T0e E3,ai& ,essa!e itse&1 'as a s0ort co2er note+ T0e -ro$&e, 'as t0at Brian 0ad a 0ard ti,e o-enin! t0e attac03 ,ent+ E2en 'orse" once t0e tec0nica& iss e o1 do'n&oadin! 0ad $een o2erco,e" it t rned o t t0at t0e do'n&oadin! -rocess too) a&,ost M@ ,in tes+ In a co ntr/ '0ere te&e-0one &ines are not re&ia$&e and t0e cost o1 t0e se o1 t0e Internet is $ased on t0e &en!t0 o1 t0e

connection" t0is $eca,e a 2er/ e.-ensi2e ,essa!e+ 1ome 'uidelines $or Communi+atin #ith Businesspeople $rom *i$$erent Cultures E2er/ &an! a!e 0as its o'n ni% e s-eec0 -atterns" idio,s" and ,eta-0ors t0at are di11ic &t to trans&ate+ T0e dictionar/" as -ointed o t -re2io s&/" does not a&'a/s 0e&-+ *or E5HIBIT 22; Iranian B siness Letter Gtrans&ationH No+ 5?L> #ate7 5A;L;5?KA Ta)es0 Cor-orationProd cer o1 Vario s Breads" Ca)es" and Pastries Address Te0ran3Ba0ar Street No+ 5LA3,ai&$o. Z LI? Te&e-0one LM>IKA *ada Cor-oration*ood S --&ier Mr+ A0,adiPresident o1 *ada Cor-oration Since o r -re2io s te&e-0one con2ersation" I 0a2e to in1or, /o t0at as o1 date Marc0 5 st 5?KA Ta)es0 Cor-oration o-ened a ne' $ranc0 at t0e cit/ o1 Es1a0an and Mr+ Nasar Ka0a 0as $een -&aced as t0e $ranc0 ,ana!er+ Wit0 t0e introd ction o1 t0e ne' $ranc0" /o can order /o r -astr/ s --&ies direct&/ 1ro, Es1a0an+ In addition" -&ease send a co-/ o1 /o r recei-t indicatin! t0at /o 0a2e -aid 1or t0e -astries $ac) to o r 0o,e o11ice in Te0ran+ Sincere&/ President o1 Ta)es0 Cor-oration6a'ade0 E$ra0i,<ade *a. M5@>55

S-orts a&so 0a2e -ro2ided U+S+ $ siness-eo-&e 'it0 co nt&ess ,eta-0ors+ A!ain" ,ost $ siness-eo-&e se t0e ter,ino&o!/ 'it0o t $ein! a'are o1 t0e conse% ences+ Base$a&& and 1oot$a&& are i,-ortant s-orts in t0e United States" and $ot0 ,en and 'o,en 0a2e inte!rated s-orts ter,ino&o!/ into t0eir $ siness 2oca$ &ar/+ T0e/ ass ,e t0at e2er/one nderstands '0at it ,eans" e2en t0o !0 in ,an/ cases t0e/ t0e,se&2es do not )no' or care , c0 a$o t s-orts+ So,e t/-ica& -0rases are &isted $e&o'7 T0e $ases are &oaded+

He 0it a 0o,e r n+ He !ot to 1irst $ase+ Send 0i, do'n to t0e ,inors+ He str c) o t+ He is o t in &e1t 1ie&d+ He 0as a !ood $attin! a2era!e+ We 'ant a &e2e& -&a/in! 1ie&d+ A&& t0e $ases are co2ered+ Monda/3,ornin! % arter$ac)in!+ T0ird do'n" nine to !o+ To c0do'n+

E5HIBIT 22< Letter 1ro, Hon! Kon! Gtrans&ationH #ear Mr+ Lee7 Ho' do /o do= E2en t0o !0 'e 0a2e ne2er ,et $e1ore" I 0a2e 0eard a &ot a$o t /o r co,-an/ 1ro, Mr+ Ho" t0e -&ant ,ana!er o1 Men3Nan Man 1act rin! Co,-an/+ Mr+ Ho 2isited /o r 1actor/ &ast ,ont0" and 0e is i,-ressed $/ t0e )ind o1 tec0no&o!/ /o -rod ct+ We 0a2e t'ent/ /ears o1 e.-erience in t0e i,-ortin! and e.-ortin! $ siness+ Most o1 t0e ,erc0andise co,es 1ro, Main&and C0ina" and t0en is reso&d to t0e United States+ Accordin! to Mr+ Ho" /o r co,-an/ is &oo)in! 1or an e.-orter to 0e&- e.-and t0e U+S+ ,ar)et 1or /o r -rod cts+ We tr &/ $e&ie2e t0at o r co,-an/ 0as t0e a$i&it/ and e.-erience to ser2e /o r needs+ I 0o-e t0at 'e can arran!e to ,eet so,eti,e in t0e 1 t re+ I a, &oo)in! 1or'ard to introd cin! o r co,-an/ &o /o + Wis0in! /o -ros-erit/ in $ siness+ T r &2" 3(a, C0e n! Genera& Mana!er LAt0 ( en A r i & + 5 se in /o r 1actor/" and t0e 0i!0 % a&it/ o1 /o r

II? Coi

Un&ess -eo-&e 1ro, ot0er c &t res are 1a,i&iar 'it0 $ase$a&& and 1oot$a&& as -&a/ed in t0e United States" t0e/ 'i&& not nderstand t0e a$o2e -0rases" no ,atter 0o' !ood t0eir En!&is0 is+ A -ro1essor o1 En!&is0 $ siness co,, nication in Be&!i ," 1or e.a,-&e" 0ad read Lee Iacocca" 1or,er -resident o1 t0e 1or,er United States3 $ased C0r/s&er Cor-oration+ Ho'e2er" 0e ad,itted t0at 0e did not nderstand , c0 o1 t0e ter,ino&o!/+ Lee Iacocca sed U+S+ s-orts ter,ino&o!/" and t0e Be&!ian" not 1a,i&iar 'it0 $ase$a&& and 1oot$a&&" 0ad a 0ard ti,e nderstandin! t0e ,eanin!+ He 1o nd readin! t0e $oo) a 1r stratin! e.-erience+ A dictionar/" n&ess it is a s-ecia&i<ed dictionar/ o1 s-orts or co&&o% ia& e.-ressions" 'i&& not 0e&- in a&& cases+ *or e.a,-&e" Lan$enschei't 0e& Colle$e German ;ictionary trans&ates home run 'it07 aseball1 Lauf um samtliche .ale auf einen Schla$ Gr n aro nd a&& $ases 'it0 one 0itH+I T0is ,eans a$so& te&/ not0in! to a Ger,an '0o does not nderstand $ase$a&&+ T0e Ger,an 'o &d not nderstand t0e ,eanin! o1 a 0o,e r n in $ase$a&&" &et a&one t0e ,eanin! t0e ter, ta)es on in $ siness+ %he 0e& Cassel(s 9rench ;ictionary does not e2en &ist t0e 'ord home run. As 'it0 ,i&itar/ ter,ino&o!/" t0e A,erican3 En!&is0 s-ea)er , st a2oid s-orts ter,ino&o!/ '0en s-ea)in! to non3nati2e s-ea)ers o1 En!&is0+

I1 /o )no' so,e c0aracteristics o1 a 1orei!n &an! a!e" e2en i1 /o don:t

s-ea) it 1& ent&/" /o ,a/ $e $etter a$&e to ada-t /o r En!&is0 to s-ea)ers o1 t0e ot0er &an! a!e+ Man/ En!&is0 'ords 0a2e eit0er a Ger,anic or *renc0;Latin root+ (o can co,, nicate $etter 'it0 a nati2e s-ea)er o1 *renc0 '0o 0as &i,ited En!&is0 i1 /o c0oose En!&is0 'ords $ased on *renc0 or Latin+ T0e *renc0 -erson 'i&& 1ind it easier to nderstand 'escen' t0an $oin$ 'o&n, ascen' t0an $oin$ up. T0e Ger,an" on t0e ot0er 0and" 'i&& nderstand /o $etter i1 /o sa/ $oin$ 'o&n rat0er t0an 'escen'in$, $oin$ up rat0er t0an ascen'in$ $eca se t0ese 'ords are c&oser to Ger,an+ (o , st" 0o'e2er" $e care1 & t0at /o don:t se 'ords t0at a--ear si,i&ar $ t 0a2e 2er/ di11erent ,eanin!s+ (o ,a/ )no' t0at t0e 'ord $ift is a&so sed in Ger,an and decide to se it '0en ta&)in! 'it0 a Ger,an+ In t0at case" /o need to )no' t0at $ift in Ger,an ,eans poison. T0e 'ord is e.act&/ t0e sa,e" $ t t0e ,eanin! is radica&&/ di11erent+ A !i1t s0o- in nort0ern Mic0i!an '0ose o'ner 'as tr/in! to !i2e t0e esta$&is0,ent an et0nic 1&a2or is ca&&ed t0e German Gifthaus, &itera&&/ t0e German <ouse of 7oisonin$, 0ard&/ '0at t0e o'ners intended to co,, nicate+ C&ear&/" t0e ,ore /o )no' a$o t anot0er c &t re and &an! a!e" t0e easier it 'i&& $e 1or /o to co,, nicate+ *or an/ co ntr/ /o do $ siness in /o need to &earn at &east t0e $asic -0rases 1or !reetin!" as)in! directions" ,a)in! an a-o&o!/" and s0o'in! a--reciation+ T0is does not ,a)e /o 1& ent" $ t it can s0o' /o r sincerit/" es-ecia&&/ i1 /o i,-ro2e /o r &an! a!e -ro1icienc/ o2er ti,e+ Communi+ation #ith a %ulti+ultural "or&$or+e Since Wor&d War II" t0e 'or&d 0as seen n-recedented ,i!ration o1

-eo-&e+ T0e United States 0as an increasin! n ,$er o1 i,,i!rants 1ro, India" Pa)istan" Ara$ic co ntries" Me.ico" C0ina" and So t0east Asia+ E ro-ean co ntries 0a2e recent&/ 0ad to co-e 'it0 an in1& . o1 -eo-&e 1ro, R ssia" Po&and" T r)e/" Bosnia" A&!eria" and Vietna,+ Man/ o1 t0e -eo-&e co,e in 0o-es o1 a $etter econo,ic 1 t re+ E2en 6a-an" '0ic0 -rides itse&1 on a 0o,o!eneo s -o- &ation" 1aces a !ro'in! 1orei!n 'or)1orce" t0o !0 2er/ s,a&& $/ A,erican

and E ro-ean standards+ And oi&3ric0 Ara$ic co ntries e,-&o/ a n ,$er o1 1or3 ei!ners 1ro, t0e P0i&i--ines" India" Pa)istan" and Indonesia+ As a res &t" $ sinesses in a&& ind stria& co ntries are con1ronted 'it0 an increasin!&/ di2erse 'or)1orce" and $ siness , st dea& 'it0 t0e iss es o1 di2erse &an! a!es and c &t res on an e2er/da/ $asis+ Interc &t ra& co,, nication is an i,-ortant to-ic not 9 st 1or internationa& $ siness $ t 1or do,estic $ siness as 'e&&+ T0e % estion is '0at $ sinesses need to do to $ i&d a tea, 'it0 co,,on !oa&s" not a&'a/s an eas/ tas)+ T0e o&d attit de t0at i,,i!rants s0o &d ada-t to t0e c &t re o1 t0e 0ost co ntr/ and &earn t0e &an! a!e ,a/ $e nrea&istic+ So,e i,,i!rant !ro -s c&in! to t0eir nati2e &an! a!e8 ot0ers don:t 'ant to !i2e t0eir c &t re+ T0e/ ,a/ -ercei2e a ,ateria&istic o$session in ind stria& co ntries and resent it e2en t0o !0 t0e/ ,a/ co,e to an ind stria& co ntr/ to i,-ro2e t0eir econo,ic sit ation+ A $ siness t0at ,an 1act res 0i!03-recision instr ,ents , st ,a)e s re t0at a&& e,-&o/ees nderstand t0e i,-ortance o1 acc rac/ and to&erances+ T0e $ siness , st see to it t0at a&& non3nati2e s-ea)ers nderstand instr ctions c&ear&/ and 1o&&o' t0e,+ Socia& iss es aside" it is in t0e $est interest o1 t0e $ siness to ed cate t0e 1orei!n 'or)1orce in t0e !oa&s o1 t0e $ siness+ *or t0e -rocess o1 ed cation to $e s ccess1 &" ,ana!ers need to nderstand t0e $ac)!ro nds o1 t0e 'or)1orce+ I1 t0e 'or)1orce 0as a ,i.ed c &t ra& and &in! istic $ac)!ro nd" t0en t0is $ siness , st see to it t0at -eo-&e 1ro, di11erent $ac)!ro nds !et a&on! 'it0 eac0 ot0er+ Mana!e,ent s0o &d -ro2ide interc &t ra& trainin! to a&& e,-&o/ees 1ro, t0e to- do'n to 1aci&itate t0e 'or) to'ards a co,,on !oa&+ Co,-anies ,a/ 0a2e to -re-are instr ctions and -o&icies in t0e ,a9or &an! a!es s-o)en $/ t0e e,-&o/ees and esta$&is0 !ro -s and tea,s t0at 0e&- o2erco,e c &t ra& 0 rd&es+ T0is -rocess ta)es ti,e and reso rces+ It is i,-ortant t0at a&& e,-&o/ees recei2e trainin!" not 9 st t0e ones 1ro, t0e F1orei!nF c &t re+ W0i&e one can ar! e t0at it is t0e res-onsi$i&it/ o1 t0e i,,i!rants to ada-t $ot0 c &t ra&&/ and &in! istica&&/" one , st &oo) at t0e $roader conte.t and t0e nat re o1 t0e $ siness+ A $ siness ,i!0t 2er/ 'e&& decide t0at ada-tation to t0e

i,,i!rants: c &t re -a/s o11+

A 'o,an 1ro, C0ina '0o se&&s ins rance in centra& ada-ted c &t re o t!oin!" o1 t0at enter in re&ations0i-+ ,arita& ,arria!e ,atters+ ,an/ -ro1it+ s0e into cases A ad2ice arran!e,ents o1 t0e and S0e , st &on!3ter, !o n ,$er 1or $e/ond United s0e a&so $e States 0as in


t0e ,an/ a

I&&inois 0as de2e&o-ed t0e Asian co,, nit/ as 0er'a/s8 s0e is asserti2e and ,a9or c&iente&e+ S0e 0as $een e.tre,e&/ s ccess1 &!ood !ras- o1 t0e conce-t )no's" ,ore re&ation3 a o1 c0i&dren" and 'it0 t0at !ro - and ascri$es 0er s ccess to t0e c &3!i2en 0er o'n $ac)!ro nd" t ra& and &in! istic ada-tation o1 A,erican ins ranceindirect and 'i&&in! to -ractices to t0e 2a& es o1 t0e Asian c&iente&e+ S0e 0ass0i-s 'it0 0er c&ients t0at $ siness cards and $roc0 res -rinted in 6a-anese"t/-ica& A,erican $ siness C0inese" and Korean" 0er ,a9or c&ient !ro -s+ S0e0er c&ients as) 0er to !i2e 'ants to se&& ins rance8 t0ere1ore" s0e 'or)s 2er/ act as a !o3$et'een in 0ard at -&easin! 0er c&iente&e+ T0is sa&es'o,an 0as0e&- 'it0 ot0er -ersona&

T0e ins rance sa&es'o,an in t0e a$o2e e.a,-&e co &d ar! e t0at t0e -eo-&e s0e dea&s 'it0 are in t0e United States and s0o &d" t0ere1ore" ada-t to A,erican -ractices8 0o'e2er" 'it0 t0at attit de s0e 'o &d not reac0 0er c sto,ers '0o are 1ro, East Asian co ntries+ As a res &t" s0e 'o &d se2ere&/ restrict 0er $ siness s ccess+ Her a$i&it/ to co,, nicate in a 1orei!n &an! a!e and at t0e sa,e ti,e to nderstand t0e c &t ra& $ac)!ro nd o1 0er c&iente&e ,a)es 0er s ccess1 &+

SUMMAR( In t0is c0a-ter 'e 0a2e e.a,ined so,e o1 t0e ,a9or iss es re&ated to t0e se o1 &an! a!e in interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication+ T0e 1oc s 0as $een on 1i2e iss es+ %he lan$ua$e barrier an' its conse*uences, real an' perceive'1 D D D D 'ords+ D D D di11ic &t+ Selection of the ri$ht lan$ua$e1 W0en se&ectin! a &an! a!e 1or interc &t ra& co,, nication" ,ana!ers need to $e a'are o1

Lan! a!e and c &t re are intert'ined and s0a-e eac0 ot0er+ O r en2iron,ent in1& ences o r &an! a!e and t0e de2e&o-,ent o1 Lan! a!e re1&ects o r -riorities and 2a& es+ #i11erent c &t res ,a/ !i2e di11erent ,eanin!s to identica& or si,i&ar

&in! istic conce-ts+

Lan! a!e c0an!es o2er ti,e+ Acron/,s -resent s-ecia& c0a&&en!es in co,, nicatin!+ T0e &an! a!e $arrier ,a)es interc &t ra& co,, nication ,ore

Lin! istic considerations+ O t o1 t0e t0o sands o1 &an! a!es aro nd B siness considerations+ Are /o t0e $ /er or se&&er= W0ic0

t0e !&o$e" '0ic0 one 'o &d $e ,ost a--ro-riate= D &an! a!e do /o r -artners s-ea)= W0at are t0e i,-&ications o1 t0e ro&e o1 En!&is0 as t0e &in! a 1ranca o1 $ siness=

Po&itica& considerations+ Go2ern,ents 1re% ent&/ re! &ate '0ic0 A--ro-riate &e2e& o1 1& enc/+ In order to $e e11ecti2e" &in! istic

&an! a!e is acce-ta$&e 1or o11icia& se 'it0 t0e !o2ern,ent+ D 1& enc/ , st !o a&on! 'it0 c &t ra& 1& enc/+ %he company lan$ua$e1

C0oosin! a co,-an/ &an! a!e+ Man/ co,-anies se one o11icia& Usin! additiona& 1orei!n &an! a!e e.-ertise+ E2en i1 a co,-an/

&an! a!e 1or t0eir 'or&d'ide o-erations+


se&ects an o11icia& co,-an/ &an! a!e" not e2er/one in t0e 1ir, 'i&& $e 1& ent in t0is &an! a!e+ E.-ertise in t0e &oca& &an! a!e 'i&& sti&& $e an asset+ %he role of the interpreter1 D T0e i,-ortance o1 c0oosin! a !ood inter-reter+ A !ood inter-reter T0e e11ecti2e se o1 an inter-reter+ (o need to -re-are t0e

0as &in! istic" c &t ra&" and tec0nica& 1& enc/+


inter-reter $e1ore a session" -ro2ide $rea)s" and deter,ine '0at ro&e t0e inter-reter s0o &d -&a/ in an/ disc ssions+ Communication &ith non+native speakers1

E11ecti2e 1ace3to31ace co,, nication+ (o , st s-ea) c&ear&/ and E11ecti2e 'ritten co,, nication+ Kno'&ed!e o1 di11erent $ siness

$e a$&e to read t0e non2er$a& and c &t ra& si!na& /o r -artner sends+

1or,ats" or!ani<ationa& -atterns" and con2entions 'i&& 0e&- in $eco,in! ,ore e11ecti2e+

T0e i,-act o1 tec0no&o!/ on ora& and 'ritten co,, nication+ T0e

de2e&o-,ent o1 co,, nication tec0no&o!/" s c0 as E3,ai& and te&econ1erencin!" 0as c0an!ed t0e co,, nication -atterns in internationa& $ siness $/ a&&o'in! instant ,essa!in!+

G ide&ines 1or co,, nicatin! 'it0 $ siness-eo-&e 1ro, di11erent

c &t res+ Peo-&e 1ro, ot0er c &t res" e2en i1 t0e/ s-ea) /o r &an! a!e" ,a/ not $e 1a,i&iar 'it0 ,eta-0ors and idio,s t0at are 1re% ent&/ sed in /o r c &t re and can" t0ere1ore" -resent a co,, nication $arrier+

Co,, nication 'it0 a , &tic &t ra& 'or)1orce+ Interc &t ra&

co,, nication 0as $eco,e an i,-ortant iss e not 9 st 1or internationa& $ sinesses $ t a&so 1or do,estic $ sinesses+ NOTES


Ric0ard Mead" Cross+Cultural .ana$ement Communication, GNe' Ed'ard T+ Ha&&" %he Silent Lan$ua$e, GNe' (or)7 #o $&eda/ and 0tt-7;;'''+!eocities+co,;Si&iconVa&&e/;Hei!0ts;M>KK;s0 ,or+0t,& F#eat0 Sentence"F %he Guar'ian. Octo$er L@" 5III+ 6anet *ran)" FMisco,, nication across C &t res7 T0e Case o1 #a2id Ric)s" i$ usiness lun'ers1 .istakes in .ultinational Iris Varner" FC &t ra& As-ects o1 Ger,an and A,erican B siness

(or)7 6o0n Wi&e/ V Sons" 5IIAH+


Co+" 5I@IH+
?+ M+ @+

Mar)etin! in Indian En!&is0"F Worl' )n$lishes >G5H" 5INN" --+ L@3?K+


.arketin$, GHo,e'ood" IL7 #o' 6ones3Ir'in" 5IN?H+


Letters"F %he "ournal of Lan$ua$e for International usiness, III G5H" 5INN" --+ 5355+

Iris Varner" FA Co,-arison o1 A,erican and *renc0 B siness

Corres-ondence"F %he "ournal of usiness Communication L@ GMH" 5INN" --+ @3 5K+ 0e& Colle$e German ;ictionary, German+)n$lish, )n$lish+German, GBer&in7 Lan!en3sc0eidt" 5I>?H+

CHAPTER T H R E E Gettin! to Kno' Anot0er C &t re

6 an Marin is ,eetin! 'it0 Lei Pen! a$o t a $ siness dea&+ Marin 'ants to o-en a C0inese resta rant in Me.ico Cit/ and is 'or)in! o t a 9oint32ent re a!ree,ent 'it0 Lei" '0o 0as a n ,$er o1 s ccess1 & resta rants a&read/ in Hon! Kon! and Ca&i1ornia+ B t Marin is disco2erin! a n ,$er o1 t0in!s t0at s r-rise 0i, a$o t 0is 'o &d3$e -artner as t0e/ ne!otiate t0e detai&s" ,eetin! 1ace3to31acc at &ast in Los An!e&es" Ca&i1ornia+ Lei 0as 9 st ,entioned t0at 6 an s0o &d constr ct a 1is0 tan) in t0e entrance to 0is resta rant+ FW0/=F as)s 6 an+ FWe:re not 9 st ser2in! 1is0" a-art 1ro, a 1e' dis0es+ B t -eo-&e 'i&& see t0e 1is0 and t0in) it:s a 1is0 resta rant+F F(o need 1is0+F Lei asserts+ F(o need t0at $eca se it ,eans !ood -ro1itTF He e.-&ains

t0at t0e -0rase Fto 0a2e 1is0F Gyou yuH so nds &i)e t0e -0rase Fto 0a2e -ro1it a1ter e.-ensesF and 1or t0at reason 6 an , st 0a2e a 1is0 tan)+ 6 an is a,a<ed t0at t0e C0inese ,an t0in)s 0e s0o &d !o to t0e e.-ense o1 constr ctin! a &ar!e 1is0 tan) at t0e 1ront door o1 0is resta rant si,-&/ on t0e $asis o1 t0e so nd o1 t0e 'ord for fish. 6 an can:t 0e&- noticin! t0e !o&d Ro&e. 'atc0 Lei 'ears and 0is 'e&&3c t 9ac)et $eca se t0ese t0in!s are indicators to 6 an o1 !ood taste and st/&e+ W0i&e 0e and Lei contin e t0eir disc ssion" 6 an notices t0at se2era& ti,es -eo-&e interr -t to $rin! 0i, a te&e-0one" or to -ro2ide tea" or to as) 1or ans'ers to % ic) % estions+ 6 an doesn:t rea&&/ ,ind8 0e nderstands t0at t0ese are si!ns o1 0o' i,-ortant and $ s/ Lei is+ 6 an is a &itt&e 0 n!r/" t0o !0" since it:s t0ree o:c&oc) in t0e a1ternoon and ti,e 1or 0is &ar!e ,ea& o1 t0e da/+ Lei see,s na'are o1 t0e 0o r" and a&t0o !0 so,eone -ro2ides tea 1or t0e, t0ere is no ,ention o1 dinner+ He t0in)s 0e:d $etter c&ari1/ t0e 0o rs t0e resta rant 'i&& o-erate in Me.ico+ Lei si,-&/ sa/s" FNo -ro$&e,+ T0e C0inese sta11 I:&& !et 1or /o 'i&& 'or) '0ene2er /o te&& t0e,+F 6 an 'onders a$o t t0at+ W0at i1 a re&ati2e needs so,e 0e&- at 0o,e= A1ter a&&" 0e 0ad arri2ed at t0eir ,eetin! 9 st $e1ore L P+M+ a&t0o !0 0e 0ad ,eant to co,e at 5

as a!reed+ B t 6 an:s son 0ad as)ed 0is 1at0er to $rin! a s-ecia& 2ideo !a,e $ac) 1ro, t0e

United Sta&es" and t0e tra11ic $et'een t0e store and t0e ,eetin! 'as 0ea2/" so 6 an 'as near&/ an 0o r &ate+ Lei:s 1ace didn:t s0o' an/ e,otion" so 6 an can:t te&& i1 0e 'as an!r/+ *a,i&/ ,atters a&'a/s ta)e -riorit/" as t0e C0inese , st a!ree+ B t ,a/$e t0e C0inese resta rant isn:t s c0 a !ood idea 1or 0is 1a,i&/ $ siness interests+ Ho' 'i&& 0e e.-&ain t0e 1is0 &an)= *or 0is -art+ Lei Pen! is s r-rised at 6 an Marin:s $e0a2ior in -erson+ Ho' serio s is 0e a$o t t0is resta rant 2ent re= He 'as an 0o r &ate 1or t0eir 1irst ,eetin!T And a&t0o !0 it:s t0e ,idd&e o1 t0e a1ternoon" 0e )ee-s s !!estin! t0e/ !o o t 1or a ,ea& to a nice Me.ican resta rant 0e )no's+ As i1 Lei 'eren:t an o'ner o1 resta rants in Los An!e&esT Ho' odd 0is associate is+ Is it a !ood idea to o-en a resta rant in Me.ico Cit/= Understandin! anot0er c &t re is an on!oin! e.-erience t0at can &ast a &i1eti,e+ Ho'e2er" so,eti,es $ siness-eo-&e 0a2e on&/ a s0ort ti,e to -re-are to do $ siness in anot0er co ntr/+ Ho' can a $rie1 a,o nt o1 ti,e $est $e s-ent to /ie&d t0e !reatest nderstandin!=

ASKING JUESTIONS T0e a--roac0 o1 t0is $oo) is to identi1/ certain % estions to as) a$o t c &t res to !ain t0e ,ost se1 & &e2e& o1 nderstandin!+ It is deri2ed 1ro, 'or) done in t0e ear&/ 5IKAs $/ K& c)0orn and Strodt$ec)5 and 1 rt0er de2e&o-ed $/ t0e ,ore recent interc &t ra&ists Condon and (o se1+L T0e ans'ers to t0ese % estions 0e&- $ siness-eo-&e nderstand '0/ t0eir 1orei!n co nter-arts t0in)" $e&ie2e" and act as t0e/ do+ T0e % estions don:t co2er e2er/ as-ect o1 &i1e &i2ed in anot0er c &t re+ *or e.a,-&e" $e0a2ior re&ated to $rin!in! - c0i&dren is not inc& ded since it se&do, i,-in!es -on $ siness+ Co rts0i- and ,arria!e c sto,s" )ins0i- s/ste,s" t/-es o1 , sic and dance" and ,an/ ot0er as-ects o1 &i1e &ie o tside t0e 'or&d o1 $ siness+ We are interested in 0o' c &t re a11ects $ siness" so 'e 'i&& 1oc s on % estions t0at -ertain to t0e 'or&d o1 'or)+ B siness c &t res '0o&&/ 'it0in t0e &ar!er c &t re o1 a societ/+ Not0in! occ rs in t0e $ siness c &t re t0at does not occ r in t0e !enera& societ/ o1 '0ic0 it is a -art+ B t $ siness c &t res do not inc& de e2er/t0in! 1ro, t0e !enera& c &t re8 t0e/ se&ect o t '0at is se1 & 1or cond ctin! $ siness transactions+ #a2id and Ter-stra" in t0eir $oo) %he Cultural )nvironment of International $ siness c &t re t/-ica&&/ c &t re+ Theories a,out 0nderstandin an 0n$amiliar Culture As $ac)!ro nd to o r a--roac0" '0ic0 1oc ses on c &t ra& di,ensions t0at re1&ect 2a& es in a c &t re" it ,a/ $e se1 & to )no' so,et0in! a$o t sc0o&ars0i- in t0e 1ie&d o1 interc &3t ra& researc0+ Per0a-s t0e ,ost si!ni1icant st d/ 'as cond cted $/ Geert Ho1stede" a # tc0 interc &t ra&ist '0o did a st d/ in2o&2in! 55K"AAA res-ondents to a % estionnaire distri$ ted in MA co ntries+M T0e 1irst s r2e/ ro nd 'as in 5IKN and t0e second in 5I>L+ T0e -artici-ants in t0e st d/ 'ere a&& ,ana!ers 1or IBM Gt0at" o1 co rse" raises % estions a$o t re&ia$i&it/ and 2a&idit/ as disc ssed in C0a-ter NH+ T0e researc0 identi1ied 1o r di,ensions on '0ic0 co ntr/ c &t res di11er7 D Indi2id a&is, 2ers s co&&ecti2is,+ usiness, !i2e an e.a,-&e 1ro, India+? T'o 1or,s o1 -aterna&istic &eaders0i- in India7 one t0at is $ene2o&ent and one t0at is a tocratic+ Indian ses on&/ t0e a tocratic 1or, o1 &eaders0i-+ So 1or $ siness - r-oses" one needs to )no' '0at t0e $ siness c &t re inc& des" not e2er/t0in! in t0e !enera&


Po'er distance+ Uncertaint/ a2oidance 2ers s ncertaint/ to&erance+ Masc &init/ 2ers s 1e,ininit/+

O1 t0ese" t0e 1irst is t0e ,ost 'ide&/ researc0ed+ Indi2id a&istic c &t res are t0ose t0at e,-0asi<e indi2id a& ac0ie2e,ents and ri!0ts" inc& din! t0e indi2id a&:s ri!0t to ,a)e decisions 1or 0i,se&1 or 0erse&18 co&&ecti2istic c &t res e,-0asi<e t0e !ro -:s ac0ie2e,ents and ri!0ts" inc& din! t0e !ro -:s ri!0t to ,a)e decisions 1or t0e indi2id a&+ Po'er distance is t0e de!ree to '0ic0 &ess3-o'er1 & ,e,$ers o1 an or!ani<ation 'i&& to&erate ne% a& distri$ tion o1 -o'er" sa/ $et'een ,ana!er and e,-&o/ees+ Uncer3 taint/ a2oidance is t0e tendenc/ to arran!e t0in!s in a 'a/ t0at ,ini,i<es conse% ences8 to&erance to n1oreseen ncertaint/ res &ts in $e0a2ior t0at is &ess concerned 'it0

n1oreseen conse% ences+ Masc &init/" accordin! to Ho1stede" is a 'a/ to c0aracteri<e c &t res t0at 2a& e asserti2eness" co,-etiti2eness" and ,ateria& s ccess" '0ereas 1e,ininit/ c0aracteri<es c &t ra& -re1erences 1or co&&a$oration" n rt rin!" and 0ar,on/+ Ho1stede:s 'or) is cited o1ten $/ internationa& $ siness and interc &t ra& co,, nication sc0o&ars+ Later" Mic0ae& Bond" a Canadian 'or)in! and &i2in! in Hon! Kon!" de2e&o-ed a 'a/ to assess c &t ra& 2a& es $ased on a s r2e/ instr ,ent 'ritten $/ Asian" not Western" ,inds+ T0is res &ted in a 1i1t0 c &t ra& di,ension re-orted $/ Bond and Ho1stede as &on!3ter, orientation+ @ It inc& des 2a& es t0at can $e ca&&ed F1 t re3&oo)in!F s c0 as -erse2erance" t0ri1t" o$ser2in! a 0ierarc0/ o1 stat s in re&ations0i-s" and 0a2in! a sense o1 s0a,e+ S0ort3ter, orientation" &oo)in! ,ore to t0e -ast" inc& des -rotectin! /o r F1ace"F res-ectin! tradition" ,aintainin! -ersona& steadiness" and reci-rocatin! 1a2ors and !i1ts+ Anot0er # tc0 interc &t ra&ist" *ons Tro,-enaars" de2e&o-ed se2en c &t ra& di,en3 sions+K T0e/ inc& de ni2ersa&is, 2ers s -artic &aris," indi2id a&is, 2ers s co&&ecti2is, GHo1stede:s in1& enceH" ne tra& 2ers s e,otiona&" s-eci1ic 2ers s di11 se" and ac0ie2e,ent 2ers s ascri-tion+ To t0ese 0e added attit des to'ard ti,e and t0e en2iron,ent+ Mean'0i&e" ot0er sc0o&ars 'ere de2e&o-in! c &t ra& 2a& es $/ '0ic0 to co,-are c &t res+ Andre La rent &oo)ed at E ro-ean ,ana!ers and ca,e - 'it0 1o r -ara,eters 1or nderstandin! 0o' c &t re a11ects re&ations0i-s o1 -o'er7 -erce-tion o1 or!ani<ations as -o&itica& s/ste,s" a t0orit/ s/ste,s" ro&e 1or, &ation s/ste,s" and 0ierarc0ica& re&ations0i- s/ste,s+>

T0ese $rie1 descri-tions o1 'e&&3)no'n st dies indicate t0at t0ere are ,an/ 'a/s to a--roac0 nderstandin! a c &t re+ We s/nt0esi<e t0ese st dies into t0e 1o&&o'in! 1i2e cat3 e!ories o1 % estions t0at 1oc s on 2a& es in a c &t re+ T0ese % estions a&&o' /o to co,-are c &t res $/ assessin! t0e ans'ers 1or di11erent c &t res+ J estions a$o t a c &t re t0at need to $e as)ed 1or $ siness 1a&& into t0ese 1i2e cate!ories7 D D D D D T0in)in! and Kno'in!+ #oin! and Ac0ie2in!+ O r P&ace in t0e Uni2erse+ T0e Se&1+ T0e Or!ani<ation o1 Societ/+

T0e 1irst t0ree cate!ories are disc ssed in t0is c0a-ter8 t0e &ast t'o in C0a-ter M+ T0ese cate!ories co2er t0e +ultural priorities t0at ,oti2ate -eo-&e to $e0a2e in certain 'a/s+ 7riority is a se1 & ter, $eca se it i,-&ies re&ati2e i,-ortance a&on! a s&idin! sca&e+ O r % estions as) a$o t re&ati2e 2a& es7 *or e.a,-&e" does a c &t re 2a& e /o t0 ,ore or does it 2a& e a!e ,ore= #oes it &oo) -on c0an!e as ,ore -ositi2e or ne!ati2e= Are res &ts ,ore i,-ortant t0an re&ations0i-s" or are re&ations0i-s ,ore i,-ortant t0an res &ts= "3ere Can In$ormation a,out Cultures Be (ound= An/one can as) t0e % estions t0at 1o&&o'" $ t o1 '0o,= T0e o$2io s -&ace to start is to as) -eo-&e '0o are ,e,$ers o1 t0e c &t re /o 'ant to nderstand+ A &o!ica& so rce is so,eone '0o co,es 1ro, a $ac)!ro nd si,i&ar to /o rs Gin ter,s o1 econo,ics" ed cation" 1a,i&/H or '0o 0as 0ad si,i&ar e.-eriences or 0o&ds t0e sa,e )ind o1 9o$+ (o can !ain insi!0t t0is 'a/" since -eo-&e can identi1/ to so,e de!ree t0e 2a& e orientations o1 t0eir o'n c &t re+ *or instance" i1 so,eone as)ed you '0et0er ,e,$ers o1 /o r c &t re &earn $/ -ro$in! and % estionin! or $/ ,asterin! and ,e,ori<in! a !i2en $od/ o1 )no'&ed!e" /o 'o &d -ro$a$&/ !i2e an ans'er t0at 'o &d conc r 'it0 ot0ers in /o r c &t re Gor ot0ers '0o st d/ /o r c &t reH+ B t so,e o1 t0e % estions are not eas/ 1or -eo-&e to disc ss $eca se t0e/ 0a2e ne2er considered t0e,+ *or instance" ,ost -eo-&e don:t )no' '0et0er t0e/ t0in) in a &inear -attern or in a c& ster -attern+ Me,$ers o1 a c &t re are not necessari&/ t0e $est a t0orities on t0at c &t re+ T0at ,a/ s r-rise /o + B t c &t re is e,$edded dee- in t0e nconscio s -art o1 o r

,inds+ As Ed'ard Ha&& -ointed o t in eyon' Culture, t0e c&oser so,et0in! is to see,in! tr e" t0e &ess a'are 'e -ro$a$&/ are o1 its c &t ra& ori!in+N Peo-&e:s o'n c &t re see,s nor,a& to t0e,8 it see,s 9 st t0e 'a/ t0in!s are+ One 'a/ o1 as)in! % estions is to notice t0at anot0er c &t re !oes a$o t so,et0in! di11erent&/ 1ro, t0e 'a/ /o e.-ect+ Peo-&e tend to e2a& ate e2er/t0in! t0e/ see and e.-erience on t0e $asis o1 t0eir o'n $ac)!ro nd" and t0en act on t0eir e2a& ations accordin!&/+ T0is is ca&&ed t0e self+reference criterion.B T0ose '0o nderstand t0eir o'n se&13re1erence criterion and '0o are o-en to ,a)in! ad9 st,ents in t0eir e2a& ations are &i)e&/ to $eco,e ,ore a'are o1 t0eir o'n c &t res '0i&e t0e/ are a&so &earnin! a$o t ot0er c &t res+ Anot0er !ood so rce ,a/ $e so,eone '0o 0as s-ent considera$&e ti,e in t0at c &t re" $ t is not a nati2e ,e,$er o1 it+ So,eone '0o 0as &i2ed in t0e ot0er c &t re 0as 0ad e.-os re to t0e di11erences $et'een 0is or 0er o'n c &t re and t0e c &t re /o 'ant to nderstand+ (o ,a/ $e a$&e to &earn 1ro, a non3nati2e a$o t c &t ra& -riorities t0at a nati2e o1 t0at c &t re si,-&/ ta)es 1or !ranted+ B t as)in! % estions is a !enera& a--roac0 t0at inc& des in% irin! into a c &t re:s -ri3 orities $/ 1indin! o t '0at is i,-ortant to its ,e,$ers" and it is ,ore t0an si,-&/ as)in! % estions o1 -eo-&e+ *or e.a,-&e" /o can in% ire $/ readin! 1iction 'ritten $/ a t0ors o1 t0e c &t re /o 'ant to nderstand+ B/ readin! 0o' and '0/ c0aracters act and interact" /o 'i&& &earn so,et0in! a$o t '0at is i,-ortant to t0at c &t re" '0at its -riorities are+ *or e.a,-&e" /o can &earn 0o' 6a-anese c &t re 2ie's - $&ic e.-ression o1 e,otion" t0e re&ati2e stat s o1 o&der -eo-&e co,-ared 'it0 /o n!er -eo-&e" t0e i,-ortance o1 not ca sin! so,eone to &ose 1ace" and t0e di11erence $et'een o t'ard" - $&ic action and -ri2ate o-inion $/ readin! ,odern s0ort stories in trans&ation+ (o can a&so 'atc0 6a-anese ,o2ies and see '0at -eo-&e:s $e0a2ior t0eir non2er$a& co,, nication&oo)s &i)e and 0o' t0e/ so nd '0en t0e/ s-ea) t0e 6a-anese &an! a!e+ Anot0er 'a/ to - rs e /o r in% iries is to 1ind o t '0at -eo-&e o1 a c &t re sa/ a$o t t0e,se&2es+ Co ntries - $&is0 non1iction $oo)s in trans&ation descri$in! t0eir instit tions" 0istor/" $e&ie1s" -ractices" and !oa&s 1or t0e 1 t re+ E2en tra2e& ! ides contain so,e insi!0ts+ C &t res a&so de1ine t0e,se&2es &ess direct&/ in co,, nications t0at are ne2ert0e&ess re2ea&in!+ *or e.a,-&e" te&e2ision co,,ercia&s o11er insi!0ts into c &t ra& -rioritiesnot so , c0 in t0e -rod cts t0e/ ad2ertise as in t0e 2a& es i,-&ied $/ t0e a--ea&s t0e co,,ercia&s

,a)e to t0e 2ie'ers+ W0ereas -eer !ro - ,e,$ers0i- Gdoin! t0e Fin t0in!FH is t0e centra& a--ea& in certain $rea)1ast cerea& ad2ertise,ents to /o n! ,arried co -&es in t0e United States" 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers0i- is t0e centra& a--ea& in ad2ertise,ents 1or t0e sa,e -rod ct in Me.ico+ In C0ina in t0e ,id35INAs" ,ost te&e2ision co,,ercia&s ad2ertised ind stria& -rod cts s c0 as seats 1or ,ini32ans" not retai& -rod cts+ T0e a--ea& 'as to t0e C0inese 2a& e o1 ,e,$ers0i- in 'or) nits+ Since near&/ a&& C0inese $e&on!ed to 'or) nits" t0e co,,ercia&s rein1orced t0eir attit de t0at t0e correct 'a/ 1or C0ina to a--roac0 econo,ic re1or,s 'as t0ro !0 'or) nits+ T0e 'or) nit $o !0t ad2ertisin! ti,e on te&e2ision as , c0 to -ro,ote t0e i,a!e o1 t0e econo,ic nit t0at -rod ced t0e !oods as to reac0 $ /ers+ A 6a-anese te&e2ision co,,ercia& 1ro, t0e sa,e -eriod o11ers a contrast+ One -artic &ar te&e2ision &ea1 and t0e 'indo'8 $irds are

co,,ercia& R1or a Le. sS s0o's 0eard in t0e $ac)!ro nd+ T0e ,an and t0e t0e car $ein! dri2en do'n a 'o,an 'a&) - to a -otter '0o is &oo)in! co ntr/ &ane8 it sto-s" and a at a recent&/ 1ired $o'&+ Si&ence+ T0e 'o,an in a kimono and a ,an in -otter t0ro's t0e $o'& to t0e !ro nd8 it a s it e,er!e+ As t0e/ 'a&) $rea)s+ T0e co -&e !et $ac) in t0e car and aro nd t0e car" t0e ca,era s0o's dri2e a'a/+5A a c&ose3 - s0ot o1 a !reen &ea1 t0at 0ad 1a&&en on t0e 'inds0ie&d+ T0ere are dro-s o1 ,oist re on t0e T0e ,essa!e is t0at on&/ -er1ection is !ood eno !0 1or t0e ,aster cra1ts,an Gt0e -rod ct:s s&o!an in En!&is0 is Ft0e - rs it o1 -er1ectionFH+ It is co,, nicated in t0e 6a-anese ad 'it0o t 'ords+ GC0a-ter @ disc sses t0e c &t ra& -riorit/ o1 'ords0i!0 or &o' -riorit/ in co,, nication+H Print ads a&so re1&ect c &t ra& 2a& es+ One So t0east Asian co ntr/ 0as ad2ertised its air&ines 1or /ears $/ s0o'in! attracti2e /o n! 'o,en attenti2e&/ ser2in! ,a&e c sto,ers+ In Nort0 A,erica and E ro-e" t0is a--roac0 0as o11ended ,an/ '0o see in it t0e e2a& ation o1 'o,en as o$9ects o1 se. a& interest '0ose ro&e is to attend to t0e

-0/sica& co,1orts o1 ,en+ To ,e,$ers o1 Is&a,ic c &t res" t0e Asian 'o,en o1 t0e co,,ercia&s dis-&a/ an a2ai&a$i&it/ to stran!e ,en t0at de2o t M s&i, 'o,en are ta !0t to re9ect+ Ot0er so rces o1 in1or,ation a$o t c &t res are st dies $/ ant0ro-o&o!ists '0o researc0 c &t res in t0e 1ie&d" !oin! to &i2e a,on! t0e ,e,$ers o1 t0e c &t re t0e/ 'ant to nder3 X+r stand+ T0e/ are trained to o$ser2e and re-ort t0eir o$ser2ations+ As a res &t" t0eir acco nts are ,ore o$9ecti2e and &ess anecdota& t0an t0ose o1 ot0er 2isitors+ B t e2en t0e cas a&" anecdota& ta&es o1 tra2e&ers can o1ten add to /o r nderstandin!+ Are 'enerali>ations Produ+ti!e or Perilous= Be1ore &a nc0in! into t0e c &t ra& -riorities" a $rie1 rationa&e a$o t !enera&i<in! is necessar/+ T0e 1o&&o'in! disc ssions a$o t c &t ra& -riorities !enera&i<e o t o1 necessit/+ It can $e se1 & to &earn t0at in $eneral ,e,$ers o1 a c &t re 2ie' so,et0in! a certain 'a/+ B t it is a&so tr e t0at in an/ c &t re indi2id a&s 0a2e t0eir o'n -riorities t0at ,a/ de2iate 1ro, t0e !enera& c &t re+ So eac0 s-eci1ic case /o enco nter 0as to $e t0e s $9ect o1 1res0 in% ir/ and 1res0 testin! o1 t0e 2a&idit/ o1 t0e -riorit/ /o e.-ect in order to a2oid 1i.ed" in1&e.i$&e ,enta& cate!ories+ In'ivi'ual episo'es can al&ays be foun' to contra'ict $eneraliDations about a culture. *or e.a,-&e" se2era& /ears a!o one o1 t0e a t0ors in2ited a /o n! n rse" recent&/ arri2ed 1or a 'or)3st d/ /ear 1ro, Bei9in!" 0o,e 1or dinner+ Since 0er 0osts )ne' t0e C0inese 0a2e a stron! orientation to'ard 1or, and -o&iteness in socia& sit ations" t0e/ e.-ected to 0a2e to r!e t0e /o n! 'o,an re-eated&/ to 0e&- 0erse&1 to t0e dinner dis0es+ In C0ina" re1 sa& o1 -ro11ered 1ood is -o&ite and 1 rt0er re1 sa& is e2en ,ore -o&ite+ Ho'e2er" t0e /o n! 'o,an:s 1irst 'ords as s0e ca,e t0ro !0 t0e door 'ere" FO0 I:, so 0 n!r/8 I 0o-e /o don:t ,ind i1 I eat a &otTF Contrar/ to t0e c &t ra& !enera&i<ation" s0e didn:t 0esitate at a&& to 0e&- 0erse&1 and didn:t need to $e r!ed+ T0is s-eci1ic instance

'as co,-&ete&/ contrar/ to t0e c &t ra& !enera&i<ation+ B t !enera&i<ations are not t0ere1ore ,eanin!&ess+ It co &d $e se1 & to )no' t0at !enera&&/ in C0inaas in 6ordan" 1or e.a,-&ea ! est 'i&& t'ice re1 se 1ood o t o1 -o&iteness+ In addition to indi2id a& di11erences" t0ere are a&so c &t ra& C &t res are se&do, a strict eit0er3or in e2er/ instance" 1or a&& -eo-&e+ *or e.a,-&e" A,ericans are indi2id a&istic $ t t0e !ro - is i,-ortant as 'e&&+ A,ericans 9oin !ro -s 2er/ easi&/" and t0e &oca& We&co,e Wa!on is 9 st one e.a,-&e o1 ,a)in! -eo-&e 1ee& co,1orta$&e in t0e !ro -+ T0e /o n! 'o,an 1ro, Bei9in! ,a/ 0a2e $een -a/in! 0er 0osts t0e co,-&i,ent o1 treatin! t0e, &i)e 1a,i&/" in '0ic0 1or,a& -o&iteness is not a--ro-riate and can ,a)e 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers 1ee& t0e/ are $ein! treated as stran!ers+ Genera& insi!0ts /o 1or, a$o t a c &t re 1ro, as)in! a$o t c &t ra& -riorities 'i&& a&'a/s need to $e re2ised and ree.a,ined in s-eci1ic conte.ts+ Ke/ 1actors inc& de 0o' , c0 -re2io s )no'&ed!e t0e ot0ers 0a2e a$o t /o r c &t re" 0o' , c0 ti,e $ot0 -arties 0a2e s-ent in eac0 ot0er:s c &t ra& en2iron,ent" and '0at t0e do,inant in1& ences o1 -rior enco nters 'ere+ *or,er so&diers 1ro, 2ario s nations and $ot0 sides in t0e con1&icts in Vietna, d rin! t0e 5IKAs and 5I>As '0o 'ant to do $ siness to!et0er toda/ 'i&& 0a2e to consider 0o' , c0 t0e/ rea&&/ )no' a$o t eac0 ot0er and '0at t0eir 'ar e.-eriences can te&& t0e, a$o t 1or,er ene,ies or 1or,er a&&ies t0at is se1 & 1or $ siness+ T0e - rs it o1 ans'ers to t0e % estions a$o t c &t ra& -riorities is an on!oin! -rocess+ (o can contin e to &earn a$o t ot0er c &t res and /o r o'n 1or as &on! as /o contin e to -ose % estions+ T0e c &t ra& -riorities t0is c0a-ter disc sses are a&& re&ated to $ siness co,, nication" $ t t0e/ do not inc& de a&& t0e 'a/s to 2ie' c &t res+ T0e 1i2e cate!ories o1 % estions are 9 st t0e 1irst ste- to !et /o co,, nication 1& enc/+ *ina&&/" eac0 o1 t0e % estions to -ose o1 a c &t re s0o &d $e t0o !0t o1 as a contin ," 'it0 t0e 1irst c0aracteristic at one -o&e" and t0e ot0er at t0e o--osite -o&e+ (o can -osition t0e c &t re /o are considerin! at an/ -oint $et'een t0e t'o -o&es '0ere it see,s a--ro-riate" !i2en /o r &e2e& o1 )no'&ed!e o1 t0at c &t re+ So i1 /o are as)ed to &ocate United States c &t re so,e'0ere $et'een t0e t'o -o&es s !!ested in t0e % estion FAre res &ts i,-ortant or are re&ations0i-s i,-ortant=F '0ere 'o &d /o - t it= started in cross3c &t ra&

Ri!0t in t0e ,idd&e= S&i!0t&/ to'ard t0e res &ts end= Stron!&/ to'ards t0e res &ts end= #ra' -on /o r o'n e.-erience and nderstandin! to ans'er+ T0is is t0e 'a/ to consider eac0 % estion in t0e 1i2e cate!ories+ CATEGOR( i7 THINKING AN# KNOWING *oes 3no#in Come $rom Con+epts or E4perien+e= Ho' do -eo-&e )no' t0in!s= T0e ans'ers 2ar/ 1ro, c &t re to c &t re+ So,e -eo-&e )no' $eca se t0e/ 0a2e e.-erienced 1or t0e,se&2es '0at a t0in! ,eans+ *e' o1 s 'o &d ar! e t0at )no'in! 0o' to $ar!ain -rices 1or co&d3ro&&ed stee& is ac% ired $/ an/t0in! ot0er t0an e.-erience+ On t0e ot0er 0and" since 1e' o1 s 0a2e done it" 'e )no' about doin! it 1ro, readin! a$o t $ar!ainin! and t0e ,ar)et and -ast -rices+ O r in1or,ation is second0and" $ t in En!&is03s-ea)in! c &t res ,ost -eo-&e acce-t t0e 2a&idit/ Gi1 sti&& second $estH o1 )no'&ed!e t0at is ac% ired 1ro, a re&ia$&e so rce$oo)s" trainin! -ro!ra,s on $ar!ainin!rat0er t0an 1ro, 1irst30and e.-erience Gsee C0a-ter N 1or a ,ore detai&ed disc ssionH+ In so,e c &t res" 0o'e2er" 1irst30and e.-erience a&one &e!iti,ate&/ constit tes '0at is )no'n+ A&& e&se is 0earsa/+ T0is is -artic &ar&/ tr e in c &t res t0at 0a2e no 'ritten &an! a!e" $ t it can a&so $e identi1ied in c &t res t0at e,-0asi<e -ersona& 2ision+ T0e 2ision o1 t0e indi2id a& -ro-0et or -riest or s0a,an constit tes )no'&ed!e t0at is ndo $ted $/ t0e 2isionar/ 0i,se&1 or 0erse&1+ *o&&o'ers o1ten a&so $e&ie2e t0at t0e 2isionar/ )no's '0at t0e/ t0e,se&2es cannot )no'+ Readin! or 0earin! a$o t a 2ision is not t0e sa,e as e.-eriencin! it+ Visionaries -&a/ -o'er1 & ro&es and en9o/ 0i!0 stat s in ,an/ c &t res t0at are tradin! -artners 'it0 t0e West+ So,e ,e,$ers o1 c &t res t0at 0onor 2isionaries 0a2e ,ade t0eir 0o,es in t0e United States" Canada" Britain" and t0e rest o1 E ro-e Ga&& o1 '0ic0 0a2e 0ad t0eir o'n s0are o1 2isionariesH+ Cor-orations cannot ass ,e a&& t0eir e,-&o/ees" associates" -artners" and s $sidiaries s0are t0e sa,e de1inition o1 to kno&. Kno'in! $/ int ition is anot0er )ind o1 e.-erience+ In so,e c &t res '0ere #aois," B dd0is," and Hind is, are do,inant re&i!ions" )no'&ed!e o1 t0e tr e nat re

o1 t0in!s co,es 1ro, ,editation" '0ic0 isn:t % ite t0e sa,e t0in! as int ition+ B dd0a ta !0t t0at eac0 -erson 0as tr t0 'it0in8 ,editation is a 'a/ to reac0 t0at inner )no'in! and to a&&o' it to $e reco!ni<ed+ Accordin!&/" B dd0ists $e&ie2e t0at )no'&ed!e !ained 1ro, st d/ or &istenin! isn:t as 2a& a$&e as )no'&ed!e t0at co,es 1ro, ,editation+ On&/ $/ e,-t/in! t0e ,ind o1 sensor/ sti, &i and concerns and 1ina&&/ o1 t0o !0t can one e.-erience tr e nderstandin!+ T0e notion o1 kno&le'$e in E ro-ean c &t res o1ten ca&&s to ,ind a traditiona& $od/ o1 a$stract conce-ts" -0i&oso-0ies" and ar! ,ents reac0in! $ac) to t0e c&assica& 'or)s o1 Greece and Ro,e+ Kno'&ed!e so,eti,es see,s rat0er so&e,n" d st/" and re,ote+ Per0a-s t0at is t0e reason 'e 0a2e a n ,$er o1 ot0er ter,s 1or kno&1 $rasp, comprehen', un'erstan', ken, perceive. T0ere are e2en ,ore ter,s 1or a -erson '0o )no's" or '0o is in the kno&1 smart, kno&le'$eable, savvy, perceptive, clever, astute. Anot0er )e/ ter, is learne'. T0is &eads to t0e ne.t % estion 'e can as) o1 a c &t re+ *oes 3no#in 2 Come $rom As&in /uestions or %asterin Re+ei!ed "isdom= W0at does it ,ean to &earn= C &t res 0a2e a 2ariet/ o1 ans'ers+ Peo-&e &earn 0o' to &earn '0en t0e/ are 2er/ /o n!" 1irst at 0o,e $e1ore t0e/ !o to sc0oo&" and t0en &ater at sc0oo&+ T0ose ear&/ &earnin! -atterns are 1o&&o'ed 'it0 &itt&e c0an!e t0ro !0o t o r &i2es+ In Nort0 A,erica" &earnin! is a -rocess t0at in2o&2es as)in! % estions+ T0is $oo) is $/ t'o United States residents o1 nort0ern3E ro-ean descent+ In t0e c &t re 1ro, '0ic0 'e 'rite" as)in! % estions o-ens t0e door to % estions+ In t0e United States" 1ro, )inder!arten t0ro !0 !rad ate se,inars" st dents '0o as) % estions are re'arded+ T0e/ $as) in t0eir teac0ers: a--ro2a& and o1ten recei2e 0i!0er !rades t0an t0eir n% estionin! -eers+ Teac0ers tend to 1ind % estion3as)ers inte&&i!ent+ In co,,erce" ind str/" and ,edicine" &e!ends are to&d a$o t 0eroes '0o as)ed" FW0at i1 'e do it t0is 'a/=F and FW0/ not=F Ste-0en Wo<nia) and Ste2e 6o$s" t0e co,- ter '0i< )ids '0o $e!an t0eir co,-an/ in a !ara!e" as)ed '0/ co,- ters co &dn:t $e 1 n to se $/ nderstandin!+ T0ere1ore" t0e -rocess 'e -resent 1or &earnin! a$o t c &t res is s-eci1ica&&/ one t0at in2o&2es as)in!

so,eone '0o 0ad no tec0nica& $ac)!ro nd" and t0e/ t0ere$/ created t0e A--&e Co,- ter Cor-oration+ T0e 0ero in /o r o'n or!ani<ation" '0oe2er 0e or s0e ,a/ $e" as)ed a % estion and $/ t0e &i!0t o1 t0at % estion 'ent 1or'ard to i&& ,inate -re2io s&/ n&it territor/+ Man/ &eaders in United States $ sinesses 0a2e -roc&ai,ed a $e&ie1" 'it0 a 1er2or t0e 5Nt03cent r/ A!e o1 En&i!0ten,ent 'o &d 0a2e a--ro2ed" in t0e cand&e-o'er o1 % estion as)in!+ T0e/ $e&ie2e t0at '0en t0e/ 0a2e ans'ers to % estions" t0e/ )no'+ P0/sicists are $ s/ tr/in! to identi1/ t0e Gand -er0a-s t0e/ &earned it 1ro,

&ti,ate ,in te Ara$ sc0o&arsH 0as 1o&&o'ed t0is -rocess

-artic&e o1 creation+ It 0as $een to )no'&ed!e7 dissect" deconstr ct" and e& si2e and t0e searc0 0as $een ato,i<e nti& /o identi1/ t0e s,a&&est intense" $ t so,e -0/sicists co,-onent and can re&ate eac0 $ i&din! $e&ie2e t0at t0e/ 'i&& $e a$&e to $&oc) to eac0 ot0er $ i&din! $&oc)+ T0en 1ind e2idence it e.ists7 a sin!&e /o 0a2e ,astered die nderstandin! o1 $asic $ i&din! $&oc)" a FGod3 so,et0in!+ T0en /o )no' it+ -artic&eF e2er/t0in! sed in to t0e 1as0ion )no'n

ni2erse+F T0e Western tradition o1 &earnin! since ancient Greece In ,an/ c &t res" )no'in! does not in2o&2e &a/in! so,et0in! o-en and e.a,inin! its co,-onents ,in te&/+ J ite t0e o--osite+ Kno'in! in2o&2es seein! t0e connections and &in)s $et'een so,et0in! and e2er/t0in! e&se+ Kno'in! so,et0in! ,eans $ein! a$&e to 1it it into t0e ni2ersa& sc0e,e o1 t0in!s+ A -ro,inent C0inese scientist once descri$ed t0e di11erence $et'een Western and C0inese a--roac0es to )no'in!+ He sed t0e disease AI#S as an e.a,-&e" and -ointed o t t0at in t0e West ,edica& researc0ers 'ere di&i!ent&/ tr/in! to iso&ate t0e 2ir s t0at ca ses t0e disease+ B t in C0ina" researc0ers 'ere tr/in! to 1ind 'a/s to stren!t0en t0e $od/:s i,, ne s/ste,+ One ,et0od &oo)s at t0e ,ost e&e,enta& nit o1 t0e disease '0i&e t0e ot0er &oo)s at its -&ace in t0e '0o&e conte.t o1 '0at t0e disease does+





$ siness

co,, nication




$ siness-eo-&e" a&on! 'it0 ,e,$ers o1 ot0er Asian c &t res" tend to &oo) at t0e &in)s $et'een t0in!s and t0e re&ations0i-s t0at !i2e t0in!s ,eanin! $/ -ro2idin! a conte.t+ Western $ siness-eo-&e" 0o'e2er" tend to consider iss es in iso&ation+ *or e.a,-&e" a Westerner tr/in! to esta$&is0 9oint32ent re ! ide&ines in C0ina ,a/ &oo) at -ro1essiona& credentia&s on&/ in re&ation to 0irin! -ersonne&+ T0e C0inese &oo) at credentia&s" $ t a&so at t0e c0aracter o1 e,-&o/ees" t0eir seniorit/" t0eir -ast ser2ice" -er0a-s t0eir 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers: ser2ice" and certain&/ at '0o t0e candidates: contacts area &ar!e tiss e o1 interre&ated 1actors t0at 1or, a conte.t 1or 0irin! and 'a!es+ In ,an/ c &t res o1 Asia" Latin A,erica" and so t0ern E ro-e" &earnin! does not co,e 1ro, as)in! % estions+ Learnin! ,eans recei2in! and ta)in! in '0at is !i2en $/ teac0ers+ So,e teac0ers ,a/ s-ea) t0ro !0 'ritten te.ts+ Teac0ers kno&J t0eir ro&e is to -ass )no'&ed!e on to &earners so t0e/ 'i&& )no' too+ In C0ina" 6a-an" T0ai&and" Hon! Kon!" Vietna," Ca,$odia" and Indonesia a,on! ot0er -&acest0e teac0er in t0e c&assroo, is an nassai&a$&e a t0orit/+ T0e te.t$oo) and t0e teac0er do not disa!ree+ W0at t0e/ de&i2er to t0e st dent is tr e )no'&ed!e and is not to $e do $ted+ A&t0o !0 so,eti,es st dents as) % estions 1or c&ari1ication" st dents do not % estion t0e a t0enticit/ or re&ia$i&it/ o1 t0e )no'&ed!e t0e/ are !i2en+ T0eir ro&e is to ,aster it+ *re% ent&/ t0at ,eans co,,ittin! it to ,e,or/ to $e a$&e to reconstr ct it '0en ca&&ed -on to do so" as in an e.a,+ Re-rod cin! e.act&/ '0at 'as de&i2ered is t0e $est -ossi$&e de,onstration a st dent can !i2e o1 rea&&/ 0a2in! &earned+ C &t re de1ines '0at it ,eans to )no' and to &earn+ T0is $asic 1act is i,-ortant 1or an/ or!ani<ation t0at -&ans toor a&read/ doeso-erate 'it0 -ersonne& 1ro, ,an/ c &t res+ Most or!ani<ations 0a2e trainin! -ro!ra,s 1or e,-&o/ees and e.-ect t0eir 'or)ers to contin e to &earn ne' t0in!s as tec0no&o!/ and t0e or!ani<ation:s needs c0an!e+ T0e need to &earn is na2oida$&e '0en an or!ani<ation en!a!es a , &tic &t ra& 'or)1orce or en!a!es in !&o$a& acti2ities 1or t0e 1irst ti,e+

*oes 3no#led e Ha!e Limits= W0at can $e )no'n= Are so,e t0in!s n)no'a$&e= In Western C0ristian c &t res" 1o&&o'in! a se-aration $et'een sacred and sec &ar t0at $e!an 0 ndreds o1 /ears a!o" s-irit a& tr t0s are !enera&&/ 0e&d to $e )no'a$&e t0ro !0 1ait07 I1 /o $e&ie2e" t0en /o can )no'+ E2en '0ere scienti1ic in% ir/ and 1ait0 intersect" science:s 1indin!s 0a2e &itt&e e11ect on t0e $e&ie1s o1 t0e 1ait01 &+ Scienti1ic ana&/ses o1 t0e S0ro d o1 T rin" '0ic0 so,e C0ristians $e&ie2e $ears t0e -rint o1 C0rist:s $od/" 0a2e 0ad &itt&e e11ect on $e&ie1 or n$e&ie1+5L Atte,-ts to e.-&ain t0e Star o1 Bet0&e0e," '0ic0 Bi$&ica& acco nts sa/ s0one at t0e $irt0 o1 C0rist" $/ astrono,ica& co,- ter -ro!ra,s r n $ac)'ard in ti,e" 0a2e si,i&ar&/ 0ad &itt&e e11ect on $e&ie1+ *or C0ristians in t0is c &t ra& tradition" kno&in$ in s-irit a& ter,s in2o&2es a di11erent a--roac0 1ro, kno&in$ in ,ateria& ter,s+ Ot0er c &t res 1ind t0is a--roac0 to )no'in! 2er/ stran!e and sc0i<o-0renic8 1or t0e, t0ere is no se-aration $et'een sacred and sec &ar+ *or ,an/ Hind s in India" 1or e.a,-&e" a&& 0 ,an nderta)in!s and a&& e-isodes o1 nat rein 1act" a&& t0in!sare e,$raced $/ t0e s-irit a&+ Be&ie2ers 2isit te,-&es dai&/" so,eti,es t0ree or 1o r ti,es a da/+ B siness-eo-&e o$tain $&essin!s 1or 2ent res" and ne' 'or) -re,ises are $&essed $e1ore t0e/ are occ -ied+ No se-aration is ,ade $et'een ,ateria& &i1e and s-irit a& &i1e8 a&& &i1e is sea,&ess&/ -art o1 t0e rea&" nseen $ t 1e&t rea&, o1 t0e di2ine+ A&& o1 &i1e is sacred+ An/ 1orei!n or!ani<ation t0at 'is0es to do $ siness in India 'i&& need to acce-t t0is 2ie' o1 )no'in!+ So,e t0in!s are too ine11a$&etoo sacred and ine.-ressi$&eto $e )no'n $/ an/ ,eans+ T0e ine11a$&e ,a/ $e de&ineated to a !reater e.tent $/ t0e -ersons '0o are assi!ned t0at ro&e-riests" s0a,ans" 'ise 'o,ent0an $/ ordinar/ $ siness-eo-&e+ W0en t0is is tr e in c &t res '0ere s c0 )no'&ed!e is 2a& ed" t0ese -eo-&e en9o/ a 0i!0 stat s+ In "hat Patterns *o People Thin&= Ho' -eo-&e )no' is c&ose&/ re&ated to 0o' -eo-&e t0in)+ T0in)in! -atterns a&so 2ar/ 1ro, c &t re to c &t re+ Patterns in t0e ,ind ,a- a -erson:s &i1e

e.-eriences+ GAnd t0e o--osite is a&so tr e7 E.-eriences 2eri1/ -atterns o1 t0e ,ind+H T0e ,a- a11ects 0o' a -erson 1ra,es co,, nication a$o t &i1e+ Patterns are -rocesses &earned 1ro, $irt08 t0e/ are c &t ra&&/ deter,ined+ We s --ose a&& nor,a& 0 ,an $a$ies are ca-a$&e o1 an/ o1 t0e t0o !0t -atterns e2er sed in t0e '0o&e 0istor/ o1 0 ,an e.istence" $ t $a$ies &earn to -attern t0in)in! a1ter t0e -atterns t0eir 'or&d s0o's t0e,+ I1 t0e/ are 1ort nate eno !0 to 0a2e ,ore t0an one c &t re in t0eir socia&i<ation -rocess" t0e/ 'i&& &earn ,ore -atterns t0an t0eir ,onoc &t ra& co nter-arts+ It is re,ar)a$&e to 'atc0 so,eone ,o2in! 1ro, one c &t re into anot0er and to discern t0e di11erence in an indi2id a&:s -atterns o1 t0o !0t t0at t0e c &t ra& c0an!e $rin!s+ Per0a-s t0e ,ost t/-ica& -attern o1 t0in)in! 1or ,e,$ers o1 Western c &t res is ca se3and3e11ect+ To s-ea) o1 reasons in En!&is0 is to s-ea) o1 ca ses" o1 reasons '0/+ In 1act" a reasonable -erson is one '0o sees re&ations0i-s o1 ca se and e11ect $et'een t0in!s+ Why % estions in Western c &t res ine2ita$&/ in2o)e e.-&anations o1 ca ses7 W0/ 0as t0e ,ar)et s0are s0r n) 1or 'id!ets in Ma&a/sia= W0/ are -rod cti2it/ 1i! res - 1or Marc0= W0/ is t0e c0ie1 acco ntant not at 'or) toda/= GBeca se Wid!ets" Inc+" o r co,-etitor" &a nc0ed a ,ar)etin! ca,-ai!n &ast ,ont0+ Beca se t0e ne' e% i-,ent 'as r nnin! 'it03 o t -ro$&e,s in Marc0+ Beca se 0er 0 s$and is in s r!er/+H Ca se3and3e11ect t0in)in! is &inear+ We co &d dra' a strai!0t &ine 1ro, ca se to e11ect" 'it0 an arro'0ead at t0e res &ts end+ Man/ sentences in En!&is0 e,-&o/ t0is -attern+ Consider t0at &ast one7 T0e s $9ect is sentences, and it 0as so,e descri-tors aro nd it Gmany, in )n$lishHJ employ is '0at t0e sentences do8 this pattern is t0e o tco,e" or t0e res &t o1 t0e acti2it/ o1 t0e 2er$+ Westerners t0in) t0at ca se3and3e11ect -atterns are &o!ica&" and t0at lo$ical ,eans ca se3and3e11ect" t0e -attern Westerners ca&& Aristote&ian s/&&o!is,+ So dee-&/ e,$edded is t0is notion t0at it is ass ,ed to $e ni2ersa&+ B t as e.-erts in interc &t ra& nderstandin! 'arn" it isn:t7 T0e s/&&o!istic reasonin! o1 Aristot&e + + + is not a ni2ersa& -0eno,enon8 it 0as $een a -art o1 t0e An!&o3E ro-ean tradition 1or s c0 a &on! ti,e t0at s-ea)ers

o1 En!&is0 tend to ass ,e t0at it is a nat ra& -0eno,enon o1 t0e 0 ,an ,ind" rat0er t0an an in2ention o1 t0e 0 ,an ,ind+5? W0at a $&o' Western $ siness ,inds s 11er '0en t0e/ disco2er lo$ical ,eans so,et0in! 2er/ di11erent to non3Western -eo-&eT *or e.a,-&e" C0inese o1ten se a -attern o1 &o!ic t0at contrasts e&e,ents7 An A , st 0a2e a B" 0ot i,-&ies co&d" and so 1ort0+ W0en t0is -attern o1 t0in)in! is co,, nicated" t0e 1or, t0at res &ts is -ara&&e&is, $/ contrasts" or a se% ence o1 antit0eses" '0ic0 ne2ert0e&ess are not , t a&&/ e.c& si2e+

T0e C0inese yin+yan$ s/,$o& sed in ,an/ Asian co ntries and dis-&a/ed on t0e Korean 1&a! 1see E.0i$it ?35S e.-resses t0e 'a/ o--osites contain so,et0in! o1 eac0 ot0er+ -in is ne!ati2e" co&d" do'n3 E5HIBIT 821 (in3(an! S/,$o&

'ard and in'ard" dar)" and ni!0t8 it is a&so 1e,i3 nine+ -an$ is -ositi2e" 0ot" -'ard and o t'ard" &i!0t" and da/8 it is a&so ,asc &ine+ T0e yin and yan$ interact+ W0ere one !ro's" t0e ot0er contracts" $ t t0e/ ,a)e a '0o&e+ Neit0er can 'it0o t t0e ot0er+ * rt0er,ore" eac0 0as an e&e,ent o1 t0e ot0er 'it0in it+ As t0e yin !ro's &ar!er" so does t0e yan$ e&e,ent 'it0in it" and 2ice32ersa+ -in and yan$ can o11er a -ers-ecti2e 1or nderstandin! t0e tec0no&o!ica& !ro't0 and de2e&o-,ent in Asia+5M Ur$an de2e&o-,ent" te&eco,, nications" and 1ast trans-ortation s/ste,s $rin! -eo-&e into contact8 t0is is a yan$ as-ect o1 tec0no&o!/+ *a,i&/ str ct re is t0reatened $/ r$an !ro't0 as -eo-&e &ea2e t0eir 2i&&a!es and ,i!rate to r$an centers8 t0is is a yin as-ect o1 de2e&o-,ent and tec0no&o!/+

T0e )e/ in C0inese -atterns o1 t0in)in! is &in)a!e+ Lin)s are a&'a/s $ein! so !0t to s0o' t0e '0o&eness o1 &i1e" e2en '0en t0at '0o&e e,$races contrast+ T0e i,-ortance o1 t0e 1is0 tan) to Lei Pen! in t0e o-enin! e-isode s0o's a &in)a!e o1 ideas $eca se o1 t0e so nds o1 t0e 'ords t0at re-resent t0ose ideas7 1is0 and -ro1it+ E2ents are &i)ened to ot0er &ar!er e2ents t0at occ rred in -ast ti,es+ B sinesses in C0ina se t0is &in)a!e -attern in ne!otiations+ *or e.a,-&e" a ,eetin! $et'een ne!otiatin! sides is re&ated to ,o,ento s enco nters $et'een nations in distant 0istorica& acco nts+ T0is )ind o1 0istorica& re1erence o1ten 1i! res in t0e ear&/" in1or,a& sta!es o1 ne!otiation" s-eci1ica&&/ in t0e toast a C0inese 0ost ,a)es to 1orei!n ! ests+5@ It o1ten sai&s -ast Western ! ests" '0o do not reco!ni<e in a 0istorica& re1erence an/ s $stanti2e &in) to t0e $ siness at 0and+ T0e nit/ o1 0 ,an e.-erience 'it0 t0e '0o&e o1 &i1e is t0e 1 nda,enta& -0i&oso-0ica& $asis 1or t0e t0in)in! -atterns t0at can $e identi1ied in C0inese $ siness co,, nication+ Roderic) McLeod descri$es C0inese -atterns o1 t0in)in! in China Inc1 <o& to ;o usiness &ith the Chinese1 I $e&ie2e t0at t0e s $9ect o1 -atterns o1 t0in)in!" e.-&ored in a&& its da ntin! de-t0s and co,-&e.ities" 0o&ds a -ro,ise o1 a F% ant , &ea-F in cross3c &t ra& nderstandin! and co,, nication+5K E ro-eans -re1er t0o !0t -atterns t0at cate!ori<e+ T0is disc ssion a$o t -atterns o1 t0in)in! 0as -resented ca se3and3e11ect on t0e one e.tre,e" and &in)a!e on t0e ot0er+ T0at is" o--osites are identi1ied+ B t t0at is itse&1 a -attern !enerated $/ c &t re+ In R ssia" t0in)in! -atterns e,$race contradictions rat0er t0an o--ose t0e,+ E.tre,es and contradictions de&i!0t R ssians" '0o do not see) to reconci&e t0e, $ t to see t0e, to!et0er in a -attern+5> CATEGOR( L7 #OING AN# ACHIEVING Is *oin Important or Is Bein Important= T0e e.istentia& 2ie' o1 so,e c &t res is to 2a& e t0e -resent ,o,ent and to ce&e$rate $ein!+ T0is is 0ard 1or t0e acti2it/ oriented to nderstand+ It &oo)s &i)e s0ir)in!+ One 'or)er e.-ressed an e.istentia& 2ie' $/ sa/in! t0at 0e re!ards 'or)

as a $&essin!8 /o 'or) 0ard at '0ate2er /o r 'or) is+ B t /o don:t contin e to set /o rse&1 ne' c0a&&en!es or i,a!ine ne' acti2it/ $e/ond t0e $&essin! /o 0a2e $een !i2en+ On t0e ot0er 0and" to t0e ce&e$rators o1 e.istence" a !reat dea& o1 acti2it/ in 'oin$ c &t res &oo)s -oint&ess+ W0ere are -eo-&e !oin! in s c0 a 0 rr/= W0at 0a2e t0e/ &e1t $e0ind= W0at is t0e ,eanin! o1 so , c0 acti2it/= ein$ c &t res 2a& e sti&&ness" co&&ectedness" serenit/+ Man/ 2isitors to Western c &t res are a,a<ed $/ t0e -ace o1 &i1e" es-ecia&&/ in citiesso ,an/ acti2ities cra,,ed into a s0ort ti,e" re% irin! so , c0 s-eed to 1it t0e, a&& in+ S c0 cro'ded a!endas see, to &ea2e &itt&e roo, 1or si,-&/ $ein!+ Accordin! to Condon and (o se1" C&i11ord C&ar)e Gas *orei!n St dent Ad2isor at Stan1ordH 1irst o$ser2ed t0e corre&ation $et'een c &t res '0ere acti2it/ is 2a& eda&,ost 1or its o'n sa)e" at ti,esand '0ere si&ence is o1 &itt&e 2a& e+5N Me,$ers o1 'oin$ c &t res 2ie' si&ence as a 'aste" '0en Fnot0in! is doin!+F On t0e ot0er 0and" ,e,$ers o1 c &t res t0at 2a& e bein$ a&so o1ten 2a& e si&ence+ In si&ence t0e -resent ,o,ent can $est $e a--reciated and e.-erienced+ A $ siness-erson in 6a-an" '0o is na'are o1 t0e i,-ortance si&ence 0as in t0at c &t re" ,a/ r s0 to 1i&& si&ence 'it0 'ords+ Si&ence is disc ssed in ,ore detai& in C0a-ters K and I+ O$2io s&/" !reat -otentia& 1or con1&ict e.ists '0en co3'or)ers 0a2e o--osin! 2ie's a$o t doin! 2ers s $ein!+ T0e -otentia& is increased '0en neit0er side nderstands t0at t0e ot0er side ,a/ 1ee& s re o1 t0e ri!0tness o1 its 2ie'+ T0e ,ost o$2io s arena 1or con1&ict is in ne!otiations+ Bot0 sides 0a2e !oa&s 1or t0e o tco,e" $ t &o'3conte.t c &t res'0ic0 e,-0asi<e res &ts!enerate ,ore concrete&/ 1ra,ed !oa&s+ Ne!otiators 1ro, 0i!03conte.t c &t res 0a2e e.-ectations 1or t0e o tco,es t0at are &ess s-eci1ic and ,ore re&ations0i- oriented+ Are Tas&s *one 1e?uentiall) or 1imultaneousl)= E2en '0en ,an/ c &t res 2a& e acti2it/" t0e/ ,a/ re!ard 'oin$ di11erent&/+ In so,e c &t res se% entia& -er1or,ance o1 tas)s is considered nor,a& $e0a2ior"

'0ereas in ot0ers si, &taneo s -er1or,ance is nor,a&+

A Canadian sa&es re-resentati2e 1ro, Britis0 Co& ,3 -ro9ects $esides t0e Canadian:s+ T0is $iato Vene< e&a !oes to t0e o11ice o1 a s0i--in! o11ice 'it0in t0e Vene< e&an a!ent:s

on t0ree ot0er is e11icient acti2it/

to arran!e 1or t0e on!oin! s0i-,ent o1 an order in c &t re+ transit 1ro, J e$ec to anot0er co ntr/+ S0e is on To t0e Canadian" 0o'e2er" t0is is n1oc sed acti23 ti,e 1or 0er a--oint,ent" $ t s0e 0as to 'ait '0i&e as e11icient as it co &d $e t0e s0i--in! a!ent ser2es a n ,$er o1 c sto,ers '0o -oint o1 2ie'i1 t0e a!ent si,3 are a&read/ in t0e o11ice+ W0en t0e Canadian:s t rn e.c& si2e&/ 'it0 0er d rin! 0er 1ina&&/ co,es" s0e e.-&ains '0at s0e needs and t0e a--oint,ent+ a!ent $e!ins 1i&&in! o t t0e doc ,entation 1or t0e In Canada" $ siness-eo-&e t/-ica&&/ 'rite a--oint3 s0i-,ent and disc ssin! -rices+ At t0e sa,e ti,e t0e into t0e da/:s a!enda e2er/ a!ent ta)es a -0one ca&&" res-onds to a % estion 1ro, se% entia&&/ t0ro !0 t0is a!enda a co3'or)er a$o t sc0ed &es" and directs t0e! o1 co,-&eted eac0 tas) or t0e da/ is a ,essa!e a$o t so,et0in! e&sein e11ect 'or)in! o2er+ nti& t0e/ 0a2e da/+ T0e/ t0en 'or) ,erits and acti2ities sc0ed &ed -&/ 'ere to dea& -artic &ar&/ 1ro, 0er it/ t0at is not near&/

Peo-&e ,a/ 0a2e -ersona& st/&es and -re1erences 1or !ettin! t0e 'or) done8 t0at is" 'it0in a se% entia&3tas) c &t re indi2id a&s ,a/ -re1er a 1&e.i$i&it/ t0at a&&o's t0e, to do ,ore t0an one t0in! at a ti,e+ GT0e/ ,a/ $e ca&&ed Fdisor!ani<edF $/ ot0ers in t0e se% entia&3tas) c &t re+H In !enera&" 0o'e2er" 'or)ers in se% entia&3

tas) c &t res )no' at t0e start o1 t0e da/ '0at t0e/ 'i&& do d rin! t0e se!,ents o1 t0e da/7 ,ornin!" & nc0 0o r" a1ternoon" and di2isions t0ereo1+ W0en ne.-ected tas)s arise" ot0ers t0at 0ad $een sc0ed &ed are resc0ed &ed+ T0e essence o1 time mana$ement is or!ani<in! and se% encin! tas)sa notion t0at see,s -ec &iar in ot0er c &t res+ In contrast" a&t0o !0 t0e si, &taneo s3tas) -er1or,er )no's in !enera& '0at t0e tas)s in a !i2en da/ 'i&& $e" t0e da/ 0as a 1& idit/ t0at a&&o's 1or ,ore and &ess i,-ortant tas)s t0at ta)e ,ore or &ess ti,e+ A $ siness-erson in t0is c &t re ass ,es ,an/ tas)s 'i&& $e attac)ed si, &taneo s&/+ GT0e % estion o1 ti,e and 0o' it is 2a& ed 'i&& $e disc ssed in detai& in a &ater section o1 t0is c0a-ter" nder t0e 0eadin! FO r P&ace in t0e Uni2erse+FH Si, &taneit/ is e.tre,e&/ se1 & '0en -eo-&e and t0e re&ations0i-s $et'een -eo-&e are 2a& ed 0i!0&/7 (o can s-end a&& t0e ti,e /o 'ant or need 'it0 a -erson '0en /o are at t0e sa,e ti,e !i2in! so,e attention to ot0er G2a& edH -ersons+ T0is &eads to t0e ne.t % estion to -ose o1 a c &t re concernin! doin! and ac0ie2in!+ *o Results or Relationships Ta&e Priorit)= Res &ts3c &t res re!ard ends as ,ore si!ni1icant t0an t0e ,eans sed to ac0ie2e t0ose ends+ T0e United States is '0ere Mana!e,ent B/ O$9ecti2es GMBOH 0ad its ori!in" '0ic0 isn:t s r-risin! '0en /o consider t0e do,inance o1 ca se3and3e11ect t0in)in! in U+S+ c &t re+ T0e $asis o1 MBO is t0at /o identi1/ /o r !oa&s and t0en 'or) o t a strate!/ to ac0ie2e t0e,+ A&on! t0e 'a/ /o ,eas re 0o' c&ose /o 0a2e co,e+ T0at:s 0o' /o )no' /o are ,a)in! -ro!ress+ Goa&s3oriented societies -&ace a 2er/ 0i!0 2a& e on ,a)in! -ro!ress" '0ic0 nat ra&&/ &eads to ,et0ods $/ '0ic0 to ,eas re -ro!ress+ Meas re,ents t0at see, &o!ica& to A,ericans ,a/ not see, so &o!ica& to ot0ers" 0o'e2er+ T0e *renc0 Ga,on! ot0ersH o1ten ,ar2e& at t0e A,erican -enc0ant 1or statistics and ,eas re,ents o1 % a&ities t0e/ consider intan!i$&e+ GFHo' satis1ied are /o 'it0 /o r -resent s -erior7 5A -ercent= L@ -ercent" @A -ercent" >@ -ercent" IA -ercent=F FOn a score 1ro, one to 1i2e" 0o' 'e&& do /o t0in) /o are -er1or,in! in /o r 9o$=FH T0e e,-0asis on ,eas re,ent 0as &ed to an enor,o s -reocc -ation $/

$ siness 'it0 1i! res o1 -rod cti2it/ and cost" '0ic0 0as &ed in t rn to t0e 0i!0 stat s and -o'er accorded acco ntants+ MBO 0as 1a&&en 1ro, its 1or,er 0i!0 1a2or in recent /ears+ Ne2ert0e&ess" contin o s ,eas re,ent as a 'a/ to ass re % a&it/ 0as $een s ccess1 &&/ -ro,oted $/ Wi&&ia, #e,in! in t0e United States and , c0 ,ore s ccess1 &&/ in 6a-an" a&t0o !0 'it0 &ess e,-0asis on ,eas re,ents+ Not a&& c &t res 1ee& t0e need to identi1/ !oa&s and 'or) to'ard t0e,+ Mana!e,ent B/ O$9ecti2es 0asn:t e.-orted 2er/ 'e&&+ One reason is t0at t0e !oa&s t0at ,atter to ,an/ -eo-&e o1 ot0er c &t res inc& de n rt rin! c&ose re&ations0i-s 'it0 co3'or)ers+ So e2en i1 a -ro-osed sa&e 1a&&s t0ro !0" t0e re&ations0i- ,a/ 0a2e $een stren!t0ened $/ t0e contact ,ade in t0e e11ort to c&ose it+ In co ntries '0ere -o'er is concentrated at t0e to- &e2e&s o1 or!ani<ations and is 'ie&ded accordin! to -ersona& 1a2or" a 0ea&t0/ and stron! re&ations0i- 'it0 t0e -o'er1 & one is a -ri,ar/ !oa& o1 e2er/ endea2or+ T0is is -artic &ar&/ e2ident in 1or,er&/ and -resent&/ co,, nist co ntries+ Ha2in! !ood access to t0e -art/ secretar/" or a ,e,$er in !ood standin! o1 t0e -art/" 'as a cond it to e11ectin! desired o tco,es+ T0e i,,ediate !oa& 1or a 1&oor s -er2isor in a te.ti&e 1actor/ in 1or,er3So2iet Geor!ia ,a/ 0a2e $een a ne' a-art,ent" $ t t0e on!oin! !oa& o1 e2er/ interaction 'as to n rt re a !ood re&ations0i- 'it0 t0e -art/ secretar/ o1 t0e 1actor/+ Re&ations0i-s are t0e $asis 1or , c0 o1 t0e $ siness cond cted in Asia+ W0ere re&ations0i-s are so 0i!0&/ 2a& ed" $ siness is on&/ done 'it0 -eo-&e '0o 0a2e entered into a re&ations0i- 'it0 /o and '0ose or!ani<ation 0as connections to /o r or!ani<ation+ In 1act" in t0e 0i!03conte.t c &t res o1 Asia" $ siness is -re1era$&/ transacted 1ace to 1ace+ In C0ina" e2er/ 'or) nit 0as a tra2e& a&&ocation 1ro, t0e State in its $ d!et so t0at re-resentati2es can tra2e& and ,eet 'it0 s --&iers" $ /ers" associates" and re&ated or!ani<ations Gre-ortin! to t0e sa,e ,inistr/ in Bei9in!H+ Si,i&ar&/" ,an/ 'or) nits 0a2e 0ote&s on t0e -re,ises to recei2e 2isitors 1ro, 'it0in and o tside C0ina+ B siness corres-ondence is ,ini,a&8 $ siness is transacted 1ace to 1ace+ Re&ations0i- $ i&din! is t0e )e/ acti2it/+

W0en t0ere is a stron! re&ations0i-" s-eci1ic o tco,es can $e 'or)ed o t+ Contracts can $e 'ritten and si!ned $eca se re&ations0i-s t0at 'i&& ens re t0eir -er1or,ance+ T0e ends 1&o' 1ro, t0e ,eans+ No 'onder re&ations0i-3oriented c &t res 2a& e t0e ,eans to an end ,ore t0an t0e end itse&1+ * rt0er,ore" i1 s ccess e& des /o t0is ti,e" /o can a&'a/s tr/ a!ain i1 t0e re&ations0i- is intact+ *ina&&/" -eo-&e don:t necessari&/ a!ree a$o t '0at si!ni1ies an ac0ie2e,ent+ (o ,a/ ass ,e t0at a&& $ siness-eo-&e e% ate ac0ie2e,ent 'it0 -ro1it" $ t t0at ass ,-tion 'o &d not a&'a/s $e correct+ * rt0er,ore" e2en '0en -eo-&e a!ree t0at ,a)in! ,one/ is t0eir !oa&" t0e/ ,a/ 0a2e 2er/ di11erent ideas '0at it ,eans to 0a2e ,one/'0at it is 'ort0+ *or instance" in Hon! Kon! 'ea&t0 is i,-ortant $eca se it can $ / an e&ite car" a s-a cio s a-art,ent in a desira$&e area" ser2ants" ,e,$ers0i-s in -ri2ate c& $s" tra2e&" e.c& 3 Is 6 si2e $rands o1 &i% or" c&ot0in!" -ersona& entertain,ent e% i-,entand $an% ets 1or 1riends" a&t0o !0 t0e $an% et ,a/ not $e n ,$er one -riorit/+ B t consider '0at ,one/ ,eans in a -&ace '0ere -ri2ate o'ners0i- o1 cars and 0o,es is rare" '0ere tra2e& re% ires -er,ission o1 t0e e,-&o/er and !o2ern,ent in addition to ,one/" '0ere -ri2ate c& $s do not 1or,a&&/ and '0ere e,-&o/in! -ri2ate ser2ants 'as 1or,er&/ ca&&ed c&ass e.-&oitation+ W0at is t0e ,eanin! o1 'ea&t0 in s c0 a -&ace= W0en a !ro - o1 !rad ate st dents in S0an!0ai 'ere as)ed in 5IN@ to descri$e &ealth, t0e/ a&& a!reed it ,eant 0a2in! ,one/ in /o r o'n -oc)et8 t0e/ a&so a!reed t0at" FI1 /o 0a2e 5A"AAA / an in /o r -oc)et" /o :re ric0 $eca se /o can $ / t0e $est $an% et 1or a&& /o r 1riendsTF Toda/" 'it0 0i!0er 'a!es and 0i!0 in1&ation in C0ina" and 'it0 t0e &ar!e sa&aries -aid $/ 9oint32ent re and 1orei!n3o'ned

1ir,s" t0ose sa,e -eo-&e ,a/ indeed $e $ /in! $an% ets a&on! 'it0 0o,es" cars" and cons ,er !oods+ Cons ,eris, is ra,-ant in C0ina toda/" dri2en in &ar!e -art $/ t0e 'i&&in!ness and a$i&it/ o1 -arents to s-end ,one/ on t0eir c0i&d+ B/ t0e /ear LAL@" '0en t0ere 'i&& $e ,ore -eo-&e o2er KA in C0ina t0an t0e -o- &ation o1 t0e United States in LAAA GL>@ ,i&&ionH" cons ,er -atterns 'i&& no do $t c0an!e 1oc s and t0e/ ,a/ a&so increase in 2o& ,e+5I T0is di,ension o1 res &ts 2ers s re&ations0i-s corres-onds in -art to Ho1stede:s di,ension o1 indi2id a&is, 2ers s co&&ecti2is,+ Indi2id a&ist c &t res are -er1or,ance oriented" and t0e/ e,-0asi<e -ersona& ac0ie2e,ent" 'innin! t0e co,-etition+ Co&&ecti2ist c &t res are re&ations0i- oriented" and t0e/ e,-0asi<e s --orti2e net'or)s and co&&a$oration+ Is 0n+ertaint) A!oided or Tolerated= Uncertaint/ e.ists in a&& c &t res and" Ho1stede -oints o t" in a&& or!ani<ations as 'e&&+ So,e -eo-&e react to ncertaint/ 'it0 !reater &e2e&s o1 an.iet/ t0an ot0ers" and '0at Ho1stede s0o'ed is t0at so,e cultures react 'it0 !reater an.iet/ t0an ot0ers+ T'o ,e,$ers o1 an or!ani<ation '0o co,e 1ro, di11erent c &t res $ t '0o 0a2e to 'or) to!et0ersa/ a -rod ction ,ana!er and a s -er2isor'0o do not a!ree a$o t '0et0er to a2oid or to&erate ncertaint/ ,a/ 0a2e a 0ard ti,e nderstandin! eac0 ot0er+ I1 t0e -erson 1ro, t0e a2oidin! c &t re 'ants ,ore ! ide&ines a$o t 0o' to dea& 'it0 ncertaint/" and i1 t0at -erson is a s $ordinate" t0e res &tin! re&ations0i- 'it0 t0e $oss ,a/ s 11er 1ro, distr st and di,inis0ed res-ect 1or t0e s -erior '0o does not s0are t0e inc&ination to'ard ,ore ! ide&ines+ T0e ncertaint/3a2oider ,a/ not nderstand t0at a di11erent attit de to'ard ncertaint/ &ies $e0ind '0at a--ears to $e si,-&/ an irres-onsi$&e a--roac0 $/ t0e s -erior '0o is s --osed to $e res-onsi$&e+ T0e ncertaint/3to&erator" t0e $oss" ,a/ identi1/ t0e s $ordinate as s 1or no !ood reasonsi,-&/ a 'orrier rat0er t0an so,eone 'it0 a di11erent attit de to'ard ncertaint/+ Uncertaint/ is not t0e sa,e t0in! as ris)+ Ris) in2o&2es a s-eci1ic -otentia& &oss" $ t an.iet/ does not in2o&2e a s-eci1ica&&/ identi1ia$&e &oss+ Ris) in $ siness is an e2er/da/ 1act8 ris) in $ siness t0at in2o&2es , &tic &t ra& and , &tinationa& contact is e2en ,ore ine2ita$&e+ T0e ris) ,a/ $e socia& ostraci<ation or econo,ic &oss or a &e!a& &ia$i&it/+ B sinesses , st consider ris)s in a&& $ siness transactions+ B siness-eo-&e 1ro, 2ario s c &t res a--roac0 ris) di11erent&/" $ t a&& or!ani<ations 'ant to ,ini,i<e ris)+ Is Lu+& an Essential (a+tor or an Irrele!an+e= L c) is one 'a/ o1 dea&in! 'it0 one:s an.iet/ a$o t t0e n)no'n+

C &t res 2ar/ in t0e i,-ortance t0e/ attac0 to t0e -o'er o1 an nseen Po'er o2er e2ents+ Is & c) G1ort ne" 1ateH res-onsi$&e 1or s ccess= Or is s ccess t0e res-onsi$i&it/ o1 t0e 0 ,an en!ineers o1 it= Not s r-risin!&/" in c &t res t0at t0in) in ca se3and3e11ect -atterns and t0at 2a& e res &ts" plannin$not & c)is t0e )e/ to s ccess+ Westerners are 1ond o1 sa/in!s t0at -resent t0is 2ie'7 FWe are t0e arc0itects o1 o r o'n destin/+F P&annin! a--ears to e% a& contro&+ I1 /o -&an care1 &&/ and o,it no detai&" /o ,a/ ens re t0e o tco,e+ Contro& is ca&c &atin! t0e 2aria$&es so not0in! ne.-ected can inter2ene $et'een ca se G,eansH and e11ect GendsH+ Attendin! care1 &&/ to t0e detai&s rese,$&es an orientation to'ard r &es" as disc ssed $e&o't0e/ are $ot0 atte,-ts to s0a-e o tco,es $/ contro&&in! 2aria$&es+ As an/one '0o 0as care1 &&/ &aid -&ans )no's" 0o'e2er" t0e ne.-ected 0as a 'a/ o1 a,$ s0in! /o + E2en so,e Westerners t0in) Western rationa&is," '0ic0 is o r 0erita!e 1ro, Aristot&e t0ro !0 Vo&taire to ,odern tec0nocrats" 0as tra2e&ed too 1ar 1ro, 0 ,an e.-erience+ T0e disco ntin! o1 1ate and t0e $e&ie1 in 0 ,an -&annin! and en!ineerin! see, 1oo&is0 to so,e Western t0in)ers+ T0ese t0in)ers -oint o t t0at" increasin!&/" ,an/ en2iron,enta& concerns and et0ica& di&e,,as are e.-osed as -rod cts o1 tec0no&o!/8 -o&& tion and

'aste" e t0anasia" and !enetic en!ineerin!" to na,e 9 st a 1e'" see, to 0a2e &itt&e to do 'it0 Nat re+ Instead o1 1reein! s 1ro, o tdated -roced res and ena$&in! s to -artici-ate 1 &&/ in &i1e" as t0e ,id3cent r/ de1enders o1 s 'it0 its n c&ear -o'er" tec0no&o!/ -ro,ised" tec0no&o!/ scares

so-0isticated te&eco,, nications" and !i!antic data $an)s t0at )no' inti,ate detai&s a$o t s+ As one - ndit -ara-0rased C0 rc0i&&" FNe2er $e1ore in t0e co rse o1 0 ,an 0istor/ 0a2e so ,an/ )no'n so &itt&e a$o t so , c0+F Western c &t res" '0ic0 0a2e tended to disco nt t0e ro&e o1 1ate since t0e En&i!0ten,ent o1 t0e 5Nt0 cent r/" ne2ert0e&ess n ,$er ,i&&ions o1 0orosco-e readers+ T0is -er0a-s is $eca se in s-ite o1 tec0no&o!/ and -&annin! and contro& ,ec0anis,s" &i1e 1re% ent&/ -ersists in not $ein! order&/+ Peo-&e '0ose c &t res ac)no'&ed!e t0e ro&e o1 & c) in 0 ,an a11airs 2ie' t0e atte,-t at contro& $/ -&annin! as ,ere&/ i&& sor/ and -oint&ess acti2it/ t0e !/rations o1 'ater s-iders+

Hon! Kon! ,a/ $e t0e -&ace '0ere -ractices to s& ,-s+ T0eir reco,,endations o1ten inc& de re-osi3 ens re !ood & c) and a2oid $ad & c) are ,ost o1ten des) or 0an!in! ,irrors to o$ser2ed+ *or e.a,-&e" a $ siness o11ice des) ,a/ dis0ar,onio s in1& ences into t0e dis-&a/ a 9ade car2in! o1 a st/&i<ed $at Gt0e 1&/in! $ i&din! or -artia&&/ screenin! t0e entrance to -re2ent rodentH8 t0e 'ord 1or $at so nds &i)e t0e 'ord 1or ,one/ 1ro, r nnin! o t t0e door+ -ros-erit/" and t0e 9ade car2in! is a conscio s in2o3 Hon! Kon!" s c0 as cation o1 & c) t0at $rin!s -ros-erit/+ GL c) ,eans ei!0t G'0ic0 so nds &i)e t0e 'ord 1or -ros-erit/H" ,ateria& 'ea&t0 to t0e -ra!,atic Hon! Kon!ese+H se2en" and t0ree+ T0e !o2ern,ent raises e.tra ,one/ So,e n ,$ers are & c)/ in de1&ect t0e 1&o' o1 tionin! t0e ,ana!er:s

*ort ne3te&&ers a$o nd" and $ sinesses cons &t t0e, a s-icio s3n ,$er &icense -&ates" a$o t ,a)in! $ siness decisions+ ,i&&ion HK 9en$ shui G&itera&&/ F'ind 'aterFH is t0e ancient n ,$er ei!0t+ B/ contrast" -ractice o1 !eo,anc/a&i!nin! sites and $ i&din!s n& c)/ since it is -rono nced &i)e t0e in 0ar,on/ 'it0 t0e eart0:s ener!/ 1orces so &ocations and o11ice $ i&din!s do not 0a2e 'i&& $e -ro-itio s+ Its e.-ert inter-reters are t/-ica&&/ o$ser2ers sa/ s $'a/ -assen!ers ca&&ed in '0en $ i&din!s are oriented on constr ction t0ro !0 !ate MM" e2en d rin! r s0 sites+ O'ners o1 resta rants" 0ote&s" and retai& $ si3 and street addresses 'it0 1o r in nesses a&so ca&& in t0e fen$ shui e.-erts '0en $ siness re!arded as n& c)/ $/ ,an/+

$/ a ctionin! o11

and in recent /ears one ,an -aid W@ GWKM5"AAA USH 1or & c)/ n ,$er 1o r is 'ord 1or deat0+ Hote&s a n ,$er 1o r" and are re& ctant to -ass 0o r+ P0one n ,$ers t0e, are a&so

In Tai'an" t0e G0ost ,ont0 Gt0e se2ent0 in t0e & nar ca&endarH is traditiona&&/ not a ti,e o1 !ood & c) 1or ,a)in! an/ i,-ortant decision s c0 as a ne' $ siness 2ent re+ Rat0er t0an ris) a $ siness &oss" so,e -eo-&e 1i! re t0at t0e/ ,i!0t as 'e&& 'ait nti& t0e G& c)/H ei!0t0 ,ont0 to ,a)e decisions+ A1ter a&&" a&t0o !0 it ,i!0t $e s -erstitio s nonsense" /o ne2er )no'+ *ate is n-redicta$&e+ *i&i-ino 1ata&is, is s ,,ed - in t0e -0rase bahala na, '0ic0 in Ta!a&o! ro !0&/ ,eans" Facce-t '0at co,es and $ear it 'it0 0o-e and -atienceFs ccess in a $ siness 2ent re ,a/ 'e&& $e attri$ ted to 1ate rat0er t0an e11ort+LA In T0ai&and" mai pen rai ,eans" FNe2er ,ind8 it:s 1ate and /o are not res-onsi$&e+F In C0inese" mei $uan/i 0as a si,i&ar ,eanin!+ It &itera&&/ trans&ates as Fno connection"F and s !!ests t0e addressee isn:t res-onsi$&e 1or t0e ine.-&ica$&e '0i,s o1 1ate+ In India" 1ate is 'ide&/ credited 1or e2ents+ *ate is -reordained and can $e

)no'n $/ st d/in! t0e stars and -rocession o1 t0e -&anets+ Man/ co,-anies in India 0a2e t0eir o'n astro&o!ers '0o -ractice t0e @"AAA3/ear o&d ,yotish or astro&o!/+ B sinesses cons &t 'it0 astro&o!ers '0en recr itin! ne' e,-&o/ees to ascertain '0et0er or not t0e/ are & c)/+ A1ter a&&" i1 e,-&o/ees 0a2e no & c) as indi2id a&s" 0o' can t0e/ $e & c)/ 1or t0e or!ani<ation= Wearin! s-eci1ic -recio s and se,i-recio s stones can co nteract t0e -&anetar/ in1& ence and ,ediate 1ate so,e'0at8 ,an/ Indians 'ear s-eci1ic stones 1or t0e - r-ose o1 9 st s c0 inter2ention+L5 In T r)e/" $ siness -eo-&e o1ten 'ear a $& e3$ead a, &et 1or !ood & c) and ,ore s-eci1ica&&/ 1or 'ardin! o11 t0e $ad & c) o1 t0e e2i& e/e+ In Me.ico" t0e ne.-ected 'or)in! o1 1ate is 'e&& )no'n+ A s --&ier ,i!0t -ro,ise de&i2er/ on T0 rsda/" 1or e.a,-&e" )no'in! a&& t0e indications are t0at T0 rsda/ 'i&& not $e -ossi$&e $eca se 0e 0as a&read/ -ro,ised a 1 && a!enda o1 ot0er orders 1or T0 rsda/+ B t t0e s --&ier ,i!0t consider t0at -er0a-s one o1 t0e -re2io s&/ sc0ed &ed orders 'i&& cance&" or -er0a-s t0e dri2er o1 t0e de&i2er/ tr c) 'on:t co,e to 'or) t0at da/ ,a)in! a&& de&i2eries i,-ossi$&e" or -er0a-s it 'i&& rain too 0ea2i&/ 1or de&i2er/" or -er0a-s t0e co,-an/ -&acin! t0e ne' order 'i&& c0an!e it" '0ic0 co &d reasona$&/ a&ter t0e de&i2er/ da/+ A st dent ,a/ si!0 o2er a 1ai&ed e.a," FIt 'as ,/ destin/" I ! ess+F In t0e United States" o$ser2ances to 'ard o11 $ad & c) a&so a11ect $ siness+ O11ice $ i&din!s 1re% ent&/ do not 0a2e a 5?t0 1&oor" 1or e.a,-&e" and air-&anes 0a2e no ais&e n ,$ered 5?+ T0en t0ere are t0e -/ra,id &etters t0at s --osed&/ $rin! !ood & c) to t0e -erson '0o doesn:t $rea) t0e c0ain Gt0ro' t0e &etter a'a/H and $ad & c) to t0e sco11er '0o 1ai&s to send t0e &etter on to ,ore -eo-&e+ W0i&e 1e' ti2es ad,it to -&a/in! a&on!" ne2ert0e&ess t0eir na,es o1ten cro- - on t0e &ists o1 senders o1 t0e c0ain &etters" 'it0 co,,ents a$o t not needin! an/ ,ore $ad & c)+LL Man/ -eo-&e o1 2ario s c &t ra& $ac)!ro nds 0a2e $eco,e interested in fen$ shui.

T0e -o- &arit/ o1 fen$ shui 1ro, t0e United Kin!do, in2estor 'i&&in! to -a/ t0e W5+L ,i&&ion -rice in 5IIN+

to Ne' 4ea&and is o$2io s 1ro, t0e n ,$er o1 ne's3 Ho'e2er" '0en a fen$ shui ,aster e.-ressed stron! -a-er co& ,n inc0es de2oted to it+ E.-erts and ! r s ne!ati2e o-inions a$o t t0e - rc0ase" t0e co,-an/ te&& radio and te&e2ision a diences 0o' to -osition did not co,-&ete it+ Instead" an Ar,enian $ siness3 t0eir 0o,es" $ sinesses" and 1 rnit re 'it0in $ i&din!s ,an $o !0t t0e &and+ Wit0in 5N ,ont0s t0e 2a& e 0ad in order to increase -ros-erit/ and a2oid ca&a,it/+ t0e 0a-&ess C0inese3 A C0inese3A,erican o'ned $ siness in Ca&i3 'ere dee-&/ c0a!rined" 1o,ia 'as -oised to - rc0ase a -ro-ert/ ad9acent to T0e/ needed t0e -ro-ert/ $ t no' &ac)ed t0e 1 nds to it '0en t0e -ro-ert/ ca,e - 1or sa&e" and 0ad an $ / it+ A,erican $ siness o'ners soared to W? ,i&&ion" and

It:s not 0ard to reco!ni<e t0at an attit de o1" FO0 'e&&" ,i!0t as 'e&& -&a/ sa1e + + + /o ne2er )no'"F in t0e United States can $e an earnest $e&ie1 in anot0er c &t re+ In c &t res '0ere & c) is ac)no'&ed!ed to -&a/ a ro&e in $ siness" -eo-&e t0at disco nt & c) ,a/ not on&/ ins &t t0e & c)3see)ers" $ t a&so can ris) $ein! t0o !0t ne!&i!ent in not -a/in! eno !0 attention to '0at is 2ie'ed as a &e!iti,ate $ siness concern+ Are Rules to Be (ollo#ed or Bent= T0is c &t ra& di,ension is c&ose&/ re&ated to ncertaint/3a2oidance or

ncertaint/3to&erance" and to & c)+ Ha2in! r &es and 1o&&o'in! t0e," and ,a)in! s re ot0ers 1o&&o' t0e, too" is a 'a/ o1 di,inis0in! an.iet/ a$o t t0e ncertain+ Ho'e2er" '0et0er r &es are 1o&&o'ed or not a&so 0as to do 'it0 '0at is i,-ortant in a societ/7 neat" -redicta$&e $e0a2ior or ,eetin! 0 ,an needs+ In a&& societies con1&icts arise $et'een '0at t0e r &es state o !0t to $e done" and '0at 'i&& $e con2enient or 0e&-1 & to indi2id a&s+

*or e.a,-&e" ta)e t0e si,-&e act o1 crossin! t0e street+ In stron!&/ r &es3 ad0erin! societies" -edestrians ,a/ not cross an/'0ere t0e/ &i)e+ T0e/ , st se cross'a&)s t0at are ,ar)ed8 t0e/ , st 'ait nti& a si!na& indicates t0e/ ,a/ 'a&) G-er0a-s a '0ite3&it 1i! re 'a&)in!" a tra11ic si!n sed t0ro !0o t t0e 'or&dH+ W0en t0e si!na& c0an!es to a $&in)in! red 0and" t0e/ , st 0 rr/ to 1inis0 crossin!" and , st not $e!in to cross at t0is -oint+ W0en t0e red 0and is n$&in)in!" t0e/ , st re,ain on t0e side o1 t0e street+ In London t0e corners o1 so,e intersections 0a2e rai&in!s so -edestrians cannot cross e.act&/ at t0e corner $ t , st se a desi!nated cross'a&) so,e 1eet a'a/+ In Canadian cities" -edestrians are tic)eted 1or 9a/'a&)in!+ B t in r &es3$endin! societiesC0ina is one-eo-&e cross '0ene2er t0e/ -ercei2e a $rea) in ,otor Gor $ic/c&eH tra11ic" '0ere2er it is con2enient to t0e, to cross+ A&t0o !0 t0e/ 0a2e $een to&d t0e r &e is to cross at a desi!nated cross'a&) on&/ '0en t0e si!na& indicates t0e/ ,a/" t0e/ cross '0ere it s its t0e,+ GIn C0ina t0is is not t0e case '0en tra11ic -o&ice are -resent+H R &es3oriented c &t res are - <<&ed $/ t0is see,in!&/ ca2a&ier attit de to'ards sa1et/+ In t0e United States" 1or e.a,-&e" t0e Occ -ationa& Sa1et/ and Hea&t0 Ad,inistrationOSHA'o &d !et a1ter t0e co,-an/ 1or not crac)in! do'n on t0e $e0a2ior in t0e 1o&&o'in! e.a,-&e+ In t0e Bei9in! air-ort an a,a<in! si!0t !reets t0e 2is3 T0ere is , c0 co,in! and !oin!" 1ort0+ and t0e $e&t T0e/ co,e & !!a!e and co &d &a !0ter" W0en o t $e&t stradd&e !o to c -s o1 tea e,-&o/3 s-ea) and it aro nd itor+ C0ec)3in ta)es -&ace at -orta$&e $oot0s8 air&ine $ein! carried in and o t" and so -ersonne& co,e to a $oot0 'it0 a si!n t0at dec&ares it ees 'is0 to &ea2e t0e o11ice area is o-en" a$o t one 0o r $e1ore de-art re+ Once -as3 to -assen!ers on t0e ot0er side o1 sen!ers 0a2e a&& $een c0ec)ed in" t0e air&ine e,-&o/ee t0e $oot0s" t0e/ c&i,$ - onto t0e ta)es do'n t0e si!n and ,a/ ,o2e t0e $oot0 to a &ess to 9 ,- do'n on t0e ot0er sideT -ro,inent -osition+ Be0ind t0e $oot0s is t0e & !!a!e t0e $e&t" $ t t0at 'o &d ta)e t0e,

-er0a-s 0a2e crossin! o2er r &es+ direct&/

5A $een o2er

,eters ca tioned t0e

$e&t+ It is a$o t a ,eter 0i!0" 1air&/ 'ide" and a&'a/s o t o1 t0eir 'a/+ No do $t t0e/ ,o2in!+ Be0ind t0e $e&t are o11ices 1or t0e air&ines a$o t t0e -0/sica& dan!er o1 -ersonne&+ C&ear&/ ,an/ -eo-&e se t0ese roo,s" ,o2in! $e&t" $ t e.-edienc/ 'ins

CATEGOR( ?7 OUR PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE T0is cate!or/ o1 c &t ra& -riorities rat0er !rand&/ -ro-oses to enco,-ass t0e $i! t0in!s c &t res dea& 'it07 t0e % estions e2er/ societ/ 0as to ans'er+ W0/ are 'e 0ere= W0at is t0e si!ni1icance o1 &i1e= W0ere did 'e co,e 1ro,= W0at do 'e !o to a1ter t0is &i1e= T0e 'a/s c &t res ans'er t0ese % estions deter,ine ,an/ o1 t0e $e&ie1s and attit des t0at 'e can identi1/ 'it0 a -artic &ar c &t re" and t0e/ ,oti2ate t0e $e0a2ior t0at 'e identi1/ as $e&on!in! to a -artic &ar c &t re+ Re&i!ion is a $e&ie1 s/ste, t0at in1or,s attit des and $e0a2ior o1 ,e,$ers o1 a c &t ree2en o1 t0ose t0at do not acti2e&/ -ractice t0e re&i!ion+ B t '0en /o are &earnin! a$o t an n1a,i&iar c &t re" st d/in! t0e re&i!ionGsH is a &en!t0/ and de,andin! nderta)in!+ It:s &i)e st d/in! R ssian so /o can read t0e street si!nsa 'ort0'0i&e endea2or $ t not t0e 1irst t0in! /o need to $e!in doin! $ siness in R ssia+ Re&i!ions or $e&ie1 s/ste,s co,e 1ro, c &t ra& 2a& es and a&so contri$ te to c &t ra& 2a& es+ (o can $ene1it 1ro, nderstandin! t0e 'or&d:s $e&ie1 s/ste,s" $ t /o can $ene1it 1or - r-oses o1 $ siness $/ nderstandin! t0e c &t ra& -riorities o1 /o r $ siness contacts+ *o Humans *ominate @ature or *oes @ature *ominate Humans= 0ature is t0e nat ra& en2iron,ent and nat ra& -0eno,ena t0at en2e&o- 0 ,an endea2or+ At one e.tre,e" 0 ,ans 2ie' nat re as an ine.0a sti$&e reso rce+ T0e ass ,-tion isor at an/ rate" 'ast0at t0e &and 'as t0ere to s stain &i1e" es-ecia&&/ 0 ,an &i1e+ T0e Boo) o1 Genesis in t0e Bi$&e -roc&ai,s t0at a1ter God ,ade ,an

God said" FBe0o&d" I 0a2e !i2en /o e2er/ -&ant /ie&din! seed '0ic0 is -on t0e 1ace o1 a&& t0e eart0" and e2er/ tree 'it0 seed in its 1r it8 /o s0a&& 0a2e t0e, 1or 1ood+ And to e2er/ $east o1 t0e eart0" and to e2er/ $ird o1 t0e air" and to e2er/t0in! t0at cree-s -on t0e eart0" e2er/t0in! t0at 0as t0e $reat0 o1 &i1e" I 0a2e !i2en e2er/ !reen -&ant 1or 1ood+F And it 'as so+L? Ho'e2er" arc0eo&o!ists s0o' t0at ancient c &t res" 1or e.a,-&e t0ose aro nd t0e Mediterranean and Ae!ean seas" c &ti2ated &and 1or cro-s in 'a/s t0at &ti,ate&/ e.0a sted t0e soi& and de1orestation ca sed its erosion+ Ne2ert0e&ess" t0e ass ,-tion t0at t0e eart0 and a&& t0at 1&o ris0es in it is 1or se as a God3!i2en ri!0t 0as -ersisted into t0is cent r/+ On&/ in t0is !eneration" and -artic &ar&/ in t0e -ast t'o decades" 0as t0e ar! ,ent 1or en2iron,enta& -rotection serio s&/ $een - t 1or'ard as - $&ic -o&ic/" e2en t0o !0 t0e conce-t o1 ste'ards0i- o1 t0e created ni2erse is -resent in Genesis+ Si, &taneo s&/" t0e ass ,-tion t0at t0e eart0 is an ine.0a sti$&e so rce o1 s stenance is -art o1 t0e 6 deo3C0ristian tradition and o1 Is&a,+ In re&i!ions s c0 as Hind is," #aois," and B dd0is, as 'e&& as ear&ier ani,istic re&i!ions t0at endo' certain trees and roc)s and ri2ers 'it0 s-irits" nat re -&a/s a di11erent ro&e+ B t '0at ro&e= 6a-anese c &t re" '0ic0 re1&ects t0e 2a& e orientations o1 B dd0is, ,ore t0an ot0er re&i!ions" 2ie's nat re as a so rce o1 aest0etic a--reciation+ Nat re is o$ser2ed" conte,-&ated" and ,editated -on 9 st &i)e a -aintin! or o$9ect o1 sc &-t ra& art" and it is s0a-ed into art in 1or,s s c0 as bonsai. Wi&derness nad &terated nat re0as 2irt a&&/ no ro&e in ,odern 6a-an+ *or e.a,-&e" $oat&oads o1 6a-anese citi<ens or!ani<ed -rotests a!ainst a da, in t0e Na!ara ri2er" $ t not to -rotect t0e eco&o!/ o1 t0e ri2er+ Rat0er" it 'as to -rotest t0e intr sion o1 a &ar!e concrete str ct re in t0e care1 &&/ c &ti2ated scener/+ GIt 'as a&so to -rotest t0e i,-act on t0e 1is0in! ind str/ t0at t0e da, 'o &d 0a2e" since it 'o &d -re2ent tro t 1ro, s-a'nin!+H Ho'e2er" 6a-an 0as -&ed!ed t0e &ar!est a,o nt o1 ,one/ o1 an/ nation 1or en2iron,enta& -rotection 'or&d'ide+ In India" so,e Hind sects s c0 as t0e Bis0ois do not a&&o' t0e c ttin! do'n o1 an/ trees or t0e s&a !0ter o1 ani,a&s+ T0is is e.tre,e re2erence 1or Nat re" '0ic0 0as -recedence o2er 0 ,an acti2ities+ On t0e ot0er 0and" -iet/ does not a&'a/s ,ean -rotection o1 t0e en2iron,ent in t0at co ntr/+ T0e -o&& tion o1 India:s ri2ers 0as $een

an enor,o s -ro$&e, 1or t0e en2iron,enta& -rotection ,inistr/+ Po&& tion is a -artic &ar&/ tric)/ -ro$&e, '0en t0e sacred Gan!es" 'it0 its 1rei!0t o1 ntreated 'aste and t0e as0es and re,ains o1 cre,ated -eo-&e 1ro, 1 nera& -/res" is t0e iss e+ T0e #aoists in traditiona& C0ina 0e&d t0at t0e Wa/" t0e 'ao, ,eant $eco,in! one 'it0 nat re and its &i1e ener!/+ C0inese !ardens re-resent ,o ntains" strea,s" and ca2es" a&& -&aces '0ere s-irits d'e&& and so rces o1 ,editati2e serenit/ t0at a&&o' esca-e 1ro, t0e -ress res o1 t0e 'or&d+ Nat re do,inates 0 ,an acti2it/ in t0at 2ie'+ B t in ,odern C0ina traditiona& !ardens are state o'ned and constant&/ cro'ded 'it0 C0inese 2isitors '0o &itter+ #e2otion to t0e s-irits o1 nat re 0as $een - $&ic&/ deno nced+ T0e !o2ern,ent 0as a&&ocated &itt&e ,one/ 1or -rotection o1 t0e en2iron,ent or c&ean - o1 -o&& tion" '0ic0 is considera$&e+ Nat re is do,inated $/ 0 ,an acti2it/ toda/+ A,on! c &t res '0ose -riorit/ is do,inatin! nat re" tec0no&o!/ is o1ten in2o)ed+ Tec0no&o!/ is concerned 'it0 t0e re&ations0i- o1 -eo-&e to t0eir nat ra& en2iron,ent+LM A&& c &t res de2e&o- too&s 1or s r2i2a& in t0eir i,,ediate s rro ndin!s+ Ver/ o&d and 2er/ ne' c &t res s0are t0is 0 ,an endea2or8 creatin! too&s is so,et0in! a&& c &t res 0a2e a&'a/s done and 'i&& a&'a/s do+ It 0as $een ca&&ed a -artic &ar&/ 0 ,an acti2it/8 certain&/ on&/ 0 ,ans create too&s 1ro, -onderin! i,a!inati2e&/ -on ot0er too&s+ Me,$ers o1 c &t res 'it0 ad2anced too&3,a)in! ca-a$i&it/ o1ten ass ,e t0eir c &t re is s -erior to ot0ers 'it0 &ess3ad2anced tec0no&o!/+ T0is is not a $asis on '0ic0 to assess a '0o&e c &t re8 it is on&/ one -riorit/+ Present3da/ tec0no&o!/ is not necessari&/ t0e ,oBt so-0isticated e2er )no'n8 so,e -rocesses sed $/ ancient ci2i&i<ations" &i)e , ,,i1Cin! cor-ses in t0e E!/-t o1 t0e -0arao0s or !&a<in! -otter/ in t0e C0ina o1 t0e Son! d/nast/" cannot $e re-rod ced e.act&/ toda/+ Tec0no&o!/" t0e re&ations0i- o1 a -eo-&e to t0eir nat ra& en2iron,ent" is o1ten te,-ered and in1& enced $/ ot0er c &t ra& -riorities+ A c0a&&en!e to t0e 2ie' t0at tec0no&o!/ can do,inate nat re &ies in t0e butterfly theory, '0ic0 s !!ests t0at a $ tter1&/ ,o2in! its 'in!s on one $ranc0 in one -&ace can &ti,ate&/ $e a 1actor in '0et0er a 0 rricane $&o's in anot0er -&ace+

W0et0er t0e 0/-ot0esis can $e de,onstrated satis1actori&/ or not" t0e 1ra!i&it/ o1 t0e 'or&d:s ecos/ste, is o1 !reater concern t0an e2er $e1ore+ Scientists 'arn a$o t 0o&es de2e&o-in! in t0e o<one &a/er and a$o t !&o$a& 'ar,in!+ Go2ern,ents and $ sinesses 'or&d'ide not 9 st in co ntries t0at -ossess t0e ,ost tec0no&o!/are addressin! t0at concern 'it0 -o&icies to -rotect t0e en2iron,ent+ B t e2en t0o !0 s-ace -0oto!ra-0/" so-0isticated ,eas re,ents o1 conta,ination" and ot0er so rces o1 in1or,ation c0an!e o r scienti1ic nderstandin!" t0e c &t ra& -riorities a$o t nat re as do,ina$&e or indo,ita$&e c0an!e s&o'&/+ Anot0er attit de t0at can 0a2e an i,-act is 1o nd '0ere nat re" s c0 as certain ,o ntains or ri2ers" is endo'ed 'it0 s-irit a& &i1e+ H ,an acti2it/ a--ears to t0e $e&ie2ers to $e too insi!ni1icant to 0a2e a &astin! i,-act on transcendenta& nat re+ T0 s ,ost nations 0a2e a -& ra&it/ o1 co,-&e. attit des 1ro, di11erent 2a& e orientations in t0eir c &t re to'ard nat re+ T0at ,eans $ sinesses 0a2e to contend 'it0 co,-&e. attit des to'ard nat re" too+ A 1orei!n 1ir, ,a/ identi1/ an idea& site 1or a 9oint32ent re ,an 1act rin! -&ant on a ri2er+ B t t0e site ,a/ $e re2ered $/ &oca& citi<ens as a s-ot o1 nat ra& $ea t/ or s-irit a& si!ni1icance+ W0o 'inst0e sacred or t0e sec &ar'i&& de-end on t0e -riorities o1 t0e c &t re+ T0at $rin!s s to t0e ne.t % estion to as) o1 a c &t re+ Are *i!ine Po#ers or Humans at the Center o$ E!ents= W0o contro&s o tco,es o1 acti2it/= O1 $ siness= O1 &i1e and deat0= In ,an/ c &t res toda/ deities in a s-0ere o1 in1& ence t0at is a-art 1ro, t0e sec &ar 'or&d+ B siness-eo-&e /o )no' ,a/ -ra/ re! &ar&/ to a God '0o, t0e/ re2ere $ t ,a)e t0eir $ siness decisions $ased on 1actors t0at a--ear not to $e di2ine&/ ins-ired+ #e2o t indi2id a&s ,a/ indeed act -on -ri2ate di2ine ! idance" $ t t0e/ -ro$a$&/ 'i&& not - $&ic&/ e.-&ain t0eir actions t0at 'a/+ T0is is !enera&&/ t0e case in societies t0at 1o&&o' a stated -o&ic/ o1 se-aration o1 - $&ic a11airs and -ri2ate $e&ie1+ Re&i!io s s-o)es-ersons in t0ese c &t res are res-ected $ t not re&ied -on 1or decisions+ nion -residents" J estions o1 et0ics ,a/ $e re1erred to t0e," $ t t0e decisions rest 'it0 ot0ers '0ose res-onsi$i&it/ it is to ,a)e t0e decision7 or!ani<ations: CEOs"

ne's-a-er - $&is0ers" directors o1 !o2ern,ent -ro!ra,s" and so 1ort0+ E2en a,on! societies '0ere 0 ,an acti2it/ is considered acco nta$&e 1or o tco,es" s c0 as t0e United States" Great Britain" Canada" Po&and" H n!ar/" A stria" and Greeceto na,e a 1e'- $&ic re1erence to a deit/ in carr/in! on 0 ,an acti2it/ 2aries !reat&/+ Canadians" 1or e.a,-&e" are $e, sed $/ t0e 1re% enc/ 'it0 '0ic0 &eaders in t0e United States re1er to God+ So,e c &t res see &itt&e or no se-aration $et'een sec &ar and sacred &i1e+ A&& 0 ,an acti2it/" inc& din! $ siness" co,es 'it0in t0e a&&3e,$racin! circ&e o1 t0e di2ine+ A deit/ is at t0e center o1 e2er/ occ rrence+ In Madras" India" a $ siness,an !oes to t0e te,-&e se2era& ti,es a da/ and 0as 0is co,-an/ tr c) $&essed eac0 ,ornin! $e1ore 'or) $e!ins+ In Ban!)o)" T0ai&and" a $ siness'o,an o11ers 1ood to B dd0ist ,on)s ear&/ in t0e ,ornin! $e1ore o-enin! - 0er s0o-" and s0e ,a/ sto- at one o1 t0e street s0rines &ater in t0e da/ to -ra/+ In An)ara" T r)e/" t0e da/ $e!ins 'it0 -ra/ers to A&&a0" and -ra/ers 1o&&o' at inter2a&s t0ro !0o t t0e da/ in res-onse to t0e , e<<in:s ca&&+ India" T0ai&and" and T r)e/ are a&& sec &ar states and ! arantee 1reedo, o1 re&i!ion 1or a&&" $ t t0e -ractices o1 t0e 1ait0 o1 t0e ,a9orit/ 0a2e an i,-act on a&& a11airs+ O1 co rse" so,e nations o1 t0e 'or&d 0istorica&&/ 0a2e $een t0eocracies t0eir !o2ern,ents 1o&&o'ed t0e -rinci-&es and re! &ations o1 a re&i!ion in order to cond ct t0eir acti2ities+ A ,odern e.a,-&e o1 a t0eocrac/ is Iran+ T0e tendenc/ to see di2ine -o'er at t0e center o1 0 ,an endea2or is 'ides-read+ Let:s e.a,ine so,e o1 t0e ,a9or 'or&d re&i!ions+ Hinduism is one o1 t0e 'or&d:s o&dest re&i!ions+ It inc& des t0e idea o1 t0e 'or&d as a !reat s/ste, o1 0ierarc0ies" 'it0 t0e - rest at t0e to-+ Li2in! t0in!s are re$orn in c/c&e a1ter c/c&e o1 deat0 and re$irt0 nti& t0e/ at &ast reac0 nirvana, a state o1 eterna& -eace and $&iss+ In 0ierarc0ies o1 -eo-&e" ca&&ed castes, t0e - rest are t0e rahmin -riests+ T0e/ are not necessari&/ a&so t0e ,ost -o'er1 &" '0ic0 can con1 se $ siness-eo-&e 1ro, Western c &t res+ Eac0 caste carries its o'n 'harma or d ties" and ,e,$ers o1 eac0 caste are encoded 'it0 a-tit des 1or certain 'or)+L@ Peo-&e traditiona&&/ are e.-ected to &i2e accord3

in! to t0e e.-ectations o1 t0eir caste+ T0is 0as 0ad an e11ect on a,$ition and socia& ,o$i&it/+ * rt0er,ore" it ,eans indi2id a&s 0a2e s-eci1ic careers in '0ic0 t0e/ en9o/ ,o$i&it/ and ot0ers t0at are c&osed to t0e,+ T0e caste s/ste, 0as $een dec&ared i&&e!a& as a $asis 1or 0irin! and -ro,otin!" $ t its -riorities sti&& in Indian c &t re+ Hind is, 0as a d/na,is, t0at is t0e res &t o1 its e,$racin! $ot0 ,an/ ancient $e&ie1s and rit a&s and" at t0e sa,e ti,e" ne'er re&i!ions s c0 as B dd0is,+ T0is ,eans Hind is, 0as re,ar)a$&e di2ersit/+ Hind s in 'estern India do not 'ors0i- t0e sa,e !od or o$ser2e t0e sa,e 0o&/ da/s as Hind s in eastern India+ W0i&e ,ost Hind s 2enerate co's and do not eat $ee1 $eca se so &s can $e incarnated as ani,a&s as 'e&& as 0 ,ans" t0e Tantric G,/stica&H tradition is an e.ce-tion+ Basic $e&ie1s in one -art o1 t0e co ntr/ are re9ected in anot0er+ Hind is, 0as $een ca&&ed t0e ,ost acco,,odatin! o1 re&i!ions8 it 0as a&so $een c0ar!ed 'it0 resistin! c0an!e+ *or ,an/ Hind s" t0e $e&ie1 s/ste, is a 'a/ o1 &i1e ,ore t0an a re&i!ion+ B t ed cated Indians are &i)e&/ to se-arate 'or) and t0e rest o1 &i1e" o1ten as a res &t o1 Western in1& ence+ T0e 1orei!n $ siness-erson 'i&& need to &earn '0at -eo-&e:s $e&ie1s are in t0e s-eci1ic area o1 India+ Gent&e % estionin! 'i&& re2ea& 0o' 'i&&in! an Indian is to s-ea) a$o t re&i!io s iss es and t0e i,-act o1 caste -on -ro1essiona& &i1e+ Buddhism $e!an in India in t0e si.t0 cent r/ B+C+ 'it0 t0e teac0in!s o1 -rince Sidd0art0a Ga ta,a+ He &ed a s0e&tered &i1e o1 'ea&t0 and & . r/ nti& one da/ 0e ,et a $e!!ar" an o&d ,an" and one '0o 'as dead+ His e/es 'ere o-ened to t0e 0ars0ness o1 &i1e" and 0e &e1t 0is 0o,e to -onder t0e ,eanin! o1 s 11erin!+ He $eca,e en&i!0tened a1ter ,editatin! nder a sacred bo'a tree and s $se% ent&/ ta !0t '0at 0e 0ad nderstood+ T0e B dd0a:s *o r No$&e Tr t0s are as 1o&&o's7 D D D D To is to s 11er+ S 11erin! is ca sed $/ desire" '0ic0 is ne2er satis1ied co,-&ete&/+ S 11erin! sto-s '0en desire ceases+ T0e No$&e Ei!0t1o&d Pat0 is t0e 'a/ to end desire and t0 s s 11erin!+

*ro, t0e 2ie' o1 Western" action3oriented t0in)in!" B dd0is, is a -assi2e resistance to s 11erin!+ #esire and a,$ition are -ositi2e in ,an/ Western c &t res" not t0e ca se o1 s 11erin!+ B dd0is,:s Ei!0t1o&d Pat0 o t&ines et0ica& $e0a2ior t0at a2oids e2i& and 2io&ence and conte,-&ates t0e transitoriness o1 t0e $od/+ Meditation is t0e co,-&ete concentration o1 t0e ,ind on a sin!&e t0o !0t to ac0ie2e 1reedo, 1ro, desire and 1ina&&/ 1reedo, 1ro, sensation+ B dd0is, 'as ori!ina&&/ a re1or,ation ,o2e,ent 'it0in Hind is,+ It inter-rets one o1 t0e ideas o1 Hind is," karma, to ,ean t0e ine2ita$&e res &t o1 $e0a2ior in an et0ica& ca se3and3e11ect se% ence+ Good deeds 'i&& !enerate !ood )ar,a8 $ad deeds" $ad )ar,a+ T0e !ood or $ad )ar,a is not on&/ t0e res &ts one e.-eriences in t0is &i1e" $ t in s $se% ent &i2es as 'e&&+ Ga ta,a ta !0t t0at t0e end o1 t0e c/c&e o1 re$irt0s is nibbana, si,i&ar to t0e Hind nir2ana" e.ce-t t0at it is a state o1 not0in!ness $e/ond creation+ Indi2id a&s ,er!e t0e,se&2es 'it0 it in a 1ina& non$ein! t0at is &ti,ate&/ t0e end o1 s 11erin!+ B dd0is, 0as t'o !reat $ranc0es" T0era2ada and Ma0a/ana+ T0era2ada GFteac0in! o1 t0e e&dersFH B dd0is, is $ased on scri-t re" and $e&ie2ers do not a&so -ractice an/ ot0er re&i!ion ,i.ed in 'it0 B dd0is,+ It tends to $e 1o nd -ri,ari&/ in So t0 and So t0east Asia+ Co ntries t0at -ractice T0era2ada B dd0is, inc& de Sri Lan)a" Ca,$odia" T0ai&and" Laos" B r,a" and Vietna,+ T0e Ma0a/ana B dd0ists are !enera&&/ 1o nd in East Asia+ .ahayana ,eans Ft0e !reater 2e0ic&e"F ,eanin! Ga ta,a intended 0is teac0in!s to inc& de ot0er 'a/s as 'e&&" and Ma0a/ana B dd0ists o$ser2e ot0er re&i!ions a&on! 'it0 B dd0is,+ Ma0a/ana B dd0is, is -racticed in C0ina" Ne-a&" Mon!o&ia" Korea" and 6a-an+ In C0ina" B dd0ist -riests o1ten s0are t0eir te,-&es 'it0 #aoist -riests+ In Korea" B dd0is, and Con1 cianis, are -racticed to!et0er+ In 6a-an" 4en B dd0is, and S0intois, are -racticed to!et0er+ In Tai'an" B dd0is, inc& des o$ser2ances 1ro, #aois," Con1 cianis," and Ani,is,+ In so,e B dd0ist c &t res" s c0 as T0ai&and:s T0era2ada B dd0is," strict o$ser2ances i,-act -on $ siness &i1e+ Men $eco,e ,on)s 1or so,e -eriod o1 t0eir &i2es" s a&&/ $e1ore enterin! t0e 'or)1orce+ Wo,en , st ne2er co,e in -0/sica&

contact 'it0 ,on)s or t0eir ro$es" $ t dai&/ o11er rice and ot0er 1ood to !ain ,erit+ T0e ,on)s ,a/ $e in1& entia& in decisions t0at a11ect &oca& $ sinesses" s c0 as &a$or and 'a!es" &ocations 1or ne' $ sinesses" and ,ar)ets+ T0era2ada B dd0is, e,-0asi<es &earnin! not to desire t0in!s" and t0is can $e contrar/ to t0e !oa&s o1 a ,ar)et econo,/+ (et ,an/ co ntries 'it0 B dd0ist 1o&&o'ersT0ai&and" Tai'an" 6a-an" and So t0 Korea'ere econo,ic d/na,os in t0e ear&/ 5IIAs+ Hind is, and B dd0is, are $ot0 -o&/t0eistic re&i!ions,ore t0an one !od is 'ors0i--eda&t0o !0 t0e e,-0asis on s-eci1ic deities 2aries 1ro, one !eo!ra-0ic re!ion to anot0er+ In contrast" t0ree ot0er ,a9or 'or&d re&i!ions are ,onot0eistic7 Wors0i--ers -ra/ to on&/ one !od+ Audaism is t0e re&i!ion o1 t0e 6e's+ It $e!an $e1ore 5LAA B+C+ and is t0e $asis or conte.t 1or t0e de2e&o-,ent o1 $ot0 C0ristianit/ and Is&a," '0ic0 1o&&o'ed+ T0e C0ristian Bi$&e contains t0e ?I F$oo)sF or se-arate 'ritin!s" ca&&ed t0e O&d Testa,ent" t0at ,a)e - 6 dais,:s sacred scri-t re+ Most o1 t0ese ?I $oo)s 'ere 'ritten ori!ina&&/ in He$re'+ T0e 1irst 1i2e $oo)s to!et0er are ca&&ed t0e Tora0+ Anot0er i,-ortant doc ,ent is t0e Ta&, d" ,ade - o1 t0e Mis0na G'0ic0 dea&s 'it0 t0e &e!a& co,-onent o1 t0e 6e'is0 ora& traditionH and t0e Ge,ara or co,,entar/ $/ 6e'is0 sc0o&ars o2er cent ries -on t0e Mis0na+ Bot0 'ritten te.ts and ora& tradition are t0e $asis o1 t0e -ractice o1 6 dais,+ Practice ,eans 1o&&o'in! t0e r &es and 0o&/ &a's+ Most 6e's s0are certain $e&ie1s+ A,on! t0ese are $e&ie1 in D D D

One God+ God:s concern 1or 0 ,ans+ T0e concern t0at one -erson s0o &d s0o' 1or anot0er+ T0e covenant, an a!ree,ent $et'een God and t0e -eo-&e o1 Israe& T0e 'or&d to co,e or t0e Messia0 or t0e Messianic A!e+

e.-ressed t0ro !0 God:s &a's 1or t0e -ro-er se o1 t0e ni2erse+ D

6e's '0o -artici-ate in re&i!io s o$ser2ances a&so s0are D D 6e'is0 -ractices+ 6e'is0 0o&/ da/s and t0e 6e'is0 ca&endar+

*ina&&/" t0ose '0o in an/ 'a/ identi1/ t0e,se&2es as 6e's s0are t0e &on! c0ain o1 tradition t0at is t0e 0istor/ o1 t0e 6e'is0 -eo-&e+ 6 dais, as it is 1o nd in t0e United States toda/ is di2ided into 1o r ,odern re&i!io s ,o2e,ents re-resented $/ s/na!o! e ,e,$ers0i-7 Ort0odo." Re1or," Conser2ati2e" and Reconstr ctionist+ T0ese 1o r ,o2e,ents are a&so re-resented in ot0er co ntries in t0e 'or&d" a&t0o !0 -er0a-s in di11erent -ro-ortions t0an in t0e United States+ A s,a&& -ercenta!e o1 6e's identi1/ 'it0 ,ore or &ess e.tre,ist" ri!0t3'in!" c &t3&i)e ,o2e,ents Gs c0 as Hasidis,H t0at 0ad t0eir ori!ins in 5Nt03 cent r/ E ro-e+ A &ar!e -ercenta!e o1 6e's 'or&d'ide identi1/ t0e,se&2es as 6e'is0 t0o !0 t0e/ $e&on! to no ,o2e,entso,e o1 t0ese do 9oin s/na!o! es 1ro, ti,e to ti,e" $ t ot0ers -re1er to re,ain Fsec &arF 1or ideo&o!ica& reasons+ Mi.ed a,on! $ot0 sec &ar and s/na!o! e3$ased 6e's are ot0ers '0o center t0eir 6e'is0 identit/ on 4ionis," t0e ,o2e,ent to create and s stain a 6e'is0 0o,e&and in Israe&+ No ,atter '0at $e&ie1s a 6e' s $scri$es to" t0ere is a sense o1 so&idarit/ a,on! 6e's $orn o1 t0e reco!nition t0at t0e/ s0are a co,,on 0istor/" 0erita!e" &an! a!e" and c &t re+ T0e/ a&so 1ee& t0e,se&2es to $e a co,, nit/+ T0e Ta&, d e.-ressed its reco!nition o1 t0is co,,ona&it/ in a -ositi2e state,ent" FA&& 6e's are res-onsi$&e one 1or anot0er+F T0is ca-t res t0e 6e'is0 2a& e ca&&ed @lal -israel, t0e FCo,, nit/ o1 Israe&+F Christianit) is t0e 1ait0 o1 t0e ,a9orit/ o1 t0e 'or&d:s -o- &ation" $ t C0ristians are di2ided into se2era& ,a9or $ranc0es7 Cat0o&icis," Protestantis," and, 0ad an esti,ated L $i&&ion ad0erents in t0e /ear LAAA+LK Ro,an Cat0o&ics are t0e &ar!est $od/+ T0e/ e,-0asi<e t0e a t0orit/ o1 t0e Ro,an Cat0o&ic C0 rc0 in a centra&i<ed" 0ierarc0ica& s/ste,+ 6es s" t0e Son o1 God as 'e&& as Son o1 Man" $orn o1 a 'o,an" Mar/" is 0e&d to $e t0e ad2ocate 1or t0e indi2id a& 'it0 God+ A-art 1ro, t0is ad2ocac/ Gor t0at o1 0is ,ot0erH" and o$ser2ation o1 t0e sacra,ents o1 t0e C0 rc0" t0ere is no sa&2ation+ Priests carr/ o t t0e sacra,ents+ Protestants di11er 1ro, Cat0o&ics in t0at t0e/ 0o&d 6es s a&one is t0e ,ediator $/ !race" and indi2id a&s 0a2e direct and -ersona& access to 6es s+ C0ristians $e&ie2e in one God+ Be&ie2ers c&ai, 6es s 'as God incarnate in an 0istorica& -erson '0o 'as an itinerant teac0er in 6 dea" Sa,aria" and Ga&i&ee

G-resent3da/ Israe&H+ He s-o)e a$o t God as *at0er" and o1 0i,se&1 as t0e Son o1 God+ 6es s 'as $orn d rin!

t0e Ro,an occ -ation o1 t0e area and 'as - t to deat0 $/ t0e Ro,an -o'ers 'it0 t0e coo-eration o1 t0e &oca& !o2ernor and re&i!io s &eaders+ His deat0 'as not t0e end" 0o'e2er8 a1ter t0ree da/s in a to,$" accordin! to Bi$&ica& acco nts" 6es s a--eared and 'a&)ed a,on! -eo-&e '0o )ne' 0i, $e1ore $ein! ta)en - into 0ea2en+ He c&ai,ed to 0a2e eterna& &i1e" and 1 rt0er,ore to o11er eterna& &i1e to $e&ie2ers+ T0e res rrection o1 6es s is '0at C0ristians ce&e$rate at Easter" t0e 0o&iest e2ent o1 t0e C0ristian /ear+ C0ristianit/ is $ased on t0e teac0in!s o1 6es s and o1 inter-reters o1 0is teac0in!s+ T0e Cat0o&ic c0 rc0" centered in Ro,e" 0istorica&&/ 0ad &ar!e econo,ic interests $ t disco ra!ed its -riests 1ro, in2o&2e,ent in $ siness+ Indi2id a&s in re&i!io s orders s a&&/ reno nce -ersona& econo,ic and $ siness endea2ors+ T0e Protestant Re1or,ation e,-0asi<ed t0e &ac) o1 distinction $et'een re&i!io s and sec &ar &i1e" and t0 s t0e 'a/ 'as o-ened 1or t0e ,er!in! o1 t0e - rs it o1 1inancia& !oa&s 'it0 s-irit a& !oa&s+ T0e conce-t o1 -redestination" -ro,inent in so,e Protestant sects" is t0at t0e e&ect or c0osen indi2id a&s are t0e ones '0o recei2e t0e !i1t o1 !race+ So,e 0istorians see t0e &in)a!e o1 ,ateria& -ros-erit/ to t0e e&ect as a 2isi$&e si!n o1 God:s $&essin!" as t0e &in)a!e t0at ,ade t0e de2e&o-,ent o1 ca-ita&is, -ossi$&e and e2en -io s+ Wea&t0 ca,e to $e seen as a si!n o1 God:s a--ro2a& and $&essin!+ I1 God:s a--ro2a& rested -on /o " /o 'or)ed 0ard and $eca,e 'ea&t0/+ Wea&t0 'asn:t to $e s-ent on se&13ind &!ence" 0o'e2er+ A&on! 'it0 t0e notion o1 !ainin! ric0es 'ent t0e notion o1 not s-endin! it" $ t rat0er sa2in! and in2estin! itin ot0er 'ords" creatin! ca-ita&+ Ca-ita&is, !re' in t0is en2iron,ent+ Islam is t0e re&i!ion o1 a$o t as ,an/ -eo-&e as Hind is, and B dd0is, co,$ined+L> M s&i,s &i2e in ?A co ntries and Is&a, is t0e do,inant re&i!ion in 5I+ Is&a, $e!an in KLL A+#+ '0en Mo0a,,ed 'it0dre' 1ro, Mecca to Medina8 t0at 'it0dra'a& is ca&&ed t0e he$ira. Is&a, t0en s-read ra-id&/ t0ro !0 ,i&itar/ con% est 1or LAA /ears+ Part o1 its a--ea&" $esides t0e i,-erati2e o1 t0e s'ord" 'as and is its ndiscri,inatin! and e% a& e,$race o1 ,e,$ers o1 a&& races+ It is t0e 1astest !ro'in! re&i!ion in t0e United States+

Islam ,eans Fto s $,itF and .uslim ,eans Fs $,ittin!F or Fo$e/in!+F A $e&ie2er s $,its to t0e 'ord o1 God as trans,itted t0ro !0 t0e -ro-0et" Mo0a,,ed" in t0e $oo) o1 t0e @oran. T0e @oran is in Ara$ic+ As ,entioned in C0a-ter @" t0is ,a)es Ara$ic a 0o&/ &an! a!e o1 t0e 'ord o1 God+ In M s&i, co ntries" -er0a-s t0e ,ost co,,on -0rase is Inshallah, ,eanin! Ft0e 'i&& o1 God $e done+F A 1 nda,enta& $e&ie1 in Is&a, is t0at e2er/t0in!" !ood or $ad" -roceeds 1ro, t0e 'i&& o1 God+ Is&a, is a 'a/ o1 &i1e t0at a11ects e2er/ as-ect o1 dai&/ &i1e" t0ro !0 t0e Sharia or &a' o1 Is&a,+ Iran" Li$/a" and t0e Ta&i$an in A1!0anistan 1o&&o' t0e S0aria as t0e &a' o1 t0e &and+ Its - nis0,ents so nd ,edie2a&7 a,- tatin! t0e 0ands o1 t0ie2es" stonin! n2irt o s 'o,en+ T0e/ ne2ert0e&ess are e11ecti2e+ T0e *i2e Pi&&ars o1 Is&a, are

Shaha'ah, t0e -ro1ession o1 t0e 1ait0+ T0is is s ,,ed - in t0e creed" Salah, 'ors0i-+ Is&a, re% ires -ra/er 1i2e ti,es a da/+ Wors0i--ers 1ace

FT0ere is no !od $ t God" and Mo0a,,ed is 0is -ro-0et+F


Mecca" t0e 0o&/ cit/" and -ra/ in Ara$ic+ T0e ,ost i,-ortant -ra/er ti,e is noon on *rida/" '0en ,a&es are re% ired to attend t0e ,os% e+

Kakat, a&,s!i2in!+ Mo0a,,ed 'as 0i,se&1 an or-0an and M s&i,s .ire

r!ed to !i2e !enero s&/ to t0e -oor+


Sa&m, 1astin!+ *astin! 1ro, s nrise to s nset is re% ired d rin! t0e <a,, -i&!ri,a!e+ E2er/ ad &t '0o can a11ord it is re% ired to 2isit

,ont0 o1 #ama'an, t0e nint0 ,ont0 o1 t0e ca&endar+


Mecca+ Pi&!ri,a!e occ rs d rin! t0e 5Lt0 ,ont0 o1 t0e M s&i, ca&endar+ So,e -rece-ts o1 Is&a, are contrar/ to Western $ siness -ractices" !i2in! Is&a,ic co ntries no &itt&e di11ic &t/ in sortin! o t $e0a2ior t0at is 'it0in Is&a,ic -rinci-&es $ t a&so in )ee-in! 'it0 !ood interc &t ra& $ siness+ *or e.a,-&e" M s&i,s are not s --osed to c0ar!e or -a/ interest on &oans+ B/ recei2in! a ! aranteed interest" an indi2id a& !ets a re'ard 'it0o t 'or)in! 1or it+ A ret rn on t0e de-osit is on&/ acce-ta$&e i1 t0e indi2id a& eit0er 'or)s 1or t0e ret rn or is at ris)" 1or e.a,-&e" i1 t0e indi2id a&:s acco nt !oes do'n $/ a -ro-ortionate a,o nt '0en t0e $an) &oses ,one/+ T0is 'a/ o1 t0in)in! 0as !i2en rise to Is&a,ic $an)in!" and

$an)s t0at -ractice it cannot co,-ete e11ecti2e&/ 1or c sto,ers '0o 'ant to earn interest on de-osits+ Since t0e 'i&& o1 A&&a0 is o,ni-otent" M s&i,s '0o carr/ ins rance -o&icies ris) $ein! acc sed o1 &ac) o1 de2otion or e2en de1iance o1 A&&a0:s 'i&&+ *orei!ners 'it0 contracts to de2e&o- or $ i&d in Mecca and Medina 1ace t0e di11ic &t/ o1 not $ein! a&&o'ed to enter t0ese 0o&/ cities n&ess t0e/ are M s&i,+ M s&i, !o2ern,ents ,a/ not s --ort 'e&1are -ro!ra,s in ti,es o1 econo,ic recession" since Kakat re% ires $e&ie2ers to !i2e c0arit/+ In Western co ntries" M s&i,s: dai&/ -ra/er ,a/ $e at odds 'it0 $ siness sc0ed &es+ *astin! d rin! #ama'an can a11ect -rod cti2it/+ 6 st as B dd0is, and C0ristianit/ $ot0 0a2e t'o !reat $ranc0es" so does Is&a,7 S nni and S0ia+ T0eir di11erence concerns t0e ri!0t1 & 0eir to Mo0a,,ed:s -o'er+ S nnis'0o 'on a ,a9orit/ o1 1o&&o'ersc&ai,ed Mo0a,,ed:s disci-&es s0o &d $e 0is s ccessors" '0i&e S0iites c&ai,ed a ne-0e' s0o &d $e+ S0iites are do,inant in Iran and eastern Ira% and are a -o'er1 & ,inorit/ in ot0er co ntries" '0ic0 -rod ces con1&ict $eca se t0e/ tend to'ard re2i2in! 1 nda,enta& -rinci-&es o1 Is&a, and a!ainst co,-ro,isin! Is&a, 'it0 ,odern c &t res+ T0e ro&e o1 re&i!ion in -eo-&e:s &i2es is so,et0in! $ siness-eo-&e need to )no' a$o t+ Most c &t res 0a2e so,e -roced re 1or /o n! -eo-&e to &earn a$o t t0eir 1a,i&/:s re&i!ion+ C0i&dren in Cat0o&ic 0o,es 0a2e t0eir 1irst co,, nion at a$o t se2en /ears o1 a!e+ Protestant c0i&dren o1 ,ain&ine deno,inations are acce-ted as ,e,$ers into a c0 rc0 as teena!ers Gin so,e Protestant c0 rc0es ad &t ,e,$ers are recei2ed -on $a-tis,H+ 6e'is0 o11s-rin! 0a2e $ar ,it<2a0s and $at ,it<2a0s at t0e a!e o1 re&i!io s res-onsi$i&it/" s a&&/ 5?+ In T0ai&and" e2er/ ,a&e is e.-ected to s-end so,e ti,e" s a&&/ si. ,ont0s to t'o /ears" as a B dd0ist ,on) a1ter co,-&etin! 0is ed cation and $e1ore !ettin! ,arried and esta$&is0in! a 1a,i&/+ One 'a/ re&i!ion a11ects -eo-&e:s &i2es is in t0e s-ecia& da/s o1 o$ser2ance or ce&e$ration+ B siness tra2e&ers need to $e a'are o1 re&i!io s 0o&ida/s in ot0er c &t res+ *rida/ is M s&i,s: 0o&/ da/8 Sat rda/ is t0e 6e'is0 Sa$$at0+ S nda/" t0e 0o&/ da/ o1 C0ristians" ,a/ ,ean t0at stores and -&aces o1 $ siness are c&osed+ Ra,adan" t0e nint0 ,ont0 o1 t0e Is&a,ic /ear" is a ,ont0 o1 1astin! 1ro, s nrise to s nsetnot t0e ti,e to in2ite a $ siness co&&ea! e to & nc0+

T0e ne' /ear $e!ins 1or B dd0ists on t0e 1irst ne' ,oon o1 t0e & nar /ear" an/ ti,e 1ro, &ate 6an ar/ to ,id3*e$r ar/" and s a&&/ in2o&2es se2era& da/s: c&os re o1 $ sinesses+ GB t T0ai&and" t0e ,ost B dd0ist nation in t0e 'or&d" a&so ce&e$rates ne' /ear in A-ri&+H In C0ina" t0e B dd0ist & nar ne' /ear 0as $een re-&aced $/ S-rin! *esti2a&" '0ic0 ta)es -&ace at t0e sa,e ti,e" t0e 1irst ne' ,oon o1 t0e 1irst ,ont0 o1 t0e & nar ca&endar+ O$2io s&/" a $ siness tra2e&er to anot0er co ntr/ needs to 1ind o t '0en t0at nation:s 0o&ida/s are and '0en -eo-&e 'i&& $e a2ai&a$&e to ,eet in order to -&an an e11ecti2e 2isit+ B siness-eo-&e a&so need to $e 2er/ care1 & not to ,a)e ass ,-tions $ased on stereot/-es a$o t ot0er re&i!ions+ W0et0er 'e&co,in! a ne' e,-&o/ee or in2esti!atin! t0e -ossi$i&it/ o1 a $ siness o-eration a$road" /o 'i&& 'ant to )ee/o r ,ind o-en and /o r in% iries !ent&e+ Learn '0at /o need to )no' in order to do $ siness to!et0er+ Ho# Is Time 0nderstood. %easured. and 3ept= Anot0er 2a& e orientation to do 'it0 bi$ % estions concerns a c &t re:s 2ie' o1 ti,e+ Traditiona& c &t res t0in) o1 ti,e as c/c&ica&+ T0e r0/t0,s o1 nat re and t0e cos,os dictate t0is 2ie'7 #a/ /ie&ds to ni!0t" '0ic0 in t rn /ie&ds to da/ a!ain8 rain 1o&&o's dr/ -eriods t0at co,e a1ter rain8 t0e ti,e to -&ant &eads to t0e ti,e to n rt re" t0en t0e ti,e to 0ar2est and t0e ti,e -&ants die+ E2er/t0in! 1o&&o's a -attern o1 $irt0" &i1e" deat0" and rene'a&" e2en in dai&/ acti2it/ a1ter '0ic0 t0e 'ear/ $od/ s&ee-s and 'a)es a!ain re1res0ed+ Wit0in t0e c/c&ica& 1ra,e'or)" e2ents t0at occ r ta)e as &on! as t0e/ ta)e8 t0eir ti,e is dictated $/ t0eir o'n essentia& nat re+ T0is 2ie' is co,,on a,on! a!rarian c &t res '0ose ,e,$ers are c&ose&/ att ned to r0/t0,s o1 c &ti2ation+ T0e corn 'i&& $e ri-e '0en it 0as 1inis0ed ri-enin!" in its o'n ti,e+ It is a&so -ersistent in c &t res t0at 2a& e 0 ,an interaction and re&ations0i-s+ Monastic &i1e o1 t0e so3ca&&ed #ar) A!es is o1ten credited 'it0 de2e&o-in! a notion o1 ti,e as ,odern E ro-ean and Nort0 A,erican c &t res )no' it+ T0e

,on)s needed to re! &ate t0eir -ra/ers as a co,, nit/+ I1 e2er/one 'o)e - &ate one da/ and ear&ier t0e ne.t" t0e co,, nit/:s -ra/er &i1e 'o &d $e ndisci-&ined and t0eir ot0er acti2ities 'o &d $e erratic+ So ,onasteries $e!an rin!in! $e&&s to ,aintain a sc0ed &ed" ordered &i1e+ An idea too) s0a-e7 to ,eas re so,et0in! a$stract" intan!i$&e" and de1ined 0o'e2er /o 'anted to de1ine it" ca&&ed time. Ti,e co &d $e !i2en an identit/ and t0en se!,ented into co,-onent -arts+ Mon)s !a2e t0e se!,ents na,es" &i)e none Gnoon" t0e 1i1t0 canonica& 0o r and ,ida1ternoon -ra/erH and compline Gt0e se2ent0 and &ast o1 t0e canonica& 0o rs and e2enin! -ra/erH+ E ro-ean ,on)s 'eren:t t0e on&/ ones to tr/ to ,eas re ti,e8 Ma/an -riests 0ad $een doin! it in Me.ico" G ate,a&a" and Be&i<e 1or a t0o sand /ears+ Meas rin! instr ,ents $eca,e ,ore -recise as na2i!ationa& needs !re' in E ro-e and as astrono,/ de2e&o-ed+ B/ t0e 5Nt0 cent r/" t0e instr ,ents to ,eas re ti,e and t0e ,o2e,ent o1 -&anets see,ed a$&e to re2ea& t0e secrets o1 t0e c&oc)'or) ni2erse+ And ti,e $eca,e a co,,odit/+

FTi,e is ,one/+F FSa2e ti,e+F FS-end ti,e+F FUse ti,e 'ise&/8 donFt 'aste ti,e+F FMa)e ti,e+F FTa)e /o r ti,e+F T0ese are so,e o1 t0e -0rases 'e co,,on&/ se t0at nderscore t0e 2a& e o1 ti,e as so,et0in! to $e $o !0t and so&d+ E,-&o/ees se&& t0eir ti,e to an or!ani<ation and t0e/ are -aid 1or t0eir ti,e+ La'/ers and cons &tants o1 a&& stri-es $i&& c&ients 1or t0eir ti,e+ In a &ater disc ssion a$o t '0at is -ri2ate and '0at is - $&ic" 'e ta&) a$o t doin! so,et0in! on t0e co,-an/:s ti,e 2ers s doin! it on one:s F1reeF ti,e+ Te&eco,, tin! e,-&o/ees '0o 'or) at 0o,e sin! a co,- ter ,ode, sa/ F,/ ti,e is ,/ o'n"F s !!estin! t0at t0e/ Fo'nF t0eir 'or) sc0ed &es and can 'or) '0en t0e/ -&ease" not on&/ '0en t0e or!ani<ation:s doors are o-en to t0e - $&ic+ T0e o--osite is an e,-&o/ee '0ose 0o rs are Fo'nedF $/ t0e or!ani<ation+ W0at does it ,ean to $e Fon ti,eF= T0e de1inition o1 - nct a&it/ 2aries 1ro, c &t re to c &t re+ T0e c &t ra& -riorit/ o1 ti,e 0as c&ose &in)s to anot0er c &t ra& -riorit/7 re&ations0i-s 2ers s res &ts+ W0ere -eo-&e are i,-ortant and t0e n rt rin!

o1 re&ations0i-s ,atters" t0e ti,e necessar/ 1or n rt rin! acti2ities is 1&e.i$&e+ (o ,a/ 0a2e an a--oint,ent in P erto Rico 1or 5A7?A in t0e ,ornin!8 /o ,a/ $e t0e second a--oint,ent on t0e ot0er -erson:s a!enda8 and /o can sti&& $e 'aitin! at 557?A+ E2er/$od/ is so i,-ortant t0at no ,eetin! can $e r s0ed 1or t0e sa)e o1 a sc0ed &e i,-osed ar$itrari&/+ In C0ina" tra11ic snar&s o1ten de&a/ -eo-&e 1ro, arri2in! on ti,e at ,eetin!s and a&t0o !0 an a-o&o!/ is e.-ected" &ateness is not an ins &t+ Bot0 P erto Rico and C0ina 0a2e stron! orientations to'ard $ i&din! re&ations0i-s in order to do $ siness e11ecti2e&/+ In res &ts3oriented c &t res" ad0erence to sc0ed &es is , c0 ,ore i,-ortant+ In Israe&" 1or e.a,-&e" -ro,-tness is a $asic co rtes/ as 'e&& as an indication o1 serio sness a$o t 'or)+ In R ssia" ti,e is not re&ated to cost or -ro1its" and - nct a&it/$ein! Fon ti,eF is an a&ien conce-t7 FR ssians are notorio s&/ not on ti,e" and t0e/ t0in) not0in! o1 arri2in! &on! a1ter t0e a--ointed 0o r" '0ic0 is not considered as $ein! &ate+FLN W0at does e11ecti2e se o1 ti,e ,ean= As 'e disc ssed ear&ier" res &ts3oriented c &t res tend a&so to se a ca se3and3e11ect -attern to nderstand so,et0in! and to se -&annin! to contro& ncertaint/+ T0ese c &t res a&so 0a2e a &inear 2ie' o1 ti,e8 a1ter a&&" a ca se3and3e11ect se% ence n1o&ds in ti,e 1ro, t0e !eneration o1 so,et0in! to its res &ts+ Peo-&e '0o 2ie' ti,e as a 0i!0'a/ -ro!ressin! 1ro, t0e -ast into t0e 1 t re a&so tend to $e&ie2e t0e -ast is $ac)!ro nd and -re-aration 1or t0e -resent+ T0e/ t0in) t0e -resent in t rn 'i&& $e t0e $asis 1or t0e 1 t re+ Ti,e is -eo-&e '0o see c/c&ica& -atterns t0at re-eat t0e,se&2es+ Peo-&e '0o 2ie' ti,e as &inear and as di2isi$&e into c0 n)s t0at 0a2e a ,ar)et 2a& e ,eas re ti,e in re&ati2e&/ s0ort -eriods7 ,in tes" 0o rs" da/s+ In c &t res '0ere ti,e is e.-ansi2e" ,eas re,ents are in 'ee)s and ,ont0s" s c0 as in R ssia '0ere -atience 0as a 0i!0 -riorit/+ Ti,e can $e ,onoc0ronicone3di,ensiona& ti,eor -o&/c0ronic , &tidi,ensiona& ti,e+LI Monoc0ronic ti,e is &inear+ Peo-&e are e.-ected to arri2e at 'or) on ti,e and 'or) 1or a certain n ,$er o1 0o rs at certain acti2ities+ T0en a1ter restin! 1or an a--ointed -eriod" t0e/ are e.-ected to res ,e 'or) acti2ities+ In so,e sed e11ecti2e&/ '0en !oa&s can $e acco,-&is0ed s-eedi&/+ T0is is 2er/ di11erent 1ro,

,onoc0ronic or!ani<ations" $ein! e2en a 1e' ,in tes o11 sc0ed &e is not acce-ta$&e+ In -o&/c0ronic c &t res" ti,e is an o-en3ended reso rce not to $e constrained+ Conte.t sets t0e -ace and r0/t0," not t0e c&oc)+ E2ents ta)e as &on! as t0e/ need to ta)e8 co,, nication does not 0a2e to conc& de accordin! to t0e c&oc)" and t0e c&oc) does not re% ire c&os re o1 t0e $ siness at 0and+ T0e idea o1 ,onoc0ronic or -o&/c0ronic ti,e can $e re&ated to a -re2io s&/ e.a,ined c &t ra& di,ension7 '0et0er tas)s are done seria&&/ or se% entia&&/+ Is Chan e Positi!e or @e ati!e= T0e c &t re o1 t0e United States t0in)s o1 c0an!e as desira$&e and -ositi2e+ At t0e nation:s 1o ndin!" ne& 'as t0o !0t to $e $etter t0an t0e o&d+ In ad2ertisin! s&o!ans toda/" ne' ,eans better -rod cts and ser2ices+ C0an!e ,eans ,o2in! 1or'ard in &inear ti,e to'ard e2er ,ore desira$&e ac0ie2e,ents+ T0e $ siness c &t re o1 t0e United States - ts a 0i!0 -riorit/ on t0e acco,-&is0,ent o1 !oa&s" acc , &ation o1 'ea&t0" e11icient se o1 ti,e to do so" and a -ositi2is, t0at c&ai,s to,orro' 'i&& $e $etter t0an toda/ 9 st as toda/ is $etter t0an /esterda/+ W0en c0an!e 0as a 0i!0 -riorit/" ,e,$ers o1 a c &t re e.-ress o-ti,is, a$o t t0e 1 t re+ Traditiona&&/ a!rarian c &t res t/-ica&&/ 2ie' c0an!e in t0e o--osite 'a/+ Since -eo-&e '0o &i2e on t0e &and cannot ,o2e a'a/ and ta)e t0eir 'or) 'it0 t0e," t0e/ tend to de2e&o- sta$&e" static co,, nities+ T0e/ see t0e c/c&es o1 -&antin! and 0ar2est" rain and s n" da/ and ni!0t at 2er/ c&ose 2ie'+ T0e/ a&so t0in) o1 c0an!e as ne!ati2e+ It ,eans so,e disr -tion to t0e esta$&is0ed -atterns o1 &i1e+ T0e/ $e&ie2e /esterda/ 'as $etter t0an toda/" and to,orro' 'i&& $e 'orse t0an toda/+ Prod cts t0at ca&& t0e,se&2es ne& are not to $e tr sted+ Pessi,is, a--ears in t0e 'a/ R ssians 2ie' c0an!e" 1or e.a,-&e+ R ssians e.-ect t0in!s to $e $ad in t0e -resent and 'orse in t0e 1 t re" and in -art t0is -ost re ena$&es R ssians to 1ace c0an!e and ncertaint/ stoica&&/+ T0ere is 9 sti1ication 1or -essi,is,+ A1ter a&&" 0istorica&&/ t0e F$est and $ri!0test 0a2e traditiona&&/ $een $anis0ed+ In O&d R ssia inde-endent t0in)ers 'ere e.i&ed to Si$eria + + + Sta&in:s - r!es o1 t0e 5I?As 1 rt0er deci,ated t0e inte&&i!entsia" and toda/ ,an/ o1 R ssia:s

$est are $ein! &ost t0ro !0 i,,i!ration+F?A End rance is one o1 R ssian c &t re:s to-riorities+ C&ear&/ t0e -riorit/ a$o t c0an!e 0as a c&ose connection 'it0 an ear&ier one" ncertaint/ a2oidance+ C0an!e a&'a/s in2o&2es ncertaint/ a$o t '0at 'i&& res &t" and c &t res t0at 2ie' c0an!e ne!ati2e&/ are a&so t/-ica&&/ )een to a2oid ncertaint/+ T0e o&d 'a/s are $estt0e 1a,i&iar is tr st'ort0/ e2en '0en it is )no'n to 0a2e 1a &ts+ (esterda/ is o1ten endo'ed 'it0 a !o&den !&o' and t0o !0t o1 as s -erior to toda/+ T0is 2ie' 0o&ds t0at t0e -ast ,a/ one da/ co,e a!ain i1 t0in!s sta$i&i<e" and 'e ,a/ ret rn to t0e o&d 'a/s+ C/c&ica& 2ie's o1 ti,e are consistent 'it0 antic0an!e c &t res+ C &t res t0at are conscio s o1 t0eir &on! 0istories cannot easi&/ nderstand se2erin! connections to t0e -ast or 'antin! to do so+ B siness-eo-&e 1ro, /o n!er c &t res s c0 as t0e United States are o1ten i,-atient 'it0 ot0er c &t res t0at c&in! to o&d 'a/s+ T0e/ o-erate 'it0 ca se3and3e11ect &o!ic and see t0at in order to acco,-&is0 a -artic &ar !oa& Gan orientation t0e/ 2a& e 0i!0&/H ne' 'a/s Gor -rod cts or -roced resH are 0e&-1 &+ T0e/ cannot nderstand '0/ ot0ers $a&) at ado-tin! so,et0in! ne'+ th the End o$ Li$e or Part o$ Li$e= T0e 1ina& -riorit/ 'e:&& consider in t0is c0a-ter 1or -osin! % estions o1 a c &t re is a$o t 1ina& t0in!s+ So,e c &t res 2ie' deat0 as t0e end o1 &i1e" a % enc0in! o1 t0e &i!0t+ Peo-&e in t0ese c &t res dread deat0+ So,e c &t res 2ie' deat0 as anot0er -0ase in &i1e" a necessar/ ste- in t0e -attern o1 &i1e+ Peo-&e in t0ese c &t res acce-t deat0+ Hind s $e&ie2e in reincarnation" and in India:s $ rnin! !0ats" $odies are cre,ated and sent on t0eir 9o rne/ to'ards anot0er $irt0+ Peo-&e are reincarnated o2er and o2er in a c/c&e t0at can:t $e n ,$ered+ (o r stat s in &i1e is t0e res &t o1 0o' /o &i2ed a 1or,er &i1e" and /o r -resent &i1e 'i&& a11ect t0e ne.t+ W0en a &o2ed one dies t0e &oss is ,o rned 9 st as it 'o &d $e in Co-en0a!en or Cairo" $ t t0e ,o rners )no' t0e so & 'i&& $e $orn a!ain+ In R ssia" deat0 is 1a,i&iar8 in a contradictor/ a--roac0 it is 1o !0t and 'e&co,ed+ A 1or,er A,erican *orei!n

Ser2ice o11icer % otes a ,odern R ssian -oet:s res-onse to 0is % estion a$o t '0at A,ericans s0o &d )no' to nderstand R ssians $etter7 In o r co&d 'inter eac0 o-enin! o1 t0e door is a re-etition o1 d/in!+ R ssians do not 1ear deat0 $eca se e2er/ da/ is a str !!&e+ It is a -it/ to die" and a -it/ not to die+?5 Mar) #a2/do2 #eat0 is not s c0 an ene,/ as it is in t0e West+ In Ho&&and" t0e ene,/ #eat0 is so,eti,es e,$raced $/ a--oint,ent since doctors ,a/ &e!a&&/ assist ter,ina&&/ i&& -atients in d/in!+ T0is ena$&es t0e, to die 'it0 di!nit/ rat0er t0an d/in! $/ -ieces+ T0ere is a re&ations0i- 'it0 t0is deat03$/3 a--oint,ent and contro& o2er t0e n)no'n8 ncertaint/ a2oidance and a -re1erence 1or -&annin! and doin! corre&ate 'it0 t0is a--roac0 to deat0+ Man/ c &t res 0a2e re&i!io s $e&ie1s t0at teac0 deat0 is t0e on&/ 'a/ to 9oin t0e !ods or God+ In Is&a," &i1e a1ter deat0 is 1reedo, 1ro, o$stac&es to en9o/,ent o1 God:s !i1ts+ A M s&i,:s 0ea2en is e.-erienced t0ro !0 t0e senses+ A C0ristian a&so &oo)s 1or'ard to 0ea2en a1ter deat0" to 9o/ and an a$sence o1 -ain" $ t t0e C0ristian 0ea2en is &ess c&ear&/ de1ined t0an t0e Is&a,ic 0ea2en+ Attit des to'ard d/in! 2ar/ 'ide&/ a,on! ,e,$ers o1 C0ristian c &t res" as t0e/ do a,on! ,e,$ers o1 Is&a,ic c &t res+ * nera&s ,ean di11erent t0in!s in di11erent c &t res a&so+ In Ni!eria" 1 nera&s are 2er/ i,-ortant+ Un&ess /o are d/in! /o rse&1" /o are e.-ected to attend+ It is t0o !0t t0at t0e deceased 'i&& re'ard /o 1or /o r -resence+ * nera&s are dreaded in Asian c &t res" '0ere e2en t0e s !!estion o1 deat0 or 1 nera&s is r de+ T0at:s '0/ /o s0o &d ne2er !i2e a c&oc) or 'atc0 to a Tai'anese as a !i1t Ga re,inder o1 t0e ine2ita$&e end o1 one:s &i1e s-anH or a $e&& Gr n! in 1 nera& cere,oniesH or '0ite 1&o'ers G'0ite is t0e co&or o1 ,o rnin!H+ (o , st e2en a2oid sin! t0e 'ord 'eath. In 6a-an" it is into&era$&/ r de to stic) /o r c0o-stic)s strai!0t - in a $o'&7 t0e/ rese,$&e t0e incense $ rned at 1 nera&s+ In ,ain&and C0ina" &a2is0 1 nera&s 'ere disco ra!ed $/ t0e co,, nists+ B t in recent /ears t0e/ 0a2e once

a!ain $een ,o nted" to t0e dis,a/ o1 t0e -o&itica& &eaders+ * nera& o$9ects ,ade o1 -a-er" s c0 as te&e2isions" cars" and ,one/" are $ rned to acco,-an/ t0e deceased into t0e 'or&d o1 t0e dead+ E.-ensi2e to,$s 0a2e $een created" so,e 1or &i2in! -eo-&e '0o 0a2e not /et $een a$&e to se t0e,+ In Hon! Kon! recent&/" ,an/ -eo-&e 'ere -set '0en c&air2o/ants c0ar!ed t0at !0osts o1 dead c0i&dren 0ad a--eared on TV co,,ercia&s+ Re,inders o1 deat0 are i,-o&ite at $est" and n& c)/ at 'orst+ B siness-eo-&e need to $e a'are o1 t0e c &t ra& -riorit/ - t on deat0 and t0e o$ser2ances t0at attend it+ C0a-ter 5 !a2e se2era& e.a,-&es o1 di11erent e.-ectations 'or) co&&ea! es ,a/ 0a2e to'ard a co3'or)er '0o 0as &ost a 1a,i&/ ,e,$er+ E.-ectations 1or 0o' t0e ,o rnin! 1riends and re&ati2es 'i&& act di11er 1ro, c &t re to c &t re+ In ,an/ c &t res ,o rners 'ear a $&ac) ar,$and or $&ac) c&ot0in! to si!na& to ot0ers t0at t0e/ are !rie2in! t0e &oss o1 so,eone and s0o &d $e treated 'it0 res-ect+ T0e co&or o1 ,o rnin! in C0ina" 0o'e2er" traditiona&&/ is '0ite" as it is in India+ GBrides in t0ese c &t res traditiona&&/ 'ear red+H Mo rnin! is si!na&ed 'it0 a '0ite ar,$and or rosette in so,e co ntries+ S-ecia& o$ser2ances $esides t0e 1 nera& ser2ice ,a/ inc& de a 'a)e or s-ecia& 1east '0ere ,o rners co,e to!et0er to so&idi1/ ne' socia& re&ations0i-s 'it0o t t0e de-arted one+ T0is is tr e in s c0 di2er!ent c &t res as Cat0o&ic Ire&and" 'it0 its 'a)es" and B dd0ist Tai'an+ T0ese t'o di11erent c &t res s0are c0aracteristics co,,on to 0i!03conte.t c &t res" 0o'e2er" '0ere t0e ,eanin! o1 t0e indi2id a& is deri2ed 1ro, t0e net'or) o1 re&ations0i-s into '0ic0 an indi2id a& &i1e is 'o2en+ T0e ne.t c0a-ter dea&s 'it0 c &t ra& -riorities concernin! re&ations0i-s+ C0a-ter M disc sses t0e t'o re,ainin! cate!ories o1 % estions /o can as) to &earn '0at /o need to )no' a$o t a c &t re+ It is a$o t t0e se&1" and t0e se&1 in re&ation to ot0ers+ SUMMAR( T0is c0a-ter introd ces t0e a--roac0 o1 as)in! % estions in order to nderstand c &t res+ As)in! % estions in2o&2es

Where information can be foun'. Peo-&e 1ro, a c &t re or -eo-&e '0o

0a2e &i2ed in it are !ood so rces" as are no2e&s or ot0er - $&ications $/ a t0ors 1ro, t0e c &t re+ E2en ad2ertise,ents contain c& es to c &t ra& 2a& es+

GeneraliDations as both pro'uctive an' perilous. Cate!ori<in!

in1or,ation is 0o' 'e ,a)e sense o1 t0e 'or&d" $ t 'e need to )ee- o r !enera&i<ations 1&e.i$&e eno !0 to acco,,odate ne' in1or,ation+ T0e 1irst cate!or/ o1 % estions is T0in)in! and Kno'in!" '0ic0 co2ers t0ese di,ensions7

;oes kno&in$ come from concepts or from e/perienceC So,e -eo-&e

tr &/ )no' so,et0in! on&/ '0en e.-erience 0as ta !0t t0e,8 'it0o t e.-erience t0e/ ,ere&/ )no' about so,et0in!+ *or ot0ers" )no'in! co,es 1ro, conce-t a& nderstandin!+

;oes kno&in$ come from askin$ *uestions or masterin$ receive'

&is'omC In ,an/ c &t res t0e ac)no'&ed!ed a t0orit/ !i2es )no'&ed!e" and one )no's '0en one 0as ,astered '0at t0e te.t$oo) or teac0er sa/s+ In ot0er c &t res" !oin! $e/ond '0at one 0as $een !i2en is 0o' one tr &/ )no's so,et0in!+

;oes kno&le'$e have limitsC In so,e c &t res" not e2er/t0in! is

)no'a$&e+ Ot0er c &t res 0a2e t0e idea t0at e2er/t0in! can $e )no'n" i1 t0e )e/ is 1o nd+

In &hat patterns 'o people thinkC Western c &t res -ri,ari&/ se a ca se3

and3e11ect -attern o1 t0in)in!+ Ot0er c &t res se ot0er -atterns+ T0e $a&ance o1 co,-&e,entar/ o--o3sites" as i&& strated in t0e yin+yan$ s/,$o&" is one e.a,-&e+ T0e second cate!or/ o1 % estions co2ers #oin! and Ac0ie2in!0o' -eo-&e nderstand t0eir actions at 'or)+ D

Which is more important, 'oin$ or bein$C Are tasks 'one se*uentially or simultaneouslyC So,e c &t res 2ie' one

'0o 'or)s e11icient&/ as one '0o acco,-&is0es se2era& t0in!s at once+ Ot0er c &t res 2a& e a one3t0in!3at3a3ti,e a--roac0 as t0e ,ost e11icient+

Which matters more, relationships or resultsC Re&ations0i-3oriented

c &t res tend to $e co&&ecti2istic+ T0e re&ations0i-s t0at connect -eo-&e in net'or)s

are ,ore si!ni1icant t0an '0ate2er tas)s t0e -eo-&e acco,-&is0+ Res &ts3oriented c &t res 2a& e o tco,es o1 actions" es-ecia&&/ ,eas ra$&e o tco,es" as '0at ,atters at 'or) and in &i1e+

Is uncertainty tolerate' or avoi'e'C Peo-&e '0o are nco,1orta$&e 'it0

ncertaint/ tend to sta/ 'it0 t0eir e,-&o/er and 1o&&o' esta$&is0ed -roced res at 'or)+ Peo-&e '0o are a$&e to to&erate ncertaint/ 'it0 &o'er &e2e&s o1 an.iet/ ,a/ atte,-t ne' t0in!s in t0eir -ro1essiona& &i2es+

Is luck essential for success or is it irrelevantC L c) or 1ate or destin/

-&a/s a &ar!e -art in so,e c &t res" '0ere -eo-&e reco!ni<e t0at t0eir ro&e in ac0ie2in! s ccess 0as &ess e11ect t0an 1orces o tside t0e,se&2es+ In ot0er c &t res" o tco,es are not &e1t to & c) $ t are considered to $e &ar!e&/ contro&&a$&e $/ 0 ,an e11ort+

Shoul' rules be observe' or can they be bentC W0ere re&ations0i-s are

-ri,ar/ and -o'er distances are !reat" t0e r &es ,a/ $e $ent to ser2e t0ose ,ore i,-ortant 2a& es+ W0ere res &ts ,atter" r &es are 2ie'ed as i,-ortant in order to 1aci&itate res &ts+ T0e &ast cate!or/ in t0is c0a-ter is O r P&ace in t0e Uni2erse+ T0is section dea&s 'it0 t0e F$i!F % estions c &t res ans'er+ D

;o humans 'ominate nature or 'oes nature 'ominate humansC Are 'ivine po&ers or humans at the center of eventsC Be&ie1 in di2ine

$ein!s nder&ies t0e 2a& es" $e0a2iors" and attit des o1 ,an/ -eo-&e o1 di11erent c &t res+ T'o ,a9or -o&/t0eistic re&i!ions are Hind is, and B dd0is,+ T0ree ot0er ,a9or 'or&d re&i!ions 6 dais," C0ristianit/" and Is&a,s0are roots and a $e&ie1 in one deit/+

<o& is time un'erstoo'C C &t res di11er in attit des to'ard ti,e and

0o' it s0o &d $e o$ser2ed+ So,e 2ie' ti,e as c/c&ica& '0i&e ot0ers 2ie' it as an nro&&in! contin o s &ine+ So,e c &t res treas re ti,e as a co,,odit/ '0i&e ot0ers se it as t0e ,edi , in '0ic0 acti2ities ta)e -&ace+

Is chan$e $oo' or ba'C FNe'F ,a/ not $e -ositi2e&/ recei2ed in

traditiona& c &t res+ FO&dF ,a/ not $e a--ro2ed in c &t res t0at e,$race c0an!e+

Is 'eath the en' of life or a part of lifeC Ho' deat0 is 2ie'ed and 0o'

t0at 2ie' i,-acts $ siness 2aries 1ro, c &t re to c &t re+ T0e &ast t'o cate!ories o1 % estions to -ose o1 an n1a,i&iar c &t re 1o&&o' in C0a-ter M7 T0e Se&1 and Socia& Or!ani<ation+


*&orence K& c)0o&n and *red Strodt$ec)" 6ariations in 6alue 6o0n C+ Condon and *at0i (o se1" An Intro'uction to Vern Ter-stra and Kennet0 #a2id" %he Cultural )nvironment of Geert Ho1stede" Culture(s Conse*uences, a$rid!ed ed+" GBe2er&/ Hi&&s7 Geert Ho1stede" Cultures an' 2r$aniDations, GNe' (or)7 McGra'3 *ons Tro,-enaars" #i'in$ the Waves of Culture, GB rr Rid!e" IL7 Ir'in" Andre La rent" FT0e C &t ra& #i2ersit/ o1 Western Conce-tions o1

2rientations, GE2anston" IL7 Ro'" Peterson" 5IK5H+


Intercultural Communication, GNe' (or)7 Mac,i&&an" 5I>MH+


International usiness, ?rd ed+ GCincinnatti7 So t03Western" 5II5H" -+ 5?+


Sa!e" 5INMH+

Hi&&" 5II5H+


Mana!e,ent"F International Stu'ies of .ana$ement an' 2r$aniDation 5?" no+ 53 L G5IN?H" --+ >@3IK+

Ed'ard Ha&&" eyon' Culture, GNe' (or)7 Anc0or Press #o $&eda/" Iris Varner" FT0e T0eoretica& *o ndation 1or Interc &t ra& B siness


Co,, nication"F "ournal of usiness Communication ?>" no+ 5 GLAAAH" --+ ?I3@>+


S0ie&a Ra,sa/" FTo Hear One and Understand Ten7 Non2er$a&

Be0a2ior in 6a-an+F In Intercultural Communication1 A #ea'er, Mt0 ed+" Larr/ A+ Sa,o2ar and Ric0ard E+ Porter" eds+ GBe&,ont" CA7 Wads'ort0" 5IN@H" -+ ?55+

See Leon Leder,an and #ic) Teresi" %he Go' 7article1 If the Universe 0tt-7;;0o,e+1ire-& !+net;[rs0and;re1&ections;,essia0;s0ro d+0t,& Ro$ert B+ Ka-&an" FWritin! in a M &ti&in! a&;M &tic &t ra& Conte.t7

is the Ans&er, What Is the !uestionC GNe' (or)7 Ho !0ton3Mi11&in" 5II?H+

5L+ 5?+

W0at:s Contrasti2e A$o t Contrasti2e R0etoric=F %he Writin$ Instructor 5A" no+> G5IIAH" -+ 5A+

Co&in E+ T'edde&& and Linda A,/ Ki,$a&&" Intro'uction to the

7eoples an' Cultures of Asia, GEn!&e'ood C&i11s" N67 Prentice3Ha&&" 5IN@H" --+ ?5I3 ?LA+

Linda Bea,er" FToasts7 R0etoric and Rit a& in B siness Ne!otiation in Roderic) McLeod" China Inc.1 ;oin$ usiness With the Chinese, GNe' (a&e Ric0,ond" 9rom 0yet to ;a1 Un'erstan'in$ the #ussians, Condon and (o se1" Intercultural Communication, -+ 5?>+ 6a,es L+ Watson" FC0ina:s Bi! Mac Attac)"F 9orei$n Affairs, Ma/3 Cultur$rams, 2o& II GPro2o+ UT7 Bri!0a, (o n! Uni2ersit/" 5INMH+ Mar!aret L/ons" FA stra&ia7 6/ote) Sets - Loca& O11ice"F usiness Mi)e C&o'es" FS -erstition E.tends (et to To- Le2e&s"F 7ensions L Genesis 57LI3?A" re2ised 2ersion+ Ter-stra and #a2id" %he Cultural )nvironment, -+ 5?K+ I$id" -+ N?+ FT0e So t0ern Cross"F )conomist, GFT0e Ne' C0ristendo,F sectionH"

Con1 cian C &t res"F usiness 9orum, Winter 5IIM" --+ LL3L@+

(or)7 Banta," 5INNH" -+ >L+


G(ar,o t0" ME7 Interc &t ra& Press" 5IILH" -+ M@+

5N+ 5I+

6 ne LAAA" --+ 5?A35?M+

LA+ L5+

#evie& Weekly L5 G6 ne 5II5H" -+ MK+


Investments 5@ GA-ri& 5II5H" -+ 5M+ L?+



#ece,$er LM" 5INN" -+ K5+


T0e 1o&&o'in! disc ssion is ada-ted 1ro, Ter-stra V #a2id" %he Ric0,ond" 9rom 0yet to ;a, -+ 5LL+ Ed'ard Ha&&" %he Silent Lan$ua$e, GNe' (or)7 #o $&eda/" 5I@IH+ Ric0,ond" 9rom 0yet to ;a. -+ M?+ I$id" -+ MA+

Cultural )nvironment, --+ NI3IM+

LN+ LI+ ?A+


C H A PTER *O U R Indi2id a&s and Gro -s in B siness C &t res

S0ei&a Gra0a, is a $ siness'o,an 1ro, Ne' 4ea&and '0ose 'or) in sa&es re% ires 0er to tra2e&+ Her co,-an/ ,a)es % a&it/ stain&ess stee& 1ood -rocessin! e% i-,ent+ Toda/ 0er ,ar)etin! e11ort 0as $ro !0t 0er to Warsa'" Po&and+ S0e is ,eetin! at 57?A P+M+ 'it0 6an 4a,o/s)i+ 2ice -resident o1 a 1ir, 'it0 '0o, s0e 0as $een corres-ondin! a$o t t0e -ossi$&e - rc0ase o1 se2era& ,i.ers+ S0ei&a 'ants to ,a)e t0e ,ost o1 0er 2isit" '0ic0 is e.-ensi2e 1or 0er co,-an/" and so s0e 0as

&earned '0at s0e can a$o t t0e ,ar)et in Po&and 1or 1ood -rocessin! e% i-,ent and e2en so,et0in! a$o t t0e 1inancia& -ict re and 0o' internationa& transactions are s a&&/ carried o t+ S0e doesn:t )no' , c0 a$o t 6an 4a,o/s)i e.ce-t t0at 0e is in 0is @As" at &east 5@ /ears o&der t0an s0e is" ani& s-ea)s En!&is0+ So s0e is a &itt&e ns re 0o' to ta)e 0is $e0a2ior '0en s0e introd ces 0erse&1 to 0i,0e &a)es 0er -ro11ered 0and and )isses it" instead o1 s0a)in! it+ Is t0is an atte,-t at 0 ,or= S0o &d s0e &a !0 or ta)e t0is serio s&/= T0en 0e co,-&i,ents 0er on 0er a--earance+ T0is is ne.-ected too8 a1ter a&&" s0e on&/ arri2ed ear&/ t0at ,ornin! and )no's s0e co &d &oo) $etter+ S0e doesn:t 'ant to $e -ercei2ed as n-ro1essiona& $eca se s0e is a 'o,an" so S0ei&a:s ,anner $eco,es a $it ,ore distant+ Bot0 se 1or,a& address" &ast na,es and not 1irst na,es" so t0at ,a)es 0er 1ee& s0e 0as t0in!s in contro& as a -ro1essiona& 'o,an+ B t a!ain 4a,o/s)i 0as an odd Gco,ic=H 'a/ o1 as)in! 0er i1 s0e:d &i)e a co11ee7 FWo &d t0e &ad/ drin) a co11ee=F G*or a sec3 ond" s0e 'onders '0at &ad/ 0e ,eans" and t0en rea&i<es 0e is addressin! 0er+H A1ter a &itt&e con2ersation a$o t 0er 1&i!0t and t0e 'eat0er" 6an 4a,o/s)i $e!ins to te&& 0er a$o t Warsa'" and to ,a)e re1erences to 2ario s 0istorica& e2ents t0at are o$2io s&/ 2i2id to 0i,+ S0ei&a 'ants to ta&) a$o t t0eir $ siness to!et0er" $ t isn:t s re 0o' to introd ce it into t0is con2ersation+ He see,s to 'ant 0er to res-ond 'it0 e,otion to 0is rat0er e,otiona& state,ents a$o t Po&and:s 0istor/ and 0eroes+ S0e doesn:t )no' an/t0in! a$o t Po&is0 0eroes" a-art 1ro, )no'in! a cardina& $eca,e Po-e 6o0n Pa &" and since s0e isn:t Ro,an Cat0o&ic s0e doesn:t 1ee& co,1orta$&e enterin! into a disc ssion a$o t 0i,+ So instead s0e re-&ies t0at t0e &an! a!e is 2er/ n s a& to 0er ears+ He -ro,-t&/ as)s 0er to re-eat a series o1 so nds s0e )no's s0e cannot i,itate GFW S<c<e$r<es</nie c0r<as<c< $r<,i ' tr<cinieFH" and te&&s 0er $ein! a$&e to sa/ t0at 'as once a test o1 tr e Po&is0 identit/+5 A!ain" s0e can:t decide i1 t0is is a 9o)e or i1 it is co,-&ete&/ serio s and so,e )ind o1 test o1 0er+ 4a,o/s)i ne.t -rod ces a s,a&& !i1t 1or 0er" and S0ei&a e.-eriences ne' do $ts+ S0o &d s0e 0a2e -re-ared a !i1t too= S0o &d s0e acce-t t0is !i1t" not )no'in! e.act&/ '0at it ,eans= S0e doesn:t 'ant to $e r de" $ t on t0e ot0er 0and s0e

doesn:t 'ant to &oo) &i)e s0e can easi&/ $e $ri$ed" eit0er+ S0e ta)es t0e s,a&& o$9ect $ t does not n'ra- it+ No' s0e decides to tr/ to introd ce t0e s $9ect o1 t0e - rc0ase and sa&e o1 e% i-,ent+ FI 0a2e $ro !0t a $rea)do'n o1 o r o11er 1or /o to &oo) at"F s0e sa/s" ta)in! -a-ers o t o1 0er $rie1case+ B t 6an 4a,o/s)i:s res-onse is to ta&) instead a$o t t0e & nc0 0e -ro-oses t0e/ no' en9o/+ S0ei&a ate $e1ore s0e ca,e to t0e ,eetin!" ass ,in! & nc0 'o &d a&read/ 0a2e $een eaten $/ 57?A P+M+ S0e - ts 0er -a-ers $ac) in 0er case+ He escorts 0er to a ne' dinin! roo, in t0e co,-an/:s !ro nds" '0ere 0e introd ces 0er to si. ot0er -eo-&e" and t0e/ sit do'n to an enor,o s ,ea&+ S0ei&a -rotests t0at s0e can:t eat" $ t 0er 0ost )ee-s o11erin! 0er 1ood+ Her 0ost a&so o11ers 0er 2od)a" a&on! 'it0 a toast to t0e re&ations0i- t0e/ are startin!+ S0ei&a doesn:t &i)e strai!0t 2od)a" $ t si-s a &itt&e o1 t0e co&d a&co0o&ic $e2era!e 1ro, 0er !&ass to $e -o&ite '0i&e t0e ot0ers a&& do'n t0eir !&asses in one ! &-+ T0e !&asses are i,,ediate&/ re1i&&ed+ S0e -ic)s at t0e a$ ndant 1ood and tries to as) % estions o1 a--ro-riate -ersons at t0e ta$&e to 1aci&itate t0e sa&e o1 0er co,-an/:s e% i-,ent+ S0e doesn:t 0a2e , c0 ti,e in Warsa' and needs to ,a)e t0e ,ost o1 t0is contact o--ort nit/+ S0ei&a 1ina&&/ ,ana!es to !i2e s-eci1ic detai&s a$o t t0e sa&e &o t0e /o n! ,an on 0er &e1t+ He &istens attenti2e&/+ T0e ,ea& 1ina&&/ ends and 4a,o/s)i 0as anot0er en!a!e,ent" so s0e !oes $ac) &o 0er 0ote&+ W0en s0e -0ones 6an 4a,o/s)i ne.t da/" s0e &earns 0e cannot ,eet 'it0 0er" and t0at 0e re!rets t0at t0e sa&e 'i&& 0a2e to $e -ost-oned inde1inite&/+ S0e )no's t0e -rice and % a&it/ o1 0er co,-an/:s -rod cts arc !ood8 s0e )no's t0e Po&is0 co,-an/ is &oo)in! to $ /+ S0e s&/ 'onders i1 s0e did so,et0in! 'ron!+

In C0a-ter ? 'e considered % estion cate!ories o1 T0in)in! and Kno'in!" #oin! and Ac0ie2in!" and O r P&ace in t0e Uni2erse+ No' 'e t rn to consider 0o' -eo-&e 2ie' t0e,se&2es" and 0o' t0eir c &t ra& -riorities a11ect t0e 'a/ t0e/ interact 1or $ siness - r-oses+

CATEGOR( M\ THE SEL* In t0e United States" Great Britain" and Canada" 'it0 do,inant c &t res t0at are &o'er3conte.t t0an 0i!0er3conte.t" t0e indi2id a& se&1 is t0e startin! -oint Gor -er0a-s t0e 1ina& ar$iterH 1or near&/ a&& career and -ro1essiona& decisions t0at deter,ine 'or)in! &i1e+ To identi1/ a cate!or/ 1or in% ir/ as FT0e Se&1F s0o's t0e &o'3conte.t c &t ra& $ias o1 t0e a t0ors" no do $t+ In 0i!03conte.t c &t res" !ro ,e,$ers0i- is t0e startin! -oint 1or decisions+ C &t re s0a-es t0e idea o1 se&1+ In 0i!03conte.t c &t res" indi2id a&s t0in) o1 t0e se&1 -ri,ari&/ as an e&e,ent in a net'or) 'it0 ot0ers+ In &o'3conte.t c &t res" indi2id a&s t0in) o1 se&1 as a sin!&e nit o1 societ/+ To $e too a'are o1 '0at ot0ers t0in)in ot0er 'ords" to $e interde-endentis to $e 'ea) and &ac)in! in asserti2eness+ In 0i!03conte.t c &t res" to $e inde-endent is to $e se&1is0 and &ac)in! in socia& s)i&&s+ In c &t res t0at 2a& e independen+e. t0e idea o1 se&1 inc& des ,a)in! decisions 1or one:s o'n &i1e" ta)in! care o1 one:s se&1 and not re&/in! on ot0ers" and ta)in! res-onsi$i&it/ 1or one:s o'n actions+ FI can do it ,/se&1 is a state,ent 1ro, a se&1 t0at 2a& es inde-endence+ In c &t res t0at 2a& e interdependen+e. t0e se&1 cons &ts 'it0 ot0ers $e1ore ,a)in! decisions8 one re&ies on ot0ers 1or one:s sense o1 'e&&3$ein!8 and one ta)es res-onsi$i&it/ 1or ,eetin! t0e needs o1 t0e !ro - $e1ore satis1/in! one:s o'n needs+ FI 'i&& do it 1or a&& o1 /o F is a state,ent 1ro, an interde-endent se&1+ C &t re a&so s0a-es t0e 'a/ t0e se&1 co,, nicates+ T0e -erson '0o 0as an inde-endent se&1 in ,ind ses co,, nication to -resent t0e se&1 and to 1 rt0er t0e se&1:s !oa&s+ T0e -erson '0o 0as an interde-endent se&1 in ,ind ses co,, nication to 1 rt0er t0e 0ar,on/ o1 t0e !ro - and t0e re&ations0i-s a,on! its ,e,$ers+ T0e 1o&&o'in! c &t ra& -riorities e.-&ore t0e 'a/ t0e idea o1 se&1 a11ects $ siness interactions+ The Basi+ 0nit o$ 1o+iet): The Indi!idual or the Colle+ti!e=

W0en $ sinesses in t0e United States 1irst $e!an e.-&orin! t0e reasons 1or 6a-anese s ccess and 'a/s to ,ar)et -rod cts in 6a-an" t0e/ 1o nd s r-risin!&/ di11erent attit des in 6a-anese or!ani<ations+ In 6a-an an indi2id a& is a 1raction o1 a nit8 t0e !ro - is t0e 1 nda,enta& nit+ An o1ten3% oted -ro2er$ in 6a-an is Ft0e nai& t0at stic)s - 'i&& $e -o nded do'n+F An/ assertion o1 indi!idualism2a& in! t0e indi2id a& o2er t0e !ro -is re!arded as a ne!ati2e t0reat to t0e !ro - and 'i&& res &t in - nis0,ent $/ t0e !ro -+ Indi2id a&is, in 6a-an is tanta,o nt to se&1is0ness+ It is t0e o--osite o1 se&13denia& 1or t0e !ood o1 t0e !ro -" '0ic0 is 0i!0&/ 2a& ed in 6a-an+ T0at ,eans 6a-anese ,ana!ers are c&ose&/ )nit to t0e de-art,ents t0e/ ,ana!e" '0ic0 are a&so 0i!0&/ coo-erati2e and c&ose&/ )nit+ Or!ani<ations can co nt on t0e &o/a&t/ and '0o&e0earted co,,it,ent o1 t0eir e,-&o/ees+ Or!ani<ations 0a2e t0eir o'n son!s" t0eir o'n ni1or,s" t0eir o'n retreats 1or $ i&din! &o/a&t/ and !ro -ness+ Indi2id a&s in Western c &t res GCanadian" # tc0" *renc0" En!&is0" Ger,an" to na,e a 1e'H ,a)e career c0oices on t0e $asis o1 -ersona& needs and !oa&s+ I1 a 9o$ o11ers ins 11icient ad2ance,ent" 1or e.a,-&e" or a -ersona&it/ con1&ict arises 'it0 a s -erior" or t0e tas)s $eco,e $orin!" an a,$itio s indi2id a& &i)e&/ ,o2es to anot0er 9o$+ I1 &i1est/&e c0an!es1or instance i1 a c0i&d:s sc0oo&in! or care 1or an e&der&/ re&ati2e $eco,es a -ri3 orit/an indi2id a& ,a/ 2er/ 'e&& c0an!e e,-&o/ers+ W0en t0e e,-&o/er 'ants ,ore o2erti,e 1ro, an e,-&o/ee $ t t0e e,-&o/ee -re1ers a 9o$ t0at does not re% ire o2erti,e" t0e e,-&o/ee ,a/ c0an!e e,-&o/ers+ In 6a-an" 0o'e2er" none o1 t0ese sit ations is reason 1or a ,o2e+ C0an!in! e,-&o/ers is an ad,ission o1 1ai& re and $rin!s &oss o1 1ace $ot0 to t0e one '0o co &d not coo-erate in 0ar,on/ 'it0 t0e or!ani<ation and to t0e or!ani<ation 1or s-a'nin! s c0 an antisocia& ,is1it+ In 6a-an" i1 -ersona& !oa&s are not ,et $/ 'or)" t0e e,-&o/ee is -ers aded to c0an!e or de1er t0e !oa&s+ W0en &i1est/&e c0an!es create ne' needs" t0e s -erior e.-ects to $e to&d and to s0are t0e concerns+ C0i&d care is t/-ica&&/ t0e

res-onsi$i&it/ o1 a 'i1e '0o sta/s at 0o,e and 0ea&t0 ins rance is a2ai&a$&e 1ro, a&& e,-&o/ers" /et e,-&o/ees disc ss c0an!es in t0eir -ersona& &i2es 'it0 t0eir s -eriors+ It is not $eca se t0e/ ,a/ &in) t0ese c0an!es to a need 1or ,ore inco,e or 0o sin!8 it is $eca se t0e $oss is o'ed t0e in1or,ation and is e.-ected to ta)e an interest in t0e 1a,i&/ &i1e o1 t0e e,-&o/ee+ W0en t0e or!ani<ation de,ands o2erti,e" e,-&o/ees ea!er&/ res-ond+ In ,an/ or!ani<ations in 6a-an" e,-&o/ees co,e in 1or o2erti,e 'or) e2en '0en t0e/ 0a2e &itt&e act a& 'or) to do" 9 st to s0o' t0eir so&idarit/ 'it0 ot0er ,e,$ers o1 t0eir cor-orate !ro -+L In c &t res '0ere t0e indi2id a& is a nit o1 societ/" a sin!&e -erson can earn credit or $&a,e 1or t0e o tco,e o1 an or!ani<ationa& -ro9ect+ In c &t res '0ere t0e co&&ecti2e is i,-ortant" credit or $&a,e !oes to a !ro -+ Colle+ti!ism 2a& es t0e !ro - a$o2e t0e indi2id a&" and indi2id a&s 0a2e a res-onsi$i&it/ to t0e !ro - t0at s -ercedes indi2id a& needs or ri!0ts+ T0e United States and 6a-an are a,on! t0e &east si,i&ar c &t res in t0e indi2id a&is,3co&&ecti2is, c &t ra& di,ension t0at atte,-t to do $ siness to!et0er+ T0e United States 0as indi2id a& 0eroes Gin t0e tradition o1 Gar/ Coo-er:s c0aracter in t0e ,o2ie <i$h 0oon, Fa ,an:s !otta do '0at a ,an:s !otta do:FH in or!ani<ationa& c &t res as 'e&& as in U+S+ !enera& c &t re+ 6a-an 0as sa, rai3&i)e !ro - 0eroes7 ,en '0o act to!et0er o t o1 ns'er2in! &o/a&t/ to a ,aster $ t '0o ,a/ not $e )no'n $/ -ersona& na,e+ B t $et'een t0ese t'o is a 'ide ran!e o1 ot0er 0eroes o1 ot0er c &t res+ T0ro !0o t Asia" in 2ar/in! de!rees" co&&ecti2is, is ce&e$rated+ T0is is not s r-risin! considerin! t0e 0i!0 2a& e !i2en to re&ations0i-s in t0ese c &t res+ W0at ,atters is t0e c&ose3)nit inter&oc)ed 0 ,an net'or)+ Indi2id a& reco!nition is &ess i,-ortant" -artic &ar&/ i1 it ,eans a -ena&t/ or so,e )ind o1 ostraci<ation+ Har,on/ a,on! t0e interde-endent !ro - ,e,$ers is t0e )e/" and it ta)es -riorit/ a$o2e near&/ a&& ot0er 2a& es+ In co&&ecti2ist c &t res '0ere interde-endence is 2a& ed" indi2id a&s do not see) reco!nition and are nco,1orta$&e i1 it is !i2en+ T0e re& ctance to $e sin!&ed o t" e2en 1or -raise" can -resent o$stac&es to a ,ana!er '0o is trained to ,oti2ate s $ordinates $/ o11erin! -ersona& re'ards+ A st d/ o1 9oint

2ent res in S0an!0ai in 5II> re2ea&ed t0at C0inese are ,oti2ated $/ a sense o1 $e&on!in!+ T0is is es-ecia&&/ ,oti2atin! '0en co,$ined 'it0 -ros-ects o1 &on!3 ter, e,-&o/,ent+ FRe&ations0i-s 1aci&itate res &tsF is t0e 'a/ one inter2ie'ee - t it+? One 'a/ a sense o1 co,,it,ent to &on!3ter, re&ations0i-s is c &ti2ated in one 6a-anese3C0inese 9oint 2ent re is t0ro !0 co,-an/ 1 nctions s c0 as 1a,i&/ -icnics '0ere e2er/$od/ is inc& ded+ E,-&o/ees 1ee& t0e/ are 2a& a$&e to t0e co,-an/ '0en t0e/ and t0eir 1a,i&ies are in2ited to socia&i<e to!et0er+ In t0e United States" '0ere indi2id a&is, is 2a& ed" co,-etiti2eness is enco ra!ed as a ,eans 1or deter,inin! t0e $est co,-etitor+ GT0e i,-&ication is t0at t0e $est co,-etitor is a&so t0e $est" -eriod+H W0en indi2id a&s co,-ete a!ainst one anot0er" ine2ita$&/ t0ere are ,an/ ,ore &osers t0an 'inners" $ t t0e co,-etiti2eness -rinci-&e asserts t0at as &on! as /o can enter into co,-etition a!ain and a!ain" /o too ,a/ one da/ 'in+ In ot0er 'ords" conso&ation 1or &osin! &ies in 0a2in! a c0ance to co,-ete+ T0e United States 0as -assed &e!is&ation 1or e% a& o--ort nit/ t0at is -ro$a$&/ $ased in -art on t0e 2a& e o1 0a2in! a c0ance to co,-ete+ Indi2id a&istic c &t res in !enera& tend to inc& de e2er/one rat0er t0an sin!&e o t 'inners+ W0en tea,s are e.c& si2e" t0e/ sti&& co,e to!et0er at a &ar!er !ro &e2e&+ At Son/" 1or e.a,-&e" de-art,ents 1or, tea,s '0ose ,e,$ers are in a c&ose&/ $onded re&ations0i- t0at e.c& des ,e,$ers o1 ot0er Son/ de-art,ents n&ess t0e concerns are di2isiona& or or!ani<ation'ide+M *orei!n ,ana!ers o1 $ranc0 o-erations need to &oo) at ,oti2ation iss es care1 &&/ in ter,s o1 '0et0er indi2id a&is, or co&&ecti2is, is ,ore i,-ortant in an or!ani<ation:s 0ost c &t re+ Mana!ers o1 , &tic &t ra& 'or)1orces a&so need to consider '0at ,oti2ates e,-&o/ees o1 di11erent c &t ra& $ac)!ro nds+ O,li ation and Inde,tedness: Burdens or Bene$its= T0e indi2id a&istco&&ecti2ist -riorities ,ean c &t res inter-ret '0at o$&i!ation ,eans di11erent&/+ E2er/one 0as 0ad an e.-erience in '0ic0 so,eone ca,e to t0e resc e and o11ered 0e&- 9 st '0en it 'as needed+ Ma/$e it 'as a stran!er '0o o11ered t0at &ast coin /o 'ere s0ort 1or t0e $ s 1are+ Ma/$e it 'as a 1riend '0o

a!reed to dri2e /o

to an i,-ortant e2ent '0en /o r o'n arran!e,ents 1or

trans-ortation 1ai&ed+ Ma/$e it 'as a co&&ea! e '0o a!reed to re-resent /o at a ,eetin! so /o co &d attend anot0er i,-ortant 1 nction+ In t0e United States" a s&an! e.-ression s ,s - t0e 1ee&in! t0at acco,-anies !ratit de7 FI rea&&/ o'e /o one+F It ,eans one 1ee&s inde$ted to t0e 1a2or3!rantor+ B t o$&i!ation 0as r &es" deter,ined $/ di11erent c &t ra& -riorities" and t0at can ca se -ro$&e,s in interc &t ra& enco nters+ To consider t0e iss e o1 inde$tedness" 'e:&& t rn to a sit ation t0at !enerates o$&i!ation+ Person A , st ,eet a 2isitor at t0e air-ort" $ t 1inds t0e ,eans o1 trans-ortation re&ied -on to !et to t0e air-ort is not a2ai&a$&e+ So Person A as)s Person B to -ro2ide trans-ortation to t0e air-ort+ In India" 1riends0i- ,eans enterin! into a 'i&&in!ness to $e inde$ted+ In 1act" in so,e &an! a!es in India" no 'ord e.ists 1or Ft0an)sF8 i1 one is in a re&ations0i-" one inc rs inde$tedness and one is e.-ected to re-a/ t0e de$t o'ed+ No 'ords are necessar/+ Nor does one 0esitate to re% est a 1a2or o1 a 1riend8 t0at:s '0at 1riends0i- ,eans+ Co,-are t0is 'it0 o$&i!ation in t0e United States '0ere so,eone ,i!0t -re1ace a re% est 'it0" FI rea&&/ 0ate to as) /o " $ t+ + + F or F5 'o &dn:t drea, o1 as)in! /o " on&/+ + + F T0is o-enin! is s a&&/ 1o&&o'ed $/ a detai&ed e.-&anation o1 '0/ t0e as)er 0as no a&ternati2e $ t to $eco,e inde$ted+ T0e re% est 1inis0es 'it0 e&a$orate t0an)s7 FT0an)s a ,i&&ion8 I:, so !rate1 &+F In a c &t re t0at 2a& es indi2id a& ac0ie2e,ent" inde-endence" and contro& o2er e2ents $/ -ersona& action" a re% est t0at - ts so,eone in anot0er:s de$t is a&,ost an ad,ission o1 1ai& re+ S0ei&a Gra0a," in t0e Warsa' sa&es sit ation" re!arded acce-tin! a !i1t as ac)no'&ed!in! inde$tedness" '0ic0 ,ade 0er nco,1orta$&e+ S0e 'anted t0e sa&e to !o t0ro !0 on an i,-ersona& $ siness $asis" not $eca se o1 a sense o1 o$&i!ation s0e -ersona&&/ 1e&t+ T0e Po&es" on t0e ot0er 0and" 'ant to $ i&d re&ations0i- $e1ore enterin! into a $ siness a!ree,ent+ Peo-&e in c &t res &i)e S0ei&a:s are not 0a--/ a$o t $ein! inde$ted" and o1ten tr/ to re-a/ and t0 s erase t0e de$t as % ic)&/ as -ossi$&e+ Per0a-s too ,an/ o$&i!ations ,a)e -eo-&e 1ee& t0at t0eir -ersona& 1reedo, is t0reatened and t0at t0e/ 0a2e &ost so,e contro& o2er c0oices t0e/ co &d 0a2e ,ade+ So,e inde-endent

indi2id a&s ,a/ !o to &en!t0s to a2oid - ttin! t0e,se&2es in so,eone e&se:s de$t and to a2oid ,a)in! ot0ers inde$ted to t0e,+ *or e.a,-&e" Person A '0o 'ants to !o to t0e air-ort $ t doesn:t 0a2e trans-ortation ,i!0t 0ire a ta.i rat0er t0an as) so,eone to ,a)e a s-ecia& tri-+ Si,i&ar&/" rare&/ are !i1ts !i2en 1or no a--arent reason8 on occasions '0en t0e/ are !i2en 1or no s-eci1ic reason" t0e/ are ,ade to see, ni,-ortant $/ a cas a& !i2in! st/&e+ T0e reason7 t0e !i2er does not 'ant to ,a)e t0e recei2er 1ee& too 0ea2i&/ o$&i!ated+ Sc0o&ars o$ser2e t0at t0ese c0aracteristics are tr e o1 t0e do,inant c &t re in t0e United States+ T0e/ o$ser2e t0at A1rican3A,ericans di11er" 0o'e2er8 t0is !ro is , c0 ,ore &i)e&/ to enter into re&ations0i-s o1 o$&i!ation G$/ so,eone or to so,eoneH+@ Latino3A,ericans a&so are ,ore co,1orta$&e 'it0 reci-roca& o$&i!ation8 t'o nei!0$orin! 0o se0o&ds ,a/ s0are a !ar$a!e3co&&ection contract" 1or e.a,-&e" $/ -oo&in! t0eir !ar$a!e and eac0 0o se0o&d -a/in! e2er/ second ,ont0 instead o1 e2er/ ,ont0+ T0eir 2ie' is t0at non3His-anic nei!0$ors 'o &dn:t &i)e s0arin! t0e cost $eca se t0e/ 'o &d $e too concerned a$o t '0o created ,ore !ar$a!e and t0ere1ore s0o &d -a/ ,ore+ T0e do,inant c &t re in t0e United States" 'it0 its 2a& e o1 indi2id a& res-onsi$i&it/" in2ented t0e -ot3& c) dinner Ge2er/one $rin!s a dis0 and t0 s no$od/ is 0ost and no$od/ is inde$tedH" and F!oin! d tc0F G-eo-&e '0o !o to a resta rant to!et0er or attend ot0er entertain,ent and -a/ t0eir o'n $i&&H+ Asians" E ro-eans and Midd&e3Easterners are a--a&&ed8 t0eir 2a& es o1 0os-ita&it/ and o1 inde$tedness as t0e ,ar) o1 a re&ations0i- are o11ended+ T0is 2ie' is a&so disc ssed in de-t0 in C0a-ter >+ In 1act" in ,ost c &t res o1 t0e 'or&d si!ni1icant re&ations0i-s are t0ose t0at in2o&2e 'e$s o1 o$&i!ation+ Re&ations0i-s o1 t'o or ,ore indi2id a&sor !ro -s can &ast 1or decades and e2en !enerations+ In C0ina" 6a-an" and ot0er Asian co ntries" a 1irst act t0at -&aces so,eone:s 1a,i&/ nder an o$&i!ation &eads to a reci-roca& act and so on t0ro !0o t /ears" and t0e o$&i!ation res-onsi$i&ities are -assed do'n to s cceedin! !enerations+ T0e o$&i!ations are t0e res-onsi$i&it/ o1 e2er/one in t0e !ro -" not on&/ t0e indi2id a& '0o 1irst $eca,e inde$ted+ To ter,inate t0e inde$tedness once and 1or a&&" to c&ear and erase t0e de$t" is to end t0e

re&ations0i-+ T0is is serio s+ In 1act" endin! a re&ations0i- is an e2ent o1 s c0 ,a!nit de t0at s a&&/ e2er/ ,eas re 'i&& $e ta)en to a2oid it+ T0e 'e$s t0at $ind a !ro - to!et0er as 'e&& as t0e '0o&e net'or) o1 connections $et'een !ro -s are t0reatened '0en one connection is se2ered+ In ,odern 6a-an a 'eddin! in2itation ,a/ $e !reeted 'it0 0orror and dis,a/" $eca se it ,eans t0e ! est 1a,i&/ , st -resent t0e $ride:s 1a,i&/ 'it0 a 2er/ &ar!e !i1t+ T0e c0oice is eit0er to !i2e a &ar!e s , o1 ,one/ or to &ose a c&ose re&ations0i-+ Indeed" so,e 6a-anese de&i$erate&/ coo& re&ations0i-s 'it0 1a,i&ies t0at 0a2e da !0ters o1 ,arria!ea$&e a!e+ Once t0e/ are sa1e&/ ,arried" re&ations0i-s are res ,ed+ In *i&i-ino c &t re" inde$tedness $eca se so,eone 0as done /o a 1a2or is utan$ no loob. T0is !enera&&/ re1ers to inde$tedness o tside t0e 1a,i&/+ T0e re-a/,ent ,a/ $e in a di11erent 1or, 1ro, t0e 1a2or recei2ed and ,a/ $e s-read o t o2er se2era& occasions" accordin! to t0e 'is0es o1 t0e ori!ina& !rantor o1 t0e 1a2or+K T0e o$&i!ation is s0ared $/ t0e '0o&e !ro -+ 6a-anese c &t re distin! is0es $et'een t'o )inds o1 inde$tedness7 $iri and on. An e.a,-&e o1 on is t0e inde$tedness a ne' e,-&o/ee inc rs+ He s-ends t0e rest o1 0is &i1e 'or)in! to re-a/ t0e de$t 0e o'es 1or $ein! 0ired" t0ro !0 &oo)in! a1ter ne' e,-&o/ees+> 2n is t0e o$&i!ation a c0i&d o'es to its -arents 1or t0e n rt rin! t0e/ !i2e t0ro !0o t t0e /ears t0e c0i&d is !ro'in! -+ Beca se o1 t0is o$&i!ation" t0e c0i&d 'i&& ta)e care o1 t0e -arents '0en t0e/ are o&d" to re-a/ t0e de$t+ Or a!ain" in an or!ani<ation a senior &oo)s a1ter a 9 nior" '0ic0 ,eans t0e 9 nior inc rs on. B t t0e 9 nior s0o's &o/a&t/ to t0e senior" '0ic0 re-a/s t0e on or re2erses t0e de$t+ Giri is a&so o$&i!ation+ It i,-&ies se&13disci-&ine is necessar/ to o2erco,e -ersona& 1ee&in!s and 1 &1i&& t0e de$t o'ed to ot0ers+ *or e.a,-&e" $iri re% ires an e,-&o/ee to a!ree 'it0 a s -erior" not ar! e+ O$&i!ation and inde$tedness are ta)en 1or !ranted as -art o1 $ siness re&ations0i-s" too" in ,ost o1 t0e 'or&d:s c &t res+ T0is ,eans t0at a $ siness or!ani<ation ,a/ inc r inde$tedness $/ as)in! a 1a2orsa/" e.tended ter,s o1 -a/,ent+ In ret rn" t0at $ siness 'i&& contin e to $ / 1ro, t0e or!ani<ation to '0ic0 it o'es a de$t o1 a 1a2or+ Si,i&ar&/" indi2id a&s in $ siness or!ani<ations

o1ten as) s-ecia& 1a2ors o1 indi2id a&s in coo-eratin! $ siness or!ani<ations" $ased on t0e on!oin! re&ations0i- $et'een t0e t'o &ar!er entities+ O$&i!ation can in2o&2e iss es o1 et0ics '0en c &t res disa!ree a$o t 0o' 1ar o$&i!ation can !o+ A 1orei!n co,-an/ o11ered an in1or,ation s/ste,s ,ana!er in a 1ir, in t0e United States a re! &ar ,ont0&/ -a/,ent into a $an) acco nt in a t0ird co ntr/ in ret rn 1or in1or,in! t0e 1orei!n co,-an/ '0ene2er 0is 1ir, 0ad a contract to 1i&&+ T0e 1orei!n co,-an/ t0en )ne' to s $,it a $id+ T0e in1or,ation s/ste,s ,ana!er didn:t 0a2e to &o$$/ 1or t0e 1orei!n co,-an/" on&/ !i2e t0e, t0e in1or,ation t0at 0is 1ir, 'as in t0e ,ar)et 1or -rod cts or ser2ices+ It 'as - to t0e 1orei!n co,-an/ to co,-ete s ccess1 &&/+ O1 co rse" t0e ,ana!er:s 1ir, didn:t )no' 0e 'as ta)in! ,one/ 1ro, t0e 1orei!n co,-an/+ T0e 1orei!n co,-an/ earned o2er W5L ,i&&ion si,-&/ $eca se t0e/ )ne' a$o t t0e -otentia& 1or se&&in! to t0e ,ana!er:s 1ir,+ T0e ,ana!er did 'e&& too8 0e 0ad eno !0 e.tra ,one/ to send 0is c0i&dren to e.-ensi2e ni2ersities+ W0ere does one:s o$&i!ation &ie= Wo &d t0e o$&i!ations o1 t0e ,ana!er 0a2e $een di11erent i1 t0e in1or,ation3see)in! co,-an/ 'ere not 1ro, a di11erent co ntr/= W0at i1 t0e in1or,ation3see)in! co,-an/ 'ere o'ned $/ a re&ati2e o1 t0e ,ana!er= Per0a-s $ein! -aid Go$&i!atedH to s --&/ in1or,ation see,s acce-ta$&e8 a1ter a&&" t0e in1or,ation s/ste,s ,ana!er did not tr/ to in1& ence t0e - rc0ase decision+ B t t0en '0/ didn:t 0e 'ant 0is e,-&o/er to )no' 0e 'as ta)in! ,one/ 1ro, t0e 1orei!n 1ir,= In 1act" t0e e,-&o/ee s $se% ent&/ 1o nd 0e co &dn:t carr/ on 'it0 di2ided &o/a&ties8 0is o$&i!ation to 0is e,-&o/er 'on and 0e ended 0is dea& 'it0 t0e 1orei!n 1ir,+ A e: Is 1eniorit) Valued or *is+ounted= In c &t res t0at 2a& e a!e" t0e o&der a $ siness-erson is t0e ,ore credi$i&it/ 0e or s0e 0as+ Seniorit/ in an or!ani<ation is direct&/ &in)ed to seniorit/ in /ears+ Or!ani<ations send senior ,e,$ers to ne!otiate 'it0 ot0er senior ,e,$ers '0en $ siness transactions are 0e&d+ E&ders are treated res-ect1 &&/" '0ic0 ,eans t0at no$od/ disa!rees o-en&/ 'it0 '0at a senior -erson sa/s+ Meetin!s are ne2er occasions '0ere t0e /o n!er ,e,$ers c0a&&en!e -ositions or o-inions o1 senior

,e,$ers" and t0e res &t is a 0ar,onio s nit+ W0en a senior -erson see,s to $e in error" % iet $e0ind3t0e3scenes disc ssions ta)e -&ace in '0ic0 t0e senior is s0o'n a&ternati2e 'a/s t0e -osition can $e carried o t" or is !i2en se2era& -ossi$i&ities $ot0 -ositi2e and ne!ati2e" in order to a&&o' a reinter-retation o1 t0e -osition+ Ne2er is an/t0in! done or said t0at co &d ca se &oss o1 1ace to a senior -erson+ On t0e contrar/" e.traordinar/ ,eas res so,eti,es are ta)en to ens re 1ace is sa2ed and e2en !ained+ T0is is tr e in Asia '0ere o&der ,e,$ers o1 or!ani<ations en9o/ !reat 1reedo, and -o'er+ T0e/ can ,a)e c0oices 1or t0e,se&2es and ot0ers in a 'a/ not o-en to /o n!er -eo-&e+ Since ot0ers , st &isten to t0e, and $e directed $/ t0e," t0e/ 0a2e a de!ree o1 1reedo, 1ro, t0e need to con1or, t0at on&/ co,es 'it0 a!e+ T0e/ 0a2e t0e ,ost i,-ressi2e 9o$ tit&es and o1ten t0e ,ost res-onsi$&e 9o$s+ W0en U+S+ or!ani<ations send ti2es to Asia" t0e/ o1ten ris) not $ein! ta)en serio s&/ n&ess t0eir re-resentati2es &oo) a--ro-riate&/ senior+ In a de&e!ation to a Vietna,ese tradin! cor-oration" 1or e.a,-&e" t0e o&dest3&oo)in! -erson 'i&& s a&&/ $e ass ,ed $/ t0e Vietna,ese to $e t0e &eader o1 t0e !ro -+ In c &t res t0at e% ate /o t01 &3ness 'it0 2i!or" so,e -eo-&e c0an!e '0ite 0air to ,ore /o t01 & co&ors8 in Asia '0ite 0air earns res-ect+ In a de&e!ation o1 t0ree -eo-&e" one o1 '0o, 0as '0ite 0air" t0at one 'i&& $e 1irst to $e seated" 1irst to $e !reeted" 1irst t0ro !0 doors" and so 1ort0+ (o n! ti2es - <<&e Asian 0osts" since in Asia one on&/ $eco,es 0i!0 ran)in! 'it0 a!e+ B/ contrast" in /o t03oriented c &t res $ein! /o n! see,s to ,ean 0a2in! ,ore c0oices" ,ore -o'er" ,ore ener!/" and ,ore 1reedo, t0an $ein! o&d+ Ad2ertise,ents 1or cons ,er -rod cts in t0e Westcars" &i% or" c&ot0in!" 'atc0es" 1itness e% i-,ent a--ea& to t0e desire to $e 2i!oro s" 0ea&t0/" and -o'er1 &" and t0ese are re&ated to &oo)in! /o n!+ (o n! cor-orate 0eroes are -ro1i&ed in 'ee)end ne's-a-er s --&e,ents $eca se t0e/ are /o n!+ Midd&e3a!ed -eo-&e e2en a--ear at ti,es to ta)e &essons 1ro, t0eir c0i&dren on 0o' to dress" '0at acti2ities to - rs e" 0o' to 'ear t0eir 0air" and '0at s&an! to se" in an attit de o1 res-ect 1or /o t0 t0at $a11&es ,e,$ers o1 seniorit/3oriented c &t res+ T0e 'ord ol' 0as $ad

connotations7 it ,eans &oss o1 -o'er-0/sica&" ,enta&" -o&itica&" se. a&and 'it0 it" &oss o1 res-ect" &oss o1 ca-a$i&it/" &oss o1 stat s" &oss o1 -osition+ O&d e,-&o/ees are F)ic)ed -stairs"F F- t o t to -ast re"F F'aitin! 1or retire,ent+F T0e !reat di11erences in 0o' a!e is 2a& ed are i,-ortant 1or $ siness-eo-&e to nderstand+ I1 /o r e,-&o/ees inc& de a n ,$er o1 Asians" /o ,a/ not $e -re-ared 1or t0eir dis,a/ '0en o&der 'or)ers are &aid o11+ On t0e ot0er 0and" Asian ,ana!ers '0o retain o&der 'or)ers o t o1 res-ect 1or t0eir a!e" '0en /o n!er 'or)ers are ,ore -rod cti2e and ,ore ada-ta$&e" ris) t0e scorn o1 e,-&o/ees 1ro, /o t03oriented c &t res+ Man 1act rers" distri$ tors" and retai& se&&ers o1 -rod cts desi!ned to 0e&,at re ad &ts &oo) /o n!er ,a/ not 0a2e t0e ,ar)et t0e/ ass ,e in a!e3res-ectin! c &t res+ 'ender: Are "omen E?uals or 1u,ordinates= In ,ost c &t res o1 t0e 'or&d" 'o,en do not ac0ie2e )e/ $ siness -ositions+ T0e -riorities o1 c &t res '0ere 'o,en do not earn ti2e tit&es cannot si,-&/ $e dis,issed" 0o'e2er8 ,e,$ers o1 t0ose c &t res do not a&& re!ard 'o,en as &esser $ein!s" n'ort0/ o1 -o'er+ In t0e United States" '0ere e% a& o--ort nit/ is an o11icia& -o&ic/ and '0ere 'o,en can -er1or, in e2er/ area o1 e,-&o/,ent" t0e 2ie' is t0at 'o,en and ,en are e% a&&/ ca-a$&e o1 ac0ie2in! or!ani<ationa& !oa&s+ Wo,en and ,en are e% a&&/ inte&&i!ent" e% a&&/ co,-etent" e% a&&/ 'ort0/ o1 reco!nition 1or 9o$s 'e&& done+ T0e 1act t0at 'o,en do not en9o/ e% a& stat s or e% a& -a/ 'it0 ,en is o1ten de-&ored" a&t0o !0 to&erated+ A ,a9orit/ o1 sin!&e and ,arried 'o,en 'or) o tside t0e 0o,e" and ,ost t'o3-arent 0o se0o&ds re&/ on t'o inco,es 1or ,eetin! $asic costs o1 0o sin!" 1ood" ti&ities" trans-ortation" and -ersona& needs+ Ne2ert0e&ess" , c0 is 'ritten a$o t t0e di11erences $et'een !enders" and t0ere is e2idence t0at ,en and 'o,en se&ect -riorities di11erent&/ 1ro, t0e !enera& c &t re+ *or e.a,-&e" 'o,en are re-orted to $e ,ore cons &tati2e in t0eir ,ana!e,ent st/&e and &ess directi2e t0an ,en+ T0e/ are said to 0a2e ,ore interest in t0e e,otiona& 'e&&3$ein! o1 s $ordinates and co3'or)ers t0an ,en" to &isten

$etter and c &ti2ate -ersona& re&ations0i-s 'it0 co3'or)ers ,ore t0an ,en+ Men '0o a&so e.0i$it t0ese $e0a2iors are said to 0a2e F1e,inineF c0aracteristics" '0i&e 'o,en '0o &ac) t0e, are ca&&ed F,asc &ineF8 t0eir $e0a2ior is so,eti,es e.-&ained as $ein! ,ore ,asc &ine $eca se t0e/ 0a2e 0ad to &earn to co,-ete in a ,en:s 'or&d+ Mana!ers,a&e or 1e,a&e'0o 0a2e so3ca&&ed 1e,inine % a&ities Gcoo-erati2eness" int iti2enessH are &oo)ed and '0o 0a2e F,asc &ineF -on ,ore 1a2ora$&/ $/ so3ca&&ed Gasserti2eness" decisi2eness" F1e,inineF c &t res" '0i&e ,ana!ers '0o are F,asc &ineFa!ain" ,a&e or 1e,a&e c0aracteristics co,-etiti2eness" and a!!ressi2enessH are 2a& ed -ri,ari&/ in ,asc &ine c &t res+N C &t ra& attit des to'ard 'o,en 2ar/" $ t t0e stat s o1 'o,en in a societ/ is not a&'a/s &in)ed to t0eir ro&es in t0e sa,e 'a/ 1ro, c &t re to c &t re+ N rt rin! c0i&dren is 2irt a&&/ a&'a/s t0e 'o,en:s ro&e+ In so,e c &t res t0is carries 'it0 it 2er/ 0i!0 stat s" 1or instance in M s&i, c &t res+ T0ere t0e 0o,e is a sanct ar/ 1ro, t0e ro !0 and dirt/ 'or&d o tside" '0ere 'o,en can &i2e in sec rit/ and -eace 'it0 t0eir c0i&dren+ Men 0a2e t0e res-onsi$i&it/ o1 -rotectin! t0eir 'o,en 1ro, o tside dan!ers" o1 -ro2idin! 1or t0e, and !i2in! t0e, c0i&dren+ Wo,en en9o/ a 0i!0 stat s 'it0in M s&i, c &t re as c0i&d$earers and 1a,i&/ n rt rers+ In so,e co ntries" n,arried M s&i, 'o,en ,a/ 'or) o tside t0eir 1at0er:s 0o,e nti& t0e/ 0a2e a 0o,e o1 t0eir o'n+ Ne2ert0e&ess" as Is&a, dictates" de2o t 'o,en 'i&& on&/ a--ear in - $&ic in ,odest dress" '0ic0 ,eans so,e sort o1 2ei& in ,an/ Is&a,ic co ntries+ A M s&i, $ siness,an '0o arri2es 1or a ,eetin! 'it0 a co3'or)er in a 2ei& 'i&& not s a&&/ introd ce 0er" and s0e 'i&& not s-ea) or s0a)e 0ands 'it0 ot0ers+ In -art" t0is is $eca se s0e deser2es -rotection $/ 0er co'or)er and t0e res-ect t0at co,es 1ro, -racticin! Is&a, as s0o'n $/ socia& distance on t0e -art o1 ,en '0o are o tside t0e 1a,i&/+ It a&so re-resents a c &t ra& -riorit/ t0at assi!ns decision3,a)in! ro&es o tside t0e 0o,e to ,en+ In -resent&/ and 1or,er&/ co,, nist co ntries" 'o,en en9o/ , c0 ,ore e% a& stat s 'it0 ,en+ C0air,an Mao:s 1a,o s state,ent" FWo,en 0o&d - 0a&1 t0e s)/"F is o1ten % oted as e2idence t0at 'o,en in C0ina are not e.c& ded 1ro, an/ -ro1essiona& ac0ie2e,ent+ As a ,atter o1 record" 0o'e2er" 'o,en rare&/ rise to

t0e to- ran)s o1 t0e -art/ or o1 !o2ern,ent+ Ne2ert0e&ess" t0e/ can 0a2e considera$&e -ro1essiona& stat s+ Wo,en are a&& e.-ected to $e e,-&o/ed o tside t0e 0o,e+ T0e/ are a&so e.-ected $/ ,ost 1a,i&ies to do ,ost o1 t0e do,estic 'or)" in s-ite o1 'or)in! 1 && ti,e+ GSi,i&ar&/" in ,odern R ssia a 1a,i&iar i,a!e in 1iction is an o2er'or)ed ,ot0er '0o 0as to $e co,,itted to a sanatori ,+ L . r/ ,eans sta/in! at 0o,e 'it0 t0e c0i&dren and not 0a2in! to !o o t to 'or)+H T0e e.tended 1a,i&/ -attern in ,an/ c &t res in '0ic0 !rand-arents &i2e 'it0 or near t0eir c0i&dren and !randc0i&dren ,eans c0i&d care 1or 'or)in! 'o,en is s a&&/ $ i&t in+ Wo,en , st retire 1ro, !o2ern,ent 9o$s in C0ina at t0e a!e o1 @@8 ,en retire at KA+ In 6a-an" 'o,en o1ten 'or) in $ siness or!ani<ations $ t in &o' stat s 9o$s8 as OLs Go11ice &adiesH t0e/ -er1or, c&erica& and e2en 0ostess d ties+ Man/ c0oose to 'or) so t0e/ can 1ind 0 s$ands" and &ar!e or!ani<ations enco ra!e ,arria!e $et'een e,-&o/ees since 'i2es 'i&& t0en nderstand t0eir 0 s$ands: &o/a&t/ to t0e co,-an/+ E,-&o/ees are acce-ta$&e 'i2es G0a2in! a&read/ $een screened 1or e,-&o/,entH and s0o &d !et a&on! 'it0 t0e 'i2es o1 ot0er e,-&o/eesan i,-ortant consideration since t0e co -&e:s socia&i<in! 'i&& $e a&,ost e.c& si2e&/ 'it0 ot0er e,-&o/ee3and3'i1e co -&es+ (o n! ,arried 'o,en ,a/ contin e to 'or) nti& t0e arri2a& o1 t0eir 1irst c0i&d" $ t t0en 'i&& not s a&&/ re,ain e,-&o/ed+ As ,ot0ers" 6a-anese 'o,en en9o/ 0i!0 stat s in societ/8 t0e $ond $et'een ,ot0er and c0i&d" ca&&ed amae, is re!arded as t0e ,ost i,-ortant in &i1e+ 6a-anese socio&o!ists descri$e it as a $asic de-endence -on ncritica& acce-tance" s c0 as ,ot0ers !i2e c0i&dren" '0ic0 in t rn 1osters a desire 1or t0e sec rit/ o1 acce-tance+ T0e/ attri$ te t0e 6a-anese dri2e to'ard con1or,is, to amae. T0e desire 1or acce-tance and t0e de-endence -on ot0ers to -ro2ide acce-tance is a--arent in t0e -o&ite 6a-anese !reetin! at a 1irst ,eetin!+ It trans&ates" FP&ease ta)e care o1 ,e+F B t in !enera& 'o,en 0a2e &o'er stat s in 6a-anese societ/ t0an ,en+ An indicator o1 t0is is t0at 'o,en in 6a-an se a di11erent 2oca$ &ar/ 1ro, ,en in re1errin! to se&1 and ot0ers+ Wo,en $o' &o'er t0an ,en to s0o' t0eir stat s is not as 0i!0 Ga&t0o !0 t0eir re&ati2e -o'er ,a/ $e !reaterH+ (et 'o,en t/-ica&&/ 0o&d t0e - rse strin!s o1 6a-anese 0o,es" '0ic0 !i2es

t0e, so,e -o'er+ In 1act" 'o,en o1ten en9o/ econo,ic -o'er t0at is !reater t0an ,a&e 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers: -o'er in a n ,$er o1 c &t res" ran!in! 1ro, West A1rica" to Et0io-ia" to T0ai&and and t0e P0i&i--ines+ Wit0 econo,ic -o'er co,es ot0er 1or,s o1 -o'er8 'o,en ,a/ not 1i&& t0e 0i!03-ro1i&e -ositions $ t 'o,en ,a/ $e t0e deter,iners o1 )e/ decisions+ In c &t res '0ere 'o,en do not 0a2e stat s or -o'er and rare&/ 1i! re in ,ana!e,ent &e2e&s o1 $ siness or!ani<ations" -eo-&e 1ro, !ender3e% it/ c &t res ,a/ 0a2e a tendenc/ to 2ie' ine% it/ o1 'o,en as ,ora&&/ 'ron!+ In t0ese cases it is i,-ortant to reco!ni<e t0at F'ron!F is a c &t ra&&/ $ased attit de+ Certain&/ -ro1essiona& 'o,en in t0e United States and E ro-e 1ind ine% it/ on t0e $asis o1 !ender nacce-ta$&e+ B t ot0er c &t res 2ie' 'o,en di11erent&/ and not necessari&/ as o1 di,inis0ed 'ort0+ CATEGOR( @7 SOCIAL ORGANI4ATION T0e 'a/ societ/ is or!ani<ed 0as !reat i,-act on 0o' ,e,$ers o1 t0at societ/ interact and 0o' t0e/ treat o tsiders to t0eir c &t re+ Me,$ers o1 , &tic &t ra& 'or)1orces" ,ana!ers in 1orei!n s $sidiaries sta11ed $/ nati2e e,-&o/eesand con2erse&/" e,-&o/ees 'it0 ,ana!ers 1ro, 1orei!n c &t resand 'or)ers in !&o$a& or!ani<ations '0o dea& 'it0 -eo-&e aro nd t0e 'or&d a&& carr/ 'it0 t0e, e.-ectations a$o t $ siness $e0a2ior $ased on t0e socia& or!ani<ation t0e/ &earned in t0eir nati2e societ/+ Li)e attit des to'ard !ender" a!e" and re&ations0i-s" t0ese notions a$o t 0o' -eo-&e o !0t to interact are &earned /o n! and are t0o !0t o1 as nor,a&+ 'roup %em,ership: Temporar) or Permanent= Indi2id a&s in t0e United States are ,e,$ers o1 ,an/ !ro -s si, &taneo s&/+ Wor) associates !enera&&/ are not a&& socia& 1riends+ *riends0i-s de2e&o- 1ro, a 2ariet/ o1 contacts7 sc0oo&" nei!0$or0ood" -&ace o1 'ors0i-" c& $s" and co,, nit/ ser2ice or!ani<ations+ * rt0er,ore" !ro - ,e,$ers0i- is i,-er,anent+ I1 /o &ose interest in an acti2it/" /o dro- o t o1 t0e c& $ and ,a/ &ose contact 'it0 t0e 1riends 'it0 '0o,

/o s0ared t0at acti2it/+ I1 /o ,o2e to anot0er nei!0$or0ood" c0an!e re&i!io s a11i&iation" or !et a ne' 9o$" /o r 1riends0i-s can 'ane+ I1 /o r -ersona& !oa&s are no &on!er $ein! ,et $/ a !ro -" /o ,o2e on and -ro$a$&/ &oo) to ne' associates 1or t0e $ene1its /o sed to recei2e 1ro, t0e 1or,er !ro -+ In 1act" e2en ,e,$ers0i- in 1a,i&ies is s $9ect to -ersona& c0oice+ S-o ses o1ten c0oose not to re,ain ,arried" c0i&dren occasiona&&/ decide not to contin e in re&ations0i-s 'it0 si$&in!s or e2en -arents" and e2en -arents occasiona&&/ deter,ine not to re&ate to o11s-rin!+ T0e $rea)do'n o1 1a,i&/ !ro -s is re! &ar&/ de-&ored in t0e United States" $ t ne2ert0e&ess it is to&erated+ A ,a9orit/ o1 ,e,$ers in t0e do,inant c &t re o1 t0e United States a!ree t0e indi2id a&:s needs co,e 1irst+ W0en one:s o'n needs are ,et to an acce-ta$&e de!ree" t0en one can 1 &1i&& res-onsi$i&ities to ot0ers+ In ot0er c &t res" '0ere !ro - ,e,$ers0i- ,a/ not $e s $9ect to c0oice" t0e res-onsi$i&ities o1 ,e,$ers0i- co,e $e1ore t0e ri!0ts o1 indi2id a&s to e.-ect t0eir needs $e ,et+ *or e.a,-&e" t0e notion o1 c0oosin! to &oosen 1a,i&/ ties si,-&/ ne2er occ rs to ,e,$ers o1 co&&ecti2ist c &t res+ In c &t res '0ere !ro - ,e,$ers0i- is -er,anent" $e&on!in! starts 'it0 t0e 1a,i&/+ Socia& or!ani<ation in C0inese c &t re 0as $een descri$ed $/ a 1a,o s C0inese socio&o!ist" *ei Oiaoton!" '0o st died t0e c &t re o1 t0e Mid'estern United States in t0e 5I?As 1or 0is 1ie&d'or)+I He c0aracteri<es C0inese c &t re as a series o1 concentric circ&es 'it0 t0e 1a,i&/ at t0e center a&on! 'it0 ;" t0e e!o+ GIn Western co ntries" t0e inner,ost circ&e 'o &d -ro$a$&/ $e ; a&one+H T0e indi2id a&:s -arents" !rand-arents" s-o se" si$&in!s" and o11s-rin! are a&& in t0e center o1 t0e -attern+ T0e ne.t circ&e ,a/ inc& de s-o ses o1 si$&in!s" a nts and nc&es" co sins" c0i&dren:s in3&a's+ T0e ne.t circ&e is 1or one:s dearest 1riends" -er0a-s 1ro, ear&iest sc0oo& da/s8 s $se% ent circ&es inc& de 'or) co&&ea! es G'0o are a&so s a&&/ nei!0$ors in C0ina toda/H '0o are es-ecia&&/ tr sted+ T0en co,e t0ose '0o are 1a,i&iar $ t not so c&ose" and so on nti& e2er/one 0as $een -&aced in a circ&e e2er/one" t0at is" to '0o, one ,i!0t -ossi$&/ $e nder o$&i!ation $eca se o1 a re&a3 tions0i-+ E2er/one e&se in t0e !eo!ra-0ica& area or nation or 'or&d is on t0e o tside

o1 t0e concentric circ&es7 One 0as no o$&i!ation to res-ond to t0eir needs+ W0i&e t0e circ&e inside '0ic0 so,eone is &ocated ,a/ c0an!e" 'it0 a -erson $eco,in! nearer to or 1art0er 1ro, t0e center" t0e circ&es t0e,se&2es do not+ Socia& or!ani<ation in C0ina is re&ati2e&/ sta$&e $eca se e2er/one nderstands t0e -attern o1 concentric circ&es and )no's t0e )e/7 I1 /o 'ant to enter into a re&ations0i- 'it0 so,eone and t0ere1ore $e a$&e to inc r reci-roca& o$&i!ation G'0ic0 is t0e essence o1 a re&ations0i-H" /o , st &ocate /o rse&1 so,e'0ere inside a circ&e+ (o need to -resent /o rse&1 as t0e 1riend o1 a 1riend o1 a re&ati2e" or t0e c&ass,ate o1 a 1or,er co&&ea! e" or at t0e 2er/ &east a co3'or)er o1 so,eone '0o 'as in a re&ations0i- 'it0 a co3'or)er o1 t0e ot0er -erson+ Once /o can identi1/ /o rse&1 as 0a2in! so,e -&ace in t0e socia& str ct re o1 anot0er -erson:s circ&es" t0at -erson 0as a res-onsi$i&it/ to enter into a re&ations0i- 'it0 /o + T0e C0inese 'ord 1or re&ations0i-" $uan/i, a&so ,eans connection. T0e 'a/ $ siness !ets done in C0ina is t0ro !0 connections+ In contrast" *ei descri$ed A,erican c &t re as contractual. Instead o1 a net'or) o1 res-onsi$i&ities ran!in! 1ro, ,ost to &east i,-ortant" 0e said -eo-&e in t0e United States re!ard a&& re&ations0i-s as contracts+ T0e/ can $e $ro)en '0ene2er one -art/ c0ooses+ E2en c&ose 1riends0i-s and 1a,i&/ re&ations0i-s can $e se2ered '0en t0e/ t0reaten t0e indi2id a&:s -ersona& !oa&s+ Wor) re&ations0i-s" c& $ ,e,$ers0i-s" ties 'it0 sc0oo&s and 1or,er c&ass,ates tend to 'it0er i1 an indi2id a& ,o2es a'a/+ A,ericans do ,o2e a'a/ a &ot8 it is rare no'ada/s 1or an indi2id a& to &i2e a '0o&e &i1e in one -&ace+ T0is ,a)es socia& or!ani<ation &oose and i,-er,anent+ (o can !et &ost in t0e United States+ (o can e2en ,o2e to a ne' &ocation and c0an!e /o r identit/+ Part o1 t0e sta$i&it/ o1 co,, nist C0ina:s socia& str ct re co,es 1ro, t0e 1act t0at -eo-&e $e!in 'or)in! in a 'or) nit" a 'an &ei, at t0e $e!innin! o1 t0eir career and do not c0an!e e,-&o/ers n&ess t0e e,-&o/er arran!es a c0an!e+ T0is e,-&o/er31or3&i1e -attern is startin! to $rea) do'n as 1ree enter-rise !ro's+ So,e C0inese de&i$erate&/ c0oose to se2er connections $/ $ /in! o t t0eir co,,it,ent to t0e 'an &ei in order to start an inde-endent $ siness+ T0e 'an &ei is not on&/ t0e e,-&o/er8 it a&so -ro2ides 0o sin!" sc0oo&in! 1or

t0e 'or)er:s c0i&d" da/ care i1 needed" and a&&o'ances 1or -ersona& needs G0air c ts" $oo)s and ,a!a<ines" trans-ortationH+ T0e 'an &ei a&so ta)es care o1 0o&ida/ destinations and ti,es G'0ic0 2ar/ de-endin! on ran)H" in so,e cases -ro2ides $ ses 1or e,-&o/ees: co,, te to 'or)" and -a/s -ensions -on retire,ent+ *ina&&/" t0e 'an &ei is '0ere 'or)ers o$tain certain co,,odities" and 1or,er&/ o$tained t0e ration tic)ets once a ,ont0 t0at 'ere necessar/ to $ / sta-&es s c0 as 1&o r" rice" oi&" and ,eat+ As ,ore and ,ore -ri2ate or!ani<ations 1&o ris0" t0ese 1 nctions o1 t0e 'an &ei are &osin! t0e critica& i,-ortance t0e/ once 0ad+ B t t0e entire co ntr/ 'as or!ani<ed in t0is s/ste, as recent&/ as t0e &ate 5INAs+ It ,a/ $e t0at ne'" -ri2ate or!ani<ations 'i&& 0a2e to a--ea& to e,-&o/ees $/ o-eratin! in t0is -aterna&istic -attern+ C0inese '0o 0a2e 0ad e.-erience in st d/ or 'or) in t0e United States re-ort astonis0,ent '0en t0e/ once a!ain re2isit t0e United States and 1ind t0eir 1or,er co&&ea! es 0a2e ,o2ed to a ne' 9o$ in a ne' cit/" and no$od/ in t0e 1or,er 'or)-&ace )no's t0eir ne' address+ *or t0e," t0e o$&i!ations o1 re&ations0i- ,ean not on&/ a &i1e&on! co,,it,ent" $ t one t0at ,a/ 'e&& &ast to s cceedin! !enerations+ T0e c0i&dren o1 -eo-&e 'it0 c&ose $uan/i are e.-ected to s stain t0e sa,e reci-roca& o$&i!ation -attern" and t0eir c0i&dren as 'e&&+ Co,, nication" es-ecia&&/ 'it0in -er,anent !ro -s" 0as s-eci1ic 1 nctions+ We:&& no' consider t0ree 1 nctions o1 co,, nication+ COMMUNICATING TO NURTURE GROUP RELATIONSHIPS T0e -er,anent nat re o1 re&ations0i-s a11ects co,, nication in co&&ecti2ist c &t res+ Me,$ers o1 !ro -s do not see) to s-ea) -" to set t0e record strai!0t" or e2en to e.-ress a contradictor/ -oint o1 2ie'8 instead" socia& 0ar,on/ is a 0idden !oa& o1 e2er/ co,, nication+ T0is is 2er/ di11erent 1ro, t0e tendenc/ in indi2id a&ist c &t res to 2er$a&i<e t0at is" to - t t0in!s in 'ords '0et0er 'ritten or ora&+ Westerners ,a/ see) to e.-ress a di11erent -oint o1 2ie' to $e reco!ni<ed or to tri ,-0 in -resentin! a -oint o1 2ie' t0at carries t0e ,a9orit/ 'it0 it+ In co&&ecti2ist c &t res" $ein! ri!0t isn:t as i,-ortant as $ein! in concord 'it0 t0e !ro -+ In c &t res t0ro !0o t Asia as 'e&& as A1rica" losin$ face is a terri$&e t0in! to

s 11er+ Besides e.-ressin! a!ree,ent" 2ario s ot0er 'a/s o1 co,, nicatin! di,inis0 -otentia& &oss o1 1ace a&so" s c0 as &a !0in! to disco nt t0e si!ni1icance o1 so,e 'ord or act and t0ere1ore disco nt its a$i&it/ to ca se &oss o1 1ace+ Si,-&/ c0oosin! not to 0ear is anot0er -&o/+ T0e -ro1o nd desire not to $e t0e ca se o1 so,eone:s &osin! 1ace res &ts in ,an/ c &t res in a !reat re& ctance to sa/ no or $ear $ad ne's+ W0ere t0e ns-o)en o$9ecti2e o1 e2er/ transaction is to create and n rt re 0ar,on/ so t0e re&ations0ican t0ri2e" $ad ne's is a serio s t0reat to t0at o$9ecti2e+ Or to $e -recise" t0e communication o1 $ad ne's is a serio s t0reat+ T0e ne's itse&1 ,a/ or ,a/ not t rn o t to 0a2e disastro s conse% ences8 ,a/$e t0e conte.t can $e c0an!ed and t0e -art/ need ne2er )no' t0e act a& $ad ne's+ B t tterin! $ad ne's 0as to $e" 'e&&" $ad ne's+ #e&i2erin! criticis, to so,eone '0o ,i!0t &ose 1ace $/ it $eco,es tric)/+ Indirectness is t0e s a& -o&ic/ '0en one , st -oint o t 'ea)nesses or ,a)e criticis,s o1 anot0er" in order to save face. *ace is co&&ecti2e" not on&/ indi2id a&+ C0i&dren are ta !0t not to &ose t0e 1a,i&/:s 1ace+ I1 an e,-&o/ee ,a)es an error t0at ca ses t0e co,-an/ -ro$&e,s" t0e co,-an/ &oses 1ace+ O1ten t0e $&a,e 1or an error is di11 sed so no one indi2id a& is res-onsi$&e" $ t t0e !ro - &oses 1ace+ Si,i&ar&/" t0e i,-ortance of $ivin$ face in co&&ecti2ist c &t res is o1ten o2er&oo)ed $/ ,e,$ers o1 indi2id a&ist c &t res+ Gi2in! 1ace ,eans ,a)in! so,eone &oo) !ood in 1ront o1 ot0ers o1 t0e sa,e co&&ecti2e" -artic &ar&/ G$ t not e.c& si2e&/H s -eriors+ Usin! tit&es+ reco!ni<in! s-ecia& ac0ie2e,ent or e.-ertise" -raisin! a 9o$ 'e&& done" ac)no'&ed!in! an o$&i!ationt0ese are a&& 'a/s o1 !i2in! 1ace+ Not disa!reein! - $&ic&/ 'it0 s -eriors is a 'a/ to !i2e 1ace+ *ace can a&so $e $orro'ed+ T0at is" '0en so,eone is at ris) o1 &osin! 1ace" t0at -erson can c&ai, a connection 'it0 so,eone '0o 0as 1ace" t0ere$/ F$orro'in!F 1ace+ A /o n! -erson in an n1a,i&iar $ siness sit ation '0o ,entions an o&der" e.-erienced" and )no'n $ siness,an is $orro'in! 0is 1ace+ A co,-an/ t0at is initiatin! a $ siness association 'it0 a 1orei!n co,-an/ ,a/ $orro' 1ace 1ro, anot0er co,-an/ 'it0 a &on! 0istor/ o1 re&ations0i- 'it0 t0e 1orei!n 1ir,+

So,e o1 t0ese co,, nication di11erences e,er!ed in a cross3c &t ra& trainin! -ro!ra, de&i2ered $/ Canadians 1or C0inese -artici-ants+ W0en t0e trainees: &ateness incon2enienced ! est s-ea)ers" t0e trainers $eca,e an!r/ and sco&ded t0e trainees+ T0e trainees: res-onse 'as $e'i&der,ent andas e,er!ed a1ter so,e de&icate % estionin!s0a,e 1or t0e trainers '0o &et t0e,se&2es $e0a2e so e,otiona&&/T So t0e trainers as)ed 0o' t0e C0inese 'o &d t0e,se&2es $e0a2e i1" sa/" a 1riend re-eated&/ arri2ed &ate 1or a ,o2ie date" so &ate t0at it 'asn:t -ossi$&e to see t0e 1i&,+ T0e a--ro-riate 'a/ to dea& 'it0 s c0 a -erson" t0e trainees a!reed" 'o &d $e to !o see 1i&,s 'it0 so,eone e&se and to $eco,e coo&er and ,ore distant 1ro, t0e -erson '0o $e0a2ed so irres-onsi$&/+ T0e/ said t0e/ 'o &d 1ee& an!r/ $ t it 'as not a--ro-riate to s0o' an!er+ T0e ot0er -erson 'o &d certain&/ &ose 1ace i1 an!er 'ere directed to'ard 0i, or 0er" and t0e an!r/ -erson 'o &d &oo) 1oo&is0 and c0i&dis0" and t0ere1ore 'o &d a&so &ose 1ace+ Socia& 0ar,on/ 'o &d $e disr -ted t'ice+ GT0e trainers a-o&o!i<ed t0e ne.t da/ 1or t0eir an!r/ 'ords+H #ISPLA(ING EMOTION S0o'in! e,otion in non2er$a& and 2er$a& co,, nication 2aries in de!ree a&on! t0e &ines o1 0i!03conte.t and &o'3conte.t c &t res+ In C0ina" 6a-an" Korea" T0ai&and" Vietna," and ot0er co&&ecti2ist c &t res" c &t re socia&i<es -eo-&e 1ro, an ear&/ a!e not to s0o' e,otion - $&ic&/+ No do $t t0is is $eca se a dis-&a/ o1 e,otion co &d 0a2e -otentia& conse% ences o1 disr -tin! t0e 0ar,on/ t0at is so i,-ortant to co&&ecti2ist c &t res+ O$2io s&/ t0is attit de to'ard e,otions can 0a2e conse% ences in 'or) en2iron,ents '0ere an e,otion3e.-ressi2e c &t re is in contact 'it0 an e,otion3 re-ressi2e c &t re+ W0en so,eone 1ro, an e,otion3e.-ressi2e c &t resa/ Po&is0 carries on a co,, nication transaction a$o t a -ercei2ed 'ron! 'it0 so,eone 1ro, an e,otion3re-ressi2e c &t resa/ 6a-aneseeac0 can $e sendin! ,essa!es t0e ot0er 0as tro $&e decodin! correct&/ $eca se o1 t0e co,, nication st/&e+ T0e Po&e ,a/ $e -ercei2ed to $e i,,at re" o t o1 contro&" and e!ocentric+ T0e 6a-anese ,a/ $e -ercei2ed to $e co&d" ns/,-at0etic" and -ti!0t+ T0ese -erce-tions t0en 1or, t0e conte.t 1or t0e 'orded ,essa!e" '0ic0 is s $9ect to distortion and ,isinter-retation" or in ot0er 'ords" 1a &t/ decodin!+ E!/-tians dis-&a/ on&/ e,otion t0at is socia&&/ acce-ta$&e+ T0e e,otion o1

an!er is not socia&&/ acce-ta$&e+ B t not to s0o' e,otion" 1or e.a,-&e in t0e 1ace o1 anot0er:s !rie1" or 9 $i&ation" or disa--oint,ent" is se&13centered and e!oistic+ T0at is" to $e i,-assi2e is to den/ !ro - ,e,$ers0i-+ SHAMING OR CAUSING GUILT So,e '0o st d/ c &t res di2ide t0e, into t0ose t& 7 ca se s0a,e in order to ,a)e -eo-&e $e0a2e accordin! to c &t ra& r &es" and t0ose t0"77 ca se ! i&t+ Bot0 t0ese e,otions can $e -o'er1 & e&e,ents in cross3c &t ra& $ siness interactions+ S0a,e is an e,otion o1 e,$arrass,ent e.-erienced $/ a !ro -" or a ,e,$er on $e0a&1 o1 t0e !ro -" '0en t0e 0onor o1 t0e !ro - is ca&&ed into do $t+ It is in - $&ic 2ie'" t0e res &t o1 Ga&&e!edH ,iscond ct+ G i&t is an e,otion o1 se&13re-roac0 e.-erienced interna&&/ and -ri2ate&/ at t0e reco!nition o1 ,iscond ct+ GT0is is not t0e sa,e ,eanin! o1 ! i&t as res-onsi$&e 1or 'ron!doin!" t0e o--osite o1 innocent+H So,e c &t res se t0e -ain1 & e,otion o1 ! i&t to - nis0 ,e,$ers+ T0e ! i&t3ridden s 11er in -ri2ate nti& t0eir ! i&t is ad,itted in - $&ic and t0en t0e $e0a2ior a$o t '0ic0 t0e/ 1ee& ! i&t is 1or!i2en or - nis0ed or dea&t 'it0 in so,e 'a/+ T0e ! i&t ,a/ or ,a/ not !o a'a/ as a res &t o1 !ettin! its ca se o t in t0e o-en+ W0ere indi2id a& res-onsi$i&it/" res &ts" and -ri2ac/ are 2a& ed" ! i&t is a -otent 'a/ 1or a c &t re to en1orce r &es o1 $e0a2ior+ W0ere !ro - ,e,$ers0i-" re&ations0i-s" and - $&ic )no'&ed!e o1 one:s &i1e are i,-ortantin ot0er 'ords" in co&&ecti2ist c &t ress0a,e en1orces t0e r &es o1 cond ct+ T0ese r &es ,a/ 0a2e ori!ins in Con1 cianis, in Asian c &t res+ In s0a,e c &t res" !ro - ,e,$ers s 11er t0e dis!race o1 $e&on!in! to a dis0onored !ro -+ S0a,e is not t0e sa,e t0in! as face, '0ic0 in2o&2es stat s+ A !ro - ,a/ $e s0a,ed $ t sti&& not &ose 1ace+ *or instance" i1 t0e o&dest son o1 a 1a,i&/ inc rs a de$t and creditors are )no'n to $e - rs in! 0i," t0e 1a,i&/ is - $&ic&/ s0a,ed+ B t i1 t0e de$t is -aid" t0ere is no &oss o1 1ace+ Me,$ers o1 s0a,e c &t res ,a/ not $e a$&e to !i2e ans'ers to % estions 1ro, 1orei!ners 'it0o t &osin! t0e co&&ecti2e:s 1ace% estions a$o t t0eir $ siness or!ani<ation:s tec0no&o!ica& ca-a$i&it/" e.-ertise" ,an 1act rin! e.-erience" eco&o!ica& -ro!ress" or 0 ,an ri!0ts ac0ie2e,ents+ Persistent % estionin! can

ca se s0a,e i1 it i,-&ies 'ron!doin!+ Si,i&ar&/" an/ - $&ic co,,ente2en in a 9o)et0at re1ers to a -erson:s" co,-an/:s" or nation:s 1ai&in!s ca ses s0a,e 1or t0e !ro - G1a,i&/" e,-&o/er" co ntr/H+

It is % ite -ossi$&e 1or -eo-&e '0o are not ,e,$ers o1 t0e secretar/+ He 1e&t s0a,ed" on a s0a,e c &t re to ca se s0a,e 'it0o t rea&i<in! it+ 2isitin! C0inese ,edica& sta11 in t0e #r+ Won!" one o1 a !ro - 1ro, C0ina 'or)in! tern3 secretar/:s % estion in t0at sit ation"

$ t 0adn:t in1or,ed $e0a&1 o1 a&& t0e 0os-ita&" $/ t0e

-orari&/ in an A stra&ian 0os-ita&" re-orted to a He t0o !0t s0e 'as tr/in! to ,a)e 0i, &oo) $ad in Ma&a/sian s r!eon+ T0e s r!eon:s secretar/ 'as s r!eon+ He 1e&t acc sed o1 ,iseon3 A stra&ian+ T0e s r!eon and doctor 0a--ened to ,eet on t0e C0inese !ro - as a '0o&e" and -a se 1or a $rie1 con2ersation at t0e secretar/:s 0ad no intention to ca se 0i, des)+ T0e secretar/ interr -ted" sa/in!" F#r+ Won!" si,-&/ sa/in! '0at occ rred to 0er '0ere 'ere /o /esterda/= I &oo)ed a&& o2er t0e 0os3 and re,e,$ered s0e 0adn:t $een -ita& 1or /o TF T0e doctor 0ad $een in a &a$ e&se'0ere reac0 0i, t0e -re2io s da/+ in t0e 0os-ita&a -er1ect&/ reasona$&e -&ace to $eU a$&e to '0en s0e sa' 0i, s0a,e+ S0e 'as B t t0e secretar/ d ct t0at re1&ected t0e e/es o1 t0e

(orm: Important or 0ntrust#orth)= *or, ,eans -rotoco&" t0e r &es o1 eti% ette and ,anners 1or doin! so,et0in!+ It is re&ated to co,, nication iss es 1or -er,anent 2ers s te,-orar/ !ro - ,e,$ers0i-7 *or, is s a&&/ ,ore i,-ortant in c &t res '0ere -reser2ation

o1 0ar,on/ in -er,anent !ro -s is critica&+ Be0a2in! 'it0 1or, ,eans $e0a2in! correctly. C &t res t0at ,a)e 1or, i,-ortant ens re t0at e2er/one can o-erate $/ t0e sa,e )no'a$&e r &es" '0ic0 red ces t0e ris) o1 &osin! 1ace t0ro !0 so,e nintentiona& ,ista)e+ E2er/one is ,ore co,1orta$&e $eca se t0e r &es are 'e&& esta$&is0ed and co,-re0ensi2e+ Tr st'ort0/ -eo-&e 1o&&o' 1or,+ In so,e c &t res" doin! it $/ t0e $oo) is an essentia& ,ar) o1 ,at rit/" ad &t0ood" res-onsi$i&it/+ *or, is t0e reason '0/ T0ais do not s0o' an!er in - $&ic 'ords or actions+ *or, is '0at re% ires Indians to !reet one anot0er 'it0 namaste, '0ic0 is a !est re t0at acco,-anies t0e !reetin!" - ttin! t0e -a&,s o1 t0e 0ands to!et0er 'it0 1in!ers -ointin! to'ards t0e c0in" and s&i!0t&/ $o'in! t0e 0ead+ In T0ai&and t0e sa,e !est re is ca&&ed t0e &ai. *or, re% ires /o to o11er /o r ri!0t c0ee) 1or a to)en )iss to e2er/ socia& or $ siness contact /o ,eet in Ar!entina+ *or, is '0/ 6an 4a,o/s)i )issed S0ei&a Gra0a,:s 0and in !reetin! and sed 1or,a& &an! a!e to o11er 0er co11ee in t0e sit ation t0at o-ened t0is c0a-ter+ T0e de&i$erate settin! aside o1 1or,'0ic0 co &d $e ca&&ed a 1or, in itse&1acco nts 1or t0e Israe&is: sin! 1irst na,es ri!0t a'a/+ *or, is '0at dictates t0at o2ercoats , st $e c0ec)ed at t0e door in R ssia+5A *or, ,a/ e2en deter,ine '0en it is acce-ta$&e to ta&) $ siness Gat dinner= on a train ride= at ,eetin!s on&/=H+ So,e c &t res see, to 1o&&o' 1or, '0en t0e s $stance itse&1 is not si!ni1icantt0is is 1or, 1or t0e sa)e o1 1or,+ *or e.a,-&e" 6a-anese $ siness-eo-&e $o' to one anot0er eac0 ti,e t0e/ ,eet" and t0e de-t0 o1 t0e $o' re!isters to a -recise de!ree t0e re&ati2e stat s o1 eac0 -erson+ B siness a--are& is ni1or,o1ten &itera&&/ Fone 1or,F o1 dress+ Certain co,-anies -ro2ide a co,-an/ 9ac)et 1or e,-&o/ees" '0o c0an!e 1ro, street c&ot0es -on arri2a& at 'or)+ #e&e!ations o1 6a-anese $ siness,en a$road are a&so 2irt a&&/ identica& in dress7 dar) s its" '0ite s0irts" a$o t one inc0 o1 c 11 s0o'in!" so$er ties Gno $o' tiesH+ Gi1ts are e&a$orate&/ 'ra--ed" e2en ones t0at ,a/ $e o1 &o' ,onetar/ 2a& e" 1o&&o'in! e.-ected 1or,+ In ne!otiations" correct 1or, dictates t0at on&/ desi!nated s-ea)ers s-ea)8 ot0ers are si&ent n&ess in2ited s-eci1ica&&/ to -artici-ate+ One correct 1or, 1or sa/in! FnoF'0ic0 6a-anese e,-&o/ re& ctant&/is to dra' in t0e $reat0 t0ro !0

t0e teet0 'it0 a 0iss" and t0en e.-e& it" FSa00TF '0i&e &oo)in! sad&/ at t0e ta$&e+ T0e -ro-er 1or, 1or addressin! so,eone is $/ tit&e GVice President" En!ineer" Teac0erH and 1a,i&/ na,e+ Gi2en na,es are on&/ sed in inti,ate re&ations0i-s" ne2er $/ $ siness associates+ T0is is in addition to t0e s-eec0 re!isters sed in t0e 6a-anese &an! a!e" '0ic0 0as si. di11erent 2oca$ &ar/ -atterns to sa/ Goo' mornin$ de-endin! -on '0o is s-ea)in! and to '0o,7 s -erior to s $ordinate" e&der to /o n!er" ,a&e to 1e,a&e" or 2ice32ersa+ 6a-anese 0as 5M s/non/,s 1or you, to a&&o' -ro-er attention to de!ree o1 1or,+ *or, a&so ,eans t0at 1a,i&/ na,es on&/ are sed+ Gi2en na,es are on&/ sed $/ inti,ates" not 'or) co&&ea! es+ One 6a-anese $ siness researc0er co,,ented a$o t t0e odd se o1 !i2en na,es '0en t0e Pri,e Minister o1 6a-an" (as 0iro Na)asone" ,et 'it0 President Rona&d Rea!an7 It ,ade an interestin! ne's ite, in 6a-an '0en t0en Pri,e Minister Na)asone re-orted&/ ,entioned t0at 0e dea&t 'it0 President Rea!an on a 1irst3na,e $asis and ter,ed t0e t'o ,en:s re&ations0i- as t0e FRon3(aso Re&ations0i-+F + + + T0e 1act re,ains" 0o'e2er" t0at no one" inc& din! 0is ca$inet ,inisters" e2er ca&&ed 0i, $/ 0is 1irst na,e in 6a-an+F In E ro-ean c &t res" '0ic0 are !enera&&/ di2erse $ t s0are a&i)e a res-ect 1or 1or," $ siness contacts a&,ost ne2er address one anot0er $/ t0eir !i2en na,es" e2en '0en t0e/ 'or) to!et0er 1or &on! -eriods and see one anot0er re! &ar&/+ In 'ritten ,essa!es" correct 1or, ,eans re% ired se o1 certain -0rases and 1or, &ae+ *renc0 $ siness &etters in2aria$&/ inc& de s $9 ncti2e 2er$s" to s0o' -o&iteness" and c&ose 'it0 an e.-ression o1 'ar, 'is0es to t0e reader t0at Britis0 and A,erican corres-ondents 1ind 1&orid+ In Me.ico" $ siness &etters not on&/ se e&a$orate &an! a!e" t0e/ a&so tend to $e e.tre,e&/ co rteo s+ On t0e ot0er 0and" so,e c &t res ,istr st 1or,+ Stan'in$ on ceremony is -ercei2ed as !i2in! onese&1 airs and s $stit tin! eti% ette 1or sincerit/+ To t0e recent&/ in2ented c &t re o1 t0e United States" e,-0asis on 1or, &oo)s ,annered+ It

is dan!ero s so-0istr/" e2en deceit+ B siness-eo-&e 1ro, t0e United States are )no'n aro nd t0e 'or&d 1or t0eir -re1erence 1or addressin! $ siness co&&ea! es $/ !i2en na,es rat0er t0an 1a,i&/ na,es+ An atte,-t at !en ineness" at &ea2in! $e0ind st 11iness and 1or,a&it/" can co,e across as -res ,-t o s inti,ac/+ T0e !ood'i&& !est re o1 - ttin! an ar, across anot0er:s s0o &ders can trans&ate as $ooris0 $on0o,ie+ To t0e 2enera$&e c &t res o1 Asia and E ro-e" &ac) o1 1or, &oo)s n,anner&/+ It is dan!ero s nai2ete" e2en i!norance+ B/ t0e sa,e to)en" ,e,$ers o1 ot0er c &t res ,a/ 1ind t0e $e0a2ior o1 U+S+ $ siness-eo-&e to $e a F1or,F o1 in1or3 ,a&it/ 'it0 r &es a$o t in1or,a&it/ t0at 0a2e to $e &earned in , c0 t0e sa,e 'a/ as r &es o1 1or,a& -rotoco& 0a2e to $e &earned+ To co,, nicate e11ecti2e&/" $ siness-eo-&e need to $e a'are o1 t0e di11erent attit des to'ard 1or, and to ad9 st t0eir reactions to ot0er c &t res: co,, nication ,essa!es+ Personal %atters: Pri!ate or Pu,li+= T0e de!ree to '0ic0 -ossessions" -ro!ra,s" and or!ani<ations are -ri2ate or - $&ic 2aries 'it0 c &t re and can a11ect 0o' $ siness is carried o t+ T0is is a c &t ra& -riorit/" not a descri-tion o1 0o' co,-anies are str ct red8 'e aren:t ta&)in! a$o t -ri2ate&/ 0e&d s0ares 2ers s stoc) traded on an o-en ,ar)et+ We are disc ssin! t0e de!ree to '0ic0 -eo-&e $e&ie2e 'or) and -ri2ate &i1e are se-arate+ Persona& -ri2ac/ is anot0er o1 t0e -riorities t0at -eo-&e t0e 'or&d o2er ta)e 1or !ranted" ass ,in! t0eir 2ie' is ni2ersa& nti& t0e/ are con1ronted 'it0 anot0er 2ie'+ In E ro-e as in An!&o c &t resCanada" t0e United States" A stra&ia" and Ne' 4ea&anda -erson:s 'or) &i1e is )e-t 1air&/ se-arate 1ro, -ri2ate &i1e+ Wor)ers are not e.-ected to $rin! -ri2ate concerns 'it0 t0e, to 'or)8 e,-&o/ees do not $rin! c0i&dren to t0e o11ice to -&a/ at t0eir 1eet '0i&e t0e/ 'or)8 -ersona& -0one ca&&s and 2isitors are not a--ro-riate+ Ho rs t0at t0e or!ani<ation -a/s 1or $e&on! to t0e or!ani<ation and its concerns+ On t0e ot0er 0and" & nc0 $rea)s and e2en co11ee $rea)s are not -aid ti,e in ,an/ 9o$s" and t0ere1ore are t0e e,-&o/ee:s -ersona& ti,e+ T0is is '0en an e,-&o/ee recei2es and ,a)es -ersona& -0one ca&&s" )ee-s -ersona& a--oint,ents

and so 1ort0+ In so,e o11ices" considera$&e e11ort is e.-ended to )ee- e,-&o/ees 1ro, disc ssin! -ersona& iss es as t0e/ 'or)+ Or!ani<ationa& -o&ic/ s a&&/ i,-&ies" i1 not directs" t0at 'or)ers s0o &d not e2en $e thinkin$ a$o t -ersona& iss es on co,-an/ ti,e i1 s c0 t0o !0ts ,a/ ad2erse&/ a11ect 'or)+ Not s r-risin!&/" c &t res t0at e,-0asi<e re&ations0i-s" 2ie' !ro ,e,$ers0i- as &on! ter," and 2a& e 0ar,on/ 0a2e a $& rred distinction $et'een '0at is -ri2ate and '0at is - $&ic Gor at &east '0at is F!ro -FH+ As i&& strated $/ t0e 6a-anese 'or)er 'it0 t0e 0an!o2er in C0a-ter 5" in 6a-an s -eriors are e.-ected to $e -aterna&istic co nse&ors in ,atters to do 'it0 -ri2ate &i2es o1 e,-&o/ees+ T0e sa,e is tr e in C0ina" '0ere an e,-&o/ee 'o &d a--ear secreti2e and de&i$erate&/ destr cti2e o1 !ro - 0ar,on/ 1or 1ai&in! to s0are t0e -artic &ars o1 -ersona& -ro$&e,sserio s ones t0at ,i!0t inter1ere 'it0 'or)'it0 a s -erior+ GNot0in! is act a&&/ secret and t0e s -erior 'o &d 1ind o t 1ro, so,eone e&se an/'a/" in t0at co&&ecti2ist c &t re+H In C0ina '0ere t0e 'or) nit -ro2ides so ,an/ o1 t0e co,,odities o1 -ersona& &i1e" t0e &ine is e2en ,ore $& rred+ In Ar!entina" '0ic0 is stron!&/ in1& enced $/ E ro-ean 2a& es" e,-&o/ees are e.-ected to - t 'or) -riorities 1irst" $ t 1a,i&/ and -ri2ate concerns are treated 'it0 a so,e'0at 1&e.i$&e attit de+

An e.-atriate 'or)in! in C0ina reca&&ed sittin! in a No8 it see,s a tr c) 'it0 9ars o1 ,edica& c&inic in a -artic &ar 'an &ei '0en a doctor 'as at t0e 'est !ate" and an/one r s0ed into t0e &ar!e cons &tin! roo,+ In !reat a!ita3 0ad to s-ea) - ri!0t a'a/+ T0e tion 0e 'ent 1ro, doctor to doctor as)in! eac0 one -&acin! t0eir orders+ GIn t0e sa,e

,edica& e,er!enc/= -reser2ed -& ,s '0o 'anted so,e doctors 0ad $een

so,et0in! in 0 rried tones+ Se2era& o1 t0e doctors or!ani<ation" t0e 'o,an '0o ran t0e -0otoco-/ nodded8 ot0ers s0oo) t0eir 0eads+ T0e 2isitor as)ed roo, a&so too)

orders 1or cotton31i&&ed % i&ts 1or &ater '0at t0e co,,otion 'as a$o t+ Was it so,e ,e,$ers o1 t0at or!ani<ation+H

In , c0 o1 C0ina t0e s ,,er 'eat0er is 2er/ 0ot and 0 ,id8 t/-ica&&/ 'or)ers 0a2e a &on! $rea) in t0e ,idd&e o1 t0e da/ d rin! '0ic0 ,an/ !o 0o,e and s&ee-+ T0e 0ot and 0 ,id ni!0ts ,ean 'or)ers don:t !et eno !0 s&ee- $et'een dar) and da'n+ Wor)ers '0o &i2e too 1ar a'a/ to !o 0o,e 1re% ent&/ 0a2e t0eir siesta at t0eir des) or 'or) station+ T0e or!ani<ation nderstands8 a1ter a&&" it -ro2ides 0o sin! G'it0 or 'it0o t roo1s 1or s&ee-in!H and -er0a-s e2en 1ans" and )no's t0at e,-&o/ees need s&ee-+ In Great Britain" $/ contrast" an e,-&o/ee '0o co,es $ac) to 'or) 1ro, & nc0 and s-ra'&s o2er t0e des) 1or a na- 'i&& $e nder 1ire 1ro, t0e e,-&o/er+ T0e e,-&o/ee is e.-ected to s&ee- in -ri2ate" on -ersona& ti,e+ And e2en i1 it is t0e e,-&o/ee:s ti,e" s&ee-in! at 'or) &oo)s $ad 1or t0e or!ani<ation in a c &t re t0at 2a& es ac0ie2e,ent and acti2it/+ *ina&&/" di11erences a$o t - $&ic and -ri2ate to c0 t0e % estion o1 o'ners0io1 inte&&ect a& -ro-ert/+ In a socia&ist co ntr/" ideas and inte&&ect a& -rod cts $e&on! to t0e -eo-&e" &i)e e2er/t0in! e&se+ Indi2id a&s ,a/ $e reco!ni<ed 1or t0eir $oo)s or in2entions or ot0er creati2e acts" $ t t0eir -rod cts $e&on! to t0e -eo-&e+ T0e creators o !0t not to see) to !et ric0 at t0e e.-ense o1 t0e -eo-&e 1ro, '0o, t0e/ t0e,se&2es 0a2e co,e+ T0is is a -ro$&e, 1or e.-ortin! co ntries" '0ere inte&&ect a& -rod cts are co,,odities 9 st &i)e ,an 1act red !oods+ Creati2it/ is 2a& ed" and creati2it/ deser2es reco,-ense+ T0is can $e a critica& di11erence '0en a co,-an/:s -ro-rietar/ in1or,ation is concerned+ So,e or!ani<ations 0a2e e.-erienced -ro$&e,s 'it0 trainees and e2en e,-&o/ees 1ro, C0ina and 1ro, 1or,er&/ co,, nist Eastern E ro-e s0arin! tec0no&o!ica& in1or,ation s c0 as -atented -rocesses 'it0 co&&ea! es $ac) 0o,e+ Since costs 1or researc0 are t0eoretica&&/ s0ared $/ e2er/one in socia&ist states" t0e res &ts o1 researc0" it can $e ar! ed" $e&on! to e2er/one+ In Western co ntries '0ere researc0 costs are $orne $/ a s-eci1ic or!ani<ation in order to co,-ete" t0ere

is a need to -rotect t0at in2est,ent+ Eac0 2ie'-oint is nderstanda$&e 'it0in its o'n conte.t" $ t it:s i,-ortant to reco!ni<e t0e c &t ra& 2ariations in t0e &ine $et'een -ri2ate and - $&ic+ 1o+ial Or ani>ational Patterns: Hori>ontal or Hierar+hi+al= Socia& or!ani<ation in c &t res tends to'ard one o1 t'o e.tre,es7 At one" t0ere are ri!id 2ertica& &e2e&s in societ/ and ,o2e,ent $et'een t0e, is 2er/ &i,ited8 at t0e ot0er e.tre,e" societ/ is 0ori<onta& and o-erates -rett/ , c0 'it0 one socia& &e2e&+ In ,odern 0istor/" 0ierarc0ica& socia& or!ani<ation is associated 'it0 ,onarc0ies" and 0ori<onta& or!ani<ation 'it0 de,ocracies+ O1 co rse" ,ost c &t res are so,e'0ere $et'een t0e e.tre,es+ As 'e sa' in C0a-ter ?" India 0as a s/ste, o1 2ertica& ste-s ca&&ed castes. In ,ost $ siness enco nters $et'een Indians and non3Indians" 0o'e2er" castes -&a/ a s,a&& ro&e+ T0at is -art&/ $eca se 1orei!n $ siness-eo-&e 0a2e &i,ited contact 'it0 t0e, in t0e co rse o1 doin! $ siness+ It is a&so $eca se t0e caste s/ste, 0as $een o11icia&&/ ended $/ &a'" and so it is not easi&/ 2isi$&e to a non3Indian+ T0e strati1ication o1 societ/ $/ castes sti&& e.ists" 0o'e2er" and is o1 s 11icient concern t0at non3Indians s0o &d $e care1 & 0o' t0e/ as) % estions a$o t it+ Monarc0ies toda/ 2ar/ in ,o$i&it/ $et'een &e2e&s o1 societ/+ In Ho&&and and #en,ar)" 1or e.a,-&e" t0e distance $et'een ,onarc0 and s $9ects see,s s,a&&+ J een Beatrice o1 Ho&&and 1re% ent&/ sto-s 0er car and !ets o t to s0o- at to'n stores" in t0e ,idst o1 0er s $9ects '0o 0a2e !reat a11ection 1or 0er+ In T0ai&and" 0o'e2er" t0e ro/a& 1a,i&/ is re!arded 'it0 dee- a'e and re2erence8 t0e &i2es o1 a&& o1 t0e )in!:s 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers are recorded and 1o&&o'ed $/ s $9ects '0o t0in) o1 t0e, not as 1a,i&iar $ t as 2ast&/ s -erior" a&,ost di2ine+ In 6a-an t0e E,-eror 'as" nti& 5IM@" 2ie'ed as di2ine $/ 0is s $9ects+ W0en E,-eror Hiro0ito $roadcast 0is anno nce,ent o1 s rrender to t0e a&&ied 1orces" ,ost o1 0is s $9ects 0ad ne2er 0eard 0is 2oice+ GSince t0e i,-eria& co rt sed c&assica& 6a-anese" not t0e co,,on &an! a!e" ,ost o1 t0e co ntr/ didn:t nderstand 0is $roadcast+H At 0is 1 nera& in 5II5 ,an/ ,o rners con1essed t0at 0is ren nciation o1 di2ine stat s 0ad not -ers aded t0e,8 t0e/ sti&& $e&ie2ed 0e 'as t0e direct descendent o1 6a-an:s di2ine

1e,a&e 1o nder+ 6a-an is conscio s o1 0ierarc0/ in a&& t0in!s+ T0is is 1ittin! 1or a co ntr/ t0at 0as 0ad on&/ one d/nast/ in its entire 0istor/+ As ,entioned ear&ier" 6a-anese contains di11erent 'ords to sa/ t0e sa,e t0in!" de-endin! -on one:s stat s co,-ared 'it0 t0at o1 t0e -erson to '0o, one is s-ea)in!+ Si,i&ar&/" t0ere are de!rees o1 de-t0 o1 $o'" de!rees o1 e&e!ance in dress" de!rees o1 resta rants" de!rees o1 !i1ts" de!rees o1 socia& occasions" de!rees o1 stat s o1 ni2ersities" and de!rees o1 ,an 1act rers" $an)s" and ot0er $ sinesses+ 6a-an a&so deri2es so,e o1 its &e2e&s o1 0ierarc0/ 1ro, Con1 cian ideas i,-orted 1ro, C0ina+ Ot0er Con1 cian c &t resKorea" Vietna," Tai'an" Hon! Kon!" and Sin!a-ore a&so -reser2e t0e orientation to'ard 0ierarc0ica& or!ani<ation+ In Con1 cian teac0in!" ,an is s -erior to 'o,an" '0o o'es o$edience to t0e ,an+ Parents are s -erior to c0i&dren '0o o'e -arents res-ect" o$edience" and re2erencet0e 1a,o s F1i&ia& -iet/+F An e,-&o/er is s -erior to t0e e,-&o/ee" and so 1ort0+ T0ese attit des can sti&& $e seen in Con1 cian c &t res" L"@AA /ears a1ter t0at teac0er &i2ed+ T0e 0i!0est stat s in t0e traditiona& Con1 cian societ/ $e&on!ed to t0e sc0o&ar+ On&/ sc0o&ars 'ere tr sted 'it0 t0e tas) o1 ad,inistratin! t0e co ntr/ and carr/in! o t t0e e,-eror:s 9 stice+ Ne.t 0i!0est 'ere t0e 1ar,ers '0ose &a$or -ro2ided s stenance 1or e2er/one+ A1ter 1ar,ers ca,e so&diers and artisans" and at t0e $otto, o1 t0e &adder 'ere t0ose en!a!ed in co,,erce+ Stran!e as it ,a/ see, in 2ie' o1 t0e ra-id econo,ic !ro't0 and d/na,ic $ sinesses in 1or,er&/ traditiona& Con1 cian c &t res" Con1 cian teac0in!s 0e&d $ siness-eo-&e in conte,-t+ T0e/ 'ere -arasites '0o 'o &d see) 1inancia& !ain 1ro, ,ere&/ $ro)erin! co,,odit/ e.c0an!es" $ein! ,erc0ants and traders" creatin! not0in! $/ t0eir &a$or+ E2en toda/ in 2i&&a!es o1 'estern C0ina and Ti$et" ,erc0ants do not se&& to t0eir o'n 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers+ I1 t0e entire 2i&&a!e is re&ated in so,e 'a/" no$od/ &i2es $/ co,,erce+ In R ssia" e2en a1ter t0e disso& tion o1 t0e So2iet Union and t0e contro& o1 t0e co,, nist -art/" co,,erce is a )ind o1 e.-&oitation+ One o1 t0e a t0ors 'as to&d in R ssia t0at retai&ers '0o $ / !oods 1ro, t0e state" -rod ced $/ R ssian &a$or"

and se&& t0e, at a -ro1it" are en!a!in! in Fs-ec &ation"F not $ siness+ T0e di11erence $et'een 0ori<onta& c &t res and 0ierarc0ica& c &t res &ies in '0at $irt0 ,eans+ I1 /o are $orn into a &e2e& o1 societ/ t0at /o cannot &ea2e no ,atter '0at /o r ed cation or inco,e" /o are a ,e,$er o1 a 0ierarc0ica& societ/+ I1 /o are a$&e to rise to a 0i!0er &e2e& Gor 1a&& to a &o'er &e2e&H o1 societ/ t0an /o 'ere $orn to" 'it0 ,ore stat s" ,ore -o'er" or ,ore 'ea&t0" $ased on ,erit rat0er t0an socia& ori!in" /o are a ,e,$er o1 a ,ore 0ori<onta& societ/+ Peo-&e o1 t0e United States 2a& e socia& ,o$i&it/ $eca se 0istorica&&/ ,ost i,,i!rants to t0e United States 'ere esca-in! a ,ore ri!id s/ste, t0at 'or)ed to t0eir disad2anta!e+ T0e United States -ro d&/ ca&&s itse&1 Ft0e &and o1 o--ort nit/F and its -eo-&e te&& stories a$o t indi2id a&s o1 0 ,$&e $irt0 '0o $e!an 'it0 not0in! and $eca,e )no'n and -o'er1 & and ric0+ T0e Horatio A&!er storiesA&!er 'rote in t0e ear&/ 5IAAs 1or a /o n! ,a&e a dience a$o t $o/s '0o 'or)ed 0ard and sin!&e30anded&/ c0an!ed t0eir &e2e& in societ/$eca,e 'ide&/ acce-ted as a tr e t/-e 1or citi<ens o1 t0e United States+ Generations in t0e United States 'ere raised on t0e t'in ideas t0at e2er/one o !0t to $e a$&e to rise in societ/ t0ro !0 0ard 'or) and ac0ie2e,ent" and t0at risin! to t0e to- is n% estiona$&/ desira$&e+ *or t0e," 0ierarc0ica& socia& or!ani<ation co,,on to ot0er c &t res 0as $een $a11&in!+ W0/ 'o &d an/one e,$race a s/ste, t0at )ee-s /o in one &e2e& a&& /o r &i1e= GHo'e2er" as /o n! -eo-&e 1ace t0e -ros-ect o1 not risin!" and e2en o1 not attainin! t0e &e2e& o1 t0eir -arents" t0e -er,anence o1 c&ass ,e,$ers0i- 0as an a--ea& t0at ,a/ 0a2e $een -re2io s&/ nreco!ni<ed+H Bot0 A stra&ia and Ne' 4ea&and 0a2e -ro d&/ &et it $e )no'n t0at t0e/ 0a2e 0ad -ri,e ,inisters '0ose ed cation ended 'it0 0i!0 sc0oo& $ t '0o 0a2e ne2ert0e&ess risen to t0e 0i!0est &e2e& o1 -o&itica& ac0ie2e,ent+ A stra&ia and Ne' 4ea&and 0a2e 1&e.i$&e" 0ori<onta& societies '0ere $irt0 does not deter,ine '0at &e2e& an indi2id a& ,a/ attain in t0e societ/+ T0is attit de to'ard ,o$i&it/ is 2er/ di11erent 1ro, Great Britain" 1ro, '0ic0 a ,a9orit/ o1 t0e -o- &ations o1 $ot0 A stra&ia and Ne' 4ea&and trace t0eir roots+ In En!&and in t0e 5IMAs" 1or e.a,-&e" ser2ice,en 1ro, t0e United States 0ad

a 0ard ti,e !ras-in! t0e 1act t0at t0e En!&is0 0ad ideas a$o t '0o co &d eat a--ro-riate&/ at '0at resta rants or 2acation in '0at 0ote&s" accordin! to ,e,$ers0i- in a c&ass+ T0e attit de 0e&d $/ t0e ,a9orit/ in En!&and 0as $een t0at e2er/one 0as a -&ace or station in societ/ and t0at is '0ere one is ,ost co,1orta$&e+ To tr/ to rise a$o2e one:s station is to as) 1or disco,1ort or e2en -ain+ To &o'er onese&1 is e% a&&/ 'ron! and $rin!s a$o t disastro s conse% ences+ Materia& 'ea&t0 is not t0e critica& 1actor in c&ass ,e,$ers0i-+ Ha2in! a $i! 0o se" an e.-ensi2e car" and a 0o&ida/ 2i&&a is not as i,-ortant as 0a2in! t0e ri!0t 1a,i&/ tree+ Ed cation is s a&&/ &in)ed to c&ass ,e,$ers0i- since c0i&dren 1ro, di11erent c&asses !o to identi1ia$&/ di11erent sc0oo&s" $ t ed cationa& &e2e& is on&/ a s&i!0t 1actor in c&ass ,e,$ers0i-+ A ,e,$er o1 t0e 'or)in! c&ass 'it0 a doctorate is a&'a/s a'are o1 ,e,$ers0i- $/ $irt0ri!0t in t0e 'or)in! c&ass+ *or,er Pri,e Minister 6o0n Ma9or is an e.a,-&e o1 so,eone '0o rose to t0e to- 1ro, a 'or)in!3c&ass $ac)!ro nd+ He 'as ne2er a&&o'ed to 1or!et it+ An --er3c&ass ,e,$er '0o 0as on&/ a 0i!0 sc0oo& ed cation a&so carries t0at --er3c&ass ,e,$ers0i- t0ro !0o t &i1e re!ard&ess o1 &o' acade,ic ac0ie2e,ent+ A stoc) 1i! re in co,ic Britis0 &iterat re is t0e tit&ed i!nora, s '0o 0as $een to a !ood sc0oo&" /et $ ,$&es aro nd tr/in! to do t0e si,-&est tas)s in 0i!0 -&aces+ T0is 1i! re is s a&&/ acco,-anied $/ a &o'er3 c&ass -erson '0o is c&e2erer" and eit0er o t'its t0e ot0er or !ets t0e ot0er o t o1 tro $&e+ T0e stories $/ P+ G+ Wode0o se a$o t Bertie Wooster and 0is ser2ant 6ee2es are 1ro, t0is &iterat re+ Set in t0e 5ILAs" t0e/ 'ere dra,ati<ed 1or te&e2ision $/ t0e BBC in t0e 5IIAs+ In !enera&" ,e,$ers0i- in t0e --er c&ass entit&es one to -ositions o1 res-onsi$i&it/ in in1& entia& or!ani<ations+ Me,$ers0i- in t0e &o'er c&ass in !enera& entit&es one to re&ati2e 1reedo, 1ro, res-onsi$i&it/ 1or decision ,a)in! o tside o1 one:s o'n 1a,i&/+ T0e ,a9orit/ o1 -eo-&e in 0ierarc0ica& societies don:t see) a c0an!e in stat s o t o1 t0eir $irt0 &e2e&+ T0e/ are co,1orta$&e )no'in! '0at t0e &e2e&s are and '0ere t0e/ 1it+ In Centra& A,erica" 1or instance" ,i&&ions o1 -eo-&e o1 0 ,$&e $irt0 see) not to ,o2e to anot0er &e2e& o1 societ/ $ t rat0er to carr/ o t t0eir &i2es ta)in! res-onsi$i&it/ 1or t0e t0in!s 'it0in t0eir sco-e+ B siness or!ani<ations in 0ierarc0ica& societies re1&ect t0e sa,e 0ierarc0ica&

str ct re+ Peo-&e 0a2e no desire to &ose t0e sec rit/ o1 )no'in! '0o is '0ere" in re&ation to e2er/one e&se+ T0e/ do not 'is0 to e.c0an!e t0at sec rit/ 1or a 'ide3 o-en" nstr ct red s/ste, '0ere e2er/one is on an e% a& 1ootin!+ In Indonesia" $ siness3-eo-&e 'ere a&ar,ed $/ t0e 1a,i&iarit/ 'it0 '0ic0 an A stra&ian 9oint3 2ent re re-resentati2e treated t0e," as)in! t0e, to ca&& 0i, $/ 0is !i2en na,e" 1or e.a,-&e+ W0ere 'as 0is sense o1 se&13res-ect= #idn:t 0e 0a2e a 0i!0 re!ard 1or 0is s $ordinates= I1 0e did" s re&/ 0e 'o &dn:t ins &t t0e, $/ treatin! in1eriors t0e sa,e 'a/ as 0e treated t0eir $etters+ An intention to a--ear 1riend&/ and e!a&itarian on t0e -art o1 an A stra&ian can co,e across as 1oo&is0 and dan!ero s to 0is s $ordinates+ Approa+h to Authorit): *ire+t or %ediated= A t0orit/ ,eans di11erent t0in!s in di11erent c &t res+

A Pa)istani3$ased Canadian ,ana!er 'as a--roac0ed o2er a &and dea&+ B/ 2irt e o1 0is stat s as a ,ana!er d rin! o11ice 0o rs $/ a co sin o1 one o1 0is e,-&o/3 0e 'as e.-ected to 1i&& a 2ita& 1 nction o1 socia& &ead3ees" co,-&ainin! t0at a nei!0$or 0ad c0eated 0i, ers0i-" '0ic0 'as not restricted to t0e co,-an/+5L

T0e re&ati2e i,-ortance o1 0ierarc0/ and t0e -riorit/ assi!ned to 1or, $ot0 re&ate to anot0er 1actor+ Ho' does one a--roac0 an a t0orit/ 1i! re in a c &t re= Is it $/ si,-&/ and direct&/ a--ea&in! to t0at -erson= Or is access a--ro-riate&/ t0ro !0 ,ediators and re-resentati2es and &o$$/ists= In ,an/ c &t res t0e a--roac0 to a t0orit/ is indirect+ On&/ certain a2en es &ead to t0e seat o1 -o'er8 on&/ a--ro2ed escorts can ta)e /o to t0eir &eader+ In Latin A,erican c &t res" a ,ediator is t/-ica&&/ t0e 'a/ to reac0 a t0orit/+ O1ten t0is is a&so one:s -atron+ T0e -atron3c&ient re&ations0i- is a reci-roca& one in '0ic0 t0e -atron &oo)s a1ter t0e interests o1 t0e c&ient and 0e&-s to s,oot0 di11ic &ties and 1 rt0er t0e c&ient:s career+ T0e c&ient is &o/a& to t0e -atron and s --orts t0e -atron 'it0o t s'er2in!8

t0e c&ient 0e&-s $ i&d - t0e -atron:s -o'er $ase t0ro !0 t0is &o/a&t/+ T0e -atron3 c&ient re&ations0i- 1 nctions '0en t0e a t0orit/ to $e a--roac0ed is 0i!0 a$o2e" in a 0ierarc0ica& str ct re+ T0is re&ations0i- a&so 'as t/-ica& o1 $ siness or!ani<ations in -reco,, nist C0ina" '0ere t0e senior 'o &d ti ba G- && -H 0is 9 nior -erson" t0ro !0 ,ediation on 0is $e0a&1 Git 'as a&'a/s ,enH and t0ro !0 creatin! o--ort nities 1or t0e 9 nior+ In ret rn" t0e 9 nior !a2e t0e senior ,an a$so& te &o/a&t/ and assid o s 'or)+ In t0e -atron3c&ient re&ations0i-" t0e c&ient ,o2es -'ard 'it0 t0e -atron:s -ro,otions+ T0e -atron3c&ient re&ations0i- is one o1 e.-ert and -rote!e" ,aster and disci-&e" $ t it e.ists 'it0in t0e &ar!er conte.t o1 a 0ierarc0/ at t0e to- o1 '0ic0 is t0e !reat -o'er+ Anot0er co,,on 0ierarc0ica& -attern re% ires an indi2id a& to a--roac0 a t0orit/ on&/ t0ro !0 t0e esta$&is0ed c0anne& o1 s -erior to SUPERIOR to 10PERIOR. T0ere is no 1or,a& -atron3c&ient re&ations0i-" and s a&&/ t0e 0ierarc0/ o-erates $/ stat s and 9o$ tit&e as , c0 as $/ in0erent indi2id a& stat s+ T0e -ositiont0e r n! on t0e &adderis ,ore si!ni1icant t0an t0e indi2id a& '0o 0o&ds t0e -osition+ T0is is -artic &ar&/ tr e in or!ani<ations and c &t res '0ere t0ere is 9o$ ,o$i&it/+ In a Ger,an or!ani<ation" 1or e.a,-&e" t0e ,ana!er o1 a de-art,ent ,a/ ,o2e to a di11erent de-art,ent or a 0i!0er -osition or a ne' e,-&o/er+ A s $ordinate ne2ert0e&ess 'i&& !o 1irst to t0e ,ana!er" '0oe2er t0at is" '0o 'i&& t0en !o to a s -erior" and so 1ort0+ In Me.ican or!ani<ations" t0e ,ana!er is o'ed res-ect $eca se it 0as ta)en so,e e11ort G!ood -er1or,anceH to reac0 t0e -osition o1 ,ana!er" or it is a res &t o1 $irt0" or $ot0+ T0e -o'er distance $et'een ,ana!er and 'or)ers is &ar!e" so t0e ,ana!er is so,e'0at re,ote 1ro, 'or)ers+ O1ten inter,ediaries o-en doors so t0e 'or)er can a--roac0 t0e ,ana!er" or inter,ediaries ,a/ carr/ t0e ,essa!e 1or t0e 'or)er+ In 0ierarc0ica& c &t res '0ere t0e a--roac0 to a t0orit/ is $/ ,ediators" &o'3 &e2e& e,-&o/ees rare&/ 0a2e an/ co,, nication 'it0 0i!03&e2e& e,-&o/ees+ Co,, nication tends to $e ,ost&/ do'n'ard" occasiona&&/ &atera&+ Messa!es are o1ten directi2e" or a co,$ination o1 directi2e and in1or,ati2e+ Sendin! a ,essa!e 1ro, t0e ,an/ at t0e $otto, -'ard to one o1 t0e 1e' at t0e to- is di11ic &t $eca se

t0ere are ,an/ restrictions and in0i$itions to nso&icited -'ard ,essa!es+ W0en ,essa!es 1ro, $e&o' are so&icited" t0ere are constraints -on t0e content7 T0ose at t0e to- do not 1a2ora$&/ recei2e ,essa!es t0at are contrar/ to '0at t0e/ 'ant to 0ear+ In t0e United States" in '0ic0 0ori<onta&is, 0as -riorit/" a--roac0 to a t0orit/ is direct+ An indi2id a& '0o 'ants to !et a ,essa!e to t0e $oss si,-&/ 'a&)s into 0is or 0er o11ice and s-ea)s to 0i, or 0er 1ace to 1ace+ Or rat0er" -eo-&e in t0e United States 0a2e a 1ondness 1or t0is i,a!e o1 eas/ access $/ an/one8 in 1act" in &ar!e or!ani<ations 0ierarc0/ can $e ri!id and access to a t0orit/ restricted+ GIn t0e &ate 5INAs a ,o2ie ,a)er doc ,ented 0is ns ccess1 & e11orts to !ain access to t0e -resident o1 Genera& Motors in #o$er an' .e.H S,a&& or!ani<ations &end t0e,se&2es ,ore easi&/ to &atera& -o'er and co,, nication str ct res+ Ne2ert0e&ess" t0e idea& contin es to t0ri2e" e2en in t0e W0ite Ho se" '0ere in t0e 5IIAs President C&inton re-eated&/ enco ra!ed ordinar/ -eo-&e to s-ea) to 0i, and enco ra!ed t0e, to $e&ie2e t0eir ,essa!es 'ere 0eard+ Presidents aside" -eo-&e in t0e United States tend to o-erate on ass ,-tions a$o t e% a&it/ t0at do not a&'a/s 0o&d in ot0er c &t res+ *or e.a,-&e" a cons &tin! en!ineer 1ro, t0e United States on a 0/droe&ectric da, 9oint32ent re -ro9ect in Bra<i& ,a/ ass ,e e% a&it/ 'it0 a Bra<i&ian '0o is a&so a cons &tin! en!ineer" and ,a/ 1 rt0er ass ,e direct access to t0at -erson+ B t in 1act" t0e Bra<i&ian ,a/ t0in) t0at t0e correct c0anne& 1or o11icia& co,, nication is 1ro, t0e cons &tin! en!ineer to a s -erior sa/ t0e -ro9ect ,ana!erand t0en to t0e 0i!0est3&e2e& -erson 1ro, t0e United States -artner o1 t0e 9oint32ent re" '0o co,, nicates 'it0 t0e 0i!0est3&e2e& Bra<i&ian '0o 'i&& co,, nicate do'n to a Bra<i&ian -ro9ect ,ana!er '0o 'i&& co,, nicate to a Bra<i&ian en!ineer+ T0is toot03-attern co,, nication o1ten see,s ridic &o s" ti,e3cons ,in!" and ine11icient to U+S+ $ siness3-eo-&e+ B t t0en t0e/ are not as concerned 'it0 0ierarc0/ and stat s8 t0e/ -&ace a 0i!0 c &t ra& -riorit/ on direct access to a t0orit/+ CONCLUSION

T0is c0a-ter and t0e one -recedin! it 0a2e !i2en LM % estions to -ose o1 c &t res in order to !ain an nderstandin! o1 $ siness -riorities+ W0et0er /o )no' a &ot or not0in! a$o t a c &t re" /o can se t0ese cate!ories in order to disco2er t0e '0/7 '0/ t0e/ act t0at 'a/ or t0in) t0at 'a/ or 0a2e t0at $e&ie1+ T0ese cate!ories o1 % estions can 0e&- /o co,e to ter,s 'it0 as-ects o1 an n1a,i&iar c &t re in a 'a/ t0at 'i&& ena$&e /o to ,a)e !ood ! esses a$o t 0o' -eo-&e 'i&& $e0a2e in sit ations /o 0a2e not 1oreseen+ No &ist o1 do:s and don:ts can do t0at 1or /o + T0e 1i2e cate!ories !i2e /o a 1ra,e'or) 1or 1indin! o t in an on!oin! -rocess '0at t0in!s ,atter in $ siness transactions and re&ations0i-s 'it0 anot0er c &t re+ So,e di,ensions c& ster to!et0er" as 'e 0a2e -ointed o t8 1or e.a,-&e" c &t res t0at -re1er indi2id a& ac0ie2e,ent and acti2it/ a&so o1ten tend to'ard a direct a--roac0 to a t0orit/" a 2ie' t0at 0 ,ans are at t0e center o1 e2ents" a 2ie' t0at c0an!e is -ositi2e" and 1ina&&/" t0at -&annin! instead o1 & c) deter,ines s ccess+ C &t res t0at are co&&ecti2ist 0a2e &on!3&astin! !ro - ,e,$ers0i-s" tend to -re1er 1or," are 0ierarc0ica&" se ,ediated access to a t0orit/" tend to $e &ess a2erse to ncertaint/" ,a/ 'is0 to )ee- t0in!s t0e 'a/ t0e/ are and a2oid c0an!e" and o1ten $end t0e r &es to acco,,odate re&ations0i- needs+ To re-eat '0at 'e said at t0e $e!innin! o1 C0a-ter ?" &earnin! a$o t a c &t re is an on!oin! e.-erience+ (o ,a/ ne2er 1ee& /o )no' a c &t re co,-&ete&/+ In 1act" a1ter readin! t0is c0a-ter /o ,a/ 1ee& /o 0a2e &earned t0in!s a$o t /o r o'n c &t re /o didn:t reco!ni<e $e1ore+ Ho'e2er" t0e ,ore c &t res /o nderstand" e2en 'it0 a &itt&e insi!0t" t0e ,ore /o :&& )no' /o r o'n+ And no' /o 0a2e a 1i2e3-ron!ed too& 1or &earnin! a$o t an/ c &t re+ SUMMAR( C0a-ter M 1irst disc ssed t0e cate!or/ o1 Se&1 % estions+

Is the basic unit of society the in'ivi'ual or the collectiveC T0is is Is obli$ation a bur'en or a benefitC Co&&ecti2ist c &t res tend to see it as

-er0a-s t0e ,ost researc0ed di,ension o1 c &t re+


a $ene1it to n rt rin! re&ations0i-s+

Is a$e value' or is youth value'C In 0ierarc0ica& c &t res" o1ten a!e Are $en'ers e*ual or une*ualC T0e ans'er to t0is % estion ,a/ in2o&2e

-&aces -eo-&e at t0e to- o1 t0e &adder+


1indin! o t 0o'3ro&es and stat s are attri$ ted to 'o,en8 Is&a,ic c &t res disco ra!e -artici-ation in $ siness $/ 'o,en $ t ne2ert0e&ess accord 'o,en 0i!0 stat s as ,ot0ers+ T0is c0a-ter t0en &oo)ed at t0e cate!or/ o1 Socia& Or!ani<ation+

Is $roup membership temporary or permanentC An insi!0t into t0is Is form important or 'istruste'C *or," or -rotoco&" tends to $e 0i!0&/

c &t ra& di,ension co,es 1ro, attit des to'ard 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers0i-+

2a& ed in c &t res t0at are 0ierarc0ica&" '0ere 1ace can $e &ost $/ not con1or,in! to eti% ette" '0ere 0ar,on/ in t0e !ro - is i,-ortant" and '0ere re&ations0i-s ,atter+ It is distr sted in c &t res t0at associate e,-0asis on eti% ette 'it0 -0oniness and s -er1icia&it/" and o1ten '0ere indi2id a& res &ts ,atter+

Are personal activities private or publicC E,-&o/ees in so,e c &t res

ass ,e -ersona& circ ,stances s0o &d $e s0ared 'it0 e2er/one+ T0ese tend to $e re&ations0i-3oriented co&&ecti2ist c &t res+ In indi2id a&ist c &t res" an e,-&o/ee ,a/ 'is0 to )ee- so,e -ersona& 1acts -ri2ate and not e2en te&& t0e $oss+

Is social or$aniDation horiDontal or hierarchicalC T0e !enera& -attern in

societ/ 'i&& a&so $e re1&ected in co,-anies+ W0ere 0ierarc0/ c0aracteri<es t0e nationa& or socia& c &t re" co,-anies a&so 'i&& 0a2e a c&ear&/ de1ined cor-orate &adder+ T0e &e2e&s are !enera&&/ a!reed -on $/ ,e,$ers o1 t0e co&&ecti2e+ In 0ori<onta& c &t res" -eo-&e can ,o2e 1ro, t0eir $irt0 &e2e& - Gor do'nH as t0eir indi2id a& ac0ie2e,ents 'arrant+ Mo$i&it/ de-ends on t0e acco,-&is0,ents o1 indi2id a&s" a&t0o !0 t0eir 1a,i&ies ,a/ -arta)e o1 t0e ne' stat s+

Is approach to authority 'irect or me'iate'C T0is is re&ated to 0o'

0ierarc0ica& an or!ani<ation is and 0o' , c0 'ei!0t an indi2id a& 0as+ In co&&ecti2ist and 0ierarc0ica& c &t res" $ siness or!ani<ations tend to $e 0ierarc0ica& and a t0orities are re,ote" ,a)in! one or ,ore inter,ediaries necessar/+ In indi2id a&istic and 0ori<onta& c &t res" or!ani<ations tend to $e ,ore 0ori<onta& 'it0 a t0orities ,ore direct&/ accessi$&e+

(o can as) t0ese % estions o1 a c &t re" assi!n t0e c &t re a -&ace a&on! t0e contin , re-resented $/ t0e % estion" and see 0o' a c &t re:s -ro1i&e ta)es s0a-e+ Once /o 0a2e -&otted a c &t re so,e'0ere on t0e di,ension $et'een t0e $asic nit as se&1 or as co&&ecti2e" 1or e.a,-&e" /o can s&ide t0e ,ar)er o1 t0e c &t re one 'a/ or anot0er $ased on ne' in1or,ation /o recei2e+ (o r -&ace,ent o1 a c &t re a&on! a di,ension can s0i1t 'it0 /o r !ro'in! )no'&ed!e+ NOTES

(a&e Ric0,ond" 9rom ;a to -es1 Un'erstan'in$ the )ast Gar/ Kat<enstein" 9unny usiness1 An 2utsi'er(s -ear in "apan, GNe' Linda Bea,er" FBrid!in! C &t ra& Barriers"F China usiness #evie&

)uropeans, G(ar,o t0" ME7 Interc &t ra& Press" 5II@H" --+ @53KL+

(or)7 Prentice3Ha&&" 5INIH" --+ >M3>@+


@3K G5IINH" --+ @M3@N+

M+ @+

Kat<enstein" tunny usiness. Ed'ard C+ Ste'art and Mi&ton 6+ Bennett" American Cultural

7atterns1 A Cross+Cultural 7erspective, re2+ ed+" G(ar,o t0" ME7 Interc &t ra& Press" 5II5H" -+ IK+

Larr/ A+ Sa,o2ar and Ric0ard E+ Porter" Communication bet&een #o&ores Cat0cart and Ro$ert Cat0cart" F6a-anese Socia& E.-erience

Cultures, GBe&,ont" CA7 Wads'ort0" 5II5H" -+ 5?5+


and Conce-t o1 Gro -s"F in Intercultural Communication1 A #ea'er, Mt0 ed+ Larr/ A+ Sa,o2ar and Ric0ard E+ Porter" eds+ GBe&,ont" CA7 Wads'ort0+ 5IN@H" -+ 5I?+

Geert Ho1stede" Cultures an' 2r$aniDations1 Soft&are of the .in'. *ei Oiaoton!" Shi <i' ;iao Cha Ki ai MStatement About Social

GBer)s0ire" UK7 McGra'3Hi&&" 5II5H" -+ IM+


Investi$ationN n- $&is0ed trans" $/ #a2id Tso' GS0an!0ai7 40i S0i C0 $an S0i" 5IN@H" C0a-ter M+

(a&e Ric0,ond" *ro, 0yet to ;a1 Un'erstan'in$ the #ussians,

G(ar,o t0" ME7 Interc &t ra& Press" 5IILH -+ 5LA+


Hiro)i Kato" F*ro, *OBs to SOBs7 6a-anese Var/ Too"F Ric0ard Mead" Cross+Cultural .ana$ment Communication, GNe' C H A PTER *IV E

0e&saction GNort0'estern Uni2ersit/" ILH ?K G5INNH" -+ ?A+


(or)7 6o0n Wi&e/ V Sons" 5IIAH" -+ >?+

Or!ani<in! Messa!es to ot0er C &t res

W0en A,erican E.-ress 'rites to -otentia& c sto,ers 1or its credit card in t0e United States" t0e &etter $e!ins 'it0 ,ention o1 ,i&estones on t0e road to indi2id a& s ccess+ Res &ts3oriented c &t res 2a& e ,eas re,ents o1 s ccess &i)e t0e car2ed stones on En!&is0 0i!0'a/s t0at &o&d tra2e&ers 0o' 1ar t0e/ 'ere 1ro, London" t0e -res ,ed !oa& o1 e2er/ 9o rne/+ A,erican E.-ress te&&s &etter readers t0at on&/ t0ose '0o 0a2e a&read/ ac0ie2ed a certain F,eas re o1 1inancia& s ccessF ,erit t0eir credit card" a&on! 'it0 t0e $ene1its A,erican E.-ress o11ers+ One o1 t0e $ene1its it o11ers" to t0ose '0o 0a2e a&read/ -ro2en $/ t0eir res &ts t0at t0e/ ,erit it" is no set s-endin! &i,it+ Anot0er $ene1it is t0e ease o1 a--&ication7 6 st co,-&ete t0e s0ort 1or, and si!n+ Peo-&e '0o are $ s/ o$tainin! res &ts 'ant si,-&e ste-s to !ettin! t0e credit card+ T0e &etter ses a s/,$o&" a cent rion" t0at is reco!ni<ed as a &o!o o1 A,erican E.-ress+ His 0c&3,cted -ro1i&e si!na&s res-onsi$it/" 1ear&essness" and stren!t0+ W0en A,erican E.-ress 'rites to -otentia& c sto,ers in Me.ico" 0o'e2er" t0e e,-0asis is on ,e,$ers0i- in t0e societ/ o1 card0o&ders+ Not e2er/one can a--reciate its tr e 'ort0" t0e &etter sa/s+ Me,$ers are on&/ t0ose '0o canand $/ i,-&ication t0e recei2er o1 t0e &etter is one o1 t0at se&ect !ro -+ FNo' /o " &i)e ]e% a& toS t0oseF can co nt on t0e inco,-ara$&e ser2ices and $ene1its o1 t0e card+ T0e reader is in2ited to ta)e a 1e' ,in tes to &oo) at 0o' t0e credit card can 0e&- in 2ario s

sit ations+ T0e &etter r!es t0e reader to Fas) an/oneF a$o t t0e 'ide acce-tance o1 t0is card in 1ine esta$&is0,ents+ T0e ,essa!e is t0at an/one in t0e )no' reco!ni<es t0e ,e,$ers0i- t0at t0is credit card con1ers+ T0e &etter !oes on to sa/ F/o 0a2e seenF t0at card0o&ders don:t need to 'orr/ at t0e ,o,ent o1 -a/in!" '0en ta)in! 1a,i&/ or 1riends o t+ $eca se t0ere is no credit &i,it+ GW0i&e it is tr e t0at ,an/ -eo-&e in t0e United States F,a. o tF t0eir credit cards" e,$arrass,ent 1ro, not $ein! a$&e to -ic) - t0e ta$ 1or a 1a,i&/ dinner is -er0a-s a &ess co,-e&&in! se&&in! -oint t0an in Me.ican c &t re '0ere t0e e,$arrass,ent" is -ro$a$&/ ,ore ac te+ Te&e2ision ads in t0e United States do ,a)e t0is -oint" 0o'e2er++H FS re&/ an/one )no's+++F t0at t0e ,edica& and &e!a& assistance /o can o$tain '0en tra2e&in! is 'ort0'0i&e" sa/s t0e &etter+ Wit0 a 1e' -0rases t0e &etter s)etc0es a 0ost o1 )no'in! -eo-&e '0o 1or, an in3!ro - o1 card0o&ders+ A non2er$a& s/,$o&" t0e i,a!e o1 t0e card itse&1$ad!e oi( ,e,$ers0i-a--ears $ t no r !!ed" indi2id a&istic cent rion+ T0e a--ea& is to Me.ican co&&ecti2is,+ * rt0er,ore" a&t0o !0 $ot0 are direct ,ai& sa&es &etters" t0e U+S+ &etter nder&ines s-eci1ic -0rases 1or e,-0asis to ,a)e t0e ,ain -oints stand o t+ T0e Me.ican &etter is !racio s in &one and 0as no nder&ined -oints or $ &&ets to !ra$ t0e reader:s attention+ Instead it ! ides t0e reader t0ro !0 2ario s scenarios in '0ic0 s0e or 0e 'i&& $ene1it 1ro, $ein! a card0o&der+5 T0is c0a-ter e.a,ines t0e 'a/ c &t re i,-acts $ siness corres-ondence and ot0er doc ,ents+ A1ter a re2ie' o1 t0e co,, nication -rocess" t0e c0a-ter &oo)s at 0o' co,, nication is or!ani<ed 1or ro tine" -ers asi2e" n'e&co,e" and -ro$&e,3so&2in! ,essa!es+ It t0en considers t0e 1orce and ro&e o1 'ords in 2ario s c &t res" t0e c0anne&s o1 $ siness ,essa!es" and 1ina&&/ c &t ra& 1actors in 'ritin! st/&e+

REVIEW O* THE COMMUNICATION MO#EL Ho' does co,, nication ta)e -&ace $et'een or!ani<ations= We can disc ss or!ani<ationa& co,, nication 'it0 t0e sa,e ter,ino&o!/ and t0e sa,e ,ode& 'e se 1or co,, nication $et'een indi2id a&s+ As 'it0 co,, nication $et'een indi2id a&s 1ro, di11erent c &t res" '0en or!ani<ations 1ro, di11erent c &t res co,, nicate" t0e -otentia& 1or 1ai&ed co,, nication is , &ti-&ied+ The Tri+&) Issue o$ %eanin Co,, nication is s a&&/ ,ode&ed as a -rocess+ T0at is"

a&t0o !0 t0e ,ode& itse&1 is a static" t'o3di,ensiona& dia!ra, on t0e -a!e" in 1act it re-resents constant ,o2e,ent+ T0e $asis 1or ,ost co,, nication ,ode&s is t0at an Idea tra2e&s 1ro, 1ender t0ro !0 Channel to Re+ei!er. To t0ese 1o r $asic co,-onents are added GaH t0e notions o1 enco'in$ an' 'eco'in$ t0e idea into a ,essa!e" in 2er$a& and non2er$a& 2oca$ &aries" G$H t0e idea o1 noise as inter1erence 'it0 t0e trans,ission" and GcH fee'back 1ro, t0e recei2er to t0e sender+ T0e -rocess o1 co,, nication t0 s 0as co,e to $e t0o !0t o1 as circ &ar and si, &taneo s+ E.0i$it @35 s0o's t0e recei2er as t0e sender" too+ T0e -rocess o-erates in do $&e circ&es" eac0 startin! and ret rnin! to eac0 co,, nicator+ Bot0 -arties are at once t0e sender and recei2er+ Bot0 sender and recei2er de2e&o- t0e ,eanin! o1 t0e ,essa!e" t0ro !0 t0e 'or&d2ie' eac0 0as+ T0e 'or&d2ie'" o1 co rse" inc& des sc0e,ata o1 ot0er c &t res+ Sc0e,ata are disc ssed in C0a-ter 5+ A 1e' sentences a!o" /o read t0at an idea tra2e&s 1ro, sender to recei2er+ T0is isn:t rea&&/ t0e $est 'a/ to t0in) o1 co,, nication" 0o'e2er+ In 1act" T0e idea itse&1 does not rea&&/ tra2e&" on&/ t0e code8 t0e 'ords" t0e -atterns o1 so nd or -rint+ T0e ,eanin! t0at a -erson attac0es to t0e 'ords

recei2ed 'i&& co,e 1ro, 0is o'n ,ind+ His inter-retation is deter,ined $/ 0is o'n 1ra,e o1 re1erence" 0is ideas" interests" -ast e.-eriences" etc+ 9 st as t0e ,eanin! o1 t0e ori!ina& ,essa!e is 1 nda,enta&&/ deter,ined $/ t0e sender:s ,ind" 0is 1ra,e o1 re1erence+L T0e 'ords on t0e -a!e or t0e so nds as t0e/ tra2e& in 'a2es t0ro !0 air are '0at act a&&/ ,o2e+ T0e ,eanin!s do not+ T0e/ re,ain in t0e data $an)" t0e 'or&d2ie'" o1 t0e sender and o1 t0e recei2er+ T0is descri$es co,, nication $et'een indi2id a&s" and t0e sa,e 0o&ds 1or or!ani<ations+ W0en t0e or!ani<ation t0at recei2es a ,essa!e 0as a si,i&ar 1ra,e o1 re1erence as t0e or!ani<ation sendin! it" t0en t0e/ are $ot0 &i)e&/ to assi!n si,i&ar ,eanin!s to t0e ,essa!e+ T0e ,ore di11erent t0e stored e.-eriences" cate!ories" attit des" 2a& es" $e&ie1s" and $e0a2iorsand t0e ,ore di11erent t0e o-eratin! en2iron,ent o1 EOHIBIT @35 Process Mode& o1 Co,, nication

%" C 0anne&

I dea o1 ea o1

Id co,, n C 0anne& %" \ sender R\ recei2 er icator S

t0e ,indst0en t0e ,ore &i)e&/ it is t0e ,e,$ers o1 t0e or!ani<ations 'i&& assi!n di11erent ,eanin!s+ T0e ,essa!e 'i&& not $e nderstood+ T0is is '0at 0a--ened to t0e co,-an/ t0at sent a ,essa!e in En!&is0 t0at t0e/ 'o &d &i)e an order 1i&&ed Fri!0t a'a/F8 t0eir Korean recei2er s&/ res-onded" sa/in! t0e/ 'o &d $e 0a--/ to 1i&& t0e order" $ t as)in! '0at &as t0e Fri!0t 'a/F= T0e 1act is" or!ani<ations and t0e -eo-&e '0o iss e ,essa!es on t0eir $e0a&1 o-erate 1ro, a set o1 c &t ra& -riorities and ,eanin!s t0at cannot $e ass ,ed to in t0e recei2in! or!ani<ation+ B t at t0e sa,e ti,e" 'e have to ass ,e so,e si,i&arit/ in ,eanin!s or e&se 'e can:t $e!in to do $ siness+ So" si,-&/ - t" t0e interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nicator 0as to $e a$&e to !et t0e ass ,-tions ri!0t" or as near&/ ri!0t as -ossi$&e+ One 'a/ tc i,-ro2e /o r c0ances o1 nderstandin! t0e ,eanin!s o1 t0e ot0er or!ani<ation is to se X ,atri. o1 interc &t ra& di,ensions+? T0at is '0at 'e 0a2e 9 st seen in t0e 1i2e cate!or/ [ o1 % estions to -ose o1 c &t res o t&ined in C0a-ters ? and M+ W0en



r+ e 73+3a c &t re:s -riorities &ie a&on! t0e di,ensions o1 2a& e"

/o can $e!in to ,a)e in1 T7 ! esses a$o t '0at ,essa!es ,ean+ T0is c0a-ter &oo)s at 0o' intention and conscio sness a11ect t0e 'a/ or!an7+>++:+F 3str ct re and encode3decode ,essa!es" $ot0 as senders and recei2ers+ It is a c0ar7=7 3= X E -rocess" ,ore t0an ,eanin!+ In ot0er 'ords" it considers t0e '0o" '0/+ 0o'+ +3+ 383 +3 X '0ere o1 interc &t ra& $ siness co,, nication+ The Purpose and (a+tors o$ Communi+ation T0is $oo) co,es o t o1 t0e -re,ise t0at $ siness 1 nctions re% ire co,, nication+ T0at ,eans $ siness co,, nicators send ,essa!es $eca se t0e/ 'ant to -er1or, certain 1 nctions 1or t0e or!ani<ation+ A $asic 1act a$o t $ siness co,, nication is t0at it 0as a - r-ose re&ated to t0e or!ani<ation:s !oa&s8 it is purposeful. Senders o1 $ siness ,essa!es 0a2e t0e 1o&&o'in! - r-oses7 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Instr ctin!+ #irectin!+ In1or,in!+ Re-ortin!+ E&icitin! in1or,ation" o-inions" a t0ori<ation+ Generatin! ent0 sias,+ Reso&2in! con1&icts+ Ana&/<in! sit ations and -ro$&e,s+ Moti2atin!+ Ne!otiatin!+ Se&&in!+ Re-ri,andin!+ Re1 sin!+ E2a& atin!+ Pers adin!+ A!reein!+


Grantin! re% ests+ Pro-osin!+ Trans,ittin! ot0er ,essa!es Gdoc ,entsH+

T0ese are &ar!e&/ tas)3oriented - r-oses+ P r-oses t0at contri$ te s-eci1ica&&/ to n rt rin! re&ations0i-s are a&so i,-ortant+ T0e/ inc& de D D D D D D D D D D D D D Praisin!+ E.-ressin! concern or s/,-at0/+ Enco ra!in!+ Coac0in! and ,entorin!+ T0an)in!+ Re9oicin! 'it0 t0e recei2er+ Warnin! a$o t -ossi$&e -ro$&e,s+ G idin! aro nd -it1a&&s+ A-o&o!i<in!+ E.-ressin! acce-tance o1 a-o&o!/+ Reconci&in!+ E.-ressin! 0o-e+ Con!rat &atin!+

A&& $ siness 1 nctions re% ire co,, nication+ T0at:s '0/ or!ani<ations 2a& e co,, nication s)i&&s 0i!0&/+ *or e.a,-&e" in !oa&s3oriented c &t res" t0e 1 nction o1 -&annin! and t0e 1 nction o1 i,-&e,entin! strate!ies 1or ac0ie2in! !oa&s are $ot0 i,-ortant to or!ani<ations+ Peo-&e '0o do t0ese 9o$s 0a2e to co,, nicate a$o t t0e," and t0e/ are 2a& ed '0en t0eir co,, nications are s ccess1 &+ Meas rin! -ro!ress to'ard !oa&s is a&so i,-ortant to t0ese or!ani<ations+ Peo-&e '0o can co,, nicate t0eir cost esti,atin!" ,onitorin!" and 9 sti1/in! are 2a& ed+ T0ose '0o co,, nicate t0eir identi1ication o1 o$stac&es to t0e or!ani<ation:s !oa&s and s-eed/ ,et0ods 1or re,o2in! o$stac&es are 2a& ed+ *indin! 'a/s to ,oti2ate 'or)ers to 'ant to ac0ie2e t0e !oa&s is i,-ortant and ,ana!ers '0o can ,oti2ate are 2a& ed+ Ti,in! o1 ste-s is i,-ortant and o1

co rse ,one/ to -a/ 1or t0e, is i,-ortant8 e,-&o/ees '0o co,, nicate a$o t sc0ed &in! and 1inancin! are 2a& ed+ Se&&in! t0e -rod ct or ser2ice to t0e &ar!est or $est ,ar)et is i,-ortant+ T0ere1ore" -eo-&e '0o can -ro,ote and se&& are 2a& ed $/ t0e or!ani<ation+ Since t0e or!ani<ation needs to )no' '0en !oa&s 0a2e $een reac0ed" -eo-&e '0o can % anti1/ ter,s Gdo&&ars earned" ,ar)et s0are in -ercent" n ,$ers o1 c&ientsH are 2a& ed+ Ot0ers '0o can e2a& ate e,-&o/ees: -er1or,ances are 2a& ed+ Or!ani<ations 2a& e e,-&o/ees: )no'&ed!e and tr/ to ca-t re t0at )no'&ed!e 1or t0e $ene1it o1 ot0ers '0o ser2e t0e or!ani<ation+ T0e ,et0ods e,-&o/ees se 1or co,, nicatin! '0at t0e/ 0a2e &earned 2ar/" $ t t0e !oa& is to 0a2e e11ecti2e co,, nication in -&ace so '0at e,-&o/ees )no' a$o t 'or)in! in a s-eci1ic -osition is not &ost '0en t0e/ ,o2e 1ro, t0at -osition+ 7urposes are the (h# of business communication. T0e/ in a&& $ siness c &t res" a&t0o !0 !oa&s 2ar/+ A!ree,ent across c &t res a$o t ho# t0e - r-oses are acco,-&is0ed is rare" 0o'e2er+ Ho( involves the &ay messa$es are or$aniDe' an' enco'e', and t0at 'i&& $e o r s $9ect 1or t0e rest o1 t0is c0a-ter+ B t $e1ore 'e t rn to it" 'e:&& &oo) $rie1&/ at t0e ot0er -rocess as-ects o1 co,, nication+ W0en or!ani<ations a!ree a$o t t0e - r-oseGsH o1 a ,essa!e" t0e/ are &i)e&/ to assi!n si,i&ar ,eanin!s to it+ W0en t0e/ a!ree a$o t #ho is in2o&2ed" t0e/ a&so &o'er t0e ris) o1 an nintentiona& ,essa!esa/" a$o t stat s inter1erin! 'it0 t0e ,eanin!+ T0e/ can a!ree '0et0er co,, nication is one3 'a/" as 1ro, a s -erior to a s $ordinate or!ani<ation G-er0a-s a 0ead o11ice to a s $sidiar/ in anot0er co ntr/H or t'o3'a/" as $et'een s $sidiaries o1 si,i&ar stat s+ T0is is re&ated to t0e notion o1 access7 I1 one or!ani<ation ,a)es its access o-en" so se2era& &e2e&s can co,, nicate 'it0 t0e ot0er or!ani<ation" t0en t0e ot0er or!ani<ation can a!ree to $e o-en+ C&osed access ,eans t0e ,essa!es 0a2e to !o t0ro !0 one -erson or one 9o$ 1 nction+ 'ho &ithin an or$aniDation is the appropriate person to receive or sen' a messa$eC J estions o1 stat s are tric)/+ In or!ani<ations t0at 2a& e 0ierarc0/" t0e stat s o1 t0e co,, nicator is i,-ortant+ B t in or!ani<ations

t0at are 0ori<onta&" t0e ro&e Gt0e 9o$ 1 nctionH o1 a -erson ,a/ $e ,ore i,-ortant t0an stat s Gt0e 9o$ tit&eH+ As 'e sa' in C0a-ter M" de1initions o1 #ho ,a/ co,e do'n to 1a,i&/ re&ations0i-s+ (o ,a/ $e t0e son o1 t0e co,-an/ CEO" and t0ere1ore a$&e to s-ea) 1or 0er" '0ic0 'i&& ,a)e /o r ,essa!e di11erent 1ro, so,eone '0o is a 9 nior e,-&o/ee and not a 1a,i&/ ,e,$er+ Si,i&ar&/" /o ,a/ 'ant to )no' t0at t0e recei2er o1 /o r ,essa!e is t0e son o1 t0e CEO+ Or!ani<ations can a&so a!ree on t0e channel of communication, or (here it &ill take pLu +. C0anne& in2o&2es t0e iss e o1 '0at s0o &d $e - t in 'ritin!" and '0at s0o &d $e co,nr+7Treated ora&&/+ Wi&& ,essa!es $e co,, nicated $/ 1a.= Te&e-0one= E3,ai&= *ace3237++++ e.c0an!e= W0en co,, nicators a!ree a$o t t0e c0anne&" t0e/ can a2oid ,is nder3 r [7 X+ on t0at score+ S c0 ,is nderstandin!s ,a/ see, tri2ia&" $ t t0e/ can $e si!ni1ies7:+3+ 3+ detai&ed disc ssion o1 c0anne& a--ears at t0e end o1 t0is c0a-ter+ Or!ani<ations are a&'a/s r nnin! - a!ainst -ro$&e,s t0at co &d 0a2e $een a2oided 0ad t0e c0anne& $een a!reed -on+ A,ericans are contract3 ,a)ers" and s a&&/ don:t t0in) an/ a!ree,ent e.ists n&ess a contract 0as $een 'ritten and si!ned+ B t in ot0er -arts o1 t0e 'or&d an ora& state,ent is as !ood as a contract" i1 it is 'it0in t0e conte.t o1 a re&ations0i-+ A ,e,$er o1 a United States or!ani<ation can innocent&/ sa/" FO0" I:d rea&&/ $e interested in t0at ne' -rod ct"F ,eanin! Gconditiona& tenseH at so,e 1 t re ti,e it so nds 'ort0 &oo)in! into ,ore c&ose&/+ B t a ,e,$er o1 an Asian c &t re" '0ere re&ations0i-s ,a)e contracts -ossi$&e" ,a/ nderstand s c0 a co,,ent as" FI &ill $e &oo)in! 1or'ard ea!er&/ to recei2in! t0at -rod ct+F I1 an ora& c0anne&" &i)e t0e te&e-0one" is sed 1or ,a)in! a!ree,ents $/ one co,, nicator" and a 'ritten c0anne&" &i)e a contract" is sed $/ t0e ot0er" ,is nderstandin! can res &t+ A!reein! on t0e a--ro-riate c0anne& can sa2e co,-anies tro $&e+ When to communicate is ,ore co,-&e. t0an si,-&/ )ee-in! ti,e <ones in ,ind" a&t0o !0 t0at can $e co,-&e. eno !0 in a 'or&d'ide or!ani<ation+ It a&so ,eans c0oosin! t0e ri!0t ,o,ent 1or a -artic &ar ,essa!e+ Can /o raise a $ siness iss e d rin! & nc0= W0en ridin! in a 0ost:s car= # rin! a cas a&

,o,ent= Or on&/ in a 1or,a& en2iron,ent= O1ten t0is is re&ated to t0e % estion" B"ho is co,, nicatin!=F (o ,a/ c0oose a 1or,a& ,o,ent to disc ss sa&es 1i! res 'it0 t0e ti2e 2ice -resident" $ t an in1or,a& ,o,ent 'it0 t0e ,ana!er o1 acco ntin!+ T0e % estion o1 '0o !oes 1irst in ne!otiation is in -art a #hen % estion+ Nort0 A,ericans o1ten ass ,e t0at e2er/$od/ 'ants to !o 1irst and !et t0eir -osition o t on t0e ta$&e $eca se 1re% ent&/ t0e/ do+ Tea,s in 6a-an or C0ina s a&&/ 'ant to $e &ast so t0e/ can 0o&d $ac) t0eir o'n -osition nti& t0e/:2e 0eard t0e ot0er side+ "hen co,, nication ta)es -&ace in2o&2es t0e iss es o1 ti,e t0at 'e &oo)ed at in C0a-ter ?" s c0 as $ein! on ti,e+ And it in2o&2es t0e iss e o1 a si, &taneo s 2ers s se% entia& a--roac0 to tas)s+ I1 /o are e.-ectin! ,a/ $e e.c& si2e attention 1ro, so,eone '0ose t/-ica& ,et0od o1 o-eratin! is to carr/ on se2era& co,, nication tas)s at t0e sa,e ti,e" /o ,a/ $e nco,1orta$&e 'it0 e.c& si2e attention+ ORGANI4ING ROUTINE MESSAGES *ire+t Plan B siness co,, nication $oo)s co,e ,ain&/ 1ro, Western c &t res" -artic &ar&/ t0e United States+ Accordin!&/" t0e a t0ors tend to e,-0asi<e t0e t0in!s t0at are i,-ortant to $ siness co,, nication in t0e United States+ *or e.a,-&e" t0e/ r!e 'riters to a2oid a,$i! it/ and !et t0e ,essa!e across c&ear&/+ Clarity and concisenessc0oosin! 'ords 'it0 care 1or e.act and -recise ,eanin!s" and e&i,inatin! nnecessar/ 'ords and -0rasesare )e/s to s ccess1 & $ siness 'ritin! st/&e in t0e United States+ C&ear and concise sentences are s0ort and se a s $9ect32er$3o$9ect -attern in -re1erence to co,-&e. str ct res+ Acti2e32oice 2er$s si!ni1/ doin! and ac0ie2in!8 -assi2e 2oice 2er$s are -assi2e" so a c &t re t0at 2a& es doin! and ac0ie2in! -re1ers acti2e 2oice+ Concrete no ns 0a2e s0a-e" 'ei!0t" and ,ass+ W0at:s ,ore" /o can e.-erience t0e," i1 on&/ in i,a!ination" 'it0 /o r senses+ A$stract no ns disa--ointed+ So,eone '0o e.-ects /o to $e carr/in! on si, &taneo s tas)s

are s0a-e&ess" 'ei!0t&ess" and a,or-0o s+ (o can:t see or s,e&& or to c0 t0e,+ T0e/ are 2erC 0Uri 77 ,eas re+ Ac0ie2in!" !oa&3oriented" can3do c &t res -re1er concrete no ns+ S c0 c &t res o1ten e.-ress a$stract ideas in ,eta-0ors t0at are ,ore concrete" s c0 as t0e s-ort3,eta-0ors disc ssed in C0a-ter L+ FS ccessF is a &ess co,-e&&in! ter, to res &ts3onente c &t res t0an F0ittin! a 0o,er nF or Fscorin! a !oa&+F B siness co,, nication $oo)s a&so o1ten r!e directness in de&i2erin! t0e ,essa!e C &t ra& -riorities in t0e United States inc& de sincerit/ and o-enness8 !oin! strai!0t to t0e -oint dis-&a/s $ot0+ Beatin! aro nd t0e $ s0" on t0e ot0er 0and" s !!ests /o 0a2e so,et0in! to 0ide" in t0e do,inant c &t re o1 t0e United States+ T0is can $e se1 &" '0en indeed t0e -oint o1 t0e ,essa!e is one /o :d rat0er concea&+ B t '0en t0e ,essa!e in2o&2es a strai!0t1or'ard re% est or !ood ne's or in1or,ation t0e recei2er 0as $een 'aitin! 1or+ indirectness see,s nnecessari&/ co,-&icated" e2en de2io s+ #irectness a&so s0o's consideration 1or t0e recei2er o1 t0e ,essa!e" since 0e or s0e is a&so $ s/ doin! and ac0ie2in!" no do $t" and -ro$a$&/ 2a& es ti,e too , c0 to 'aste it on nnecessar/ -ara!ra-0s or s-eec0+ B siness co,, nication te.ts instr ct 'riters to - t t0e ,ain ,essa!e in t0e o-enin! -ara!ra-0 o1 corres-ondence" n&ess t0ere is a -artic &ar reason not to do so+ I1 /o - t t0e ,ain ,essa!e at t0e end o1 t0e doc ,ent" t0e $ s/ reader ,a/ ne2er !et to it+ He or s0e ,a/ 'e&& 0a2e sto--ed readin! $/ t0en+ #irect3-&an re-orts" 'ritten and ora&" re&a/ t0e conc& sion and reco,,endations first, $e1ore t0e s&o'er in1or,ation a$o t '0/ t0e re-ort is $ein! ,ade and '0at it co2ers+ A1ter t0e ,ain ,essa!e co,es t0e e.-&anation+ In corres-ondence" t0is ,a/ $e one or ,ore -ara!ra-0s+ In re-orts and -ro-osa&s" it inc& des se2era& sections7 - r-ose" sco-e" and ,et0odo&o!/ inc& din! -ersons" 1acts" ana&/ses" and inter-retation+ T0e tendenc/ a,on! &o'3conte.t c &t res is to e.-&ain in a &inear" o1ten c0rono&o!ica&" se% ence+ Bac)!ro nd in1or,ation can 0e&- ,a)e t0e ,ain ,essa!e c&earer" $ t t0e direct -&an sti- &ates t0at $ac)!ro nd

in1or,ation co,e after t0e ,ain ,essa!e Gsee E.0i$it @3LH+ #a2id Victor" in 0is $oo) International usiness Communication, ca&&s t0e direct3-&an a--roac0 Fan e.a,-&e o1 c &t re3$o nd $ siness co,, nication+FM T0at isn:t to sa/ it is se&ess8 on t0e contrar/" it is t0e 2er/ $est 'a/ to or!ani<e ro tine $ siness ,essa!es 1or ,ost A,erican" Canadian" A stra&ian" Britis0" and Ne' 4ea&and readers+ It is a&so -ro$a$&/ t0e $est or!ani<ation 1or Nort0ern E ro-ean readers+ B t it isn:t necessari&/ t0e $est 'a/ 1or ,e,$ers o1 ot0er c &t res" or t0e -&an t0e/ 'o &d 1o&&o'+ To 0i!03conte.t c &t re co,, nicators" a direct3 -&an ,essa!e ,a/ see, r de and a$r -t+ T0e 'riter ,a/ $e -ercei2ed as n1riend&/ or n'i&&in! to $e in a re&ations0i- 'it0 t0e reader" F9 st 'antin! to do $ siness" not to !et to )no' s+F Indire+t Plan T0e indirect -&an does not - t t0e ,ain ,essa!e in t0e 1irst sentence+ It 0as ot0er -riorities t0an t0e % ic) de&i2er/ o1 ideas" s c0 as n rt rin! a re&ations0i- or de2e&o-in! sottte ot0er conte.t 1or t0e ,essa!e+ 6a-anese $ siness ,essa!es o1ten $e!in 'it0 a re1erence t t0e season7 FNo' it is a t ,n and t0e red &ea2es are co2erin! t0e !ro nd 'it0 coV7 M s&i, co ntries" t0e o-enin! -ara!ra-0 o1 $ siness &etters 1re% ent&/ in2o)es +3+:++XEF E5HIBIT :22 Sa,-&e Letter Z 5 Here is a direct3-&an &etter 1ro, Tai'an" trans&ated 1ro, C0inese+ #ear Me,$ers" and #ear Me,$ers: Wi2es" T0e Socia& Ser2ice Co,,ittee and t0e Mo ntain3C&i,$in!

Co,,ittee decided on t0e NLnd /ear" Mt0 ,ont0 and L@t0 da/ GS nda/H to or!ani<e t0e Socia& Ser2ice and Mo ntain3C&i,$in! Acti2ities+ GWeH 'o &d &i)e to anno nce t0e 1o&&o'in!7 5+ Meetin! ti,e" Mt0 ,ont0 L@t0 GS nda/H ,ornin!" I A+M+ s0ar-+

L+ arc0 $rid!e+

Meetin! -&ace" t0e Inner La)e o1 t0e Bi! La)e Garden" t0e

GWeH res-ect1 &&/ in2ite a&& ,e,$ers to $rin! t0eir s-o ses to ,oin us actively to celebrate Rt0is -0rase is in C&assica& C0ineseS t0e e2ent+ Secretar/ XXXXXXXXX NLnd /ear o1 C0ina Re- $&ic Mt0 ,ont0 5 st da/

T0e ,ain ,essa!e is !i2en $e1ore t0e s-eci1ic detai&+ Note t0e datin! s/ste, '0ic0 is s-eci1ic to Tai'an+

$&essin! on t0e reader and t0e reader:s 1a,i&/ ,e,$ers-artic &ar&/ '0en t0e $ siness is 1a,i&/ o-erated+ Indirectness is o1ten acco,-anied $/ de&i$erate ambi$uity. T0is can di11 se res-onsi$i&it/+ E2en in ro tine sit ations" s c0 as a re% est 1or in1or,ation" indirectness sa2es 1ace in case t0e re% est is denied or i!nored+ Indirectness si!na&s t0e 'riter:s intention to ta)e care o2er t0in!s" inc& din! care not to ,a)e t0e reader &ose 1ace+ A,$i! it/ ,eans t0at 'ords are c0osen 1or t0eir a$i&it/ to ,ean ,ore t0an one t0in!" and -atterns o1 'ords can 0a2e ,ore t0an one inter-retation+ T0is 0as anot0er 1 nction7 It re2ea&s t0e s $t&et/ and so-0istication o1 t0e 'riter+ W0at is not said ,a/ $e as i,-ortant as" or ,ore i,-ortant t0an" '0at is said+ Indirectness and a,$i! it/ ,ean a 'ritin! st/&e t0at 1a2ors circ ,&oc tion rat0er t0an strai!0t1or'ardness+ Sentences ,a/ see, to ra,$&e $eca se ideas are de2e&o-ed in re&ation to eac0 ot0er+ Meta-0ors are -re1erred $eca se t0e/ in1er a conte.t o1 conce-ts and -rinci-&es+ T0e/ s !!est n1o&din! -ossi$i&ities+ Indirectness ,a/ a&so ,ean 'i$ression, or '0at ,a/ $e ter,ed side3 con2ersations and ra,$&in!s $/ res &ts3oriented c &t res+ T0ese added $its o1 circ ,stance and

sit ationa& descri-tion 0e&- de2e&o- a conte.t 1or $ siness co,, nication 1or ,e,$ers o1 re&ations0i-3oriented c &t res+ Ed'ard C+ Ste'art 'rites" Partic &ar&/ in so,e A1rican co,, nication st/&es" e.c rsions into re&ated s $9ects are nor,ati2e" and &isteners are e.-ected to e,$e&&is0 t0e t0e,e rat0er t0an to -rod 1or t0e ,ain -oint or t0e -ro$&e,+ In t0e 'ords o1 one A1rican st dent" FI )no' I 0a2e $een nderstood '0en t0e ot0er -erson ,a)es state,ents t0at e.-ress t0e sa,e idea as ,ine+F@ S-eci1ic 'ordin! s0o'in! consideration 1or t0e reader o1ten a--ears in indirect3-&an &etters+ E.-ressions o1 co rtes/ can $eco,e % ite e&a$orate+ E2en t0e standard *renc0 co,-&i,entar/ c&ose" 1or e.a,-&e" 1or so,eone '0o is not a c&ose associate contains 1ar ,ore e&a$orate co rtes/ t0an En!&is0 &etters7 Ve i&&e< a!reer" Monsie r" &:e.-ression de ,es senti,ents de2o ee RWo &d /o -&ease acce-t" Sir" t0e e.-ression o1 ,/ de2oted 1ee&in!sSK #e2e&o-in! a conte.t 1or co,, nicatin! in1or,ation is 2er/ i,-ortant to ,e,$ers o1 Asian c &t res+ T0is is $ased on t0e con2iction t0at conte.t is '0at !i2es ,eanin! to in1or,ation" and 'it0o t t0e conte.t" t0e in1or,ation cannot $e -ro-er&/ nderstood+ In a st d/ o1 C0inese3a t0ored &etters in t0e 5It0 cent r/ 'ritten to t0e &ardine3Mat0eson Co,-an/" a Britis03o'ned tradin! co,-an/ in So t0 C0ina" indirectness corre&ates 'it0 t0e 'riter:s desire to esta$&is0 a conte.t+F *or instance" one 'riter na,ed Kean Wo C0eon!" in% irin! a$o t t0e stat s o1 a s0i-,ent o1 si&) in 5N>M+ $e!ins7 FIt is no' a$o t si. ,ont0s" no in1or,ation 0as $een !i2en s" 1or t0at t'o cases o1 Si&) '0ic0 'as sent to E ro-e 1or sa&e t0ro !0 /o r Co,-an/ on o r $e0a&1 On&/ a1ter esta$&is0in! t0is conte.t in t0is sentence does t0e 'riter contin e 'it0 0is ,ain ,essa!e7 FWe $e! t0at 'e ,a/ $e in1or,ed t0e a,o nt rea&i<ed 1ro, t0e sa&e o1 t0e si&) ++ +F Esta$&is0in! t0e conte.t is -ercei2ed to $e a 'a/ o1 ens rin! t0e ,ain ,essa!e is not a,$i! o s" ,/sterio s" and ,is nderstood+ B/ contrast" a direct3-&an re% est 'o &d si,-&/ $e!in" FP&ease in1or, s o1 t0e -rice o$tained in t0e sa&e o1 o r si&)+F It 'o &d t0en !o on to !i2e t0e detai&s7 t0e consi!n,ent

,ade si. ,ont0s a!o" t0e &ac) o1 in1or,ation to date" and so 1ort0+ W0at re,ains nsaid in t0e indirect&/ or!ani<ed ,essa!e is t0e 'riter:s concern t0at t0e s0i- carr/in! t0e si&) 0as enco ntered so,e ,is0a- and t0e si&) 0as $een &ost at sea or $een -irated a'a/+ #irect3-&an sers o1ten are &o'3conte.t co,, nicators '0o ,a/ - t s c0 'orries into 'ords+ To co,, nicators '0o are ,e,$ers o1 &o'3conte.t c &t res" indirect3 -&an con2ersation can see, tedio s" s&o'" and n1oc sed+ Indirect3-&an $ siness corres-ondence Gsee E.0i$it @3?H can s !!est to a &o'3conte.t reader t0at t0e 'riter is not a$&e to co,e to ter,s 'it0 t0e co,, nication tas)+ T0e reader ,a/ % estion t0e 'riter:s t0in)in! a$i&it/ as 'e&& as 'ritin! a$i&it/+ ORGANI4ING PERSUASIVE MESSAGES AN# ARGUMENTATION Pers asion is acco,-&is0ed t0ro !0 an indirect a--roac0 in &o'3conte.t c &t res" as can $e seen in U+S+ $ siness co,, nication te.t$oo)s+ T0is is '0en $eatin! aro nd t0e $ s0 is -re1era$&e to directness+ (o !i2e t0e e.-&anation 1irst" and t0en 'or) /o r 'a/ to t0e ,ain ,essa!e+ T0e rationa&e 1or sin! t0is or!ani<ation is t0at a reader 'i&& $e -ers aded $/ reasons. I1 /o ,ars0a& /o r reasons to!et0er in a &o!ica& se% ence and s --ort t0e77+ E5HIBIT :28 Sa,-&e Letter ZLXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

T0is is an e.a,-&e o1 an indirect -&an+ T0e &etter is a re% est 1or in1or,ation" 'it0 ,an/ o1 t0e c0aracteristics o1 indirectness s c0 as e&a$orate co rtes/ and detai&+ T0e 'riter 0as ta)en !reat care to 1o&&o' co,, nication -rinci-&es i,-ortant in 0is or 0er c &t re+ T0e ca-ita&i<ation and - nct ation are de&i$erate+ #ATE7 6ANUAR( 5A" 5IIM TO O**ICE O* A#MISSION CALI*ORNIA STATE UNIVERSIT(


'it0 1acts" /o can -ers ade+ T0is 'or)s in a c &t re '0ere -ers asi2e ar! ,e77Q .+.n $ased on o$9ecti2e 1acts+ B t not a&& c &t res !i2e 1acts 0i!0 -riorit/" and -ers asion 7rX8+ de-end -on '0o t0e -ers ader is" rat0er t0an t0e reasons+ .mentation and Lo i+ In &o'3conte.t c &t res" o$9ecti2e 1acts reside o tside t0e co,, nicator or t0e or!ani<ation+ T0e/ 0a2e an inde-endent e.istence+ *acts o1ten can $e % anti1ied and ,eas red+ GC0a-ter N de2e&o-s t0is notion in re&ation to t0e co&&ection o1 in1or,ation" its re&ia$i&it/" and its 2a&idit/ in di11erent c &t res+H Since e,otion is s&i!0t&/ s s-ect" /o are $etter o11 $asin! /o r ar! ,ent on 1acts+ A1ter a&&" /o can !o to co rtan &ti,ate )ind o1 -ers asion$ased on 1acts+ (o can co nt on t0e,+ E.0i$it @3M is an e.a,-&e o1 a -ers asi2e &etter t0at ar! es $/ ,ars0a&in! 1acts+ T0e 'riter is n'i&&in! to -a/ a -ar)in! 1ine inc rred 1or not 1i&&in! in t0e car re!istration 1or, co,-&ete&/ 1or a -ar)in! &ot+ T0e reader is an o,$ ds,an GSkasbehHJ 0er 9o$ is to 0ear co,-&aints and atte,-t to !i2e indi2id a&s 'it0 re&ati2e&/ &itt&e -o'er so,e assistance in dea&in! 'it0 t0e or!ani<ation+ T0e 'riter o1 t0is &etter a--ears to -resent in1or,ation o$9ecti2e&/+ He ses a n ,$ered &ist and ta)es an o$9ecti2e -osition a$o t t0e F1actsF7 0is car is ne'" it 'as rainin!" 0e 1o&&o'ed t0e rece-tionist:s instr ctions" and t0ere1ore 0e cannot $e 0e&d res-onsi$&e 1or t0e error and t0e 1ine+ His ar! ,ent is constr cted &i)e a s/&&o!is,7 T0e 1acts &ead to a conc& sion t0at t0e 'riter - ts in $o&d1ace t/-e 1or e,-0asis+ T0is &etter a&so ses sarcas," so,et0in! t0at ,a/ not a&'a/s ac0ie2e t0e 'riter:s o$9ecti2e and -ers ade t0e reader" e2en in a &o'3conte.t c &t re+ T0e 'riter sa/s 0e cannot $e 0e&d res-onsi$&e 1or t0e fact t0at -ar)in! sta11 do not nderstand t0e % estion3,ar) s/,$o&+ Nor can 0e ta)e $&a,e $eca se t0e -ar)in! sta11 1ai&s to 'onder '0/ t0e 'ord number is nder&ined on t0e 1or, '0i&e at t0e sa,e ti,e t0e ,a)e o1 t0e car is entered on t0e 1or,s0o'in! 0e

)no's t0e ,a)e $ t not t0e n ,$er+ T0is )ind o1 sarcas, is 2er/ co,,on in Nor'e!ian co,, nication and is a c sto,ar/ 'a/ 1or so,eone to -roceed in a co,-&aint+ Anot0er sarcastic di! co,es 1ro, t0e se o1 t0e in1or,a& F/o F sin! &ar -rono n rat0er t0an t0e 1or,a& F/o F in -oint n ,$er M+ In 0i!03conte.t c &t res" 1acts are not so o$9ecti2e or i,-ersona&+ Words and ar! ,ents are not se-arate 1ro, t0e 'riter or s-ea)er '0o e.-resses t0e,+ *acts co,e 'it0 a -erson 'ra--ed aro nd t0e,+ I1 /o ar! e a!ainst t0ose 1acts" /o are ar! in! a!ainst t0e -erson '0o ttered t0e,+ In c &t res t0at do not - t a 0i!0 -riorit/ on &iti!ation" /o can:t co nt on 1acts to 0e&- /o ac0ie2e /o r !oa&s in co rt8 /o 0a2e to co nt on -eo-&e+ Re&ations0i-s are 0o' t0in!s !et done+ Since stat s is s a&&/ i,-ortant in 0i!03conte.t c &t res" t0e -erson is a&'a/s a )e/ 1actor in 0o' a ,essa!e is nderstood+ Words cannot $e distin! is0ed 1ro, t0eir so rce" and in1& entia& -eo-&e can in1& ence and -ers ade $/ 2irt e o1 t0eir stat s+ * rt0er,ore+ 77F 0i!03conte.t c &t res t0e 'e$ or conte.t o1 re&ations0i-s and o$&i!ations is e2er -resent+ A t ! on one side o1 t0e 'e$ sends 2i$rations t0ro !0o t t0e 'e$+ Ho' can a recei2er re7773+3to $e -ers aded" '0en t0e entire net'or)ot0er -eo-&e)no' a$o t t0e atten7777 ++F -ers asion= EOHIBIT @3M Sa,-&e Letter Z?

T0is &etter ar! es $/ care1 &&/ or!ani<in! 1acts into &o!ica& se% ence+ T0e 'riter dates t0e &etter $/ - ttin! t0e da/ 1irst" t0en t0e ,ont0" t0en t0e /ear GMarc0 >" 5II>H+ T0e 'riter - ts )e/ ite,s in $o&d1ace t/-e7 t0e addressee Ginside addressH and t0e Ft0ere1oreF conc& sion o1 0is ar! ,ent at t0e end o1 t0e &etter+ >+?+5II> 1a&s,eh. %ona losli AutoPar& A.1. Post,o&s 8C 1to!ner CD18 Oslo


K&a!e -a )ontro&&a2!i1t AA55A?5

#eres re17 AA55A?5 6e! ta))er 1or $re2 datert K+,ars 5II>" o! Ans)er a o--&/se o, 1A&!ende7 1. 2. de! 0ar en nesten n/ $i& o! 0 s)et der1or i))e s)i&t n ,,eret+ #et re!net !ans)e )ra1ti! o! det 2ar de1or i))e s-esie&t Rese-s9onsda,ene sa at det i))e 2ar nAd2endi! a s)ri2e 0e&e

0/!!e&i! a &A-e t 1or a s9e))e o, n ,,eret -a $i&en 2ar ri)ti!+


$i& n ,,er ned" 02is 9e! s)re2 02i&)en $i&t/-e 9e! 0adde+ #e sa 2idere at 9e! $are ) nne nder3stre)e n ,rene o! sette enn F=F te!n 2ed siden a2+ 6e! 1 &!te deres rad o! !9orde so, 9e! $&e $edt o,+

At dine -ar)erin!s1o&) i))e 1orstar at ettF=F te!n $et/r at

2ed)o,,ende i))e 2ar si))er -a n ,,eret" )an i))e 9e! $e&astes 1or+ He&&er i))e at dine -ar)erin!s1o&) i))e s)9t1nner 02or1or en nderstre)er n ,,erene sa,tidi! so, en s)ri2er ned 02i&)en $i&,er)e det er" )an 9e! 0e&&er i))e $e&astes 1or+

Ae &an i&&e a&septere at -e s&al ,etale $or denne ,oten -orde. *enne mi

etter at -e $i&& od&-ennesle i reseps-onen $or h!a -e !asre en sa& mel2lom dere o reseps-onen I @i4dor$. Med 2enn&i! 0i&sen" B+ A+ S,it0 C0 rc0 Road 5AA ?K5 Os&o

Gcontinue'H Persuasion Ta+ti+s Peo-&e and or!ani<ations in re&ations0i-s -&a/ certain ro&es+ *or e.a,-&e" $ siness or!ani<ations in India ,a/ -&a/ t0e role of the .orally Superior in ne!otiations 'it0 t0e United States and 6a-an+N T0e/ are an o&d and 2enera$&e

c &t re" 'it0 'e&&3esta$&is0ed re! &ations 1or 1a&s,eh. %ona losli AutoPar& A.1. Post,o&s 8C 1to!ner CD18 Oslo Re7 Co,-&aint on Re!istration *ee AA55A?5

(o r re1erence7 AA55A?5 I t0an) /o 1or t0e &etter dated Marc0 K" 5II> and 'is0 to in1or, /o o1 t0e 1o&&o'in!7 5+ I 0a2e an a&,ost ne' car" and t0ere1ore do not re,e,$er t0e It rained % ite 0ea2i&/ and it 'as t0ere1ore not -artic &ar&/ T0e rece-tionist said t0at it 'as not necessar/ to 'rite do'n t0e &icense -&ate n ,$er+

co,1orta$&e to r n o t to c0ec) '0et0er t0e n ,$er 'as correct+


'0o&e 2e0ic&e n ,$er" i1 I 'rote '0ic0 t/-e o1 car I 0ad+ S0e 1 rt0er said t0at I co &d 9 st nder&ine and - t a % estion ,ar) F=F si!n on t0e -a!e+ I 1o&&o'ed 0er ad2ice and did '0at I 'as as)ed+

RT0e 1actS t0at /o r Rin1or,a& -rono nS -ar)in! sta11 does not

nderstand t0at t0e % estion3,ar) si!n ,eans t0at t0e indi2id a& 'as not s re a$o t t0e n ,$er" cannot $e $&a,ed on ,e+ * rt0er,ore" t0e 1act t0at t0e -ar)in! sta11 does not 'onder '0/ one 1or+ :. I +annot a++ept that I should ,e re?uired to pa) this $ine a$ter I ot appro!al in the re+eption area $or #hat I did. This must ,e a matter ,et#een )ou and the re+eption $un+tion. Wit0 1riend&/ re!ards" R1or,a& c&osin!S B+ A+ S,it0 C0 rc0 Road 5AA ?K5 Os&o nder&ines Fn ,$erF '0i&e si, &taneo s&/ 'ritin! do'n t0e ,a)e o1 car" I cannot $e 0e&d res-onsi$&e

socia& $e0a2ior and dee-3rooted e.-ectations 1or $ siness $e0a2ior+ T0e/ 0a2e not $een res-onsi$&e 1or atrocities or i,,ora& $e0a2ior" in t0eir o'n 2ie'+ T0e/ cast $ot0 t0e United States and 6a-an in t0e ro&e o1 Mora&&/ In1erior+ T0is ,eans t0e/ -ers ade 'it0 !reat ,ora7 a t0orit/" not on t0e $asis o1 1acts $ t on t0e $asis o1 '0at is ,ora&&/ ri!0t+ T0is !i2es t0en7 0i!0er stat s t0an t0eir 6a-anese or U+S+ co nter-arts" and stat s 0as -riorit/ in India+ In 5BO+a -esticide ,an 1act rin! co,-an/ in t0e cit/ o1 B0o-a&" India" e.-erienced a disastrc++3 &ea) o1 to.ic !as+ T0o sands died and t0o sands ,ore s 11ered terri$&e in9 ries+ T0e e-iQF ir 'as 2ie'ed as ,ora&&/ 'ron! $/ t0e Indians '0o 1e&t t0e co,-an/ 0ad 1ai&ed to $e77+7 3+3res-onsi$&/+ T0e co,-an/ 'as a 9oint 2ent re" @A+I -ercent o'ned $/ Union Car$ide++7 [X 3c0e,ica& co,-an/" and MI+5 -ercent o'ned $/ Indian in2estors and t0e !o2ernrne777 2 Indians ca&&ed 1or t0e e.tradition o1 t0e A,erican -resident o1 Union Car$ide at t0e 77 383 3+ ,ora&&/ o tra!ed 2icti,s '0o s r2i2ed contin e to c0ar!e t0e co,-an/ 'it0 not re&easin! in1or,ation a$o t t0e !as and a$o t -ossi$&e treat,ent+ G(o can read t0e ar! ,ents $/ Indians at Phttp1QQ&&&.uca*l'.com.auQcommunityQbhopalR.H T0e United States" '0ic0 assi!ns a 0i!0 -riorit/ to e% a&it/" ,a/ not $e -ers aded $/ India:s ,ora& -ost re+ Union Car$ide" in t0e case ,entioned a$o2e" a'arded WM>A ,i&&ion do&&ars in sett&e,ent" a&t0o !0 it c&ai,ed G5H no A,ericans 'ere -resent in India at t0e -&ant '0en t0e disaster occ rred" GLH t0e -&ant 'as Indian $ i&t and o-erated" and G?H an in2esti!ation s0o'ed t0e reason 1or t0e !as &ea)a!e7 de&i$erate sa$ota!e $/ a dis!r nt&ed Indian e,-&o/ee+ Accordin! to t0e 1acts co&&ected $/ Union Car$ide" it 'as not at 1a &t+ A,ericans a&so 2a& e sincerit/ and ri!0t $e0a2ior" and &i)e&/ resent $ein! cast in t0e ro&e o1 ,ora&&/ 'ron!+ Resent,ent ,a)es it 0ard to $e -ers aded+ 6a-an" &i)e India" 2a& es stat s+ Mora& 0i!0 !ro nd is not '0at t0e 6a-anese e.-ress 'it0 stat s" 0o'e2er8 t0e 6a-anese !o 1or -rotoco& and eti% ette as a res &t o1 stat s+ T0e/ are dee-&/ an!ered at $ein! &a$e&ed Fsinner"F a c0ar!e t0at 0as $een ,ade in 2ie' o1 so,e Wor&d War II atrocities

co,,itted $/ t0e 6a-anese" 1or instance+ T0e/ are not -ers aded $/ t0is tactic+ Anot0er tactic 1or -ers asion ,a/ co,e 1ro, or!ani<ations in c &t res t0at 1ee& t0e/ 0a2e $een the &ron$e' party in international relations. T0e/ ,a/ a&so ado-t a de-endent -ost re 'it0 a co ntr/ &i)e t0e United States and t0e cor-orations t0at re-resent A,erican 2a& es+ Me.ican or!ani<ations" 1or e.a,-&e" ,a/ s !!est t0e/ are o'ed 1a2ora$&e treat,entand ,a)e -ers asi2e re% ests $ased -on t0is notion$eca se t0e United States or!ani<ation is $i!!er" 0as ,ore ca-ita&" or is !ainin! a !reat concession 'it0 access to Me.ican ,ar)ets+ GT0e/ are &i)e&/ to re9ect an/ notion o1 ine% a&it/" 0o'e2er+H 7ersuasion also comes from emotions, '0ic0 are not se-ara$&e 1ro, -eo-&e eit0er+ *acts a&one see, co&d and i,-ersona&" and t0ere1ore n-ers asi2e" to -eo-&e 1ro, c &t res t0at 2a& e e,otiona& in2o&2e,ent+ So t0e 2er/ c0aracteristic t0at is s s-ect in &o'3conte.t c &t res" e,otion" is '0at ,o2es t0e recei2er in ot0er c &t res+ Lea2in! o t t0e e,otion 'i&& 0a2e t0e o--osite e11ect to '0at is intended+ One e,otion t0at can ,oti2ate in Asian c &t res is -it/+ A 6a-anese tactic is to descri$e t0e -ers ader:s -ain and ,is1ort ne+ *or instance" a s,a&& s --&ier ,a/ r n into -ro$&e,s 'it0 de&i2er/ sc0ed &es and 'is0 to -ers ade t0e c sto,er to acce-t de&a/ed de&i2er/+ T0e ar! ,ent ,a/ r n7 FWe are so s,a&& a co,-an/" 'e 0a2e &itt&e -o'er to 1orce o r a!ents to de&i2er -ro,-t&/+ P&ease consider 0o' s,a&& 'e are+F T0e co,-an/ $ein! -ers aded is s --osed to res-ond 'it0 -it/+ In a U+S+ conte.t" s c0 -ers asion tactics ,a/ see, -at0etic+ Pers asion is i,-ortant $eca se" in a sense" e!er# communication task a mana*er performs in!ol!es persuasion. E2en '0en t0e ,ana!er co,, nicates in1or,ation" t0e - r-ose is s a&&/ -art&/ -ers asion7 F!i2in! a'a/ - r-ose&ess in1or,ation is a s/,-to, o1 irrationa& $e0a2ior+FI (o co &d ar! e t0at e2en s,a&& ta&) 0as a -ers asi2e nderc rrent7 Tr st ,e" I:, on /o r side" $e ,/ s --orter+ Ma)in! an ora& -resentation a&so 0as a -er3 s asi2e e&e,ent7 FBe&ie2e ,e to $e a credi$&e s-ea)er" ta)e serio s&/ ,/ ,essa!e" tr st ,e+F Pers asion in interc &t ra& $ siness ne!otiation is

disc ssed in C0a-ter I+ 7ersuasion be$ins &ith establishin$ the cre'ibility of the party 'oin$ the persua'in$. As 'e 0a2e seen" t0is can $e acco,-&is0ed in di11erent 'a/s7 sin! 1acts" ta)in! t0e ,ora& 0i!0 road" needin! s-ecia& consideration+ T0e ne.t ste- is 1or t0e -art/ doin! t0e -ers adin! to establish common $roun', so t0e -art/ $ein! -ers aded 1ee&s t0ere 7 t0in! to $e !ained 1or t0e, a&so+ S ccess1 & $ siness -ers asion s a&&/ in2o0e3elation of some benefit for the party bein$ persua'e'. Ho' , c0 t0e $ene1it is C+ o1 co rse" de-endent on t0e c &t re+ S $se% ent&/" the persua'in$ si'e must mukt and en!a!e t0e a--ro-riate e,otions o1 t0e ot0er side+ ORGANI4ING UNWELCOME MESSAGES Communi+atin a,out Pro,lems W0en 2isitin! ,ana!e,ent -ro1essor Ron Ke&&/" instit te+ Near t0e end &itt&e e.-ress sort en9o/ed+ 'o &d 'o &d a it o t" o1 t0in!F t0eir t0at con1idence 1or Rat0er indicate s a&&/ $ott&e F1or!etF o1 t0e t0an 0e:d a sa)e 'as ,eetin! a c&o d t0e/ o1 -ress action" as) -ac)a!e s-irits" t0e 0e on 'o &d 0is 'o &d $e a$&e to 0e&- 0i, !ood 1or Ron a!ain o1 and re&ations0i- t0e/ a&& 1ro, St+ La'rence Co&&e!e" e.-erienced con1&ict 'it0 ,ention F9 st one

0is C0inese 0osts in Sic0 an a$o t t0e n ,$er o1 0ori<on" and 0e 'o &d co rses t0e/ 'anted 0i, to teac0" or n ,$er o1 st 3 dents -er c&ass" 0e 'o &d arran!e to ,eet 'it0 t0e,"

He 'o &d $e!in 'it0 e.-ressions o1 !ratit de 1or i,,ediate t0eir assistance in ,a)in! 0is e.-erience o1 teac0in!

in a 1e' da/s+ He

in C0ina so ric0+ He 'o &d -raise t0eir 'or)" t0eirci!arettes" or &ea2e $e0ind

st dents" and t0eir instit te+ He 'o &d ,ention t0ede-art 'it0 'ar, s,i&es a&& C0ina" e.ce&&ent si!0ts 'it0in an eas/ $ic/c&e ride o1 t0e aro nd+ He 0ad 1e' &ast3 co,1orta$&e acco,,odations and !ood 1ood and t0e in! di11ic &ties in

Ta&)in! a$o t '0at:s 'ron! is not eas/ 1or -eo-&e in an/ c &t re" $ t -eo-&e in 0i!03conte.t c &t res &i)e C0ina - t 0i!0 -riorit/ on )ee-in! 0ar,on/" -re2entin! an/one 1ro, &osin! 1ace" and n rt rin! t0e re&ations0i-+ T0at is '0/ &etters and ,eetin!s o1ten inc& de re1erences to -ast so&idarit/+ Historica& re1erences to e-isodes $et'een or!ani<ations and nations ,a/ $e 1re% ent+ In &o'3conte.t c &t res '0ere in1or,ation t/-ica&&/ is encoded in e.-&icit 'ordin!" t0e tendenc/ is 9 st to Fs-it it o t"F !et it into 'ords and 'orr/ a$o t t0e res &t &ater+ Senders o1 n'e&co,e ,essa!es se o$9ecti2e 1acts" ass ,in!" as 'it0 -ers asion" t0at 1acts are ne tra&" instr ,enta&" and i,-ersona&+ (o can sa/ Ft0e order arri2ed 'it0 ?A -ercent o1 t0e contents da,a!edF and not -oint 1in!ers o1 $&a,e" in &o'3conte.t c &t res+ B siness co,, nication te.t$oo)s s !!est a direct -&an 1or ta&)in! a$o t a -ro$&e, t0at is t0e ot0er -art/:s res-onsi$i&it/7 F(o r o2erd e $a&ance is sti&& o tstandin!+F Ron Ke&&/ 0ad to &earn a di11erent or!ani<ation o1 t0e ,essa!e '0en 0e 'as in C0ina+ At 0o,e in Canada 0e 'o &d 0a2e $een -o&ite" -ro1essiona&" and 0a2e !one direct&/ to t0e -oint+ B t in C0ina" as in ot0er 0i!03conte.t c &t res" !oin! direct&/ to t0e -ro$&e, carrie3a -i!!/3$ac) ,essa!e t0at is e2en stron!er7 (o 0a2e 1ai&ed to &i2e - to /o r res-onsi$i&it/8 t0e 0onor o1 /o r or!ani<ation is in % estion8 t0e 2er/ re&ations0i- $et'een s i3 777 do $t+ In 0i!03conte.t c &t res" s c0 a ,essa!e is serio s and da,a!in!+ Occasion3 +7 arise '0en t0e direct ,essa!e is a--ro-riate in 0i!03conte.t c &t res" $ t t0e/ are 7C 7

a&'a/s t0e sit ations a ,e,$er o1 a &o'3conte.t c &t re 'o &d identi1/ 1or directness+ *or e.a,-&e" a ,ana!er ,i!0t iss e a co,,and to a s $ordinate 'it0 a directness t0at co &d see, 0ars07 F*i&& t0e 1o&&o'in! orders and s0i- t0e, $e1ore noon+F Indirectness is t0e 'a/ ,e,$ers o1 0i!03conte.t c &t res co,, nicate a$o t a -ro$&e, Ga&so see C0a-ter NH+ Ste'art re-orts t0at accordin! to 6a-anese in1or,ers" a 0 s$and 'o &d s s-ect 0is 'i1e 'as -set i1 Fa 1&o'er 'as as)e' in t0e entr/'a/ arran!e,ent" $ t 0e 'o &d $e s re o1 it i1 0is teac 'ere on&/ -artia&&/ 1i&&ed 'it0 & )e'ar, tea+F5A T0e 6a-anese Ste'art cons &ted said t0e/ 'o &d ta)e s-ecia& -ains to $e attenti2e in s c0 circ ,stances" $ t 'o &d a2oid $rin!in! - act a& incidents+ As)in!" FW0at:s 'ron!=F 'o &d ca se nnecessar/ disr -tion o1 0ar,on/ and -otentia&&/ &oss o1 1ace+ In Ho&&and" a 0 s$and ,i!0t s s-ect 0is 'i1e 'as -set i1 s0e c&attered t0e )ni2es and 1or)s nnecessari&/ &o d&/ '0en settin! t0e ta$&e" or $an!ed do'n t0e -&ates 'it0 ,ore 1orce t0an necessar/+ Si!na&s 2ar/ and so does t0e res-onse to t0e,+

T'o S'edis0 de&e!ates to an or!ani<ation in C0ina'ent to see a -erson 1ro, t0e O tside A11airs o11ices 0ad an e.-erience in '0ic0 t0e $ad ne's si,-&/ 'asand $e!an a con2ersation a$o t an in2itation t0e/ 0ad ne2er co,, nicated at a&&+ T0e $ad ne's 'as t0at t0e recei2ed to !o to anot0er or!ani<ation 1or a 2isit o1 $oi&er 1or t0e residence t0e/ &i2ed in 'o &d $e o t o1a$o t t'o 'ee)s+ T0e 2isit 'as disc ssed" and dates ser2ice 1or at &east t'o 'ee)s+ T0at ,eant no 0ot'ere -ro-osed 1or t0e 2isit G'0ic0 not s r-risin!&/ 'ater and no 0eat" d rin! No2e,$er '0en t0e0a--ened to coincide 'it0 t0e dates o1 t0e $oi&er 'eat0er is co&d+ T0e/ on&/ 1o nd o t t0e $ad ne'sre-airH+ T0e 0ost o11icer a!reed8 t0e S'edes a!reed8

indirect&/" 1ro, so,eone nconnected to t0e O tsidee2er/one 'as 0a--/+ No$od/ e2er ,entioned t0e A11airs o11ice t0at 'as desi!nated to co,, nicate$oi&er nti& a1ter t0e 2isit 0ad ta)en -&ace+ B/ t0en t0e 'it0 t0e,+ Once t0e/ 0eard a$o t t0e $oi&er" t0e/de&e!ates 'ere $ac) and t0e 0ot 'ater 'as on+

A&t0o !0 t0e $ad ne's in t0is sit ation 'as not co,, nicated at a&&" not e2en at t0e end o1 a ,essa!e" it 'as co,, nicated about indirect&/ in t0e disc ssion o1 t0e 2isit to t0e ot0er or!ani<ation 1or t0e 2er/ t'o 'ee)s t0eir $oi&er 'o &d not $e o-eratin!+ T0e $oi&er 'as an ns-o)en ite,8 t0e conte.t 1or t0at ite, 'as t0e con2ersation a$o t t0e 2isit e&se'0ere+ W0en an n'e&co,e ,essa!e 0as to $e de&i2ered in a 0i!03conte.t c &t re" and conte.t a&one cannot de&i2er it" t0e ,essa!e 'i&& -ro$a$&/ $e indirect&/ or!ani<ed in circ ,&oc tor/ 'ords+ W0ere so,eone 1ro, a &o'3 conte.t c &t re 'o &d -ro$a$&/ $e!in corres-ondence a$o t an order t0at arri2ed too &ate to $e sed 'it0 a re% est 1or a re1 nd" so,eone 1ro, a 0i!03 conte.t c &t re ,i!0t !i2e an entire 0istor/ o1 t0e $ siness dea&in!s $et'een t0e or!ani<ations and o1 t0e order in % estion $e1ore as)in! 1or a re1 nd+ Sa/in! No Sa/in! no is a&so done 'it0 de&a/ and indirectness in &o'3conte.t c &t res" and t0e U+S+ $ siness co,, nication te.t$oo)s a!ree+ T0e/ ad2ise 'riters to Fsa/ no s&o'&/+F T0e rationa&e is to e.-&ain &hy 1irst" and since 1acts -ers ade readers" $/ t0e ti,e t0e reader !ets to t0e no" 0e or s0e is -ers aded to acce-t it+ Not a&& $ sinesses in t0e United States 0a2e ca !0t on to t0is -ractice" 0o'e2er" '0ic0 ar! es t0at it isn:t a -riorit/ e2er/'0ere in t0e c &t re+ Asian c &t res are reno'ned 1or sa/in! /es+ In 1act" in 6a-an" Westerners 0a2e 0eard /es and !one 0o,e 0a--i&/ '0en t0e 6a-anese )ne'

t0e/ rea&&/ ,eant no+ It is , c0 easier 1or 6a-anese and ot0er 0i!03conte.t c &t res to sa/ /es+ Co0en ca&&s it t0e Fsocia& a11ir,ati2e+FF It is F/es" I:, &istenin!"F or F/es" /o 0a2e a !ood -oint"F or F/es" I see G$ t don:t a!reeH+F O1ten it 0as t0e 1 nction o1 t0e A,erican F 030 0F to enco ra!e so,eone to )ee- ta&)in! Gt0is n'orded co,, nication re1ers to t0e ,eanin!&ess so nds t0at indicate socia& in2o&2e,ent 'it0 t0e s-ea)er:s act o1 s-ea)in!" &i)e F,,3 0,,FH+ So,eti,es" o1 co rse" F/esF ,eans FI a!ree8 I 'i&& carr/ o t /o r re% est+F T0e -ro$&e, 1or &o'3conte.t co,, nicators is t0e/ can:t a&'a/s te&& '0ic0 ,eanin! is ,eant+ W0en -eo-&e 1ro, a 0i!03conte.t c &t re recei2e a /es res-onse" t0e/ o1ten see) to 2eri1/ it" so t0e/ can te&& '0ic0 ,eanin! to !i2e it+ A Korean ,ana!er in a U+S+ 1ir, 'as !i2en t0e o--ort nit/ 1or a ne' and ,ore -resti!io s 9o$+ He res-onded" FI 'i&& $e 'i&&in! to do it" i1 no$od/ e&se 'i&&+F He 'as sa/in!" F(esT I acce-tTF Sa/in! no is ,ore di11ic &t 1or 0i!03conte.t c &t res+ As '0en t0e/ co,, nicate a$o t -ro$&e,s" t0e/ 'o &d rat0er not act a&&/ 0a2e to - t a re1 sa& into 'ords+ In C0inese" a no ,a/ reside in t0e 'ords7 FT0at ,a/ $e di11ic &t+F T0e 6a-anese e% i2a&ent to t0at 'o &d $e a dra'n3o t 0issin! $reat0" and dra'n o t 'ords7 FSssaaaa0+++, < )as0ii naaaaaaa+F GA&so see C0a-ter M+H In c &t res t0at - t a 0i!0 -riorit/ on 1ace" a re1 sa& is a -otentia& &oss o1 1ace 1or $ot0 t0e re1 sa&3,a)ers and t0ose $ein! re1 sed+ T0e re1 sa&3,a)ers &ose 1ace $eca se t0e/ 0a2e 1ai&ed to -er1or, accordin! to t0e e.-ectations o1 t0e -art/ t0e/ 0a2e a re&ations0i- 'it0a 'e$ o1 o$&i!ations and 1a2ors+ T0e/ are s0a,ed+ T0e re1 sed &ose 1ace $eca se t0e/ 0a2e $een t rned do'n $/ t0e 2er/ -art/ 'it0 '0o, t0e/ 0a2e a re&ations0i-" and t0e/ !o a'a/ e,-t/3 0anded+ T0e/ are s0a,ed+ T0e $a&ance o1 o$&i!ations is as)e'+ T0e re&ations0i- itse&1 is ,o,entari&/ at sta)e+ 0o in 0i!03conte.t c &t res is 1re% ent&/ co c0ed in an e.-ression t0at t rns t0e sit ation aro nd+ *or e.a,-&e" a -erson '0o 0as to re1 se an in2itation to dine o t 'it0 a $ siness associate ,a/ sa/" $/ 'a/ o1 re1 sa&" F(o , st $e 2er/ tired and 'ant to 0a2e a % iet e2enin!+F T0is 'a/ t0e re1 sed -erson does not &ose 1ace" a&t0o !0 t0e re1 sa& is c&ear&/ nderstood in

a 0i!03conte.t c &t re+

ORGANI4ING PROBLEM3SOLVING MESSAGES 1tor)tellin One 'a/ to co,, nicate a$o t a so& tion to a -ro$&e, is t0ro !0 narrati2e+ An et7 !ra-0ic st d/ in t0e 5INAs in2o&2ed t0e -ro$&e,3so&2in! co,, nication o1 -0oto+ ,ac0ine re-air,en in t0e United States+5L T0e re-air,en 'o &d $e sent o t on 9o$3+ c sto,ers 'o &d !reet t0e, 'it0 re&ie1 and 0i!0 e.-ectations+ T0e/ 'o &d start7 F++++D+3+3,ac0ines a-art and tr/ to identi1/ t0e -ro$&e,s+ I1 t0e -ro$&e,s -ersisted+ 8+33+ 'o &d attract ot0er ,en '0o 'o &d stand aro nd and o11er s !!estions+ T0en" accordin! to t0e st d/" i1 t0e -ro$&e,s sti&& 'ere not so&2ed" t0e ,en 'o &d start te&&in! Vietna, War stories+ Man/ re-air,en 0ad $een ,ec0anics in t0e ar,/" and t0e/ 0ad 0ad e.-eriences tr/in! to 1i. e% i-,ent 'it0 &itt&e ,ore t0an t0eir in!en it/+ Prett/ soon" a1ter a n ,$er o1 stories" t0e so& tion 'o &d $e 1o nd and t0e e% i-,ent 'o &d $e 1i.ed+ T0e stories o11ered ! ide&ines '0en t0ere 'asn:t eno !0 data in t0e ,an a&s+ Stories are a 'a/ 1or res &ts3oriented c &t res t0at &i)e to re&/ on 1acts to disc ss sit ations in '0ic0 1acts are a2ai&a$&e on&/ 1ro, anecdote and -ersona& e.-erience+ Stories a&so rein1orce co,,on 2a& es" so t0e/ can $e sed to ta&) a$o t so& tions to ,ana!e,ent -ro$&e,s as 'e&&+ W0en ,ana!e,ent 'ants to introd ce c0an!e" 1or e.a,-&e" a stor/ can 0e&- e,-&o/ees nderstand and acce-t t0e c0an!e+ A *ord Motor Co,-an/ senior ti2e to&d a stor/ to ?AA ,ana!ers in #etroit a$o t Wi&&ie B" a si&2er$ac) !ori&&a" '0o a1ter L> /ears in a s,a&& $ n)er 'as ,o2ed to a ne'" s-acio s 0a$itat desi!ned s-eci1ica&&/ 1or 0i,+ E2en t0o !0 t0e c0an!e 'as a -ositi2e one 1or Wi&&ie B+" 0e s-ent t0e 1irst 1e' da/s ta)in! ca tio s &itt&e ste-s to !et to )no' 0is ne' 0o,e+ A -0oto!ra-0 t0at 0an!s on t0e 'a&& o1 t0e ti2e:s o11ice s0o's Wi&&ie B+ testin! t0e !rass 'it0 0is toe+ T0e ti2e:s -oint to t0e ,ana!ers

'as7 Re,e,$er t0at c0an!e ta)es ti,e and co ra!e" e2en '0en it is 1or t0e $etter+5? A !enera& ,ana!er at t0e U+S+ de-art,ent store c0ain Nordstro,:s ses t0is stor/7 E2er/ ,ornin! '0en t0e !a<e&&e 'a)es - in t0e A1rican -&ain" s0e starts r nnin!" $eca se s0e )no's i1 s0e doesn:t o tr n t0e 1astest &ion s0e 'on:t see anot0er da/+ E2er/ ,ornin! t0e &ion 'a)es - and starts r nnin!" $eca se s0e )no's i1 s0e doesn:t r n 1aster t0an t0e s&o'est !a<e&&e s0e 'on:t eat+ So '0et0er /o are a !a<e&&e or a &ion" /o 0ad $etter start t0e da/ r nnin!+ T0e stor/ is se1 & in co,, nicatin! to sta11 t0e i,-ortance o1 sta/in! on t0eir toes" and t0e ,ana!er ses it to address t0e -ro$&e, o1 co,-&acenc/+5M

Pro$&e,s in t0e to'n o1 G r/e2" on t0e Ura& ,et0ods o1 indirectness t/-ica& o1 0i!03conte.t c &3 Ri2er in Ka<a)0stan+ T0is to'n is -er0a-s t0e t resto i&& strate t0e Fcra</ 0istor/F o1 ca2iar in 'or&d:s $est so rce o1 ca2iar 1ro, t0e $e& !a st r3 G r/e2+ Here is one e.a,-&e+ !eon+ In 5II5 Ka<a)0stan ac0ie2ed inde-endent sta3 Sta&in" K0r s0c0e2" and Bre<0ne2 t s as a state" 'it0 a !o2ern,ent in t0e ca-ita& o1 -a/ a 2isit to (e&tsin" '0o nat ra&&/ 0as to o11er 0is A&,a Ata instead o1 Mosco'" and t0e ri!0t to se&& ! ests so,e 1ood and drin)+ He -o rs o t 1o r !&asses o-en&/ to t0e West+ B t n1ort nate&/" t0e st r!eon t0en 0ands ro nd a ,ea!er -&ate o1 are in d'ind&in! s --&/+ A ,a9or reason is t0at t0e/ sand'ic0es+ are $ein! a--ro-riated $/ t0e o11icia&s in t0e ne' !o23 sa/s ++ + FMr+ (e&tsin" W0en I 'as in ern,ent'0o 'ere t0e co,, nist -art/ o11icia&s in c0ar!e" I 'o &d Bre<0ne2 ca2iar o1 2od)a" and T0e !0osts o1

- t a '0o&e )i&o o1 ca2iar on t0e t0e o&d !o2ern,ent$e1ore t0e/ can reac0 t0e 1acto3 Kr s0c0e2 sa/s + + + FW0en I 'as in c0ar!e" I ries+ In a t ,n t0ere is a F,ad $e& !a seasonF '0en 1riends ca2iar $/ t0e ton+F t0e $&ac) ,ar)et does a roarin! $ siness+ Co,, 3 sa/s + + + FW0en I 'as in -o'er I nication a$o t t0e -ro$&e, in t0is 0i!03conte.t c &3 ca2iar t0at ,/ -eo-&e 'ent a$road and t re is di11 sed t0ro !0 narrati2e+ Ka<a)0is do not1orce31ed 1orei!ners 'it0 it+F5@ -oint 1in!ers at s-eci1ica&&/ na,ed -eo-&e+ Instead" a -ro2er$7 F#on:t co nt /o r ca2iar t0e/ te&& 0 ,oro s stories and ca !0t /o r st r!eon+F Ana&o!/ is anot0er 'a/ o1 ta&)in! a$o t so& tions to -ro$&e,s+ So,eti,es t0e ar+ + 788D is in a narrati2e" $ t not necessari&/+ Mi&itar/ &an! a!e o11ers ric0 ,ateria& 1or ana&o!icQ7incor-orate -ro$&e, so&2in! in t0e United States7 o-eration" $rie1in!" de$rie1in!" o11ensi2e+ attac)" troo-s" ,ane 2er" a,, nition+ T0is &an! a!e a&so re1&ects t0e action orientation o7 t0e $ siness c &t re in t0e United States+ 1)llo isti+ and Indu+ti!e Reasonin Narrati2e and ana&o!/ are e.a,-&es o1 nons/&&o!istic reasonin!+ B t 1or &o'3conte.t c &t res" reasonin! ,eans ded cti2e s/&&o!is,s and ind cti2e &o!ic+ Ind ction 'or)s 1ro, e.a,-&es to a !enera&i<ation+ S/&&o!istic t0in)in! is ded cti2e" ,o2in! 1ro, a !enera&i<ation to a s-eci1ic instance+ Ind cti2e &o!ic re1&ects Western inte&&ect a& traditions o1 -recise" scienti1ic detac0,ent" and a--ea&s to an a$stract sense o1 reason e.istin! o tside t0e re&ations0ise -ro2er$s nti& /o :2e R ssians 0a2e 0ad so , c0 *ina&&/" Sta&in !a2e ,/ ta$&e+F

$et'een s-ea)er and 0earer+ T0 s it 0as t0e e11ect o1 esta$&is0in! t0e distance $et'een t0e,+5K T0e -ro$&e, and t0e reasonin! $ot0 a-art 1ro, t0e s-ea)er and 0earer" '0ic0 creates a sense o1 o$9ecti2it/ a$o t t0e -ro$&e,3so&2in! disco rse+ Indi2id a&s: 1ee&in!s a--ear not to $e in2o&2ed+ In &o'3conte.t c &t res" -ro$&e,3so&2in! 1inds e.-ression ,ost o1ten in reasons &hy, &eadin! to therefore. #ed cti2e reasonin! is sed $/ *renc0" S-anis0" and Ita&ian co,, nicators '0o -re1er to ar! e 1ro, a$stract conce-ts and -rinci-&es+ T0e/ tend to dis&i)e an a--roac0 &i)e t0at ta)en in t0e United States" 1indin! it too -ra!,atic and too % ic) to r s0 to a--&ication $e1ore t0e t0eoretica& 1ra,e'or) is in -&ace+ Hi!03conte.t c &t res do not see reasons as o tside and a-art 1ro, t0e re&ations0i- $et'een co,, nicatin! -arties+ An/ -ro$&e,3so&2in! disco rse 0as to ta)e t0e re&ations0i- into consideration+ I1 a so& tion i!nores or 9eo-ardi<es t0e re&ations0i-" it cannot $e a !ood so& tion+ Reasons $/ t0e,se&2es are not -ers asi2e8 it is t0e conte.t o1 t0e re&ations0i- t0at !i2es si!ni1icance to reasons+ So" 1or e.a,-&e" ind cti2e or!ani<ation ,a/ $e sed in ta&)in! a$o t a -ro$&e, o t o1 de1erence to t0e re&ations0i-" $eca se it ,o2es 1ro, s-eci1ics to a !enera&i<ation+ T0at ,a/ $e &ess &i)e&/ to ca se &oss o1 1ace or 'o nd so,eone" '0ereas an acc sation co &d do $ot0+ Bar ainin *is+ourse Pro$&e,3so&2in! disco rse in an Ara$ic3s-ea)in! c &t re ,a/ 1o&&o' t0e ,ode& o1 t0e Ara$ su* or ,ar)et+ T0is disco rse is a )ind o1 $ar!ainin! t0at $e!ins 'it0 an o-enin! $id 1ro, eac0 side" '0ic0 is 1ar $e/ond '0at eac0 e.-ects to sett&e 1or+ A1ter 0a!!&in! t0e t'o sides 1ina&&/ arri2e at a -oint o1 con2er!ence in t0eir $ids+ A&t0o !0 it rese,$&es ne!otiatin! a co,-ro,ise" t0is $ar!ainin! disco rse is not con1ined to - rc0ase sit ations8 t0e ,ar)et-&ace is an ana&o!/+ Pro$&e, so&2in! can occ r '0en eac0 side -resents a -osition+ t0en $ar!ains to ,odi1/ it in res-onse to t0e ot0er side:s -osition"

nti& a so& tion to t0e -ro$&e, is reac0ed+ T0is is co,, nication e.c0an!e t0at in2o&2es t'o or ,ore -arties+ It cannot $e carried o t $/ on&/ one -art/" n&i)e narrati2e or ana&o!/ or sC &&o!Q3+78 reasonin!" '0ic0 can $e 1ro, one to one or 1ro, one to ,an/+ B t $ar!ainin! ta)es at &east t'o+ It is a -ro$&e,3so&2in! a--roac0 1a2ored $/ co&&ecti2ist c &t res" '0ere t0e -rocess o1 reac0in! a so& tion is a co&&ecti2e one" rat0er t0an a tas) 1or one indi2id a&+ THE ROLE AN# *ORGE O* WOR#S T&e Relati!e Importan+e o$ En+odin %essa es in "ords Words are in2enti2e too&s 1or co,, nication and t0e en9o/,ent o1 sin! t0is too&$o. o1 s/,$o&s 2aries 1ro, c &t re to c &t re+ In &o'3conte.t c &t res" t0e ro&e o1 'ords is in1or,ationa&8 in t0ese c &t res" FS $t&et/ and a&& si2eness in s-eec0" i1 !ras-ed at a&&" ser2e &itt&e - r-ose+F5> Meanin! is encoded e.-&icit&/ in &o'3conte.t c &t res+ T0e - r-ose o1 ,ost co,, nication is to trans,it ,eanin! sin! 'ords+ Co,, nication can a&so $e ac0ie2ed 'it0o t 'ords" o1 co rse" $ t actions instea' of 'ords are e,-&o/ed 1air&/ 1re% ent&/ in 0i!03conte.t c &t res+

In a trainin! session to a&on! tr/in! to co-e in si&ence+ orient ,ain&and C0inese to Nort0 At ,id3da/ t0e trainer and A,erican 'or) -ractices" one o1 trainees sat to!et0er aro nd t0eir t0e a t0ors de&i2ered a 0a&13da/ con1erence ta$&e to cat & nc0es t0e/ 0ad session a$o t ::- ttin! ,essa!es $ro !0t+ T0e roo, 0ad a )ett&e a&on! into 'ords+F T0e t0e,e 'as t0at 'it0 a $o. o1 C0inese tea so t0e in Nort0 A,erican $ siness trainees co &d en9o/ a c - o1 tea 'it0 0a2e a t0eir & nc0 and t0ro !0o t t0e da/+ T0e en2iron,ents" i1 /o

-ro$&e," /o s0o &d artic &ate it trainees 'ere not acc sto,ed to 0a2in! to so,eone rat0er t0an str !!&e trainers eat & nc0 'it0 t0e," $ t



!racio s&/ t0e,se&2es" $ t 0adn:t 'or)ed o t an

as)ed 0er i1 s0e 'o &d &i)e so,e e% ita$&e ,ec0anis, /et 1or doin! so+ tea+ S0e said /es" t0an) /o 2er/ In an/ case t0at ,eant t0e ris) o1 an , c0" s0e 'o &d &i)e tea+ A 1e' ,in tes &ater" s0e 'as -o&ite&/ -resented 'it0 a c e.-endit re t0at ,i!0t t rn o t to $e nnecessar/+ No do $t t0e nanno nced

o1 $oi&ed 'ater+ W0ere 'as t0e -resence o1 a trainer at t0eir & nc0 ta$&e &ea= s0e as)ed+ A&& !one" s0e 'as raised anot0er neas/ % estion in t0eir to&d+ W0en= A &e' da/s a!o+ ,inds7 Were t0e/ s --osed to 0a2e W0/" s0e as)ed" didn:t an/one reser2ed so,e tea in case a trainer sa/ an/t0in! sooner= A1ter disc ssion" so,e se2era& decided to 0a2e so,e= *ina&&/" a /o n! e.-&orator/ ,an darin!&/ o11ered t0e o-inion t0at in reasons C0ina t0e -erson '0o identi1ied a

e,er!ed+ One trainee 2o& nteered -ro$&e, 'as t0en identi1ied &ith t0e t0at t0e/ 'eren:t s re t0e trainer" -ro$&e, and in 0is 'ords" ::$eca,e t0e a teac0er '0o a to,atica&&/30ad -ro$&e,+F It 'as $etter not to dra' 0i!0 stat s in t0eir e/es" 'as t0e attention to a -ro$&e," 0e said" and t0e ri!0t -erson to as) a$o t ot0ers a!reed t0at t0is co &d $e tr e+ T0is e-isode sa/s a n ,$er o1 di11erent e.-ectations $/ t0e so,et0in! &i)e tea+ T0e/ didn:t said t0e/ didn:t 'ant to ,ention and trainer in

'ant to ins &t 0er+ Anot0er trainee t0in!s a$o t e.-ectations $/ t0e trainer t0e e.0a sted tea s --&/ to t0e trainees a$o t co,, nication+ T0e C0inese 'ere conscio s o1 t0e socia& case t0at ,ade 0er 1ee& i,-act o1 t0eir 'ords" and t0ere1ore o$&i!ed to $ / tea" -a/in! o t o1 c0ose to co,, nicate in actions rat0er 0er o'n -oc)et+ T0e/ 'eren:t t0an ris) a conse% ence t0at 'as certain t0e -ro!ra, 0ad 1 nds 1or di11ic &t 1or t0e, to ca&c &ate additiona& tea 1or 0er to $e acc rate&/+ T0e act o1 o11erin! a c - o1 rei,$ rsed i1 s0e did $ / t0e, $oi&ed 'ater in a conte.t '0ere &ea 'as tea+ T0e/ a&so 1e&& -er0a-s t0e/ e.-ected 'as as e&o% ent as an/ s0o &d 0a2e re-&aced t0e tea s-eci1ica&&/ 'orded ,essa!e+

In t0e C0inese trainees: tea 'ort0sa/" in a 9o$ inter2ie'+ *ro, e-isode t0e co,, nication 0ad at ear&/ c0i&d0ood" % ic)ness in 2er$a&i<in! &east t0ree &e2e&s7 t0e de&i$erate act -erce-tions a$o t t0e 'or&d is re'arded Gser2in! $oi&ed 'aterH t0at in t0e c &t re o1 t0e United States+ In 0i!03conte.t & $ricati2e+ c &t res T0at t0e is" 1o&&o'ed t0e in2itation to drin)

tea" t0e 'orded ,essa!es t0at - r-ose o1 co,, nication is o1ten contained consideration 1or t0e socia&&/ teac0er:s sit ation" o1 and t0e co,, nication $et'een or!ani<ations

n'orded ,essa!e a$o t nc&ear and t0eir re-resentati2es 1irst 0as a ro&e nderstandin! M &ti&e2e& ot0er ,an/" Asian as -ossi$&e in s stainin! re&ations0i-s" and second is o1 trans,ittin! in1or,ation+ In !enera&" -eo-&e 1ro, Latin o$&i!ation on t0e trainees: -art+ on&/ 'it0in t0e conte.t o1 a re&ations0ico,, nication c &t res" 'as c0aracteristic o1 C0inese and disc ssed

a,on! c &t res en9o/ ta&) as one o1 t0e !reat in -&eas res o1 &i1e+ Me.icans &o2e to

C0a-ter 5+ It is anot0er res &t o1 s-end ti,e ta&)in! 'it0 1riends+ Ita&ians t0e i,-ortance o1 0ar,onio s c&ai, ta&) 'it0 1riends is a si!n o1 a re&ations0i-s a,on! !ro - !ood &i1e+ Not a&& t0at is 2er$a&i<ed is ,e,$ers" and t0e desire not to ta)en &itera&&/" $ t en9o/,ent co,es 0a2e an/ one ,e,$er 1ee& - t 1ro, t0e act o1 2er$a&and non2er$a& do'n or ostraci<ed or s0a,ed+ e.-&icit&/ T0e is to ris) connection 'it0 ot0ers+ Lots o1 noise Not to encode ,essa!es c0aracteri<es con2ersation" and o1ten $ein! t'o or ,ore -eo-&e 'i&& ta&) at one Mediterranean ,eans and His-anic and are t0at is c &t res are re&ati2e&/ 0i!03conte.t" and re&ations0i-s $et'een -eo-&e ,is nderstood in Nort0 A,erica+ ti,e+ se&13de-recation a--ro-riate in C0inese c &t re" t0at

'0ere $oastin! or - ttin! onese&1 connections 1or'ard dist r$s socia& 0ar,on/" is i,-ortant+ ina--ro-riate in t0e United States or Canada '0ere -eo-&e are o1ten ta)en at t0eir 'ord a$o t t0eir

The Role o$ "ords in Ara,i+ Cultures


c &t res H ssein in 5INI ca&&ed 1or Ft0e Mot0er r n red 'it0 $&ood+

a&so en9o/ 2er$a&i<ation+ Ara$ic is o1 a&& $att&es+F and -ro,ised t0e desert an o&d and 2enera$&e &an! a!e+ As 'o &d t0e &an! a!e o1 t0e Koran" it 0as E.a!!eration" 1i! res o1 s-eec0" and t0e stat s o1 t0e di2ine+ M s&i,s re-etition are so,e o1 t0e 'a/s Ara$ic $e&ie2e it is -recise and &ends itse&1 to t0e e. $erant Ara$ic3s-e'in! se o1 c &t res nc0an!in! in ,eanin!" and t0at a 'ords+

critica& res-onse to t0e &an! a!e is !enera&&/ e. &t in t0e artistr/ o1 ina--ro-riate+ FT0e reader is not acco,-&is0ed 'riters and s-ea)ers+ trained to interact 'it0 t0e te.t as In 7+++7 t0e &an! a!e itse&1 0as a -o'er in REn!&is03s-ea)in!S c &t res" o2er &isteners or readers8 t0e 'ords can ,enta&&/ editin! and dis- tin! 0a2e ,ore 77[ 87++ 3: and ,ore rea&it/ -oints+ He or s0e does not easi&/ t0an '0at t0e/ descri$e+ So 'ords can distin! is0 o1 Ara$ic ,ore &ends or itse&1 &ess $e to It isn:t s r-risin! t0at se&13 sed 1or t0eir oCC n U7)e+ F+ t0e si!ni1icant -oints+F5N T0e str ct re ,eanin! t0e/ con2e/+ co,$inations o1 ideas" str n!

to!et0er+ In En!&is0 t0is 'o &d $e con!rat &ation and se&13-raise are -art so,et0in! &i)e co,-o nd -0rases o1 t0e e.a!!eration o1 Ara$ic s-ea)ers+ one:s o'n 9oined $/ an'. T0is can ,a)e #escri$in! Ara$ic 'ritin! or s-eec0 see, acco,-&is0,ents" t0e 0i!0 stat s o1 n1oc sed '0en trans&ated into a one:s 1riends" or t0e s -eriorit/ o1 one:s &an! a!e t0at encodes se-arate a$i&ities in e.a!!erated ter,s is s a&+ ideas e11icient&/+ Ara$ic is s -er$ It s0o's one:s -&ace in t0e 0ierarc0/ 1or e&a$orations" 0o'e2er" and t0ro !0 one:s connections+ A&& t0is Ara$ic s-ea)ers 2a& e t0e a$i&it/ in1&ation o1 &an! a!e ,eans t0at Ara$ic state,ents ,a/ r n to a 0 ndred 'ords to e,$e&&is0 tterances+
I T0ere is 'ide &atit de to '0en En!&is0 'o &d se 5A+ : Ara$ic e.-ress a &o2e o1 0/-er$o&e and c &t res are re&ati2e&/ 0i!03conte.t

*or c &t res8 ,e,$ers s0are e.-eriences e.a,-&e" Ira%:s &eader Sadda, and ,e,ories o1 1a,o s sers o1 &an! a!e+ W0en s-ea)ers are e.a!!eration in Ara$ic+

co,, nicatin! in1or,a&&/" one 0ar,on/ and conte,-&ation are 0i!0&/ ,a/ s-ea) $e1ore anot0er 0as 2a& ed and ,e,$ers o1 t0e c &t re &earn 1inis0ed" and it isn:t n s a& 1or Fto 0ear one and eac0 ot0er:s s-eec0+ Writers doc ,ents o1 nderstand ten"F as s-ea)ers to interr -t and o2er&a- t0e/ &isten to '0at 0as not $een said+ T0ere see,s &itt&e need 1or s-ea)in!" $ siness and '0en so,eone does s-ea) t0e nderstate,ent+ To

se ,an/ o1 t0e -re1erence is 1or

1&o ris0es and e,$e&&is0,ents o1 $oast a$o t one:s o'n -o'ers or s-eec0+ Letters are 1re% ent&/ ac0ie2e,ents is 2er/ $ad taste+ It is 1ra,ed 'it0 in2ocations o1 A&&a0:s - ttin! onese&1 a$o2e ot0ers" '0ic0 is $&essin!s -on t0e reader and t0e s0a,e1 & in 6a-anese c &t re+ T0is se reader:s 1a,i&/+ The Role o$ "ords in Aapanese Culture Per0a-s at t0e ot0er end o1 In 6a-an" 'ords are not tr sted+ Man/ 6a-anese e,-0asi<e t0is -oint7 D T0ose '0o )no' do o1 &an! a!e is 2er/ di11erent 1ro, Ara$ic3s-ea)ers: se o1 &an! a!e" e2en t0o !0 6a-anese c &t re is 2er/ 0i!03 conte.t+ T0e 6a-anese a&so 2a& e indirect nso-0isticated or e2en r de+ To

t0e s-ectr , is 6a-anese c &t re+ e.-ression+ B& ntness is re!arded as -ro2er$s c0a&&en!e direct&/ '0at so,eone 0as said is a&so e.tre,e&/ r de+ Since -eo3 -&e are not se-ara$&e 1ro, t0eir 'ords"

not s-ea)8 t0ose '0o s-ea) do not an attac) on '0at so,eone 0as said is an attac) on t0e -erson+ )no'+ D 1&o'er+ D Wit0 /o r ,o t0 /o So nds &i)e -aradise8 can $ i&d Osa)a cast&e+

To sa/ not0in! is a

Listeners 'ait nti& a s-ea)er is 1inis0ed $e1ore s-ea)in! t0e,se&2es+ A ,o,ent o1 si&ence a1ter so,eone s-ea)s is res-ect1 &8 it s !!ests t0o !0t1 & conte,-&ation o1 '0at 0as $een said+ Con2erse&/" interr -tin! so,eone is r de+ 6a-anese &isteners -a/ as , c0 attention to '0at is not said as

&oo)s &i)e 0e&&+LA P ttin! t0o !0ts into 'ords 0as a &o' 2a& e in 6a-an" '0ere







En!&is0 s-ea)ers" in contrast" '0ic0 !oes ,ore or &ess in a strai!0t

F&istenin!F to t0e ns-o)en con3 tend to se &an! a!e in a $rid!e -attern" te.t o1 t0e 'orded ,essa!e+ T0e 6a-anese 'a/ o1 &ine 1ro, t0e 1irst idea to t0e ne.t and

encodin! ,essa!es s-are&/ $ t so on to t0e conc& sion+ Un&i)e nderstandin! ,essa!es on ,an/ 6a-anese c &t re" t0e United States &e2e&s is enryo+sasshi 2a& es 2er$a&i<ation 0i!0&/ and see,s Messa!es are to 0a2e a !reat need 1or sin! &an! a!e+ sin! t0e ri$ht 'ord" t0e co,, nication+

sent t0ro !0 a s,a&& GenryoH A$o2e a&&"

and recei2ed t0ro !0 a 'ide best 'ord to co,, nicate ,eanin! is entrance GsasshiH. To acco,-&is0 es-ecia&&/ ad,ired+ Consider t0ese t0is" 6a-anese co,, nicators se En!&is0 -ro2er$s7 a n ,$er o1 s-eec0 -atterns s c0 as 0esitanc/" and sentences" D A 'ord 1it&/ s-o)en is &i)e n1inis0ed a--&es o1 !o&d in -ict res o1 si&2er+ inco,-&ete D T0ere is as , c0 di11erence $et'een t0e ri!0t 'ord and t0e near&/

e.-ressions o1 t0o !0t+L5

6a-anese t0o !0t -atterns ri!0t 'ord as t0ere is $et'een &i!0tnin! are c& sters or 'e$s8 &an! a!e and a &i!0tnin! $ !+ -atterns a&so ,o2e 1ro, one idea or c& ster to anot0er and anot0er" 'ord+ $ t t0e idea c& sters ,a/ not 0a2e an o$2io s re&ations0i-+ T0e/ are re&ated ,ore $/ association t0an $/ ca se and e11ect" &i)e D A ,an is as !ood as 0is

T0e !enera& -re1erence in t0e

United States is 1or e.a!!eration and o2erstate,ent" a&t0o !0 not to t0e de!ree o1 Ara$ic3s-ea)in! c &t res+ In

ste--in!3stones t0at &ead to t0e United States it s0o's con1idence in a destination $ t are s-aced o t one:s o'n -o'ers" a can3do ,enta&it/+ 1ro, eac0 ot0er and not in a Words &i)e terrific, $reat, catastrophe, strai!0t &ine+LL The Role o$ "ords in En lish21pea&in Cultures and tra$e'y occ r in ordinar/ s-eec0 and re1er to t0in!s t0at are not so tre,endo s a1ter a&&+ Britis0 s-ea)ers o1 En!&is0 se e.tre,e &an! a!e 1ar &ess

o1ten" 'ide

a&t0o !0



The E$$e+t o$ Lan ua e7s

ad9ecti2e brilliant 0as co,e into 1tru+ture se to ,ean F2er/ !ood+F Britis0 s-ea)ers o1 En!&is0 1ind s-ea)ers in t0e United States tend to o2erstate,ent+ In c &t res En!&is03s-ea)in! !enera&&/" so,et0in! In t0e 5I@As" sc0o&ars $e!an to e.-&ore &an! a!e t0e re&ations0iand $et'een t0in)in!+ str ct re

Ben9a,in W0or1 'rote7 We dissect nat re a&on! &ines &aid do'n $/ o r nati2e &an! a!es+ T0e cate!ories and t/-es t0at 'e iso&ate 1ro, t0e 'or&d o1 -0eno,ena 'e do not 1ind t0ere $eca se t0e/ stare e2er/ o$ser2er in t0e 1ace8 on t0e contrar/" t0e 'or&d is 1& . -resented o1 in a )a&eidosco-ic i,-ressions

e.ists '0en it is - t into 'ords7 i1 it is not s-o)en or 'ritten" it isn:t -ossi$&e to listen to it+ t0e 'a/ 6a-anese co,, nicators do+ Words are ta)en &itera&&/" at t0eir 1ace 2a& e" in ,ost sit ations+ B& ntness is ad,ired in ,an/ sit ations8 s0o'in! /o r $est side in a 9o$ inter2ie'" 1or e.a,-&e" ,eans sa/in! '0at /o r acco,-&is0,ents and a$i&ities are+

'0ic0 0as to $e or!ani<ed $/ o r ,indsand t0is ,eans &ar!e&/ $/ t0e &in! istic s/ste,s in o r ,inds+L? No' @A /ears &ater" W0or1:s

In ,eetin!s" $ein! a$&e to e.-ress 0/-ot0esis t0at &an! a!e or!ani<es /o r o-inion c&ear&/ and -er0a-s rea&it/ is &ar!e&/ discredited+ Perce-tion -ers asi2e&/ '0en ot0ers disa!ree is 2ie'ed as a 0a$it t0at can $e &earned o1ten res &ts in -raise or re'ard+ and c0an!ed" not so,et0in! -ro3 S-ea)ers o1ten interr -t eac0 !ra,,ed+ Perce-tion constr cts rea&it/" ot0er" $e1ore es-ecia&0 or anot0er in in1or,a& $ t t0e e.tent to '0ic0 &an! a!e &i,its s-ea)in! -erce-tion is not c&ear+ We nderstand 0as o r 'or&d $/ cate!ori<in! it" and t0e are can in1& enced see $/ o r in sit ations" $e!in


co,-&ete&/ 1inis0ed" in a r s0 to cate!ories !et t0e t0o !0ts into 'ords and &an! a!e+ t0 s into t0e attention o1 t0e ot0ers+ We


t0in)in!" in a si,-&i1ied i&& stration" $/

co,-arin! an En!&is0 and a di11erent&/" as a series o1 1ra,es or C0inese sentence+ In En!&is07 &e2e&s+ It $e!ins 'it0 t0e 'ord and FT0e inter-reter" '0o arri2ed conce-t t0at esta$&is0 t0e /esterda/" 0as a&read/ 2isited t0e 1actor/+F T0e s $9ect is Finter-reter"F and t0e 2er$ is F0as 2isitedF in t0is si,-&e sentence+ T0e nonrestricti2e c&a se F'0o arri2ed /esterda/F ,ere&/ te&&s so,et0in! s-eci1ic a$o t t0e Finter-reter+F We co &d &ea2e it o t and t0e sentence 'o &d sti&& co,, nicate correct&/ and ,eanin!1 &&/+ T0e destination is in t0e &ast 'ords" Ft0e 1actor/+F T0e ad2er$ Fa&read/F -&aces t0e 2isit in ti,e+ T0e entire sentence ,o2es in &inear se% ence 1ro, s $9ect t0ro !0 t0e action o1 t0e 2er$ to t0e o$9ect+ It nra2e&s s/ntactica&&/ t0e sa,e 'a/ it 0a-3 -ens in ti,e7 *irst t0e inter-reter arri2es" t0en 0e 2isitst0e 1actor/+ As 0e 0i,se&1 ,o2es in ti,e" so does t0e sentence re2ea& its ,eanin!+ T0e str ct re o1 En!&is0 sentences &inear+LM T0e C0inese sa,e 'o &d sentence $e in str ct red is ca se3and3e11ect se% entia& and

&ar!est -ossi$&e conte.t in reac0ed7 T0e ,ain ,essa!e" as in t0is sentence7 F/esterda/+F T0is En!&is0" is t0e acti2it/ t0at occ rred" 1ra,es t0e sentence+ T0e ne.t F2isited+F A &itera& trans&ation o1 t0e &ar!est conte.t as identi1ies an t0e sentence 'o &d $e" F(esterda/3 inter-reter arrivin$ arri2in!1sH inter-reter a&read/ to t0e fanyiyuan fan$&en yi,in$ *u$uole.H 'ao T0e

inter-reter" as co,-ared 'it0 an/ 1actor/ 2isit Gco,-&etedH+F GKuotian ot0er )ind o1 inter-reter+ T0e ne.t 'aoDher'e ,ore3s-eci1ic 1ra,e identi1ies t0e $on$chan

inter-reter" as o--osed to an/$od/ or!ani<ation o1 t0is sentence is not e&se '0o arri2ed /esterda/+ Ne.t" $ased on a se% entia& re&ations0i-" $ t t0e e2ent is -&aced in a ti,e31ra,e on t0e s-atia& re&ations0i- o1 s/ntactic $/ t0e 'ord Fa&read/"F '0ic0 ite,s to eac0 ot0er+ T0e sentence is a si!na&s a co,-&eted action+ T0e se% ence o1 e2er3,ore3s-eci1ic &e2e&s" ne.t 1ra,e is t0e s-eci1ic -&ace &i)e concentric circ&es" nti& t0e 0eart is '0ere t0e action occ rred" Fto t0e reac0ed+ E.0i$it @3@ i&& strates t0e 1actor/+F *ina&&/" t0e ,ost concentric circ&es+ s-eci1ic in1or,ation o1 a&& is

T0e res &t o1 t0is c &t ra& -re1erence 1or di11erent 'a/s o1 str ct rin! t0in)in! is t0at '0en C0inese s-ea)ers a--roac0 co,, nication tas)s t0at re% ire ,ore t0an ro tine attention" t0e/ tend to 1o&&o' a !enera&3to3s-eci1ic se% ence+ T0e indirectness t/-ica& o1 C0inese disco rse is nderstanda$&e and e2en -redicta$&e in 2ie' o1 t0e &o!ic o1 t0e sentence str ct re+ Si,i&ar&/" En!&is03s-ea)in! c &t res: -re1erence 1or &inear directness and &o!ic t0at re2ea&s ca se3and3e11ect re&ations0i-s G s a&&/ ind cti2e" ar! in! 1ro, reasons to therefore, conc& sionsH can $e -redicted 1ro, t0e 'a/ &an! a!e is str ct red+ Co,, nication itse&1 is o1ten -ercei2ed as a strea, or contin o s 1&o' o1 coded e&e,ents+ FBitsF and F$itesF o1 in1or,ation are sent F&i)e so ,an/ $i&&iard $a&&s1ro, a sender to a recei2er+FL@ Here:s anot0er e.a,-&e o1 0o' &an! a!e -atterns a11ect $ siness co,, nication+ In a c &t re t0at 0as a ric0 ora& tradition" $ t not a &on! 0istor/ o1 'ritin! $ siness doc ,ents" t0e 'ritten disco rse 'i&& 0a2e c0aracteristics o1 ora& co,, nication+ Re-etition" r0/,e"

a&&iteration" i,a!er/" and 0/-er$o&e are i,-ortant in ora& co,, nication to 0e&- t0e &istener re,e,$er+ C0rono&o!ica& se% ence is easier to re,e,$er t0an anot0er se% ence8 c0rono&o!ica& se% ence is '0at stor/te&&ers se+ T0ese -re1erences and ot0ers not disc ssed 0ere are dee-&/ rooted in t0e ,ind and 0a2e a stron! re&ations0i- 'it0 co!nitiont0in)in!" )no'in!" o r -erce-tions and -re2io s e.-eriences+ W0en /o 2r$aniDin$ .essa$eS la aim r C.I.K.I++. T 5M^ EOHIBIT @3@ S-atia& Re&ations0i- o1 S/ntactica& E&e,ents nderstandin!+ W0en 'e are con1ronted 'it0 ne' e.-eriences and ne' &an! a!es" 'e tend to str ct re t0e, accordin! to co,, nicate 'it0 so,eone 1ro, nderstand t0e 'ords anot0er c &t re" /o e.-erience t0ese di11erences+ (o ,a/ 1ee& /o

Most !enera& conte.t J a&i1i er" c&assi1/in! t0e s $9ect

W0e n" 1 rt0er s-eci1/in! conte.t

W0e re" 1 rt0er s-eci1/in! conte.t

W0at" t0e ,ost s-eci1ic data and t0e ,essa!e" $ t /o ,a/ a&so 1ee& so,e ncertaint/ a$o t t0e co,, nication $eca se it is or!ani<ed in an n1a,i&iar 'a/+ CHANNELS O* BUSINESS MESSAGES C0oosin! t0e ri!0t c0anne& and t0e a--ro-riate 1or, 1or $ siness ,essa!es is a co,, nication s)i&&+ W0en t0e co,, nication is $et'een c &t res as 'e&& as or!ani<ations" t0e s)i&& is e2en ,ore i,-ortant+ Tn t0e United States" accordin! to $ siness co,, nication ! ides" e11icienc/" c&arit/" conciseness" acc rac/" and acco nta$i&it/ are t0e )e/s to ,a)in! t0e c0oice+ A te&e-0one ca&& ,a/ $e t0e 1astest 'a/ to !et c&ari1ication+ B t /o ,a/ need so,et0in! in 'ritin! $e1ore /o can act+ Ot0er considerations to )ee- in ,ind" '0en co,, nicatin! 'it0 a 0i!03 conte.t c &t re" are 0ar,on/" 1ace3!i2in! and 1ace3sa2in!" stat s" and a,$i! it/ to a&&o' 1&e.i$i&it/+ We:2e seen t0at t0ese 1actors a11ect 0o' ,essa!es are encoded+ T0e/ a&so a11ect t0e c0oice o1 c0anne& or ,edi , t0ro !0 '0ic0 to send t0e ,essa!e+ T0is section considers c0anne&s o1 'ritten interna& co,, nication" as 1ro, a s $sidiar/ to a 0ead o11ice G,e,os" E3,ai&" 1a.esH" 'ritten e.terna& co,, nication t0at !oes o tside t0e or!ani<ation" E3,ai&" &etters" -ress re&eases" and c sto,er co,, nicationH" anc ora& co,, nication Gte&e-0one" 2oice ,essa!es" te&econ1erences" and ,eetin!sH+

Internal Channels $or "ritten %essa es Me,os" E3,ai&" net'or)ed intranet $ &&etin $oards" -rinted re-orts" and ot0er 'ritten doc ,ents are c0anne&s o1 'ritten co,, nication 'it0in co,-anies+

Me,os 0a2e di11erent ro&es in di11erent c &t res and or!ani<ations+ In a Nort0 A,erican $ siness" ,e,os are t0e standard c0anne& o1 co,, nication 1ro, s -eriors to s $ordinates" s $ordinates to s -eriors" and e,-&o/ees o1 t0e sa,e &e2e&+ GMe,os can a&so $e 'ritten to 1i&e or as re,inders to onese&1+H T0e/ can $e 1or,a& or in1or,a& in tone+ W0en in1or,a&" a ,e,o is a con2enient 'a/ o1 co,, nicatin! in1or,ation in 'ritin!so t0ere is a record o1 it'it0o t t0e 'ei!0t o1 a 1or,a& doc ,ent+ Increasin!&/ ,e,os are sent $/ E3,ai&+

A Ne' 4ea&and cons &tant"

'0at t0is ,eant+ S0e &earned t0at 0er

6 dit0" t0o !0t ,e,os 'o &d stat s 'it0 t0e o'ner ,eant s0e co &d 0a2e -ro2ide an acc rate record o1 1ace3to31ace disc ssions 'it0 0i,+ Me,os in1or,ation 'it0o t too , c0 are i,-ersona&" and 0e t0o !0t s0e didn:t 1or,a&it/+ So s0e 'rote ,e,os to 'ant to 0a2e to !et to )no' 0i,+ T0at 0er c&ient" t0e o'ner o1 a 1a,i&/ ,ade 0i, re& ctant to tr st 0er+LK S0e 'as $ siness in Tai'an+ S0e - t 0er res-onsi$&/ red ce ,is nderstandin!+ B t t0e c &t re ,e,os+ So s0e 'rote ,ore+ Sti&& no ,ention o1 t0e,+ *ina&&/ s0e as)ed Tai'anese 1riends 'as sin! concerned+ an B t e11ecti2e it 'as co,,ents in 'ritin! in order to co,, nication c0anne&" as 1ar as 0er o'n o'ner ne2er ac)no'&ed!ed t0e co nter-rod cti2e in Tai'an+

As a ,eans 1or 1eed$ac) 1ro, e,-&o/ees to ,ana!e,ent" ,e,os Ges-ecia&&/ E3,ai&H e.ce&at &east" in c &t res '0ere ,ana!ers e.-ect 1eed$ac)+ *eed$ac) is not eas/ 1or ,ana!ers to !at0er i1 s $ordinates are not sed to !i2in! it+ Mana!ers '0o don:t so&icit 1eed$ac) 'i&& not recei2e as , c0 as t0ose '0o do+ Me,os ,a/ not $e t0e $est c0anne& in t0ese sit ations+ *ace3to31ace e.c0an!es" '0ere a 'ide ran!e o1 non2er$a& si!na&s can $e sent a&on! 'it0 t0e 'orded ,essa!e" ,a/ $e a $etter c0oice+ E3,ai& and 0ard3co-/ ,e,os are a&so" -er0a-s -ri,ari&/" c0anne&s 1or ,ana!eria& co,, nication do'n'ard+ W0at t0e/ si!ni1/ 2aries 'it0in di11erent

c &t res+ In e.-&icit" &o'3conte.t" contract c &t res a ,e,o ,a/ 0a2e t0e 1orce o1 a 'ritten a!ree,ent+ It can $e co nteracted 'it0 anot0er ,e,o" $ t once it !oes o t it is o11icia&+

A T0ai ci2i& ser2ant 'as anno ncin! 0is -ostin! to a 0is

He trac)ed t0e -ro!ress o1 t0e ,e,o de-art,ent+ He e.-&ained 0is

to&d o1 an intero11ice ,e,o to its 1ina& reci-ient" t0e director !enera& o1 re!iona& o11ice+ He 0ad not $een o$9ections and 'as !i2en -er,ission to cons &ted" 0ad not seen t0e destro/ t0e ,e,o and t0 s cance& t0e ,e,o" and 0ad stron! -ersona& -ostin!+L> reasons 1or not ,a)in! t0e ,o2e+

A-art 1ro, t0e -riorities in t0e T0ai c &t re t0at a&&o' an e,-&o/ee to $e trans1erred 'it0o t $ein! cons &ted" and t0e a t0orit/ o1 t0e s -erior to n,a)e t0e decision" a t0ird -oint can $e ,ade+ T0e ,e,o &ac)ed t0e &e!a& 1orce t0at t0e sa,e ,e,o 'o &d 0a2e 0ad in a &o'3conte.t c &t re" 1or e.a,-&e+ Its contents co &d si,-&/ $e re2ersed $/ cr ,-&in! and t0ro'in! a'a/ t0e ,e,o itse&1+ A&& t0ose '0o 0ad a&read/ read it 'o &d -res ,a$&/ si,-&/ erase it 1ro, t0eir ,inds+ E&ectronic ,ai& GE3,ai&H 0as ,ade an i,-act on intero11ice co,, nication" in 1or,at" tone" and content+ It can $e -rinted o t" t0ere$/ -ro2idin! a 0ard co-/ 1or records+ E3,ai& is &ess 1or,a& a c0anne& t0an 0ard3co-/ ,e,os and &etters" 'it0o t esta$&is0ed r &es 1or 1or,at" and t0e tone tends to $e in1or,a& as 'e&&+ T0e content is o1ten &ess 'e&& or!ani<ed $eca se 'riters are ,ore s-ontaneo s in creatin! ,essa!es+ Sendin! t0e, in2o&2es ,ere&/ t0e c&ic) o1 a ,o se and rare&/ inc& des -roo1readin!+ As a res &t" 1o&&o'3 - ,essa!es are o1ten necessar/ to co2er in1or,ation t0at 'as &e1t o t o1 t0e ori!ina& ,essa!e+ St d/ needs to $e done on t0e e11ect o1 E3,ai& on or!ani<ation -atterns7 #oes t0e ease o1 ,essa!e creation &ead to ,ore direct or!ani<ation= Anecdota& e2idence s !!ests not8 'riters '0o 'is0 to o-en a ,essa!e $/ -a/in! attention to re&ations0i- $ i&din! do so 'it0 E3,ai& ,essa!es 9 st as t0e/

do in 0ard3co-/ ,essa!es+ T0e c &t re a11ects t0e 'a/ tec0no&o!/ is sed" 9 st as t0e tec0no&o!/ itse&1 i,-acts t0e c0anne&+ E3,ai& is not -ri2ate8 ,ana!ers can read ,es3 sa!es -res ,ed con1identia& $/ t0eir senders+ E,-&o/ees 0a2e $een e,$arrassed $/ seein! t0eir s --osed&/ -ri2ate !ossi- a$o t co3'or)ers re-rod ced on co,-an/ &etter0ead+ Net'or)ed $ &&etin $oards a&&o' e,-&o/ees to co,, nicate $/ an e.-anded in1or,a& !ra-e2ine+ *a.1acsi,i&e trans,ission o1 a doc ,ent e&ectronica&&/is a&so sed 'ide&/ 'it0in or!ani<ations" es-ecia&&/ '0en -eo-&e need to see ori!ina& doc ,ents+ Ho'e2er" $ot0 1a. and te&e-0one 2oice ,essa!es can no' $e de&i2ered to a recei2er:s E3,ai& address" and it is no &on!er necessar/ to se a co,- ter to recei2e E3,ai&+ E4ternal Channels $or "ritten %essa es T0ese c0anne&s co,, nicate o tside t0e or!ani<ation+ E.terna& c0anne&s inc& de a&& o1 t0e interna& c0anne&s disc ssed a$o2e as 'e&& as Internet 'e$ -a!es" - $&ic anno nce,ents in -ress re&eases" ne's stories" contracts" ,ar)etin! -ro,otions" and ser ,an a&s+ E3,ai& net'or)s ena$&e $ sinesses and -ri2ate indi2id a&s to 0oo) - to t0e Internet t0ro !0 ser2ice -ro2iders+ #ata$ases s c0 as; and ABI;&n1or, GPro% estH are a,on! 0 ndreds t0at a&&o' access to t0o sands o1 - $&ications" ,a)in! it -ossi$&e to retrie2e in1or,ation 'it0o t &ea2in! one:s des)+ We$ -a!es !i2e co,-anies a - $&ic 1ace n&i)e an/ t0e/ 0a2e 0ad $e1ore+ T0e co,-an/ stor/ is a2ai&a$&e to an/$od/ '0o &o!s on to t0e cor-orate 'e$site+ C sto,ers are a$&e to as) % estions a$o t -rod cts and ser2ices o2er t0e We$ in a ne'" direct 'a/ t0at is re,iniscent o1 t0e o&d31as0ioned &oca& store+ Co,-anies are a$&e to trac) indi2id a& c sto,ers t0ro !0 e&ectronic data$ases in a 'a/ t0at !i2es c sto,ers a 1ee&in! t0e/ are indi2id a&&/ reco!ni<ed $/ t0e co,-an/+ Ne' ,eanin!s attac0 to Fre&ations0i,ar)etin!F and Fc sto,er ser2ice+F Ne' co,-anies contin e to -o- onto t0e screen and ne' tec0no&o!/ is ena$&in! entre-rene rs to ,o2e in ne' directions+ 1tru+tured Beha!ioral Channels

(o :2e a&read/ read t'o e.a,-&es o1 de&i$erate&/ str ct red $e0a2ior to co,, nicate" -artic &ar&/ in Asia7 t0e 6a-anese 0 s$and '0ose 'i1e co,, nicated anno/ance t0ro !0 a 1&o'er arran!e,ent8 t0e C0inese trainees '0o ser2ed $oi&ed 'ater to anno nce t0e 1act t0e tea 'as a&& !one+ Here is a t0ird e.a,-&e+

An A,erican &a'/er 'or)in! in a 6a-anese stee& &a2is0 dinnert0e cost 1or co,-an/ 2isit entertain,ent a-o&o!i<in! and 'as ei!0t $e0a2ior ne2er 'as reass rin! -eo-&e 'as W@"AAA+ to'ard ,entioned" nderstood t0e -an/:s 0i, t0e/ sti&& 2a& ed 0i,+ 'a/ t0e A&t0o !0 o2er t0e 0i, 0e &a2is0 corn3 o1 t0at co,-an/ 'as -art o1 a !ro - '0o 'e&co,ed a 2isit3 in! A,erican de&e!ation+ B t 0e 1o nd 0i,se&1 s0 t o t 1ro, t0e co,-an/ !ro - de&i$erations t0at 0e 0ad $een a-art o1 $e1ore t0e 2isitors arri2ed+ He 0ad &i2ed in 6a-an &on! eno !0 to 1ee& t0is e.c& sion dee-&/+ A1ter t0e A,ericans 'ent 0o,e" 0o'e2er" senior ,e,$ers o1 0is co,-an/ in2ited 0i, to To)/o 1or a

d rin! t0e A,ericans:

T0ese acts o1 co,, nication are care1 &&/ -&anned" 'it0 a $e!innin! and an end" as an a&ternati2e to 'ritten or ora& c0anne&s+ T0is $e0a2ior occ rs 1re% ent&/ in c &t res in '0ic0 to disc ss t0e sit ation 'o &d ca se -otentia& &oss o1 1ace+ B t $e0a2iora& co,, nication e.ists in a&& c &t res and can $e e&o% ent in !ettin! a ,essa!e across+ A s $ordinate ,a/ si!na& n0a--iness a$o t an assi!n,ent in t0e 'a/ 0e or s0e dresses 1or 'or) or -artici-ates in t0e socia& &i1e o1 t0e o11ice+ A ,ana!er ,a/ si!na& -&eas re 'it0 an e,-&o/ee $/ an in2itation to & nc0 or !i1t 1or t0e e,-&o/ee:s 'or)-&ace+ T0is str ct red acti2it/ is a co,, nication c0anne& t0at re-&aces 'orded ,essa!es+ T0 s it is di11erent 1ro, non2er$a& codes in co,, nication" s c0 as 1acia& e.-ression" tone o1 2oice" !est re" and -0/sica& distance+ T0e/ are disc ssed

in C0a-ter K+ Oral Channels W0en do /o -re1er ora& c0anne&s in /o r 9o$= W0en do /o -0one" dro- into so,eone:s o11ice" catc0 so,eone at t0e e&e2ator or in t0e -ar)in! &ot in order to co,, nicate a ,essa!e= C0ances are it:s '0en /o - t a 0i!0er -riorit/ on )ee-in! t0in!s r nnin! s,oot0&/ t0an on t0e in1or,ation itse&1+ In &o'3 and 0i!03conte.t c &t res" ora& co,, nication 0as a ,ore & $ricati2e 1 nction" oi&in! re&ations0i-s" t0an 'ritten ,essa!es+ In c &t res in '0ic0 re&ations0i-s are ,ore i,-ortant t0an res &ts" 'ord3o13,o t0 and 1ace3to31ace c0anne&s are ,ore 1re% ent&/ sed+ (o ,a/ c0oose $ siness -artners $eca se o1 ora& reco,,endations8 /o ,a/ co,e to a decision a1ter ta&)in! it o2er 'it0 ot0ers8 /o ,a/ de&i2er n'e&co,e ,essa!es ora&&/ so /o can esta$&is0 a -ersona& tone at t0e sa,e ti,e+ As 'e sa' ear&ier in t0e disc ssion on ,e,os" 'ritten ,essa!es can see, i,-ersona& and n1riend&/ to so,e reci-ients+ Lo'3conte.t c &t re ,ana!ers need to )ee- in ,ind t0at e,-&o/ees 1ro, c &t res 'it0 stron! ora& traditions 'i&& -ro$a$&/ -re1er ora& c0anne&s to - ttin! t0in!s in 'ritin!+ T0eir -riorit/ 1or 0a2in! t0in!s in 'ritin! so t0e/ can $e acted -on in !ood 1ait0 ,a/ $e set aside" &e!iti,ate&/+ Me,$ers o1 ora& c &t res -&ace 0i!0 -riorit/ on t0eir 'ord" and 'i&& 1o&&o' t0ro !0 no &ess 'i&&in!&/ t0an i1 it 'ere in 'ritin!+ On t0e ot0er 0and" in so,e c &t res so,e )inds o1 ora& co,, nication -res ,e too , c0 1a,i&iarit/ 1or so,e sit ations+ A 1o&&o'3 - te&e-0one ca&& 1ro, a Western sa&es-erson in To)/o '0o sends a ,ai&in! to -ros-ecti2e $ /ers 'i&& see, too a!!ressi2e+ T0e -ro-er contact is t0ro !0 a !o3$et'een or re1erence '0o ,a)es an a--oint,ent and is -resent at t0e 1ace3to31ace ,eetin!+ T0at is an a--ro-riate ora& c0anne&+ Voice ,ai& is anot0er ora& c0anne&" a&t0o !0 t0e &ine $et'een 2oice ,ai& and 'ritten ,essa!es is $& rrin! 'it0 ne' tec0no&o!/ t0at trans&ates 2oice ,ai& onto a co,- ter screen+ Voice ,ai& a&&o's t0e ca&&er to &ea2e 0is or 0er 2oice in t0e

recei2er:s e&ectronic ,ai&$o.+ Un&i)e a ,essa!e noted do'n $/ a t0ird -art/ Gor no ,essa!e at a&&H" 2oice ,ai& trans,its so,e o1 t0e non2er$a& c0aracteristics o1 t0e ,essa!e direct&/ 1ro, t0e s-ea)er+ T0e &istener 0ears it &ater in ti,e $ t co,-&ete" 'it0 t0e non2er$a& % a&ities s c0 as -itc0 and 2o& ,e" -ron nciation" -ace" and -a ses intact+ Te&econ1erencin! trans,its ,an/ non2er$a& co,, nication c es t0at E3,ai&" 1a." e&ectronic $ &&etin $oards" or e2en te&e-0ones c t o t+ W0en it is too cost&/ 1or a co,-an/ to send -eo-&e t0o sands o1 ,i&es to ,eet 1ace to 1ace" te&econ1erencin! can $e a !ood a&ternati2e+ Ho'e2er" certain restrictions e.ist7 It is not a&'a/s -ossi$&e to see t0e non2er$a& $e0a2ior c&ear&/7 o1 co rse $ot0 &ocations , st 0a2e t0e a--ro-riate e% i-,ent8 ti,e di11erences can ,ean one -art/ is - in t0e ,idd&e o1 t0e ni!0t8 and on&/ one -erson can s-ea) at a ti,e+ T0is ,a/ ,ean 0a2in! to &earn a ne' set o1 r &es 1or t rn ta)in! in ora& co,, nication 1or so,e -artici-ants+ T0is &eads to o r 1ina& consideration" t0e 1or,a&it/ or in1or,a&it/ o1 co,, nication st/&e+ COMMUNICATION ST(LE (ormal or In$ormal: Hierar+hi+al or Hori>ontal In so,e c &t res" a ,ana!er 0as reac0ed t0at -osition t0ro !0 0ard 'or) and t0e stat s is i,-ortant+ So ,ana!ers e,-&o/ a 1or,a& 'ritin! st/&e t0at e,-0asi<es -o'er distance and a t0orit/+ *or,a&it/ stresses t0e 0ierarc0/ o1 t0e or!ani<ation and t0e ,ana!er:s s -erior stat s in t0at 0ierarc0/+ Parado.ica&&/" t0e 2er/ 0ierarc0/ rein1orces socia& 0ar,on/ $/ red cin! ncertaint/ a$o t stat s+ S $ordinates e.-ect ,ana!ers to se a 1or,a& st/&e8 not to do so is to ris) &osin! t0e res-ect o1 t0e &o'er ran)s+ T0e/ 'ant to $e con1ident t0eir ,ana!er is indeed 1ir,&/ 1i.ed a$o2e t0e," $ein! acco nta$&e on t0eir $e0a&1 and &oo)in! o t 1or t0eir $est interests+ T0is st/&e &ends itse&1 to % ic) decisions" since s $ordinates are not &i)e&/ to % estion t0e,+ Me,os 'ritten 1ro, ,ana!ers in t0ese 0ierarc0ica& c &t resAra$" A1rican" Asian so nd a t0oritarian to ,e,$ers o1 0ori<onta& c &t res t0at e,-0asi<e e% a&it/+ Hori<onta& c &t resEn!&is03s-ea)in! c &t res" c &t res 1ro, Nort0ern

E ro-e!i2e ,ore -riorit/ to t0e e% a& stat s o1 e,-&o/ees+ T0eir st/&e is inc& si2e and t0e/ -&a/ do'n t0e -o'er distance $et'een ,ana!er and s $ordinate+ Indeed" t0e -o'er distance ,a/ $e s&i!0t and t0e ,ana!er:s a t0orit/ ,a/ rest on t0e 'i&& o1 t0e s $ordinates to ac)no'&ed!e it+ T0is st/&e tends to $e &ess e11icient t0an t0e a t0oritati2e st/&e+ I1 e2er/one 0as a 2a&id 2oice and can contri$ te 1eed$ac) in t'o3 'a/ co,, nication" iss es can ta)e a &on! ti,e to disc ss+ B siness co,, nication te.t$oo)s 1ro, t0e United States instr ct ,e,o 'riters to ado-t a 1riend&/ tone and an in1or,a& st/&e in order to !et t0e ,ost coo-eration 1ro, readers+ W0en an iss e is serio s" 1or,a&it/ indicates a 'riter:s co,,it,ent to t0e iss e rat0e7: t0an to 1riend&/ re&ations+ S $ordinates in Nort0 A,erican or!ani<ations tr/ to de2e&o- sensiti2e antennae _ 3 ++7 st/&e o1 co,, nication 'it0 s -eriors+ Genera&&/" t0e/ e% ate 1or,a&it/ 'it0 disL 7 333 in1or,a&it/ 'it0 !reater 1riend&iness+ B t 1or,a& or in1or,a&" e,-&o/ees in t0ese or!ani<ations 'e&co,e t0e o--ort nit/ to e.-ress t0eir 2ie's and ,a)e t0eir 'is0es )no'n+ A co,,on co,-&aint 1ro, e,-&o/ees is t0at ,ana!e,ent doesn:t &isten to or care a$o t t0eir concerns8 t0e ass ,-tion is t0at ,ana!e,ent s0o &d care+ Mana!ers '0o 'ant 1eed$ac) 1ro, s $ordinates ,a/ 1ind di11ic &ties" 0o'e2er" '0en s $ordinates are acc sto,ed to treatin! ,ana!ers as a t0orities '0o do not ,a)e decisions $ased on s $ordinates: 'is0es+ T0e notion o1 t'o3'a/ co,, nication ,a/ $e n1a,i&iar and nco,1orta$&e+ E,-&o/ees ,a/ 'onder '0/ ,ana!ers as) t0e, 1or in1or,ation8 t0e/ ,a/ s s-ect ,ana!ers 0a2e 0idden - r-oses 1or it+ W0ere co,, nication is str ct red 'it0 &itt&e 1&e.i$i&it/ 1or 1eed$ac) or ot0er res-onse or 1or ot0er c0anne&s o1 co,, nication" in ot0er directions" a !ra-e2ine co,, nication s/ste, de2e&o-s+ In contrast to t0e o11icia&" 1or,a& s/ste," t0e !ra-e2ine is in1or,a&+ T0e ,ore ri!id t0e str ct red s/ste," t0e ,ore t0e in1or,a& s/ste, 1&o ris0es+ St dies indicate t0at t0e !ra-e2ine 0as ,ore credi$i&it/ t0an t0e o11icia& co,, nication net'or) and is o1ten ,ore acc rate+ GSee a&so C0a-ter N+H (o can see a 1&o ris0in! in1or,a& net'or) in or!ani<ations t0at 0a2e a

0ierarc0ica& c &t re8 t0e in1or,a& s/ste, s a&&/ in2o&2es so,eone in t0e o11ice o1 t0e ,ost -o'er1 & -erson" and a&so in2o&2es -eo-&e '0o 0a2e access to ,ore t0an one de-art,ent or &ocation in t0e or!ani<ation+ T0e sa,e is tr e in a !enera& c &t re" '0ere t0e s/ste, is nat ra&&/ ,ore co,-&e.+ C0a-ter N dea&s 'it0 t0e nat re o1 in1or,ation in detai&" $ t 0ere it is a--ro-riate to -oint o t t0at t0e in1or,a& in1or,ation net'or) ,a/ $e t0e one /o need to -a/ attention to in an n1a,i&iar c &t re+ (ramed %essa es F*ra,in!F is e.-&ainin! t0e conte.t o1 t0e ,essa!e $e1ore de&i2erin! it+ It &ets t0e recei2er )no' 0o' to inter-ret t0e ,essa!e+ Is it a serio s criticis,= Is it a 9o)e= T0e 1ra,e&i)e a -ict re 1ra,ecan $e non2er$a&" $ t 0ere 'e:&& consider 2er$a& 1ra,es+ T0e o-enin! o1 a &etter t0at trans,its a -ro-osa&" 1or e.a,-&e" FHere is t0e -ro-osa& as /o re% ested +++F is a 1ra,e 1or '0at 1o&&o's+ *ra,es are 'ide&/ sed in En!&is03s-ea)in! c &t res in ora& co,, nication7 FI 0ate to $ot0er /o " $ t t0e co rier 'i&& $e 0ere in 1i2e ,in tes+ Co &d /o -&ease + ++ =F T0e/ -a/ attention to t0e stat s o1 t0e ot0er -art/ and to t0e !roo,in! o1 t0e re&ations0i-+ FT0e te,-erat re see,s to 0a2e !one do'n and I didn:t $rin! a 9ac)et8 'o &d /o -&ease c&ose t0e 'indo'=F *ra,es are -artic &ar&/ se1 & 'it0 re% ests" to so1ten t0e a t0oritati2e tone+ E2en t0e conte.t G1ra,eH , st $e 2er$a&i<ed in &o'3conte.t c &t res so not0in! is &e1t a,$i! o s or o-en to ,isinter-retation+ Beca se 1ra,es attend to t0e re&ations0i-" t0e/ see, a--ro-riate 1or 0i!03 conte.t recei2ers+ B t $e care1 &+ T0e/ can ,a)e t0e senderi1 a s -eriorso nd too s" and can ,a)e t0e -o'er distance $et'een s -erior and s $ordinate see, too s,a&&+ A 0i!03conte.t recei2er ,a/ -re1er t0e rin! o1 a t0orit/ in t0e re% est7 FHa2e t0e re-ort on ,/ des) $/ @ P+M+ toda/+F A t0orit/ is a -i!!/$ac) ,essa!e on t0e 'orded ,essa!e8 it sa/s" FI ,a)e t0is re% est $eca se I a, /o r s -erior and since /o are ,/ s $ordinate /o r ro&e is to 1 &1i&& t0is re% est+F A 1ra,e t0at s !!ests t0e ro&es o1 s -erior and s $ordinate are 1& id ,a/ ,a)e a 0i!03 conte.t recei2er nco,1orta$&e7 FI 0a2e a ,eetin! at N7?A to,orro' ,ornin! '0en I:&& $e -resentin! o r ideas on t0e in1or,ation /o 0a2e $een !at0erin!" so co &d /o

-&ease s0are /o r 1indin!s 'it0 ,e &ater t0is a1ternoon=F *ra,in! adds e.-&anator/ detai& to a ,essa!e+ #etai& is an as-ect o1 st/&e" and t0e % estion o1 0o' , c0 detai& to se 0as its ans'er in t0e c &t re o1 t0e recei2er+ #etai&" t0e 2o& ,e o1 in1or,ation" in a re% est s !!ests e% a& stat s $et'een sender and recei2er and co,,on !oa&s+ On t0e ot0er 0and" detai& in res-onse to a re% est s0o's concern 1or coo-eratin!" $ i&din! tr st" and enterin! into a re&ations0i-+ SUMMAR( C0a-ter @ 0as &oo)ed at t0e 'a/ c &t re a11ects 0o' ,essa!es are or!ani<ed+





co,, nication"



interor!ani<ationa&" is a simultaneously reciprocal process. Senders o1 ,essa!es are at t0e sa,e ti,e recei2ers o1 ,essa!es+ Ho'e2er" t0e ,eanin! o1 t0e ,essa!e de-ends on c &t re and conte.t+ Or!ani<ations 1ro, di11erent c &t res e.-erience !reater -otentia& 1or ,isco,, nication+

usiness communication is purposeful. A&& $ siness 1 nctions re% ire Why, ho&, &ho, &hen, an' &here are critica& 1actors in nderstandin!

co,, nication+

co,, nication di11erences in or!ani<ations+ W0en t0ese 1actors can $e a!reed -on" ,isco,, nication is ,ini,i<ed+ C0a-ter @ t0en disc sses 'a/s ,essa!es are or!ani<ed7

;irect plan is favore' lar$ely by results+oriente' cultures s c0 as t0e In'irect plan is favore' by relationship+oriente' cultures s c0 as Asia" Pers asi2e ar! ,ents are $ased on di11erent a--roac0es in di11erent

United States+

Latin A,erica" A1rica" and t0e Midd&e East+


c &t res8 &o!ica& ar! ,ents -ers ade so,e" '0i&e ado-tin! t0e ,ora& 0i!0 !ro nd or ta)in! a de-endent -ost re or ,a)in! e,otiona& a--ea&s -ers ades ot0ers+

Un'e&co,e ne's is !enera&&/ -resented indirect&/8 no ,a/ not $e said Pro$&e,3so&2in! ,essa!es ,a/ $e or!ani<ed in stories Gnarrati2eH" in

at a&& in c &t res '0ere 0ar,on/ and sa2in! 1ace are i,-ortant+ D

s/&&o!istic or ind cti2e reasonin!" or in $ar!ainin! disco rse+ C &t res 2ar/ in t0e ro&e t0e/ assi!n to 'ords" as 'e&& as in t0e i,-act 'ords 0a2e+

Lo&+conte/t cultures enco'e meanin$ in &or's, &hile hi$h+conte/t Ara$ic3s-ea)in! c &t res en9o/ t0e se o1 'ords in e&a$orations"

cultures rely more on nonverbal communication.


e.a!!erations" se&13con!rat &ations" and ot0er creati2e -atterns+ D 6a-anese s-ea)ers -&ace &itt&e con1idence in 'ords and re&/ ,ore on En!&is0 s-ea)ers in Britain se &ess e.a!!eration t0an s-ea)ers in t0e i,-&ied ,eanin!s+

United States" $ t ne2ert0e&ess $ot0 tend to encode ,eanin! e.-&icit&/ in 'ords8 so,et0in! 0as rea&it/ '0en it is 'orded+ D un'erstoo'. T0e or!ani<ation o1 $ siness ,essa!es a&so is connected to t0e c0anne&s t0ose ,essa!es ta)e+ D inc& de di2 ,ents" and 1a.+

Lan$ua$e structure is relate' to the &ay meanin$ is structure' an'

Internal channels G'it0in an or!ani<ationH o1 'ritten co,, nication E3,ai&+ ++3

net'or)ed $ &&etin $oards" ,e,os" 2oice ,ai&" -rinted re-orts and ot0er 'ritten

)/ternal channels o1 'ritten co,, nication inc& de a&& o1 t0e a$o2e as

'e&& as Internet 'e$ -a!es" - $&ic anno nce,ents in -ress re&eases" ne's stories" ,ar)etin! -ro,otions" and ,an a&s+





care1 &&/



co,, nication acts t0at 0a2e a $e!innin!" ,idd&e" and end and are sed instead o1 'orded ,essa!es+

2ral channels inc& de 1ace3to31ace enco nters" te&e-0one" and

te&econ1erence e.c0an!es+

*ina&&/ t0is c0a-ter &oo)s at t0e 1or,a&it/ o1 ,essa!es and t0e 1ra,in! o1 ,essa!es+ D *or,a&it/ e,-0asi<es stat s8 in1or,a&it/ e,-0asi<es e% a&it/+ In

0ierarc0ica& c &t res" 1or,a&it/ -re2ai&s+ In 0ori<onta& c &t res" t0e ,essa!es ,ana!ers 'rite do not ca&& attention to t0eir stat s+ D *ra,in! is e.-&ainin! t0e conte.t o1 t0e ,essa!e $e1ore de&i2erin! it" so t0e recei2er )no's 0o' to inter-ret it+ FI rea&&/ 0ate to i,-ose" $ t+++F is a 1ra,e t0at s !!ests an a'areness o1 t0e o$&i!ation t0e re% est3,a)er is a$o t to inc r+ NOTES

Linda Bea,er" FT0e C &t ra& Basis o1 Pers asion7 Case St dies o1

Me.ican and U+S+ Corres-ondence 1or Sa&es"F International usiness 7ractices1 Contemporary #ea'in$s. T0e Proceedin!s o1 t0e 5II@ Internationa& Meetin! o1 t0e Acade,/ o1 B siness Ad,inistration" --+ 5LK35??+

Lorand B+ S<a&a/" FInterc &t ra& Co,, nicationA Process Ra/,ond Co0en" 0e$otiatin$ across Cultures GWas0in!ton" #C7 #a2id A+ Victor" International usiness Communication, GNe'

Mode&"F International "ournal for Intercultural #esearch @ No+ L G5IN5H -+ 5?@+


United States Instit te o1 Peace" 5II5H -+ LL+


(or)7 Har-erCo&&ins" 5IILH" -+ L+


Ed'ard C+ Ste'art and Mi&ton 6+ Bennett" American Cultural

7atterns1 A Cross+Cultural 7erspective, G(ar,o t0" ME7 Interc &t ra& Press" 5II5H" -+ 5@K+

Based on Iris I+ Varner" FA Co,-arison o1 A,erican and *renc0

B siness Corres-ondence"F "ournal of usiness Communication L@ no+ M G5INNH" -+ @I+


Linda Bea,er" F#irectness" Conte.t and *ace'or) in C0inese

B siness Co,, nication"F "ournal of usiness an' %echnical Communication. In press. B/ -er,ission o1 Mat0eson V Co+ Ltd+

T0is disc ssion is de2e&o-ed 1ro, Co0en" 0e$otiatin$ across

Cultures, --+ >?3>M+


Ric0ard Mead" Cross+Cultural .ana$ement Communication, GNe'

(or)7 6o0n Wi&e/ V Sons" 5IIAH" -+ KL+ Ste'art V Bennett" American Cultural 7atterns, -+ 5@?+ Co0en" 0e$otiatin$ across Cultures, -+ 55M+ Marietta Ba$a" F#ecodin! Nati2e Paradi!,s7 An Ant0ro-o&o!ica&

5A+ 55+ 5L+

A--roac0 to Interc &t ra& Co,, nication in Ind str/+F Presented at t0e ABC Mid'est3Canada Re!iona& Con1erence" & nc0eon -ro!ra," A-ri& L>" 5IIA+
5?+ 5M+ 5@+

Nanc/ K+ A stin" FStor/ Ti,e"F Incentive, #ece,$er 5II@" -+ L+ I$id+" -+ 5+ A rea Car-enter" FW0at Co,es *irst"F Lon'on %imes, *eat res Mead+ Cross+Cultural .ana$ement Communication, -+ 55@+ Co0en+ 0e$otiatin$ across Cultures, -+ L>+ Mead" Cross+Cultural .ana$ement Communication, -+ N>+ Larr/ A+ Sa,o2ar and Ric0ard E+ Porter" Communication bet&een S0ei&a Ra,se/" FTo Hear One and Understand TenF in Intercultural

Section" LL *e$r ar/ 5IIL+

5K+ 5>+ 5N+


Cultures, GBe&,ont" CA7 Wads'ort0" 5II5H" -+ 5@>+


Communication1 A #ea'er, Mt0 ed+ Larr/ A+ Sa,o2ar and Ric0ard E Porter" eds+ GBe&,ont" CA7 Wads'ort0" 5IN@H" -+ ?5L+

Satos0i Is0ii" FEnr/o3Sass0i Co,, nication7 A Ke/ to Understandin! Satos0i Is0ii" FT0o !0t Patterns as Modes o1 R0etoric7 T0e United Ben9a,in L+ W0or1" Lan$ua$e, %hou$ht an' #eality1 Selecte' Writin$s Linda Bea,er" FTeac0in! En!&is0 B siness Writin! to C0inese3 Co0en" 0e$otiatin$ across Cultures, -+ LA+ Mead" Cross+Cultural .ana$ement Communication, --+ NI3IA+

6a-anese Inter-ersona& Re&ations"F Cross Currents 55 G5INMH" --+ MI3@N+


States and 6a-an"F in Intercultural Communication1 A #ea'er, -+ 5AA+


of .L. Whorf, 6+ B+ Carro&&" ed+ GNe' (or)7 6o0n Wi&e/ V Sons+ 5I@KH" -+ LH?+

S-ea)in! B siness St dents"F ulletin LVII" no+ 5G5IIMH+

L@+ LK+


I$id+" -+ 5N5+

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