EP3 Toadstool Week12 Term2

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Sitapatr School

Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Ingrid Rothmann Class: EP3 Toadstool Week: 12 Dates: 20/01/2014-24/01/2014

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review
This week we have our Prathom 1 entrance exams. We are going to review My Senses again as Tuesday there was no school. Vocabulary includes: eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, nose, see, ear, smell, taste, feel We are also going to review Prepositions of place. Vocabulary includes: on, in, under, in front of, behind, next to, between, over

Western food (2)

Activity Time

Preparing for Prathom 1

Class: EP3 Lily

Vocabulary: hungry, food, meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner, sour, sweet, salty, spicy, main course, dessert, salad, pizza, sandwich, spaghetti, hamburger, cheeseburger, cereal, taco, mashed potatoes, french fries, bacon and eggs, pancakes, saugages, ham. Sentence structure: Question: "What is a Western breakfast/lunch/dinner?" Response: "Bacon and eggs, cereal, sandwiches, spaghetti, pizza, ect." Question: "What do you put on a hamburger/sandwich/taco?" Response: "You can put on ham, patty, cheese, tamato sauce, cheese, ect." Question: "What do you taste?" Response: "I taste a salty/sour/spicy/sweet taste." Activities: We are going to do the word search we were going to do in week 11. We are also going colour in a picture filled with breakfast foods. We are going to label these foods. We are going to make pizzas. Using different coloured papers for different toppings. Songs: We are going to sing the "fast food" song. Available on You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaqcfJUK8xc&feature=youtube_gdata_player We are also going to sing "Food rainbow". Available on You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C85Hqg9BX1I&feature=youtube_gdata_player Games: We are going to play 'fly swat' and hit the correct flashcard with a fly swatter. We are also going to play 'Team 1 and Team 2' where they have to tell me what is in a food item. The team that can lable the most items win.

Maths We are going to play 'fastest boy or girl' again. This week we are going to do math on scrap paper and use big numbers to calculate. The student who can answer me first wins.

Science We are going to explore our different senses. What can we see, hear, feel or taste. We are going to think of items we can use for different items.

Grammar We are going to do "I am/I am not". We are going to do the lining of the words and look for them where they are hidden in a word search.

English We are also going to continue doing We are going to fill out a shopping list our mathematical problems. and sort it into different categories: fruit, drinks, baked food. We are also going to have fun and look for the words in the word search.

Parent Follow Up / Useful Websites / Homework:

Dear Parents. Goodluck to everyone taking the Prathom 1 entrance exam.

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