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No one wants a shooting war but everyone seems to want to watch one on TV!

Well 2014 almost delivers but slow strangulation is probably more like the pace of events. Entering five years of dramatic change moving painfully slow like molasses in January. Take note of the Red letters for dangerous economic areas to avoid and Green letters for regional opportunities to possibly exact a financial advantage. There are a few delightful surprises and careful adherence to the avoidance of Geo-political-economic risk can allow the astute investor to prosper in the turbulent times ahead. (1) United States. There is a slim chance that common sense will prevail in the US but just in case here is a worst case scenario to watch out for. [Slim: slime, slippery] being defined as a margin measured in nanometers with the parameter structure painted with thermite and lined with det-cord. (Mind you 10,000 architects and engineers can be wrong right!) US dollar collapse comes as no surprise after QE overkill triggers a bottomless recession coupling symbiotically with a bitter Civil Constitutional Insurrection with the result being a fall from grace as the World's policeman to that of a hyper inflating, genocidal introverted war crimes bonanza. Liberty being only refreshed slowly and painfully by the blood of tyrant and patriot alike locked in a vengeful struggle of attrition with no quarter asked nor given. It is realized too late that the 50 Sovereign State National Guards were the guards to guard against tyranny both foreign and domestic and that the Constitution was designed not for the Government to rule the people by force but for the people to control the Governments meddling by organizing defensive militias! The Iraqi dinar surfaces in the vacuum for currency in the US but vanishes as Iraqi citizens burn their own US printed dinars liberated from government warehouses in bonfires in a spiteful riotous reaction to the revelation of a massive 4 trillion US Treasury speculation on a planned currency valuation reset that apparently justified a war. Unjustifiable death & carnage enraging them less than the fact that the population was

manipulated into turning in all of their 50,000 dinars notes for an equal exchange of $10 US bills and therefore robbing them of a serendipitous advantage! Theft is something the Muslims can understand as a motive and justification for criminal behavior but being played for the fool is something that a fatwa can never leave unpunished! We dont have it You dont have it! dtente striking a poetic chord of justice among the population in a land ravaged by years of war. With the underlying bait being suddenly removed foreign intelligence opposing interests drop their clandestine meddling and Iraq settles down to rebuild her destiny on the free trade of its massive oil reserves. In the vacuum for an oil trade currency in Iraq the relentless and indefatigable British pound expeditiously fills the gap in as the new Petro-pound as it rightfully should according to every bloc on high street in Basra. A police & welfare State based on Military Exports ensues in the US that is indiscernible from Soviet era USSR. The Military Industrial Complex surges down the slippery Eisenhower slope with all the glee of Olympic Bobsledders at Putins Sochi! Canadas aloof smugness is a constant irritant on the international stage as droves of Americans rescind their citizenship and take up the red & white. Entire military Land, Navel and Air formations defect to the Great White North over refusing to fire upon US 2nd Amendment citizens and take up positions on the 49th parallel muzzles facing South awaiting the call by partisans to march on the illegitimate usurpers that have infested Washington and torn up the time tested and honored United States Constitution. These Oath-keeper patriots seem to have no problem firing on Home Land Security Gestapo, storm trooper mercenaries, foreign (Multi-Ethnic Waffen SS) troops and medically induced chip managed bi-pedal drones (Frankenstein Experiments & secret mind control weapons) that used to be the United States Armed Forces. For all intents and purposes the 3rd Reich seems to have morphed on home soil as someone must have carried some parasites home from Europe in their pockets after the WWII. Partisan headquarters on the Canadian side are heroically awash in alcohol, girls and hanky-panky as party after party welcomes purged and defrocked star generals who come home to roost with the country boys! Zero Avenue functions as the new Northern Mason-Dixon Line which happens to fall on a buffer strip of Royal property along the Canadian border and so we come full circle to what appears to be a reverse revolutionary undertaking. The only thing missing is the Queen Mother dishing out crumpets and tea, God rest her soul. (2) Taiwan, South Korea and Japan are stifled in isolation being left without a probono protector and benefactor. The US tries for a time to offer Protection-for-Money but when envious eyes turn to the booming prosperity in the Chinese camp impoverished Pax-Americana is abandoned. Mystery cargo ship sinkings paralyze the sea region around Japan with China only casting a disapproving eye on her nasty nephew NK yet hardly concealing a hint of the Grin of the cat that ate the canary!

Hong Kong is definitely the place to be as wealthy Magnates take up residence and the night life resembles the roaring twenties. Streaming shorts on Mainland China cell networks pimp up materialistic decadence as the allowable sin. Red Party leadership confirm that materialism is allowable because its good for business and that the Communist Party will not intervene unless it becomes too sexy and it is affecting traffic safety and productivity! Singapore waxes great being ideally placed as the Castle with a Mote financial center smack in the center of billion low wage near slave factory worker serfs. Peace in our time mantra reminiscent of Chamberlin bends to Chinas navel blockade to rescind claims to natural resources in the South China Sea by its neighbors narrowly averting war. Singapore builds a magnified financial powerhouse with the influx of capital from displaced Taiwanese Private Bankers and acts as an intermediary point for vigorous trade between Russia and China as well as a booming banking tourism industry. North Korea unexpectedly finds a new role as a lucrative transportation conduit as trade and dependency in the region increases with a land link to China due to the loss of the sea route to the South. (NK National Interests) Business opportunities North of the DMZ abound in Prison Factories replete with born-into-bondage slave labor and are taken advantage of by opportunistic South Korean entrepreneurs cashing in on the Chinese booming middle class market. Slave labor food rations are increased by 1/3 to increase productivity and born-into-bondage female prisoners are encouraged to have multiple children by guards. Mongolia in a bid to capture the China LNG market reveals the ace up her sleeve being massive reserves of natural gas requiring insurmountable international investment; We have it but we just cant get at it! Russia responds by reservedly breaching the subject and suggesting a strategy to Beijing of meeting China halfway in the middle and redividing the steppes of Genghis Khan! (Ibid: German-Russian division of Poland for mutual advantage). In a joint China-Russian attempt to gratuitously induce local administrators in the Last land of Lenin to voluntarily capitulate it is discovered that the Coming back while youre still getting there Mongolians already had the papers drawn up! In exchange for Sovereignty (Which apparently means nothing to a Mongolian which makes sense when you think about it!) the retaining of a Vichy-like sovereignty would only be needed to watch over their gravy train. Formally both China and Russia had in frustration abandoned Mongolia because both found it too tedious to be always out maneuvered in the art of negotiation. Now in exasperation and resignation over being out maneuvered yet again the defeated Chinese and Russians dually sign the papers and grudgingly invade Mongolia for resources without firing a shot. (3) German/Germany tiring of the malaise of the un-Germanic art of negotiation abandons the dream of Unity-under-the-soft-jackboot and follows a self directed path of a symbiotic relationship with China and preferred isolation from the tediousness and missadventure of Europe. Chinese welcome German engineering to improve their O ne-hossshay and German manufacturing takes advantage of Chinese city run (dissident reeducation) labor pools. The German industry exodus to China and South America is

unrivaled in scope except for Albert Speers complete disassembly of German wartime industrial production and reassembly in underground bunkers. France to her credit rises in the power vacuum due to her historical African colonial bureaucratic role and revives neocolonialism by exerting militarily to lead the NATO faithful in the natural resource feeding frenzy of booming North Africa. Belgium (Possibly upgrading to Green) Bitter for losing political relevance and the gentlemanly high ground revives its armaments factories with high-tech weapons systems designed for riot and urban warfare and becomes the number one exporter of dentistry crown mind control implants (Chipped) that integrate with internet searches and targeted advertising mono-hertz blue tooth bio-feedback (Warm Fuzzies). She perfects the ultimate Implant -Vote miles ahead of the outdated Japanese and Swedish technologies and markets her wares to the failing Democracies guaranteeing Turning a sure rout into a landslide victory! (Actually Im really kidding about Belgish narcissism and I am hoping for a complete opposite bent on breaking these psychopathic threats that threaten the very core of democracies that have graduated to technical TI Targeted Individuals by the State.) Therefore Belgium rises as the savior saint to guide us away from the temptations of the Sins of the Republic! Poland becomes Russias Little Germany with those incredible Polish workers which eventually spills over into Greater Germany in search of abandoned and disused factories for increasing industrial output for the Ruskies. Not exactly what the 3rd Reich had in mind even in a worst case scenario! (4) Africa shudders as 4 superpowers wage low intensity conflicts and fake popular uprisings and revolutions in unresolved areas. Russia/France/NATO close ranks against the new grouping of China/Germany. The new Allies versus Axis battle lines are drawn. Though the gloves are mostly on between superpowers in the sparing match for African resources, vassal countries quickly gravitate to one camp or the other. West Africa, North Africa and South Africa preferring the Western Russian/NATO alliance and East Africa preferring the Eastern high road to China that runs through Addis Ababa. Resolved African countries surge forth in productivity, growth and resource development. The key here is going in after the conflict and cashing in on the rebuilding program no matter whom the victor. This is not an ideological war but rather an economic and territorial shoring up of Empires and frontiers. I have a few ingenious tricks up my sleeve when it comes to long term and secure investment in Africa no matter which way the wind blows, but more on that later. (5) England rebuilds her empiric reputation in the Middle East-Turkey region and rebuilds secular Egypt into the crown of Africa. With the demise of the Japanese, American and EU currencies; the last man standing looks like a winner every time. Mind you, each of the fallen had a knife in their sides that dealt the mortal blow.

The Americans had crushing debt, QE and a Hitlerish-bent Constitutional crises. The Japanese had debt, QE, Fukishima and then NK poisoning the sea route. The EU had the exit of Germany which as its mainstay kind of upset the whole kettle of fish. Germany had entered the marriage for the glory of money and for respect in the community yet all she received was responsibility for others debt, resentment, hostility and ridicule. Could anybody blame her for cutting and running when she found a more suitable suitor that appreciated her talents? The false belief that Germany would never leave her baby trapped trillions of Euros to be finally rendered worthless in the collapsing economies of euro countries who reacted inexplicably with excessive capital controls adding to the misery of austerity and onerous taxes. The British pound becomes the World banking and trade standard including the petro-pound by default as the other heavy weights dropped out. The reserve currency of choice is the invincible Swiss franc and the euro is replaced in Europe by the reinstituted plastic holographic elegant French franc. Euro countries fall back on their former currencies which are now on stable ground due to responsible Basel banking compliance. (6) Turkey surges in prominence as the rebuilt regional (Ottoman) superpower with the disenfranchisement of the Arab World. Arab World dominance in the region never fully recovers from the collapse of the US dollar and who now face a Russian inspired regional land grab through their warlike ideologically opposed allies. The Arab Worlds idea to Follow a different path lacked resolve and by getting caught up in the ill-fated Iraqi dinar reset scheme with US connivers which sealed the fate of the Desert Kings. The sheer audacity of buying thousands of armored cars to weather revolts and uprisings as the US dollar flooded Arab world collapses and banking on a pie-in-the-sky windfall in Iraqi dinar paper is sad, foolhardy, cruel, lacking in conscience, strategically far fetched, ill-advised and inviting personal and national tragedy. Choosing ones friends wisely appears to be the motto here and hopefully hoping against hope I hope that my friends in Saudi Arabia will heed this rebuke and make adjustments quickly and decisively to mediate their vulnerable position. (Note: Radical changes all at once could also upset the natural course of things likened to nudging an elephant balancing on a pin! If youre the one holding the pin its not going to end well. Small steps and slow motion is the key to attracting as little attention as possible. Call me!) Istanbul enters a new golden age with an old golden name indicative of its potential wealth and splendor; New Khazaria! Celebrating resurgence as the trading center between the Russian North, Center in the Turkish Ottomans and with the bloc of Syria, Iraq, Iran to the South, Chinese East and the Mediterranean West; who could ever have thought of a better place for a multi-cultural trade empire! (The name Istanbul is abandoned due to its 1000 year poor performance rating when it is realized via this letter that rebranding would revitalize the region and surpass the former glory of Constantinople.)

Iran not surprisingly gets along very well with the Russians who help revive and solidify the Iran-Iraq-Syria bloc and graciously supply new strategic bombers to the Iranian Air Force which cools down the rhetoric in the Persian Gulf. (Why didnt we think of that? Consensus building is always better than bludgeoning and posturing! Here we see the reverse Russian psychology of one-step-back-two-steps-forward that brings Iran forward in human and civil rights in a way that a Hawk inspired false-flag invasion operation could never have accomplished. Mind you I thought it would have made great TV!) (7) Russia becomes the new "Land of the Free" with the embarrassment of the failed Sochi Olympics sending the enraged Putin on a corruption smashing binge which inadvertently rebuilds the sanctity of the Russian Federations court system, stimulates the economy, and fuels the tourist and manufacturing industries and elevates the prestige of the Russian Orthodox Church with its moral imperatives and Christian fidelity. Norway triggers Russias indignation with it s insulting unbridled sense of entitlement and inappropriate meddling in Russian Society in opposition to traditional Russian Orthodox family values. Cheated and abused Russia defends her chastity and dignity and righteously and energetically liberates Northern Europes Scandinavian Sensation from the meddlers and gains undisputed control of the Oil and LNG rich North Sea. The former land of the Nobel Peace Prize (Eventually Moved to Canada) is so snowed in deep in human rights violations against its own citizens that the world will be shocked and amazed in how it was played for the fool. Full revelation of how five criminal groups succeeded in collaborating and stealing a State allow the Democracies to reverse the effects of the Viking invasion into their own core Justice, Health, Child welfare, and Political systems. The monetary savings alone in disentanglement from malfeasance that corrupted the establishments all over the world amount to an average of 50% GDP! Clearly the Resistance to the Psychopath was not working in Scandinavia but the rest of the world woke up one day and said Enough is Enough! Dr. Robert Hare of the University of BC won the Canadian Order of Canada for his work in defining the Clinical definition of the Psychopath based on behaviors in a Psychopathic Checklist. The theoretical training program that educates practitioners and governments to institute the checklist enable Democracies to roll back the effects of the Viking hordes. The gang in Norway even pride fully called themselves the New Nazis! Resistance and disentangling from Nazi collaborations should be foremost in the minds of public administrations from Cities to National Governments. Dr. Robert Hare is a scientist and therefore could not stray very far off the beaten path to educate the world on the behaviors of the psychopath. Fortunately Dexter Livingstone not being a scientist cleverly extrapolated the checklist into a book called FOE or Footsteps of Evil. This book was a continuation of the efforts Dr. Robert Hare made in his own two books Without a Conscience and Snakes in Suits. All three should be required reading for anyone in pubic office.

For that matter, all three books should be required reading for anyone voting in the readers of these books into public office. The cumulative result of this planetary enlightenment would be many steps forward in human evolution and governing. Sadly attention spans have shortened, crises and stress have increased, and schemers have fully infiltrated friend and foe alike. Only a grass roots movement can save our planet from the psychopath who lives among us and Grandiosely circles the herd with the cunning eyes of the wolf! (8) South America experiences a surge of growth with the influx of industry from Germany and middle class products from China including the relocated Mercedes brand that is now made in China by German engineers using dissident slave labor (Not that the arrangement had ever crossed German minds before.) Brazil crowns the South American continent with heavy industry and popular democratic government. In fact the fear of a Che resistance movement propels the civil government to give more than just lip service to the concept of a Socially responsible democracy. China figures so prominently in trade, mining and tourism that mainland China becomes almost inseparable from South America (Which is why I mention China here as an integral part of the economy of South America.) Peru is swamped with the infusion of Japanese refugees and businessmen creating a mini-boom and a bust as they are stonewalled by the Chinese. However displaced refugee Nissan, Honda and Mitsubishi set up shop and break the blockade with immensely popular alcohol fueled SUVs. Japanese agricultural techniques and technology learned by operating their experimental farms in the Australian outback and Peru revolutionize food production on a global scale. Chile refines its European heritage as the Paris of culture, fashion, arts and leisure. Quickly foreigners residing in Chile doubles the population as its political stability and positive financial balance sheets give it the safe haven designation that it has earned and deserves. The friendly multi-cultural laid back atmosphere, moderate climate and attractive residency requirements propels Chile into the first world status and standard of living. Belize enlarges its banking and financial reputation by installing BB (Pronounced: Baby!) mini-banks on every corner of South America that dispense multiple currencies as well as the hugely popular paper Bit-coins that are now accepted everywhere in South America and China as de-facto trader currency. Honduras & Nicaragua flourish as the villa and resort region strongly influenced by semi-wealthy immigrants (Refugees) that survived the collapse of the US middle class. (9) Switzerland stands resolute from the fray profiting from every corner of the World through banking until the lure of gold loses it's luster and a two day work week is

instituted. Leisure, the arts and foreign travel literally depopulates the country except on Tuesdays and Thursdays where it's business as usual with a faint strain of perceptible boredom. At the BIS it is Biz as usual as Basel squeezes banks into regulated boxes. (10) Canada blooms from 35 million to 350 million as the preferred land of opportunity with its peace and prosperity, abundant natural resources, opportunity, liberal and fair government and congenial friendly multi-culture culture. Youthful and photogenic Prime Minister Justin Trudeau prides himself in graciously performing pope-like orating of the oath with everyone who comes to call Canada home at mass Parliament Hill swearing in ceremonies. Canada takes up the diplomatic torch seriously as the ever vigilant guardians of humanity and human rights around the World. Canadian Law is interpreted on the basis of human rights and therefore its jurisdiction is extended to all humans everywhere. Any civil or criminal case by anyone in the World can now be petitioned and tried in Canada by Canadian judges and Canadian law. Genocidal, War Crimes and Human Rights Courts develop in Canada and validate and extend the Hague and Strasbourg models and cast a pall over dictator and revolutionary alike; especially South of the border. World culture becomes perceptibly Canadian with relaxed political correctness: Just tellin ya like it iseh!

Due to Canadian natural proficiency for Rendering the bull from the brains several dangerous world reaching institutions are eradicated for their narcissistic scheming and dangerous affects on human health, well being and economic stability. Conversely several positive world reaching institutions are created to balance the negatives. 1. Carbon Tax Scam is eliminated in favor of simple technological solutions. The whole purpose was exposed as a cash cow for bureaucrats. 2. Global Warming Sham was exposed as a scam that used H.A.R.P to simply push the ends of natural weather trends to cause extreme weather. Purpose being a land grab in Africa by causing drought to displace the locals and then big business grabs the land before the enriching rains came. In America it was used to inflict hardship to instill further dependency on the federal government. 3. Codex Elementarious: The Big Business paid hegemony of Interest Groups knowingly perpetrated crimes against humanity through insidious international collaborative efforts to reduce the availability of nutrients, vitamins and minerals and to limit the accessibility and concentration

necessary to be used in promoting healing and maintaining human health. The fruit of their labors was quite opposite to health but to degrade health in such a way as to be profitable to heal. The destroyer rides in on a white horse of reconciliation! Medicine that profits on making people sick has finally come to an inglorious and embarrassing end with the in-depth exposure of this Big Business fraud that presupposes to victimizes every person in the world and that will ever be born into the world! From the embattled Vitamin Industry to steam rolling Big Pharma, actual science finally scrapes away at Interest Group perversions and fraud that has affected Government Policy and Medicine degrading human health for decades. Class action law suits finally break the barrier of indemnity acquired on false premises and strip the profit margins so psychopathically sought after by Big Business. The Achilles heal reverse jeopardy threshold used by the prosecution was Failure to prove t hat their business was not harmful! As Mussolini once said, and he should know; Fascism is just Big Business! The executed Mussolini hung like a piece of meat upside down at an Esso gas station and was beaten by average citizens along side his dead mistress during the last days of Allied liberation of Italy in 1944. His bureaucratic henchmen whom took their orders from the Bosses hung from every lamp posts in every single village in Italy. The responsibility is inferred to have gone right from the top down to the lowest village level. Of course the Bosses themselves skipped town well ahead of retribution not wanting to be brought to account for their hire of thugs to smash labor groups which allowed the country to slide into dictatorial fascism! (2013 saw the biggest losses to the influence of the labor movement in America since its inception following the first American Civil War. Coincidence or is there a pattern here?) I added the last bit to convey insight that the Bosses never answered for their crimes but the politicians did. It can be assumed that the Bosses are an inscrutable lot, well healed and well moneyed. It can be sure that they didnt accept a single ounce of responsibility for the tragedy they facilitated or the lives that were lost. After all they most probably made a fortune on the war and fled with enough capital to have then bought the politicians of yet another country. Perhaps at their old age they had learned the consequences of encouraging bad behavior and lived out their days in Philadelphia donating to various charities and whiling away their lives smoking big cigars and muttering quietly away to themselves in the big sunken chairs of the elitist of all country clubs. Perhaps

it could have all worked out if one day the world hadnt woken up and yelled: Im mad as hell and Im not going to take it anymore! (WWII) The politician that was their front man paid with his life in a most unbecoming manner. Perhaps Mussolini was made out to be a portrait of Saint Peter crucified upside down? It is doubtful that St. Peter ever asked to be inverted and it is also quite doubtful that Il Duce did the same; yet there they were! Both portraits of misfit suffering Saints at the behest of others smarter than themselves. 4. Toxic Food Additives. Big Sugar clandestinely poisoned the planet with Candida (NO relation to CANADA) bowel yeast infections that created the dual epidemics of both heart attacks and diabetes. This abomination is finally put to rest by redirecting their supply to profitably provide the key ingredient for making clean alcohol fuel. Big Oil finally conceded that it really didnt care about alternate fuels especially because alcohol additives enhanced the performance and environmental aspects of fossil fuels. The game changer happened when (Due to this letter) Canadian private research developed a bacteria that consumes algae and organic matter with sugar under heat and pressure to produce prodigious amounts of alcohol as a byproduct. This double step solved both a health problem (Big Sugar & Big Food promotion of consumable toxic sugars) and the renewable fuels problem (Stonewalls erected by Big Oil & Food-to-fuel Resistance movements.) Big Food profits exponentially by the severance of the relationship with Big Sugar which reforms the already declining Processed Foods industry into a revitalized organic Aloe Vera preserved and flavonoid antioxidant enhanced de-hydrogenated food preserves. Now everyone can eat like a Martian explorer! rings the preserved food commercial; Eliminating toxic sugar and unnecessary water and increasing nutrition and antioxidants has allowed the feasibility for the colonization of Mars! Mars is a long way from a hospital and unnecessary illness and medical complications due to toxic additives in food made this change the only reasonable solution. (Sobeing close to hospitals apparently was a good enough reason not to eliminate toxic refined sugars in food!) 5. Science for Human Species Development (SHSD. The Eugenic Agenda was a philosophy that corrupted the mighty. Its secret propositions were to: A. Depopulate the world so that the elite can repopulate it with their own supposed genetically enhanced seed. B. Cull the herd of society of dissidents, marked individuals and those of marginal health, and C. Kill off civil service retirees before they could draw on their deservedly retirement savings. (Which were already absconded with).

This abomination of the perversion of intelligent thinking among supposed intellectuals, elite and not coincidently medical practitioners is examined under the revealing microscope of the new Science for Human Species Development (SHSD) or for short SHS, Science for the Human Species. (Suggesting that there are other species out there (SETI). This new science first offered at the University of the Fraser Valley near Vancouver in conjunction with UCAL boasted visiting professors from as far away as Moscow and South Africa to unravel almost 100 years of the clandestine Eugenic premeditated death-by-deniable-means by the very elite of societies entrusted to protect citizens. The far reaching unraveling of even just the Philosophy of Eugenics (In addition to the Chemistry, Medicine, Government Policy, Religion) stuns the world which stops in its tracks and like a Switch Point in a movie everything immediately begins to move in another direction. When the Jig is up the Jigglers start dancing to another tune! The Paradigm Shift stimulated by this mere letter will be lectured in Galactic universities for eons to come as the pivotal moment that humanity changed from Psychopathically led to E mpathically guided allowing for ascendance into the vast universe. Once they no longer became a danger to themselves they would not become a danger to others! (Gene Roddenberry would be pleased!)

6. Fiduciary Institute of Finance (FIF): To be continued. 7. A Spire Association (ASA): To be continued. 8. Powerful Organized Women (POW): To be continued. Linked in group: [info_pow_abby: Powerful Organized Women in Abbotsford.] 9. Livingstone International Bank (LIB): To be continued. 10. Spiritus Charticus: To be continued. 11. 12. 13.

..In conclusion.. Dexter Livingstones Prognostications & WAGs (Wild Assed Guesses) for 2014 are far reaching and changeable as the future is far from being determined but it is a direct result of what each and every one of us do to make this World a more stable and better place for everyone. Sometimes you just have to stand your ground, sometimes you have to Get while the gettings good! and sometimes well you just cant do a darn thing but lock-n-load, pray, do your darn-dest and hope to live to see another day! The real shame is if you had the answers but you did nt act on them or didnt act fast enough. The purpose of writing the Geo-Political-Economic Almanac was to help me chart my own investment strategy through the troubled waters ahead. I present my own notes as a satire for your enjoyment. A Satire is not made to be taken totally seriously but to open the door to speculation on areas that you may not have considered and were certainly not cautioned about by your run of the mill financial advisor. Of course advisors are professionals, accredited and all that and work for a company that would fire them on the spot if they got you all worked up over unproven WAGs. This Satire is not intended to be financial advise or to be taken seriously but is for entertainment purposes only. The reader must draw their own conclusions from what they read, see and hear to make informed decisions on their finances. However, there may be two main effects of this Satire; A. Financial Agents who are ignorant of these 10 WAGs for 2014 may find themselves in hot water when the firm loses some major clients who are unhappy with the persons lack of depth of prognostic investigation when it comes to the long term security of their investments. Just saying! B. Now, more than ever, the ultra-affluent that haunt Family Office waiting rooms concerned about World changes are now probably thumbing Dexter Livingstones Geo Political-Economic Almanac with his forward looking Executive Summary called Organizational Overview figuring increasingly in prominence in their investment portfolios. Im not saying that I have all the answers. Im not even saying that I have an answer for every question, but what I am saying is that when the World moves underneath you Im pretty sure youre going to remember our little chat.

WAG COMMENTS SECTION Copy of the cover letter to gain expert testimony: Dear Sir: The purpose of prognostications is to consider an alternate course of events that may or may not in fact come true. In an ideal world none of it would come true... but we do not live in an ideal world haha. What I am presenting is the cascading changes that may occur if certain criteria come to pass. I consider investors money as my own a s it is co-invested with equal profit sharing. Therefore I weigh the future carefully and make sure that no matter which way the wind blows, the investments will not end up on the rocks. WAG actually means "Wild Assed Guess!" so I am not totally serious here, kind of humorous but also kinda serious. No one ever expected the French Revolution except some guy in the Bastille! If Marie Antoinette knew ahead of time that she would be looking at the bottom of a wooden bucket do you think she would have put the match to the powder keg with that cake thing (Yikes!) Napoleon marched on her coin! If she had escaped to Belgium or Germany or England with the treasury before the revolution....! I hope you get the point. The future is really determined by what we do now, and what we do can have a greater effect than we can ever imagine. I am interested in redirecting wealth to survive and thrive for a better tomorrow. This is the riddle: Out of chaos comes order; when in fact nothing good ever comes out of chaos. Now escaping chaos to live and prosper another day is really the answer to the ancient riddle. Real truth is always hidden just in the shadows, hidden in plain sight! Sorry for the dissertation, your comments are appreciated. Kindly Dexter Livingstone

RESPONSE: High Level Foreign Relations and Banking Professional: Hello Dexter, I have read all and what I've read is not even wrong! We'll see what time brings. Yes something will be changing in the World economy that's a fakt!. Thanks for sending for my review Regards Frank What the future may hold? That nobody knows.

(Comments can be sent to

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