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1,1 The word of the LORD that came to Micah the Morashtite in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusa em! 1,2 Hear, ye "eo" es, a of you# Hearken, O earth, and a that therein is# and et the Lord $OD %e witness against you, the Lord from His ho y tem" e! 1,3 &or, %eho d, the LORD cometh forth out of His " ace, and wi come down, and tread u"on the high " aces of the earth! 1,4 And the mountains sha %e mo ten under Him, and the 'a eys sha %e c eft, as wa( %efore the fire, as waters that are "oured down a stee" " ace! 1,5 &or the transgression of Jaco% is a this, and for the sins of the house of )srae ! *hat is the transgression of Jaco%+ is it not Samaria+ And what are the high " aces of Judah+ are they not Jerusa em+ 1,6 Therefore ) wi make Samaria a hea" in the fie d, a " ace for the " anting of 'ineyards# and ) wi "our down the stones thereof into the 'a ey, and ) wi unco'er the foundations thereof! 1,7 And a her gra'en images sha %e %eaten to "ieces, and a her hires sha %e %urned with fire, and a her ido s wi ) ay deso ate# for of the hire of a har ot hath she gathered them, and unto the hire of a har ot sha they return! 1,8 &or this wi ) wai and how , ) wi go stri""ed and naked# ) wi make a wai ing ike the ,acka s, and a mourning ike the ostriches! 1,9 &or her wound is incura% e# for it is come e'en unto Judah# it reacheth unto the gate of my "eo" e, e'en to Jerusa em! 1,10 Te it not in $ath, wee" not at a # at -eth. e.a"hrah ro thyse f in the dust! 1,11 /ass ye away, O inha%itant of Sa"hir, in nakedness and shame# the inha%itant of 0aanan is not come forth# the wai ing of -eth.eze sha take from you the standing." ace thereof! 1,12 &or the inha%itant of Maroth waiteth an(ious y for good# %ecause e'i is come down from the LORD unto the gate of Jerusa em! 1,13 -ind the chariots to the swift steeds, O inha%itant of Lachish# she was the %eginning of sin to the daughter of 0ion# for the transgressions of )srae are found in thee! 1,14 Therefore sha t thou gi'e a "arting gift to Moresheth.gath# the houses of Achzi% sha %e a deceitfu thing unto the kings of )srae ! 1,15 ) wi yet %ring unto thee, O inha%itant of Mareshah, him that sha "ossess thee# the g ory of )srae sha come e'en unto Adu am! 1,16 Make thee %a d, and "o thee for the chi dren of thy de ight# en arge thy %a dness as the 'u ture# for they are gone into ca"ti'ity from thee! {S} 2,1 *oe to them that de'ise ini1uity and work e'i u"on their %eds2 *hen the morning is ight, they e(ecute it, %ecause it is in the "ower of their hand! 2,2 And they co'et fie ds, and seize them# and houses, and take them away# thus they o""ress a man and his house, e'en a man and his heritage! {P} 2,3 Therefore thus saith the LORD3 -eho d, against this fami y do ) de'ise an e'i , from which ye sha not remo'e your necks, neither sha ye wa k u"right# for it sha %e an e'i time! 2,4 )n that day sha they take u" a "ara% e against you, and ament with a do efu amentation, and say3 4*e are utter y ruined# he changeth the "ortion of my "eo" e# how doth he remo'e it from me2 )nstead of restoring our fie ds, he di'ideth them!4 2,5 Therefore thou sha t ha'e none that sha cast the ine %y ot in the congregation of the LORD! 2,6 4/reach ye not4, they "reach# 4They sha not "reach of these things, that they sha not take shame!4 2,7 Do ) change, O house of Jaco%+ )s the s"irit of the LORD straitened+ Are these His doings+ Do not My words do good to him that wa keth u"right y+ 2,8 -ut of ate My "eo" e is risen u" as an enemy# with the garment ye stri"

a so the mant e from them that "ass %y secure y, so that they are as men returning from war! 2,9 The women of My "eo" e ye cast out from their " easant houses# from their young chi dren ye take away My g ory for e'er! 2,10 Arise ye, and de"art# for this is not your resting." ace# %ecause of the unc eanness thereof, it sha destroy you, e'en with a sore destruction! 2,11 )f a man wa king in wind and fa sehood do ie3 4) wi "reach unto thee of wine and of strong drink4# he sha e'en %e the "reacher of this "eo" e! 2,12 ) wi sure y assem% e, O Jaco%, a of thee# ) wi sure y gather the remnant of )srae # ) wi render them a as shee" in a fo d# as a f ock in the midst of their "asture# they sha make great noise %y reason of the mu titude of men! 2,13 The %reaker is gone u" %efore them# they ha'e %roken forth and "assed on, %y the gate, and are gone out thereat# and their king is "assed on %efore them, and the LORD at the head of them! {P} 3,1 And ) said3 Hear, ) "ray you, ye heads of Jaco%, and ru ers of the house of )srae 3 is it not for you to know ,ustice+ 3,2 *ho hate the good, and o'e the e'i # who ro% their skin from off them, and their f esh from off their %ones# 3,3 *ho a so eat the f esh of my "eo" e, and f ay their skin from off them, and %reak their %ones# yea, they cho" them in "ieces, as that which is in the "ot, and as f esh within the ca dron! 3,4 Then sha they cry unto the LORD, %ut He wi not answer them# yea, He wi hide His face from them at that time, according as they ha'e wrought e'i in their doings! {P} 3,5 Thus saith the LORD concerning the "ro"hets that make my "eo" e to err# that cry3 4/eace4, when their teeth ha'e any thing to %ite# and whoso "utteth not into their mouths, they e'en "re"are war against him3 3,6 Therefore it sha %e night unto you, that ye sha ha'e no 'ision# and it sha %e dark unto you, that ye sha not di'ine# and the sun sha go down u"on the "ro"hets, and the day sha %e % ack o'er them! 3,7 And the seers sha %e "ut to shame, and the di'iners confounded# yea, they sha a co'er their u""er i"s# for there sha %e no answer of $od! 3,8 -ut ) tru y am fu of "ower %y the s"irit of the LORD, and of ,ustice, and of might, to dec are unto Jaco% his transgression, and to )srae his sin! {S} 3,9 Hear this, ) "ray you, ye heads of the house of Jaco%, and ru ers of the house of )srae , that a%hor ,ustice, and "er'ert a e1uity# 3,10 That %ui d u" 0ion with % ood, and Jerusa em with ini1uity! 3,11 The heads thereof ,udge for reward, and the "riests thereof teach for hire, and the "ro"hets thereof di'ine for money# yet wi they ean u"on the LORD, and say3 4)s not the LORD in the midst of us+ 5o e'i sha come u"on us4+ 3,12 Therefore sha 0ion for your sake %e " owed as a fie d, and Jerusa em sha %ecome hea"s, and the mountain of the house as the high " aces of a forest! {P} 4,1 -ut in the end of days it sha come to "ass, that the mountain of the LORD4S house sha %e esta% ished as the to" of the mountains, and it sha %e e(a ted a%o'e the hi s# and "eo" es sha f ow unto it! 4,2 And many nations sha go and say3 46ome ye, and et us go u" to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the $od of Jaco%# and He wi teach us of His ways, and we wi wa k in His "aths4# for out of 0ion sha go forth the aw, and the word of the LORD from Jerusa em! 4,3 And He sha ,udge %etween many "eo" es, and sha decide concerning mighty nations afar off# and they sha %eat their swords into " owshares, and their s"ears into "runinghooks# nation sha not ift u" sword against nation, neither sha they earn war any more! 4,4 -ut they sha sit e'ery man under his 'ine and under his fig.tree# and none sha make them afraid# for the mouth of

the LORD of hosts hath s"oken! 4,5 &or et a the "eo" es wa k each one in the name of its god, %ut we wi wa k in the name of the LORD our $od for e'er and e'er! {P} 4,6 )n that day, saith the LORD, wi ) assem% e her that ha teth, and ) wi gather her that is dri'en away, and her that ) ha'e aff icted# 4,7 And ) wi make her that ha ted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a mighty nation# and the LORD sha reign o'er them in mount 0ion from thenceforth e'en for e'er! {P} 4,8 And thou, Migda .eder, the hi of the daughter of 0ion, unto thee sha it come# yea, the former dominion sha come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusa em! 4,9 5ow why dost thou cry out a oud+ )s there no 7ing in thee, is thy 6ounse or "erished, that "angs ha'e taken ho d of thee as of a woman in tra'ai + 4,10 -e in "ain, and a%our to %ring forth, O daughter of 0ion, ike a woman in tra'ai # for now sha t thou go forth out of the city, and sha t dwe in the fie d, and sha t come e'en unto -a%y on# there sha t thou %e rescued# there sha the LORD redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies! 4,11 And now many nations are assem% ed against thee, that say3 4Let her %e defi ed, and et our eye gaze u"on 0ion!4 4,12 -ut they know not the thoughts of the LORD, neither understand they His counse # for He hath gathered them as the shea'es to the threshing.f oor! 4,13 Arise and thresh, O daughter of 0ion# for ) wi make thy horn iron, and ) wi make thy hoofs %rass# and thou sha t %eat in "ieces many "eo" es# and thou sha t de'ote their gain unto the LORD, and their su%stance unto the Lord of the who e earth! 4,14 5ow sha t thou gather thyse f in troo"s, O daughter of troo"s# they ha'e aid siege against us# they smite the ,udge of )srae with a rod u"on the cheek! {S} 5,1 -ut thou, -eth. ehem 8"hrathah, which art itt e to %e among the thousands of Judah, out of thee sha one come forth unto Me that is to %e ru er in )srae # whose goings forth are from of o d, from ancient days! 5,2 Therefore wi He gi'e them u", unti the time that she who tra'ai eth hath %rought forth# then the residue of his %rethren sha return with the chi dren of )srae ! 5,3 And he sha stand, and sha feed his f ock in the strength of the LORD, in the ma,esty of the name of the LORD his $od# and they sha a%ide, for then sha he %e great unto the ends of the earth! 5,4 And this sha %e "eace3 when the Assyrian sha come into our and, and when he sha tread in our "a aces, then sha we raise against him se'en she"herds, and eight "rinces among men! 5,5 And they sha waste the and of Assyria with the sword, and the and of 5imrod with the keen.edged sword# and he sha de i'er us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our and, and when he treadeth within our %order! {P} 5,6 And the remnant of Jaco% sha %e in the midst of many "eo" es, as dew from the LORD, as showers u"on the grass, that are not ooked for from man, nor awaited at the hands of the sons of men! {P} 5,7 And the remnant of Jaco% sha %e among the nations, in the midst of many "eo" es, as a ion among the %easts of the forest, as a young ion among the f ocks of shee", who, if he go through, treadeth down and teareth in "ieces, and there is none to de i'er! 5,8 Let Thy hand %e ifted u" a%o'e Thine ad'ersaries, and et a Thine enemies %e cut off! 5,9 And it sha come to "ass in that day, saith the LORD, that ) wi cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and wi destroy thy chariots# 5,10 And ) wi cut off the cities of thy

and, and wi throw down a thy strongho ds# 5,11 And ) wi cut off witchcrafts out of thy hand# and thou sha t ha'e no more soothsayers# 5,12 And ) wi cut off thy gra'en images and thy "i ars out of the midst of thee# and thou sha t no more worshi" the work of thy hands! 5,13 And ) wi " uck u" thy Asherim out of the midst of thee# and ) wi destroy thine enemies! 5,14 And ) wi e(ecute 'engeance in anger and fury u"on the nations, %ecause they hearkened not! {P} 6,1 Hear ye now what the LORD saith3 Arise, contend thou %efore the mountains, and et the hi s hear thy 'oice! 6,2 Hear, O ye mountains, the LORD4S contro'ersy, and ye enduring rocks, the foundations of the earth# for the LORD hath a contro'ersy with His "eo" e, and He wi " ead with )srae ! 6,3 O My "eo" e, what ha'e ) done unto thee+ And wherein ha'e ) wearied thee+ Testify against Me! 6,4 &or ) %rought thee u" out of the and of 8gy"t, and redeemed thee out of the house of %ondage, and ) sent %efore thee Moses, Aaron, and Miriam! 6,5 O My "eo" e, remem%er now what -a ak king of Moa% de'ised, and what -a aam the son of -eor answered him# from Shittim unto $i ga , that ye may know the righteous acts of the LORD! 6,6 4*herewith sha ) come %efore the LORD, and %ow myse f %efore $od on high+ Sha ) come %efore Him with %urnt. offerings, with ca 'es of a year o d+ 6,7 *i the LORD %e " eased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of ri'ers of oi + Sha ) gi'e my first.%orn for my transgression, the fruit of my %ody for the sin of my sou +4 6,8 )t hath %een to d thee, O man, what is good, and what the LORD doth re1uire of thee3 on y to do ,ust y, and to o'e mercy, and to wa k hum% y with thy $od! {S} 6,9 Hark2 the LORD crieth unto the city..and it is wisdom to ha'e regard for Thy name..hear ye the rod, and who hath a""ointed it! 6,10 Are there yet the treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and the scant measure that is a%omina% e+ 6,11 4Sha ) %e "ure with wicked %a ances, and with a %ag of deceitfu weights+4 6,12 &or the rich men thereof are fu of 'io ence, and the inha%itants thereof ha'e s"oken ies, and their tongue is deceitfu in their mouth! 6,13 Therefore ) a so do smite thee with a grie'ous wound# ) do make thee deso ate %ecause of thy sins! 6,14 Thou sha t eat, %ut not %e satisfied# and thy sickness sha %e in thine inward "arts# and thou sha t concei'e, %ut sha t not %ring forth# and whomsoe'er thou %ringest forth wi ) gi'e u" to the sword! 6,15 Thou sha t sow, %ut sha t not rea"# thou sha t tread the o i'es, %ut sha t not anoint thee with oi # and the 'intage, %ut sha t not drink wine! 6,16 &or the statutes of Omri are ke"t, and a the works of the house of Aha%, and ye wa k in their counse s# that ) may make thee an astonishment, and the inha%itants thereof a hissing# and ye sha %ear the re"roach of My "eo" e! {P} 7,1 *oe is me2 for ) am as the ast of the summer fruits, as the gra"e g eanings of the 'intage# there is no c uster to eat# nor first.ri"e fig which my sou desireth! 7,2 The god y man is "erished out of the earth, and the u"right among men is no more# they a ie in wait for % ood# they hunt e'ery man his %rother with a net! 7,3 Their hands are u"on that which is e'i to do it di igent y# the "rince asketh, and the ,udge is ready for a reward# and the great man, he uttereth the e'i desire of his sou # thus they wea'e it together! 7,4 The %est of them is as a %rier# the most u"right is worse than a thorn hedge# the day of thy watchmen, e'en thy 'isitation, is come# now sha %e their "er" e(ity! 7,5 Trust ye not in a friend, "ut ye not confidence in a fami iar friend# kee" the doors of thy mouth from her that ieth in thy %osom! 7,6 &or the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth u"

against her mother, the daughter.in. aw against her mother.in. aw# a man4s enemies are the men of his own house! 7,7 4-ut as for me, ) wi ook unto the LORD# ) wi wait for the $od of my sa 'ation# my $od wi hear me! 7,8 Re,oice not against me, O mine enemy# though ) am fa en, ) sha arise# though ) sit in darkness, the LORD is a ight unto me! {P} 7,9 ) wi %ear the indignation of the LORD, %ecause ) ha'e sinned against Him# unti He " ead my cause, and e(ecute ,udgment for me# He wi %ring me forth to the ight, and ) sha %eho d His righteousness! 7,10 Then mine enemy sha see it, and shame sha co'er her# who said unto me3 *here is the LORD thy $od+ Mine eyes sha gaze u"on her# now sha she %e trodden down as the mire of the streets!4 7,11 4The day for %ui ding thy wa s, e'en that day, sha %e far remo'ed!4 7,12 There sha %e a day when they sha come unto thee, from Assyria e'en to the cities of 8gy"t, and from 8gy"t e'en to the Ri'er, and from sea to sea, and from mountain to mountain! 7,13 And the and sha %e deso ate for them that dwe therein, %ecause of the fruit of their doings! {P} 7,14 Tend Thy "eo" e with Thy staff, the f ock of Thy heritage, that dwe so itari y, as a forest in the midst of the fruitfu fie d# et them feed in -ashan and $i ead, as in the days of o d! 7,15 4As in the days of thy coming forth out of the and of 8gy"t wi ) show unto him mar'e ous things!4 7,16 The nations sha see and %e "ut to shame for a their might# they sha ay their hand u"on their mouth, their ears sha %e deaf! 7,17 They sha ick the dust ike a ser"ent# ike craw ing things of the earth they sha come trem% ing out of their c ose " aces# they sha come with fear unto the LORD our $od, and sha %e afraid %ecause of Thee! 7,18 *ho is a $od ike unto Thee, that "ardoneth the ini1uity, and "asseth %y the transgression of the remnant of His heritage+ He retaineth not His anger for e'er, %ecause He de ighteth in mercy! 7,19 He wi again ha'e com"assion u"on us# He wi su%due our ini1uities# and Thou wi t cast a their sins into the de"ths of the sea! 7,20 Thou wi t show faithfu ness to Jaco%, mercy to A%raham, as Thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the days of o d! {P}

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