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1,1 The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite. 1,2 The LORD is a jealous and avenging God, the LORD avengeth and is full of wrath the LORD taketh vengean!e on "is adversaries, and "e reserveth wrath for "is enemies. 1,3 The LORD is long#suffering, and great in $ower, and will b% no means !lear the guilt% the LORD, in the whirlwind and in the storm is "is wa%, and the !louds are the dust of "is feet. 1,4 "e rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dr%, and drieth u$ all the rivers &ashan languisheth, and 'armel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth. 1,5 The mountains (uake at "im, and the hills melt and the earth is u$heaved at "is $resen!e, %ea, the world, and all that dwell therein. 1,6 )ho !an stand before "is indignation* +nd who !an abide in the fier!eness of "is anger* "is fur% is $oured out like fire, and the ro!ks are broken asunder before "im. 1,7 The LORD is good, a stronghold in the da% of trouble and "e knoweth them that take refuge in "im. 1,8 &ut with an overrunning flood "e will make a full end of the $la!e thereof, and darkness shall $ursue "is enemies. 1,9 )hat do %e devise against the LORD* "e will make a full end trouble shall not rise u$ the se!ond time. 1,10 ,or though the% be like tangled thorns, and be drunken a!!ording to their drink, the% shall be devoured as stubble full% dr%. 1,11 Out of thee !ame he forth, that deviseth evil against the LORD, that !ounselleth wi!kedness. {S} 1,12 Thus saith the LORD- Though the% be in full strength, and likewise man%, even so shall the% be !ut down, and he shall $ass awa% and though . have affli!ted thee, . will affli!t thee no more. 1,13 +nd now will . break his %oke from off thee, and will burst th% bonds in sunder. 1,14 +nd the LORD hath given !ommandment !on!erning thee, that no more of th% name be sown out of the house of th% god will . !ut off the graven image and the molten image . will make th% grave for thou art be!ome worthless. {P} 2,1 &ehold u$on the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that announ!eth $ea!e/ 0ee$ th% feasts, O 1udah, $erform th% vows for the wi!ked one shall no more $ass through thee he is utterl% !ut off. 2,2 + maul is !ome u$ before th% fa!e guard the defen!es, wat!h the wa%, make th% loins strong, fortif% th% $ower mightil%/## 2,3 ,or the LORD restoreth the $ride of 1a!ob, as the $ride of .srael for the em$tiers have em$tied them out, and marred their vine#bran!hes.## 2,4 The shield of his might% men is made red, the valiant men are in s!arlet the !hariots are fire of steel in the da% of his $re$aration, and the !%$ress s$ears are made to (uiver. 2,5 The !hariots rush madl% in the streets, the% jostle one against another in the broad $la!es the a$$earan!e of them is like tor!hes, the% run to and fro like the lightnings. 2,6 "e bethinketh himself of his worthies the% stumble in their mar!h the% make haste to the wall thereof, and the mantelet is $re$ared. 2,7 The gates of the rivers are o$ened, and the $ala!e is dissolved. 2,8 +nd the (ueen is un!overed, she is !arried awa%, and her handmaids moan as with the voi!e of doves, tabering u$on their breasts. 2,9 &ut Nineveh hath been from of old like a $ool of water %et the% flee awa% 23tand, stand2 but none looketh ba!k. 2,10 Take %e the s$oil of silver, take the s$oil of gold for there is no end of the store, ri!h with all $re!ious vessels. 2,11 3he is em$t%, and void, and waste and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and !onvulsion is in all loins, and the fa!es of them all have gathered bla!kness. 2,12 )here is the den of the lions, whi!h was the feeding#$la!e of the %oung

lions, where the lion and the lioness walked, and the lion2s whel$, and none made them afraid* 2,13 The lion did tear in $ie!es enough for his whel$s, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his !aves with $re%, and his dens with ravin. 2,14 &ehold, . am against thee, saith the LORD of hosts, and . will burn her !hariots in the smoke, and the sword shall devour th% %oung lions and . will !ut off th% $re% from the earth, and the voi!e of th% messengers shall no more be heard. {P} 3,1 )oe to the blood% !it%/ .t is all full of lies and ra$ine the $re% de$arteth not. 3,2 "ark/ the whi$, and hark/ the rattling of the wheels and $ran!ing horses, and bounding !hariots 3,3 The horseman !harging, and the flashing sword, and the glittering s$ear and a multitude of slain, and a hea$ of !ar!ases and there is no end of the !or$ses, and the% stumble u$on their !or$ses 3,4 &e!ause of the multitude of the harlotries of the well# favoured harlot, the mistress of wit!h!rafts, that selleth nations through her harlotries, and families through her wit!h!rafts. 3,5 &ehold, . am against thee, saith the LORD of hosts, and . will un!over th% skirts u$on th% fa!e, and . will shew the nations th% nakedness, and the kingdoms th% shame. 3,6 +nd . will !ast detestable things u$on thee, and make thee vile, and will make thee as dung. 3,7 +nd it shall !ome to $ass, that all the% that look u$on thee shall flee from thee, and sa%- 2Nineveh is laid waste who will bemoan her* when!e shall . seek !omforters for thee*2 3,8 +rt thou better than No#amon, that was situate among the rivers, that had the waters round about her whose ram$art was the sea, and of the sea her wall* 3,9 Ethio$ia and Eg%$t were th% strength, and it was infinite 4ut and Lubim were th% hel$ers. 3,10 5et was she !arried awa%, she went into !a$tivit% her %oung !hildren also were dashed in $ie!es at the head of all the streets and the% !ast lots for her honourable men, and all her great men were bound in !hains. 3,11 Thou also shalt be drunken, thou shalt swoon thou also shalt seek a refuge be!ause of the enem%. 3,12 +ll th% fortresses shall be like fig#trees with the first#ri$e figs- if the% be shaken, the% fall into the mouth of the eater. 3,13 &ehold, th% $eo$le in the midst of thee are women the gates of th% land are set wide o$en unto thine enemies the fire hath devoured th% bars. 3,14 Draw thee water for the siege, strengthen th% fortresses go into the !la%, and tread the mortar, la% hold of the bri!kmould. 3,15 There shall the fire devour thee the sword shall !ut thee off, it shall devour thee like the !anker#worm make th%self man% as the !anker#worm, make th%self man% as the lo!usts. 3,16 Thou hast multi$lied th% mer!hants above the stars of heaven the !anker#worm s$readeth itself, and flieth awa%. 3,17 Th% !rowned are as the lo!usts, and th% marshals as the swarms of grassho$$ers, whi!h !am$ in the walls in the !old da%, but when the sun ariseth the% flee awa%, and their $la!e is not known where the% are. 3,18 Th% she$herds slumber, O king of +ss%ria, th% worthies are at rest th% $eo$le are s!attered u$on the mountains, and there is none to gather them. 3,19 There is no assuaging of th% hurt, th% wound is grievous all that hear the re$ort of thee !la$ the hands over thee for u$on whom hath not th% wi!kedness $assed !ontinuall%* {P}

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