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1,1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom: We have heard a message from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the nations: 'Arise e, and !et us rise u" against her in batt!e.' 1,2 #eho!d, $ ma%e thee sma!! among the nations& thou art great! des"ised. 1,3 The "ride of th heart hath begui!ed thee, O thou that d'e!!est in the c!efts of the roc%, th habitation on high& that sa est in th heart: 'Who sha!! bring me do'n to the ground(' 1,4 Though thou ma%e th nest as high as the eag!e, and though thou set it among the stars, $ 'i!! bring thee do'n from thence, saith the LORD. 1,5 $f thieves came to thee, if robbers b night))ho' art thou cut off*))'ou!d the not stea! ti!! the had enough( $f gra"e)gatherers came to thee, 'ou!d the not !eave some g!eaning gra"es( 1,6 +o' is Esau searched out* +o' are his hidden "!aces sought out* 1,7 A!! the men of th confederac have conducted thee to the border& the men that 'ere at "eace 'ith thee have begui!ed thee, and "revai!ed against thee& the that eat th bread !a a snare under thee, in 'hom there is no discernment. 1,8 ,ha!! $ not in that da , saith the LORD, destro the 'ise men out of Edom, and discernment out of the mount of Esau( 1,9 And th might men, O Teman, sha!! be disma ed, to the end that ever one ma be cut off from the mount of Esau b s!aughter. 1,10 -or the vio!ence done to th brother .acob shame sha!! cover thee, and thou sha!t be cut off for ever. 1,11 $n the da that thou didst stand a!oof, in the da that strangers carried a'a his substance, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast !ots u"on .erusa!em, even thou 'ast as one of them. 1,12 #ut thou shou!dest not have ga/ed on the da of th brother in the da of his disaster, neither shou!dest thou have re0oiced over the chi!dren of .udah in the da of their destruction& neither shou!dest thou have s"o%en "roud! in the da of distress. 1,13 Thou shou!dest not have entered into the gate of 1 "eo"!e in the da of their ca!amit & ea, thou shou!dest not have ga/ed on their aff!iction in the da of their ca!amit , nor have !aid hands on their substance in the da of their ca!amit . 1,14 2either shou!dest thou have stood in the cross'a , to cut off those of his that esca"e& neither shou!dest thou have de!ivered u" those of his that did remain in the da of distress. 1,15 -or the da of the LORD is near u"on a!! the nations& as thou hast done, it sha!! be done unto thee& th dea!ing sha!! return u"on thine o'n head. 1,16 -or as e have drun% u"on 1 ho! mountain, so sha!! a!! the nations drin% continua!! , ea, the sha!! drin%, and s'a!!o' do'n, and sha!! be as though the had not been. 1,17 #ut in mount 3ion there sha!! be those that esca"e, and it sha!! be ho! & and the house of .acob sha!! "ossess their "ossessions. 1,18 And the house of .acob sha!! be a fire, and the house of .ose"h a f!ame, and the house of Esau for stubb!e, and the sha!! %ind!e in them, and devour them& and there sha!! not be an remaining of the house of Esau& for the LORD hath s"o%en. 1,19 And the of the ,outh sha!! "ossess the mount of Esau, and the of the Lo'!and the 4hi!istines& and the sha!! "ossess the fie!d of E"hraim, and the fie!d of ,amaria& and #en0amin sha!! "ossess Gi!ead. 1,20 And the ca"tivit of this host of the chi!dren of $srae!, that are among the 5anaanites, even unto 3are"hath, and the ca"tivit of .erusa!em, that is in ,e"harad, sha!! "ossess the cities of the ,outh. 1,21 And saviours sha!! come u" on mount 3ion to 0udge the mount of Esau& and the %ingdom sha!! be the LORD',. {P}

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