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1,1 In the eighth month, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the LORD unto Zechariah the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo, the prophet, saying: 1,2 'The LORD hath been sore disp eased with your fathers! 1,3 Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts: Return unto "e, saith the LORD of hosts, and I wi return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts! 1,4 Be ye not as your fathers, unto whom the former prophets proc aimed, saying: Thus saith the LORD of hosts: Return ye now from your e#i ways, and from your e#i doings$ but they did not hear, nor attend unto "e, saith the LORD! 1,5 %our fathers, where are they& and the prophets, do they i#e for e#er& 1,6 But "y words and "y statutes, which I commanded "y ser#ants the prophets, did they not o#erta'e your fathers& so that they turned and said: Li'e as the LORD of hosts purposed to do unto us, according to our ways, and according to our doings, so hath (e dea t with us!' {S} 1,7 )pon the four and twentieth day of the e e#enth month, which is the month *hebat, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the LORD unto Zechariah the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo, the prophet, saying++ 1,8 I saw in the night, and beho d a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrt e+trees that were in the bottom$ and behind him there were horses, red, sorre , and white! 1,9 Then said I: 'O my ord, what are these&' ,nd the ange that spo'e with me said unto me: 'I wi show thee what these are!' 1,10 ,nd the man that stood among the myrt e+trees answered and said: 'These are they whom the LORD hath sent to wa ' to and fro through the earth!' 1,11 ,nd they answered the ange of the LORD that stood among the myrt e+trees, and said: '-e ha#e wa 'ed to and fro through the earth, and, beho d, a the earth sitteth sti , and is at rest!' 1,12 Then the ange of the LORD spo'e and said: 'O LORD of hosts, how ong wi t Thou not ha#e compassion on .erusa em and on the cities of .udah, against which Thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten years& 1,13 ,nd the LORD answered the ange that spo'e with me with good words, e#en comforting words++ 1,14 so the ange that spo'e with me said unto me: '/roc aim thou, saying: Thus saith the LORD of hosts: I am 0ea ous for .erusa em and for Zion with a great 0ea ousy$ 1,15 and I am #ery sore disp eased with the nations that are at ease$ for I was but a itt e disp eased, and they he ped for e#i ! 1,16 Therefore thus saith the LORD: I return to .erusa em with compassions: "y house sha be bui t in it, saith the LORD of hosts, and a ine sha be stretched forth o#er .erusa em! 1,17 ,gain, proc aim, saying: Thus saith the LORD of hosts: "y cities sha again o#erf ow with prosperity$ and the LORD sha yet comfort Zion, and sha yet choose .erusa em!' {S} 2,1 ,nd I ifted up mine eyes, and saw, and beho d four horns! 2,2 ,nd I said unto the ange that spo'e with me: '-hat are these&' ,nd he said unto me: 'These are the horns which ha#e scattered .udah, Israe , and .erusa em!' {S} 2,3 ,nd the LORD showed me four craftsmen! 2,4 Then said I: '-hat come these to do&' ,nd he spo'e, saying: 'These++the horns which scattered .udah, so that no man did ift up his head++these then are come to frighten them, to cast down the horns of the nations, which ifted up their horn against the and of .udah to scatter it!' {S} 2,5 ,nd I ifted up mine eyes, and saw, and beho d a man with a measuring ine in his hand! 2,6 Then said I: '-hither goest thou&' ,nd he said unto me: 'To measure .erusa em, to see what is the breadth thereof, and what is the ength thereof!' 2,7 ,nd, beho d, the ange that spo'e with me went forth, and another ange went out to meet him, 2,8 and said unto him: 'Run, spea' to this young

man, saying: '.erusa em sha be inhabited without wa s for the mu titude of men and catt e therein! 2,9 1or I, saith the LORD, wi be unto her a wa of fire round about, and I wi be the g ory in the midst of her! {P} 2,10 (o, ho, f ee then from the and of the north, saith the LORD$ for I ha#e spread you abroad as the four winds of the hea#en, saith the LORD! 2,11 (o, Zion, escape, thou that dwe est with the daughter of Baby on!' {S} 2,12 1or thus saith the LORD of hosts who sent me after g ory unto the nations which spoi ed you: '*ure y, he that toucheth you toucheth the app e of his eye! 2,13 1or, beho d, I wi sha'e "y hand o#er them, and they sha be a spoi to those that ser#ed them'$ and ye sha 'now that the LORD of hosts hath sent me! {S} 2,14 '*ing and re0oice, O daughter of Zion$ for, o, I come, and I wi dwe in the midst of thee, saith the LORD! 2,15 ,nd many nations sha 0oin themse #es to the LORD in that day, and sha be "y peop e, and I wi dwe in the midst of thee'$ and thou sha t 'now that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee! 2,16 ,nd the LORD sha inherit .udah as (is portion in the ho y and, and sha choose .erusa em again! 2,17 Be si ent, a f esh, before the LORD$ for (e is aroused out of (is ho y habitation! {S} 3,1 ,nd he showed me .oshua the high priest standing before the ange of the LORD, and *atan standing at his right hand to accuse him! 3,2 ,nd the LORD said unto *atan: 'The LORD rebu'e thee, O *atan, yea, the LORD that hath chosen .erusa em rebu'e thee$ is not this man a brand p uc'ed out of the fire&' 3,3 2ow .oshua was c othed with fi thy garments, and stood before the ange ! 3,4 ,nd he answered and spo'e unto those that stood before him, saying: 'Ta'e the fi thy garments from off him!' ,nd unto him he said: 'Beho d, I cause thine ini3uity to pass from thee, and I wi c othe thee with robes!' 3,5 ,nd I said: 'Let them set a fair mitre upon his head!' *o they set a fair mitre upon his head, and c othed him with garments$ and the ange of the LORD stood by! 3,6 ,nd the ange of the LORD forewarned .oshua, saying: 3,7 'Thus saith the LORD of hosts: If thou wi t wa ' in "y ways, and if thou wi t 'eep "y charge, and wi t a so 0udge "y house, and wi t a so 'eep "y courts, then I wi gi#e thee free access among these that stand by! 3,8 (ear now, O .oshua the high priest, thou and thy fe ows that sit before thee$ for they are men that are a sign$ for, beho d, I wi bring forth "y ser#ant the *hoot! 3,9 1or beho d the stone that I ha#e aid before .oshua$ upon one stone are se#en facets$ beho d, I wi engra#e the gra#ing thereof, saith the LORD of hosts: ,nd I wi remo#e the ini3uity of that and in one day! 3,10 In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, sha ye ca e#ery man his neighbour under the #ine and under the fig+tree! 4,1 ,nd the ange that spo'e with me returned, and wa'ed me, as a man that is wa'ened out of his s eep! 4,2 ,nd he said unto me: '-hat seest thou&' ,nd I said: 'I ha#e seen, and beho d a cand estic' a of go d, with a bow upon the top of it, and its se#en amps thereon$ there are se#en pipes, yea, se#en, to the amps, which are upon the top thereof$ 4,3 and two o i#e+trees by it, one upon the right side of the bow , and the other upon the eft side thereof!' 4,4 ,nd I answered and spo'e to the ange that spo'e with me, saying: '-hat are these, my ord&' 4,5 Then the ange that spo'e with me answered and said unto me: '4nowest thou not what these are&' ,nd I said: '2o, my ord!' 4,6 Then he answered and spo'e unto me, saying: 'This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabe , saying: 2ot by might, nor by power, but by "y spirit, saith the LORD of hosts! 4,7 -ho art thou, O great mountain before Zerubbabe & thou sha t become a p ain$ and he sha bring forth the top stone with shoutings of 5race, grace, unto it!' {P}

4,8 "oreo#er the word of the LORD came unto me, saying: 4,9 'The hands of Zerubbabe ha#e aid the foundation of this house$ his hands sha a so finish it$ and thou sha t 'now that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you! 4,10 1or who hath despised the day of sma things& e#en they sha see with 0oy the p ummet in the hand of Zerubbabe , e#en these se#en, which are the eyes of the LORD, that run to and fro through the who e earth!' 4,11 Then answered I, and said unto him: '-hat are these two o i#e+trees upon the right side of the cand estic' and upon the eft side thereof&' 4,12 ,nd I answered the second time, and said unto him: '-hat are these two o i#e branches, which are beside the two go den spouts, that empty the go den oi out of themse #es&' 4,13 ,nd he answered me and said: '4nowest thou not what these are&' ,nd I said: '2o, my ord!' 4,14 Then said he: 'These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the who e earth!' 5,1 Then again I ifted up mine eyes, and saw, and beho d a f ying ro ! 5,2 ,nd he said unto me: '-hat seest thou&' ,nd I answered: 'I see a f ying ro $ the ength thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits!' 5,3 Then said he unto me: 'This is the curse that goeth forth o#er the face of the who e and$ for e#ery one that stea eth sha be swept away on the one side i'e it$ and e#ery one that sweareth sha be swept away on the other side i'e it! 5,4 I cause it to go forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it sha enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth fa se y by "y name$ and it sha abide in the midst of his house, and sha consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof!' 5,5 Then the ange that spo'e with me went forth, and said unto me: 'Lift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth!' 5,6 ,nd I said: '-hat is it&' ,nd he said: 'This is the measure that goeth forth!' (e said moreo#er: 'This is their eye in a the and++ 5,7 and, beho d, there was ifted up a round piece of ead++and this is a woman sitting in the midst of the measure!' 5,8 ,nd he said: 'This is -ic'edness!' ,nd he cast her down into the midst of the measure, and he cast the weight of ead upon the mouth thereof! {S} 5,9 Then ifted I up mine eyes, and saw, and, beho d, there came forth two women, and the wind was in their wings$ for they had wings i'e the wings of a stor'$ and they ifted up the measure between the earth and the hea#en! 5,10 Then said I to the ange that spo'e with me: '-hither do these bear the measure&' 5,11 ,nd he said unto me: 'To bui d her a house in the and of *hinar$ and when it is prepared, she sha be set there in her own p ace! {S} 6,1 ,nd again I ifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, beho d, there came four chariots out from between the two mountains$ and the mountains were mountains of brass! 6,2 In the first chariot were red horses$ and in the second chariot b ac' horses$ 6,3 and in the third chariot white horses$ and in the fourth chariot gri66 ed bay horses! 6,4 Then I answered and said unto the ange that spo'e with me: '-hat are these, my ord&' 6,5 ,nd the ange answered and said unto me: 'These chariots go forth to the four winds of hea#en, after presenting themse #es before the Lord of a the earth! 6,6 That wherein are the b ac' horses goeth forth toward the north country$ and the white went forth after them$ and the gri66 ed went forth toward the south country$ 6,7 and the bay went forth'! ,nd they sought to go that they might wa ' to and fro through the earth$ and he said: '5et you hence, wa ' to and fro through the earth!' *o they wa 'ed to and fro through the earth! 6,8 Then cried he upon me, and spo'e unto me, saying: 'Beho d, they that go toward the north country ha#e eased "y spirit in the north country!' {S} 6,9 ,nd the word of the LORD came unto me, saying: 6,10 'Ta'e of them of the capti#ity, e#en of (e dai, of Tobi0ah, and of .edaiah, that are come from Baby on$ and come thou the same day, and go into the house of .osiah the son of Zephaniah$ 6,11 yea, ta'e si #er and go d, and

ma'e crowns, and set the one upon the head of .oshua the son of .eho6ada', the high priest$ 6,12 and spea' unto him, saying: Thus spea'eth the LORD of hosts, saying: Beho d, a man whose name is the *hoot, and who sha shoot up out of his p ace, and bui d the temp e of the LORD$ 6,13 e#en he sha bui d the temp e of the LORD$ and he sha bear the g ory, and sha sit and ru e upon his throne$ and there sha be a priest before his throne$ and the counse of peace sha be between them both! 6,14 ,nd the crowns sha be to (e em, and to Tobi0ah, and to .edaiah, and to (en the son of Zephaniah, as a memoria in the temp e of the LORD! 6,15 ,nd they that are far off sha come and bui d in the temp e of the LORD, and ye sha 'now that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you! ,nd it sha come to pass, if ye wi di igent y hear'en to the #oice of the LORD your 5od++!' {S} 7,1 ,nd it came to pass in the fourth year of 'ing Darius, that the word of the LORD came unto Zechariah in the fourth day of the ninth month, e#en in 7his e#$ 7,2 -hen Bethe +sare6er, and Regem+me ech and his men, had sent to entreat the fa#our of the LORD, 7,3 and to spea' unto the priests of the house of the LORD of hosts, and to the prophets, saying: '*hou d I weep in the fifth month, separating myse f, as I ha#e done these so many years&' {P} 7,4 Then came the word of the LORD of hosts unto me, saying: 7,5 '*pea' unto a the peop e of the and, and to the priests, saying: -hen ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and in the se#enth month, e#en these se#enty years, did ye at a fast unto "e, e#en to "e& 7,6 ,nd when ye eat, and when ye drin', are ye not they that eat, and they that drin'& 7,7 *hou d ye not hear'en to the words which the LORD hath proc aimed by the former prophets, when .erusa em was inhabited and in prosperity, and the cities thereof round about her, and the *outh and the Low and were inhabited&' {P} 7,8 ,nd the word of the LORD came unto Zechariah, saying: 7,9 'Thus hath the LORD of hosts spo'en, saying: 89ecute true 0udgment, and show mercy and compassion e#ery man to his brother$ 7,10 and oppress not the widow, nor the father ess, the stranger, nor the poor$ and et none of you de#ise e#i against his brother in your heart! 7,11 But they refused to attend, and turned a stubborn shou der, and stopped their ears, that they might not hear! 7,12 %ea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone, est they shou d hear the aw, and the words which the LORD of hosts had sent by (is spirit by the hand of the former prophets$ therefore came there great wrath from the LORD of hosts! 7,13 ,nd it came to pass that, as (e ca ed, and they wou d not hear$ so they sha ca , and I wi not hear, said the LORD of hosts$ 7,14 but I wi scatter them with a whir wind among a the nations whom they ha#e not 'nown! Thus the and was deso ate after them, so that no man passed through nor returned$ for they aid the p easant and deso ate!' {P} 8,1 ,nd the word of the LORD of hosts came, saying: 8,2 'Thus saith the LORD of hosts: I am 0ea ous for Zion with great 0ea ousy, and I am 0ea ous for her with great fury! 8,3 Thus saith the LORD: I return unto Zion, and wi dwe in the midst of .erusa em$ and .erusa em sha be ca ed The city of truth$ and the mountain of the LORD of hosts The ho y mountain! {S} 8,4 Thus saith the LORD of hosts: There sha yet o d men and o d women sit in the broad p aces of .erusa em, e#ery man with his staff in his hand for #ery age! 8,5 ,nd the broad p aces of the city sha be fu of boys and gir s p aying in the broad p aces thereof! {S} 8,6 Thus saith the LORD of hosts: If it be mar#e ous in the

eyes of the remnant of this peop e in those days, shou d it a so be mar#e ous in "ine eyes& saith the LORD of hosts! {P} 8,7 Thus saith the LORD of hosts: Beho d, I wi sa#e "y peop e from the east country, and from the west country$ 8,8 ,nd I wi bring them, and they sha dwe in the midst of .erusa em$ and they sha be "y peop e, and I wi be their 5od, in truth and in righteousness! {S} 8,9 Thus saith the LORD of hosts: Let your hands be strong, ye that hear in these days these words from the mouth of the prophets that were in the day that the foundation of the house of the LORD of hosts was aid, e#en the temp e, that it might be bui t! 8,10 1or before those days there was no hire for man, nor any hire for beast$ neither was there any peace to him that went out or came in because of the ad#ersary$ for I set a men e#ery one against his neighbour! 8,11 But now I wi not be unto the remnant of this peop e as in the former days, saith the LORD of hosts! 8,12 1or as the seed of peace, the #ine sha gi#e her fruit, and the ground sha gi#e her increase, and the hea#ens sha gi#e their dew$ and I wi cause the remnant of this peop e to inherit a these things! 8,13 ,nd it sha come to pass that, as ye were a curse among the nations, O house of .udah and house of Israe , so wi I sa#e you, and ye sha be a b essing$ fear not, but et your hands be strong! {S} 8,14 1or thus saith the LORD of host: ,s I purposed to do e#i unto you, when your fathers pro#o'ed "e, saith the LORD of hosts, and I repented not$ 8,15 so again do I purpose in these days to do good unto .erusa em and to the house of .udah$ fear ye not! 8,16 These are the things that ye sha do: *pea' ye e#ery man the truth with his neighbour$ e9ecute the 0udgment of truth and peace in your gates$ 8,17 and et none of you de#ise e#i in your hearts against his neighbour$ and o#e no fa se oath$ for a these are things that I hate, saith the LORD!' {S} 8,18 ,nd the word of the LORD of hosts came unto me, saying: 8,19 'Thus saith the LORD of hosts: The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the se#enth, and the fast of the tenth, sha be to the house of .udah 0oy and g adness, and cheerfu seasons$ therefore o#e ye truth and peace! {P} 8,20 Thus saith the LORD of hosts: It sha yet come to pass, that there sha come peop es, and the inhabitants of many cities$ 8,21 and the inhabitants of one city sha go to another, saying: Let us go speedi y to entreat the fa#our of the LORD, and to see' the LORD of hosts$ I wi go a so! 8,22 %ea, many peop es and mighty nations sha come to see' the LORD of hosts in .erusa em, and to entreat the fa#our of the LORD! {S} 8,23 Thus saith the LORD of hosts: In those days it sha come to pass, that ten men sha ta'e ho d, out of a the anguages of the nations, sha e#en ta'e ho d of the s'irt of him that is a .ew, saying: -e wi go with you, for we ha#e heard that 5od is with you!' {S} 9,1 The burden of the word of the LORD! In the and of (adrach, and in Damascus sha be (is resting+p ace$ for the LORD'* is the eye of man and a the tribes of Israe ! 9,2 ,nd (amath a so sha border thereon$ Tyre and Zidon, for she is #ery wise! 9,3 ,nd Tyre did bui d herse f a strongho d, and heaped up si #er as the dust, and fine go d as the mire of the streets! 9,4 Beho d, the Lord wi impo#erish her, and (e wi smite her power into the sea$ and she sha be de#oured with fire! 9,5 ,sh'e on sha see it, and fear, 5a6a a so, and sha be sore pained, and 8'ron, for her e9pectation sha be ashamed$ and the 'ing sha perish from 5a6a, and ,sh'e on sha not be inhabited! 9,6 ,nd a bastard sha dwe in ,shdod, and I wi cut off the pride of the /hi istines! 9,7 ,nd I wi ta'e away

his b ood out of his mouth, and his detestab e things from between his teeth, and he a so sha be a remnant for our 5od$ and he sha be as a chief in .udah, and 8'ron as a .ebusite! 9,8 ,nd I wi encamp about "y house against the army, that none pass through or return$ and no oppressor sha pass through them any more$ for now ha#e I seen with "ine eyes! {S} 9,9 Re0oice great y, O daughter of Zion, shout, O daughter of .erusa em$ beho d, thy 'ing cometh unto thee, he is triumphant, and #ictorious, ow y, and riding upon an ass, e#en upon a co t the foa of an ass! 9,10 ,nd I wi cut off the chariot from 8phraim, and the horse from .erusa em, and the batt e bow sha be cut off, and he sha spea' peace unto the nations$ and his dominion sha be from sea to sea, and from the Ri#er to the ends of the earth! 9,11 ,s for thee a so, because of the b ood of thy co#enant I send forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water! 9,12 Return to the strongho d, ye prisoners of hope$ e#en to+day do I dec are that I wi render doub e unto thee! 9,13 1or I bend .udah for "e, I fi the bow with 8phraim$ and I wi stir up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O .a#an, and wi ma'e thee as the sword of a mighty man! 9,14 ,nd the LORD sha be seen o#er them, and (is arrow sha go forth as the ightning$ and the Lord 5OD wi b ow the horn, and wi go with whir winds of the south! 9,15 The LORD of hosts wi defend them$ and they sha de#our, and sha tread down the s ing+stones$ and they sha drin', and ma'e a noise as through wine$ and they sha be fi ed i'e the basins, i'e the corners of the a tar! 9,16 ,nd the LORD their 5od sha sa#e them in that day as the f oc' of (is peop e$ for they sha be as the stones of a crown, g ittering o#er (is and! 9,17 1or how great is their goodness, and how great is their beauty: 7orn sha ma'e the young men f ourish, and new wine the maids! 10,1 ,s' ye of the LORD rain in the time of the atter rain, e#en of the LORD that ma'eth ightnings$ and (e wi gi#e them showers of rain, to e#ery one grass in the fie d! 10,2 1or the teraphim ha#e spo'en #anity, and the di#iners ha#e seen a ie, and the dreams spea' fa se y, they comfort in #ain$ therefore they go their way i'e sheep, they are aff icted, because there is no shepherd! {P} 10,3 "ine anger is 'ind ed against the shepherds, and I wi punish the he+goats$ for the LORD of hosts hath remembered (is f oc' the house of .udah, and ma'eth them as (is ma0estic horse in the batt e! 10,4 Out of them sha come forth the corner+stone, out of them the sta'e, out of them the batt e bow, out of them e#ery master together! 10,5 ,nd they sha be as mighty men, treading down in the mire of the streets in the batt e, and they sha fight, because the LORD is with them$ and the riders on horses sha be confounded! 10,6 ,nd I wi strengthen the house of .udah, and I wi sa#e the house of .oseph, and I wi bring them bac', for I ha#e compassion upon them, and they sha be as though I had not cast them off$ for I am the LORD their 5od, and I wi hear them! 10,7 ,nd they of 8phraim sha be i'e a mighty man, and their heart sha re0oice as through wine$ yea, their chi dren sha see it, and re0oice, their heart sha be g ad in the LORD! 10,8 I wi hiss for them, and gather them, for I ha#e redeemed them$ and they sha increase as they ha#e increased! 10,9 ,nd I wi sow them among the peop es, and they sha remember "e in far countries$ and they sha i#e with their chi dren, and sha return! 10,10 I wi bring them bac' a so out of the and of 8gypt, and gather them out of ,ssyria$ and I wi bring them into the and of 5i ead and Lebanon$ and p ace sha not suffice them! 10,11 ,nd o#er the sea aff iction sha pass, and the wa#es sha be smitten in the sea, and a the depths of the 2i e sha dry up$ and the pride of ,ssyria sha be

brought down, and the sceptre of 8gypt sha depart away! 10,12 ,nd I wi strengthen them in the LORD$ and they sha wa ' up and down in (is name, saith the LORD! {P} 11,1 Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may de#our thy cedars! 11,2 -ai , O cypress+tree, for the cedar is fa en$ because the g orious ones are spoi ed$ wai , O ye oa's of Bashan, for the strong forest is come down! 11,3 (ar': the wai ing of the shepherds, for their g ory is spoi ed$ (ar': the roaring of young ions, for the thic'ets of the .ordan are spoi ed! {P} 11,4 Thus said the LORD my 5od: '1eed the f oc' of s aughter$ 11,5 whose buyers s ay them, and ho d themse #es not gui ty$ and they that se them say: B essed be the LORD, for I am rich$ and their own shepherds pity them not! 11,6 1or I wi no more pity the inhabitants of the and, saith the LORD$ but, o, I wi de i#er the men e#ery one into his neighbour's hand, and into the hand of his 'ing$ and they sha smite the and, and out of their hand I wi not de i#er them!' 11,7 *o I fed the f oc' of s aughter, #eri y the poor of the f oc'! ,nd I too' unto me two sta#es$ the one I ca ed 5raciousness, and the other I ca ed Binders$ and I fed the f oc'! 11,8 ,nd I cut off the three shepherds in one month$ 'for "y sou became impatient of them, and their sou a so oathed "e!' 11,9 Then said I: 'I wi not feed you$ that which dieth, et it die$ and that which is to be cut off, et it be cut off$ and et them that are eft eat e#ery one the f esh of another!' 11,10 ,nd I too' my staff 5raciousness, and cut it asunder, 'that I might brea' "y co#enant which I had made with a the peop es!' 11,11 ,nd it was bro'en in that day$ and the poor of the f oc' that ga#e heed unto me 'new of a truth that it was the word of the LORD! {S} 11,12 ,nd I said unto them: 'If ye thin' good, gi#e me my hire$ and if not, forbear!' *o they weighed for my hire thirty pieces of si #er! 11,13 ,nd the LORD said unto me: '7ast it into the treasury, the good y price that I was pri6ed at of them!' ,nd I too' the thirty pieces of si #er, and cast them into the treasury, in the house of the LORD! 11,14 Then I cut asunder mine other staff, e#en Binders, that the brotherhood between .udah and Israe might be bro'en! {P} 11,15 ,nd the LORD said unto me: 'Ta'e unto thee yet the instruments of a foo ish shepherd! 11,16 1or, o, I wi raise up a shepherd in the and, who wi not thin' of those that are cut off, neither wi see' those that are young, nor hea that which is bro'en$ neither wi he feed that which standeth sti , but he wi eat the f esh of the fat, and wi brea' their hoofs in pieces!' 11,17 -oe to the worth ess shepherd that ea#eth the f oc': The sword sha be upon his arm, and upon his right eye$ his arm sha be c ean dried up, and his right eye sha be utter y dar'ened! {P} 12,1 The burden of the word of the LORD concerning Israe ! The saying of the LORD, who stretched forth the hea#ens, and aid the foundation of the earth, and formed the spirit of man within him: 12,2 Beho d, I wi ma'e .erusa em a cup of staggering unto a the peop es round about, and upon .udah a so sha it fa to be in the siege against .erusa em! 12,3 ,nd it sha come to pass in that day, that I wi ma'e .erusa em a stone of burden for a the peop es$ a that burden themse #es with it sha be sore wounded$ and a the nations of the earth sha be gathered together against it! 12,4 In that day, saith the LORD, I wi smite e#ery horse with bewi derment, and his rider with madness$ and I

wi open "ine eyes upon the house of .udah, and wi smite e#ery horse of the peop es with b indness! 12,5 ,nd the chiefs of .udah sha say in their heart: 'The inhabitants of .erusa em are my strength through the LORD of hosts their 5od!' 12,6 In that day wi I ma'e the chiefs of .udah i'e a pan of fire among the wood, and i'e a torch of fire among shea#es$ and they sha de#our a the peop es round about, on the right hand and on the eft$ and .erusa em sha be inhabited again in her own p ace, e#en in .erusa em! 12,7 The LORD a so sha sa#e the tents of .udah first, that the g ory of the house of Da#id and the g ory of the inhabitants of .erusa em be not magnified abo#e .udah! 12,8 In that day sha the LORD defend the inhabitants of .erusa em$ and he that stumb eth among them at that day sha be as Da#id$ and the house of Da#id sha be as a god i'e being, as the ange of the LORD before them! 12,9 ,nd it sha come to pass in that day, that I wi see' to destroy a the nations that come against .erusa em! 12,10 ,nd I wi pour upon the house of Da#id, and upon the inhabitants of .erusa em, the spirit of grace and of supp ication$ and they sha oo' unto "e because they ha#e thrust him through$ and they sha mourn for him, as one mourneth for his on y son, and sha be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his first+born! 12,11 In that day sha there be a great mourning in .erusa em, as the mourning of (adadrimmon in the #a ey of "egiddon! 12,12 ,nd the and sha mourn, e#ery fami y apart: the fami y of the house of Da#id apart, and their wi#es apart$ the fami y of the house of 2athan apart, and their wi#es apart$ 12,13 The fami y of the house of Le#i apart, and their wi#es apart$ the fami y of the *himeites apart, and their wi#es apart$ 12,14 , the fami ies that remain, e#ery fami y apart, and their wi#es apart! 13,1 In that day there sha be a fountain opened to the house of Da#id and to the inhabitants of .erusa em, for purification and for sprin' ing! 13,2 ,nd it sha come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, that I wi cut off the names of the ido s out of the and, and they sha no more be remembered$ and a so I wi cause the prophets and the unc ean spirit to pass out of the and! 13,3 ,nd it sha come to pass that, when any sha yet prophesy, then his father and his mother that begot him sha say unto him: 'Thou sha t not i#e, for thou spea'est ies in the name of the LORD'$ and his father and his mother that begot him sha thrust him through when he prophesieth! 13,4 ,nd it sha come to pass in that day, that the prophets sha be brought to shame e#ery one through his #ision, when he prophesieth$ neither sha they wear a hairy mant e to decei#e$ 13,5 but he sha say: 'I am no prophet, I am a ti er of the ground$ for I ha#e been made a bondman from my youth!' 13,6 ,nd one sha say unto him: '-hat are these wounds between thy hands&' Then he sha answer: 'Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends!' {P} 13,7 ,wa'e, O sword, against "y shepherd, and against the man that is near unto "e, saith the LORD of hosts$ smite the shepherd, and the sheep sha be scattered$ and I wi turn "y hand upon the itt e ones! 13,8 ,nd it sha come to pass, that in a the and, saith the LORD, two parts therein sha be cut off and die$ but the third sha be eft therein! 13,9 ,nd I wi bring the third part through the fire, and wi refine them as si #er is refined, and wi try them as go d is tried$ they sha ca on "y name, and I wi answer them$ I wi say: 'It is "y peop e', and they sha say: 'The LORD is my 5od!' {P} 14,1 Beho d, a day of the LORD cometh, when thy spoi sha be di#ided in the midst of thee! 14,2 1or I wi gather a nations against .erusa em to batt e$ and the city sha be

ta'en, and the houses rif ed, and the women ra#ished$ and ha f of the city sha go forth into capti#ity, but the residue of the peop e sha not be cut off from the city! 14,3 Then sha the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when (e fighteth in the day of batt e! 14,4 ,nd (is feet sha stand in that day upon the mount of O i#es, which is before .erusa em on the east, and the mount of O i#es sha c eft in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, so that there sha be a #ery great #a ey$ and ha f of the mountain sha remo#e toward the north, and ha f of it toward the south! 14,5 ,nd ye sha f ee to the #a ey of the mountains$ for the #a ey of the mountains sha reach unto ,6e $ yea, ye sha f ee, i'e as ye f ed from before the earth3ua'e in the days of )66iah 'ing of .udah$ and the LORD my 5od sha come, and a the ho y ones with Thee! 14,6 ,nd it sha come to pass in that day, that there sha not be ight, but hea#y c ouds and thic'$ 14,7 ,nd there sha be one day which sha be 'nown as the LORD'*, not day, and not night$ but it sha come to pass, that at e#ening time there sha be ight! 14,8 ,nd it sha come to pass in that day, that i#ing waters sha go out from .erusa em: ha f of them toward the eastern sea, and ha f of them toward the western sea$ in summer and in winter sha it be! 14,9 ,nd the LORD sha be 4ing o#er a the earth$ in that day sha the LORD be One, and (is name one! 14,10 , the and sha be turned as the ,rabah, from 5eba to Rimmon south of .erusa em$ and she sha be ifted up, and inhabited in her p ace, from Ben0amin's gate unto the p ace of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of (anane unto the 'ing's winepresses! 14,11 ,nd men sha dwe therein, and there sha be no more e9termination$ but .erusa em sha dwe safe y! {S} 14,12 ,nd this sha be the p ague wherewith the LORD wi smite a the peop es that ha#e warred against .erusa em: their f esh sha consume away whi e they stand upon their feet, and their eyes sha consume away in their soc'ets, and their tongue sha consume away in their mouth! 14,13 ,nd it sha come to pass in that day, that a great tumu t from the LORD sha be among them$ and they sha ay ho d e#ery one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand sha rise up against the hand of his neighbour! 14,14 ,nd .udah a so sha fight against .erusa em$ and the wea th of a the nations round about sha be gathered together, go d, and si #er, and appare , in great abundance! 14,15 ,nd so sha be the p ague of the horse, of the mu e, of the came , and of the ass, and of a the beasts that sha be in those camps, as this p ague! 14,16 ,nd it sha come to pass, that e#ery one that is eft of a the nations that came against .erusa em sha go up from year to year to worship the 4ing, the LORD of hosts, and to 'eep the feast of tabernac es! 14,17 ,nd it sha be, that whoso of the fami ies of the earth goeth not up unto .erusa em to worship the 4ing, the LORD of hosts, upon them there sha be no rain! 14,18 ,nd if the fami y of 8gypt go not up, and come not, they sha ha#e no o#erf ow$ there sha be the p ague, wherewith the LORD wi smite the nations that go not up to 'eep the feast of tabernac es! 14,19 This sha be the punishment of 8gypt, and the punishment of a the nations that go not up to 'eep the feast of tabernac es! 14,20 In that day sha there be upon the be s of the horses: (OL% )2TO T(8 LORD$ and the pots in the LORD'* house sha be i'e the basins before the a tar! 14,21 %ea, e#ery pot in .erusa em and in .udah sha be ho y unto the LORD of hosts$ and a they that sacrifice sha come and ta'e of them, and seethe therein$ and in that day there sha be no more a traffic'er in the house of the LORD of hosts! {P}

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