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32% 42%
Barack Obama

Oct. 11-24, Fall 2012

Where is Pimas vote going?

For the first time in 12 years, there is competition for the Pima Community College governing board seats. This year, districts 3 and 5 are up for a vote, and both are contested. Below each candidate is listed alphabetically by district. Compiled by Chelo Grubb Photos provided by candidates

Not voting




Aztec Press conducted a nonscientific survey of 100 random Pima Community College students to see where PCCs vote would be going on Nov. 6.


Mitt Romney

Compiled by Jennifer Coulter

Pima board elections:

Seats contested for first time in a dozen years

Below is a map with each of Pima Community Colleges district lines separated by color. Districts 3 and 5 are up for a vote this November.

Percent of eligible voters 18-29 years old. *

PCC district lines

17 million
Number of young people eligible to vote since the 2008 election. *

46 million
Number of people under 30 eligible to vote in 2012. *

District 3
Sylvia Lee Pima connection: PCC graduate. Hired at PCC in 1996 and worked at each of the campuses over 15 years as a dean of student development and instruction, campus president and adjunct faculty. Website: Why did you decide to run? I want to make things better at PCC. I want PCC to be open and accessible to all who want to pursue a higher education to better their lives ... I want to help restore a positive, healthy work environment. What goals would you work towards if elected? Work to make the college accessible to all who want to pursue a higher education Ensure college operations are accountable and transparent. Assure PCC represents fair labor practices and employees have a voice and are treated with respect Sherryn Vikki Marshall Incumbent Pima connection: PCC graduate. Held the PCC District 3 governing board seat since 2000.

Percent of young eligible voters who are married. *

Average percent Romney leads Obama in Arizona voter polling. ***

Percent of young eligible voters who were born outside of the United States. *

Percent of registered voters ages 18-29 who support Obama. **

Map courtesy of Pima County/ graphics by Chelo Grubb

District 5
Marty Cortez Incumbent Pima connection: Held the District 5 governing board seat since 1995. Website: Why did you initially decide to run for the governing board? I had retired and had more time. Education had been my whole career. A group of friends encouraged me to run, and it fit with what I loved to do. The more education a community has, the better off the community is as a whole. What goals would you work towards if elected? See our retention rate go up and program completion could be better and monitor the developmental education program A safe and positive work environment for Pima employees Opportunity for workforce development and skill development

Richard Fridena

Website: None

Why did you decide to run? I initially ran for an open seat on the Board in 2000 at the request of representatives of TEA and AFSCME due to significant morale issues at the time ... I could not have gotten elected without the financial and volunteer support of the unions and try never to forget who brought me to the dance. What goals would you work towards if elected? See the new developmental education program constantly reviewed for improvement Improve our efforts to assist returning aprmed forces veterans Keep an open mind about offering four-year degrees for programs not offered at the UA

Pima connection: PCC instructor for 30 years; East Campus dean of instruction; faculty representative to PCC Board of Governors for three years, president of PCC Education Association. Outstanding Faculty of the Year in 1991 and 2001. Website: Why did you decide to run? What led me to run for this office was the adoption of admissions policies that closed off opportunities ... The Board of Governors has direct responsibility for the institutional environment responsible for these and other events. It is as if most board members became disinterested in their responsibilities to protect the college. What goals would you work towards if elected? Open partnership with citizens Restore open admissions at Pima Lead economic changes

Francis Saitta

Pima connection: Adjunct instructor at Pima, will resign as faculty if elected to the board. Website: sciencedigest. org

Number of times Arizonas electoral votes have gone to a Democrat in the last 60 years. ***

Number of electoral votes out of 538 still considered toss up votes. ***

Why did you decide to run? I decided to run as a candidate for the 5th District seat on the PCC BOG because I felt, as an educator, Pima Community College had lost its way as a community college; that the administration/faculty had converted PCC into a prep school for university entrance. This is but one function of Pima Community College. What goals would you work towards if elected? Cure the administrative BLOAT initiate administrative/financial restructuring Ensure students are being taught properly by requiring one college-wide final exam in each course Begin the process of offering four-year programs at PCC

Percent of registered voters ages 18-29 who say they definitely plan to vote. **

Percent of registered voters ages 18-29 who say they definitely plan to vote. **
* ** ***

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