Lesson Plan: Session No. Topics To Be Covered Time Ref Teaching Method

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Sub 1ode 9 Na%e: ED !"# $NTE%R&TED MEC'&N$C&L DES$%N Unit : I . anc! : ENGINEE:ING DESIGN Se%este : II L( ; Date: -898&9&0 (a$e 8& o# 84

UNIT I Syllabus: FUNDAMENTALS AND DESIGN OF SHAFTS Objective: To unde stand t!e basic conce"t o# inte$ ated Desi$n o# va ious Mac!ine ele%ents Session No.
&' -' /' 0' +' 4' 5' 6 7 &8 &&

Topics to be covered
(!ases o# desi$n) Standa di*ation and inte c!an$eability o# %ac!ine ele%ents ( ocess and Function Tole ances) Individual and $ ou" tole ances Selection o# #its #o di##e ent desi$n situations) Desi$n #o asse%bly and %odula const uctions 1once"ts o# inte$ ation ) .IS) ISO) DIN) .S) ASTM Standa ds Obli2ue st esses) T ans#o %ation Mat i3) ( inci"al st esses Ma3i%u% s!ea st ess T!eo ies o# Failu e) Ductile vs' b ittle co%"onent desi$n Analysis and Desi$n o# s!a#ts #o di##e ent a""lications Inte$ ated desi$n o# s!a#t) bea in$ and casin$ ) Desi$n #o i$idity Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice

++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in


Teaching Method
.. (( .. .. .. ((T .. ((T .. .. ..


Sub 1ode 9 Na%e: ED !"# $NTE%R&TED MEC'&N$C&L DES$%N Unit : II . anc! : ENGINEE:ING DESIGN Se%este : II L( ; Date: -898&9&0 (a$e 8& o# 84

UNIT II Syllabus: DESIGN OF GEA:S AND GEA: .O<ES Objective: To develo" a detailed unde standin$ o# t!e va ious Gea s and Gea bo3es desi$n
Session No. &&/ &0 &+ &4 &5 &6 &7 -8 -& --/ -0 -+ -4 Topics to be covered ( inci"les o# $ea toot! action Gea co ection Gea toot! #ailu e %odes Gea toot! St esses and loads 1o%"onent desi$n o# s"u 1o%"onent desi$n o# !elical 1o%"onent desi$n o# bevel $ea s 1o%"onent desi$n o# =o % $ea s
1o%"onent desi$n o# s"u ) !elical) bevel and =o % $ea s

Time ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in

Ref &,&,&,&,-

Teaching Method ((T .. .. .. ((T .. .. .. .. .. ((T .. .. .. ..

Desi$n #o sub asse%bly

Inte$ ated desi$n o# s"eed educe s and %ulti>s"eed $ea bo3es

A""lication o# so#t=a e "ac?a$es Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice


Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice

++ %in



LESSON (LAN Sub 1ode 9 Na%e: ED !"# $NTE%R&TED MEC'&N$C&L DES$%N Unit : III . anc! : ENGINEE:ING DESIGN Se%este : II

L( ; Date: -898&9&0

(a$e 8& o# 84

UNIT III Syllabus: .:A@ES , 1LUT1HES Objective: To develo" a detailed unde standin$ o# t!e va ious . a?es and clutc!es desi$n Session No.
-6 -7 /8 /& /// /0 /+ /4 /5 /6

Topics to be covered
Dyna%ics and t!e %al as"ects o# b a?es and clutc!es Inte$ ated desi$n o# b a?es #o %ac!ine tools e2ui"%ents Inte$ ated desi$n o# clutc!es #o %ac!ine tools e2ui"%ents Inte$ ated desi$n o# b a?es #o auto%obiles e2ui"%ents Inte$ ated desi$n o# clutc!es #o auto%obiles e2ui"%ents Inte$ ated desi$n o# b a?es #o %ec!anical !andlin$ e2ui"%ents Inte$ ated desi$n o# clutc!es #o %ec!anical !andlin$ e2ui"%ents Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice

++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in


Teaching Method
.. ((T .. .. .. .. .. .. ((T .. ..


Sub 1ode 9 Na%e: ED !"# $NTE%R&TED MEC'&N$C&L DES$%N Unit : IA . anc! : ENGINEE:ING DESIGN Se%este : II L( ; Date: -898&9&0 (a$e 8& o# 84

UNIT IA Syllabus: INTEG:ATED DESIGN Objective: To en!ance a detailed unde standin$ o# t!e va ious inte$ ated desi$n o# Mac!ine ele%ents
Session No. /7 08 0& 00/ 00 0+ 04 05 06 07 +8 +& ++/ Teaching Method .. .. .. ((T .. .. .. .. .. ((T .. .. .. .. ..

Topics to be covered Inte$ ated Desi$n o# syste%s consistin$ o# s!a#t Inte$ ated Desi$n o# syste%s consistin$ o# bea in$s Inte$ ated Desi$n o# syste%s consistin$ o# s" in$s Inte$ ated Desi$n o# syste%s consistin$ o# %oto Inte$ ated Desi$n o# syste%s consistin$ o# $ea s Inte$ ated Desi$n o# syste%s consistin$ o# belt Inte$ ated Desi$n o# syste%s consistin$ o# o"e) Inte$ ated Desi$n o# syste%s consistin$ o# c!ain Inte$ ated Desi$n o# syste%s consistin$ o# "ulleys Inte$ ated Desi$n o# syste%s consistin$ o# 1a% , Follo=e Inte$ ated Desi$n o# syste%s consistin$ o# #ly=!eel Desi$n o# Elevato s Desi$n o# Escalato s Desi$n o# Gea .o3 Desi$n o# Aalve $ea Mec!anis%s)

Time ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in

Ref -)/ -)/ -)/ -)/ -)/ -)/ -)/ -)/ -)/ -)/ &,&,&,&,&,-

+0 ++ +4 +5 +6 +7 48

Desi$n o# Mac!ine Tools Desi$n o# Mac!ine Tools Desi$n o# Mac!ine Tools Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice Tuto ial " oble% #o " actice

++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in ++ %in


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&' No ton L' :') BMac!ine Desi$n ; An Inte$ ated A"" oac!C (ea son Education) -88+

-' Ne=co%b) T'(' and S"u ) :'T') BAuto%obile . a?es and . a?in$ Syste%sC) 1!a"%an and Hall) -nd Edition) &75+' /' Mait a G'M') BHand .oo? o# Gea Desi$nC) Tata McG a= Hill) &76+' 0' S!i$ley) D'E') BMec!anical En$inee in$ Desi$nC) McG a= Hill) &764' +' ( asad' L' A') BMac!ine Desi$nC) Tata McG a= Hill) Ne= Del!i) &77-' 4' Ale3and ov) M') Mate ials Handlin$ E2ui"%ents) MI: (ublis!e s) &76&' 5' .olt*!a ol) A') Mate ials Handlin$ Handboo?) T!e :onald ( ess 1o%"any) &7+6' A"" oved Data .oo?s &' ('S'G' Tec!') BDesi$n Data .oo?C) @alai?at!i Ac!c!a$a%) 1oi%bato e) -88/' -' Lin$aia!' @' and Na ayana Iyen$a ) BMac!ine Desi$n Data Hand .oo?C) Aol' & , -) Su%a (ublis!e s) .an$alo e) &76/

( e"a ed by Si$natu e Na%e Desi$nation Date M 'S'Go?ula?annan Assistant " o#esso &898&9&0

Ae i#ied by

A"" oved by

S'M' :aj @u%a De"a t%ent ISO coo dinato &898&9&0

D '('So%asunda a% Head o# t!e de"a t%ent &898&9&0

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