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se a n I Raise rch of good grades

your GPA with these tips

By MYLO ERICKSON Whether new or returning, students often wonder how to achieve good grades. Author Ellen Bremen, a college professor for 14 years, offers advice in her book Say This, NOT That to Your Professor: 36 Talking Tips for College Success. Bremen wrote the book after talking with a student who knew she was going to fail a class but was unwilling to talk to her professor about it. I pulled out a legal pad and started to compile a what your professor wishes you would know list, Bremen said. This was 10 years ago and I added to that list, which ultimately became the book. Her book offers advice on how students can communicate better. The real key is learning how to talk with professors, so that you express exactly what you need in order to learn, and then deliver what they are asking for, she said. Communicate your goals and intentions, not your remorse. Bremen suggests that students meet with instructors after the first day of class, to establish what grade they would like to acquire and the best path to follow to get there. She also suggests checking in often, to ensure they are staying on course. Pima Community College American Sign Language instructor Brandon Dorathy agrees with Bremens idea of establishing a relationship with instructors. Absolutely. The more feedback I get, the better feedback I can give back to the student, Dorathy said. Dorathy has his students write a reflection paper to identify areas where they are struggling. He uses the papers to improve a particular lesson or approach to the material. Bremen also worries about younger stu-

Aztec Press photo illustration by Larry Gaurano

dents general communication skills. Students dont realize that all their texting and Facebooking has the potential to rewire some critical interpersonal communication abilities that are still quite necessary in daily life and also for marketability in jobs, she said. Some dont say that phrases in Bremens book include: Whyd you give me that grade? But I worked so hard! I really need to get an A in this class! during the final weeks. Other questions that instructors are not fond of hearing: Did I miss anything important today? or Will this be on the test? If students are bored or not grasping the lesson, Bremen suggests they talk to the teacher. She said students can suggest ideas that might allow them to learn in an entertaining fashion. Many students feel that professors dont get them and vice versa, Bremen

said. Im not saying that either party is right or wrong. Just like in a relationship, it is how each party sometimes perceives each other. Scientists have also turned their attention to study habits. University of California at Los Angeles researchers recently conducted tests to see if its a good idea to cram the night before a big project or test. Jane and Terry Semel from UCLAs Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior received assistance from three Los Angeles high schools. Their conclusion? When students sacrifice sleep to study, they comprehend less of the material and are unable to perform as well on tests. Dorathy believes the success of latenight cramming depends on how familiar students are with the material. People have so many different study habits and some may learn better that way, he said.

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