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IRC T C s e - Ti cke t i n g Se r v i c e E l e c t r o n i c R e se r v a t i o n S li p ( P ers o n a l U ser )


This ticket will only be valid with an I !roo" in ori#inal !rovided at the ti$e o" bookin# by the !assen#er %s&' I" "o(nd travellin# witho(t I )roo"* !assen#er %s& will be treated as witho(t ticket and char#ed as !er e+tant ,ailway r(les' -t least one !assen#er sho(ld travel with his.her I card in ori#inal which is indicated on the /,0.1,M' In case he.she is not travellin#* all other !assen#er%s& booked on that ticket* i" "o(nd trav ellin# in train will be treated as travellin# witho(t ticket and char#ed accordin#ly' 1alid I s to be !resented d(rin# train 2o(rney by one o" the !assen#er booked on an e3ticket :3 1oter Identity Card . )ass!ort . )-4 Card . rivin# License . )hoto I card iss(ed by Central . 0tate 5ovt . )(blic 0ector 6ndertakin#s o" 0tate.Central 5overn$ent* istrict -d$inistrations* M(nici!al bodies and )anchayat -d$inistrations which are havin# serial n($ber .0t(dent Identity Card with !hoto#ra!h iss(ed by reco#ni7ed 0chool or Colle#e "or their st(dents .4ationali7ed 8ank )assbook with !hoto#ra!h .Credit Cards iss(ed by 8anks with la$inated !hoto#ra!h' 5eneral r(les. In"or$ation "or e3ticket !assen#er have to be st(died by the c(sto$er "or cancellation 9 re"(nd' )4, 4o: 2:05;<<;<< Transaction I : 0:24=;=4;4 <rom1 ;AMM' TA$I=;AT> Boarding1 ;AMM' TA$I=;AT> 8es@ 'pto1 T5NA%I ;N=T5%> 7assenger MoAi"e NumAer1 *+,+-.*/1+ )assen#er -ddress :3 MAIN 8BADC7DI8AN4I7'8AM4 4untur Andhra 7radesh : ,//,/* >-,/ 1 / /T-IL0 : Ticket <are I8CTC Ser@ice Charges Tota" /T-IL0 : Age ! Sex Ma"e Concession Code Booking Status/ Current Status/Coach No./Seat No C#$% &/ C#$% & !!!!/ ID Card Type/ ID Card No 'ni(ue Identi)ication Card / &1 * +,--.,/ Amount =In rupees> 8s. &.! 8s. 1! 8s. &+! Amount =In Eords> 8upees Six Dundred and Se@enty Bn"y 8upees Ten Bn"y 8upees Six Dundred and 5ighty Bn"y S.No. Description Train No. 0 Name1 1&&++/NA23'4 56785SS Date o) Booking1 1&:;an:/!1- 1!1 *1/+ AM Date o) ;ourney1 1.:;an:/!1Date o) Boarding1 1.:;an:/!1Schedu"ed Arri@a"1 1*:;an:/!1- 1*1 & ? 9uota1 Tatka" C"ass1 S% To1 T5NA%I ;N=T5%> Schedu"ed Departure1 /-1 , ? Adu"t1 !1 Chi"d1 !! Distance1 /-.+ #M

)-00/45/, SNo. 1 Name

Shair Mohammad

Th i s ti c k e t is boo k e d on a p e r s on a l u s e r I D a nd c a nn o t be s old b i n d i v id u a l$ i t is a t h i s % h e r o & n r i s k !

a n a g e nt! I" bou g ht "ro# a n a g e nt b


IM)?,T-4T: >or details* r(les and ter$s 9 conditions o" /3Ticketin# services* !lease visit www'irctc'co'in' @4ew Ti$e Table is e""ective "ro$ 0<30;320<2' e!art(re ti$e and -rrival Ti$e !rinted on this /,0.1,M is liable to chan#e' )lease Check correct de!art(re* arrival "ro$ ,ailway 0tation /nA(iry* ial <3B or 0M0 ,-IL to <3B' )4,s havin# "(lly waitlisted stat(s will be dro!!ed and the na$es o" the !assen#ers will not a!!ear on the chart' They are not allowed to board the train' Cowever the na$es o" )-,TI-LLD waitlisted. con"ir$ed and ,-C will a!!ear in the chart' The acco$$odation booked is not trans"erable and is valid only i" one o" the I card noted above is !resented d(rin# the 2o(rney' The /,0.1,M.0M0 sent by I,CTC alon# with the valid I !roo" in ori#inal wo(ld be veri"ied by TT/ with the na$e and )4, on the chart' I" the !assen#er "ail to !rod(ce.dis!lay /,0.1,M.0M0 sent by I,CTC d(e to any event(ality %loss* da$a#ed $!to! etc'& b(t has the !rescribed ori#inal !roo" o" identity* a !enalty o" ,s'50.3 !er ticket as a!!licable to s(ch cases will be levied' The ticket checkin# sta"" ?n board.?"" board will #ive /+cess >are Ticket "or the sa$e' /3ticket cancellations are !er$itted thro(#h www'irctc'co'in by the (ser' r Care 044 4?' 25300000 or Mail To: ?btain certi"icate "ro$ the TT/ .Cond(ctor in case o" )-,TI-LLD waitlisted e3ticket* L/00 ?> )-00/45/,0 travelled* -'C'>-IL6,/* T,-1/L I4 L?W/, CL-00' This ori#inal certi"icate $(st be sent to 55M %IT&* I,CTC Ltd'* Internet Ticketin# Centre* I,C- 8(ildin#* 0tate /ntry ,oad* 4ew elhi3<<0055 a"ter "ilin# on3line re"(nd reA(est "or clai$in# re"(nd' )assen#ers are advised not to carry in"la$$able.dan#ero(s.e+!losive articles as !art o" their l(##a#e and also to desist "ro$ s$okin# in the trains'

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1/16/2013 6:00 PM

IRCTC LTD,BOOKED TICKET BIN/BV60.DLL/ IRCTC/SERVICE... Contact (s on: 3 24@; Crs C(sto$er 0(!!ort at 0<<33B340000 * Chennai PRINTING
C(sto$e careEirctc'co'in'

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1/16/2013 6:00 PM

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