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Video 2 Zone Video 3 Zone

8 5 2 0

9 6 3 .



Video 1 Zone

4 1 -


Video 4 Zone Video 5 Zone Video 6 Zone Video 8 Zone

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

Video 7 Zone




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1 General Description

2 Description of every part 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Alphanumeric Keyboard Operation Modes Auto-teaching Softkey Grafic Display


1 General Description
This Keyboard is the evolution of the old auto-teaching ones. In fact, it is no longer necessary to move the machine axes one after another, by some uncorfortables buttons, but on the contrary, you can lead it by a joystick, a much more intuitive device which is much simpler tha the previous ones. All over world, millions of children use it for the most difficult acrobatic v i d e o - g a m e s t h e y l o v e s o m u c h. T h i s w a y, t h e operator/programmer is no longer compelled to think only about how to move the machine, but he can observe the part in detail to get the best result in a very short time. The machine display (like the axis positions) is olso very important, as well as the main functions and the operation modes (automatic, manual, MDI, cicle start/stop ect.) Thanks to the liquid crystal screen, it is possible to monitor the machine axis true position in real time without getting the programmer lo leave the part while programming. In fact, during programming, it is necessary to check or to move some machine parts as the rotating axes. The programmer is compelled to move incessantly between the part and the NC video, which is really tiring. This new teach-pendant enables starting some operation modes immediately (manuals, continuas, MDI etc.) And the machine moving UTILITIES (RTCP and Inclinated plane), which are effective because perfectly integrated in the screen.


2 Detailed Description 2.1 Alphanumeric Keyboard

This is what is more commonly linked to NC keyboard. In fact, it includes all the standard and the supplementary characters needed by the machine or those which can be used in the NC EDITOR. Apparently, each key has two characters: One is bigger while the other is a bit smaller and it is at bottom on the right. The bigger one is selected by pressing its key, while the smaller one needs a further key. Thiy supplementary key is_____and it si at 2nd the right bottom of the keyboard (just over F7). This key pressure (which gets the correspondig led to light up) will select the smaller character. The key is on for one single selection, so should I use two smaller characters one after the other, would act as follows: Press_____+ smaller character, press_____+ smaller character. 2nd 2nd From the upper part of the keyboard, there are, beside the standard numeric keys, the_____key. This key gives the axis positions to the NC during the auto-teaching. WheneTEACH ver a point is to be recorded a message in the VIDEO 4 area. It is possible to go on determining the contour after the message has disappeared. Under the_____Key there is the_____Key. It erases the last recorded point. POINT TEACH As mistakes are possible during the contour determination, sometimes the last point is to be erased. Therefore, pressing_____means erasing a point. POINT The following key is_____which is used in MDI mode. DELETE It erases the last instruction written in MDI mode. The operation is automatic if the input is correct but when the programmer makes a mistake, he can correct by pressing_____and then rewriting the instruction. DELETE Furthes down, there is_____. ENTER It is used in the MDI mode and it gets the NC to record the instruction being in the VIDEO 4 area. After pressing it, {OK} is displayed at the end of the control list in MDI mode._____Doesnt get the machine to move but gives the data to the ENTER NC only. The movement is given after pressing_____. START The last one is_____. When this key is on (led lit up), it is possible to control the axis advanEDIT cing override by joystick in MDI, continuos and sequential modes. When the machine is
JOG active and_____in operation, the joystick circular potentiometer (that rotating around the EDIT JOG



main axis) becomes the advancing control corresponding to that on the NC main panel. If it rotated in the clockwise directions, the axis per cent advancing speed increases, while, when rotated in the counterclockwise directions, the axis per cent advancing speed decrease. The top percentage is 50% to comply with the safety rules about the presence of a user inside the machine. Further down, there are keys called FUNCTION (F1 to F7). They manage the manual mode axis advancing speed. For example, if the F1key is on, the joystick will get the axes to move very slowly (either the operator is very close to the part or the accuracy needed in very high). On the contrary F7 enables the axis top speed admitted. These Speed can be adjusted inside the PLUS VARIABLES page for a temporary modification. On the last line there are the keys resetting the instructions and those about the execution of direct drivers and of automatic cycles. The______key resets the NC. This function changes according to the NC mode. In MDI RESET mode, while moving the axes, this key erases the instruction at once and the axes stop moving. In automatic or semi-automatic mode, this key pressure stops the axis movements immediately and the programme goes back to the starting point. Another case is
? that of an error on the NC. In that case, the led on the_____Key is lighten up. The System will ERROR

be kept blocked until the resetting. Anyway, it is necessary to check the error and correct it before going on working. On the right of the______Key there is_____. Its functions is apparent: it starts an instruction, START RESET either from a MDI list or from a programme in progress. This key gets the axes or any movable part of the machine to move (cabin doors, loader etc.) The last key is_____. It correspond to HOLD which is on the user panel. It stops the axis STOP movement in any moment. It doesent reset the system (like the RESET key), it only blocks the movements. Pressing_____again, the movement will go on starting from the instant of STOP the interruption. The Key______is not in use here.

2.2 Operation Modes

The Keys driving the machine operation modes are those of the teach-pend last line on the left. Those keys indicate how we want to move the machine, that is in manual mode by the joystick, in pre-arranged MDI mode or if we want to execute a part programme. On the right there is the following key_____. Its associated to the MDI operation mode. This mode enables moving the machine manually as if X and Y had already been defined, or putting several auxiliary device in operation (see cabin doors). This mode is very useful when we want the machine axes to go from a side to another rapidly, instead of moving them very slowly (by little movements). On the left, there is the automatic mode first key: The Contiunous Automatic_____used to try the programme when the programmer is quite sure that it is correct. It is enough to press______to achieSTART ve the programme execution. Going on, there is the key associated to_____called semi-automatic or Automatic Step by Step. These mean that the programme execution is not sequential (from the beginning to the end) but you must press______for each programme line. It is useful when you START want to try a programme for the first time and you are not sure it is correct. The next one is the most used key_____ Its about the manual mode and allows moving the machine by the joystick (using the speeds set by the functions keys). In manual you can move all the axis at the same time, or you can select just one of them (pressing the name of the axis on the keyboard) and move it by turning the joystick override. Then, there is the_____key called incremental manual, since the machine only moves for a defined distance when a movement is input. The penultimate key_____is not in use yet: It will be used in the future to improve the axis resettig. TOUCH The last key is about the electronic feeler (optional). The_____key is about the automatic

transferring of the part distances felt by the feeler.


The second group of the operation modes is that about the movement UTILITIES. They include the RTCP_____ and the head selection keys. RTCP the inclinated plane_____ PLINC The keys from T1 to T4 are about the selection of the head to which you link the movement mode: if my selection is about T1 (led li up), RTCP and PLINK (inclinated Plane) will be connected to that head. First of all you must select the head chosen and then the mode. The RTCP mode enables moving the rotating axes using the tool center as a fulcrum, instead of using the standard rotating axes. This allows contouring a part without leaving it when it is necessary to rotate an axis. In fact, the user can do it standing near the part and with no risk of collision. The inclinated plane is a virtual one perpenticular to the tool axis. The joystick movements will follow the axes of the new plane as if I was in the XY plane and the movements are remarkably easy. It is enough to think of a simple plane inclinated in a direction; the inclinated plane avoids two movements of the joystick (X and Z), in fact one only movemet is enough in inclinated plane mode.



Auto-teaching Softkey

The keys concerning this function are just below the LCD display ad are marked S1-S5. They are called softkey as their function is not always the same, but linked to the control shown within the video 8 zone. When the auto-teaching is on, this zone is active (usually, with no other indication) as well as the funciton about the contour taking. The softkey available are: Line, Circle, 3D circle, Spline, Text, Rapid. They are as follows:

Line: It is the simplest control. The points taken from the contour are united by a straight line in the space.

Circle: this control joins three points by a circle arc measuring less than 180. If you want to draw a circle, this instruction must be given twice. This control can only be used for circles with no movement in Z.

P3 P2

P2 P1

As you notice in this drawing, the last point of the first arc is the first point of the following one.

3d Circle: This function completes the circle. The result is alwais a circle arc starting from 3 points but, in this case, Z can be change so that you can get an arc in any plane in the space.


Spline: This function enables joining all the digitized points in a very soft curve with no sudden direction changes or sharp edges. In fact, the elements composing it are kept tangent.

Text: this function is really useful when taking points. It enables to write down notes about the points taken, so that when it is necessary to modify something manually or re-examine the programme, the important points are stressed. The same notes will be stated inside the part programme after translation too. N.B. The text can also be axes movement controls, so if you wish to write notes, you must type the following synbol ; before the text. The NC does not read lines marked by that synbol.



Grafic Display

As it evident looking at the drawing, the display has been subdivided into 8 different convenient zones. Hereafter, there is the information about each zone: Video 1 zone In this frame, called axis levels, there is the simplest but the most important information about the machine, that is the axis position. The display shows the 5 moving axis position in millimetres Video 2 Zone In this frame, called V point, there is a rectangle representing the machine, and a reference line representing the operator. Yet, the operator can change the joystick specific directions according to his position as to the machine. For example, normally, the joystick moving ahead means Y+, to the right means X+ (the robot emulating the control bar movemets). What about having the operator on one side of the trimming table or behind it? In that case, the joystick movement wouldt be the same as the root axis ones. The opportunity of changing the reference points on the stick is the solution to it. This function is that of the video 2 zone and of the white direction arrows near the alphanumeric keyboard. For default, the line is under the rectangle and this means that the operator goes onto the right side, it is by pressing the right arrow that the reference bar shifts from its position at the bottom to the right side. The joystick is in the right position again. So, the joystick moving ahead means X-, to the right means Y+ and the movements are the same as the robot ones again. This applies to every position around the machine. Video 3 zone This frame shows which axes the operator is going to move by the joystick and is called JOY-LIN. There is a square with the axes names on the perimeter. Each axis correspond to one joystick movement (the name are in accordance with the point of view) in order to avoid confusion while moving it. After pressing the key about the rotary axes, being on the bottom of the keyboard, the C & A axec ad the joystick movements are shown. In this case, JOY-LIN becomes JOY-ROT.


Video 4 zone This line is called MDI and it is about this mode. Once the operation mode set in action, the control instruction will be moved to this zone together with {OK}, which means that the data have been taken. Then, you press START to execut them. Another function is that showing the texts to be inserted into the file in order to check the data beforee transmitting them to the NC. This same line shows the text RECORDED after starting each point. Video 5 zone The operation modes in use are described here as well as their parameters. Video 6 zone It is called OVER% and stated the per cent working and rapid advances and the per cent spindle rotation speed. The programmed speed value {SPD} cannot be modified by the keyboard, on the contrary, the working values {FED} and the rapid ones {RAP} can be modified by the JOG-EDIT key and by the joystick potentiometer. The two values are syncronised, that is modified while the potentiometer is rotating. Video 7 zone It shows simply the spindle rotation speed value inserted into the programme Video 8 zone It shows all the MANUAL TEACHING selection choise (line, circle etc). There are 3 lines and three columns, The line is selected by the S5 softkey (and by the arrow on the right involved), while the columns are selected by S1 through S3 keys. The working mode is white.


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