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Globalization: Eliminating Barriers

Globalization is a trend of joining countries together economically, socially, informationally, industrially, politically, and many more. Even though, globalizing had been around for a long time, such as, Islamic Golden Age when uslim traders and e!plorers established an early global economy across the "ld #orld resulting in a globalization of crops, trade, $nowledge and technology% &#i$ipedia, globalization' before the turn of ()th century. In modern term of globalization is a process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments of different nations *with intention of+ international trades and investment and *e!change of+ information technologies% never seen before. &,evin Institute, -../'. 0o most people, they thin$ of as to bring people of all nations closer together% &#i$ipedia, globalization' as 1the small world.2 Globalization is a way of eliminating barriers of country borders, to communicate in real3time overcoming time zones, language barriers to form a world language to allow everyone capability to communicate, and many more. Globalization has an effect on many words or terms such as American, 4ewish, uslim in related to religious level could change to one religion recognize by what might be called 1multiculturalism2. It had been $nown here in America as 0he melting pot% which many different cultural had and is still migrating into America now e!tends out to the rest of the world. 0here may be lots of pros or positives but it does not go without negatives or resistance. 5or e!ample, Islamic country may resist globalization because they see it as e6uivalent to westernization7wea$ening the religious strength of a country and e!posing its people to corrupting ideas.% &Ellis38hristensen, -../'. In addition, some people fear globalizing may have a negative effect on poor countries such as 1sweat shop,2 whereas it had happen when 1sweatshop2 was used by sports shoe manufacturers, in particular, 9i$e.

0he best positive side of these that were created are, GA00 &General Agreement on 0ariffs and 0rade', #0" &#orld 0rade "rganization', and I 5 &International onetary 5und' that allow easier function between nations and believe to promote world peace. 0hree ajor :rivers of Globalization 0he three major drivers are microprocessors and telecommunication, internet and #orld #ide #eb, and transportation technology. Each of those drivers in some way goes in 1hand to hand2 and they support each other. ,et us loo$ at each of them. icroprocessors may be the single best innovation in our time, which enabled the e!plosive growth of telecommunication technology. 0hese have helped develop satellite, optical fiber, and wireless technologies. In addition to the most powerful technologies are internet and artificial intelligence. 0he best of all development with the internet is allowing #orld #ide #eb possible that drive telecommunication cost down and many various way of communicating such as teleconference. 0his will continue to be the most important technology for years to come. Internet and #orld #ide #eb &www' are recently new, first developed in the 1;.s. In (//., there were fewer than one million users connected to the internet. <y (//=, it had risen to =. million. <y -..), >?> million www users. 0he www was developed into a web of information bac$bone for the global economy. 0his internet technology alone is responsible of removing the constraints of location, time zone, and barriers. 0he www allow business, both small and large, to e!pand their global presence at lower cost than ever before. 0he webs ma$e it so much easier for sellers and buyers to find each other and connect. 0ransportation technologies had evolved by leaps and bound since #orld #ar II. 0he most noticeable may be the development of commercial aircrafts and super freighters. In addition to the introduction of 1containerization2, this simplifies transshipment. Air transportation has allowed traveling from one location to another location in a shorter time, such as from 9ew @or$ to 0o$yo is closer now than it was to Ahiladelphia in early American colony.

5our Affects of globalization that impact your community and your organization 0here are several effects of globalization affecting communities, business organization, and personally. 0hese four are industrial, informational, social, and economic. ,et us loo$ at each one of them in little details. Industrial are $nown as the big company and are responsible for moving material and goods between two locations within national boundaries. #ith the emergence of internet, www, transportation technologies, and microprocessors and communication allow industrial companies to go beyond the boundaries and operate the manufactory 1plant2 in another location where there are less labor cost andBor cheaper raw materials available. Informational are information readily available at fingertips via the computer is the best e!ample. #ith the internet and www allows information to flow between to remote location where it may not been possible before. Internet became easier with the advent of fiber optic communication and satellites. In social area, the internet has allowed the development of the system of non3 government organizations as main agents of global public policy, including humanitarian aid. Economic may be the scariest subject that greatly affect majority of population. #ith the global mar$et, freely interconnect between mar$ets ma$es any country prone to devastating affect such as one country collapse may not be contained. #e all have seen what had happened when 0aiwan mar$et economic collapsed into deep recession had affected American2s economy. "f all that has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well3being in societies around the world. 8onclusion Globalization has a new meaning that affects everyone from personal level to global mar$ets, including governmental level. Globalization is not without some deep controversyC however, the facts remains are fall in communication costs, fall in sea transportation costs, declining airfreight costs, decline in tariff and non3tariff restriction, rising real living standards, liberalization of domestic mar$ets, and many more. It is widely believed going global would

bring people together and promote world peace, including the sense of interconnected beings.

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