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The Girl Next Door By Jacob Ayers

INT. TERRANCES HOME - DAY Terrance stands in his kitchen washing the dishes looking out of his apartment window. An attractive women walks past his house and into the apartment next to his... In yoga pants. Terrance immediately stops what he is doing. She is carrying a box. He watches her as she goes by. He then waits till she is out of earshot. TERRANCE Joseph our new neighbor is here! Joseph quickly rushes to where Terrance is. JOSEPH He or she? TERRANCE She. JOSEPH Oh hell yes. Was she hot? TERRANCE Above average. With yoga pants. JOSEPH Then what are we waiting for? TERRANCE No clue. The start rushing towards the front door of their apartment. CUT TO: EXT. ELLIES HOUSE - DAY Terrance knocks on the door. Ellie opens it. TERRANCE Hello. ELLIE Hi? TERRANCE We saw you walking by and we were wondering if you wanted some help with your stuff.


CONTINUED: JOSEPH Yeah we figured that we should help out our new neighbor. ELLIE Alright, great. The truck is downstairs. TERRANCE Well get right on it. MONTAGE:


Terrance and Joseph helping Ellie get her things into her new house. INT. ELLIES HOUSE - LATER Joseph, Terrance, and Ellie all sit on the couch that they just brought in. They all sit there awkwardly and have nothing to say. ELLIE Well thank you so much you two. TERRANCE No problem. JOSEPH Yeah totally, we just want to be good neighbors. TERRANCE Hey how about I take you to get some coffee in the morning? ELLIE Uh wellJOSEPH (cutting her off) Our treat. TERRANCE Yeah then we could help you unpack if you like. Ellie seems a bit overwhelmed. ELLIE Sure, thatll work. DISSOLVE TO:


INT. TERRANCES HOME - NIGHT Terrance and Joseph stand around the kitchen giving a run down on the events at Ellies house. Joseph is standing near the oven while something bakes inside. TERRANCE So do you think that she was into me? JOSEPH I would say that it looked like she was more into me. TERRANCE Bullshit, did you see the way that she touched my hand when we were carrying that T.V.? JOSEPH Touching another persons hand while carrying something doesnt mean shit. TERRANCE Well I truly felt like we had a connection when she did so. JOSEPH Whatever. A little bit passes by before they speak again. The Oven alarm goes off. TERRANCE Joseph, can you tell me why you are baking cookies? JOSEPH For Ellie tomorrow. Joseph puts an oven mitt on. TERRANCE Oh so now you are trying to one-up me. As he goes to pull out the cookies. JOSEPH No Terrance, I am not trying to one-up you.




He starts to pull out the baking sheet. He gets halfway to the stove-top to set the baking sheet on before he drops it on the floor. The cookies are burnt JOSEPH Aaaaah, son of a bitch! TERRANCE What the hell is wrong with you? JOSEPH Why dont these fucking oven mitts work? TERRANCE They do work. JOSEPH Then why are my hands burnt? TERRANCE Well you dont grip it so fucking hard. Grab it, its going to damage the floor. JOSEPH Screw the floor, look at my hands! TERRANCE Just grab it! Joseph in a frenzy grabs the oven mitts and grabs the baking sheet. He manages to get the sheet onto the stove-top but the oven mitt catches on fire. He throws the oven mitt into the sink and starts running the water. Joseph screams as he sees the burn marks on his hand. TERRANCE Oh shit Joseph, lets get you to the hospital. JOSEPH (nearly crying) Where did you get those oven mitts? TERRANCE Ill tell you once we get into the car. The rush out of the house and into the car with Joseph in pain the entire way. They both get into the car.




JOSEPH Lets go! TERRANCE Did you turn the oven off? JOSEPH I dont know. TERRANCE I need to run back and double check. JOSEPH Just take me to the hospital! TERRANCE Well we need to make sure the house doesnt burn down. Terrance gets out of the car and comes back a minute later. Joseph clutches his hand in pain. JOSEPH Was it off? TERRANCE Yeah. JOSEPH (crying) Son of a bitch. TERRANCE Those oven mitts are from the dollar store. They begin driving off towards the hospital. FADE BLACK TO: INT. ELLIES HOUSE - NIGHT Ellie is sound asleep in her bed. She then is pushed out of bed by a mysterious force. She clutches her head in pain after it hits the floor. She walks out of her room and finds that all of her cabinets are opened and that a picture of her on the wall has fallen. She is a bit spooked but returns to bed. After a while in bed she feels a breath against the back of her neck. She turns around and is terrified by a women in her bed. The women jumps on top of her and starts strangling Ellie. She then wakes up from the dream in a cold (CONTINUED)



sweat. She goes back throughout the house and everything is back to normal. Though as she heads back to bed the same picture falls into the same spot. FADE BLACK TO: INT. ELLIES HOUSE - MORNING Terrance and Ellie come in through the front door with coffee. ELLIE So I have been meaning to ask you. Where is Joseph? TERRANCE Joseph. Well you will never believe how crazy last night was. Basically being the impatient person that he is instead of having the oven at 400 degrees he wanted to finish a batch of cookies in half the amount of time so he cranked the oven up to 800 degrees. So when he pulled the baking sheet out of the oven he burnt his hand even though he had an oven mitt on, and then when he tried to pick it up off of the floor the oven mitt caught on fire. ELLIE Holy shit. Is he alright? TERRANCE Fine, he just has some burns. His hand will likely look like Danny Trejo for a month or so. ELLIE Well my night could compete in a crazy contest. TERRANCE Really? What happened. ELLIE Well I had this crazy dream... nightmare, that I was thrown out of bed and things were changed around my house. When I went back to bed i felt breathing against my neck and turned around and started getting strangled by some women. (CONTINUED)



TERRANCE (V.O. that drowns out Ellie) Holy shit she is already coming out to me about her dreams. Im totally in. ELLIE (contd) The worst of it all is that before I went to get coffee with you I found that picture of there in the exact same spot that it was in my nightmare. TERRANCE Well if you need anyone to be there for you, Ill be right next door. ELLIE Thank you so much. TERRANCE If something like that ever happens again please feel free to come by our house to stay the night. ELLIE Alright, Ill bear that in mind. Terrance gets up. TERRANCE Alright lets start unpacking. DISSOLVE TO: INT. TERRANCES HOME - NIGHT Terrance and Joseph enter their house. Joseph has stuff wrapped around his hand. JOSEPH So what happened while I was gone? TERRANCE We got coffee and unpacked all of her stuff. JOSEPH Without me?




TERRANCE Dude we already had it all planned, so I didnt want to let her down. Though she started sharing her dreams with me. JOSEPH Oh dude you are totally in. TERRANCE I know right. The woman who was strangling Ellie in her dream looks at them through a window, but they dont notice. They suddenly hear a knocking on their front door. The women in the window disappears. Terrance and Joseph go to the front door and Terrance opens it. Ellie rushes in and hugs Terrance. Terrance mouths "Im totally in" to Joseph as he does it. TERRANCE Whats wrong? Ellie shows them the bruises on her neck. It looks as if someone had been strangling her. ELLIE Does the offer still stand? TERRANCE Yes of course. JOSEPH Offer? What offer? TERRANCE I told her that she could stay the night if something else happened to her. JOSEPH Okay whatever, where is she going to sleep? TERRANCE Would my room work for you? ELLIE Yeah Terrance leads Ellie into his room.




TERRANCE Just give me a shout if you need anything I will be out on the couch. ELLIE Thank you so much. FADE BLACK TO: INT. TERRANCES ROOM - LATER Ellie hears voices in her head. She gets up from bed and looks out the window. She sees the women that was strangling her waving for her to come back to her house. She blinks and once she opens her eyes from the blink she is inside of her house, lying down on her bed. Ellie begins screaming. CUT TO: INT. TERRANCES HOME - NIGHT Terrance hears a scream coming from upstairs and he runs to go and help Ellie, though all he sees is the mysterious woman pointing towards the window where Ellie is screaming from her house. TERRANCE How the hell did she get there? He looks back towards the woman but she has since disappeared. Terrance rushes to Joseph and wakes him up. TERRANCE Something is up with Ellie Joseph, we need to get over to her house right now. JOSEPH What is going on. TERRANCE Just get your ass moving. They start running towards Ellies house and barge inside. They rush into Ellies room just to find her possessed. She looks sinisterly at them while objects around the room are floating. Terrance and Joseph are terrified.




TERRANCE I... Guess that we can come back later if you like. They both make an attempt to get out of the room but it slams on them, trapping them inside. Ellie then starts speaking satanic rituals in Latin. TERRANCE What the hell is she saying? JOSEPH Some random crap in Latin TERRANCE Well translate it for me. JOSEPH Well dude I only took Latin during High School. TERRANCE Just do the best you can! JOSEPH (moment for actor who plays Joseph to improv) TERRANCE Wait... What? There is no way in hell that can be right. ELLIE (In a demonic voice) You will be in hell soon. TERRANCE Wait a minute. Are you Satan? Jesus I have so many questions. Like, what was god like? I mean I guess I am sorta shooting in the dark here because you two have had your little disagreements over the past couple of... forever... correct? Possessed Ellie looks very confused. All of the floating items fall. JOSEPH God dammit be careful I bet she payed good money for all of the crap that you just smashed.




ELLIE (In a demonic voice) She doesnt have to worry about these items where she is currently headed. TERRANCE I honestly dont understand this whole possession scheme that you do. I mean you take over some poor soul... just to take their soul. I mean that seems like a waste of time for you. JOSEPH Yeah dont you have to micromanage billions of souls down in hell? Then you must have at least another million or so coming in every day. TERRANCE Yeah so why do you need to possess a single girl? JOSEPH Yeah doesnt that seem to be a bit counter productive? Possessed Ellie seems to be very conflicted. She then flings the objects in the room killing Terrance and Joseph. CUT TO: INT. HELL - DAY Hell looks like a waiting room. Terrance and Joseph are both sitting in chairs. JOSEPH Oh Terrance you just had to open your mouth and try to question Satan didnt you? TERRANCE Hey man I really dont think that it would have changed the outcome in anyway. Then again it looks like we will have the rest of eternity to think about it. They stand in silence for a little while.




TERRANCE (contd) Joseph, why did you take Latin in high school? JOSEPH I dont know I figured it may come to use. TERRANCE How could a dead language come to use? JOSEPH Well it came to use while I was translating what Ellie was saying. That enough was more useful than learning French. ELLIE Next. They look over towards where Ellie is. TERRANCE Wait, what? Ellie what are you doing here? ELLIE I died. TERRANCE Well how did you end up being the person that called people to go next? ELLIE You can ask him when you go in. TERRANCE Fair enough. Terrance and Joseph walk into the room and find a man dressed nicely with hair that is nicely combed backwards. They sit down across from him at the table. JOSEPH Aaaaand you are? SATAN Take a wild guess.




JOSEPH Right. TERRANCE Hey you still never gave me a proper answer when I asked you why you bothered with possessions. JOSEPH Yeah, and what is your problem with us? I feel like there are plenty of people that were worth your time that dont deserve to be living on earth. SATAN It is much more complex than you think, now I am very busy because there are a whole bunch of wars going on right now so lets just get to your punishment. TERRANCE Well I mean you did kill us so I feel that the least that you owe us are some answers. JOSEPH Yeah I mean one thing that I always wondered was, was what happens when someone of a different religions die. I mean do the same rules apply to them or do they get sent elsewhere or something like that. Or do they have a one-way ticket right here? Satan seems annoyed and he simply snaps his fingers. Terrance and Joseph disappear. CUT TO: INT. SMALL CLOSET. - NIGHT Joseph and Terrance are in a claustrophobic environment stuck together without lights, and a locked door. For the rest of eternity.

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