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This pantheon list will allow you to play Of Gods and Mortals using a force made up of the gods, legends and warriors of the Inca empire. As it is a less well-known pantheon than some, brief descriptions have been added to assist in sourcing suitable figures.

Illapa Q2 Inti Q2 C4 Burst of Light, Transfix, Weather Control 240 points Amphibious, Part Waters, Water God 232 points Breathtaking Beauty, Healing, Love Conquers All 236 points Animal Mastery, Forester, Protection 260 points C4 Culling of the Weak, Raise the Dead 280 points Healing, Prophecy, Tremble Before My Might God of the Sun. Mamacocha Q2 C4 Goddess of the sea. Mamakilla Q2 C3 Goddess of the Moon, beauty and purity. Pachamama Q2 Supay Q2 God of death and the underworld. Viracocha Q2 C4 God of creation and civilization. C4 Goddess of nature and the Earth. C5 Combat Master, Lightning, Weather Control 296 points God of thunder, lightning and rain. 348 points

Amaru Q3 Apu Q3 C4 Artificial, Hammering Blow, Huge Spirit of the mountains. Option: May be Gargantuan instead of Huge for 2 points. Apusquipay Q3 C3 Inca general. Option: May be carried in a litter: Add Mounted for 14 points. Option: Add Shooter (Medium) for 10 points. Canchu Q3 Ccoa Q3 Layqa Q3 Witch. Mallku Q3 Nakaq Q3 C3 Ambusher, Stealth, Undead 94 points Bard, Mounted, Rare (1) Undead murderer. Sapa Inca Q3 C3 C3 Carrier, Flying, Huge, Protection, Unique 78 points Condor spirit. 100 points C2 Confound, Poison C2 Shooter (Medium), Very Difficult Target 56 points Hailstorm-spitting cat spirit C3 Greedy, Stealth, Undead 70 points Stealthy bloodsucker. 66 points 60 points C4 Armoured, Flying, Huge, Long Move, Unique 110 points Winged serpent spirit. 132 points

Inca king, carried in a litter. A force that includes the Sapa Inca must also include a unit of Sapa Incas Bodyguard.

Chanca Warriors (CO) Q4 Q4 Q4 Q4 Q4 C2 C2 C1 C3 C2 Dashing 21 points 24 points Animal, Flying, Long Move 23 points 18 points Rare (8) Shooter (Short) Good Shot, Shooter (Short) Colla Skirmishers (OO) Condors (OO) Inca Noble Warriors (CO) Inca Slingers (OO) 19 points Inca Warriors (CO) Q4 Q4 Q4 C2 14 points Animal, Long Move 18 points Undead 25 points C1 C2 Llamas (OO) Machukuna (OO) Animated skeletons or corpses. Sapa Incas Bodyguard (CO) Q4 C3 Rare (8), Steadfast 16 points May only be included in a force containing the Sapa Inca. Suqakuna (OO) Q4 C2 Amphibious, Slow, Undead Swamp-dwelling undead. 15 points

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