Special Promotional Economy Class From Indonesia (H-Class)

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Mitra Usaha yang terhormat, Bersama ini kami sampaikan Special Promotional Economy Class From Indonesia (HClass s!! "
R#$%& #$% & $U' #$%-SI#$%-01MES-PE#$%-B$$ #$%-%PE #$%-H$6 #$%-C7#$%-SE' #$%-01)PS-SE' #$%-B#S #$%-SH7 #$%-%9: #$%-:S7 #$%-01)PS-H-) #$%-PE, #$%-01)PS-PE, #$%-01)PS-B-E #$%-S9) #$%-ME' #$%-7UH #$%-7MS Fa'& Ba()( H'()I) H'.)I) H'/)I) H'/)I) H'3.)I) H'/)I) H'/)I) H'3.)I) H'3.)I) H'/)I) H'/)I) H'3.)I) H'3.)I) H'3.)I) H'2)I) H'2)I) H'2)I) H'2)I) H'2)I) H'32)I) H'32)I) RSP USD *+ /+ 2+ 34+ 5(+ 5(+ 5(+ 8(+ 8(+ 8(+ 8(+ 8(+ 8(+ 8(+ 88+ 88+ 8*+ 8/+ 8/+ .3+ *3+ J#$'n&* ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% ,% C+a(( H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H R&,a'-( FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI% FI%

,;les and Conditions

C7%++< 7pplication Special ,SP promotional economy class =rom Indonesia (H class (E7,'9 BI,) C7%+8< Seasonality .a+)/ 0#' %'a1&+ 01F&214 $n%)+ 31D&414 Based on date o= tra>el =irst =light co;pon C7%+.< Flight 7pplication ?alid on 67 =light -ot >alid =or codeshare =light C7%+(< ,eser>ation and ticketing M;st con=irm !ooking =or the @hole Ao;rney S;!Aect to seat a>aila!ility /B commission =or ticket iss;ed at I7%7 agent -o commission =or ticket iss;ed at 67 o==ice 67 ticketing time limit proced;re apply C7%+/< MaC Stay ,e=er to each =are !asis C7%+2< Stopo>er -o stopo>er permitted C7%3+< Com!ination Permitted to com!ine @ith applica!le add-on =rom domestic Indonesia MiCed class permitted @ith 91B1M1$1-1D1%1? !ased on hal= ,% !asis @ith the most restricted conditions apply C7%33<Blacko;t date N#% 1a+)/ 0#' %'a1&+ /$')n5 6&a- 6&')#/ 7 20J$+14 ! 03A$514 // 20 8 30 D&414 C7%35< S;rcharge 7ll applica!le taC1=ee1charge are eCcl;ded and m;st !e collected ;pon ticketing C7%3.< %ra>el ,estriction .a+)/ 0#' %'a1&+ 0'#, 01F&214 $n%)+ 31D&414 Based on date o= tra>el =irst =light co;pon C7%3(< Sales ,estriction .a+)/ 0#' %)4-&% )(($&/ 19Jan14 $n%)+ 31Jan14 P%7 not permitted C7%3*< Penalties Partial ;sed non re=;nda!le Complete =light co;pon re=;nda!le @ith re=;nd =ee and adm =ee total US) (+ per ticket pl;s penalty 5(B =rom air=are<

,e!ooking a=ter ticketing ;pselling to normal =are (91B1$1M1-1D1%1? !ase on con=irm seat @ith ,eiss;e =ee US) 3+ per ticket ,ero;ting not permitted C7%32< Endorsement -o-end -o-rrte 1 Fare restriction apply C7%34< Chd1In= Chd same as ad;lt =are In= ;nder 5. month charge 3+B =rom ad;lt =are1no seat C7%5+< %o;r cond;ctor disco;nt -o to;r cond;ctor disco;nt permitted C7%55< :ther disco;nt -o other disco;nt permitted 58< Miscellaneo;s ,SP >alid =or ticketing at 7ll I7%7 agent in Indonesia ,SP >alid =or all 67 :==ice in Indonesia incl;ding call center, I!e, M%C, 6:S< C7%5*<6ro;p >alid =or FI% only 6ro;p not allo@ed C7%5/< %o;r T#$' 4#/& R:IE013;PR14

)emikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya di;capkan terima kasih<

Sa+a, PT. <ARUDA INDONESIA B'an4= O00)4& P&-an2a'$
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