Jammu & Kashmir ITI Names

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Jammu & Kashmir

S No. 1. 2. !. &. ). *. ,. 2007-08 ITI, Budgam ITI, Ganderbal ITI, "a#hua ITI, $ulwama ITI, (amba ITI, +dhampur 2008-09 ITI, Bandipora ITI, Char-I-sharief ITI, "ulgam ITI, 'easi ITI, (apore 2009-10 ITI, Leh ITI, Mendhar ITI, $oon%h ITI, (underban 2010-11 ITI, Bhaddu/Billawar ITI, andwara ITI, $a##an ITI, 'amban ITI, (hopian ITI, Tral ITI, +ri 2011-12 ITI, Bhaderwah

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!"#!$ %ame of the ITI & ITI, "a#hua S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 9 1! 11 1 13 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate= 'etails ITI( )athua. %I* Iti,-athua,1 3./ahoo.com 19$! Sh. 2al )rishan 2astotra !19 33"3!(9319 1 $13 45s. Industrial +6uipment 7ompan/( 3 # 2 Industrial +8tension )athua. 931"9 133 4r. Satish Go/al 4' !939"$!!!"3 %I* %I* 9913 <1>%= 1ffice&1!3 >or-shop& !63 ?ostel&933 +lectrician <!1=( Turner <!1=( 4otor 4ech. <!1=( >elder <!1=( Painter General <!1=( Stenograph/ <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1= 9 196 Turner( Painter General( 7utting @ SeAing( >elder. Plumber( :itter General( +lectronic 4echanic 4ulti S-illed( 2eautician. %I* 9$.!! 19 .!! 33.39 *a-hs @ 3.1" B 3.36 *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir<Celease=5 !!$#%I7 @ 6th 4ar !!$

3 3

6 " $

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!"#!$ %ame of the ITI & ITI, +dhampur S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate= 'etails ITI( Udhampur. !199 "!93! itiudhaE-.gamil.com 19"3 Sh. CaEandra )umar !199 "!93! 45s. +verest 7hemical Industries( Udhampur. 931916 336 Sh. ;run P. Gupta 4anaging 'irector !199 "!3$$ !199 "13$$ +verestc1.sancharnet.in 3!!! <1>%= 1ffice& !! >or-shop&9!!! ?ostel& %I* +lectrician <!1=( >elder <!1=( Stenograph/ <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <! = $! 133 :ashion 'esigning( +lectrician. Information Technolog/ @ +lectronic S/stem ( mechanic Plumber( 4echanic 4otor Fehicle( ?otel 4anagement. %I* "1.!! 1"9.!! 33.9" *a-hs @ 3.33 B 1.69 *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir<Celease=5 !!$#%I7 @ 6th 4ar !!$

3 3

6 " $

9 1! 11 1 13

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!"#!$ %ame of the ITI & ITI, $ulwama S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate= 'etails ITI( PulAama. %I* %I* 19$1 Sh. ;.2 ?amid 4ali9369!#$!316 45s. *in- >a/ 7rushers( Tengpora( PulAana. 9319!! 3 1 Sh. %aGir ;hmad 4ir 4anaging 'irector !9319!31"!1 %I* %I* 1".1" )anals <1>%= 1ffice( >or-shop& 1!!H 9 ?ostel& %I* +lectrician <!1=( Plumber <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1=( Stenograph/ +nglish <!1= 63 1 $ +lectrician( 'ress ma-ing( +lectronic 4echanic. ;dvance >elding( :ood ;nd :ruit Processing( Cefrigeration @ ;5c. %I* 6!.!! 19!.!! 96. 9 *a-hs @ 9.63 B 1.3" *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir<Celease=5 !!$#%I7 @ 6th 4ar !!$

3 3

6 " $

9 1! 11 1 13

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!"#!$ %ame of the ITI & ITI, (amba S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= 'etails ITI( Samba. !191# 33169$ %I* 199 Sh. %.) Gupta !191# 33169$ 45s. Fina/a- S/nthetich( Samba. 931919 93$ Sh. Finod Cishi 4anaging Partner 93191$"9"9 %I* %I* 19 $ <1>%= 1ffice& 39$.$ >or-shop&$ 6.3! ?ostel&93 .3 Plumber <!1=( :itter <!1=( +lectronic 4echanic <!1=( Tractor 4echanic <!1= 63 1 $ :itter( +lectronic 4echanic( Tractor 4echanic( >elder Plumber( +lectrician( 7utting @ SeAing. Cefrigeration and ;5c( ?otel 4anagement( Tourist Guide( ;uto 7;'. %I* 31.!! !9.!! 69.3" *a-hs @ 33.19 B 1.31 *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir<Celease=5 !!$#%I7 @ 6th 4ar !!$

3 3

6 " $

"#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades

9 1! 11 1 13

1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!"#!$ %ame of the ITI & ITI, Ganderbal S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 9 1! 11 1 13 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate= 'etails ITI, Ganderbal. %I* %I* 1-./ 4r. 4uhammad I6bal PandoA 9319!93"3" 45s. Iuadri Group 1f Industries. !193 3 9$! 4r. Sa/ed ;fa6 Iadri 4' !9319!#19$99 %I* %I* 3!66 <1>%= 1ffice&1!6 >or-shop& 363 ?ostel& %I* +lectrician<!1=( >elder<!1=( 71P;<! =( 4ech. <motor Fehicle= <! =( 7arpenter<!1=( 7utting @ SeAing<!1= 12. 1"6 0d1an%ed 2elding, 3ress ma4ing, In#erior wood wor4. Te5#ile Te%hnolog6, 75#ruder 8pera#or, 9ood $ro%essing. %I* 3!.!! 1!.!! "9.91 *a-hs @ 36.19 B !.!6 *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir<Celease=5 !!$#%I7 @ 6th 4ar !!$

3 3

6 " $

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!"#!$ %ame of the ITI & ITI, Budgam S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades 'etails ITI( 2udgam )ashmir. !1991 99 "3 %aGar,ul,islam./ahoo.com 19$1 Sh. %aGar# Ul# Islam 9319!196!9 45s. Pasha +lectronics( sidco +lctronic( 7omple8 Cangreth. %I* 4r. 4anGoor ;hmed 4anaging 'irector %I* %I* %I* 1 3$! <1>%= 1ffice& 1 >or-shop&1993 ?ostel&1"66 4ech. 4F <!1=( +lectrician <!1=( +lec. 4ech. <!1=( 4ech.( Cadio @ TF <!1=( >elder <;C7 @ Gas= <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1=( Stenograph/ <!1= 11 16! 44F( >elder( 7utting @ SeAing 4ech. Cadio @ TF. Sanitar/ ?5A :itter( Printing @ T/ping( ;7 @ Cefrigeration. %I* 63.!! 1$".!! $ .!! *a-hs @ 33.$9 B

3 3

" $

Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades

9 1! 11

1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11=

1 13

Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

!.!! 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir<Celease=5 !!$#%I7 @ 6th 4ar !!$

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!$#!9 %ame of the ITI& ITI, (opore S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure 'etails ITI( Sapore( 7hin-ipora( 'ist. 2aramulla Pin# 1931! . %I* Dai11./ahoo.com 19$$ 4r. Davaid ;hmad Ganai 93193691 3 45s. ;lpine Products Sopore. %I* 4r. David ;hmad 2hat 'irector 9319!!19$9 %I* alpineEavidat./ahoo.com 1933" <1>%= 1ffice& !! >or-shop2loc-&3!! 7hoA-idar ?ut& 6 +lectrician<!1=( 4ech. Cadio TF<!1=( Stenograph/<!1=( 1thers#<;llied Trade Instructor= 3$ 11 +lectrician( Stenograph/. 4echanic 7omputer ?ardAare( Printing @ Pac-ing( 'es-top Publishing 1perator( Sanitar/ ?ardAare :itter. %I* 3!.!! !.!!

3 3

6 " $

9 1!

11 1 13

+8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

$".36 *a-hs @ 39."9 B !.$" *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir<Celease=5 !!$#%I7 @ 3rd 4ar !!9

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!$#!9 %ame of the ITI& ITI, Chari:sharief S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= 'etails ITI( 7har#I J sharief( Satellite colon/. !9191# 33996( iticharisharief.gmail.com 19$$ Sri. ;bdul Gani %aEar 9319"!93!! 45s. 'iamond Grinding 4edia Industries. 9319!!3!9 4r. %aGir ;hmad Shi-ari 4anaging 'irector 9319!!6"66 %I* nshi-ari.rediffmail.com 3$!$! s6 m <1>%= 1ffice5;dministrative& "! >or-shop& 33! ?ostel& %I* Cadio @TF<!1= ( +lectrician<!1=( Stenograph/<!1= 3$ 11 Cadio TF into +lectronic mechanic( +lectrician. 4echanic Cepair @ 4aintenance 1f *ight Fehicle( Preservation 1f :ruits @ Fegetable( ;57 @ Cefrigeration( 2uilding 4aintenance. %I* 3!.!! 1!.!! 69.33 *a-hs @ 33.! B

3 3

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9 1! 11

1 13

Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

!.16 *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir<Celease=5 !!$#%I7 @ 3rd 4ar !!9

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!$#!9 %ame of the ITI& ITI, "ulgam S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= 'etails ITI( )ulgam( 7haAalgum. %I* %I* 19$9 ;b. Cehman >ani 9319""!931(!9"9"1 $"39 45s. )anAal Industries Pvt. *td. %I* Sri. 4ohd. ;min 7hadinoo 4anaging 'irector 9319!39399( 99193 %I* %I* 9

3 3

6 " $

%I* <1>%= 1ffice& 311! >or-shop& 311! ?ostel& %I* Stenograph/ <!1=( 4ech. Cadio @TF <!1= 3 96 Stenograph/<!1=( 4ech. Cadio @TF<!1= 4ech. 4otor Fehicle( IT5+S4( Preservation 1f :ruits @ Fegetables ( 'ress 4a-ing. %I* 6!.!! 19!.!! 13 ."6 *a-hs @ 69.$" B !.!!

9 1! 11 1


*oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir<Celease=5 !!$#%I7 @ 3rd 4ar !!9

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!$#!9 %ame of ITI& ITI, Bandipora S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= 'etails ITI( 2andipora( 'achigam Coad( 'ist. 2andipora( )ashmir. Pin#1939! . %I* Dai11./ahoo.com 19"9 4r. Davaid ;hmad Ganaie 93193691 3 45s. Sushil Industries. %I* 4r. 4ohd ;shraf )han 'irector 9319!3 ! 3 !199 39999 %I* 1933"s6 mtr <1>%= 1ffice& 31! >or-shop&"13 ?ostel& 69". 9 ?/draulic *ift&116 7hoA-idar ?ut& 6 4ech. 4otor Fehicle<!1=( 4ech. Cadio TF<!1=( +lectrician<!1=( Stenograph/<!1=( 7utting @ SeAing<!1= $! 133 4ech. 4otor Fehicle( 4ech. Cadio TF @ 4echanic +lectronics. 4echanic 7omputer ?ardAare( >elder( 'es-top

3 3

6 " $

"#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades

9 1! 11 1 13

1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

Publishing 1perator( 2uilding 4aintenance. %I* 3!.!! 1!.!! $3.$3 *a-hs @ 39.9 B !.11 *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir<Celease=5 !!$#%I7 @ 3rd 4ar !!9

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!$#!9 %ame 1f ITI& ITI, 'easi S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 9 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ 'etails ITI( Ceasi( Tehsil 'ist. Ceasi. !1991# 9939$ %I* 19$9 4r. )uldeep )umar Sharma %I* 45s. %?P7 ltd. !1991# 3""393 4r. S-hri Datinder General 4anager !1991# 99333 !1991# 99"!6 %I* 3"9! <1>%= 1ffice& 1!!3 >or-shop& 363 ?ostel& %I* +lectrician<!1=( >elder<!1=( :itter<! =( Stenograph/<!1=( 7@S<!1= 96 16! +lectrician( >elder( :itter( 7utting @ SeAing into 'ress 4a-ing. Plumber( +lectrician( 4otor mechanic<motor vehicle= ( ;7 Cefrigeration. %I* $!.!!

3 3

6 " $

1! 11 1 13

Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

1"!.!! 19.9 *a-hs @ 9.13 B !.!! 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir<Celease=5 !!$#%I7 @ 3rd 4ar !!9

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!9#1! %ame of the ITI & ITI( Poonch S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ 'etails ITI( Poonch !1969# !133 %I* 19"9 Sh. Sagar Sharma !1969# !133( 931916 19! 45s. )umar Cadios @ electronics >or-s( Poonch !1969# ! 3! 4r. Fishal Ferma Proprietor !1969# 3!39!( 93191$39"3 !1969# 3!39! %I* $9!! <1>%= 1ffice @ >or-shops & 9!$ ?ostel & +lectrician <!1=( 4otor 4ech. <!1=( Stenograph/ <!1=( 7utting SeAing <!1=( Painter General <!1= $! 133 Painter General <!1=( electrician <!1= Cef. @ ;7 <!1=( IT@+S4 <!1=( 'raughtsman 7ivil <!1=( 'river cum 4ech. <!1= %I* 69.!!

3 3

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1! 11 1 13

Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

1$1.!! 6. " *a-hs @ 13.19 B 1.6 *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5D@)5 !!9#%I7 @ 16th 'ecember( !!9

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!9#1! %ame of the ITI & ITI( *eh S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 9 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ 'etails ITI( *eh !19$ # 9 3 $( 96 996"33 %I* 19$1 Smt. Phuntsog ;ngmo 96 996"33 45s. %?P7 *td. !191# 3""393 4r. D ) Sharma 7hief +ngg. !1969# 3!39!( 93191$39"3 !1969# 3!39! %I* 3! )anal <1>%= 1ffice & 39 >or-shops & 9"3 ?ostel & %I* 4ech. Cadio @ TF <!1=( Stenograph/ <!1=( 7utting SeAing <!1= 3$ 133 +lectrician <!1=( 44F <! =( 4ech. 7onsumer +lectronics <!1=( Stenograph/ <+nglish= <!1=( 71P; <!1= Cef. @ ;7 <!1=( IT@+S4 <!1=( 'raughtsman 7ivil <!1=( 'river cum 4ech. <!1= %I* "!.!!

3 3

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1! 11 1 13

Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

1$!.!! 1 . $ *a-hs @ 6.$ B !.!! 'G+T#39<1396=5D@)5 !!9#%I7 @ 1"th 4arch( !1!

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!9#1! %ame of the ITI & ITI( Sunderban S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 'etails ITI( Sunderban( Tehsil and 'ist. CaEouri !196!# 33396 Cast 33.rediffmail.com 19$9 Sh. CaEesh Gupta 93191319!$ 45s. School of 4athematics Sciences @ +ngg. 2aba Gulam Shah 2adshsh Universit/( CaEouri !196 # 6 616( 93191!396 4r. 4ohammed ;sgar 'ean !196 # 6 616( 93191!396 !196 # 6 616 4,asger./ahoo.com(masgherghaGi.gmail.co m 1!$!! <1>%= 1ffice & 9$3 >or-shops & 113! ?ostel & 3$! +lectrician <!1=( 44F <!1=( Stenograph/ <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1= 63 11 +lectrician <!1=( 44F <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1= 4ech. Sanitar/ ?5> <!1=( >elder <!1=(

3 3

6 " $

9 1! 11 1 13

1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

'raughtsman 7ivil <!1= %I* "!.!! 1$!.!! ".$$ *a-hs @ 19.39 B !.! *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5D@)5 !!9#%I7 @ 31st 4arch( !1!

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !!9#1! %ame of the ITI & ITI( 4endhar S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 'etails ITI( 4endhar !1969# 6199 %I* 19$9 Sh. )hadam ?ussain 93693939"3 45s. School of 4athematics Science @ +ngg. !196 # 6 616 4r. 4ohd. ;sgar 'ean !196 # 6 616 %I* %I* 16 7anal 16 4arla <1>%= 1ffice & 196 >or-shops & 99.6 ?ostel & 3"3.9 +lectrician <!1=( Stenograph/ <!1=( Plumber <!1=( Cadio @ TF <!1= 63 11 +lectrician <!1=( Cadio @ TF <!1=

3 3

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9 1! 11 1 13

1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

'ress 4a-ing <!1=( 44F <!1=( >elder <!1= %I* "!.!! 1$!.!! 6.16 *a-hs @ 13.93 B 1.6 *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5D@)5 !!9#%I7 @ 31st 4arch( !1!

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !1!#11 %ame of the ITI & ITI( Shopian S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation C'ntact (etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate= 'etails ITI( Shopian %I* %I* 19"9 4r. :ida ?ussain )han 99!6"1!393 45s. Cahim Group Indusries 9"9""9"$69 Prof. ) ) S DamAal 'ean School of Technolog/ 9319!!931 %I* %I* 9!! 1ffice& 9 >or-shop & 9! ?ostel & %I* +lectrician <!1=( Stenograph/ <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1= 3$ 11 +lectrician <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1= 4otor 4echanic <!1=( >elder <!1=( Plumber <!1=( Tool @ 'ie 4a-er <!1= %I* 9!.!! !!.!! 1!.31 *a-hs @ 9. 1 B %I* 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir5 !1!#%I7 <1= @ !th 1ct( !1!

3 3

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9 1! 11 1 13

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !1!#11 %ame of the ITI & ITI( Tral S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation C'ntact (etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= 'etails ITI( Tral( 'ist. PulAama( )ashmir %I* E-ititral.gmail.com 19$9 4r. 4aGoor ;hmad Shah !936991$616 45s. Cahim Group Indusries 9"9""9"$69 Prof. ) ) S DamAal 'ean School of Technolog/ 9319!!931 %I* %I* 3696! Total 7onstructed& 9!9 1ffice& 993 >or-shop & %I* ?ostel & %I* +lectrician <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1= 3 96 +lectrician <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1= 4otor 4echanic <!1=( >elder <!1=( Plumber <!1=( 'raftsman 7ivil <!1= %I* 9!.!! !!.!! !.!! *a-hs %I* 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir5 !1!#%I7 < = @ !th 1ct( !1!

3 3

6 " $

"#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

9 1! 11 1 13

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !1!#11 %ame of the ITI & ITI( ?andAara S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation C'ntact (etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= 'etails ITI( ?andAara( 4agam Coad( ?andAara( 'ist. )upAara 9319!3999 itihandAara.gmail.com 199 4r. ShoA-at ;nAar Cather 9319!3999 45s. Saadat +nterprises( 7ollege Coad( )upAara 9319! $"1 4r. 4ohd. 0ousuf 4ir Proprietor 9319! $"1 %I* %I* 999$ Total 7onstructed& 1!99 1ffice& 9 ! >or-shop & 3"! ?ostel & 1!9 +lectrician <!1=( +lectronics 4ech. <!1= 3 96 +lectrician <!1= C;7 <!1=( Plumber <!1=( 4ultimedia ;nimation Special +ffects <!1=( :ashion Technolog/ <!1= %I* 9!.!! !!.!! %I* %I* 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir5 !1!#%I7 @ 16 4ar( !11

3 3

6 " $

"#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate=

9 1! 11 1 13

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !1!#11 %ame of the ITI & ITI( Bhaddu/Billawar S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation C'ntact (etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate= 'etails ITI( Bhaddu/Billawar, ;$8< Bhaddu, The. Billawar, 3is#. "a#hua, (#a#e< =>" !19 1# 6663$ Itibhaddu$$3".gmail.com 19$" 4r. %aresh Singh 93191!"$3 45s. ;mar 7ement :actor/ )athua( Industrial +state( )athua( D@) 931" "!" $ 4r. Suresh Pal 4' 931919 3""" !19 36$69 # 9!93 1ffice& 39."3 >or-shop & 36 .39 ?ostel & "3 Stenograph/ +nglish <!1=( +lectrician <!1=( 4ech. CTF <!1= 3$ 11 Stenograph/ +nglish <!1=( +lectrician <!1= 44F <!1=( Plumber <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1=( ?air @ S-in 7are <!1= %I* $9.!! 169.!! !.93 *a-hs @ !.33 B !.6! *a-hs 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir5 !1!#%I7 <1= @ 1$th 4ar( !11

6 " $

9 1! 11 1 13

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !1!#11 %ame of the ITI & ITI( Pattan S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation C'ntact (etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate= 'etails ITI( Pattan( 'ist. 2armulla( on %ational ?ighAa/( betAeen Srinagar @ 2armulla D@) 9319!!3199 itipattan./ahoo.com 19$9 4r. Imran >aEahat 9319!!3199 45s. ?ind Timber Products( Industrial +state( Shalteng Srinagar( D@) 9319"1$69$ 4r. Kahoor ;hmed 2hat 4' 99!66$ 333 !193# 39631 hindtimber.gmail.com 9933 <19 )anal#13 4arla= 1ffice& 1$ >or-shop & 3!! ?ostel & %I* 4ech. Cadio5TF <!1= 16 $! 4ech. Cadio5TF <!1= 4ech. ;griculture 4achiner/ <!1=( 4odern >ood >or- <!1=( Plumber <!1=( '4 7ivil <!1= %I* 9!.!! !!.!! 1. 6 *a-hs @ !.63 B !.!! 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir5 !1!#%I7 < = @ 1$th 4ar( !11

6 " $

9 1! 11 1 13

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !1!#11 %ame of the ITI & ITI( +ri S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation C'ntact (etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate= 'etails ITI( +ri, Lagama 3is##. Baramulla +ri-1-!12! 96 $91!11 Kaffar$3.gmail.com 19$ 4r. Irshad ;h. Dan 96 $91!11 45s. %?P7 *td.( Uri PoAer Station( Gingle Uri 9319!3 993 4r. S ) *amba G4 9319!33 93 !1996# 93 13 gmurinhpc.rediffmail.com(gmuri.hotmail.com $991 1ffice& 9! >or-shop & 63! ?ostel & 9!9.3 +lectrician <!1=( >elder <!1=( Stenograph/ <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1= 63 11 +lectrician <!1=( >elder <!1=( 44F <!1=( 4odern >ood >or- <!1=( 4ech. 7onsumer +lectronics <!1= %I* 3!.!! 1!.!! !.6! *a-hs @ !. 9 B %I* 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir5 !1!#%I7 < = @ 16th 4ar( !11

3 3

6 " $

9 1! 11 1 13

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !1!#11 %ame of the ITI & ITI( Camban S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation C'ntact (etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 9 1! 11 1 13 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate= 'etails ITI( Camban( )oAbagh Camban !199$# 666 3 supdttitirbn.gmail.com 19"9 4r. 4udassir Shams 931913 $ 6 45s. %?P7( *td. Sec# 33 :aridabad ?ar/ana !199$# $$96 ( 93699"!963 4r. 7handar 4ohan G4 !199$# $$996( 9336$93"33 !199$# $$993 # 1 )anal !3 4arlas 1ffice& !3 4arla >or-shop & )anal 1! 4arla ?ostel & !$ 4arla +lectrician <!1=( Stenograph/ <!1=( >elder <!1=( 7utting SeAing <!1= 6! 1!$ +lectrician <!1=( Stenograph/ <!1=( >elder <!1=( 7utting SeAing <!1= Plumber <!1=( 'river cum 4ech. <!1=( 4ech. C;7 <!1= %I* 9!.!! !!.!! !.19 *a-hs @ !.!$ B %I* 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir5 !1!#%I7 @ 3th 4ar( !11

3 3

6 " $

Status of the ITI under the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs through Public Private Partnership covered during !11#1 %ame of the ITI & ITI( 2haderAah S. %o. 1 Particulars ITI (Name/Address) Ph %o. +#mail 0ear 1f +stablishment Name Of Principal Ph %o. Industry Partner (Address) Ph %o. IMC Chairman 'esignation 7ontact 'etails Ph %o. :a8 %o. +#4ail Infrastructure A aila!le *and ;rea <s6 m= 7onstructed ;rea <s6 m= "#istin$ Trades Inta%e Capacity/ Present &tren$th Inta%e Tar$et after implementati'n 'f PPP &cheme Upgradation of e8isting Trades 1pening of %eA trades 9 1! 11 1 13 1pening of 7o+ Seed 4one/ Proposed +8penditure +8penditure @ Bage <'ec !11= Cevenue <'ec !11= *oan Celeased <*etter %o. @ 'ate= 'etails ITI( 2haderAah !199"# 3339$ itibhaderAah./ahoo.com 19$1 4r. ;ltaf ?ussain !199"# 3339$ 45s. Iadir 7edar >ood 1il 4fg. !9$9$6!9!19 4r. ;bdul Gaffar 2agban G4 !99!6 991$6 # # $!39.3$ 1ffice& %I* >or-shop & 393.31 ?ostel & %I* Stenograph/ +nglish <!1=( +lectrician <!1=( Gen. +lectronics <!1=( Plumber <!1=( >elder <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1=( 4ason <!1= 1!$ 196 +lectrician <!1=( >elder <!1=( 7utting @ SeAing <!1=( 44F <!1=( 4ech. 7omputer ?5> <!1=( :ront 1ffice ;stt. <!1= %I* 6!.!! 19!.!! %I* %I* 'G+T#39<1396=5Dammu @ )ashmir5 !11#%I7 @ 3rd 4a/( !11

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