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Official Diary of the Union Section 1 - Page 74 N 235, Wednesday, December 8, 2004 Ministry of Labour and Employment MINISTERS

S CABINET DECREE N 598, OF THE 7TH OF DECEMBER OF 2004 THE MINISTER OF STATE OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT, in use of his legal attributions and having in mind the determination in the article 200 of the o Consolidation of the Laws of Labour, Decree n 5.452, of May 1st , 1943 and considering the regulation proposal reviewed and presented by the Three Partite Work Group of the o Regulatory Norm n 10, - GTT/NR-10, and approved by the Permanent Parallel Tripartite Committee CTPP, in accordance with the determination of the Decree no 1.127, of October 02, 2003, which establishes procedures for the elaboration of regulatory norms related to safety, health and general working conditions, decides to: Art. 1o Alter the Regulatory Norm no 10 which handles the Installations and Services on Electricity, approved by the Decree no 3.214, of 1978, which will begin to rule in the form of the determination on the Annex to this Decree. Art. 2 The obligations established on this Norm must be complied w ith immediately, except those handled by the Annex II, which contain specific fixed dates for compliance. Single paragraph. Until the exhaustion of the anticipated due dates for the compliance with the obligations handled by the Annex II, the prior regulation will remain in effect. Art. 3 Create a Permanent National Committee on Safety in Electric Energy- CPNSEE, with the objective of following closely the implementation and propose the necessary adjustments for the improvement of the Regulatory Norm no 10. Art. 4 This Decree becomes effective on the date of its publication. RICARDO BERZOINI ANNEX REGULATORY NORM No 10 SAFETY IN INSTALATIONS AND SERVICES IN ELECTRICITY. 10.1- OBJECTIVE AND FIELD OF APLICATION. 10.1.1 This Regulatory Norm - (RN) establishes the requirements and minimal conditions with the objective of implementing control measures and preventive systems, as a way to ensure the safety and health of the workers who, directly or indirectly, interact in electric installations and in services with electricity. 10.1.2 This RN applies to the production, transmission, distribution and consumption phases, including the project, construction, assemblage, operation stages and maintenance of the electrical installations and any work performed in its proximities,

observing the official technical norms established by the competent agencies and, in the absence or omission of these, the international applicable norms. 10.2 CONTROL MEASURES 10.2.1 In all interventions in electrical installations, preventive measures of control of electric risk and other additional risks must be adopted, through risk analyses techniques, in order to ensure safety and health at work. 10.2.2 The control measures adopted must be integrated with the other initiatives of the company, in the scope of preserving the safety, the health and the work environment. 10.2.3 The Companies are required to maintain up to date unifilar projects of the electric installations of their establishments with the specifications of the grounding system and all other equipment and protective devices. 10.2.4 The establishments with power installed superior to 75 kW must constitute and maintain the Handbook of the Electrical Installations, containing, in addition to the determinations in the sub- item 10.2.3, at least: a) The set of procedures and technical and administrative instructions of safety and health, established and related to this RN and the description of the existing control measures; b) documentation of the inspections and measurements of the system of protection against atmospheric discharges and electrical groundings; c) specification of the collective and individual protection equipment and for tools, applicable as determined by this RN; d) probative documentation of the qualification, habilitation, competence, and authorization of the workers and of the training accomplished; e) results of the tests of electric insulation accomplished on the individual and collective protection equipment; f) certification of the equipment and electric material in classified areas; and g) technical report of the up to date inspections with recommendations, chronograms of adaptations, contemplating the paragraphs from a to f. 10.2.5 The companies who operate in installments or equipment that are part of the electrical power system must establish a Handbook with the content of item 10.2.4 and add the following listed documents to the Handbook: a) description of the procedures for emergencies; and b) certification of the collective and individual protection equipment; The companies who perform work in proximity of the Electric Power System must constitute a Handbook contemplating the paragraphs a, c, d and e, of item 10.2.4 and the paragraphs a and b of the item 10.2.5. 10.2.6 The Handbook of the Electric Installations must be organized and maintained up to date by the employer or by the person formally designated by the company, and it must remain available for the workers involved in the installations and in the electricity services. 10.2.7 The technical documents required in the Handbook of Electric Installations must be elaborated by a legally qualified professional. 10.2.8 MEASURES OF COLLECTIVE PROTECTION In all jobs performed in electrical installations collective protective measures should be anticipated and adopted, as a priority, through procedures, applicable to the activities to be developed, as a way to guarantee the safety and health of the workers. The collective protective measures include, as a priority, the electric de-energizing as it is established by this RN and , if not possible, the application of safety voltage. In the impossibility of implementing what is established on the sub-item other collective protective measures must be used, such as: insulation of the live components, obstacles, barriers, signals, the feeding automatic sectioning sys tem, blockade of the automatic rebinding. The grounding of the electric installations must be performed according to the established regulation by the competent agencies and, at the absence of it, it must obey the effective International Norms. 10.2.9 MEASURES OF INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION In Services in electric installations, when the collective protective measures are technically impracticable or insufficient to control the risks, specific equipment for individual protection must be adopted and adapted to the activities in progress, in attendance of the determination of the NR6. The work attire must be appropriate for the activities, contemplating the conductibility, inflammability and electromagnetic influences. The use of personal adornments is prohibited in the work with electric installations or in its proximities. 10.3 SAFETY IN PROJECTS 10.3.1 It is obligatory that the electric installation projects specify the devices of disconnection of circuits who possess resources for the impediment of reenergizing, for warning signaling with indication of the operative condition. 10.3.2 the electric project, when possible, must foresee the installation of the sectioning device of simultaneous action, which allows the application of impediment of the re-energizing of the circuit. 10.3.3 The project of electric installations must consider the safe space, regarding the dimension and the localization of its components and the external influences, when operating and executing jobs of construction and maintenance. The electric circuits with different functions, such as: communication, signaling, control and electric traction must be identified and installed separately, except when the technological development allows sharing, respecting the project definitions. 10.3.4 The project must define the configuration of the grounding scheme, the obligation or not of the interconnection between the neutral and the protection conductor and the connection to the earth of the cond ucting components not destined to conduct electricity. 10.3.5 Whenever it is technically possible and necessary, sectioning devices should be designed which incorporate fixed resources of equipotentialization and grounding of the sectioned circuit. 10.3.6 Every project must foresee conditions for the adoption of the temporary grounding. 10.3.7 The project of the electric installations must be made available for the authorized workers, for the competent authorities and for other people authorized by the company and it must be maintained up to date.

10.3.8 The electric project must comply with the determinations of the Regulating Norms of Health and Safety on the Job, the official technical regulations established, and it must be signed by a legally habilitated professional. 10.3.9 The written descriptive record of the project must contain, at least, the following safety items: a) specification of the characteristics pertinent to the protection against electric shocks, burns and other additional risks; b) indication of the position of the maneuvering devices of the electric circuits. (Green D, off and Red L, on); c) description of the system of identification of the electric circuits and equipment, including the devices of maneuver, control, protection, inter-connection, the conductors and the equipment and structures, defining how such indications must be physically applied on the components of the installations; d) recommendations of restrictions and warnings regarding the access of people to the installation components; e) applicable precautions in the face of the external influences; f) the functional principle of the protective devices, part of the project, aiming the safety of people; and g) description of the compatibility of the protective devices with the electric installation. 10.3.10 The projects must ensure that the installations provide the workers adequate lighting and a safe work position, in accordance with the NR 17 Ergonomics. 10.4 SAFETY IN THE CONSTRUCTION, ASSEMBLAGE, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 10.4.1 The electric installations must be built, assembled, operated, reformed, amplified, repaired and inspected to ensure the safety and health of the workers and of the users, and it must be supervised by an authorized professional, as it is determined by this RN. 10.4.2 On the referred jobs and activities, preventive measures must be adopted destined for the control of additional risks, specially when it comes to the height, confinement, electric and magnetic fields, possibility of explosion, humidity, dust, fauna and flora and other aggravators, adopting the safety signaling. 10.4.3 In the work locations it is only allowed the utilization of equipment, devices and electric tools compatible with the existing electric installation, preserving the protective characteristics, respecting the manufacturers recommendations and the external influences. The equipment, devices and tools which possess electric insulation must be adequate to the voltages involved, and they must be inspected and tested according to the existing regulations or recommendations of the manufacturer. 10.4.4 The electric installations must be maintained in safe operating conditions and its protective systems must be inspected and controlled periodically, i n accordance with the existing regulations and project definitions. The sites of electrical services, compartments and involucres of equipment and electrical fittings are exclusive for this purpose, and it is expressly prohibited to utilize them for the warehousing or storage of any objects. 10.4.5 For activities in the electrical installations it should be guaranteed for the worker, adequate lighting and a safe work place, according to the RN 17 Ergonomics,

in such a way that he is allowed to dispose of the limbs of his upper body for the execution of the tasks. 10.4.6 The laboratory and field analyses and electric tests or the commissioning of the electrical installations must attend the regulation established on the items 10.6 and 10.7, and it can only be executed by workers who meet the conditions of qualification, habilitation, competence, and authorization established in this RN. 10.5 SAFETY IN DE-ENERGIZED ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS 10.5.1 It will only be considered de-energized, the electric installations liberated for work, through the appropriate procedures, obeying the sequence below: a) sectioning; b) impediment of re-energizing; c) confirmation of the absence of tension; d) installation of temporary grounding with equipotentialization of the circuit conductors; e) protection of the existing re-energized components in the controlled zone (Annex I); and f) installment of the signal of impediment of re-energizing. 10.5.2 The condition of the de-energized installation must be maintained until the authorization for re-energizing, and it must be re-energized respecting the sequence of procedures below: a) removal of the tools, utensils and equipment; b) removal from the control zone of all the workers not involved in the reenergizing process; c) removal of the temporary grounding, of the equipotentialization and of the additional protections; d) removal of the signal of impediment of re-energizing; and e) unlocking, if present, and rebinding of the sectioning devices. 10.5.3 The measures included in the paragraphs presented in the items 0.5.1 and 10.5.2 can be altered, substituted, amplified or eliminated, on account of the peculiarities of each situation, by a legally qualified, authorized professional by means of a technical justification previously formalized, as long as the same level of safety originally preconized is maintained. 10.5.4 The work to be executed in electric installations which are turned off, but with possibility of re-energizing, in any way or reason, must meet what is established by the determination of the item 10.6. 10.6 SAFETY IN ENERGIZED ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS 10.6.1 The interventions in electric installations with voltage equal or superior to 50 Volts in continuous current can only be executed by workers who are in attendance with what is established on item 10.8 of this Norm. The workers mentioned on the prior item must receive safety training for work with energized electric installations, with the minimum curriculum, working hours and other determinations established in the Annex II of this RN. The elemental operations such as turning on and off electric circuits, executed in low voltage, with electric material and equipment in perfect conditions of conservation, appropriate for operation, can be accomplished by any non advised person.

10.6.2 The jobs that require the entry in the controlled zone must be accomplished through the specific procedures respecting the distances determined in the Annex I. 10.6.3 The jobs in the energized installations, or in its proximities must be suspended immediately at the imminence of an event which can place the workers in danger. 10.6.4 Whenever technological innovations are implemented or initiation in operations of new installations or electric equipment, risk analyses should be previously elaborated, developed with de-energized circuits, and respective work procedures. 10.6.5 The person in charge of the execution of the job must interrupt the activities when he/she verifies a risk situation or condition not anticipated, of which the elimination or neutralization is not possible. 10.7 JOBS INVOLVING HIGH VOLTAGE (HV) 10.7.1 The workers who intervene in energized electric installations with high voltage, who execute their activities within the established limits such as controlled and risk zones, according to Annex I, must meet the determination in item 10.8 of this RN. 10.7.2 The workers mentioned in the item 10.7.1 must receive safety training, specific for safety in the Electric Power Syste m (EPS) and in its proximities, with minimum curriculum, hour load and other determinations established in the Annex II of this RN. 10.7.3 Services in energized electric installations in HV, as well as those performed in the Electric Power System EPS, ca nnot be performed individually. 10.7.4 All work in energized electric installations in HV, as well as those which interact with the Electric Power System (EPS), can be performed only through a specific work order for the date and location, signed by the superior responsible for the area. 10.7.5 Prior to initiating work in energized circuits in HV, the immediate superior and the team, responsible for the execution of the job, must carry out a previous evaluation, study and plan the activities and actions to be developed to attend the basic technical principles and the best safety techniques in electricity applicable for the job. 10.7.6 The jobs in energized electric installations in HV can only be carried out when there are specific procedures, detailed and signed by an authorized professional. 10.7.7 The intervention in energized electric installations in HV within the limits established as a risk zone, according to the Annex I of this RN, can only be carried out through the deactivation, also known as blockade, of the sets and devices of automatic rebinding of the circuit, system or equipment. The disabled equipment and devices must be signalized with the identification of the disabled condition, according to the standard specific work procedure. 10.7.8 The insulation equipment, tools and devices or which are equipped with insulation materials, designated for the work in high voltage, must be submitted to periodic electric tests or laboratory analyses, obeying the manufacturers specificatio ns, the company procedures, and in the absence of them, annually. 10.7.9 All workers in energized electric installations in HV, as well as those involved in activities in EPS must dispose of equipment which allows permanent communication with the other members of the team or with the operation center during the execution of the job.

10.8 HABILITATION, QUALIFICATION, COMPETENCE AND AUTHORIZATION OF THE EMPLOYEES. 10.8.1 A worker is considered qualified if he can prove the conclusion of a course specific for the area of electricity recognized by the Official Education System. 10.8.2 A worker is considered a legally habilitated professional when previously qualified and registered on the competent council of education. 10.8.3 A worker is considered competent when he/she meets the following conditions, simultaneously: a) is capacitated under the orientation and responsibility of a habilitated and authorized professional; and b) works under the responsibility of a habilitated and authorized professiona l. The competence will only be valid for the company who capacitated him/her and in the conditions established by the habilitated and authorized professional responsible for capacitating. 10.8.4 The qualified and competent workers and habilitated professionals are considered authorized, with the formal approval of the company. 10.8.5 The Company must establish an identification system, which allows the extent of the authorization of each worker to be known at any time, according to item 10.8.4. 10.8.6 The workers authorized to work in electric installations must have this condition consigned in the companies employee registry system. 10.8.7 The workers authorized to intervene in electric installations must be submitted to a health exam compatib le with the activities to be executed, and carried out in conformity with the NR 7 and registered in the medical registry. 10.8.8 The workers authorized to intervene in electrical installations must possess specific training about the risks deriving from the usage of electric energy and the most important measures of incident prevention in electric installations, in accordance to what is established in the Annex II of this RN. The Company will grant authorization in the form of this RN for the competent and qualified workers and for the habilitated professionals who participated in the courses included in the Annex II of this NR with satisfactory evaluation and improvement. A recycling training should be carried out every two years and whenever one of the following situations occurs: a) change of function or change of company; b) return from work dismissal or inactivity, for a period of more than three months; c) significant changes in the electric installations or change of methods, processes and work organization. The hours and the programmatic content of the recycling training aiming to attend the paragraphs a, b, and c of the item must attend the needs of the situation which motivated it. The work in classified areas must be preceded by specific training according to the risk involved. 10.8.9 The workers with activities unrelated to electrical installations developed in free zones and on the surroundings of the controlled zone, as defined by this

NR, must be formally instructed with knowledge which allows the identification and evaluation of their possible risks and to adopt the applicable precautions. 10.9 PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE AND EXPLOSION 10.9.1 The areas where there are electric installations or equipment must have protection against fire and explosion, according to the determination of the NR 23 Protection Against Fire. 10.9.2 The material, parts, devices, equipment and systems destined to be applied in electrical installations of environments with potentially explosive atmospheres must be evaluated as to their conformity, in the scope of the Brazilian System of Certification. 10.9.3 The processes or equipments susceptible to generate or accumulate static electricity must dispose of specific protection and electric discharge devices. 10.9.4 In the electric installations of classified areas or areas subject to accentuated risk of fire or explosions, protection devices must be adopted, such as alarm and automatic sectioning to avoid over-tensions, over-currents, insulation failures, heating or other abnormal operating conditions. 10.9.5 The work in electric installations in the classified areas can only be performed through a work permission with formal liberation, as established in the item 10.5 or by suppression of the risk agent which determines the classification of the area. 10.10- SAFETY SIGNALS 10.10.1 In the installations and electricity services the appropriate safety signaling must be adopted, aimed to warn and identify, obeying the determination of the NR-26 Safety Signals, to attend, among others, the following situations: a) identification of electric circuits; b) lock and blockade of devices and maneuver and command systems; c) access restrictions and impediments; d) area delimitations; e) signalization of transit areas, public routes, vehicles and cargo moving; f) signal of impediment of energizing; and g) identification of equipment or blocked circuit. 10.11 WORK PROCEDURES 10.11.1 The jobs in electrical installations must be planned and carried out in conformity with specific work procedures, standardized, with a detailed description of each task, step by step, signed by a professional who meets what is established on the item 10.8 of this NR. 10.11.2 The jobs in electrical installations must be preceded by specific work orders, approved by an authorized worker, containing, at least, the type, date, place and the references of the work procedures to be adopted. 10.11.3 The work procedures must contain, a least, the objective, field of application, technical element, competencies and responsibilities, general dispositions, control measures and final orientations. 10.11.4 The work procedures, the safety and health training and the authorization covered by item 10.8 must have the participation in all the development process of the Specialized Service of Engineering of Safety and Labor Medicine. - SESMT, when available. 10.11.5 The authorization mentioned on the item 10.8 must be in conformity with the training administered, foreseen in the Annex II of this NR.

10.11.6 All the teams must have one of its workers assigned and in condition of carrying out the supervision and conduction of the work. 10.11.7 Prior to initiating the team work, the members together with the person in charge of the execution of the work, must carry out a previous evaluation, study and plan the activities and actions to be developed in the locality, to attend the basic technical principles and the best safety techniques applicable to the job. 10.11.8 The alternation of activities must consider the analyses of the task risks and the competence of the workers involved, as a way to guarantee the safety and health at work. 10.12 EMERGENCY SITUATION 10.12.1 The emergency actions which involves the installation or jobs with electricity must be part of the Companies emergency plan. 10.12.2 The authorized workers must be able to carry out the rescue and render first aids for the victims, especially through cardio-respiratory reanimation. 10.12.3 The company must possess standardized rescue methods and adequate for its activities, making available the means for its application. 10.12.4 The authorized workers must be capable of handling and operating the equipment of preventing and combating fire existent in the electric installations. 10.13 - RESPONSABILITIES 10.13.1 The responsibilities regarding the accomplishment of this NR, are solidary to the contractors and the contracted party involved. 10.13.2 It is the responsibility of the contractor to keep the workers informed about the risks to which they are exposed to, instructing them about the procedures and measures of control to be adopted against electric risks. 10.13.3 It is up to the Company, in the event of work related incidents involving installations and electricity services, to propose and adopt preventive and corrective measures. 10.13.4 It is up to the workers: a) To take care of their safety and health and of the other people who may be affected by their actions or omissions at work; b) to accept responsibility together with the Company for the compliance of the legal and regulatory determinations, including the internal procedures of safety and health; and c) communicate, immediately, to the person in charge of the execution of the work the situations considered as risks for your safety and health and that of other people. 10.14 FINAL DISPOSITIONS 10.14.1 The workers may interrupt their tasks exercising their right of refusal, whenever they verify evidences of serious and imminent risks to their safety and health and that of other people, communicating the fact immediately to his/her superior in the hierarchy, who will apply the appropriate measures. 10.14.2 The companies must promote actions of control of risks originated by others in their electrical installations and expose, immediately, when appropriate, denunciation to the competent agencies. 10.14.3 In the event of the non-compliance of the norms included in this NR, the TEM will adopt the provisions established in the NR3.

10.14.4 The documentation required by this NR, must be permanently available to the workers who operate in electric services and installations, respecting the scopes, limitations and interferences in the tasks. 10.14.5 The documentation required by this NR must be, permanently, available to the competent authorities. 10.14.6 This RN is not applicable for the electric installations fed by extralow voltage. GLOSSARY 1. High Voltage (HV): voltage superior to 1000 volts in alternate current or 1500 vo lts in continuous current, between phases or between phases and earth. 2. Classified Area: site with potentiality of occurrence of explosive atmosphere. 3. Temporary Electric Grounding: reliable electric connection and intentionally adapted to the ground, with the intent of ensuring the equipotentiality and maintained continuously during the intervention in the electric installation. 4. Explosive Atmosphere: the mixture with the air, under atmospheric conditions, of inflammable substances in the form of gas, vapor, mist, dust or fibers, in which after the ignition the combustion propagates. 5. Low Voltage (LV): tension superior to 50 volts in alternate current or 120 volts in continuous current and equal or inferior to 1000 volts in alternate current or 1500 volts in continuous current, between phases or between phase and ground. 6. Barrier: device which hinders any contact with the energized components of the electrical installations. 7. Right of Refusal: an instrument which guarantees to the employee, the interruption of a job activity considered to involve serious and imminent risk for his/her safety and health or that of other people. 8. Collective Protection Equipment (CPE): device, system, or means, fixed or mobile of a collective scope, destined to preserve the physical integrity and health of the workers, users and third parties. 9. Isolate Equipment: equipment made inaccessible by means of an involucre or barrier. 10. Extra- Low Voltage (ELT): voltage not superior to 50 volts in alternate current or 120 volts in continuous current, between phases or between phase and ground. 11. External Influences: variables which must be considered in the definition and selection of the protective measures for the safety of people and performance of the components of the installation. 12. Electric Installation: set of electric and non-electric components associated and with coordinated characteristics between them, which are necessary for the functioning of a certain component of an electric system. 13. Installation Liberated for Work (BT/AT): the one which guarantees the safety conditions for the worker through adequate procedures and equipments from the beginning to the end of the job and liberation for use. 14. Re-energizing Impediment: condition which guarantees the non reenergizing of the circuit through appropriate resources and procedures, under the control of the workers involved in the services. 15. Involucre: covering of energized components with the purpose of avoiding any contact with the internal components.

16. Electric Insulation: process destined to block the passage of electric current, through the interposition of insulating material. 17. Obstacle: element that blocks the incidental contact, but does not block the direct contact by deliberate action. 18. Danger: situation or risk condition which can probably cause physical lesions or harm to peoples health due to the absence of control measures. 19. Warned Person: Informed person or with sufficient knowledge to avoid the electricity risks. 20. Procedure: sequence of operations to be developed for the execution of a given job, including the material and human means, safety measures and circumstances which can make the execution impossible. 21. Handbook: organized system containing a dynamic memory of information relevant to the installations and the workers. 22. Risk: capacity of a magnitude with potential to cause lesions or harm to peoples health. 23. Additional Risks: all other groups or risk factors, besides the electric ones, specific of each environment or work processes which, directly or indirectly, may affect the safety and health at work. 24. Signaling: standard procedure aimed to guide, alert, advise and warn. 25. Electric System: circuit or electric circuits interrelated aimed to achieve a certain objective. 26. Electric Power System (EPS): a set of installations and equipment destined for the generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy up to measuring, inclusively. 27. Safety Voltage: extra low tension originated in a safety source. 28. Work in Proximity: Work in which the worker can enter the controlled zone, even if it is with part of his body or with conducting extensions, represented by materials, tools or manipulated equipment. 29. Restraint: the action destined to maintain, through mechanic means, a maneuver device fixed in a determined position, to avoid an unauthorized operation. 30. Risk Zone: diffusion of energized conductive component, not segregated, accessible inclusively accidentally, with dimensions established according to the level of voltage, which approximation is only allowed to authorized professionals and with the adoption of appropriate work techniques and instruments. 31. Controlled Zone: diffusion of energized conductive component, not segregated, with dimensions established according to the level of tension, which approximation is only allowed to authorized professionals.

ANNEX II RISK ZONE AND CONTROLLED ZONE Chart of the delimitation radius of the risk zones, controlled and free.

Figure 1 Distances in the air which delimit radially the risk zones, controlled and free

Figure 2 Distances in the air, which delimit radially the risk zones, controlled and free, with adequate interposition of surface of physical separation. ZL (FZ)= Free zone ZC (CZ)= Controlled zone, restricted to authorized workers. ZR = Risk zone, restricted to authorized workers and with the adoption of appropriate work techniques, instruments and equipment. PE = Energized spot of the installation. SI = Insulating surface built with resistant material and endowed with all the safety devices. .


ANNEX III TRAINNING 1. BASIC COURSE SAFETY IN INSTALLATIONS AND WORK WITH ELECTRICITY I For the authorized workers: minimum work load - 40hrs: Minimum Programming: 1. introduction to safety with electricity. 2. risks in installations and in jobs with electricity: a) electric shock, mechanisms and effects; b) electrical arches, burns and falls; c) electro- magnetic fields. 3. Risk Analyses Techniques. 4. Control Measures of the Electric Risk: a) de-energize. b) functional grounding (TN / TT / IT); of protection; temporary; c) equipotentialization; d) automatic sectioning of feeding; e) mechanisms to the escape current; f) extra low voltage; g) barriers and involucres; h) blockages and impediments; i) obstacles and rampart; j) insulation of the live components; k) double or reinforced insulation; l) placement out of reach; m) electric separation. 5. Brazilian Technical Norms - NBR of the ABNT: NBR-5410, NBR 14039 and others; 6) Regulations of the MTE: a) RN; b) RN-10 (Safety in Installations and Services with Electricity); c) qualification; habilitation; competence and authorization. 7. Collective Protectio n Equipment. 8. Individual Protection Equipment. 9. Work routines - Procedures. a) de-energized installations; b) liberation for work; c) signaling; d) inspections of areas, services, tools and equipment; 10. Documentation of the electric installations. 11. Additional risks: a) height; b) confined environments; c) classified areas;

d) humidity; e) atmospheric conditions. 12. Protection and combating fires: a) basic notions; b) preventive measures; c) extinction methods; d) practice; 13. Accidents of electric origin: a) direct and indirect causes; b) case discussions; 14. First Aid: a) notions about lesions; b) prioritizing the service; c) application of artificial breathing; d) cardiac massage; e) techniques for the removal and transportation of the injured; f) practices. 15. Responsibilities. 2. COMPLEMENTARY COURSE - SEGURANA NO SISTEMA ELTRICO DE POTNCIA (SEP) E EM SUAS PROXIMIDADES. pr-requisito para freqentar este curso complementar, ter participado, com aproveitamento satisfatrio, do curso bsico definido anteriormente. Carga horria mnima - 40h (*) Estes tpicos devero ser desenvolvidos e dirigidos especificamente para as condies de trabalho caractersticas de cada ramo, padro de operao, de nvel de tenso e de outras peculiaridades especficas ao tipo ou condio especial de atividade, sendo obedecida a hierarquia no aperfeioamento tcnico do trabalhador. I - Programao Mnima: 1 - Organizao do Sistema Eltrico de Potencia - SEP. 2 Work organization: a) programming and planning the work; b) team work; c) handbook and records of the installations; d) work methods; and e) communication. 3. Behavioral aspects. 4. Impeding conditions for work. 5. Typical risks in the EPS and its prevention (*): a) proximity and contact with the energized components; b) induction; c) atmospheric discharges; d) static; e) electric and magnetic fields; f) communication and identification; and g) work in heights, special machines and equipment. 6. Risk Analyses Techniques in the EPS (*) 7. Work proced ures analyses and discussion. (*)

8. Techniques of work under voltage: (*) a) in a live wire; b) to the potential; c) in internal areas; d) work at distance; d) night jobs; and e) underground environments. 9. Work equipment and tools (choice, use, conse rvation, verification, analyses) (*). 10. Systems of collective protection (*). 11. Equipment of individual protection (*). 12. Work posture and attire (*). 13. Safety with vehicles and transportation of people, material and equipment (*). 14. Sinalizao e isolamento de reas de trabalho(*). 15. Liberao de instalao para servio e para operao e uso (*). 16. Treinamento em tcnicas de remoo, atendimento, transporte de acidentados (*). 17. Acidentes tpicos (*) - Anlise, discusso, medidas de proteo. 18. Responsabilidades (*). ANNEX IV DATES TO COMPLY WITH THE ITEMS OF THE REGULATORY NORM N 10 1. period of six months: 10.3.1; 10.3.6 e 10.9.2; 2. period of nine months: 10.2.3; 10.7.3; 10.7.8 e 10.12.3; 3. period of twelve months: e 10.3.9; 4. period of eighteen months: sub-items 10.2.4; 10.2.5; e 10.2.6; 5. period of twenty four months: sub- items; 10.7.2; 10.8.8 e 10.11.1.

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