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The United States Department of Agriculture classifies peanut butter as part of the oil food group, due to the

nuts' high fat content, as well as the protein food group. Women should consume 5 to 6 teaspoons of oils dail and 5 to 5.5 ounce e!ui"alents of protein, while men need 6 to # teaspoons of oil and 5.5 to 6.5 ounce e!ui"alents of protein. $ach %&tablespoon ser"ing of peanut butter counts as ' teaspoons of oil and % ounce e!ui"alents of protein, contributing significantl to our fat and protein for the da . (eanut butter also contains essential nutrients, which can benefit our health.Some of the benefits of peanut butter come from the food's health fat content. (eanut butter contains unsaturated fats, nutrients that lower the le"els of harmful cholesterol in our bloodstream, helping to reduce our ris) of heart disease. (eanut oil might also pro"ide specific cardio"ascular benefits. An animal stud published in %*+* in the ,-ournal of .ood Science, indicates that compounds in peanuts pre"ent and slow the de"elopment of atherosclerosis, a condition characteri/ed b a narrowing of the arteries. While the effects of peanut butter on atherosclerosis in humans is not et full understood, eating peanut butter might offer some cardio"ascular benefits.(eanut butter pro"ides a source of manganese, an essential mineral. 0anganese helps acti"ate en/ mes in"ol"ed in remo"ing to1ic ammonia from our bod , brea)ing down nutrients from our diet and protecting our cells from ph siological stress. 0anganese also contributes to tissue growth, supporting health bone de"elopment and wound healing after in2ur . $ach %&tablespoon ser"ing of peanut butter pro"ides our bod with *.53 milligrams of magnesium, 4% percent of the recommended dail inta)e for women or %5 percent for men, according to the 5inus (auling 6nstitute.$ating peanut butter also benefits our health due to the food's niacin, or "itamin 7&4, content. 5i)e manganese, "itamin 7&4 supports our metabolism && it helps carr out chemical reactions in"ol"ed in the brea)down of nutrients into useable energ . 8onsuming foods rich in niacin also promotes health cell communication, regulating our cells' growth and de"elopment into mature tissue. 8onsuming % tablespoons of peanut butter pro"ides our bod with '.' milligrams of "itamin 7&4 && %3 and 4+ percent of the recommended dail inta)e for men and women, respecti"el , according to the 5inus (auling 6nstitute.Although it has a place in a balanced diet, peanut butter should be consumed in moderation. (eanut butter represents an energ &dense food, which means that it pro"ides a high number of calories in a relati"el small ser"ing && +33 calories per %&tablespoon ser"ing, to be e1act. (ractice portion control when eating peanut butter to a"oid o"er&consuming calories and to a"oid e1ceeding the dail oil inta)e recommended b the U.S. Department of Agriculture. At the grocer store, select all&natural "arieties of peanut butter that contain onl peanuts, a"oiding processed peanut butter that contains added sugar and salt.

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