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p n o
worlth Great i
eroo OfImRoveri8l ed y RYssl9I tion1-
to get on study when they have not
11tJl tALD f fJljc Uc
0 enough food that they come to their
W lessons looking like ghosts that not
I Iff hll f rr
1 J7h
G1 only do you give them laaeons for
nothing but you give them money
to pay for places at the opera the
the opera ooraique and ell a iaal con ¬
certs Is all this truer
t e
America Will Naue Best Vocal Music
Let not your loft hand know what
your right hand has given Alan
I do very little I would like to do
much more The eight young Am- ¬
erican girls whose names shall b
nameless and whom I am helping
have maVvelous voices On th
other hand some of the young wo- ¬

men who study with me belong to

the wealthiest families I bellevo
the loss favored ones would all b <

provided for if the attention of rich

Americans were callad to the needs
of these student
I speak from experience when I
say that the United States Is the
most generous country on earth
These young girls will not only af-
ford pleasure to their compatriots-
by their exquisite voices but many
of them will reflect the highest credit
upon their country The United
States is doalinad to have the best
vocal music in the world Nor is the
tamp fur distant when tho United
States will lead the other nations
in vocal music as much as she does
toy in agricultural implements
Speaking about helping American f
young girls wao are studying music
I understand that certain American
ladies have given money for British
and American Christian assert- ¬

ions and such like with the idea

that tho will help students Now
mark you I am a Christian a firm
believer In Christianity but I ta >
these organizations do not help a
musical pupil The young girl study- ¬
ing music rust have a certain fling
or latitude This is necessary to de- ¬

velop her temperament I do not

mean that she should not be in
every way correct and ladylike but
the atmosphere of the Girls Chris- ¬
tian Association does not promot
the growth of the artistic temper
Jean de Reszke Once the Richest Man i
Poland Has Been Deprived of Every Penn
had time to recuperate after her
of His Incpme and Must Find Means t studies and she is liable to break-
Young glrla should stay until I
Support Many Dependent Upon Him sy they are finished and are other-
wise ready to appear before the pub
Oh no we are almost as diffa
11Q It is not fair to the pupil nor
Paris Jan 20
to me to haye a pupil go out as
Oman has lost more heavl- ant as possible from India In this mine until she has received my last

N ly hy the revolutionary
outbreak in tho Cfars
dominions than Joan de
Roszke the worldfamed
singer Owning the largest estates
rpsifeoj Inched I think that plea
tiqally there are more castes or al ass
es in the United States tnan in Po
land In fact we have only tw
finishing touch
Is singing improving-
No It has ben going from bad
to worse not only here but all the
world over Patti sang In my pri- ¬
notably distinct classes namejj
in Poland and accounted the richest vate theater the other night and her
nobles and peasants Our nobles are presence brought back to my mem
nan there he has suddenly been de- ¬ proud but I think they are kind
prived of every penny of income ort tile great galaxy of artists now
The kindness of landowners in Po gQne She is wonderful Melba has
from his propertyIf it can still be a marvelous voice Calve Is a great
land is not necessarily a protection
called his and is left with a big
for kindlydisposed peasants an
cent should not suffer with the artist but where are the many gift- ¬
palace in Paris on his hands and ed ones of our youth Echo an- ¬
frequently compelled to join th guilty
many dependant uppn hm swers where
mob Had I not taken to teaching I
It took five hours with a pair of How do you work the land ill
prancing steeds to drive across Jean
Paderewshi Also Affected fear my method would be lost I try
your Poland 111 I understand that Paderewski has tq get the best out of the voices
de Reszkes broad acreS in Poland the purest the most durable the
tir Us sold some of his Polish property
The property of his brother and sis- ¬ fveshest tone and the perfection of
Sing Masters Praises he added What lie nas retained Is
ter adjoined Ijls sQ that among them style Attention must be paid not
The large landowner works it doubtless in the same condition as only to tone plaeing but to inter¬
the De Reszkes ownod as much land
as would make a goodlysized prov- ¬ through his peasants The peasants that of the rest of us The stat protation There must be absolute
own certain strips of land The of affairs seems to be not merely a freedom of tone Pupils should not
ince Now the peasants are up fi revolt nor a revolution but a dlssc be taught to sing Dy contraction as
arms and parceling out the land wages paid them are not large but so many have been lately-
among themselves Disoussing the they grow upon the bits of land lutionWill I understand some young Ameri ¬
Poland get autonomy- can girls M de Reszke in heir zeal
outlook with the writer M de Reszke given them food for themselves and
I presume she will take it Bu
said their cattle On Fridays they are
the people are not ready for sell
If the worst should come I am
able to go back to thestage I reel
perfectly able to make a tour in
permitted to pick up the dead
branches of the trees In the forests
of the landowners In the past a
government and I fear that it wi
lead to anarchy And what will fol
low after that Heaven only knows It
Managing a Theater in
HE MANAGER of a theater and not and then actually broke up seatsYou fellows have paid for your fight
in him and he got me once In till
be supposed wind so hard I almost went out At
America My few years of teaching
have rested me and have given me
time to work out my theories and to
pretty annual custom obtained
which went to show the friendly re- ¬
lations existing between the peasant
The conversation in Poland ha
reached a jumping off place and th
E hasnt much to do these the performance I said and its to
The usual procodur was to call the that you oame here to see the show If that the arid in me cue
days compared with the police interrupt the show for half an Your idea of enjoying the entertainment had it out there to the finish Just a-
way it used to be Ive hour and haul the rowdies off to the po js to break it up you are Interfering a I finished him and sent him down int
corner of the lobby there WitS n
up and we

writer phanged the depressing sub- seen times when you had to qualify lice station It was a slew and inef with tho pleasures of others Thats eruption
put them into practice But I hope and the nQble It was a species of
what would be called a Harvest
ject by asking M de Reszke if he ha for the prizering before you dared to fcciuBl method aj d when Id aaan it Wrong and youll get no sympathy for ing opt of
happen half a dozen times I was thor your broken bones when I got through
they They came stunn
to the rescue of their leAd j
necessity will not compel me to give undertake the bossing o a showhouse and would probably have killed me if I
Home in England When the har ¬
many American pupils His faa oughly disgusted with you Now are you going to be hadnt
up teaching for my duty to the brightened up immediately lightin Im getting soft with inactivity new Youre making a big mistake John eve or not ganoy
prepared for just that contin
musicloving world lies exactly vest was gathered in the people used He is the manager of one of the I said to my friend Boddlnger who was FOr a minute or so it was doubtful
up with the joy that he takes in hi theaters In Now York and about all manager of the house he The house was still as could be the I had laid in a supply of baseball
there to assemble and make presents of Hows that said narformance had stopped and the actors bats
enough to equip a league for th
art Is to do is to wear evening d had enlisted a new Sf t t
Hf i little rustic ornaments to the land ¬ clothes and onto In a while discharge a VicesYou ought to dispense with the ser were ranted along the footlights watch season >

I have fifty American girls study- of the police and teach those fel Ins th little drama down in front The ushers who liked a fight as well as the
Poland Peasants Not Oppressed owners Their habit was on these under >

janitor But he has shoulders laws to behave I answered fellow looked me square in the eyes stqqkynrds crowd They met the g 1 e
ing singing he answered The
In onr beloved Poland he con ¬ occasions while partaking of the his evening coat that are good for impossible said John and I could see him taking my measure at the doors and if you over saw ±
slaughter it was rigfct then V
hospitality of their chiefs to sing
are my hope and pride their voice roughing it and his arm is like a J could do it I calmly continued But I had a little more in those fingers pretty
the time the police arrived all thy i ji
tinned socialists are taking pos ¬ are the freshest and the best I take turned bar of oak Nonsense was his reply yet and I gave it to him A look of p
their masters praises Frequently business in You take a vacation and let me run pain came on his face and he wilted to do was to call for ambulances
session ot the land Their object is a limited number of pupils from al I got into the theatrical the house for two weok and Ill shpw go thore will you ho said fore the roughs were hauled awn t
to divide up into small patches the they took occasion to enhance the
nationalities but I take more from
a curious way ho went on Id lad a
you I retorted
When OU promise to behave your be patched up and then locked
virtues of their own chief by de ¬ miscellaneous kind of a Ufa freight Ho was doubtful about that propo- self I said the charge of disturbance I pickd t-

thousands of acres held by the large the United States than from an- brakeman superintendent of a rolling sition but I prevailed upon him to give the most oonsolous one in the ot i
preciating and abusing those of their All right Lot uoon it he explained the situatIon to him Ttrr
They are everywhere mill patent medicine faker private de me a So tits gone tneemerSt was S o It was over f or that time and the
landholders other country for the reason tha

neighbors These gathering d were a number of other divers July made that there was to be n new was to bo no more of their tat nn
Their steady work of over a quarter they are the most promising Bu tective and
developed a manager I
made myself as conspicu of the show
behaved themselves to the
ere d
be Pastime at that theater and the i
exceedingly picturesque The bril- ¬ tied vocations and had But I knew th
of a century Is being brought to a they do not always get a fair chance gOQP deal of musole and some general ous as possible and wdited for my op- something doing In the way of revenge Ings ere to be spread over all tt
liant red or yellowy flowers in the portunity- It QaJne the third night of and I kept an eye out for the signS ot stockY aids r egion that a new system
climax Hesitation in St Petersburg They do not study long enough I knowlodgo ot human nature One win my manager tu farm of the It gone Into operation
I didnt need to waft Jons for three hadand that
1 1

Seven together
upsets everything It seems as shawls of the women pleased the
eighteen months their voices can b tor about ten years ngo bong out of a stockyards bullies had nights later my fellow of the broken at that house
was the
I as mode assiSt
though the end of czarism of grand eye Altogether I know of nothing job and rather indifferent about getting in the middle of the house Theybegan kept nose
showed up with ms same pals I Manager when my frIend came back
i placed but this Is not enough j one I loafed a good deal around a cer quiet through two acts and then was tempted to not let them have seats and Ive been In the buatneas ever Ini
dukes and iKons has come so picturesque as a Polish Harvest their relay pause They advised the but knew that would only bo postpqning But its dull here and
Home This pleasant custom will
great deal of polishing has to b tale theater in one of the outside dls leading lady to go and get some pods the thinking of trying something more live-
No one has any right in any doggy lists ot Chicago they took the words of her best song out issue So they went In and the ly next
now doubtless disappear forever It was a house with an eventful of the soubrettes mouth an d th oY big fellow handed me a leer and a chul
land to encourage peasant oppres- ¬ if tif
his bloated eyes as he passed
Every year the Harvest Home history and just then It was deep In hurled a dead rat at the coraodian Poo longe with A FEMININE FINANCIER
sion or any other oppression I do Singing Is Getting Worse through the door
which I have tried to describe used trouble The management was disposed pie near them began to get up and leave They didnt wait long to start the I want a cheek this morning
not think however mat our peas ¬ A young girl comes to ne an in run the place on the family plan the theater and then I acted raw and didnt wait long stop it
to take place upon my estates and I walked quietly down the aisle and As s oon Q J t he noise be gnn nt R ow K I What amountII
ants in Poland arc oppressed It Is tells me that she is starving and tha Vth Attractions suitable to the re when row occt pied by the Two hundred
those of my brother ana sister it spectable people of the neighborhood I went down that aisle like a cyclone I Very well That will make four
Poland beautiful historical Poland she has an excellent offer from som roughs I licked out the loader ot the grabbed the big fellow by the collar hundred
is one of the pleasantest memories rural melodrama and that sort of thing He was a big red d raw Pour hundred what
and not Rusgiawhlah interests me impresario How can I have th But the theater was near the stock bond fellow with a broken nose and and with one jerk brought him over Four hundredaccount dollars that I have
You ask me can we have back a of my life In Poland I have tried tho man noxt to him into the aisle Ho overdrawn my
heart to teli her not to take it An yards district and a lot of rowdies the general look of a scarred veteran of aimed a blow at me but I dodged him And will the bank refuse to pay
king How can I toll We have to do my best for the people I have from that center of industry had chosen many a fight I didnt hesitate how and cracked him one under the ear that It
yet It is against her interests Sh to make this house their particular over but reached out and grabbed him dazed him for a moment Then I Thats the check Gaorgethey do business
been so long without one that it is lodged them well and I otherwise goes out unfinished She is force own Almost every night there was a bv the uppor arm Now if you care to Give me the I can fist
young ruffians t gt u voun find rvo got a remarkable hustlod him up the aisle smashing him money The bank or is an 0
difficult to know what to do
Jooked after their wants True all by those around her who think alpu row Some of these ear at every step When I the
would buy seat f witness an act or two TIp I d my fln rs Into that fat behind the admirer df mine
In your Poland M de Reszke proprietors are not good to those to dispose of a larger snare of he and then start trouble They guyed the Ipws biceps until I could see him wince got him out Into the corridor I turned Then dont It
salary for costumes She has no actors sometimes insulted the audience Then I held him so and made a speech loose on him right There was lots of Brute Cleveland Plain Dealer
have you many castes dependent upon them yet the inno ¬


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