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Unit 6

Student Name: Unit Tutor: James Barraclough

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5







Assignment brief
Unit number and title Qualification !and"out date !and"in date )ssessor )ssignment title Unit 6: Sports Development BTEC ational Sport

#6th September $%#& 'th (ctober $%#& James Barraclough #* +e, Concepts in Sports Development

The purpose of this assignment is to -ain an understanding of .e, concepts in Sports Development /ith a focus on the levels of development as /ell as /hom Sports Development is aimed to/ards* S!enario 0ou are a local sports development officer /ho has 1ust been allocated an area of 2anchester to loo. after for the ne3t ,ear* 0our first meeting is /ith the local businesses that are to invest in the leisure industr,* 0ou /ill need to e3plain in detail /hat ,ou plan to do for sport in the local communit, at different levels4 and /ho ,ou /ill be aiming ,our initiatives at* Tas" 1 5or the first part of ,our 1ob ,ou /ill need to inform the local organisations /hat the sports development continuum is in a short presentation* 0ou /ill give a description of each of the four levels level of the continuum using e3amples from three different sports for E6E70 level 8e*g* all 9 levels sho/n belo/ in football4 bas.etball and tennis:* 0ou must produce visuals using a method of ,our choice 8e*g* poster4 ;o/er;oint4 information guide: to sho/ bac.ground information to ,our potential investors and e3amples of ho/ ,ou could develop sport in the local communit,* This also needs to include the purpose of the continuum 8to sho/ progression in an activit,: and ho/ it /ill be appropriate for the local area 8target groups and communities:* 0ou must also give three e3amples of ho/ sports development /ill cover cross"cutting agendas e*g* pro"health4 anti"drug4 anti"crime4 regeneration* #e$e%s of the !ontinuum &oundation' Parti!ipation' Performan!e and ()!e%%en!e *P1+

5or a merit4 compare and contrast three e3amples of the sports development continuum4 from three different sports4 identif,ing strengths and /ea.nesses* *M1+

Then ,ou /ill describe /hat barriers to participation are4 for individuals from three different target groups 8at different levels of the continuum: ;ic. & target groups from: /omen4 ,oung people4 <%=4 disabled people4 blac. and minorit, ethnic groups* Then give e3amples of barriers to participation the each of these groups ma, face e*g*: cultural4 social4 economic4 historical *P2+ 5or a merit4 e3plain 8give reasons for: barriers for individuals from three different target groups at different levels of the continuum* Use detailed e3amples from actual events to help support ,our e3planation* *M2+ )nal,se 8in detail: the barriers for individuals from three different target groups at different levels of the continuum4 providing effective and realistic solutions* *D1+

Assignment brief
Unit number and title Qualification !and"out date !and"in date )ssessor )ssignment title Unit 6: Sports Development BTEC ational Sport

$#st (ctober $%#& ##th ovember $%#&

James Barraclough $* +e, ;roviders of Sports Development

The purpose of this assignment is to -ain an understanding of .e, concepts in Sports Development /ith a focus on the levels of development as /ell as /hom Sports Development is aimed to/ards* S!enario (ne part of being a Sports Development (fficer 8SD(: re>uires ,ou to get help from .e, providers /ithin the U+ to develop the areas the, have been placed in* )n SD( must also understand /hich roles each provider has and ho/ that provider is structured in order to establish /hich is best to approach* ?ith colleagues in ,our department4 ,ou /ill research information and then produce a poster that /ill be displa,ed in ,our office to remind ,ou of ho/ these providers /or. or an information boo.let that can be given to local sporting organisations to see /ho can help them*

Tas" 2 Describe the structures and roles of three sports development providers in the U+* Create a poster that could be used to remind other SD(s in ,our organisation of these providers and ho/ the, can help them* @nclude three providers 8one must be a national organisationA one must be a local organisation and one of ,our choice:* )ll providers must have relevance to the area that ,ou have chosen to /or. in for this module* *P3+ ;roviders: e*g* national organisations 8Sport England4 SportsCoachU+4 0outh Sports Trust:A local authorities 82anchester Cit, Council4 2anchester 5):A governing bodies 8international4 national4 regional4 local:* Describe the associated benefits of each organisation e*g* cross"cutting agendas4 improving performance4 opportunit,4 health, lifest,les Structure: e*g* committees4 / groups4 forums4 consultation groups 7oles: /hat do providers doB e*g* direct deliver,4 advisor,4 participation4 performanceA do the, emplo, sports development officers and are the, sports"specific4 non"sports specific or communit, orientatedBA Do the, use volunteersB Sour!es of information )dams et al 8$%#%: BTEC ational Sport4 Boo. #A ;earson Sports Development: ;olic,4 process and practice C !,lton et al ///*sportengland*org ///*sportsdevelopment*org*u. ///*thefa*com ///**gov*u.DpagesDmission"$%#$D ///*a/ardsforall*org*u. ///*biglotter,fund*org*u. ///*premierleague*comDpageD+ic.E

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