SAP Technical Questions

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1 of 50 What command is used for uploading adobe form template in SFP transaction?


2 of 50 Which of the below is not a form of trace available? ( ) A) Payload trace ( ) B) SOAP trace ( ) C) Performance trace ( ) D) Functional trace

3 of 50 What is not True among these statements [ ] A) One application cannot have multiple application configurations [ ] B) If assistance class is used then we have to add an attribute wd_assist of type assistance class in attributes tab to access the class methods. [ ] C) The method WDDOONOPEN can be used to implement initializations for opening a new dialogue Box and Navigation Plugs are mandatory to have to control navigation of a Dialogue Box [ ] D) You are restricted to have a one-to-one relationship between outbound and inbound plugs.

4 of 50 Which of the following is not true about Library palette? ( ) A) This palette contains all the object that can be added to a form design ( ) B) Objects are organized into groups ( ) C) Each group is contained in a tab labeled with group's name ( ) D) Data binding of UI element is shown in this palette

5 of 50 What happens if a serious error occurs while dispatching the event to a workflow: a)The workflow will not be triggered b)The event linkage is de-activated c)Workflow is triggered with an error message ( ) A) a only ( ) B) b only ( ) C) b and c ( ) D) a and b

6 of 50 What is the cardinality of node to the Drop down by key UI Element? ( ) A) 0:n ( ) B) 1:n ( ) C) 1:1 ( ) D) 0:1

7 of 50 Which one of the following class does not correspond to the layout? ( ) A) Cl_wd_melting_group_data ( CL_WDY_MD_MELTING_GROUP ) ( ) B) Cl_wd_matrix_head_data ( ) C) Cl_wd_matrix_row_data ( ) D) Cl_wd_row_data

8 of 50 A rule determines position as agent so the determined result will be ( ) A) O 50000136 ( ) B) S 50000136 ( ) C) P 50000136 ( ) D) U 50000136

9 of 50 What are field symbols? A. Field symbols are like pointers in C that can point to any data object in ABAP/4 and to structures defined in ABAP/4 dictionary. B. Field symbols have to be created with type specifications only. C. You cannot assign one field symbol to another. D. All operations you have programmed with the field symbol are carried out with the assigned field. ( ) A) Only B ( ) B) A and D only ( ) C) A , B and D only ( ) D) A, B and C only

10 of 50 How many Miscellaneous Activities can be performed in CDMC ( ) A) 1 ( ) B) 2 ( ) C) 5 ( ) D) 3

11 of 50 Transaction for RF Menu ( ) A) LRFMD ( ) B) LM00 ( ) C) LM01 ( ) D) LRF1

12 of 50 Value set displayed by the value selector is to relate the value set to the type to which the UI element is referring. In this case, the UI element has to be bound to a context attribute, which is typed as follows : ( ) A) Index Binding ( ) B) Key Binding ( ) C) Value Binding. ( ) D) Selective Binding

13 of 50 Check class for infotype 0000 is ________ ( ) A) CL_HRPA_INFOTYPE_nnnn ( ) B) CL_HRPA_INFOTYPE ( ) C) CL_HRPA_INFOTYPE_0000 ( ) D) CL_HRPA_INFTY_P0000

14 of 50 Initializing an object in a subclass requires that the constructor of the superclass is first called. Identify the correct syntax. ( ) A) Call Method Super Constructor ( ) B) Call Method Constructor ( ) C) Call Method Super-> Constructor ( ) D) Call Method Constructor-> Super

15 of 50 How does Unicode Check help? ( ) A) Check a program set for syntax errors in a Unicode environment. ( ) B) Check a tables for syntax errors in a Unicode environment. ( ) C) Determines a list of custom progams that make an internal call to standard SAP programs. ( ) D) Returns the list of programs affected by the upgrade

16 of 50 SPDD activity has to be done in which client while doing Basis Upgrade? ( ) A) 066 ( ) B) 001

( ) C) 000 ( ) D) DEV client

17 of 50 What can be said about the visibility of attributes in the following code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLASS lcl_flight DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. Data: name type string. PRIVATE SECTION. Data: price type flight-price. ENDCLASS. [ ] A) name is available to methods only inside the class [ ] B) price is available to methods inside the class [ ] C) price is protected from outside access [ ] D) name is protected from outside access

18 of 50 Which Interface is used for Reporting Messages. ( ) A) IF_WD_MESSAGE_MANAGER ( ) B) IF_WD_MESSAGES_MANAGER ( ) C) IF_WD_MESSAGE ( ) D) IF_MESSAGE_MANAGER

19 of 50 Using the UML modeling language for ABAP OO design, refer to the following and indicate the visibility of the components -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| cl_myclass | ------------------| +flight | | #destination | |-----------------| | + get_flight() | | - display_destn()| | | |-----------------| [ ] A) display_destn is a static public method

[ ] B) destination is protected attribute [ ] C) flight is a public attribute [ ] D) display_destn is a private method

20 of 50 Which is the method that gets trigger only once during the display of a view in WD? ( ) A) WDINIT (WDDOINIT) ( ) B) WDBEFOREACTION ( ) C) WDMODIFYVIEW ( ) D) WDDISPLAY

21 of 50 Evaluate the following code data : a type i value 10, b type i value 20, c type i value 5. perform calculate using a b changing c. write:/ a,b,c. form calculate using p_a value(p_b) changing value(p_c). p_a = p_a + 10. p_b = p_b + 10. p_c = p_a + p_b. endForm. ( ) A) 20 20 50 ( ) B) 20 20 5 ( ) C) 10 20 30 ( ) D) Error at Run Time

22 of 50 Why Dynamic programming is required? [ ] A) If the data structure is only known during runtime. [ ] B) If the data structure not known during Run time [ ] C) If generic applications have to be developed. [ ] D) If the structure for views is generic.

23 of 50 During a version upgrade, which of the following components are NOT modified by SAP. ( ) A) ABAP Programs ( ) B) Dictionary Objects ( ) C) Roles and authoriaztions

( ) D) System landscape

24 of 50 Which method is called to get the URL of any web Dynpro component ( ) A) cl_wd_utilities=>construct_wd_url ( ) B) cl_wd_component=>get_wd_url ( ) C) cl_wd_component=>construct_wd_url ( ) D) cl_wd_utilities=>get_wd_url

25 of 50 What type of application is transaction SOA manager?

( ) A) ABAP WebDynpro ( ) B) JAVA application ( ) C) BSP page ( ) D) Standard SAP program

26 of 50 Travel management results are stored in ( ) A) PANNNN tables ( ) B) PBNNNN tables ( ) C) PCLn tables ( ) D) HRPNNNN tables

27 of 50 Refer to the code below and select the correct method Data: rf_enh type ref to if_ex_mybadi. call method cl_exithandler=>get_instance changing instance = rf_enh ( ) A) call method get_instance->methodname ( ) B) call method rf_enh=>methodname ( ) C) call method rf_enh->methodname ( ) D) call method cl_exithandler->methodname

28 of 50 Assuming all work areas and internal table are declared. Choose the correct answer.

I) SELECT * FROM T006 INTO T006_WA. APPEND T006_WA TO X006. ENDSELECT. II SELECT * FROM T006 INTO TABLE X006 ( ) A) Statement I will give better performance results ( ) B) Statement II will give better performance results ( ) C) Both Statements give better performance results ( ) D) Neither Statements give better performance results

29 of 50 How the Web Service Framework does not support the inclusion of Web services that have been provided from below? ( ) A) Generation of a WSDL description. ( ) B) UDDI Brower for searching for suitable Web services. ( ) C) Generation of a client proxy on the basis of the WSDL description. ( ) D) Configuration of the SOAP runtime on the client side using logical ports.

30 of 50 Cost Distribution Infotype is ______ ( ) A) Infotype 0008 ( ) B) Infotype 0021 ( ) C) Infotype 0027 ( ) D) Infotype 0029

31 of 50 While calling 'POPUP_WINDOW from main view this code snippet will: method ONACTIONCLICK_POPUP . data lo_window_manager type ref to if_wd_window_manager. data lo_window type ref to if_wd_window. lo_window = lo_window_manager->create_window( window_name = 'POPUP_WINDOW' ). lo_window->open( ). ( ) A) Open the popup_window ( ) B) Syntax error ( ) C) Runtime error ( ) D) None

32 of 50

What is the reference to access the methods declared in component controller in the method of a view ( ) A) Wd_component_controller ( ) B) Wd_comp_controller ( ) C) Wd_context_controller ( ) D) Wd_this

33 of 50 How many Logical screens will be present per screen in RF ( ) A) 3 ( ) B) 2 ( ) C) 1 ( ) D) 4

34 of 50 Which of the following is NOT a Unicode encoding format. ( ) A) UTF-4 ( ) B) UTF-8 ( ) C) UTF-16 ( ) D) UTF-32

35 of 50 Which of the following is true about FIRE_<MY_PLUG>_PLG? ( ) A) This method is only contained in view controllers and window controllers when an outbound plug is created for the corresponding controller. ( ) B) This method is only contained in component controllers when an outbound plug is created for the corresponding controller. ( ) C) This method is only contained in window controllers when an outbound plug is created for the corresponding controller. ( ) D) This method is only contained in view controllers when an outbound plug is created for the corresponding controller.

36 of 50 Which of the following FormCalc script can be used for hiding the field? ( ) A) this.presence = "hidden" ( ) B) this.access = '' ( ) C) $.presence = "hidden" ( ) D) $.access = ''

37 of 50 The function 'WS_UPLOAD' is obsolete in ERP 6.0. What is the replacement for this? ( ) A) WS_Download


38 of 50 Identify the valid statements that will write out the Static Attributes in the following code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------class lcl_flight definition. public section. data: name(15) type c value 'FLIGHTNUMBR101'. class-data price type p value 100. private section. data: category(10) type C value 'Objects'. endclass. data: flight1 type ref to lcl_flight, flight_name type string, flight_price type p, flight_category type string. [ ] A) write lcl_flight->price. [ ] B) flight_price = lcl_flight=>price. Write flight_price [ ] C) write: price. [ ] D) write lcl_flight=>price.

39 of 50 Super type is related to ( ) A) Interface ( ) B) Object ( ) C) Object type ( ) D) Class

40 of 50 a) Deploy the form on SAP Web Application Server. b) Design a layout using Adobe LiveCycle Designer. c) ADS will generate a PDF and it will send it across to client machine where user can view that document. What is the correct sequence for generating Adobe Interactive forms? ( ) A) a , b, c ( ) B) c, a, b

( ) C) b, a, c ( ) D) a c b

41 of 50 Which of the following statement is not true: ( ) A) Initially, migrated forms and interfaces are always inactive and therefore have to be activated before a call can be made from the application. ( ) B) All graphics that are used in the Smart Form have already been migrated. ( ) C) SMARTFORMS transaction can not be used for converting Smart Forms into Adobe print forms ( ) D) Smart Forms are still supported; you can continue to forms created in Smart Forms without making any changes

42 of 50 What components are part of the make up of a Business Add In ( ) A) Functional Exits ( ) B) Adapter Class ( ) C) Business Object ( ) D) Interface

43 of 50 Transaction for RF active RF Monitor ( ) A) LRFMD ( ) B) LM00 ( ) C) SPRO ( ) D) LRF1

44 of 50 Which static method is used to retrieve the RTTI description object? ( ) A) Cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name ( ) B) Cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_names ( ) C) Cl_abap_type=>describe_by_names ( ) D) Cl_abap_type=>describe_by_name

45 of 50 Which of the following is not true about Adobe Print Form? ( ) A) Importing existing PDF files or forms ( ) B) Adobe LiveCycle Designer uses the script languages JavaScript and FormCalc ( ) C) You can use output parameters to specify print and archive settings ( ) D) Smart Forms are not supported anymore.

46 of 50 PNP Data selection fields are defined in structure ( ) A) PNNNN structure ( ) B) QNNNN structure ( ) C) PSNNNN structure ( ) D) QPPNP structure

47 of 50 Which of the following is false for authentication for web service? ( ) A) Can use authentication and security for consuming and providing Web services only at SOAP message level. ( ) B) HTTP standard authentication with user ID and password can be used ( ) C) Authentication at SOAP message level is suited to the specific authentication requirements for WS access ( ) D) The AS Java WS frameworks allows you to use authentication mechanisms that are based on the WS-Security standard produced by OASIS

48 of 50 which systems can be used for Remote Comparision ( ) A) Control and Statistics ( ) B) Statistics and Analysis ( ) C) Any two systems ( ) D) Analysis and Statistics system

49 of 50 Rollback segments are continually filled for each call of BDC_INSERT. In order to restrict the rollback segment growth to intervals of 100, what programming technique is recommended? ( ) A) Issue a COMMIT Work after 100 executions of BDC_INSERT ( ) B) Issue a Rollback Work ( ) C) Issue a COMMIT Work every time you perform a BDC_OPEN_GROUP ( ) D) Create a Batch input session for each transaction

50 of 50 Choose correct option from below statement ( ) A) Transaction SU01 is used for performance analysis ( ) B) Transaction ST05 is used for performance analysis ( ) C) Transaction SM04 is used for performance analysis ( ) D) Transaction SM12 is used for performance analysis

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