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Dada ji, Lt. Vijendra Pal Singh Tomar Dadi ji, Lt. Vimla Tomar Nana ji, Ranveer Singh Raghav Nani ji, Lt. Kusum Lata Raghav




This is a fiction full of emotions, trust, ups & downs, pleasure, enjoyment, sentiments, hatred, love, care, achievements, struggle, sacrifices, compromises, visions, & a lot that comes along with the friendship among lives of 4 friends. Any character

^_mcah_^ ch nbcm `c]ncih ^i_mhn resemble to anyone in real life & are portrayed just to entertain you as maximum as possible. To be a good
friend , all you need is a caring heart & ^__j `[cnb ch siol `lc_h^m. Inm `il sure that you will enjoy this series very much & it will be a novel that will count among your best novels, that sio qcff b[p_ _p_l l_[^

This novel is a labour of love supported \s gs m]biif g[n_m `lig CHILDRENS ACADEMY & college friends from DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY I would like to thank the following people, without whom support this ^[s ][hn \_ jimmc\f_ : Ms j[l_hnm, gs school Principal & Teachers, my college Professors by heart. I would also like to include those incredible names who have given me strength for completion of my dreams Ranjeet Singh Vyaas, Amit Misra, Harish Thapar, Nadeem Ahmed, Himanshu Goswami, Saiket Ray, Vaibhav Yadav, Arvind, Abhinav

Daalia, Arun dhyani, Brijesh Kandelwaal, Anurag Arya, Salil Arora, Rahul jain, Ashish jain, Rahul Wahi, Chiraag Garg, Saheb chawla, Jitesh Khichar, Saurabh Ujjainwal, Tanmay, Saurabh & a lot gil_.

Authors Note.
From the very beginning of our introduction to this unknown world, the word that associates itself with iolm_fp_m cm FRIENDSHIP & cn h_p_l detaches itself from us till death. It is p_ls _[ms ni m[s nb[n I [g siol Flc_h^! \on l_[ffs cm cn jimmc\f_ ni jf[s the very same role? No, it is equally too difficult to satisfy the definition of a perfect friend as it requires proper understanding , deep faith & caring b_[ln nii .. FRIENDSHIP is a divine word that has its deep root of importance in this universe from the ancient time. For instance, among Lord Krishna & Sudama, both of them had given

numerous sacrifices for each other just because they were following the simple definition of Friendship by heart. So before calling us a true friend, we should go for introspection first by looking in our hearts. According to THE HOLY GEETA, FRIENDSHIP IS NISHKAAM KARMAYOGA => A duty without any desire & it should be !!!!

VISHVENDRA SINGH TOMAR { 2ND Year, Mech. Eng, D.T.U. } New Delhi, May, 2012

New York, Sunday, 9:00 p.m. M_ : H_s! M[lc[(Ms qc`_)! C[h sio g[e_ [ mnliha bin ]i``__ `il g_? M[lc[ : O.K. domn q[cn `il 5 gchon_m & check wether Josh(My son, 12 yrs old) b[m mf_jn il hin! M_ : O.K. I [g aicha ni bcm liig \on first give g_ [ mnl[q\_lls ecmm. M[lc[ : Fclmn ai ni Jimb, nb_h Iff m_lp_ sio ]i``__ qcnb siol ecmm nii. M_ : O.e. b_l_ I ai \on sio b[p_ ihfs 5 gchon_m ni m_lp_, gs M[lc[!

I go to Josh room but to my surprise, unlike other days, he is not slept yet, with a paper on his table. He was qlcncha mig_nbcha ih cn..
M_ : H_s Jimb! Wbs [l_hn sio mf__jcha? Wb[n [l_ sio qlcncha? Jimb : D[^, nigilliq cm iol [hho[f function & I have to deliver a speech, nb[nm qbs I [g jl_j[lcha. M_ : Sj__]b? Oh qbc]b nijc]? T_ff g_! Iff b_fj sio, I jligcm_ siol mj__]b qcff \_ nb_ \_mn, n_ff g_!

(As I had delivered numerous speeches , attended a lots of seminars & exhibitions & still I had to deal with this in my profession might be with FORD, NESTLE, L & T, NASA, NEW

Jimb : D[^ cnm ih Flc_h^mbcj, mi please help Dad, Please write it & g[e_ cn g_gil[\f_ `il gs m]biif. [ I get shocked for a while & after taking a long breathe, I pick up the pen & paper sheet but suddenly my hands start shivering & pen drops ^iqh ] M_ : Sih, [me siol ginb_l ni qlcn_, she too has very good english vocabulary, she will write for you. Jimb : D[^, qbs ^ihn sio? D[^, please write it for m_.

M_ : Jimb, I [g hin `__fcha q_ff, M[lc[ ][h qlcn_ go]b \_nn_l nb[h g_.

Hearing this, Josh gets very ^_g[h^cha & mn[lnm mbioncha Gl[hhc! Granni!...... Granni!............................. D[^ cm hin qlcncha gs mj__]b, Hearing his loud voice, my mother _hn_lm nb_ liig.
Minb_l : Wbs [l_hn sio qlcncha Jimbm Sj__]b? M_ : M[[, I ][hn. Minb_l : (Ih mbi]echa nih_) Wb[n? . Why????? You are the best speaker and writer that I am proud of, then qbs [l_hn sio b_fjcha gs al[h^ mih?

I kept quiet for a while & then Maria enters the room & handle me the

]i``__ ]oj & I ^ihn q[hn ni ecmm b_l, g[s \_ ^o_ ni gs ginb_lm jl_m]_h]_ il mig_nbcha _fm_.. mig_nbcha nb[n b[m mnlo]e g_. Sig_nbcha ][ff_^ FRIENDSHIP.. Bon mncff ni make Maria happy, I kiss on her cheeks.... she too joins our ]ihp_lm[ncih..
M[lc[ : Mig, Wb[nm aicha ih? Minb_l : D_po cm hin qlcncha nb_ mj__]b `il Jimbm [hho[f `oh]ncih. M[lc[ : Wbs?.... Wbs? M_ (Ih [ fio^ pic]_): B_][om_ I ][hn I ][hn.. Dc^ sio b_[l nb[n I ][hn.. Di sio ehiq nb_ nijc]? In cm FRIENDSHIP Dc^ sio b_[l nb[n b[[h? Inm FRIENDSHIP...

My face turned red, my heart beating l[n_ ch]l_[m_^ [f[lgchafs.. Ah^ nb_ word FRIENDSHIP too had deep impact on my wife & mother, Both of them were shocked too as they knew all about the relation between me & nb_ m[g_ qil^ FRIENDSHIP.
M[lc[ : D_po, I ehiq biq ^c``c]ofn cm cn for you? But listen, one day or other you have to face your past & atleast you can do it for your son, for his b[jjch_mm, `il siol `[gcfs m[e_

I q[m `offs ]ihpch]_^ \s b_l, I ]iof^hn deny My love, my Maria & I was ready `il dimbm b[jjch_mm, I g[^_ gs qc`_ & mother to leave the room & left josh & g_ [fih_.. M[[ & M[lc[ f_`n nb_ liig

M_ : Sih, Lcmn_h Ig hin aicha ni qlcn_ [ mj__]b `il sio \on Ig aicha ni n_ff sio [ l_[f mnils & Ig mol_ [`n_l listening the whole story, my son can write much much much better than his `[nb_l. Jimb : Snils? Oe, ^[^ n_ff g_ nb_ complete stols, Iff qlcn_ gs mj__]b \s gs iqh.

After taking the last sip of coffee, I switched off the light & laid besides Jimb, & m[c^ Jimb, nb_l_ q_ ai, mih cn was about when I was the child of age fce_ sio, cn cm [ff [\ion gs fc`_, gs journey, a journey for my friends, a journey for FRIENDSHIP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & I mn[ln_^ gs mnils

Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, 1984 Father. What is it????

My mother, My god gave me the birth on J[h 1, 1984 [n Lo]ehiq (Unn[l Pl[^_mbm Capital) & she along with her husband shifted to Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, U.P. Her husband was an employee of Railway with a handsome salary Rs 25,000/-. But when I was of only 2 years, he left my mother just because of another woman, (A mfon, [ \cn]b.. Tbchecha ni gsm_f`.) who wanted his wealth only not him. But this is how a man betrays his wife (His soulmate!) because only due to a more beautiful woman? More beautiful? Really? Not at all as beauty comes from heart &

nb[n miln i` \cn]b ][hn \_ \_[onc`of [nf_[st by heart, I ][h ao[l[hn__. { Stories of women like this flourish the Indian roads in a large number, It is G_hoch_ l_ko_mn `lig Vcmbp_h^l[m mc^_ nb[n WOMEN ARE THE INCREDIBLE GIFT GIVEN TO US BY ALMIGHTY IN FORM OF MOTHER, SISTER, WIFE.. Si q_ mbiof^ respect them by heart and we need to understand their feelings too, I will feel grateful if you will mark these words `il_p_l.} Anyway, whatever was my past, but reality was that me & my mother were alone since I was 2 years old, but still we both provided a huge strength to each other. As such we were very poor, all we had was [ n[nn_l_^, ohj[chn_^ biom_ [h^ [ Tb_sfc, Y[, gs ginb_l om_^ ni jon [ Tb_sfc il sio ][h m[s [ Bb[nol[ Tb_sfc ([ mg[ff gip[\f_

cart used to do such a small buisness) Small Buisness? No, any buisness done by b_[ln ][hn \_ mg[ff, [m cn q[m ^ih_ \s gs ginb_lm `[cnb & nlomn & b_l b[l^ qile domn because such bhatura theyli was very big buisness for us, though income was under meagree mark. After loosing her world, mb_ ^c^hn q[hn ni fiim_ g_, b_l ihfs child. I still remebered how difficult it was for her to admission me in St. Marry, with very high fee. She finally admissioned me qcnb h[g_ DEVENDRA PANDEY, qcnb hc]e h[g_ mb_ om_^ ni om_ DEVU. & ch next 2 years, I was in class 1st B. One day, in english oral questions, my teacher asks g_ Wb[n cm siol `[nb_lm h[g_? & I \_]ig_m ]ih`om_^ & l_jfc_m F[nb_l? Wb[n cm cn?, [m gs ginb_l ^c^hn nif^ g_ about that word FATHER yet. She becomes shocked and asks me to get the

answer of the question from my mother.i went straight to my mother and asked her M[[, qb[n ^i q_ g_[h \s F[nb_l? & nbcm had invited a flood of tears in her eyes & mb_ ^c^hn [hmq_lcn ohncff I q[m ch ]f[mm 5th. (When I was in class 5th , I had pressurised

her, as such she told me every thing about that coward man Khushwant Pandey, & `lig nb[n ^[s nb_ qil^ PANDEY om_^ ni hurt me as it reminds me about my ginb_lm b[l^mbcjm \on I ]iof^hn ^_f_n_ nb[n molh[g_ [m cn q[m gs ginb_lm i^_l & I had taken an oath that I will follow her _p_ls qcmb)

A,B,C,D.YOU 4 !!!!!!
From the very beginning of my school life, my intrest in study was absolutely 0, only

reason for which I was studying was my mother. My mother, after doing such a hard work (which is something impossible for a woman to do), used to tell me various stories but 1 thing that was common in all stories was, all were based on Friendship. She used ni n_[]b g_ B_n[, Dimnc _e nishkaam karmayoga hai, means friendship is duty without any desire, & son give me a promise that you will l_mj_]n `lc_h^mbcj `il_p_l, `il_p_l, It laid a very strong impact on my raw brain at very early ages of my life. With this I got 4 friends in class 2nd B, & bond between was as strongest as between Lord Krishna & his Flute, Lord Shiva & his Snake. We used to disturb Whole class & teachers too like a perfect back-benchers jodi. Some of the teachers were not even able to bear our prescence as our gossips,

naughty games, small fighting among each other, our own world of ultimate 4 friends made teachers insane. One mantra that every teacher used to hum was A,B,C,D Yio 4!!!!, yups A,B,C,D as our names were Avinash Rathore, Bhanu Kashyap, Chirag Gupta, Devendra Pandey, Our names had given us a new identity, 4 beginning english alphabets & beginning i` ofncg[n_ 4m `lc_h^mbcj, Ms ginb_l laughed a lot when I told her about the concept of A,B,C,D!

One Parcel master, One Politician, One Buisnessman & One ?????
A : Avinash Rathore, son of Surya Prakash Rathore, a parcel master in railway who

had a perfect dream to make his child a perfect mechanical engineer. He had made his son facinated about cars (automobiles) by providing him magazines about auto-world. They were very happy as a perfect family with normal income & huge dreams. B : Bhanu Kashyap, son of a Bhramin Politician, Anurag Kashyap, a new upcoming power of our Region. Day by day, his strength & wealth were increasing & he had a vision to make his son Chief Minister of our state as such he used to giof^ bcm mihm gch^ niq[l^m nb_ jifcnc]m. C : Chirag Gupta, son of Mohandas Gupta, a perfect Buisnessman, in early age of small scale buisness but their buisness was expanding too, he used to make chirag to sit on his shop to develop a heart for

buisness, to seek how should one deal. They too were happy in a joint family. D : Devendra Pandey, son of Lata Pandey, a bhatura Theyli Owner (Owner? Really?) with very limited wilf^, mb_ ^c^hn b[m ni facinate me as I have to work on that Theyli on Sunday or some school holidays. We too were happy just because I had ginb_l & mb_ b[^ mih.

What do you want to become in future ?????????

One day, our conversation skill test was going on, as such we all 4 were asked the very famous question of the test, What do you want to become in future? & the replies were :

A : Scl, I q[hn ni \_]ig_ [ aii^ M_]b[hc][f Ehach__l. B: Scl, I q[hn ni \_]ig_ [ aii^ ]lc]e_n_l. C: Scl, I q[hn ni \_]ig_ [ aii^ mcha_l. D: Scl, I I.. I q[hn ni become a good friend.

Sig_nbcha cm i^^ nb_l_, Y[. Ohfs Avinaash was influenced by his parents but not Bhanu & Chiraag, they wanted something different & I wanted mig_nbcha _rnl[i^ch[ls One should choose what he or she likes without caring about others as you are the one who is going to be affected by each & every single decision you take, you have to live with them not the others who fprce sio ni l_giof^ siol ^_mnchs Si ijn

what your heart says, what other says is domn [ g_l_ cffomcih
Bhanu wanted to be a good cricketer not a corupt politician, Chirag wanted to be a good singer with amazing voice not a greedy Buisnessman. & I wanted to be a good & perfect trustworthy `lc_h^ As my upbringing was done on roads of Vijay nagar, I had skills, all-round skills of every type & in school no one could dare to block my or my friends ways, even I had no other name, just all used to call me DEVU but I renamed all my 3 friends as Avinash => Maaruti (as he always talked about cars), Bhanu => Gilly (He wanted to be a good cricketer like Gilchrist), Chirag => S[dhc (A al_[n `[h i` [[nc`m miha S[dhc) as such A,B,C,D were replaced with M[[lonc, Gcffs, S[dhc, D_po

Devus Mother Theorem, Life = Friendship

Maaruti, Gilly, Sajni & Devu, these were the 4 names who were ready to do anything for each other, the ultimate 4. According to my mother, life was the second name of friendship which she had always taught me. I was just following her principle as such I used to gift magazines to Maaruti, cricket acessories to Gilly, audio casettes to Sajni by selling articles i` gs ginb_lm bom\[h^ fce_ bcm f_[nb_l shoes, titanic wrist watch etc. It was the day for result of annual exams of class 5th, as was the coustom flourishing, Maaruti was topper with 96%, Gilly with 81%, Sajni with 80.2% & I with 62%. As such all the teachers used to complain to my mother, but except my computer teacher as I was a

computer expert since birth, I got 93 marks 4 marks more than Maaruti in computer, but in other subject I was just above 33 (lakshman rekha for a student!). Ms ginb_l [me_^ g_ B_n[, no j[^b esih hbc l[b[ b[c? I [hmq_l_^ M[[, g[c \[m ^imnc hc\b[ l[b[ boh. To this she just passed a smile as she b_lm_f` b[^ giof^_^ gs j[nb

Caiptain Gilly! You can do it!!!!!!!!

It was Inter School Cricket tournament, top 10 schools of our city were participating in it. The amazing part was that my friend Gilly was representing St. M[llsm n_[g [m ][jn[ch & iol n_[g nii had reached to the finals. I had sold my

ginb_lm bom\[h^m qii^f[h^ mbi_m & leather belt to purchase a MRF bat & I gifted it too Gilly, with a hope that he would open the innings with my bat. It was Sunday 9:00 a.m. , a final clash was going on between St. Marry & R.P. Public School & after loosing the toss, St. Marry managed to restrict R.P.P.S at 165 for 7 down, in a 25 overs match & 166 Target for St. Marry was flashed on the screen in 150 balls. But no! to my surprise, Gilly had not opened the innings with my bat, I was feeling very shattered but still I was supporting him by heart as after all, he was my friend first. After lots of ups 7 downs, we needed 13 runs in last over with 2 wickets in hand. Gilly had to face the first ball of that over, Gilly smashed the bat but it went for only a single as his bat got damaged & now he had none

other option than my MRF, & being a good friend he too went for MRF. But the fate was not going with St. Marry as it was run out on second ball. Now St. Marry was asked for 12 runs in 4 balls, with Gilly facing the 3rd ball & yipee!! It went for 6 & next went for 4, now St. Marry was very close to cup but still we needed 2 runs in 2 balls remaining. I was feeling as if my friendship had worked as blessing in disguise, as MRF had provided us 10 runs ch domn 2 \[ffm, \on hi cn q[m gs Gcffsm hardwork, 5th ball there straight to the pad with LBW appeal, the whole crowd from Sn. M[llsm mc^_ q_hn jch ^lij mcf_hn, \on this time it was not out, the Umpire uttered. This caused a tight situation every where in the field as well as pavellion too, what I could do was, I crossed the barricades, ran straight towards Gilly with

a water bottle in one hand, I tapped his mbiof^_l & m[c^ Caiptain Guilly, you can do it! , nbioab b_ ^c^hn ^lche q[n_l & I was punished by my school authorities for violating the rules But the fact was that, the last ball too did go for a maximum, a 6! I was happy not because St. Marry had won, Just because my friend Gilly had

This was the acheivement of St. Marry in class 6th.

Sajni pass bulao naa. O Sajan maan jao naa.

Again in class 7th, it was inter school song competition & from our School, four singers were participating, among one of them was our Sajni. This time I had sold

gs ginb_lm bom\[h^m mcfp_l ]ca[ll_n_ nl[s & purchased a black T-Shirt with Jal Band artists sketched at back. By wrapping it in a newspaper, I straight went to his house & his father opened the door. His father ya, he thought m_ [m bcm mihm _h_gs & bcm enemy too as I used to pump Sajni for his profession as a singer. Uh]f_ dc (S[dhcm F[nb_l) : Inhc l[[n bi a[sc, kyon aaya hai? Bhaturey bech-bech k bhi akal nhi aayi? Ye koi time hai, darwaaza ehi]e e[lh_ e[.. b[[h? Me (In loq pic]_): Uh]f_ dc, N[g[mn_s! Uh]f_ dc S[dhc b[c? .Sills! Sorry!............... Sorry!.................................. Cbcl[a b[c? Uh]f_ dc : S[dhc, s_ es[ g[t[[e b[c? Um_s bhi apni tarah bana k chhodega, aakhir uska peecha kab chhodega? Haan? Vo so

raha hai aur dubaaraa mere ghar k aaspass bhi mat dhikiyo! Tum gareeb log hamesha gareeb hi rehtey ho kyonki tum gareeb hi rehna chahtey ho aur gareeb hi g[lh[!

( If some other person had talked me like this, I would have surely broken all the teeths in a single punch as It was difficult for me to tolerate any comment on my mother & our poor condition but still I had to respect him as he was after all my `lc_h^m `[nb_l)
M_ : Uh]f_ dc, Y_ [[j Cbcl[[a ei ^_ ^_h[ (By giving him the T-Shirt wrapped in j[j_l).

With tears in my eyes, I was just leaving nb_ jf[]_, mo^^_hfs b_ ][ff_^..
Uh]f_ dc : Img_s es[ b[c?.............................. (H_ ohql[jj_^ nb_ j[j_l) T-

Shirt?....... (Seeing the photo of guitars & jal band artists, he tore the T-Shirt apart & nbl_q cn ch nb_ ^omn\ch). Y[b[h m_ [\bc e [\bc \b[[a d[[. G[^b_s e[bch e, h[[ jaaney kahan kahan se aa jaatein hain muh onb[ e! I \omn_^ chni n_[lm & f_`n nb_ jf[]_ On the next day, the day of competition, it was the turn for sajni to explode, all was set, the stage, the mike, the instrument players, with tears in my eyes I was thinking that the time has come, when my `lc_h^m ^l_[g qiof^ ]ig_ nlo_ But when I got the first glance of Sajni, my tears frequency increased, I was completely puzzled, it was the same Tshirt which I had gifted with stiches all around, but the stiches were suiting it (I was thinking, he might have repaired it.), but fact was that he exploded like a

nuclear bomb, everyone could feel his intensity, the whole crowd went insane all [lioh^.[ mchaf_ pic]_ _p_lsih_ Sajni pass bulao h[[. O S[d[h g[[h d[i h[[.. After completing his song, he ran straight towards me & thanked me for gift and asked for sorry too as he had witnessed all the conversation between me 7 his father as he was on terrace, practicing the song & he himself had repaired the T-Shirt, which provided me enormous sattisfaction as I was feeling the essence of word Friendship, a very proud feeling was ]igcha ion, ^cl_]n `lig gs b_[ln..`il \_cha [ `lc_h^ i` S[dhc.. H_ got what his song deserved, a gold medal & rewarded with the best rock voice award. This was the acheivement of St. marry in class 7th ..

Maaruti The Mechanical Man

Y_[l \s s_[l, Sn. M[llsm jimcncih q[m upgrading among various schools & now to further accelerate this process, it was ncg_ `il THE AUTOMOBILE QUIZ COMPETITION . E[]b m]biif q[m aicha to be represented by a team consisting of 4 members headed by a captain & Ya, No doubt, Maaruti was going to be our school n_[gm ][jn[ch. Tb_ ]igj_ncncih q[m going to be held at Dehradun, a place with low temperature & awesum atmosphere all around. This time my mother herself had sold her a golden bangle to purchase a Black leather Jacket, & advised me to gift it to Maaruti. I gifted it to Maaruti & he thanked a lot by heart

ni g_ \on I ^c^hn n_ff bcg nb[n cnm gs mother wish. I also wanted to go D_bl[^oh [fmi, \on I ]iof^hn [m ihfs T_[g participants were alfiq_^. But what ? Maaruti on the next day refused to go to Dehradun, infront of school authorities. He put up a condition infront of them that he would only go when they would allow him to choose other 3 participants, as such school allowed maaruti to opt for other 3 as our school teachers knew that only Maaruti could do that. As such, it was the time for formation of a team, a team of 4, Maaruti h[g_^ bcm n_[g [m => THE UlTIMATE 4 & we all 4 went for Dehradun, a 6 days tour, we were enjoying a lot except Maaruti who was very seriously studying for competition & we other 3 knew that though we were participating but we still

would act as people sitting at the back at pavellion, with blank faces. We enjoyed Dehradun a lot & it was time for quiz & Maaruti was very nervous but we all 3 were very confident about Maaruti, as such he answered 21 questions out of 25, with this we won the quiz at Reyan Public Schhol, Dehradun with124 points & D.C.P.S. runner up with 74 points, though q_ 3 ^c^hn [hmq_l [ mcngle question but still we were feeling very proud & behaving as we knew all the answers but q_ ^c^hn fce_ ni [hmq_l. Tb_ ^[s \_`il_ returning to Ghaziabad back, we decided ni ]_f_\l[n_ iol qch [n ^_bl[^oh We all dressed up in Saarees & decided to dance for 1 hour continously, we were kicking one another, sajni was the worst victim, everyone was targetting him & then we all 4 together decided to balth, in

bathing tub we were fighting as if we qiof^ `cabn ohncff nb_ \[nbcha no\ qiof^hn crack & at late nigh we all 4 went to terrace & took an oath that the ultimate 4 qcff \_ nia_nb_l `il_p_l.. On the next day, we returned back to our homes, it was Sunday, I joined my ginb_lm qile & mb_ ac`n_^ g_ [ h_qmj[j_l & I l_g[le_^, M[[, Wb[n cm nbcm?, mb_ [hmq_l_^,B_n[ fiie [n \[]e i` cn!, I `ioh^ [ mg[ff [lnc]f_ l_a[l^cha iol triumph @ Dehradun, titled The ultimate 4, with Maaruti- The Mechanical Man \lioabn nb_ nlcogjb ni Sn. M[lls.. This was the acheivement of St. marry in class 8th ..

You Hacker!!!.............. You are disqualified!!!.............

And now it was the event that I was waiting for, I never understood Maths, science etc but I understood computer very well. Even in school time, I used to spend most of my time with either friends il ch ]igjon_l f[\. Tb_ _p_hn ][ff_^ THE ETHICAL HACKING q[m \_cha ila[hcm_^ at interschool level. All my 3 friends encouraged me to participate in it & to fullfill their wish I participated in it. I was expecting that this time my friends would give me gifts, a lot of gifts, but nothing q[m nolh_^ ion. Bon nbcm ^c^hn [``_]n g_ [m my mother had told me that son never expect anything in return from friendship. Devu was representing St. Marry! For an instance I thought it to be a dream but no it was bitter truth, very real to face. At the venue there were 64 computers which were going to be operated by 64 students,

4 students from each school as 16 schools were particpating. We in a group of 4 had to hack a main computer & the team which would do it in minimum time would \_ nb_ qchh_l, H[]echa, cn q[m fce_ ]bcf^m play for me as I used to hack the main server of our school. As the event started, within 5 minutes, I hacked the main ]igjon_l Bon I ^c^hn ehiq qb[n b[^ happened to me, with hacking main computer I hacked all 63 other computers nii. So^^_hfs [ n_[]b_l `lig ila[hcm[ncih mbion_^ Yio b[]e_l! Yio are disqualified! No! No! Why should you disqualified? The whole St. Marry is ^cmko[fc`c_^! Gi & b[]e nb_ qilf^! ([m every one was jealous of growing school St. Marry, they had disqualified whole m]biif)

For this, I was punished brutally by my m]biifm [onbilcns. Sn. M[lls b[^ ni l_nolh this year with empty hands. Our whole school was upset from me, even my friends too with weird faces. Even Bhanu l_g[le_^ A\_s nodb_s eo]b Js[^[ bc b[]echa ^ceb[[hc nbc es[?????. Fil [ week, for the very first time, I found myself very alone in the school but after a week I was again with The Ultimate 4 group again & my 3 friends had forgiven me. This was the achievement of St. Marry in class 9th ?????????????????????

Take a right, then left & then straight

One question that remain unanswered in _p_lsih_m fc`_, Oh_ ko_mncih qbim_ answer can make us cry, is When did our childhood pass away? Atleast I, still want to live that period again, a period full of innocence, faith trust, love, true friendship, no space for m_f`cmbh_mm.. Anyway, reality was that our childhood period had passed away & we all 4 had entered into adoloscent period, in class 10th. But still we all 3 (except Maaruti) were uncertain regarding our future. From the beginning of class 10th , we had to go iol m]biifm ^cmn[hn \l[h]b, `il qbc]b sio need a bycycle or school bus, for the very first time, my mother gifted me something, a bycycle by selling her 2 aif^_h \[haf_m. Tb_l_ cn q_hn.

On the very first day of my class 10thm journey, I was parking my cycle & suddenly, a girl, a complete stranger to me, in our school ci^_^ ^l_mm onn_l_^.. Sb_ : H_s Yio! Yio! Snij & fcmn_h! ( I ^c^hn q[hn ni [hmq_l ni mo]b [h arrogant girl) Sb_ : H_s Pf_[m_! I [g h_qfs [^gcmmcih_^, C[h sio jf_[m_ b_fj g_? (Oh! These girls, how their behaviour

change with in a few seconds, nobody can predict even not god, only thing you have ni ^i cm, ^ihn b__^ nb_g.)
M_ : Y[, Sj_[e `[mn! Sb_ : C[h sio n_ff g_ nb_ q[s `il ]f[mm 10th D ? M_ : OK, T[e_ [ lcabn, nb_h f_`n & nb_h mnl[cabn..

Before she could say thanks to me, I left the place. But one thing that suddenly struck to me for the very first time in such a pleasant morning was her face, with this thought I left for my class. But in the mid, Oh NO!................ I too was a student of class 10th D..

Thanks with an odour of Jasmine

Afte school prayer, we all 4 occupied our land mark, our last bench & with this after 4 periods it was time for interval, but what no one had expected was, She (Jasmine, the class teacher called the same girl which I had met in morning by the name Jasmine during attendance.) came towards me & with a broad smile said

Tb[hem, Fil nb_ b_fj . This time too I had no answer in reply & after waiting for my reply, she left the place. Suddenly, Maaruti & Sajni punched gs \[]e & m[c^ D_po, no ni a[s[.. Samhal kar rahiyo nahi to love naam ka eonn[ nodb_s e[[n d[[s_a[ fif.. I l_jfc_^ O_s! P[a[f ni hbc bi a[s_ bi kya, bas maine morning me uski help ki thi [ol eo]b h[bc. Bon gs b_[ln eh_q something odd was there since morning. Gcffs ^c^hn m[s [hsnbcha ni g_, \_][om_ he might be jealous of me, only for a beautiful girl talking to me & without heeding him. Giily was a dynamic personaltiy, a boy with a very good physique, like a superstar with moneymoney everywhere & it was untoulerable `il [ \is fce_ bcg nb[n mb_ ^c^hn fiie [n him once.

I had made my mind set that girls like Jasmine are made for boys like Gilly & even deleted her face from my memories \on qbs cn b[jj_h_^ ni g_. That night my dreams, my dreams were screaming, screaming thanks to me, nb[hem qcnb [h i^iol i` J[mgch_ I thought that on the next morning, I would go to the Maaruti & tell him that Y[[l no m[bc nb[, Ig ch fip_, ch fip_ qcnb nb[n fip_fs `fiq_l, J[mgch_..

M[s \_ nbcm, nbcm cm ][ff_^ [m Lip_ [n `clmn mcabn!..

Infinite pieces of heart, like a mirror

On the very next day I woke up, with a broad smile, prayed in temple for 10

minutes & left for school & straight went to Maaruti & before I could tell him about gs f[mn qbif_ hcabn,b_ m[c^.. M[[lonc : Y[[l D_po no ni \[]b a[s[,. T__l ecmc [ol e b__ d[[ f[a[.. M_ : Y[[l di \bc e_bh[ ]b[bn[ b[c m[[`saaf bol, mujhey kuch samajh me nhi aaya, aur jaldi bol mujhey bhi tujhey kuch cgjiln[hn \[n[h[ b[c! M[[lonc : Y[[l [jh_s Gcffs ei pi h[c student hai na Jasmine, us sey pyaar ho gaya, vo subah se uskey peechey paaglo ki tarah ghum raha hai, pura school dono k baarey me hi baat kar raha hai, dono ki jodi bhi to Radha aur Krishna ki tarah lag l[bc b[c h[, cmfcs_!

I was shocked completely, silenced & without saying anything, I turned around & l[h p_ls `[mn.. (Gcffs q[m mbioncha-

Todb_s es[ bo[? Ji cgjiln[hn \[[n nbc pi ni \[n[n[ d[[)I ^c^hn b__^ him & ran towards \ism nicf_n.
I closed the door & started crying like a 3 gihnbm ch`[hn. I was feeling as if my heart got broken into infinte pieces, like a mirror which is very easy to break but too difficult to collect all those broken pieces shattered down. As for every piece you are going to pick up, it will peirce in your b[h^ & ][om_ sio nii go]b j[ch [a[ch For the very first time, I dreamed something for me otherwise I had sacrificed my whole life for my friends, But I made myself aware of the truth that this time also I had to sacrifice my feelings for gs `lc_h^m dis, Gcffsm fip_ & qiof^ nls gs best to enhance love in between Gilly & Jasmine, with this promise to myself, I

made my way towards class & just I l_[]b_^ gs \_h]b M[[lonc mbion_^ M[[lonc : Tujhey subah kya ho gaya tha? Kya important baat bataney waala tha bog \bc ni moh_s? S[dhc : H[[h, Bif! J[f^c \if! M_ : A\_s g[c \bc Gcffs [ol J[mgch_ e \[[l_s g_ bc \[n[h_s q[[f[ nb[. Gcffs : Y[[l m[]b g_, pi b[c bc \[bon sundar, ek pari hai jissey sirf bhagwaan ne g_l_ fcs_ \b_d[ b[c.. M[[lonc & S[dhc (Tia_nb_l) : Ob Hii!, P[lc!..................Hggggggggggg!! (It was no doubt that she was much

much go]b gil_ \_[onc`of nb[h qilf^m gimn \_[onc`of aclf)

M_ : H[[h, s[[l no cnh[ bandsome hai to teri girl friend bhi to tere scale ko match

karney waali honi chahiye, vaisey subah tumharey beech kya-es[ \[[n boc?? Gcffs : B[m [\bc chnli^o]ncih bo[ b[c, usney apna naam bataya, mera pucha, vo Christian hai, uskey papa ka apna steel article ka buisness hai, aur vo national bcabq[s e j[[m l_bnc b[c. M_ : Cihal[nm s[[l, P_bfc gof[[k[[n g_ bc ]_hnols!...

Wcnb ch `_q m_]ih^m, iol ]f[mm_m mn[ln_^..

Day by day the bond between Gilly & jasmine was strenghtning as Gilly was one of the best, when it comes to flirt a girl, no doubt about it! With in a month, both Gilly & Jasmine were declared as the most beautiful couple of our school, ever. In the interval time, we all 4 along with Jasmine used to take our meals together, but still I used to avoid to talk to her as I became

hopeless infront of her & Maaruti, Sajni used to make fun of me infront of the ]iojf_.. Bon nb_ q[s mb_ om_^ ni fiie [n me, something in a very friendly manner, i`n_h g[^_ g_ nin[ffs ]ih`om_^

1 Km becomes 3 Km in Love .
Within 8 months of class 10th session, Jasmine & Gilly were in the relationship & I had no issue with it but my heart had a fin. In 8 months, I too became frank with Jasmine & the best part was that she used to laugh a lot on my jokes, Jasmine was introduced to Ultimate 4 by Maaruti.

Moreover she too became aware of our family backgrounds (Except my). One Saturday when my mother was ill, I had to take a leave for a day to work inplace of Maa at theyli, suddenly at about 1:45 p.m. a rickshaw stopped infront of the theyli & to my surprise it was J[mgch_ & mb_ ][g_ niq[l^m g_ & m[c^ J[mgch_ : Ob-bi! E[ncha Bb[nool[m b[[h? M_ : Nin [n [ff, g[g. I [g nb_ iqh_l i` this Theyli, What will you take? CholleyBhatuurey or Cholley-Cb[q[f, b[[h?...... J[mgch_ : Inm j[ln-ncg_ di\, b[[h? M_ : Ni, gs ginb_l n[e_ ][l_ i` cn, I dich her when school is off, She is ill today nb[nm qbs I [g qilecha. J[mgch_ : M[s ai^ acp_ _p_ls ginb_l [ mih fce_ sio!

M_ : All_cs !,Dihn \_ _gincih[f, domn wait for 5 minutes, I serve you a Bhatuura jf[n_ J[mgch_ : OK, Bon qb[n [\ion gs rickshaw, the rickshaw puller is still q[cncha `il g_. M_ : Ame bcg ni ai, ^ihn qills I b[p_ [ \s]sf]f_, Iff ^lij sio.. Jasmine : R_[ffs?...... Ab to jaldi banao, gob g_ j[[hc \bc [[ a[s[ b[c (I ch]l_[m_^ gs b[h^m mj__^ & mb_ g[^_

her Rickshaw puller to go. I served the plate to her & closed the theyli though mncff [ fin i` mni]e q[m nb_l_ \on I ^c^hn want to loose the opportunity, the ijjilnohcns ni _hdis Bb[nool[m qcnb b_l. )
J[mgch_ : Wiq! K[[`c f[t__t Bb[nool_s b[ch!

M_ : Tb[hem, \on cnm gs g[[m l_]cjc_ & nb[nm [ m_]l_n! J[mgch_ : M[[lonc b[m nif^ g_ _p_lsnbcha [\ion nb_ ofncg[n_ 4 & [ fin [\ion sio M_ : Y[[ cnm [ a[ha, M[[lonc, Yiolm Gcffs, S[dhc & ^_po.. J[mgch_ : Yio ^ihn b[p_ [ hc]e h[g_ b[[h? M_ : Ni, D_po mocnm g_ J[mgch_ : Tb[nm hin `[cl, I acp_ sio [ hc]eh[g_.. Wb[n [\ion BHATUURA? H[[h ? M_ : Ni! Ni!, Please it will drop down my mn[nom! J[mgch_ : Wbs? Wb[nm nb_ jli\f_g? Inm mi ]on_ ni ][ff sio Bb[nool[ & I fce_ cn p_ls go]b.

M_ : Yio fce_ cn b[[h? (Sb_ hi^^_^ ni nbcm ni m[s Y_m) Tb_h I b[p_ hi jli\f_g ni cn J[mgch_ : Ycjj_!, Ms \_mn Bb[nool[ _p_l! (I q[m `__fcha [n nb_ nij i` b_[p_h.) M_ : OK, cnm ncg_ `il [ \s]sf_ lc^_. J[mgch_ (S__cha b_l q[n]b) : Ob Ms ai^!, Ig nii f[n_! M_ : Dihn qills!, Iff mbiq sio nb_ H[hog[h jiq_l. (I took my bycycle, she adjusted herself at

the rod attached with handle, I made a km distance to shrink in just 5 minutes, we talked a lot during the way & finally we both reached her home in time, I said Bye ni b_l & nii nbcm mb_ l_jfc_^ Y[[l, Monday se roz ek saath school se aayad[[s[ e[l_ha_, \[bon g[t[[ [[s_a[,

{yippee bos, teri to kismat khul gai thinking to myself} I replied her with OK, hi jli\f_g & I f_`n nb_ jf[]_)
During that night I was wondering about her, though she was in relationship with Gilly, then why should she needed my company? Might be to eat Bhatuurey, or might be she needed a joker to make her f[oab [fq[sm, gcabn \_ mb_ ^c^hn fce_ b_l rickshaw puller, might be she enjoyed my bycycle ride or just might be she loved to be in gs ]igj[hs Anyways whatever was the reason, fact was that, I used to cover a km distance to reach her home & along with her on my cycle, we both used to cover 2 km distance to reach school, & this too used ni l_j_[n [`n_l m]biif As such 1km had become 3 km for me, might be it was my love for her. Whatever

it was, I knew she was never going to be mine but how difficult it is for a boy like g_ ni n_ff nbcm \cnn_l nlonb ni gs b_[ln

Cycle can never match with i10.

Everything was going better & better, like she used to talk a lot about me, she had told me a lot about his likes & dislikes & to spend a long time with her, I used to slow ^iqh nb_ ]s]f_m mj__^ & ch nb_ qbif_ day, it used to be the best time for me, to carry her from home & to drop again safely to home. Even during school time, she used to spend 15% of time with me, though still 85% of time with Gilly & I had no objection to it, atleast I was getting 15% & 2 bycycle rides a day. Moreover,

when Gilly got absent, she used to give b_l 100% ncg_ ni g_, \on I ^c^hn [\m_hn `il [ mchaf_ ^[s, qb[n_p_l q[m gs b_[fnb. Further, the 7th period, the period of sports used to be the best 40 minutes in the whole day, as Gilly got busy in the cricket, Maaruti still with study, Sajni & I in Basket-ball, & she felt alone without Gilly & then she came to me & asked me to play table-tennis with her, a 40 minutes table-tennis with her, with lots of talks om_^ ni _f[\il[n_ gs qbif_ ^[s The growing friendship between Jasmine & Bhatuura (me), became the top story of our school & as a consequence Gilly, my \_mn `lc_h^ f_`n om, iol Ufncg[n_ 4 a[ha I was feeling as if I had disrespected my mother, as I had produced cracks in the word Friendship. To correct my mistake, I (Along with Sajni & Maaruti) straight went

to Gilly & begged him for sorry & to ask him to join The ultimate 4, again. Further, I told him that Jasmine is just a friend, she qcff l_g[ch siol fip_, I jligcm_ sio& [m mo]b b_ dich_^ om [a[ch Bon ih a condition that from the next day, he would carry & drop Jasmine in his car i-10 & with none other option left, I had to [al__ ni cn. As such from the next day, i-10 had replaced my cycle 7 she too used to enjoy the i-10m chn_lcil p_ls go]b. Bon once she asked me the reason, why I did stop to `_n]b b_l & I mcgjfs l_jfc_^ nb[n Jcm m_s aap pyaar kartey ho, jiskey saath aap jeeney marney k waadeiy kartey ho, ussi k saath jyada waqt bitaaney se pyaar g[t\on bin[ b[c.. & this time too I b[^ m[]lc`c]_^ gs b_[lnm `__fcham `il `lc_h^mbcj.

Moreover I had started ignoring her nbioab cn q[m p_ls ^c``c]ofn `il g_ Bon I knew the reality & reality was that CYCLE


96% in 10th means a way to KOTA..

After lots of ups and downs through out the class 10th, fact was that it was time for iol \i[l^ _r[gch[ncih l_mofn & cnm nlo_ ni say that every student knows the result at the last day of exam. As such maaruti was very confident that he would get more than 95%, & I was too with above 50%. As such our results were simmilar to our prediction :Maaruti : 96%

Gilly : 86% Sajni : 82% Bhatuura : 59% From the very beginning, I was always 4th, among The Ultimate 4, in name with D alphabet, in study, in sports, in quiz, in singing, in money, in everything. Only thing I was enriched with was a heart for friendship. Jasmine too got 88%, every one was looking very happy with their performance but one person who was very ojm_n q[m M[[lonc, b_ q[m iol m]biifm topper but still with a sad face. I came to him & asked for the reason & he remarked The Ultimate 4 is over. I was shocked to hear that words & I asked him to say the main problem in a simple & short manner & he replied that for further study he had to go KOTA & he would not with us in

class 11th & 12th, though it was very difficult for me but I gave him enormous courage to go for KOTA & told him that The Ultimate 4 would never be over, we qiof^ ]ig_ nb_l_ ni g__n sio, ^ihn `__f upset. But I knew how diificult it would be to survive without Maaruti, but after all it q[m `il gs `lc_h^m jlimj_liom `onol_ & for my friends I was ever ready for m[]lc`c]_.. \on ih_ nbcha q[m `il mol_, c` you get >95%, then Kota is booked for mol_ I, Sajni, Gilly & Jasmine along with M[[loncm j[l_hnm \c^ `[l_q_ff ni M[[lonc for bright & prosperous future, for Kin[. Tb[n hcabn I ]iof^hn mf__j, [m I ^c^hn q[hn to gace the next day, the day without my Maaruti but anyhow I had to make

habbitual of it & the session for class 11th q[m mn[lncha `lig niggilliq

Jasmine in Commerce??
On the very first day of our class 11th session, I was feeling very alone as there was no Maaruti. In the morning, we were asked to opt from Science or Commerce. Sajni had no choice as he had to opt for commerce as his father wanted him to be a good buisnessman & he had to follow what his father (HITLER) said. I was thinking that Jasmine would take Science as he got above 85% & Gilly would take Science too, just to stay with Jasmine. I ^c^hn q[hn ni `[]_ nb[n `[]_ [a[ch, J[mgch_m `[]_. Am mo]b I q_hn [fiha qcnb

Sajni for commerce & then our classes mn[ln_^ But to my surprise, it was Jasmine in our class, Jasmine in commerce, as she wanted to support his fatb_lm \ocmh_mm [m manager, and as expected there was Gilly nii, I [me_^ bcg ni mcn [fiha qcnb g_ & sajni with no Maaruti at last bench & to this Gilly agreed. Everything calmed down, my life got stand still. Sajni had stopped singing & started taking intrest in bcm `[nb_lm \ocmh_mm, gcabn \_ ih Hcnf_lm will. Gilly had left cricket pitch as he got \oms ch bcm `[nb_lm j[lns qile & ch ^[ncha Jasmine. Maaruti was already busy at Kota & I too made myself busy at mu bhatuura theyli. The ultimate 4 was still there but it b[^ fimn cnm `__f, cnm afiq. I ]iof^hn tolerate this any more as such I sorted out [ jf[h..

December tour.?? Tour to kota..??

To fill the void in the ultimate 4, I had come up with a plan, a tour to kota in our december winter vaccations. To this Sajni, Gilly & Jasmine too responded positively. I wanted to give Maaruti a shocking surprise. We discussed our plan with his M[[loncm j[l_hnm & nb_s a[p_ om nb_ [^^l_mm i` M[[loncm bimn_f, & mig_ eatables for maaruti also. The money I had collected for some emergency, I purchased a study lamp with that money to gift it to Maaruti. The train whistled & started with a jerk from the Ghaziabad station heading to Kota, we all 4 took our seats. Me & sajni together & gilly, Jasmine nia_nb_l. Tb[n ^[s J[mgch_ q[m fiiecha

p_ls \_[onc`of ch b_l picf_n ]ifil ^l_mm they were looking very cute together as a couple, Sajni was sleeping & I too was acting like I sleeping too, but Gilly & jasmine were continously talking, kissing each other on cheeks, & it was becoming intoulerable to bear them anymore. Suddenly I stood up & went out, near the a[n_ & mn[ln_^ fiiecha ionmc^_ After half an hour Gilly went to sleep too & Jasmine came towards the gate too 7 mn[ln_^ n[fecha ni g_. Bon _gincih[ffs I was shattered for 2 reasons, first one was there was no Maaruti & second one was, i ^c^hn q[hn ni bc^_ gs `__fcham `il b_l \on I had to do it at any cost, for the sake of friendship. I was just responding to her by answering her in Just YES or No, without giving any explanatio. Suddenly, she asked g_ [ ko_mncih qbc]b I b[^hn _rj_]n_^

`lig b_l. Sb_ [me_^ Di I fce_ b_l? Wb[n ^i I `__f `il b_l? . Ob! Ni!, I ^c^hn q[hn to answer that question, as I was afraid of my emotions which were impossible to control & I decided to keep silent & suddenly the train was crossing a long river which made Jasmeen frightened & she hugged me tight, as much tight as possible & it was the time when my emotions were at zeneith, I also grasped b_l ncabn & h_[l b_l _[lm, I onn_l_^ I ^ihn like you, I love you, you are the one for qbig I ][h m[]lc`c]_ gs fc`_ Bon I ][hn \_nl[s gs `lc_h^, mi e__j cn [q[s `lig g_.. Bon mb_ ^c^hn unfold her arms & to this I pushed her back & asked her to go & sit \_mc^_m Gcffs

The Ultimate 4, Maaruti ab bol

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