Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Pahang Science Curriculum Specifications Annual Lesson Plan For Form Five 2011

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O"ser$e %re%ared slides or $ie& charts of $ario#s ty%es of microorganisms ' a. list the characteristics of $ario#s ty%es of microorganisms ". classify $ario#s ty%es of microorganisms into gro#%s i.e. "acteria( f#ngi( %roto)oa( $ir#ses and algae "ased on their characteristics s#ch as $ariation in si)e( sha%e or other a%%earance *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the follo&ing ' a. $ario#s gro#%s of microorganism( i.e"acteria( f#ngi( %roto)oa( $ir#ses and algae ". characteristics of each gro#% of microorganims in terms of a%%earance( sha%e( si)e( method of re%rod#ction( n#trition and ha"itat O"ser$e s%ecimens s#ch as fresh "read( fresh mil+ and s%oilt mil+. ,isc#ss ' a. &hy the "read and mil+ t#rn "ad

! st#dent is a"le to ' list the characteristics of $ario#s ty%es of microorganisms classify microorganisms into "acteria( f#ngi( %roto)oa( $ir#ses and algae descri"e the characteristics of each gro#% of microorganims

!lgae - alga -acteria - "a+teria .#ngi - +#lat Microorganisms -mi+roorganisma

1.2 Synthesising deas !"o#t

The .actors That !ffect The 0ro&th Of Microrganisms


the factors that affect the gro&th of microorganisms

,esign and cond#ct e5%eriments to st#dy ho& each of the follo&ing factors affects the gro&th of microorganisms ' a. n#trient ". h#midity c. light d. tem%erat#re e. %3 ,isc#ss ho& each factor affects the gro&th of microorganism 2 11/01 -1//01 1.1 !%%lying 2no&ledge !"o#t Usef#l Microorganisms

! st#dent is a"le to ' identify factors that effect the gro&th of microorganisms design an e5%eriments to st#dy ho& n#trient affects the gro&th of microorganisms design an e5%eriments to st#dy ho& h#midity affects the gro&th of microorganisms design an e5%eriments to st#dy ho& light affects the gro&th of microorganisms design an e5%eriments to st#dy ho& tem%erat#re affects the gro&th of microorganisms design an e5%eriments to st#dy ho& %3 affects the gro&th of microorganisms e5%lain ho& each factor affects the gro&th of microorganisms ! st#dent is a"le to ' state e5am%les of #ses of microorganisms e5%lain &ith e5am%les the roles of #sef#l microorganisms s#ggest %otential #ses of microorganisms in $ario#s fields

,ecaying %rocess -%roses %ere%#tan .ood digestion -%encernaan ma+anan

*ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the #ses and #ses roles of microorganisms ' a. food digestion ". decaying %rocess c. medicine( agric#lt#re and ind#stry Carry o#t an acti$ity a"o#t the #ses of microorganism s#ch as ma+ing "read or yog#rt *isit factories to st#dy ho& microorganisms are #sed to %rod#ce food or other ind#strial %rod#cts

1.4 !nalysing The 3armf#l 4ffects

Se5#ally transmitted diseases -

Of Microorganisms

0ather information from maga)ines( "oo+s and internet and disc#ss the %otential #ses of microorganisms in $ario#s fields O"ser$e s%ecimens or models or $ie& charts on tooth decay 6carries7 and disc#ss ho& microorganisms ca#se the decay 0ather information from ne&s%a%er( "oo+s( maga)ines and internet or inter$ie& medical e5%erts and disc#ss other harmf#l effects of microorganisms on h#man "eings s#ch as ca#sing food %oisoning and diseases Ma+e a folio or scra% "oo+ a"o#t the gro#%s of microrganisms that ca#se the follo&ing diseases and the ma8or sym%toms of the diseases a. t#"erc#losis( cholera and $ario#s se5#ally transmitted diseases s#ch as gonorrhea and sy%hilis- ca#se "y "acteria ". common cold( deng#e fe$er( he%atitis and the ! ,S-ca#sed "y $ir#s c. tinea and ring &orm- ca#sed "y f#ngi d. malaria- ca#sed "y %roto)oa *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the $ario#s &ays microorganisms can infect h#man "eing s#ch as thro#gh air( &ater( contact and $ector ! st#dent is a"le to ' state the harmf#l effects of microorganisms on h#man "eing relate each gro#% of microorganisms to the diseases ca#sed "y it descri"e the ma8or sym%toms of diseases ca#sed "y each gro#% of microorganisms descri"e the $ario#s &ays ho& microorganisms can ca#se infection

9enya+it 8ang+itan +elamin/se+s Tinea - %ana# T#"erc#losis "at#+ +ering/ti"i

18/01 : 22/01

1./ !nalysing ;ays To 9re$ent nfection Ca#sed -y Microorganisms

0ather information from "oo+s( ne&s%a%ers( maga)ines( internet or $isist instit#tions s#ch as nstit#t Of Medical <esearch 6 M<7 and 9#sat 2a&alan *ector and disc#ss the &ays to %re$ent infection s#ch as control of $ectors( sterilisation and imm#nisation

! st#dent is a"le to ' list &ays to %re$ent infection relate the control of $ectors to their ha"its and life cycles

,isinfectant -disinfe+tan mm#nity - im#niti mm#nisation -%engim#nan

Carry o#t the follo&ing acti$ities ' a. dra& the life cycles of $ectors s#ch as mos?#ito and ho#sefly ". descri"e the ha"its of these $ectors c. relate the life cycles and ha"its of these $ector to the control and %re$ention of infection ,isc#ss the follo&ing methods of sterilisation' a. the #se of heat' heating( "oiling and #sing a#tocla$e ". the #ses of chemicals' antise%tics and disinfectants c. the #se of radiations' gamma ray and #ltra$iolet light *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the follo&ing ' a. the meaning of imm#nity ". ty%es of imm#nity and their e5am%les c. the im%ortance of imm#nity Carry o#t and acti$ity to com%are and contrast $ario#s ty%es of imm#nity. ll#strate the similarities and differences in a gra%hic organis 4 2//01- 2=/01 1.> Understanding 3o& ,iseases Ca#sed -y Microorganism !re Treated ,isc#ss &ays to treat diseases ca#sed "y microorganisms s#ch as the #se of anti"iotics and antif#ngal dr#gs Cond#ct and e5%eriment to st#dy the effects of anti"iotics on "acteria ,isc#ss the effects of anti"iotics on "acteria n$ite a medical officer to tal+ a"o#t #sing dr#gs &itho#t medical ad$ice and thro#gh #na#thorised

e5%lain &ith e5am%les $ario#s methods of sterilisation state &hat imm#nity is state &ith e5am%les ty%es of imm#nity com%are and contrast the $ario#s ty%es of imm#nity state the im%ortance of imm#nity

<adiation -radiasi/sinaran Sterilisation -%ensterilan *ectors $e+tor/"ahan %em"a&a %enya+it Ultra$iolet #ltra#ng#

! st#dent is a"le to ' state the &ays to treat diseases ca#sed "y microorganisms state the effects of anti"iotics on microorganisms descri"e the dangers of #sing dr#gs &itho#t chemical ad$ice and thro#gh #na#thorised %rescri%tion

!ntif#ngal - anti +#lat !nti"iotic - anti"ioti+ 9rescri%tion %res+ri%si


1.@ <ealising That Microorganisms 3a$e 4ffects On 3#man -eing !nd The -alance n Aat#re

,isc#ss the effects of microorganisms in relation to ' a. h#man life ". "alance nat#re

! st#dent is a"le to ' descri"e the roles and effects of microorganisms h#man and the "alance in nat#re ! st#dent is a"le to ' identify the caloric $al#es of the different classes of food estimate the calorific $al#es in $ario#s meals e5%lain the factors that affect total calories re?#ired "y an indi$id#al relate health %ro"lems to n#trition and eating ha"its 8#stify the im%ortance of ta+ing good n#trition and %ractising good eating ha"its

-alance of nat#re -+eseim"angan alam

01/02 0//02

CHAPTER 2 ) NUTRITION AND FOOD PRODUCTION 2.1 4$al#ating The m%ortance Of Ta+ing 0ood A#trition !nd 9ractising 0ood 3elath 3a"its

Carry o#t an acti$ity to determine the follo&ing ' a. the calorific $al#es of the different classes of food s#ch as %rotein( car"ohydrate and fat ". the caloric $al#es of meals ta+en for "rea+fast( l#nch and dinner *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss ' a. factors that affect the calories re?#irement of an indi$id#al s#ch as se5( "ody si)e( age( state of health( %hysical acti$ities and s#rro#nding tem%erat#re ". health %ro"lems related to n#trition s#ch as maln#trition( o"esity( anore5ia and diseases res#lted from #nhealthy eating ha"its 0ro#% disc#ssion and %resentation on the im%ortance of ta+ing good n#trition and %ractising good eating ha"its 0ather information from "oo+s( maga)ines and internet and ' a. disc#ss &hat macron#trients are ". gi$e a list of macron#trients i.e. car"on( hydrogen( o5ygen( nitrogen( %hos%horo#s( %otassi#m( calci#m( magnesi#m and s#l%h#r

!nore5ia - anore+sia Calorie - +alori Caloricfic $al#e nilai +alori Maln#trition maln#trisi O"esity - o"esiti

2.2 !nalysing The A#trient <e?#irements Of 9lants

! st#dent is a"le to ' state &hat macron#trients are list macron#trients state &hat micron#trients are list micron#trients state the effects of nitrogen( %hos%horo#s and %otassi#m

Calsi#m - +alsi#m ,eficiency +e+#rangan Macron#trients -ma+ron#trien Manganese mangan

c. d.

disc#ss &hat micron#trients are gi$e a list of macron#trients s#ch as "oron( moly"den#m( )inc( coo%er and iron *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss ' a. the effects of nitrogen( %hos%hor#s and %otassi#m deficiency on %lant gro&th ". the ma8or f#nctions of nitrogen( %hos%hor#s and %otassi#m in %lant gro&th > 08/02 : 12/02 2.1 !nalysing Aitrogen Cycle !nd ts m%ortance *ie& charts( $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations on nitrogen a. the nitrogen cycle ". the %rocesses in$ol$ed in the nitrogen cycle c. the im%ortance of the nitrogen cycle ,ra& a la"elled diagram of nitrogen cycle 0ather information from "oo+s( maga)ine or internet on g#ides to healthy eating ha"its 9lan and %ractise ta+ing healthy daily meals 9ro%ose ideas on ho& to manage food reso#rces to a$oid &astage. Ma+e a %lan a "ased on the %ro%osed ideas ,isc#ss the "enefits of ha$ing healthy eating ha"its

deficiency on %lant gro& state the ma8or f#nctions of nitrogen( %hos%horo#s and %otassi#m in %lant gro&

Micron#trients -mi+ron#trien 9hos%hor#s fosfor#s 9otassi#m - +ali#m S#l%h#r - s#lf#r

! st#dent is a"le to ' descri"e nitrogen cycle e5%lain the %rocess in$ol$ed in nitrogen cycle e5%lain the im%ortance of nitrogen cycle

Aitrogen cycle 2itar nitrogen

2.4 !%%reciating The m%ortance Of 3a$ing 0ood A#trition

! st#dent is a"le to ' %ractise healthy eating ha"its %lan ho& manage food reso#rces to a$oid &astage descri"e the "enefits of ha$ing healthy eating ha"its

.ood reso#rces S#m"er ma+anan

CHAPTER * ) PRESERVATION AND CONSERVATION OF THE ENVIRONME NT 1.1 !nalysing -alance n Aat#re *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss' a. the meaning of "alance in nat#re( ". the roles of the three nat#ral cycles in maintaining "alance in nat#re( i.e. nitrogen cycle( car"on cycle and &ater cycle. *isit a garden and carry o#t the follo&ing acti$ities' a. list the organisms( ". dra& a food &e"( c. disc#ss the role of food &e"s in maintaining "alance in nat#re. 0ather information from "oo+s( ne&s%a%ers( maga)ines and internet on nat#ral disasters. 9resent and disc#ss' a. the effects of nat#ral disasters on "alance in nat#re. ". &ays to maintain the "alance in nat#re. @ 1@/02 : 1=/02 1.2 !nalysing The 4ffects Of 4n$ironmental 9oll#tion 0ather information from "oo+s( ne&s%a%ers( maga)ines and internet and disc#ss' a. the so#rces of en$ironmental %oll#tion -alance in nat#re : 2eseim"angan alam ! st#dent is a"le to' descri"e &hat "alance in nat#re is( state the nat#ral cycles that hel% to maintain "alance in nat#re( e5%lain ho& these nat#ral cycles hel% to maintain "alance in nat#re( e5%lain ho& food &e"s hel% to maintain "alance in nat#re( e5%lain &ith e5am%les the effects of nat#ral disasters on "alance in nat#re( s#ggest &ays to maintain "alance in nat#re .ood &e" : Siratan ma+anan

! st#dent is a"le to' identify the so#rces of en$ironmental %oll#tion( e5%lain the effects of en$ironment %oll#tion(

Coolant : -ahan %endingin 0lo"al &arming : 9emanasan glo"al

s#ch as ' i. the #ncontrolled #se of fossil f#els( ii. the dis%osal of "y %rod#cts( &aste( to5ic s#"stances( radioacti$e s#"stances( smo+e and heat from factories( iii. the #ncontrolled #se of chemical fertillisers( %esticides and f#ngicides in agric#lt#re( i$. the %rod#ction of noises( smo+e and %oisono#s gases from $ehicles and machinery( $. the dis%osal of r#""ish s#ch as %lastic(lefto$er food and solid s#"stances( thedis%osal of se&age( $i. the #ses of cholofl#orocar"on 6C.C7 in aerosols( air conditioners and refrigerators( and the im%ro%er dis%osal of electrical a%%liances s#ch as air conditioners and refrigerators that contain C.C. ". the effects of en$ironmental %oll#tion from as%ect of' i. h#man health( ii. ha"itats and nat#re iii. the e5tinction of s%ecies( i$. the loss of economic reso#rces. *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss' a. glo"al &arming(

descri"e glo"al &arming( relate greenho#se effects to glo"al &arming( state &hat o)one layer is( e5%lain the im%ortance of o)one layer( state the chemicals that damage the o)one layer( list the so#rces of chemicals that can damage the o)one layer( e5%lain ho& damaging o)one layer affects li$ing things

0reenho#se effect : 2esan r#mah hi8a#

". c. d. e. f.

greenho#se effect and its relation to glo"al &arming( o)one layer and its im%ortance( chemicals s#ch as C.C and o5ides of nitrogen that can damage the o)one layer( chemicals in styrofoam coolant and aerosol that can damage the o)one layer( ho& damaging o)one layer affects li$ing things. ! st#dent is a"le to' state the im%ortance of %reser$ation and conser$ation of the en$ironment( generate ideas on en$ironmental %oll#tion control( e5%lain &ith e5am%les ho& %reser$ation and conser$ation of the en$ironment can contri"#te to a clean and healthy en$ironment 4n$ironment %oll#tion : 9encemaran alam se+itar

22/02 : 2//02


Synthesising The dea Of 9reser$ation !nd Conser$ation Of The 4n$ironment !nd 9oll#tion Control

*ie& $ideos on en$ironmental %reser$ation and conser$ation and disc#ss the im%ortance of %reser$ation and conser$ation of the en$ironment. ,isc#ss the follo&ing' a. en$ironment %oll#tion control( ". e5am%les of ho& %reser$ation and conser$ation can contri"#te to a clean and healthy en$ironment( Carry o#t a %ro8ect to st#dy' a. ;hat efforts are ta+en to %reser$e and conser$e the en$ironment( ". &hat are the im%acts %rod#ced "y these efforts. ,isc#ss %ro%er &ays of managing nat#ral reso#rces to maintain "alance in nat#re. *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and &rite a re%ort on' a. the effects of im%ro%er management of nat#ral

1.4 Of

4$al#ating The m%ortance

9ro%er Management Of Aat#ral <eso#rces n Maintaining -alance n Aat#re

Aat#ral reso#rces : S#m"er sem#la 8adi / s#m"er alam ! st#dent is a"le to' generate ideas on %ro%er &ays to manage nat#ral reso#rces in order to maintain "alance in nat#re(

". 1./ 9ractising <es%onsi"le !ttit#des To 9reser$e !nd Conser$e The 4n$ironment

reso#rces( the need for %ro%er management of the en$ironment

9lan and %ractise good ha"its to %reser$e and con$erse the en$ironment thro#gh the follo&ing acti$ities' a. a&areness cam%aigns on red#cing( re#sing and recycling. ". 8#ngle tre++ing to a%%reciate the "ea#ty of nat#re and an #ns%oilt en$ironment( c. ado%t %art of an area s#ch as "each( ri$er( hill and forest to %ractise res%onsi"le and caring attit#des to %reser$e and con$erse( d. &rite a %ro%osal on ho& to %reser$e and con$erse the en$ironment in a local comm#nity. = 10 01/01 : 0//01 08/01 -12/01 REVISION

e5%lain &ith e5am%les the effects of im%ro%er management of nat#ral reso#rces( 8#stify the need for %ro%er management of the en$ironment. ! st#dent is a"le to' %ractise good ha"its to %reser$e and con$erse the en$ironment

Bocal comm#nity : 2om#niti setem%at 9ro%er management : 9eng#r#san yang se&a8arnya


11 22/01 -2>/01 CHAPTER - ) CARBON COMPOUNDS 4.1 !nalysing *ario#s Car"on Com%o#nds O"ser$e $ario#s sam%les of car"on and non- car"on com%o#nds. ,isc#ss &hat car"on com%o#nds are. ! st#dent is a"le to' state &hat car"on com%o#nds are( state &hat organics Car"on com%o#nds : Se"atian +ar"on Organic com%o#nds

*ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss organic and inorganic com%o#nds in terms of' a. their so#rces( ". their characteristics( i.e.( i. elements %resent( ii. metallic or non- metallic iii. changes #%on heating. Carry o#t an acti$ity to com%are and contrast organic and inorganic com%o#nds. ll#strate the similarities and differences in a gra%hic organiser. Classify sam%les of car"on com%o#nds into organic and inorganic com%o#nds. 0ather information from "oo+s( maga)ines and internet and disc#ss hydrocar"ons and their so#rces. 4.2 !nalysing !lcohol !nd ts 4ffects On 3ealth 0ather information from "oo+s( ne&s%a%ers( maga)ines and internet on alcohol. ,isc#ss the follo&ing' a. elements fo#nd in alcohol( ". e5am%les of alcohol s#ch as methanol and ethanol. Carry o#t the follo&ing acti$ities' a. the %rod#ction of %#re ethanol thro#gh the %rocess of fermentation and distillation( ". st#dy the characteristics of alcohol in terms of ' i. sol#"ility and misci"ility &ith &ater( ii. com"#sti"ility( iii. reaction &ith acids to form

com%o#nds are( gi$e e5am%les of organic com%o#nds( state &hat inorganic com%o#nds are( gi$e e5am%les of inorganic com%o#nds( com%are and contrast organic com%o#nds &ith inorganic com%o#nds( classify s#"stances into organic and inorganic com%o#nds( state &hat hydrocar"ons( list so#rces of hydrocar"ons

: Se"atian organi+ norganic com%o#nds : Se"atian ta+ organi+ 3ydrocar"on : 3idro+ar"on

! st#dent is a"le to state the elements fo#nd in alcohol( gi$e e5am%les of alcohol( descri"e the %rocess of %rod#cing alcohol( state the general characteristics of alcohol( list the #ses of alcohol( e5%lain &ith e5am%les the effects of alcohol on health.

Com"#sti"ility : 2e"oleh"a+aran ,istillation : 9eny#lingan .ermentation : 9ena%aian / fermentasi Misci"ility : 2eterlar#tcam%#ran Sol#"ility : 2elar#tan

esters. *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the follo&ingC a. $ario#s #ses of alcohol( ". the effects of alcohol on the "rain( the ner$o#s system and the li$er. 12 2=/01 : 2/04 4.1 !nalysing .ats !nd Their 4ffects On 3ealth O"ser$e $ario#s sam%les of fats s#ch as "#tter( coo+ing oil( cheese( ghee and margarine. .rom the food la"els( a. dentify their so#rces (i.e. %lant or animals fats( ". classify them into sat#rated and #nsat#rated fats. ,isc#ss the follo&ing' a. elements fo#nd in fats( ". sat#rated and #nsat#rated fats. Carry o#t an acti$ity to com%are and contrast sat#rated fats and #nsat#rated fats in terms of' a. so#rces( ". states at room tem%erat#re( c. melting %oint. ll#strate the similarities and differences in a gra%hic organiser. 0ather information from "oo+s( ne&s%a%ers( maga)ines( internet or $ie& $ideos. 9resent and disc#ss the effects of cons#ming food rich in sat#rated and #nsat#rated fats on health. 4.4 !nalysing Oil 9alm !nd ts m%ortance To Aational O"ser$e the str#ct#re of an oil %alm !ntio5idants : 9engantio+sida ! st#dent is a"le to' gi$e e5am%les of fats( state the so#rces of fats( state the elements fo#nd in fats( state &hat sat#rated fats are( state &hat #nsat#rated fats are( com%are and contrast sat#rated fats &ith #nsat#rated fats( e5%lain &ith e5am%les the effects of cons#ming food rich in sat#rated fats on health( e5%lain &ith e5am%les the effects of cons#ming food rich in #nsat#rated fats on health. Sat#rated fats : Bema+ te%# Unsat#rated fats : Bema+ ta+ te%#


fr#it. ,ra& a la"elled diagram of the oil %alm fr#it. *isit an oil %alm factory( or $ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the %rocess of e5tracting %alm oil from the oil %alm fr#it. 0ather information from "oo+s( ne&s%a%ers( maga)ines and internet to %re%are a folio on' a. the #ses of %alm oil( ". n#tritional s#"stances fo#nd in %alm oil s#ch as fats( $itamins and antio5idants. *isit instit#tions s#ch as Malaysian 9alm Oil -oard 6M9O-7 to gather information on the research and de$elo%ment of oil %alm. ,isc#ss the %otential #ses of oil %alm. ! st#dent is a"le to' descri"e the str#ct#re of an oil %alm fr#it( descri"e the %rocess of e5tracting %alm oil from the oil %alm fr#it( list the #ses of %alm oil( list the n#tritional s#"stances fo#nd in %alm oil( descri"e the local < D , acti$ities on oil %alm( s#ggest the %otential #ses of oil %alm.

45traction : 9enge+stra+an A#tritional s#"stances : -ahan- "ahan "er+hasiat Oil %alm : 2ela%a sa&it 9alm oil : Minya+ sa&it / minya+ +ela%a sa&it


0//04 -10/04

4./ !nalysing The 9rocess Of Ma+ing Soa% .rom Oil !nd The Cleansing !ction Of Soa%

,isc#ss the follo&ing ' a. oils contain fatty acids and glycerol( ". e5am%les of fatty acids. Carry o#t an acti$ity to st#dy the %rocess of ma+ing soa% thro#gh the reaction "et&een fatty acids and sodi#m hydro5ide sol#tion. ,isc#ss soa% as a salt %rod#ced "y the reaction "et&een sodi#m hydro5ide and fatty acids. *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss' a. the characteristics of the

! st#dent is a"le to' state the oils contain fatty acids and glycerol( gi$e an e5am%le of fatty acids( descri"le the %rocess of ma+ing soa%( state that soa% is a salt %rod#ced "y the reaction "et&een sodi#m hydro5ide and fatty acids( state the characteristics of the

Cleansing action : Tinda+an %enc#cian .atty acids : !sid lema+


com%onents of a soa% molec#le( the cleansing action of soa% molec#les.

com%onents of a soa% molec#le( e5%lain the cleansing action of soa% molec#les.


12/04 -1>/04

4.> Understanding Aat#ral 9olymers

Carry o#t an acti$ity #sing "eads and strings to sho& the follo&ing str#ct#res or %rocesses' a. %olymer( ". monomer( c. %olymerisation( d. de%olymerisation. ,isc#ss the follo&ing ' a. &hat %olymers and monomers are( ". e5am%les of %olymer and monomer( c. &hat %olimerisation is( d. &hat de%olymerisation is. O"ser$e $ario#s sam%les of nat#ral and synthetic %olymers. 9re%are folios or scra% "oo+s on the $ario#s #ses of nat#ral and synthetic %olymers. Carry o#t acti$ities to st#dy the follo&ing' a. the characteristics of nat#ral r#""er( ". the coag#lation of late5 "y the action of acids( c. the %re$ention of coag#lation of late5 "y ammonia sol#tion. *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations

! st#dent is a"le to' state &hat a %olymer is( gi$e e5am%les of %olymer( state &hat a monomer is( gi$e e5am%les of monomer( descri"e %olymerisation( descri"e de%olymerisation( state &hat nat#ral %olymer is( gi$e e5am%les of nat#ral %olymer( state &hat synthetic %olymer is( gi$e e5am%les of synthetic %olymer( state the characteristics of nat#ral r#""er( e5%lain the action of acids on late5( e5%lain the action of ammonia sol#tion on late5( descri"e $#lcanisation of r#""er( relate the characteristics of $#lcanised r#""er to the str#ct#re of its molec#le( list the #ses of $#lcanised r#""er.

Coag#lation : 9engg#m%alan ,e%olymerisation : 9enyah%olimeran Bate5 : Bate+s / s#s# getah 9olymerisation : 9em%olimeran *#lcanisation : 9em$#l+anan

and disc#ss the $#lcanisation of r#""er. 4.@ The -etterment Of Bife ,isc#ss the #ses of $#lcanised r#""er. 0ather information from "oo+s( maga)ines and internet on scientistsE disco$eries on the #ses of car"on com%o#nds. 9resent and e5hi"it the information gathered. 1/ 1=/04 : 21/04 CHAPTER . ) MOTION /.1 !nalysing The Motion of *ehicles on Band 617 O"ser$e a "icycle and disc#ss its str#ct#re and %rinci%le of o%eration *ie& charts( $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the follo&ing ' a. the str#ct#re and %rinci%le of $ehicles &ith engine ". the str#ct#re and o%eration of ' i. fo#r stro+e %etrol engine ii. fo#r stro+e diesel engine iii. t&o stro+e %etrol engine Com%are and contrast the follo&ing in items of str#ct#re( o%eration and the efficiency of the engines ' a. the fo#r stro+e %etrol engine &ith the fo#r stro+e diesel engine ". the fo#r stro+e %etrol engine &ith the t&o stro+e %etrol engine ! st#dent is a"le to ' descri"e the str#ct#re and %rinci%le of o%eration of $ehicles &itho#t engines descri"e the str#ct#re and %rinci%le of o%eration of $ehicles &ith engines e5%lain the str#ct#re and o%eration of the fo#r sto+e %etrol engine e5%lain the str#ct#re and o%eration of the fo#r sto+e diesel engine e5%lain the str#ct#re and o%eration of the t&o sto+e %etrol engine com%are and contrast the fo#r stro+e %etrol engine &ith the fo#r stro+e diesel engine com%are and contrast the fo#r stro+e %etrol engine .o#r stro+e %etrol engine : en8in %etrol em%at le8ang .o#r stro+e diesel engine : en8in diesel em%at le8ang T&o stro+e %etrol engine : en8in %etrol d#a le8ang ! st#dent a"le to ' descri"e the im%ortance of scientistsE disco$eries on the #se of car"on com%o#nds. !%%reciating Scientific <esearch On The Uses Of Car"on Com%o#nds .or ,ra& a schematic diagram and relate the characteristics of $#lcanised r#""er to the str#ct#re of its molec#le.

ll#strate the similarities and differences in a gra%hic organiser ,isc#ss the relationshi% "et&een the str#ct#re and o%eration of the engine and the mo$ement of $ehicles 1> 2>/04 :10/04 /.2 !nalysing The Conce%ts of S%eed( *elocity and !cceleration *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss ' a. distance( s%eed( $elocity and their #nits ". the relationshi% "et&een s%eed( $elocity and acceleration carry o#t an acti$ity to com%are and contrast s%eed( $elocity and acceleration. ll#strate the similarities and differences in a gra%hic organiser Carry o#r acti$ities #sing a tic+er timer or other s#ita"le methods to determine the $elocity and acceleration of a mo$ing o"8ect Carry o#t an acti$ity to sol$e %ro"lems in$ol$ing $elocity and acceleration

&ith the t&o stro+e %etrol engine relate the str#ct#re and o%eration of the engine to the mo$ement of $ehicles

! st#dent is a"le to ' state &hat distance is define s%eed define $elocity state the #nit for s%eed and $elocity define acceleration state the #nit for acceleration e5%lain the relationshi% "et&een s%eed( $elocity and acceleration com%are and contrast s%eed( $elocity and acceleration determine the $elocity and acceleration of a mo$ing o"8ect sol$e %ro"lems in$ol$ing $elocity and acceleration ! st#dent is a"le to ' state &hat inertia is gi$e e5am%les of e$eryday occ#rrences that in$ol$e inertia e5%lain &ith e5am%les the relationshi% "et&een mass and inertia state the safety feat#res #sed in $ehicles to red#ce

!cceleration : %ec#tan S%eed : +ela8#an *elocity - hala8#


01/0/ : 0@/0/

/.1 Understanding The Conce%t of nertia

Carry o#t acti$ities and disc#ss the follo&ing ' a. the meaning of inertia ". the occ#rrences of inertia in e$eryday life ,esign an cond#ct an e5%eriment to st#dy the relationshi% "et&een mass and inertia *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations

nertia : inersia

and disc#ss safety #sed in $ehicles to red#ce negati$e effects of inertia /.4 !%%lying The Conce%t of Moment#m ,isc#ss the follo&ing ' a. the meaning of moment#m ". e$ents in$ol$ing moment#m in e$eryday life Cond#ct e5%eriments to st#dy the relationshi% "et&een moment#m( mass and $elocity Carry o#t an acti$ity #sing Ae&tonEs Cradle to demonstrate the 9rinci%le of Conser$ation of Moment#m *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the a%%lications of moment#m in the follo&ing ' a. $ehicle design that incor%orates safety feat#res ". the #se of a %ile dri$er the s%eed and &eight limits for hea$y $ehicles 18 10/0/ : 14/0/ /./ of Synthesising The Conce%t 9ress#re ,esign and cond#ct e5%eriments to st#dy the relationshi% "et&een %ress#re( force and s#rface area ,isc#ss the a%%lications of %ress#re in e$eryday life Carry o#t an acti$ity to sol$e %ro"lems in$ol$ing %ress#re /.> !%%lying the 9rinci%le of 3ydra#lic System in e$eryday O"ser$e models( $ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the follo&ing ' a. the %rinci%le of transmission of Carry o#t acti$ities and disc#ss &hat %ress#re is

negati$e effects of inertia 9ile dri$er : %elanta+ cer#c#+ ! st#dent is a"le to ' define moment#m e5%lain the relationshi% "et&een moment#m( mass and $elocity state the 9rinci%le of Conser$ation of Moment#m e5%lain &ith e5am%les the a%%lication of moment#m in e$eryday life 9rinci%le of Conser$ation of Moment#m : 9rinsi% 2ea"adian Moment#m

! st#dent is a"le to ' define %ress#re e5%lain the relationshi% "et&een %ress#re( force and s#rface area e5%lain &ith e5am%les the a%%lication of %ress#re in e$eryday life sol$e %ro"lems in$ol$ing %ress#re

.orce : daya 9ress#re : te+anan S#rface area : l#as %erm#+aan

! st#dent is a"le to ' state the %rinci%le of

3ydra#lic "ra+e : "re+ hidra#li+ 3ydra#lic 8ac+ : 8e+


%ress#re in li?#id ". the relationshi% of %ress#re e5erted on the small %iston to that on the large %iston in a hydra#lic system Cond#ct e5%eriments to st#dy the effect of transmission of %ress#re in li?#ids Carry o#t acti$ities to sol$e %ro"lems on the transmission of %ress#re in li?#ids ,isc#ss the follo&ing ' a. e5am%le on the #ses of the hydra#lic system ". %rinci%le of o%eration of the hydra#lic system c. the a%%lication of the hydra#lic system in a hydra#lic 8ac+ and a hydra#lic "ra+e

transmission of %ress#re in li?#ids relate %ress#re on the small %iston to that on the large %iston in the o%eration of a hydra#lic system e5%lain the effect of transmission of %ress#re in li?#ids sol$e %ro"lems of transmission of %ress#re in li?#ids e5%lain &ith e5am%les the a%%lication of the hydra#lic system in e$eryday life

hira#li+ 3ydra#lic system : sistem hidra#li+ 9iston : om"oh Transmission %emindahan


1@/0/ : 21/0/ 24/0/ : 28/0/ 11/0/ : 04/0> 0//0> : 11/0>







12/0> : 20/0> 22 21/0> : 2//0> /.@ !nalysing the Motion of *ehicles in ;ater


*ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the %rinci%le of o%eration of $ehicles in &ater s#ch as shi%s( ho$ercrafts ad hydrofoils Carry o#t acti$ities to identify the sha%e of $ehicles that facilitate motion in &ater ,isc#ss the relationshi% "et&een sha%es and the design of $ehicles in &ater Cond#ct e5%eriments to st#dy !rchimedesEs 9rinci%le ' a. the change in &eight of an o"8ect &hen it is immersed in a li?#id ". the relationshi% "et&een the #%thr#st and the &eight of the li?#id dis%laced

! st#dent is a"le to ' state the %rinci%le of o%eration of $ehicles in &ater identify the sha%e of $ehicles to facilitate motion in &ater relate sha%e to the design of $ehicles in &ater state !rchimedesEs 9rinci%le e5%lain &ith e5am%les the a%%lication of !rchimedesEs 9rinci%le

,is%laced : disesar+an mmersed : di"enam Motion : gera+an U%thr#st : daya t#8ah


!nalysing the Motion of *ehicles in The !ir

,isc#ss the a%%lication of !rchimedesEs 9rinci%le in shi%s and s#"marines *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss ' a. the %rinci%le of o%eration of $ehicles in air ". forces of motion generated "y the 8et engine and the roc+et Carry o#t an acti$ity to com%are and contrast forces of motion generated "y the 8et engine and the roc+et. ll#strate the similarities and

! st#dent is a"le to ' state the %rinci%le of o%eration of $ehicles in the air com%are and contrast ho& forces of motion are generated "y the 8et and the roc+et engine state -erno#lliEs 9rinci%le e5%lain the a%%lication of -erno#lliEs 9rinci%le in air flight

-erno#lliEs 9rinci%le : %rinsi% -erno#lli Fet engine : en8in 8et

differences in a gra%hic organiser Carry o#t acti$ities to st#dy -erno#lliEs 9rinci%le /.= !%%reciating the !"ility and Creati$ity of Man+ind in n$enting and ,esigning *ehicles for the -etterment of Bife *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the a%%lication of -erno#lliEs 9rinci%le in air flight ,isc#ss the need to in$ent $ehicles s#ch as ' a. to shorten the time of tra$elling ". to trans%ort goods( %eo%le and animals *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations on $ehicles design and disc#ss the relationshi% "et&een the creati$ity of h#man to the design of $ehicles to f#lfil the needs of h#man 9artici%ate in cam%aigns on the im%ortance of ' a. %ractising good ha"its in handling the $ehicles ". %ractising caring attit#des &hen #sing %#"lic trans%ortation system 21 28/0> : 02/0@ CHAPTER 0 ) FOOD TECHNOLOG( AND PRODUCTION >.1 !nalysing the Method and S#"stances Used in .ood Technology O"ser$e sam%les of fresh food and %rocessed food. ,isc#ss the follo&ing ' a. %rocessed food and e5am%les of %rocessed food ". the %#r%ose of %rocessing food c. chemicals #sed in food %rocessing s#ch as %reser$ati$es( colo#ring( "leach( fla$o#ring( sta"iliser( s&eetener( antio5idants and em#lsifier d. f#nctions of the chemicals #sed in food %rocessing

! st#dent is a"le to ' 8#stify the need to in$ent $ehicles relate the creati$ity of h#mans to the designing of $ehicles %ractise good ha"its in handling $ehicles %ractise caring attit#des &hen #sing %#"lic trans%ortation system

! st#dent is a"le to ' descri"e &hat %rocessed food is gi$e e5am%les of %rocessed food e5%lain the %#r%ose of %rocessing food state the chemical #sed in food %rocessing e5%lain the f#nctions of the chemicals #sed in food %rocessing e5%lain &ith e5am%les the

-leach : %el#nt#r Canning : %engetinan ,ehydration : %endehidratan 4m#lsifier : %engem#lsi .la$o#ring : %erisa rradiation :

*ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the technology #sed in ' a. food %rocessing s#ch as ' i. %aste#risation ii. dehydration iii. free)ing i$. free)e drying $. cooling $i. irradiation ". food %ac+aging s#ch as ' i. canning ii. $ac##m %ac+aging 0ather information from "oo+s( maga)ines( nternet and disc#ss the effects of e5cessi$e #se of chemicals in food %rocessing on health ,isc#ss the need to increase the ?#ality and ?#antity of food %rod#ction >.2 !nalysing ;ays to m%ro$e .ood 9rod#ction 0ather information from "oo+s( maga)ines( nternet and disc#ss the &ays o increase the ?#ality and ?#antity of food %rod#ction s#ch as' a. #se of ?#ality "reeds ". #se of modern technology c. ed#cation and g#idance for farmers d. research and de$elo%ment e. o%tim#m #se of land and irrigated areas f. efficient land management *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss ' a. &hat genetically modifies food is ". the characteristics of foods that ha$e "een genetically modified

technology #sed in food %rocessing and %ac+aging e5%lain the effects of e5cessi$e #se of chemicals in food %rocessing

%enyinaran 9aste#risation : %em%aste#ran 9reser$ati$es : "ahan a&et Sta"iliser : %ensta"il S&eetener : %emanis .ree)e drying : +ering "e+#

! st#dent is a"le to ' e5%lain the need to increase the ?#ality and ?#antity in food %rod#ction e5%lain &ith e5am%les &ays to increase the ?#ality and ?#antity of food %rod#ction descri"e &ith e5am%les &hat genetically modified food is state the ad$antages and disad$antages of genetically modified food

,e"ate on the ad$antages and disad$antages of genetically modified food. 24 0//0@ : 0=/0@ >.1 !%%reciating The Contri"#tion of Technology in .ood 9rod#ction .or -etterment of Bife *isit instit#tions s#ch as M!<, ( M9O- and instit#tions of higher learning to gather information on < D , in food %rod#ction and ma+e a re%ort on the information gathered ,isc#ss the conse?#ences if %o%#lation increase is faster than the technological de$elo%ment in food %rod#ction or $ice $ersa. 0ather information from cons#mer associations or nternet %ertaining to the .ood !ct and .ood <eg#lations ,isc#ss the need to ed#cate cons#mers to "e critical and analytical &hen selecting %rocessed food ,isc#ss information gi$en on la"els of %rocessed food s#ch as ' a. chemicals %resent in the food ". e5%iry date c. ingredients Carry o#t an acti$ity and disc#ss information left o#t on food la"els and %ac+aging. Select a %rocessed food after analysing the information gi$en on the la"el. ! st#dent is a"le to ' descri"e the < D , acti$ities in food %rod#ction %redict &hat &ill ha%%en if there is an im"alance "et&een %o%#lation increase and technological de$elo%ment in food %rod#ction


9ractising Critical and !nalytical Thin+ing ;hen Selecting 9rocessed .ood

! st#dent is a"le to ' 8#stify the need to ed#cate cons#mers in selecting %rocessed food %ractise critical and analytical thin+ing &hen selecting %rocessed food


12/0@- : 1>/0@

CHAPTER 1 ) S(NTHETIC MATERIALS IN INDUSTRI @.1 Understanding Synthetic 9olymers O"ser$e o"8ects made from synthetic %olymers and disc#ss synthetic %olymers and their #ses. *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the %rocess of man#fact#ring synthetic %olymers s#ch as synthetic r#""er( %lastics and synthetic fi"res. ,isc#ss the general characteristics of synthetic r#""er and relate these characteristics to the #ses of synthetic r#""er. 0ather information from "oo+s( maga)ines( ne&s%a%ers or internet on the e5am%les of goods made from synthetic r#""er and com"ination of nat#ral and synthetic r#""er. Carry o#t an acti$ity to com%are and contrast synthetic r#""er and nat#ral r#""er. ll#strate the similarities and differences in a gra%hic organiser. O"ser$e $ario#s sam%les of thermo%lastic and thermosetts' a. ,isc#ss the follo&ing' i. e5am%les of %lastics and their #ses( ii. ty%es of %lastics i.e. thermo%lastic and thermosetts( iii. the characteristics of ! st#dent is a"le to' list synthetics %olymers( state #ses of synthetic %olymers( descri"e the %rocess of ma+ing synthetic %olymers( relate the general characteristics of synthetic r#""er to its #ses( gi$e e5am%les of goods made from synthetics r#""er( gi$e e5am%les of goods made from a com"ination of nat#ral and synthetic r#""er( com%are and contrast synthetic r#""er &ith nat#ral r#""er. Aat#ral r#""er : 0etah asli Synthetic %olymer : 9olimer sinteti+ Synthetic r#""er : 0etah sinteti+


!nalysing 9lastics

Thermo%lastic : Termo%lasti+ Thermosetts : Termoset

! st#dent is a"le to' list e5am%les of %lastics( list the #ses of %lastics( state the ty%es of %lastics(


thermo%lastics and thermosetts. Classify %lastic goods into thermo%lastic and thermosetts.

@.1 Of

9ractising <es%onsi"le !ttit#des n The ,is%osal Synthetic 9olymers

Carry o#t an acti$ity com%are and contrast thermo%lastic and thermosetts. ll#strate the similarities and differences in a gra%hic organiser. 0ather information from "oo+s( maga)ines( ne&s%a%ers or internet and ma+e a re%ort on %otential #ses of %lastics. *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss' a. the effects of im%ro%er dis%osal of %lastic materials to the en$ironment( ". the %ro%er management of dis%osal of %lastics. n$ite a %#"lic health officer to gi$e a tal+ on management of dis%osal of synthetic %olymers and ma+e a re%ort on the information gathered. Carry o#t the follo&ing acti$ities on &ays to dis%ose synthetic %olymers in order to %reser$e the en$ironment' a. "rainstorming( ". a&areness cam%aigns( c. $isiting &aste management centre( d. setting #% dis%osal "ins for synthetic %olymers.

list the characteristics of thermo%lastic materials( list the characteristics of thermosetting %lastic materials( classify $ario#s %lastic goods into thermo%lastic and thermosetts( com%are and contrast thermo%lastic and thermosetts( s#ggest %otential #ses of %lastics( e5%lain the effects of im%ro%er dis%osal of %lastic materials to the en$ironment( descri"e %ro%er management of dis%osal of %lastics. ! st#dent is a"le to' e5%lain the im%ortance of %ro%er dis%osal of synthetic %olymers( s#ggest &ays to dis%ose synthetics %olymers in order to %reser$e the en$ironment( %ractise good ha"its in dis%osing synthetic %olymers


1=/0@ : 21/0@


Use an oscillosco%e and o"ser$e the characteristics of &a$es i.e. am%lit#de( fre?#ency( &a$elength and &a$e $elocity. *ie& charts on electromagnetic s%ectr#m to locate the %osition of radio &a$es. *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss ho& the %ro%erties of radio &a$es are a%%lied in comm#nication

! st#dent is a"le to' descri"e the characteristics of &a$e( identify the location of radio &a$es in the electromagnetic s%ectr#m( relate the %ro%erties of radio &a$es to comm#nication

!m%lit#de : !m%lit#d 4lectromagnetic s%ectr#m : S%e+tr#m ele+tromagnet .re?#ency : fre+#ensi Oscillosco%e : osilos+o% <adio &a$e : gelom"ang radio ;a$elength : %an8ang gelom"ang ;a$e $elocity : 3ala8# gelom"ang


!nalysing <adio Comm#nication O"ser$e and identify the sym"ols of the follo&ing electronic com%onents in radios' a. resistors( ". ca%acitors( c. diodes( d. transistors( e. ind#ctors( and f. transformers. ,isc#ss f#nctions of each ty%e of electronic com%onent. O"ser$e models or $ie& charts on the radio comm#nication system. ,ra& schematic diagrams and ! st#dent is a"le to identify electronic com%onents #sed in radio and their sym"ols( e5%lain the f#nction of electronic com%onents in radio( descri"e the radio transmission system( descri"e the radio recei$er system( e5%lain transmission and rece%tion of signals in the radio

Ca%asitor : 2a%asitor Comm#nication systemSistem +om#ni+asi ,iode : ,iod 4lectronic e?#i%ment : !lat ele+troni+ nd#ctor : nd#+tor <ecei$er system :

disc#ss the follo&ing' a. the radio transmission system ". the radio recei$er system. *ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss the transmission and rece%tion of signals in the radio comm#nication system. Carry o#t %ro8ect to "#ild sim%le f#nctional model of radio recei$er.

comm#nication system.

Sistem %enerima <esistor : 9erintang Signal : syarat Transmission system : Sistem %amancar


2>/0@ : 10/0@


Understanding Satellite Comm#nication

*ie& $ideos or com%#ter sim#lations and disc#ss ' a. satellite comm#nication system ". the ad$antage of #sing satellites in transmitting information( c. other #ses of satellites.

! st#dent is a"le to' descri"e ho& satellite comm#nication system &or+s( state the ad$antages of #sing satellite for comm#nication( list a%%lications of satellite comm#nication.

Satellite : Satelit


-e !&are Of The m%ortance Of Using CT .or The -enefit Of Man+ind

,isc#ss the #ses of comm#nication system instr#ments for the "enefit of man+ind. Collect and inter%ret data on the %erser$erance of scientists in in$enting modem comm#nication methods and de$ices.

! st#dent is a"le to' 8#stify the #se of CT for the "enefit of man+ind

28 - 12 2/08 : 01/0= 04/= : 12/0=



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