Hyperion Planning System Tables

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Hyperion Planning System Tables Hyperion Planning stores non numeric data in a relational database.

Oracle recommends not to make any changes in this database without approval. However, it is a good idea to have a good understanding of the underlying tables. It is difficult to trust Hyperion user interface. During the development and set up process, there are times when you would say - I am doing everything right but it is still not working -- hat is the time when you dig in to the system tables and find out what e!actly is going on" Please note that my system is using Oracle##g as database and I am running Hyperion Planning ##.#.#.$. #. HSP_ALIASES -% his table has bunch of numbers in three columns. I am still in the process of figuring out this table. &. HSP_ANNOTATIONS -% 'eb (orm comments and hints go to this table. $. HSP_CALC_MGR_RULES -% )usiness rules are stored in this table as an *+, document. -ou can pull this out with a simple select . from H/P012,10+34045,6/ and it would look like following. 'ith my years of 7ava development background and interaction with various *+, configuration files, I can somewhat make sense out of this file. I look here when I am confident that I am doing everything right as far as my 1alc /cript8)usiness 4ule is concerned and things are still not working. 9:!ml version;<#.=< encoding;<5 (-><:% 9rule id;<?###=< name;<@ew 6mployee 2gg< product;<Planning<%9property name;<application<%finplan98property%9property name;<plantype<%finplan98property%9property name;<plantype0id<%Plan#98property%9property name;<caption<8%9property name;<display0label<%@ew 6mployee 2gg98property%9property name;<comment<8%9variable0references%9variable0reference id;<#=< name;<rtp/cenario<%9property name;<hasvalue<%false98property%9property name;<plantype<%(inPlan98property%9property name;<passing0method<%)y4ef98property%9property name;<hidden<%false98property%9property name;<type<%$98property%9property name;<application<%(inPlan98property%9property name;<seA0inde!<8%9property name;<value<%<(orecast<98property%9property name;<rule0name<%@ew 6mployee 2gg98property%9property name;<allow+issing<%false98property%9property name;<parameter<%true98property%9property name;<seA<%#98property%9property name;<scope<%(inPlan.(inPlan98property%98variable0reference%9variable0reference id;<$< name;<rtp-ear<%9property name;<hasvalue<%false98property%9property name;<plantype<%(inPlan98property%9property name;<passing0method<%)y4ef98property%9property name;<hidden<%false98property%9property name;<type<%$98property%9property name;<application<%(inPlan98property%9property name;<seA0inde!<8%9property name;<value<%<(-#&<98property%9property name;<rule0name<%@ew 6mployee 2gg98property%9property name;<allow+issing<%false98property%9property name;<parameter<%true98property%9property name;<seA<%&98property%9property name;<scope<%(inPlan.(inPlan98property%98variable0reference%9variable0reference id;<?< name;<rtpBersion<%9property name;<hasvalue<%true98property%9property name;<plantype<%(inPlan98property%9property name;<passing0method<%)y4ef98property%9property name;<hidden<%false98property%9property name;<type<%$98property%9property name;<application<%(inPlan98property%9property name;<seA0inde!<8%9property name;<value<%<Initial )ase<98property%9property name;<rule0name<%@ew 6mployee 2gg98property%9property name;<allow+issing<%false98property%9property name;<parameter<%true98property%9property name;<seA<%$98property%9property name;<scope<%(inPlan.(inPlan98property%98variable0reference%98variable0references%9script%9" C1D2 2C8. @ameD @ew 6mployee DateD =&-=#-&=#= 2uthorD Harold and Eumar F5sed BP@ connection at 'hilte 1astle83it+oG PurposeD /cript to aggregate the 6ssbase database for the data entered on the H4 @ew 6mployee form.

/ubstitution BariablesD rtp/cenario, rtp-ear, rtpBersion +odification HistoryD @one .8 /6 233+I//3 O@H /6 121H6 HI3HH (I*FIrtp/cenarioJ, Irtp-earJ,IrtpBersionJG 12,1 DI+F<6ntity<,<(und<,<Positions<,<6mployee<,<ProKects<,<)usiness ,ine<GH 6@D(I*LL%98script%98rule% M. HSP_CALC_MGR_RULESETS -% his table stores ruleset information. One row for each rule set. 4uleset is nothing but a combination of rules. N. HSP_CALC_MGR_ ARIA!LES -% his table stores variables that can be used as run time prompts in business rules. Bariable definitions are also stored in *+, format and it looks like following. 1alculation +anager is a unrelable piece of work and Auite a few times it would give you misleading information. 3o and look in this table to find out what e!actly is going on. 9:!ml version;<#.=< encoding;<5 (-><:% 9variable id;<?#=MO< name;<rtpPeriod(ore< product;<Planning< type;<member< usage;<const<%9property name;<application<%(inPlan98property%9property name;<plantype<%(inPlan98property%9property name;<use,astBalue<%false98property%9property name;<group<8%9property name;<dimension<%Period98property%9property name;<prompt0te!t<%/elect a (orecast +onth98property%9value%<+ay<98value%9limits type;<e!pression<%9property name;<value<%P4elativeF<QM<,=GPDescendantsF<Q#<G,PDescendantsF<Q&<G,PDescendantsF<Q$<G,PDesce ndantsF<QM<G98property%98limits%98variable% ?. HSP_ENUMERATION -% his table stores the definition of smart lists. One row for each smart list. R. HSP_ENUMERATION_ENTR" -% his table stores all the possible options for all the smart lists defined in table number ?. If a /mart ,ist say <( 6< has a drop down value F,OBG of <=< and <#< then this table would store <=< and <#<. >.HSP_#ORM_CALCS -% Interesting table" his table stores the relationship between the web form and the business rule. If you want to know by each form, what business rules are associated, go here" 2lso, you would find if <4un on /ave<8<4un on ,oad< etc properties are checked on not. O. HSP_MEM!ER_#ORMULA -% his table stored all the formula Fin *+, formatG that you create in the planning application. 2 simple /elect . from this table would return you a list. hen you can open up the *+, document and see if the most recent changes are stored or not. #=. HSP_PM_ACTIONS -% @ow we are diving in to the workflow area. his table has all the possible actions that can be taken on a workflow. )y default there are ? rows in this table. /omeday I want to add the Rth entry in to this table and see if my workflow picks it up. ##. HSP_PM_STATES -% During the life cycle a workflow can acAuire different statues. his table lists all the possible statues that a workflow can get. /ome e!amples are - </igned off<, <2pproved< etc. #&. HSP_U$A -% his table has 5D2 information. #$. HSP_UNI%UE_NAMES -% Bery important table" his is where all the dimension members are stored. his includes main dimensions as well as attribute dimensions. -ou would not find the hierarchy over here through. #M. LCM_MIGRATION_TAS& -% ricky table" 'hen we use ,1+ and e!port Hyperion planning artifacts on a file system, it goes to a specific path location. his patch location is a bit tricky if you are on 5ni!8,inu!82I* system. his table has the path where e!ported files carrying artifacts in the *+, format is stored on the server. #N. HSP_O!'ECT -% his is one of the most important tables. I see all the dimension members listed along with their hierarchy. his table would also tall you if a particular member has descendants or not. 2ny time when you think you deleted8added a member from planning outline, go here to make sure that it is updated in the database.

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