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Sonia Vivera Sabda 1010524006 Business Feasibility Study (Example of ro!e"t Business Feasibility Study# $aundry ro!

e"t %Biba $avandera& A. Name of the Enterprise Biba Lavandera Laundry Shop A business name is one of the most essential things to be prepared in starting a business. Biba Lavandera as the primary name of the business, originated from the noun word bibo that means smart or bubbly. It is used to refer a person that is active and has energy. lavandera he name Biba Lavandera is uni!ue, simple and easy to remember. "eople will easily visuali#e what the business is about and it will aid to their memory. It includes the information that the business does and can easily be understood by various target mar$et.

he business logo shows a bubbly girl to represent Biba, a sun to denote a bright day for doing laundry with the name of the enterprise. he colors used are on the light shades to be more attractive and leave a clean and fresh image. B. Location he location of the business is at Bl$ %& lot ' (inseng )oad, )obinsons *omes East Bgy. San +ose, Antipolo ,ity. Biba Lavandera is inside the )obinsons *omes. Basically, the business is intended for the residents of the community because not all the residents have house helpers to

do the laundry. -any residents are wor$ing and they are too busy to do the laundry so this $ind of business is good enough for the people inside the community. he main location is near the )obinsons clubhouse

This is the map of the whole Robinsons Homes East which has approximately 3, !!" ,!!! occ#pied ho#ses $from wi%imapia&' ,. .escription of the "ro/ect "rimarily, the pro/ect is intended for the residents of )obinsons *omes and not in line with any other government advocacies. *owever, this may support a clean living which is aimed by the .epartment of *ealth but this pro/ect is basically to help the residents lessen their wor$load and ensure that their clothes are clean. It does not support any political aspects of the government or other organi#ations in the community. Biba Lavandera significantly acts a helper for the people who does not have enough time to do the laundry. It will be managed by a partnership who is a resident of the community. hrough that, the target mar$et is rest assured that the owners of the business adhere to what they need to get full satisfaction. his pro/ect will be managed by the people who $now the feeling of being unsatisfied with what results they get from doing the laundry at home. he owners use of technology today should be able to respond to the needs and wants of the customers. In that case, a laundry shop is the answer to the need for clean clothes in less time, less cost and less effort.

.. Long0 range 1b/ectives o be able to e2pand the business in other areas of the community in its three operating years. o gain 345 of loyal customers in a year. o dominate the mar$et in the community and define the edge of Biba Lavandera laundry shop from its competitor inside the subdivision in si2 months time. o establish a good brand to customers and gain brand loyalty in its first three months of operation by prevailing a socially responsible enterprise. o increase profits in half a year6s time.

E. 7easibility ,riteria As a socially responsible business, it adheres to the responsibility of having a good impact on the environment. "rofitability is not /ust the ma/or aim of the pro/ect but also to be a socially responsible business by promoting a healthy environment in a simple way of wearing clean clothes. Is important to consider aspects li$e how it is able to operate in the mar$et, how it differs from other laundry shops inside the subdivision and how long it stays in spite of the competition i. *istory he pro/ect came about the thought of a business partnership between the group members originating from a water refilling station up to the laundry shop. hin$ing of what business to put up that suit inside the )obinsons *omes is really the main thing. A water refilling station may be viable in the location however a lot of competitors are already operating inside the community so the group though of a different business where in the target audience could focus their attention into8 and that is a laundry shop. ii. "ro/ect imetable Status he pro/ect is e2pected to be in operation for ten years and be able to be promoted to a different stage at a later time such as e2tending a detergent store near the laundry shop. he

business will still be operational after the e2pected year8 however the focus of the business will be more on the e2pansion of the industry. "resently, the business is in the stage of introducing a new brand in the mar$et. A laundry shop is not new in the mar$et though so product innovation and sales management are important in order for the business to grow. iii. Nature of the Industry Laundry industry is a strong and energetic business. Also, what ma$es it more appealing to the mar$et is the fact that this steadfast service industry continues to grow and succeed. he demographic trends toward an even greater dwelling segment of the population forecast continued success. he biggest threat for the business is the competition. ,onsidering that the business site is inside a subdivision, it is possible that other businessmen would thin$ of putting up the same business and hence, the mar$et will be more segmented and it yields a smaller target mar$et for the laundry shop. *owever in the long0 run, the business will not /ust dominate the whole subdivision but will also e2tend to other places li$e the nearby subdivisions near the Antipolo church and probably other areas li$e aytay, ,ainta or "asig. Laundry shops are easily managed through the use of new technology. It lessens the time and effort that are spent in getting the clothes cleaned. he normal time spent in getting dirty clothes cleaned is li$e two hours depending on the number of clothes to be washed and its si#es. *owever, the laundry industry belongs to the service industry where the product is primarily the service given to the customers. a$e note of the service, it comprises of the use of detergent soaps to be used for the clothes, the water consumption, space to be saved by the customers in hanging their clothes to dry and the electricity that can be saved for ironing them. (enerally, this $ind of industry is really seen on the go for the target audience because of convenience and practicability. iv. -ode of 7inancing and Investment costs he mode of financing will be from the partnership of Alburo sisters. It will come from the savings of both and this business will be their primary investment. A laundry shop is a not big business that needs an e2travagant capital so there is no need to borrow from the ban$ or a

lending company. he partners chose to finance the business because it will lessen the cost of interests. he estimated cost of the total business is 999999999999. 7unds will be allocated as follows :php;<Store rental 8 renovation8 -anpower. v. Investment costs (. -a/or Assumptions and Summary of 7indings i. -ar$et 7easibility ii. echnical 7easibility iii. 7inancial 7easibility iv. Socio0 economic 7easibility v. -anagement 7easibility *. ,onclusion of the Study 'ar(et Study his chapter covers the most important part of the pro/ect that intends to define the si#e, nature and growth of the demand for the product, description and price of the product, supply situation, nature of competition, different mar$eting factors affecting the mar$et of the product and the mar$eting program needed. A. "roduct .escription B. .emand0 Supply Analysis ,. = "6s Study .. 7actors Affecting the -ar$et E. Survey )esults 7. Analysis of .ata (athered (. ,onclusions and )ecommendations otal price of the e!uipments :appro2; 8-aintenance 8 Store

)e"*ni"al Study "resents the products, manufacturing process, plant si#e and production schedule, machinery and e!uipment, plant location and layout, building facilities and the raw material and supplies for the operation of >Biba Lavandera? laundry Servi"es Biba Lavandera will be providing customers with the following laundry services< @ash, .ry, 7old :@.7;, "ressing, *and @ash, and .ry ,leaning services. @ash, .ry,7old or @.7 is the most common sought service from a laundry shop. his service provides basic machine washing and drying8 and folding for customers6 clothes, comforters, towels, curtains and seat covers with or without foam. . "ressing or Ironing or smoothing is the wor$ of using a heated tool, or tools, such as an iron to remove wrin$les from fabric. Ironing wor$s by loosening the bonds between the long0 chain polymer molecules in the fibers of the material. .ry ,leaning is a cleaning process for clothing and te2tiles using an organic solvent rather than water. .ry cleaning is necessary for cleaning items which would otherwise be damaged by water and soap or detergent. he cleaning process of dry cleaning is more time consuming compared to the usual wash, dry, fold process,

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