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Interpersonal Communication:

Interpersonal communication is the process of people exchanging ideas, feelings and thoughts through verbal and non-verbal massages. It is usually involves face to face interaction, because both the spoken and body language are used to communicate. Interpersonal communication is usually a two way process. On the other way it can be defined that, interpersonal communication is exchange of information between two or more people. It is also an area of study. Related skills are learned and can be improved. During interpersonal communication there is message sending and message receiving. In case of interpersonal communication sections, we asked several questions to the existing customers to identify the effectiveness of interpersonal communication of Jamuna Bank Ltd. These are given below: 1. Does Jamuna Bank always gives individual attention to you? About 68% of customer responded yes, 28% said sometimes and 4% said no out of 30 customers. This indicates that Jamuna bank does not pay individual attention always and they should be focused in this area more. 2. Do the bank show willingness to listen and understand your needs? 45% of customers said always, 40% said sometimes and the rest of the portion said no out of 30 customers. From this analysis it can be said that, Jamuna Banks willingness to listen and understand customers need is not adequate at all. 3. Are the employees very friendly and courteous? 82% of customers said always, 15% customers said sometimes, 3% customers said never as well as there was no respondent to say very often out of 30 customers. From this survey it can be said that, Jamuna banks customer friendliness is adequate. 4. Do you think the behavior of the employees satisfy you? 64% of customers said yeas, 25% said sometimes where 11% said no out of 30 customers. From this survey it can be said that, employee behavior is not satisfactory level at all. 5. Do you think the bank believes in personal relationship with their clients? 74% of customers said always while 24% said sometimes on the other hand 2% said never and 0% said very often out of 30 customers. From this survey it can be said that, Jamuna Bank believes in customer relationship for the intention of customer retention policy. So, the last of all it can be said that, interpersonal communication of Jamuna bank Ltd. is moderate and they should focus more on this field to sustain such a competitive banking industry.

Experience comprises knowledge of or skill of some thing or some event gained through involvement in or exposure to that thing or event. The history of the word experience aligns it closely with the concept of experiment. The concept of experience generally refers to know-how or procedural knowledge, rather than propositional knowledge: on-the-job training rather than book-learning. We observed the customer experiences with the Jamuna Bank while transacting with them by asking several questions and these are given below: 1. How do you feel about the overall service quality of Jamuna Bank? About 57% customers said good, 19% said average while 7% said poor on the other hand 17% said excellent out of 30 customers. From this view point, it can be said that, customer experience with the Jamuna Bank is not so good compare to other existing banking organizations. 2. Would you recommend this bank to your friends, relatives and others? About 49% of customer said yes while 44% said sometimes on the other hand 7% said never out of 30 customer observations. From this view point, it can be said that, this 49% customers are satisfied with the current service of Jamuna Bank and it should be increased if Jamuna Bank give some attention to improve their existing service standard. 3. In which area the bank should focus more? About 38% of customers focused on improving problem solving capability while 25% wanted to focus on the patience, on the other hand, 37% said to focus on active listening and rest of the customer want to a friendly behavior. So, Jamuna Bank should improve all of the sectors gradually. So the last of all, it can be concluded that, as a competitive market Jamuna Bank should focus more on customer satisfaction instead of transaction because, customer satisfaction could increase the customer retention as well as brand loyalty among the customers.

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