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Rights of Workers (Under Special Laws) LAW 813M Atty. Domingo T. Aonuevo DLSU College of Law +6 !"#$"%!!

&$ C URS! "!SCR#$%# &' This ele'tive 'ou(se is a)out wo(*e(s+ (ights unde( spe'ial laws. ,t is supplementa(y to the 'ou(ses on La)o( Standa(ds Law- La)o( .elations Law- and So'ial Legislation. L!AR&#&( U%C M!S'

/n 'ompletion of the 'ou(se- the student is e0pe'ted to )e a)le to do the following1 ". ,dentify the spe'ial laws (elated to the La)o( Code and the so'ial se'u(ity legislationsand the (ights these spe'ial laws g(ant to wo(*e(s2 %. 3o( pu(poses of passing the )a(- tell when the(e is illegal (e'(uitment2 dis'uss the (ights of disa)led wo(*e(s- 'hild(en- women- and pa(ents2 tell when the(e is se0ual ha(assment2 dis'uss the (ight of gove(nment wo(*e(s to self4o(gani5ation2 and dis'uss the (ight to " th month pay2 . Dis'uss the ,L/ De'la(ation on 3undamental 6(in'iples and .ights at 7o(* and its 3ollowup2 &. .elate the 'lass lessons to a'tual situations fa'ing wo(*e(s2 8. Tea'h wo(*e(s thei( (ights unde( these spe'ial laws. R!)U#R!M!&%S A&" ASS!SSM!&%S' The students will )e assessed du(ing the te(m )y the following1 Class pa(ti'ipation .ea'tion pape(s;(epo(ts;<ui55es %9.99: 9.99:


6(o=e'ts >wo(*e(s+ semina(s? 3inal @0am

%8.99: %8.99:

Laptops and ta)lets may )e used to ta*e down notes )ut should )e tu(ned off;'losed when owne( is 'alled to (e'ite. All notes and )oo*s should )e 'losed also du(ing (e'itation. Ao e0'use will )e a''epted fo( failing to ta*e a <ui5 o( su)mitting a (epo(t o( pape(. @ve(y student must )elong to a gang of BB fo( the pu(pose of g(oup (epo(ting and 'ondu'ting a semina(4p(esentation. C(oup (epo(t topi's will )e announ'ed late(. All (epo(ts should )e su)mitted th(ough Turnitin. @ve(y g(oup of BB students should )e a)le to 'ondu't a %4hou( semina(4p(esentation to a g(oup of employees on any of the a)ove topi's on o( )efo(e the last wee* of 'lasses. Students should su)mit to DTA 'lass 'a(ds not late( than the %nd 'lass day. Class 'a(ds should have students+ "0" photos and email add(esses. Consultation is )y appointment o( th(ough email.



6a(t "1 .eview of the legal )ases of wo(*e(s+ and management (ights 6hilippine Asso'iation of Se(vi'e @0po(te(s1. 6oli'e powe( of the State ,n'. v. D(ilon- "6 SC.A $6 >"!$$?2 ". "!$# Constitution

".". So'ial Dusti'e and 6(ote'tion of La)o(

"!$# Constitution- A(t. ,,- Se's. 8 E "92 A(t. F,,,- Se's. " E %2 A(t. ,,- Se'. "$2 A(t F,,,Se'. 2 G3S 6hil.- ,n'. v. 6ila(- C... Ao. "6$#"6- Ap(il "6- %99!2 6LDT v. AL.C- "6& SC.A >"!$$?2 Paloma v. PAL, G.R. No. 163607, July 14, 20082 Ce)u .oyal 6lant v.

Gon Deputy Hiniste( of La)o(- "8 SC.A $ >"!$#?2 Yrasuegui v. PAL, G.R. No. 168081, October 17, 2008; C(ego(io A(aneta Unive(sity 3oundation v. AL.C"88 SC.A 9">"!$#?2 Iuito(iano v. De)sens Ha(itime- ,n'.- C... Ao. "#!$6$Danua(y %"- %9"9.

".%. 6(ote'tion of the .ights of @mploye(s1

Hanagement 6(e(ogatives

A(t. ,,- Se'. %9 and A(t. F,,,- Se'. - pa(. &2 Chu v. AL.C- % % SC.A #6& >"!!&?2 San Higuel J(ewe(y Sales 3o('e Union >6TC7/? v. /ple- "#9 SC.A %8 >"!$!?2 6hilippine Ai(lines- ,n'. v. AL.C- %%8 SC.A 9" >"!! ?2 .oyal 6lant 7o(*e(s Union v. Co'a4Cola Jottle(s 6hilippines- ,n'. K Ce)u 6lant- C... Ao. "!$#$ 2 Ap(il "8- %9" 2 SGS 6e(fo(ated Hate(ials- ,n'. v. Dia5- 6 SC.A %8$ >%9"9?2 Sup(eme Steel Co(p. v. Aag*a*aisang Hanggagawa Ag Sup(eme ,ndependent Union >Ams4,nd4Apl?- C... Ao. "$8886- Ha('h %$- %9""2 6LDT v. 6aguioC... Ao. "8%6$!- /'to)e( "%- %9982 Jusinessday ,nfo(mation Systems and Se(vi'es- ,n'. v. AL.C- %%" SC.A ! >"!! ?.

6a(t %1 .ights unde( Spe'ial La)o( Laws

. .ights of Hig(ant 7o(*e(s

Suggested (eading1 Dulyn S. Am)ito and Helissa Su5ette L. Jan5on- .eview of 6hilippine Hig(ation Laws and .egulations1 Cains- Caps- 6(ospe'ts2 Se'. %- &- E 8- ..A. Ao. $9&%- as amended )y ..A. Ao. "99%%2 6/@A .ules and .egulations Cove(ning the .e'(uitment and @mployment of Land4)ased /ve(seas 7o(*e(s >%99% 6/@A .ules?- 6a(t ,,- .ule "- Se'. %2 %99 6/@A .ules- and .egulations Cove(ning the .e'(uitment and @mployment of Seafa(e(s >%99 6/@A .ules?6a(t ,,- .ule ,- Se'. %2 %99% 6/@A .ules- 6a(t ,,- .ule ,,- Se's. "- &6 E #2 %99 6/@A .ules?- 6a(t ,,- .ule , >a? E >)?2 .ule ,,- Se's. "- &- 6 E #2 LAJ/. C/D@- A(t. $>a? E >)?2 ..A. Ao. $9&%- as amended- Se'. 62 Joneng v. 6eople2 C... Ao. " 86 - Ha('h &"!!!2 6eople v. Callo- C... Ao. "$8%##Ha('h "$- %9"92 6eople v. Gu- C... Ao. "$%% %- /'to)e( 6- %99$2 6eople v. ChuaC... Ao. "$&98$2 Ha('h "9- %9"92 6eople v. Laogo- C... Ao. "#6%6&- Danua(y "9- %9""2 Sala5a( v. A'ha'oso- "$ SC.A "&8 >"!!9?2 ..A. Ao. $9&%- Se's. 6- #- E "92

.". State @mployment; Deployment


.%. Li'ensed p(ivate (e'(uitment


. . ,llegal .e'(uitment

.&. @nfo('ement E san'tions

Se((ano v. Callant Ha(itime Se(vi'es- ,n'.C... Ao. "6#"&- Ha('h %&- %99!2 @aste(n Assu(an'e and Su(ety Co(p. v. Se'. of La)o("$" SC.A ""9 >"!!9?2 Sto. Tomas v. Sala'C... Ao. "8%6&%- De'em)e( 8- %9"%2 ..A. Ao. $9&%- as amended- Se'. "9- pa(s. % E 2 %99% 6/@A .ules- 6a(t ,,- .ule ,,- Se'. ">f?> ?2 %99 6/@A .ules- 6a(t ,,- .ule ,,Se'. ">e?>$?2 Datuman v. 3i(st Cosmopolitan Hanpowe( and 6(omotion Se(vi'es- ,n'.- C... Ao. "869%!- Aovem)e( "&- %99$ 2 Sto. Tomas v. Sala'- C... Ao. "8%6&%- De'em)e( 8- %9"%2

.8. Doint and seve(al lia)ility of p(ivate

employment agen'y; manning agent and employe(


.6. Du(isdi'tions
.6.". .egional T(ial Cou(t- fo( '(iminal a'tion fo( illegal (e'(uitment .6.%. AL.C- fo( money 'laims a(ising f(om employe(4employee (elations .6. . 6/@A- fo( administ(ative and dis'iplina(y a'tions

..A. Ao. $9&%- Se'. !

..A. Ao. $9&%- Se'. "92 Se((ano v. Callant Ha(itime Se(vi'es- ,n'.C... Ao. "6#"&- Ha('h %&- %99!. /mni)us .ules ,mplementing ..A. Ao. $9&%Se'. %$

&. .ights of Child(en4wo(*e(s and Disa)led4 wo(*e(s2

Spe'ial 6(ote'tion of Child(en Against A)use- @0ploitation and Dis'(imination A't >..A. Ao. #6"9?- as amended )y ..A. Ao. #68$- and ..A. Ao. !% "?2 Hagna Ca(ta fo( Disa)led 6e(sons >.A #%##? MJatas Lasam)ahayN >..A. Ao. "9 6"?2 ,mplementing .ules and .egulations of ..A. Ao. "9 6"2 #L "o*estic Workers Con+ention, -.11 (&o/ 180) Oiolen'e Against 7omen and Thei( Child(en >..A. Ao. !%6%?2 Hagna Ca(ta fo( 7omen >..A. Ao. !#"9? 2 D/ Ao. ""%4A- s %9"%2 So'ial Se'u(ity A't of "!!# ..A. Ao. $%$%-

8. .ights of the Lasam)ahays

6. .ights of women and pa(ents unde( spe'ial laws2

Se'. "&4A >Hate(nity Leave Jenefit?2 @0panded J(eastfeeding 6(omotion A't of %99! >..A. Ao "99%$?2 6ate(nity Leave A't of "!!6 >..A. Ao. $"$#?2 Solo 6a(ents+ 7elfa(e A't of %999 >..A. Ao. $!#%?2 #. .ight against Se0ual Ga(assment Anti4Se0ual Ga(assment A't of "!!8- ..A. Ao. #$##2 Domingo v. .ayala- C... Ao. "88$ "- 3e)(ua(y "$- %99$2 @0e'utive /(de( Ao. "$9- ,mplementing .ules as amended )y 6SLHC .esolution Ao. "- s. of "!$! and 6SLHC .esolution Ao. %- s. of %99&2 C/AST.- A(t. ,,,- Se'. $2 A(t. F,,, Se'. 2 A(t. ,F4J- Se'. %>8?2 @0e'utive /(de( Ao. "$9 >"!$#?2 ,L/ Convention Ao. "8"- 6(eam)leA(ts. "4!2 ,nte(national Covenant on @'onomi'- So'ial and Cultu(al .ights- A(ts. $>d?2 ,nte(national Covenant on Civil and 6oliti'al .ights- A(t. %%2 .ules and .egulations to Cove(n The @0e('ise of the .ight of Cove(nment @mployees to Self4/(gani5ation >.ules?.ule ,,,2 @/ "$9- Se'. %2 .ule ,>m?2 @/ "$9- Se'. 8 E Se'. 62 @/ "$9- Se'. #2 .ule ,>n?2 .ule ,O2 @/ "$9- Se'. $2 .ule ,>i?2 @/ "$9- .ule O,,2 8.5. Ce(tifi'ation as Ja(gaining Agent $.8.". Oolunta(y .e'ognition $.8.%. Ce(tifi'ation @le'tion $.8. . 6 Ja(gaining Unit @/ "$9- Se'. ""2 .ule O2 @/ "$9- Se'. "%2 .ules O4O,2 @/ "$9- Se'. !2 @/ "$9- Se'. "92 .ule ,>=?2

8. The .ight of Cove(nment 7o(*e(s to Self4 o(gani5ation

8.1. .ight to /(gani5e $.".". Jasis



8.2. /ffi'e(s and @mployees with .ight to Self4o(gani5ation 8.3. 8.4. 6(ote'tion of .ight .egist(ation

$.8.&. @0'lusive .ep(esentative 8.6. $.6.". Colle'tive Aegotiation @/ "$9- Se'. " 2 .ule O,,,- Se's."4%- 82 Aegotia)le ,ssues @/ "$9- Se'. " 2 .ule O,,,- Se'. 2 A)anilla v. Commission- &6$ SC.A $# >%998?2 Assn. of Cou(t of Appeals @mployees v. 3e((e(4 Calle=a- %9 SC.A 8!6 >"!!"?2 @/ "$9- Se'. "&- .ule ,,- Se'. 2 .ule ,,,Se'. &2 6.D. ""##- Judget .efo(m De'(ee of "!##2 So'ial Se'u(ity System @mployees Assn. v. CA- "#8 SC.A 6$6 >"!$!?2 .epu)li' of the 6hil. v. CA- "$9 SC.A &%$ >"!$!?2 Hanila 6u)li' S'hools Tea'he(s Assn. v. Laguio- %99 SC.A % >"!!"?2 Da'into v. CA- %$" SC.A 68# >"!!#?2 Se'(eta(y of @du'ation- Cultu(e and Spo(ts v. CA- &% SC.A &9 >%999?2 @/ "$9- Se'. "82 Jaustista v. CA -&% SC.A &96 >%998? 6(es. De'(ee Ao. $8"2 .evised Cuidelines on the ,mplementation of " th Honth 6ay Law 2 Dente'h Hanufa'tu(ing Co(p. v. AL.C- "#% SC.A 8$$ >"!$!?2 .evised Cuidelines on the ,mplementation of " th Honth 6ay Law >.evised Cuidelines?2 A('hilles Hanufa'tu(ing Co(p. v. AL.C- %&& SC.A #89 >"!!8?2 6.D. Ao. $8" 4>7he(eas Clauses?

$.6.%. Aon4Aegotia)le ,ssues


Con'e(ted A'tivities

8.8. 6u)li' Se'to( La)o( Hanagement Coun'il !. The (ight to "


month pay

!.". Cove(age

!.%. .ationale

.evised Cuidelines- Se'. &2 .evised Cuidelines- Se'. &2 Song'o v. AL.C- "$ SC.A 6"9 >"!!9?2 Joie Ta*eda v. dela Se(na- %%$ SC.A %! >"!! ?2 6hil. Dupli'ato(s ,n'. v. AL.C- %&" SC.A $9 >"!!8?2 ,(an v. AL.C- %$! SC.A & >"!!$?2 3(amanlis 3a(ms- ,n'. v. H/L@- "#" SC.A

!. . Amount and date of payment !.&. Jasi' wage;'ommissions

!.8. Su)stitute payment

"9. The (ight to minimum wages as affe'ted )y spe'ial laws "". The inte(national 'o(e standa(ds

$# >"!$!?2 Dou)le ,ndemnity A't >..A. Ao. 6#88?2 Ja(angay Hi'(o4Jusiness @nte(p(ises A't >..A. Ao. !"#$?2 C/AST.- A(t. ,,- Se'. %2 ,nte(national S'hool Allian'e of @du'ato(s v. Iuisum)ing- C... Ao. "%$$&8- Dune "- %9992 Unive(sal De'la(ation of Guman .ights- A(ts. - #- "#- %%- % - %&- E %82 ,nte(national Covenant on @'onomi'- So'ial and Cultu(al .ights- 6a(t ,,,- A(ts. 6- #- $- !- E "92 ,nte(national Covenant on Civil and 6oliti'al .ights- 6a(t ,,- A(t. 2 ,L/ De'la(ation on 3undamental 6(in'iples and .ights at 7o(* 4 $6th Session- CenevaDune "!!$1 #L Con+entions'

C$# 3(eedom of Asso'iation and 6(ote'tion of the .ight to /(ganise Convention- "!&$2 C!$ .ight to /(ganise and Colle'tive Ja(gaining Convention- "!&!2 C%! 3o('ed La)ou( Convention- "! 92 C"98 A)olition of 3o('ed La)ou( Convention- "!8#2 C" $ Hinimum Age Convention- "!# 2 C"$% 7o(st 3o(ms of Child La)ou( Convention- "!!!2 C"99 @<ual .emune(ation Convention"!8"2 C""" Dis'(imination >@mployment and /''upation? Convention- "!8$?

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