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This is an incomplete list of standards published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

IEC standards may have multiple sub-part documents, only the main title for the standard is listed here:

IEC 6 !" Class # certification re$uirements for appliances. IEC 6 %! &etter symbols to be used in electrical technolo'y... IEC 6 IEC 6 "( )otatin' electrical machinery "* IEC +tandard ,olta'es

IEC 6 (- .ield acceptance tests to determine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic turbines, stora'e pumps and pump-turbines IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 IEC 6 (( Instrument transformers / International Electrotechnical ,ocabulary 6% 0ar1in' codes for resistors and capacitors 6" 2referred number series for resistors and capacitors 6/ 3udio, video and similar electronic apparatus 4 +afety re$uirements 6* Environmental Testin' !- Insulation Co-ordination !" #asic +afety principles for man-machine interface, mar1in' and identification !6 2o5er transformers !6 2arts -4-( Electrical Installations in 7a8ardous 3reas */ Electrical insulation *6 2rimary batteries 6% Electrical installations on ships 6( 0a'netic tape sound recordin' and reproducin' systems 66 )adio-fre$uency cables 6* )umble measurement on ,inyl 9isc Turntables 66 +ur'e arresters

IEC 6 -"( 3bsolute ma:imum and desi'n ratin's of tube and semiconductor devices IEC 6 -"! #ushin's for alternatin' volta'es above ,

IEC 6 -(6 +emiconductor Converters IEC 6 -66 )adio-fre$uency connectors IEC 6 -*" ;uide to the selection of hi'h volta'e cables IEC 6 -6" 7ydraulic turbines, stora'e pumps and pump-turbines - 0odel acceptance tests IEC 6 % ( +afety of machinery IEC 6 %-( <n-load tap chan'ers IEC 6 %%* Conductors of insulated cables IEC 6 %"" Tests on 7ollo5 Insulators for use in Electrical E$uipment IEC 6 %"* Edison scre5 lampholders IEC 6 %(/ )ubber-Insulated Cables IEC 6 %// Electrical )elays IEC 6 %6* +ound system e$uipment IEC 6 %66 &o5 volta'e fuses IEC 6 %! 7i'h-,olta'e Test Techni$ues 4 2artial 9ischar'e 0easurements IEC 6 %*! Calculation of permissible current in cables at steady state ratin' IEC 6 %66 0ineral Insulatin' oils for transformers = s5itch'ear IEC 6 %6! 9imensions of mechanical structures of the (*%.6 mm (-6 in) series. IEC 6 %6* hi'h volta'e s5itch'ear in metallic enclosure IEC 6 " * 7ydraulic turbines - Testin' of control systems IEC 6 " 6 2lu's, soc1et-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes IEC 6 "-! +pecifications for particular types of 5indin' 5ires IEC 6 "% 3ppliance couplers for household and similar 'eneral purposes IEC 6 ""- Tests for Electric Cables under .ire Conditions IEC 6 ""/ +afety of electrical household appliances IEC 6 "6( Electrical installations of buildin's IEC 6 (-! ;raphical symbols for use on e$uipment

IEC 6 ("6 &o5 volta'e s5itch'ear and control'ear assemblies IEC 6 ((/ #asic and safety principles for man-machine interface IEC 6 ((6 >irin' colours IEC 6 (!6 Effects of current on human bein's and livestoc1 IEC 6 / % 2o5er cables 5ith e:truded insulation and their accessories for rated volta'es from -?, up to " ?, IEC 6 /%6 9e'rees of protection provided by enclosures (I2 Code) IEC 6 /(/ ;uide for commissionin', operation and maintenance of hydraulic turbines IEC 6 /!- Electronic e$uipment used on rail vehicles IEC 6 /!( 3udio-visual, video and television e$uipment and systems IEC 6 /6* &uminaires IEC 6 //6 #inary floatin'-point arithmetic for microprocessor systems IEC 6 6 - 0edical Electrical E$uipment IEC 6 6 " Connectors for fre$uencies belo5 " 078 for use 5ith printed boards IEC 6 6 6 7ydraulic turbines, stora'e pumps and pump-turbines - Cavitation pittin' evaluation - 2art -: Evaluation in reaction turbines, stora'e pumps and pump-turbines - 2art %: Evaluation in 2elton turbines IEC 6 6-! ;raphical symbols for dia'rams IEC 6 6/- +ound level meters IEC 6 66( Common +pecifications .or 7i'h-,olta'e +5itch'ear and Control'ear +tandards IEC 6 !-/ 9imensions of lo5-volta'e s5itch'ear and control'ear. +tandardised mountin' on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in s5itch'ear and control'ear installations. IEC 6 !%- Classification of environmental conditions IEC 6 !%6 9ry type po5er transformers IEC 6 !%* Cable net5or1s for television si'nals, sound si'nals and interactive services IEC 6 !(! +emiconductor devices@ 2art -: ;eneral IEC 6 !(* +emiconductor devices 4 inte'rated circuits

IEC 6 !!( ,7+A+-,7+ video tape cassette system IEC 6 !6" <ptical fibres IEC 6 * - E0I and ).I Immunity IEC 6 * / ;uide for commissionin', operation and maintenance of stora'e pumps and of pump-turbines operatin' as pumps IEC 6 *-% International +tandard on .ault 0ode and Effects 3nalysis IEC 6 *-/ +election and dimensionin' of hi'h-volta'e insulators intended for use in polluted conditions IEC 6 *%/ &aser safety IEC 6 *(6 +ound +ystems for Emer'ency 2urposes IEC 6 *! Telecontrol e$uipment and systems IEC 6 *!( Connectors for optical fibres IEC 6 **( 2lu's and soc1et-outlets for household and similar purposes IEC 6 *6* Electrical accessories. Circuit brea1ers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations. IEC 6 6 6 IEC system of plu's and soc1et-outlets for household and similar purposes IEC 6 6 * Compact dis1 di'ital audio system IEC 6 6%- #allasts for tubular fluorescent lamps 4 2erformance re$uirements IEC 6 6%6 3C-supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps 4 2erformance re$uirements IEC 6 6(% Electroacoustics 4 +ound calibrators IEC 6 6(/ 0aritime Bavi'ation and )adiocommunication E$uipment and +ystems 4 ;eneral )e$uirements 4 0ethods of Testin' and )e$uired Test )esults IEC 6 6(! +tandards for lo5-volta'e s5itch'ear and control'ear IEC 6 6/ +afety of information technolo'y e$uipment IEC 6 66( ;uide for field measurement of vibrations and pulsations in hydraulic machines (turbines, stora'e pumps and pump-turbines) IEC 6Electroma'netic compatibility (E0C)

IEC 6- 6 )esidual current operated circuit brea1ers 5ith inte'ral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses ()C#<Cs)

IEC 6- - +afety re$uirements for electrical e$uipment for measurement, control and laboratory use IEC 6- %/ .ault tree analysis IEC 6- (" +ound intensity meters 5ith pairs of microphones IEC 6- /* +5itches for 3ppliances IEC 6- 6! ;lobal maritime distress and safety system (;09++) IEC 6--"- 2ro'rammable &o'ic Controllers. IEC 6---6 Electromechanical e$uipment 'uide for small hydroelectric installations IEC 6--(6 +afety of mobile radios IEC 6--/6 0ulticore and symmetrical pairA$ud cables for di'ital communications IEC 6--/* Industrial communication net5or1s 4 .ieldbus specifications IEC 6--6% 0aritime navi'ation and radiocommunication e$uipment and systems, 9i'ital +ystems IEC 6--6( )eliability 'ro5th 4 +tatistical test and estimation methods IEC 6--!( 0aritime Bavi'ation and )adio Communications, Electronic Chart 9isplay and Information +ystem (EC9I+) IEC 6--6( Characteristic parameters of stand-alone photovoltaic (2,) systems IEC 6-%-/ Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (2,) modules 4 9esi'n $ualification and type approval IEC 6-%"* Compression and mechanical connectors for po5er cables for rated volta'es up to " 1, IEC 6-%!! Terrestrial photovoltaic (2,) po5er 'eneratin' systems 4 ;eneral and 'uide IEC 6-%* .ield testin' method for measurin' sin'le mode fibre optic cable IEC 6-%*6 Character set 5ith electrotechnical symbols IEC 6-"%6 Electrical e$uipment for measurement, control and laboratory use 4 E0C re$uirements IEC 6-"(/ D, test for photovoltaic (2,) modules IEC 6-"(6 Industrial systems, installations and e$uipment and industrial products 4 +tructurin' principles and reference desi'nations

IEC 6-"// Classification and desi'nation of documents for plants, systems and e$uipment IEC 6-"6% ;uide to specification of hydraulic turbine control systems IEC 6-"6( Bomenclature for hydroelectric po5erplant machinery IEC 6-"66 7ydraulic turbines, stora'e pumps and pump-turbines - Tenderin' 9ocuments IEC 6-"!* Converter Transformers IEC 6-( >ind turbines

IEC 6-("6 &o5-,olta'e s5itch'ear and control'ear assemblies IEC 6-(66 .unction bloc1s IEC 6-/ * .unctional safety of electricalAelectronicApro'rammable electronic safetyrelated systems IEC 6-/-- .unctional safety 4 safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector IEC 6-/-" .unctional safety 4 safety instrumented systems for the Buclear Industries IEC 6-/"! Cable mana'ement 4 Cable tray systems and cable ladder systems IEC 6-//! E$uipment for measurin' electrical safety in lo5-volta'e distribution systems IEC 6-//* +afety of po5er transformers, po5er supplies, reactors and similar products IEC 6-/** 2recision cloc1 synchroni8ation protocol for net5or1ed measurement and control systems IEC 6-6 " Infrared transmission of audio or video si'nals IEC 6-6(% Industrial a.c. Bet5or1s 3ffected by 7armonics 4 3pplication of .ilters and +hunt Capacitors IEC 6-6(" +ur'e protective devices connected to lo5-volta'e po5er distribution systems IEC 6-6(6 Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (2,) modules 4 9esi'n $ualification and type approval IEC 6-6!% Electroacoustics 4 +ound level meters IEC 6-66 Electronic desi'n interchan'e format, E9I. IEC 6-! - +alt mist corrosion testin' of photovoltaic (2,) modules IEC 6-!%( 2hotovoltaic system performance monitorin' 4 ;uidelines for measurement

IEC 6-!%! 2hotovoltaic (2,) systems 4 Characteristics of the utility interface IEC 6-!" 2hotovoltaic modules IEC 6-!/" .ibre optic interconnectin' devices and passive components performance standard IEC 6-!*( Industrial communication net5or1s 4 2rofiles IEC 6-* 3dEustable speed electrical po5er drive systems

IEC 6-* " 9etermination of po5er losses in hi'h-volta'e direct current (7,9C) converter stations IEC 6-*%6, Crystalline silicon photovoltaic (2,) array 4 <n-site measurement of I-, characteristics IEC 6-*(6 Dltrasonics 4 2ressure pulse lithotripters 4 Charactertics of fields IEC 6-*/ Communication Bet5or1s and +ystems in +ubstations IEC 6-**" IEC 6-*6% 0obile and fi:ed offshore units, electrical installations IEC 6-666 0ultimedia systems -- Colour measurement IEC 6-66* 3pplication inte'ration at electric utilities 4 +ystem interfaces for distribution mana'ement IEC 6-6! 3pplication inte'ration at electric utilities 4 Ener'y mana'ement system application pro'ram interface (E0+-32I) IEC 6-66" 0aritime navi'ation and radiocommunication e$uipment and systems. IEC 6% 6 7ydraulic machines - 3cceptance tests of small hydroelectric installations

IEC 6% 6! 7ydraulic machines, radial and a:ial - 2erformance conversion method from model to prototype IEC 6% ( Dninterruptible po5er systems IEC 6% (- E0C re$uirements for po5er transformers, po5er supplies, reactors and similar products IEC 6% /6 9&0AC<+E0 communication protocol for readin' utility meters IEC 6% *! 0ethods of measurement for the po5er consumption of audio, video and related e$uipment IEC 6%- * Concentrator photovoltaic (C2,) modules and assemblies 4 9esi'n $ualification and type approval

IEC 6%-66 2lu's and soc1ets for char'in' electric vehicles IEC 6%"** 0aritime Bavi'ation and )adio Communications, +hipborne )adar IEC 6%%/6 7ydraulic turbines, stora'e pumps and pump-turbines - )ehabilitation and performance improvement IEC 6%%6( Enterprise-control system inte'ration IEC 6%%6% 9e'rees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical e$uipment a'ainst e:ternal mechanical impacts (I? code) IEC 6%%! 7ydroelectric po5er plant automation 4 ;uide for computer-based control IEC 6%%!- +tandards for hi'h-volta'e s5itch'ear and control'ear IEC 6%%!* )ail5ay applications 4 +pecification and demonstration of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety ()30+) IEC 6%%*% .uel cell technolo'ies IEC 6%" - 7ousehold electrical appliances 4 0easurement of standby po5er IEC 6%" ( 0edical 9evice +oft5are 4 +oft5are &ife Cycle 2rocesses IEC 6%" / 2rotection 3'ainst &i'htnin' IEC 6%"%/ +tandards related to ener'y mar1et models = communications IEC 6%"/- 2o5er +ystem Control and 3ssociated Communications 4 9ata and Communication +ecurity IEC 6%"66 0edical devices 4 3pplication of usability en'ineerin' to medical devices IEC 6%"!6 Common control interface for net5or1ed di'ital audio and video products IEC 6%((" Industrial communication net5or1s 4 Bet5or1 and system security (9)3.T) IEC 6%(// Internet protocol (I2) and transport stream (T+) based service access IEC 6%(6( 0a'netic resonance e$uipment for medical ima'in' IEC 6%(!- 2hotobiolo'ical safety of lamps and lamp systems IEC 6%(*- 9i'ital livin' net5or1 alliance (9&B3) home net5or1ed device interoperability 'uidelines IEC 6%/ % 3nalysis techni$ues for dependability 4 Event tree analysis (ET3) IEC * - 3pplication of ris1 mana'ement for IT-net5or1s incorporatin' medical devices 4 2art -: )oles, responsibilities and activities

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