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Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-MS-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding


Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009


of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT !"IS SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT #s made effe$%#&e as of %'e 30th June 2010 ()Effective Date*+ b, and be%-een "or%on C.I /#m#%ed ()Contractor*+ -'ose address #s 260-200 Prem#er 1a,2 S'er-ood Par32 4.2 !8" and Aluma Systems Inc. ()Subcontractor*+ -'ose address #s 925 Memorial Drive, Fort McMurray, A . !9" 0"#. WHEREAS I5 !'e Contractor 'as en%ered #n%o %'e ri!e Contract da%ed 7%' 6e$ember 2009 7eferen$e /e%%er 8f /#m#%ed 4u%'or#sa%#on (/8/4+ -#%' IMP97I4/ 8I/ 79S8U7C9S :9N!U79S /IMI!96 (I87:/+ () C"ient*+ for %'e des#gn2 manufa$%ure2 su;;<,2 $ons%ru$%#on2 #ns%a<<a%#on2 and $om;<e%#on of %'e "earl $il San%s &ro'ect, Al(erta, )ana%a () ro#ect*+ des$r#bed %'ere#n=

II5 !'e Contractor -#s'es %'e Subcontractor %o $arr, ou% and $om;<e%e %'e Subcontract Wor$ as def#ned #n %'e Subcontract2 as a ;ar% of %'e ro#ect= and genera<<, des$r#bed as: Sca**ol%in+ III5 !'e Subcontractor #s -#<<#ng and ab<e %o $arr, ou% and $om;<e%e %'e Subcontract Wor$ #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'e Subcontract5 !"IS SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT ;ro&#des as fo<<o-s: 5 !'e fo<<o-#ng do$umen%s and %'e#r a%%a$'men%s (#f an,+2 s'a<< %oge%'er $ons%#%u%e %'e Subcontract be%-een %'e Contractor and %'e Subcontractor and %'e %erm )Subcontract* s'a<< #n a<< su$' do$umen%s be $ons%rued a$$ord#ng<,5 (a+ (b+ ($+ (d+ !'#s SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT 4%%a$'men% 42 S;e$#a< Cond#%#ons of Con%ra$% 4%%a$'men% .2 >enera< Cond#%#ons of Con%ra$% and Informa%#on S$'edu<e 4;;end#$es: 4;;end#? 2 S$o;e of Sub$on%ra$% 1or3 4;;end#? 22 /#s% of 6o$umen%a%#on 4;;end#? 02 7es;ons#b#<#%, Ma%r#? 4;;end#? @2 S$'edu<e 4;;end#? 52 "ea<%'2 Safe%,2 Se$ur#%, and 9n&#ronmen%a< 4;;end#? 62 Aua<#%, 4;;end#? 72 Pr#$e and Pa,men% 4;;end#? 82 .onds and >uaran%ees 4;;end#? 92 C'ange 4;;end#? 02 /o-er !#er Sub$on%ra$%ors 4;;end#? 2 Com;<e%#on 4;;end#? 22 6amages 4;;end#? 02 Insuran$e 4;;end#? @2 /#en 1a#&ers 4;;end#? 52 7e;resen%a%#&es and S%aff 4;;end#? 62 ProBe$% Ins%ru$%#ons


In $ase of $onf<#$% be%-een an, of %'e do$umen%s a$$om;an,#ng %'#s SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT 2 %'e order of ;re$eden$e s'a<< be as se% ou% #n C<ause abo&e5

05 Contractor agrees %o ;a, %o Subcontractor for sa%#sfa$%or, ;erforman$e of %'e Subcontract Wor$2 %'e sum of CCCCCCCC Canad#an 6o<<ars and CCCC $en%s (C46DCCCCCCC5CC+ or su$' o%'er sum as ma, be as$er%a#ned under %'e Subcontract %'#s be#ng %'e Subcontract rice5

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

Page 2 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

@5 Subcontractor agrees %o ;erform and $om;<e%e %'e Subcontract Wor$ as fu<< $ons#dera%#on for %'e Subcontract rice and #n a$$ordan$e -#%' a<< ;ro&#s#ons2 %erms2 and $ond#%#ons of %'#s Subcontract5 55 4<< no%#$es ;ro&#ded under %'e Subcontract mus% ref<e$% %'e Sub$on%ra$% Number2 %#%<e of Sub$on%ra$% 1or3 and ProBe$% Name and s'a<< be d#re$%ed as fo<<o-s: If %o Contractor: Name of Com;an,: "or%on C.I /#m#%ed 4ddress: 260-200 Prem#er 1a, C#%, and S%a%e: S'er-ood Par32 4<ber%a2 Canada2 !8" 2E8 Coun%r,: Canada 4%%en%#on: S%e;'en >ro%e P'one: 780 @ 0 2760 1#%' $o;, %o: C'#ef /ega< 8ff#$er C.FI2 8ne C.FI P<aGa2 2 00 7esear$' Fores% 6r#&e2 !'e 1ood<ands2 !H 77080 US4 If %o Subcontractor: Name of Com;an,: 4<uma S,s%ems In$5 4ddress: 925 Memor#a< 6r#&e C#%, and S%a%e: For% M$Murra,5 4<ber%a5 !9E 0E@5 Coun%r,: Canada5 4%%en%#on: Mic, -er,e P'one: 780-7@0-50 65 !'#s Subcontract $ons%#%u%es %'e en%#re agreemen% be%-een %'e Contractor and %'e Subcontractor -#%' res;e$% %o %'e ;erforman$e of %'e Subcontract Wor$ and su;ersedes a<< ;r#or nego%#a%#ons2 re;resen%a%#ons or agreemen%s re<a%#ng %'ere%o2 -'e%'er -r#%%en or ora<2 e?$e;% %o %'e e?%en% %'a% %'e, are e?;ress<, #n$or;ora%ed #n %'e Subcontract5 No $'anges2 a<%era%#ons or mod#f#$a%#ons %o %'e Subcontract s'a<< be effe$%#&e un<ess %'e same s'a<< be #n -r#%#ng and s#gned b, bo%' ;ar%#es5 !'e Contractor and %'e Subcontractor agree %'a% %'e, s'a<< no% be en%#%<ed %o enfor$e or o%'er-#se re<, on an, %erm or $ond#%#on (#n$<ud#ng bu% no% b, -a, of <#m#%a%#on an, %erm or $ond#%#on2 s%andard or o%'er-#se2 $on%a#ned #n an offer or Iuo%a%#on2 a$$e;%an$e of an offer or Iuo%a%#on2 or an, s%andard %erms and $ond#%#ons of e#%'er ;ar%, or an, o%'er do$umen%+ -'#$' #s no% $on%a#ned or #n$or;ora%ed e?;ress<, #n %'e Subcontract5 IN 1I!N9SS 1"9798F %'e au%'or#Ged s#gna%or#es of %'e ;ar%#es 'a&e e?e$u%ed %'#s SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT as of %'e da%e f#rs% -r#%%en abo&e5 CONTRACTOR "or%on C.I /#m#%ed 260-200 Prem#er 1a, S'er-ood Par32 4<ber%a2 !8" 2E8 Canada S#gned --------------------------------------------Name !#%<e 6a%e --------------------------------------------!#%<e --------------------------------------------6a%e --------------------------------------------Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009 Page 0 of 2

SUBCONTRACTOR 4<uma S,s%ems In$5 925 Memor#a< 6r#&e For% M$Murra,5 4<ber%a5 !9E 0E@5 Canada S#gned Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding


Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

Page @ of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding


Artic"e 2 0

Tit"e .Article 1 !itle/

a&e ? ? ?

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

Page 5 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

ATTACHMENT A S ECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT In %'e e&en% of a $onf<#$% #n %'e %erms and $ond#%#ons s;e$#f#ed #n %'#s 4%%a$'men% )4*2 S;e$#a< Cond#%#ons of Con%ra$% and %'ose s;e$#f#ed e<se-'ere #n %'#s Subcontract2 %'e %erms and $ond#%#ons of %'#s 4%%a$'men% 4 s'a<< ;re&a#<5 ART I' !'e >enera< Cond#%#ons of Con%ra$% $on%a#ned #n %'e Subcontract are amended as fo<<o-s: No Amendments ART II' In %'e e&en% of a $onf<#$% #n %'e %erms and $ond#%#ons s;e$#f#ed #n %'#s 4%%a$'men% )42* S;e$#a< Cond#%#ons of Con%ra$%2 P47! II2 and %'ose s;e$#f#ed e<se-'ere #n %'#s Subcontract #n$<ud#ng S;e$#a< Cond#%#ons of Con%ra$%2 P47! I2 %'e %erms and $ond#%#ons of %'#s P47! II s'a<< ;re&a#<5 No Amendments

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

Page 6 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding


Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

Page 7 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

ATTACHMENT B ( GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT !4./9 8F C8N!9N!S Artic"e 2 0 @ 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 0 @ 5 6 7 8 9 20 2 22 20 2@ 25 26 27 28 29 00 0 02 00 0@ 05 06 07 08 Tit"e 69FINI!I8NS 79P79S9N!4!I8N 4N6 IN!9N! 9N!I79 SU.C8N!74C! 4U!"87IJ96 79P79S9N!4!I:9S C8N!74C!87KS 79SP8NSI.I/I!I9S SU.C8N!74C!87KS 79SP8NSI.I/I!I9S INF87M4!I8N SC"96U/9 64M4>9S F87 69/4L C8MP/9!I8N 4N6 4CC9P!4NC9 8F !"9 SU.C8N!74C! 187E !I!/92 /I9NS2 4N6 7ISE 8F /8SS 4SSI>NM9N! 4N6 SU.C8N!74C!IN> AU4/I!L S4F9!L2 "94/!"2 19/F479 4N6 9N:I78NM9N! >U474N!99S 4N6 /I4.I/I!L F87 69F9C!S C"4N>9S !8 !"9 SU.C8N!74C! 187E C/4IMS 6ISPU!9S IN:8ICIN> 4N6 P4LM9N! 7I>"! !8 1I!""8/6 P4LM9N! 4N6 .4CE C"47>9 7I>"! !8 4U6I! IN69MNI!L INSU74NC9 .8N6S 14I:97 8F C8NS9AU9N!I4/ 64M4>9S !97MIN4!I8N F87 69F4U/! !97MIN4!I8N F87 C8N:9NI9NC9 SUSP9NSI8N F87C9 M4J9U79 4PP/IC4./9 /41 C8MP/I4NC9 1I!" /41S .USIN9SS 9!"ICS P97MI!S2 F99S2 /IC9NS9S2 4N6 !4H9S N8N-14I:97 C8NFI69N!I4/I!L S9:974.I/I!L SU7:I:4/ 79M96I9S a&e 9 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 @ @ @ 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 20 20 20 20 20 20

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

Page 8 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

Artic"e )' Definition* 5 Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ means a$$e;%an$e of %'e Subcontract Wor$ e&#den$ed b, Contractor #ssu#ng an Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ $er%#f#$a%e #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'e ;ro&#s#ons of 4r%#$<e 02 Com;<e%#on and 4$$e;%an$e of Sub$on%ra$% 1or35 C"ient means %'e ;ar%, -#%' -'#$' Contractor 'as $on$<uded %'e ri!e Contract %o ;erform -or3 for %'e ro#ect5 Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$ means %'a% a<< %'e reIu#remen%s of %'e Subcontract o%'er %'an defe$%s <#ab#<#%, ob<#ga%#ons 'a&e been sa%#sf#ed and Contractor 'as #ssued %'e $er%#f#$a%e of Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$5 Co*t,*- means: (a+ sa<ar#es and -ages reasonab<, #n$urred and ;ro;er<, ;a#d or ;a,ab<e %o em;<o,ees of %'e ;ar%, $on$erned2 %oge%'er -#%' reasonab<e amoun%s for ;a,ro<< burden and o&er'ead adm#n#s%ra%#on2 bu% no% #n$<ud#ng an, rofit= and (b+ ne% sums reasonab<, #n$urred and ;ro;er<, ;a#d or ;a,ab<e %o %'#rd ;ar%#es and Sub(Subcontractor* for goods and ser&#$es su;;<#ed for %'e Subcontract Wor$ or for d#s$'arg#ng $on%ra$%ua< <#ab#<#%#es #n $onne$%#on -#%' %'e Subcontract Wor$ or for %erm#na%#ng su$' $on%ra$%ua< <#ab#<#%#es5 No add#%#on s'a<< be made %o su$' ne% sums ;a,ab<e under (b+ for Subcontractor.* rofit or mar3u;5 Da/,*- means a bus#ness da, #n %'e <o$a%#on -'ere %'e Subcontract Wor$ #s be#ng e?e$u%ed5 Defect* Liabi"it/ erio0 means %'e ;er#od or ;er#ods se% ou% #n %'e Infor!ation Sc1e0u"e of %'e Subcontract (;<us an, add#%#ona< ;er#ods #n a$$ordan$e -#%' 4r%#$<e 52 >uaran%ees and /#ab#<#%, for 6efe$%s+2 and $ommen$#ng on %'e da%e s%a%ed #n %'e Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$ $er%#f#$a%e and end#ng u;on %'e da%e s%a%ed #n %'e Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ $er%#f#$a%e5 Effective Date means %'e da%e s;e$#f#ed #n %'e Subcontract A&ree!ent %'a% %'e ;ar%#esK ob<#ga%#ons under %'e Subcontract s'a<< be effe$%#&e5 Infor!ation means a<< do$umen%s2 ;<ans2 des#gns2 a;;ro&a<s2 ;erm#%s2 dra-#ngs2 reIu#remen%s2 s%andards2 forms2 ;ro$edures2 #ns%ru$%#ons2 re;or%s2 #n&es%#ga%#ons2 s;e$#f#$a%#ons2 da%a2 3no--'o-2 and o%'er #nforma%#on ;ro&#ded b, or $aused %o be ;ro&#ded b, or on be'a<f of Contractor ;ursuan% %o %'e Subcontract5 Infor!ation Sc1e0u"e means %'e s$'edu<e #n$<uded -#%' %'e >enera< Cond#%#ons of Con%ra$% -'#$' #s $om;<e%ed -#%' referen$es #den%#f#ed #n %'e %e?%5 rofit means %'e ;er$en%age s%a%ed #n %'e Infor!ation Sc1e0u"e %o be a;;<#ed %o Co*t2 Sc1e0u"e means %'e de%a#<ed s$'edu<e and #%s a%%a$'men%s %o be ;re;ared b, Subcontractor and subm#%%ed for Contractor.* re&#e- #n a$$ordan$e -#%' 4r%#$<e 82 S$'edu<e5 Site means %'e area -#%'#n -'#$' %'e Subcontract Wor$ or ;ar% %'ereof #s %o be ;erformed2 %oge%'er -#%' a<< o%'er areas and <o$a%#ons as %'e Subcontractor #s ;erm#%%ed %o use #n $onne$%#on -#%' %'e Subcontract Wor$5 Subcontract Wor$ means -#%'ou% <#m#%a%#on a<< ob<#ga%#ons2 du%#es2 and res;ons#b#<#%#es %o be under%a3en b, Subcontractor #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'e Subcontract2 #n$<ud#ng bu% no% <#m#%ed %o des#gn (#f an,+2 eng#neer#ng and o%'er ser&#$es= de<#&erab<es= a<< su;er&#s#on2 managemen%2 <abor2 ;ersonne<2 %em;orar, fa$#<#%#es2 eIu#;men%2 ma%er#a<s and ma%er#a< 'and<#ng= an, ser&#$es or ass#s%an$e %o be ;ro&#ded b, Subcontractor= and an, a$%2 #%em or e?;ense man#fes%<, ne$essar, %o ;erform %'e -or35 Sub(Subcontractor means an, Subcontractor2 &endor or su;;<#er of an, %#er be<o- %'e Subcontractor %o -'om ;re;ara%#on of an, des#gn2 %'e su;;<, of an, ma%er#a< or %'e $arr,#ng ou% of an, ;ar% of %'e Subcontract Wor$ #s sub$on%ra$%ed5

52 50


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Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

Page 9 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

Artic"e 3' Re+re*entation* an0 Intent Subcontractor re;resen%s %'a% #% #s fu<<, fam#<#ar -#%' a<< ma%%ers ne$essar, for #%s $arr,#ng ou% %'e Subcontract Wor$5 Subcontractor re;resen%s %'a% #% #s fu<<, fam#<#ar -#%' %'e Site and surround#ng areas2 and a<< re<e&an% $ond#%#ons %'a% m#g'% affe$% %'e $ondu$% of %'e Subcontract Wor$5 No subs%#%u%#ons s'a<< be made #n %'e eIu#;men%2 ma%er#a<s or %'e Subcontract Wor$ un<ess ;erm#%%ed #n %'#s Subcontract2 -#%'ou% Contractor.* ;r#or -r#%%en a;;ro&a<5 Subcontractor s'a<< a$% so<e<, as an #nde;enden% $on%ra$%or #n ;erform#ng %'e Subcontract Wor$2 ma#n%a#n#ng $om;<e%e $on%ro< and #n so<e $'arge o&er #%s em;<o,ees and a<< of #%s Sub(Subcontractor*5 Artic"e 4' Entire Subcontract !'e Subcontract fu<<, se%s for%' %'e en%#re unders%and#ng be%-een %'e Contractor and Subcontractor regard#ng %'e Subcontract Wor$5 4<< amendmen%s %o %'e Subcontract mus% be #n -r#%#ng and s#gned b, an au%'or#Ged off#$er of ea$' ;ar%,5 !'e 'ead#ngs used #n %'#s Subcontract are for referen$e on<, and s'a<< no% be $ons#dered #n #%s #n%er;re%a%#on2 or $#%ed for an, o%'er ;ur;ose5 Artic"e 5' Aut1ori6e0 Re+re*entative* 9a$' ;ar%, s'a<< des#gna%e #n -r#%#ng a ;erson -'o s'a<< be %'e ;ar%,Ks au%'or#Ged re;resen%a%#&e for a<< ;ur;oses5 Contractor.* re;resen%a%#&e s'a<< be %'e on<, ;erson -'om %'e Subcontractor s'a<< $on%a$% -#%' regard %o %'e Subcontract Wor$5 Artic"e 7' Contractor Re*+on*ibi"itie* 55 Contractor s'a<< from %#me %o %#me ma3e a&a#<ab<e %o Subcontractor su$' ;ar% or ;ar%s of Site and su$' means of a$$ess %'ere%o -#%'#n %'e Site as are ne$essar, %o enab<e Subcontractor %o $om;<e%e %'e Subcontract Wor$ #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'e Subcontract5 "o-e&er Contractor s'a<< no% be bound %o ma3e a&a#<ab<e %'e -'o<e or an, ;ar% of %'e Site for %'e e?$<us#&e use of Subcontractor5 Contractor s'a<< a<<o$a%e s%orage areas2 #f a&a#<ab<e2 for Subcontractor.* ma%er#a<s and eIu#;men% dur#ng %'e $ourse of %'e Subcontract Wor$5 Subcontractor s'a<< s%ore #%s ma%er#a<s and eIu#;men% a% #%s o-n r#s35


Artic"e 8' Subcontractor Re*+on*ibi"itie* 65 S'ou<d #n$ons#s%en$#es or om#ss#ons a;;ear #n an, ;ar% of %'e Subcontract9 Subcontractor s'a<< #mmed#a%e<, no%#f, Contractor #n -r#%#ng and reIues% $<ar#f#$a%#on before %'e ;ar% of %'e Subcontract Wor$ affe$%ed #s ;erformed5 4n, add#%#ona< Co*t #n$urred b, Subcontractor be$ause of Subcontractor.* fa#<ure %o %#me<, no%#f, Contractor2 or 'a&e su$' $onf<#$%s reso<&ed before $on%#nu#ng -#%' %'e Subcontract Wor$2 s'a<< be for Subcontractor.* a$$oun%5 Contractor.* de%erm#na%#on of #n%en% and mean#ng of su$' ;ar% s'a<< be f#na< and b#nd#ng u;on Subcontractor5

652 Subcontractor agrees %o use <abor %'a% -#<< no% d#s%urb or affe$% <abor em;<o,ed b, Contractor2 C"ient2 or o%'er sub$on%ra$%ors2 and fur%'er agrees %'a% Subcontractor.* em;<o,ees s'a<< -or3 #n 'armon, -#%' a<< %rades2 em;<o,ees and o%'er sub$on%ra$%ors5 650 Subcontractor s'a<< #mmed#a%e<, remo&e an, of %'e Subcontractor.* ;ersonne<2 or Sub(Subcontractor* -'om Contractor deems be #n$om;e%en%2 $are<ess2 #nsubord#na%e or o%'er-#se obBe$%#onab<e2 from %'e Site5 65@ Subcontractor s'a<< $oo;era%e -#%' Contractor and a<< o%'ers -'ose -or3 ma, be #n ;rogress $on%em;oraneous<, -#%' %'e Subcontract Wor$ and 'as made due a<<o-an$e #n bo%' %'e Subcontract rice and Sc1e0u"e5 Artic"e :' Infor!ation

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

Page 0 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding


Contractor s'a<< ma3e a&a#<ab<e %o Subcontractor $er%a#n Infor!ation as se% for%' #n 4;;end#? 22 /#s% of 6o$umen%a%#on and ma, dur#ng %'e ;erforman$e of %'e -or3 #ssue %o Subcontractor mod#f#ed or add#%#ona< Infor!ation for %'e ;ro;er $arr,#ng ou% and $om;<e%#on of %'e Subcontract Wor$ as ;ro&#ded for #n %'e Subcontract5 4<< Infor!ation su;;<#ed b, Contractor %o Subcontractor s'a<< on<, be used b, Subcontractor for %'e ;ur;ose of %'e Subcontract Wor$2 s'a<< rema#n %'e ;ro;er%, of Contractor and s'a<< be re%urned (a<ong -#%' an, $o;#es %'ereof+ %o Contractor -'en reIues%ed b, Contractor9 u;on %erm#na%#on of %'e Subcontract or u;on Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ (-'#$'e&er #s ear<#es%+5 Infor!ation ma, no% be $om;<e%e #n e&er, de%a#<5 Subcontractor s'a<< ;erform a<< -or3 %'a% #s ne$essar,2 $us%omar, or $<ear<, #n%ended %o 'a&e been #n$<uded as ;ar% of %'e Subcontract Wor$ -'e%'er or no% s;e$#f#$a<<, des$r#bed #n %'e Infor!ation 5 Su$' -or3 s'a<< be deemed a ;ar% of %'e Subcontract Wor$ and #n$<uded #n %'e Subcontract rice and Sc1e0u"e and no fur%'er $om;ensa%#on s'a<< be made %o Subcontractor -'a%soe&er5



Artic"e ; Schedule 85 Subcontractor s'a<< ;rom;%<, ;ro&#de %o Contractor an, reIues%ed s$'edu<#ng #nforma%#on5 !'e ;ro;osed Sc1e0u"e s'a<< be subm#%%ed b, Subcontractor %o Contractor af%er %'e da%e of e?e$u%#on of %'#s Subcontract and #n a$$ordan$e -#%' 4;;end#? @2 S$'edu<e5 Contractor s'a<< 'a&e %'e r#g'%2 bu% no% %'e ob<#ga%#on2 %o de$#de %'e %#me2 order and ;r#or#%, #n -'#$' %'e &ar#ous ;or%#ons of %'e Subcontract Wor$ s'a<< be ;erformed and a<< o%'er ma%%ers re<a%#&e %o %'e %#me<, and order<, $ondu$% of %'e Subcontract Wor$5 Subcontractor s'a<< g#&e Contractor ;rom;% -r#%%en no%#$e -'en an, e&en% %'a% m#g'% $ause a de<a, #n %'e Subcontract Wor$ a;;ears <#3e<, %o o$$ur5 Subcontractor s'a<< 3ee; Contractor ad&#sed dur#ng %'e $on%#nuan$e of %'e de<a, and furn#s' es%#ma%es of %'e e?;e$%ed de<a, and #%s effe$% on %'e Subcontract Wor$ and s'a<< ad&#se Contractor of %'e s%e;s be#ng %a3en %o e<#m#na%e de<a,s5 1'ere %'e de<a, #s %'e resu<% of %'e fau<% or neg<#gen$e of Subcontractor or #%s Sub(Subcontractor*2 Subcontractor agrees %o %a3e a<< measures ne$essar, %o ma#n%a#n %'e Sc1e0u"e and e<#m#na%e %'e de<a,s #n$<ud#ng2 bu% no% <#m#%ed %o2 -or3#ng o&er%#me s'#f%s2 ;a,#ng ;rem#um %#me and '#r#ng e?%ra ;ersonne<2 or o%'er a$%#on(s+ a;;ro;r#a%e %o %'e $#r$ums%an$es2 a<< a% no $os% %o Contractor5



Artic"e <' Da!a&e* for De"a/ Subcontractor a$3no-<edges and agrees %'a% Contractor -#<< suffer damages and <osses #f Subcontractor does no% $om;<e%e an, ;ar% of %'e Subcontract Wor$ #n a$$ordan$e -#%' s;e$#f#ed da%es #n$<ud#ng %'e $om;<e%#on da%e as se% ou% #n %'e Sc1e0u"e5 In su$' $ase2 Contractor ma, dedu$% from ;a,men% due %o Subcontractor or ba$3 $'arge Subcontractor for a<< damages #n$urred b, Contractor #n $onne$%#on -#%' or ar#s#ng ou% of %'e de<a,2 #n$<ud#ng bu% no% <#m#%ed %o $os%s #n$urred d#re$%<, b, Contractor= $<a#ms b, o%'er sub$on%ra$%ors for #n%erru;%#on2 #neff#$#en$, or de<a,= and an, damages2 <#Iu#da%ed or un<#Iu#da%ed2 assessed b, C"ient aga#ns% Contractor2 #n ;ro;or%#on %o Subcontractor.* s'are of %'e res;ons#b#<#%, for %'e damages5 6amages for -'#$' Contractor #s <#ab<e %o %'e C"ient are no% $onseIuen%#a< damages for %'e ;ur;oses of %'#s ;aragra;' and are no% -a#&ed b, 4r%#$<e 252 1a#&er of ConseIuen%#a< 6amages5 !'e r#g'%s and remed#es ;ro&#ded #n %'#s ;aragra;' s'a<< be $umu<a%#&e and no% e?$<us#&e and s'a<< be #n add#%#on %o an, o%'er r#g'% or remed, ;ro&#ded for #n %'#s Subcontract or a% <a-2 #n$<ud#ng bu% no% <#m#%ed %o2 %erm#na%#on of %'#s Subcontract ;ursuan% %o 4r%#$<e 262 !erm#na%#on for 6efau<% or 4r%#$<e 272 !erm#na%#on for Con&en#en$e5 No%'#ng #n %'#s ;aragra;' s'a<< be $ons%rued as an e<e$%#on of remed#es5 Artic"e )=' Co!+"etion an0 Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ 05 1'en Subcontractor 'as fu<<, $om;<e%ed a<< of %'e reIu#remen%s for Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$ #% s'a<< no%#f, Contractor #n -r#%#ng and ;ro&#de -#%' sa#d no%#$e a<< ne$essar, do$umen%ar, e&#den$e #n su;;or% %'ereof5 1#%'#n four%een ( @+ Da/* fo<<o-#ng re$e#;% of Subcontractor.* no%#$e2 Contractor s'a<<
Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009 Page of 2

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

e#%'er ( + no%#f, Subcontractor %'a% #% 'as me% %'e reIu#remen%s for Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$ or (2+ no%#f, Subcontractor %'a% Contractor does no% agree %'a% Subcontractor 'as me% %'e reIu#remen%s for Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$2 s%a%#ng #%s reasons5 Subcontractor s'a<< ;rom;%<, remed, or $om;<e%e an, ou%s%and#ng $ond#%#ons se% ou% b, Contractor and aga#n ma3e an a;;<#$a%#on for Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$5 052 Contractor #s under no ob<#ga%#on %o #ssue a $er%#f#$a%e for Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$ un<ess reIues%ed b, Subcontractor5 No Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$ a$'#e&ed #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'#s 4r%#$<e s'a<< re<#e&e Subcontractor of an, du%, or ob<#ga%#on or $ons%#%u%e a -a#&er of an, r#g'%s of Contractor aga#ns% Subcontractor and no%-#%'s%and#ng %'e #ssue of an, $er%#f#$a%e of Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$2 #f %'e Subcontract Wor$ or an, ;ar% %'ereof fa#<s %o mee% an, of %'e reIu#remen%s se% for%' #n %'e Subcontract2 Subcontractor s'a<< a% #%s o-n Co*t and r#s3 %a3e a<< measures ne$essar, %o remed, su$' fa#<ure5 Contractor or C"ient s'a<< be en%#%<ed2 before Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$ %o %a3e ;ossess#on of %'e Subcontract Wor$ or ;ar% %'ereof2 or %o use a $om;<e%ed or non-$om;<e%ed ;ar% %'ereof5 Su$' ;ossess#on or use s'a<< no% be deemed Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$ or Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ and s'a<< no% <#m#% or -a#&e Subcontractor>* ob<#ga%#ons or <#ab#<#%#es under %'e Subcontract5 !'e Subcontract s'a<< no% be $om;<e%e un%#< an Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ $er%#f#$a%e 'as been #ssued b, Contractor2 s%a%#ng %'e da%e -'en %'e Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ 'as been a$'#e&ed5 Subcontractor ma, a;;<, af%er %'e e?;#r, of %'e Defect* Liabi"it/ erio0 for %'e #ssue of %'e Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ $er%#f#$a%e5 1#%'#n %-en%, (20+ Da/* fo<<o-#ng re$e#;% of Subcontractor.* no%#$e2 Contractor s'a<< e#%'er ( + no%#f, Subcontractor %'a% #% 'as me% %'e reIu#remen%s for Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ or (2+ no%#f, Subcontractor %'a% Contractor does no% agree %'a% Subcontractor 'as me% %'e reIu#remen%s for Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$2 s%a%#ng #%s reasons5 Subcontractor s'a<<2 e?;ed#%#ous<, and a% #%s o-n $os%2 ;rom;%<, remed, or $om;<e%e an, ou%s%and#ng $ond#%#ons se% ou% b, Contractor and aga#n ma3e an a;;<#$a%#on for Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$2 Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ s'a<< on<, o$$ur -'en Subcontractor 'as me% a<< of %'e fo<<o-#ng $ond#%#ons ;re$eden%: a+ Subcontractor 'as remed#ed an, defe$% #n or %o %'e Subcontract no%#f#ed b, Contractor dur#ng %'e Defect* Liabi"it/ erio0 %o Contractor.* sa%#sfa$%#on and %'e defe$% remed#ed or an, ;ar% of %'e Subcontract affe$%ed b, %'e defe$% or error 'a&e rema#ned #n %'e s;e$#f#ed $ond#%#on for a ;er#od $ommen$#ng u;on sa%#sfa$%or, ma3#ng good of an, defe$% and no% <ess %'an %'e Defect* Liabi"it/ erio0= and b+ Subcontractor 'as d#s$'arged a<< #%s ob<#ga%#ons under %'e Subcontract sa&e %'ose -'#$' sur&#&e %'e Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$5 8n<, %'e Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ $er%#f#$a%e s'a<< $ons%#%u%e Contractor.* a$$e;%an$e of %'e Subcontract Wor$5 U;on %'e #ssue of %'e Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ $er%#f#$a%e2 Contractor s'a<< re<ease %o Subcontractor an, f#nan$#a< guaran%ee(s+ %'a% #% 'o<ds2 %oge%'er -#%' an, re%en%#on mon#es due5


05@ 055


057 058

Artic"e ))' Tit"e9 Lien*9 an0 Ri*$ of Lo** 5 !#%<e %o a<< eIu#;men% and ma%er#a<s %'a% are %o be$ome ;ar% of %'e $om;<e%ed Subcontract Wor$ furn#s'ed b, Subcontractor s'a<< ;ass %o Contractor u;on s'#;men% %o %'e Site or u;on #n$or;ora%#on #n%o %'e Subcontract Wor$2 -'#$'e&er #s %'e ear<#er5 7#s3 of <oss of a<< su$' eIu#;men% and ma%er#a<s s'a<< be re%a#ned b, Subcontractor un%#< Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$2 and Subcontractor s'a<< $on%#nue %o be fu<<, res;ons#b<e for %'e $are2 $us%od,2 $on%ro<2 s'#;men%2 #ns%a<<a%#on2 ere$%#on2 and %es%#ng of a<< su$' eIu#;men%2 ma%er#a<s and s%ru$%ures un%#< su$' Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$5

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

Page 2 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding


!o %'e fu<<es% e?%en% a<<o-ed b, <a-2 Subcontractor -a#&es %'e r#g'% %o f#<e an, <#en -#%' res;e$% %o %'e Subcontract Wor$ 'ereunder2 and Subcontractor s'a<< %a3e su$' a$%#on and e?e$u%e su$' do$umen%s as reIu#red b, Contractor %o effe$% %'#s ;ro&#s#on5 If a <#en #s f#<ed -#%' res;e$% %o %'e Subcontract Wor$2 Subcontractor s'a<<2 a% #%s o-n e?;ense2 #mmed#a%e<, %a3e su$' a$%#on as #s ne$essar, %o d#s$'arge su$' <#en2 $<a#m2 demand2 or <ega< ;ro$eed#ng2 #n defau<% of -'#$' Contractor ma, dedu$% from ;a,men% due %o Subcontractor or ba$3 $'arge Subcontractor -#%' %'e e?;ense and a<< $os%s2 #n$<ud#ng a%%orne,Ks fees5 4s a $ond#%#on ;re$eden% %o ;a,men%2 Subcontractor s'a<< ;ro&#de2 -#%' ea$' #n&o#$e2 #n a form sa%#sfa$%or, %o Contractor2 ;ar%#a< <#en or $<a#m -a#&ers and aff#da&#%s a%%es%#ng %'a% #% 'as ;a#d #n fu<< #%s Sub(Subcontractor* for %'a% ;ar% of %'e Subcontract Wor$ under%a3en b, %'em5


Artic"e )3' A**i&n!ent an0 Subcontractin& 25 Subcontractor s'a<< no% ass#gn or sub$on%ra$% %'e -'o<e or an, ;ar% of %'e Subcontract Wor$ or %'#s Subcontract -#%'ou% ;r#or -r#%%en $onsen% of %'e Contractor5 4n, ;ur;or%ed sub$on%ra$% or agreemen% no% a;;ro&ed b, Contractor #n -r#%#ng s'a<< be &o#d5 Subcontractor 'ereb, agrees %'a% Contractor ma, ass#gn %'#s Subcontract %o C"ient2 C"ient.* des#gna%ed re;resen%a%#&e2 or %o Contractor.* aff#<#a%es2 and Subcontractor $onsen%s %o su$' ass#gnmen%5


Artic"e )4' ?ua"it/ 4s a $ond#%#on ;re$eden% %o ;a,men%2 Subcontractor s'a<< ;ro&#de a Aua<#%, P<an ou%<#n#ng 'oSubcontractor ;ro;oses %o e?e$u%e %'e -or3 and ensure ad'eren$e %o Iua<#%, reIu#remen%s5 Artic"e )5' Safet/9 Hea"t19 We"fare9 an0 Environ!ent @5 Subcontractor s'a<< be so<e<, res;ons#b<e for %'e ;re&en%#on of a$$#den%s on or #n %'e &#$#n#%, of %'e Subcontract Wor$5 Subcontractor s'a<< ma#n%a#n dur#ng %'e $ourse of %'e Subcontract Wor$ a safe%, ;rogram2 ;o<#$#es and s%andards $onform#ng %o %'ose reIu#red b, go&ernmen%a< and Iuas#-go&ernmen%a< au%'or#%#es 'a&#ng Bur#sd#$%#on and b, Contractor2 and #%s C"ient5 In an emergen$,2 Subcontractor s'a<< a$% %o ;re&en% %'rea%ened damage2 #nBur, or <oss5 Cos%s for emergen$, -or3 $aused b, Subcontractor.* or #%s Sub(Subcontractor*. neg<#gen$e or &#o<a%#on of %'#s Subcontract s'a<< be %o Subcontractor.* a$$oun%5 Subcontractor s'a<< %a3e a<< ne$essar, ;re$au%#ons %o ;ro;er<, ;ro%e$% %'e Subcontract Wor$ and %'e -or3 of o%'ers from damage $aused b, Subcontractor.* or #%s Sub(Subcontractor*. o;era%#ons5 Contractor2 a% #%s o;%#on ma, remed,2 re;a#r or re;<a$e %'e damage a% Subcontractor.* e?;ense and dedu$% %'e $os% from an, amoun%s due or %o be$ome due or ba$3 $'arge Subcontractor5 Subcontractor s'a<< no% br#ng on s#%e 'aGardous ma%er#a< -#%'ou% ;r#or -r#%%en $onsen% of Contractor5 Subcontractor s'a<< 3ee; %'e Site free from debr#s and unsafe $ond#%#ons resu<%#ng from %'e Subcontract Wor$5



@5@ @55

Artic"e )7' Guarantee* an0 Liabi"it/ for Defect* Subcontractor -arran%s and guaran%ees %'a% a<< ma%er#a<s and eIu#;men% furn#s'ed under %'#s Subcontract s'a<< be ne-2 and %'a% %'e Subcontract Wor$: (#+ s'a<< be ;erformed #n a f#rs% $<ass and -or3man<#3e manner2 (##+ s'a<< be ;erformed -#%' a<< reasonab<e $are and s3#<<2 (###+ s'a<< be ;erformed #n a$$ordan$e -#%' re$ogn#Ged #ndus%r, ;ra$%#$es= (#&+ s'a<< be ;erformed #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'e s;e$#f#$a%#ons2 reIu#remen%s and $ond#%#ons of %'e Subcontract= (&+ s'a<< be free from defe$%s= (&#+ s'a<< be f#% for %'e ;ur;oses s;e$#f#ed #n %'e Subcontract or2 -'ere no su$' ;ur;ose #s s;e$#f#ed2 f#% for #%s ord#nar, ;ur;ose= (&#+ s'a<< be ;erformed #n and #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'e Sc1e0u"e= (&##+ s'a<< be ;erformed #n $om;<#an$e -#%' a<< <a-s2 ru<es2 $odes2 ord#nan$es and regu<a%#ons= (&###+ s'a<< a$'#e&e %'e ;erforman$e $r#%er#a (#f an,+ as se% ou% #n %'e Subcontract5 If2 af%er %'e da%e of #ssue of %'e Co!+"etion
Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506 Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009 Page 0 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

of Subcontract Wor$ $er%#f#$a%e and -#%'#n %'e Defect* Liabi"it/ erio0 se% ou% #n %'e Informa%#on S$'edu<e $on%a#ned #n %'#s Subcontract #% #s found %'a% %'e ma%er#a<s2 eIu#;men%2 or Subcontract Wor$ furn#s'ed b, Subcontractor or #%s Sub(Subcontractor* fa#<s %o mee% %'e forego#ng -arran%#es2 Subcontractor s'a<< ;rom;%<, remed, su$' non$onform#ng ma%er#a<s2 eIu#;men%2 or Subcontract Wor$ a% #%s so<e $os% and e?;ense5 If Subcontractor fa#<s %o so $orre$% defe$%s Contractor ma, do %'e same on Subcontractor.* be'a<f and s'a<< be en%#%<ed %o dedu$% from ;a,men% due %o Subcontractor or ba$3$'arge Subcontractor a<< $os%s and e?;enses #n$urred b, Contractor #n $arr,#ng ou% su$' res;ons#b#<#%#es5 Artic"e )8' C1an&e* to t1e Subcontract Wor$ 65 Contractor s'a<< 'a&e %'e r#g'% %o #ns%ru$% $'anges #n %'e Subcontract Wor$5 S'ou<d an, su$' #ns%ru$%#on ma%er#a<<, #n$rease or de$rease %'e $os% or %#me of $om;<e%#on of %'e Subcontract Wor$2 an adBus%men% of %'e Subcontract rice andMor Sc1e0u"e s'a<< be made as ma, be a;;ro;r#a%e5 If Subcontractor be<#e&es %'a% su$' #ns%ru$%#on affe$%s %'e Subcontract rice andMor Sc1e0u"e2 #% s'a<< subm#% %o Contractor -#%'#n f#&e (5+ Da/* af%er re$e#;% of %'e #ns%ru$%#on2 a -r#%%en s%a%emen% se%%#ng for%' %'e amoun% of %'e des#red adBus%men%5 !'e Contractor -#<< -'ere %'e #ns%ru$%#on $ons%#%u%es a $'ange %o %'e Subcontract #ssue a C'ange 8rder #n a$$ordan$e -#%' 4r%#$<e 6525 C1an&e Or0er* %'a% reIu#re an adBus%men% %o %'e Subcontract rice s'a<< be es%ab<#s'ed b, one of %'e fo<<o-#ng me%'ods: a5 /um; sum amoun% for %'e $'ange -#%' suff#$#en% #nforma%#on %o subs%an%#a%e %'e amoun%= b5 4;;<#$a%#on of %'e un#% ;r#$es a<read, es%ab<#s'ed #n %'e Subcontract2 or2 #f no% es%ab<#s'ed #n %'e Subcontract2 %'en es%ab<#s'ed b, referen$e %o un#% ra%es #n %'e Subcontract or $5 4;;<#$a%#on of $urren% mar3e% ra%es for %'e -or3 be#ng under%a3en= or d5 !'e a$%ua< $os% of %'e -or3 ;<us rofit5 Subcontractor s'a<< no% sus;end ;erforman$e of an, Subcontract Wor$ -'#<e nego%#a%#ng an adBus%men% #n %'e Subcontract rice or Sc1e0u"e -#%' Contractor5



Artic"e ):' C"ai!* 4s a $ond#%#on ;re$eden% %o re$o&er, %'ereof2 Subcontractor s'a<< ;ro&#de Contractor -r#%%en no%#$e of an, $<a#m(s+ -#%'#n f#&e (5+ Da/* af%er %'e o$$urren$e of %'e e&en% g#&#ng r#se %o %'e $<a#m(s+5 Artic"e );' Di*+ute* If an, d#s;u%e or d#fferen$e of an, 3#nd -'a%soe&er s'a<< ar#se be%-een %'e ;ar%#es under %'#s Sub$on%ra$%2 %'e d#s;u%e s'a<< #n %'e f#rs% #ns%an$e be $ons#dered b, %'e ;ar%#es a% %'e managemen% <e&e< and %'en2 fa#<#ng reso<u%#on a% %'e managemen% <e&e< s'a<< be referred %o %'e sen#or managemen% <e&e<5 4n, d#s;u%e %'a% rema#ns unreso<&ed %'#r%, (00+ da,s af%er be#ng referred for reso<u%#on %o %'e sen#or managemen% <e&e< s'a<< be2 a% %'e reIues% of e#%'er ;ar%,2 e?$<us#&e<, referred %o and f#na<<, se%%<ed b, arb#%ra%#on #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'e 7u<es of Con$#<#a%#on and 4rb#%ra%#on of %'e In%erna%#ona< C'amber of Commer$e b, one arb#%ra%or5 !'e a;;o#n%men% of %'e arb#%ra%or(s+ s'a<< be #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'e 7u<es of Con$#<#a%#on and 4rb#%ra%#on of %'e In%erna%#ona< C'amber of Commer$e5 Fur%'er2 #n %'e e&en% %'a% Contractor #s reIu#red %o arb#%ra%e a d#s;u%e -#%' %'e C"ient or an, o%'er %'#rd ;ar%,2 -'#$' d#s;u%e ar#ses ou% of or #s d#re$%<, re<a%ed %o %'#s Subcontract9 Subcontractor agrees %o Bo#n #n su$' arb#%ra%#on ;ro$eed#ng as Contractor ma, d#re$% and s'a<< subm#% %o su$' Bur#sd#$%#on and be f#na<<, bound b, %'e Budgmen% rendered #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'e arb#%ra%#on ru<es %'a% a;;<,5 !'e ;<a$e of arb#%ra%#on s'a<< be 9dmon%on2 4<ber%a2 Canada and %'e <anguage of %'e arb#%ra< ;ro$eed#ngs s'a<< be 9ng<#s'5 In %'e e&en% %'a% Contractor #s reIu#red %o arb#%ra%e a d#s;u%e -#%' a %'#rd ;ar%,2 #n$<ud#ng C"ient2 -'#$' d#s;u%e ar#ses ou% of %'#s Subcontract or #s #n an, -a, $onne$%ed -#%' Subcontractor2 Subcontractor agrees %o Bo#n #n su$' arb#%ra%#on ;ro$eed#ng as Contractor ma, d#re$% and s'a<< subm#% %o su$' Bur#sd#$%#on and be f#na<<, bound b, %'e Budgmen% rendered #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'e arb#%ra%#on ru<es as ma, be es%ab<#s'ed %'ere#n5
Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506 Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009 Page @ of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

Pend#ng reso<u%#on or se%%<emen% of an, d#s;u%e ar#s#ng under %'#s Subcontract2 Subcontractor -#<< ;ro$eed d#<#gen%<, as d#re$%ed b, Contractor -#%' ;erforman$e of %'#s Subcontract5 !'#s 4r%#$<e s'a<< no% a;;<, #n %'e e&en% of a &#o<a%#on or <#3e<, &#o<a%#on of %'e $onf#den%#a<#%, ;ro&#s#ons 'ere#n5 Artic"e )<' Invoicin& an0 a/!ent 95 8n %'e 00%' da, of ea$' $a<endar mon%'2 or su$' o%'er da%e as no%#f#ed b, Contractor2 Subcontractor s'a<< subm#% %o Contractor an a;;<#$a%#on $o&er#ng %'e &a<ue of %'e Subcontract Wor$ $om;<e%ed2 u; %o %'e end of %'e ;re$ed#ng mon%'2 based on %'e Subcontract rice2 %oge%'er -#%' su$' su;;or%#ng do$umen%a%#on #n$<ud#ng2 bu% no% <#m#%ed %o %'e -a#&ers of <#en2 and su$' de%a#<ed and #%em#Ged a$%ua< #nforma%#on %o su;;or% %'e a;;<#$a%#on as ma, be reIu#red b, Contractor5 1#%'#n se&en (7+ 6a,s %'e Contractor s'a<< #ssue a ;a,men% $er%#f#$a%e and %'e Subcontractor s'a<< subm#% an #n&o#$e #n %'e amoun% $er%#f#ed5 Cer%#f#$a%es s'a<< s'o- %'e &a<ue of Subcontract Wor$ $om;<e%ed2 <ess ;re&#ous ;a,men%s made (#f an,+ and <ess an, re%en%#on %o be -#%''e<d a% %'e ra%e s%a%ed #n %'e Infor!ation Sc1e0u"e2 In%er#m ;a,men%s s'a<< be made -#%'#n %'#r%, (00+ $a<endar da,s af%er re$e#;% of an #n&o#$e -'#$' ma%$'es %'e ;a,men% $er%#f#$a%e5 F#na< ;a,men% of %'e ba<an$e due of %'e Subcontract rice s'a<< be made %o Subcontractor -#%'#n for%,-f#&e (@5+ $a<endar da,s af%er re$e#;% b, Contractor of Subcontractor.* f#na< #n&o#$e -'#$' ma%$'es %'e f#na< ;a,men% $er%#f#$a%e5 Pa,men% %o Subcontractor does no% #m;<, a$$e;%an$e of an, ;or%#on of %'e Subcontract Wor$2 1#%'#n s#?%, (60+ Da/* of #ssue of %'e Co!+"etion of Subcontract Wor$ $er%#f#$a%e b, Contractor2 Subcontractor s'a<< de<#&er Subcontractor.* a;;<#$a%#on for f#na< ;a,men%5 7e$e#;% of f#na< ;a,men% b, Subcontractor s'a<< $ons%#%u%e a -a#&er b, Subcontractor of an, and a<< $<a#ms aga#ns% Contractor and C"ient for a<< ;ur;oses re<a%#ng %o %'e Subcontract Wor$2 bu% s'a<< #n no -a, re<#e&e %'e Subcontractor of <#ab#<#%, for %'e ob<#ga%#ons assumed under %'#s Subcontract5


950 95@

Artic"e 3=' Ri&1t to Wit11o"0 a/!ent an0 Bac$ C1ar&e 205 S'ou<d Subcontractor2 #%s Sub(Subcontractor* or agen%s $ause damage %o %'e ro#ect2 fa#< %o ;erform2 or fa#< %o d#s$'arge <#ens as reIu#red 'ere#n2 or o%'er-#se be #n defau<% under %'e %erms of %'#s Subcontract2 Contractor s'a<< 'a&e %'e r#g'% %o -#%''o<d and offse% an, amoun%s from an, ;a,men% due or %o be$ome due Subcontractor on %'#s ro#ect or an, o%'er ;roBe$% b, -'#$' amoun%s are o-#ng Subcontractor b, Contractor5 S'ou<d Contractor -#%''o<d an, sums or ;a,men%s ;ursuan% %o an, ;ro&#s#on of %'e Subcontract2 su$' -#%''o<d#ng s'a<< no% be grounds for Subcontractor %o sus;end2 de<a, or $ease ;erforman$e of %'e Subcontract Wor$5


Artic"e 3)' Ri&1t to Au0it If an, of %'e Subcontract Wor$ s'a<< be done on o%'er %'an a <um; sum bas#s2 Subcontractor s'a<< ma#n%a#n boo3s and re$ords and %o ma3e same a&a#<ab<e for #ns;e$%#on and aud#% b, Contractor dur#ng %'e %erm of %'#s Subcontract and for %'ree (0+ ,ears af%er f#na< ;a,men% 'as been made under %'#s Subcontract5 Artic"e 33' In0e!nit/ 225 Subcontractor re<eases2 and s'a<< #ndemn#f,2 defend and 'o<d 'arm<ess C"ient and Contractor2 and %'e#r subs#d#ar#es and aff#<#a%es and %'e off#$ers2 agen%s2 em;<o,ees2 su$$essors and ass#gns2 and au%'or#Ged re;resen%a%#&es of a<< %'e forego#ng from and aga#ns% an, and a<< su#%s2 a$%#ons2 <ega< or adm#n#s%ra%#&e ;ro$eed#ngs2 $<a#ms2 demands2 damages2 <#ab#<#%#es2 #n%eres%2 a%%orne,Ks fees2 $os%s and e?;enses of -'a%soe&er 3#nd or na%ure ar#s#ng ou% of2 or #n $onne$%#on -#%' fa#<ure b, Subcontractor %o $om;<, -#%' an, <a-2 ord#nan$e2 regu<a%#on2 ru<e2 order or -#%' %'#s Subcontract2 #nBur#es or dea%' of an,
Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009 Page 5 of 2

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

;erson (#n$<ud#ng em;<o,ees of Subcontractor2 #%s Sub(*ubcontractor*2 C"ient or Contractor+2 des#gn defe$%s (#f des#gn or#g#na%ed from Subcontractor+ or damages %o an, and a<< ;ro;er%, (#n$<ud#ng Subcontractor.*2 C"ient.* and Contractor.* ;ro;er%,+2 #n an, -a, $aused or sus%a#ned or a<<eged %o be $aused or sus%a#ned2 #n $onne$%#on -#%' or #n$#den%a< %o %'e ;erforman$e of %'e Subcontract Wor$2 or b, an, a$% or om#ss#on b, Subcontractor2 #%s Sub(*ubcontractor* of an, %#er or &endors2 or of an,one a$%#ng under Subcontractor.* d#re$%#on or $on%ro< or on #%s be'a<f2 'o-soe&er ar#s#ng5 Subcontractor.* aforesa#d re<ease2 #ndemn#%, and 'o<d 'arm<ess ob<#ga%#ons2 s'a<< a;;<, e&en #n %'e e&en% of %'e fau<% or neg<#gen$e (-'e%'er a$%#&e or ;ass#&e+ or s%r#$% <#ab#<#%, of %'e ;ar%#es re<eased2 #ndemn#f#ed or 'e<d 'arm<ess %o %'e fu<<es% e?%en% ;erm#%%ed b, <a-2 bu% #n no e&en% s'a<< %'e, a;;<, %o <#ab#<#%, $aused b, %'e so<e neg<#gen$e or -#<<fu< m#s$ondu$% of %'e ;ar%, re<eased2 #ndemn#f#ed and 'e<d 'arm<ess5 2252 !'e #ndemn#f#$a%#on ;ro&#s#ons abo&e s'a<< no% <#m#% %'e #nsuran$e $o&erage ;ro&#ded %o Contractor b, Subcontractor5 Contractor s'a<< be en%#%<ed %o -#%''o<d from an, ;a,men% su$' amoun% as ma, be reasonab<, ne$essar, %o ;ro%e$% Contractor9 C"ient and %'e#r res;e$%#&e #ndemn#%#es aga#ns% <#ab#<#%, for an, #ndemn#f#$a%#on $<a#m5 1#%' regard %o an, and a<< $<a#ms aga#ns% %'e Contractor or C"ient b, an, em;<o,ee of Subcontractor2 an,one d#re$%<, or #nd#re$%<, em;<o,ed b, Subcontractor or an,one for -'ose a$%s Subcontractor ma, be <#ab<e2 %'e #ndemn#f#$a%#on ob<#ga%#on s'a<< no% be <#m#%ed #n an, -a, b, an, <#m#%a%#on on %'e amoun% or %,;e of damages2 $om;ensa%#on or benef#%s ;a,ab<e b, or for %'e Subcontractor under -or3ersK $om;ensa%#on a$%s2 d#sab#<#%, benef#% a$%s or o%'er em;<o,ee benef#% a$%s5

Artic"e 34' In*urance 205 Subcontractor s'a<< arrange as a m#n#mum %'e #nsuran$es se% ou% be<o- and ensure %'a% %'e, are #n fu<< for$e and effe$% dur#ng %'e -'o<e ;er#od of %'#s Subcontract from Effective Date un%#< %'e #ssue of %'e Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ $er%#f#$a%e5 Su$' #nsuran$es s'a<< a<so -'ere ;oss#b<e2 ;ro&#de %'a% Contractor s'a<< be g#&en no% <ess %'an %'#r%, (00+ Da/* no%#$e of $an$e<<a%#on of or ma%er#a< $'ange %o $o&er5 !'e ;ro&#s#ons of %'#s 4r%#$<e s'a<< #n no -a, <#m#% %'e <#ab#<#%, of Subcontractor under %'e Subcontract5 (4+ 1or3erNs Com;ensa%#on and 9m;<o,erNs /#ab#<#%, Insuran$e as reIu#red b, <o$a< <a- for a<< Subcontractor.* em;<o,ees engaged #n ;erform#ng %'e Subcontract Wor$2 #n$<ud#ng )8%'er S%a%es* #nsuran$e2 8$$u;a%#ona< I<<ness or 6#sease $o&erage2 and 9m;<o,ersK /#ab#<#%, #nsuran$e -#%' a <#m#% of no% <ess %'an one m#<<#on Canad#an do<<ars (D 20002000+ ;er o$$urren$e and an 4<%erna%e 9m;<o,er endorsemen%5 !'#s #nsuran$e $o&erage -#<< be ;r#mar, and non-$on%r#bu%#ng -#%' res;e$% %o an, o%'er #nsuran$e or se<f-#nsuran$e %'a% ma, be ma#n%a#ned b, Contractor5 (.+ Com;re'ens#&e >enera< /#ab#<#%, Insuran$e ;ro&#d#ng $o&erage for #nBur,2 dea%'2 or ;ro;er%, damage resu<%#ng from ea$' o$$urren$e -#%' $omb#ned s#ng<e <#m#% of no% <ess %'an %-o m#<<#on Canad#an do<<ars (D220002000+ ;er o$$urren$e5 (C+ 4u%omob#<e /#ab#<#%, Insuran$e $o&er#ng o-ned2 non-o-ned2 and ren%ed au%omo%#&e eIu#;men% -#%' ;o<#$, <#m#%s a% <eas% %-o m#<<#on Canad#an do<<ars (D220002000+ $o&erage for #nBur,2 dea%'2 or ;ro;er%, damage resu<%#ng from ea$' a$$#den%5 4dd#%#ona< Insured and 1a#&er of Subroga%#on: No%-#%'s%and#ng an, ;ro&#s#on of %'e 4greemen% %o %'e $on%rar,2 Subcontractor.* #nsuran$e ;o<#$,(#es+ des$r#bed #n %'#s 4r%#$<e s'a<< (#+ $o&er Contractor and C"ient as an add#%#ona< #nsureds %o %'e e?%en% of Contractor.* and C"ient.* #ndemn#f#$a%#on res;ons#b#<#%#es2 and (##+ be ;r#mar, as %o a<< o%'er ;o<#$#es (#n$<ud#ng an, dedu$%#b<es or se<f-#nsured re%en%#ons+ and se<f-#nsuran$e %'a% ma, ;ro&#de $o&erage5 I% #s fur%'er e?;ress<, agreed %'a% Subcontractor and #%s #nsurer(s+ ;ro&#d#ng $o&erage #n %'#s 4r%#$<e s'a<< -a#&e a<< r#g'%s of subroga%#on andMor $on%r#bu%#on aga#ns% Contractor and C"ient %o %'e e?%en% <#ab#<#%#es are assumed b, Subcontractor5 Ne#%'er Contractor nor C"ient -#<< ma#n%a#n an, #nsuran$e on be'a<f of Subcontractor $o&er#ng <oss or damage %o %'e Sub$on%ra$% 1or3 or %o an, o%'er ;ro;er%, of Sub$on%ra$%or un<ess o%'er-#se s;e$#f#$a<<, se% for%' 'ere#n5 None of %'e reIu#remen%s $on%a#ned 'ere#n as %o %,;es2 <#m#%s2 and a;;ro&a< of #nsuran$e

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

Page 6 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

$o&erage %o be ma#n%a#ned b, Subcontractor are #n%ended %o and s'a<< no% #n an, manner <#m#% or Iua<#f, %'e <#ab#<#%#es and ob<#ga%#ons assumed b, Subcontractor under %'#s 4greemen%5 2052 1#%'#n %en ( 0+ Da/* af%er %'e Effective Date or before %'e da, of $ommen$emen% of an, Subcontract Wor$ a% %'e Site2 -'#$'e&er #s %'e ear<#es%2 Subcontractor s'a<< furn#s' %o Contractor $er%#f#$a%es of #nsuran$e for %'e #nsuran$es reIu#red b, %'#s 4r%#$<e 202 %oge%'er -#%' ;roof of ;rem#um ;a,men%2 g#&#ng e&#den$e of %'e %,;e and s$o;e of ea$' #nsuran$e and a s%a%emen% from %'e #nsurers %'a% no #nsuran$e s'a<< be $an$e<<ed or ma%er#a<<, $'anged for %'e dura%#on of %'e Subcontract -#%'ou% %'#r%, (00+ Da/* ;r#or -r#%%en no%#$e from %'e #nsurers %o Contractor5 S'ou<d Subcontractor a% an, %#me neg<e$% or refuse %o ;ro&#de an, #nsuran$e reIu#red 'ere#n2 or s'ou<d an, #nsuran$e be $an$e<<ed2 Contractor s'a<< 'a&e %'e r#g'% %o ;ro$ure and ma#n%a#n su$' #nsuran$e for and on be'a<f of Subcontractor5 In su$' e&en%2 Contractor s'a<< au%'or#Ge a C1an&e Or0er #n a$$ordan$e -#%' 4r%#$<e 62 C'anges %o %'e Sub$on%ra$% 1or32 and %'e Subcontract rice s'a<< be redu$ed b, an amoun% eIua< %o Contractor.* $os%s #n ;ro$ur#ng and ma#n%a#n#ng su$' #nsuran$e5 4;;ro&a< b, Contractor of an, #nsurer or %erms of #nsuran$e ;ro;osed b, Subcontractor s'a<< no% re<#e&e Subcontractor of an, ob<#ga%#on or <#ab#<#%, under or ar#s#ng from %'e Subcontract2 Le&i*"ation 2 or a% <a-5 1#%'ou% <#m#%a%#on of Subcontractor.* ob<#ga%#ons and res;ons#b#<#%#es2 #f Subcontractor sub$on%ra$%s an, ;ar% of %'e Subcontract Wor$2 %'e res;ons#b#<#%, and #nsuran$e ;ro&#s#ons of ea$' su$' sub$on%ra$% s'a<< be $ons#s%en% -#%' %'e Subcontract5



Artic"e 35' Bon0* 2@5 4s a $ond#%#on ;re$eden% %o ;a,men%2 Subcontractor s'a<< furn#s' ;erforman$e and ;a,men% bonds ea$' #n an amoun% a% <eas% eIua< %o %'e Subcontract rice as se$ur#%, for %'e fa#%'fu< ;erforman$e and ;a,men% of #%s ob<#ga%#ons under %'#s Subcontract5 !'ese bonds s'a<< rema#n #n fu<< for$e and effe$% a% <eas% un%#< %'e <a%er of one ,ear af%er %'e da%e -'en f#na< ;a,men% be$omes due or un%#< #ssue of %'e Acce+tance of Subcontract Wor$ $er%#f#$a%e5 !'e sure%, furn#s'#ng %'e ;erforman$e and ;a,men% bonds s'a<< e#%'er be #n$<uded on %'e U5S5 !reasur, <#s% of a$$e;%ab<e sure%#es2 or 'a&e a .9S! ra%#ng of 4-or '#g'er5 4<< bonds s'a<< be #n %'e form ;res$r#bed b, <a-2 regu<a%#on or b, 4;;end#? 82 .onds and >uaran%ees2 and s'a<< be e?e$u%ed b, su$' sure%#es as are a$$e;%ab<e %o Contractor and C"ient and -'#$' are <#$ensed %o do bus#ness #n %'e s%a%e -'ere %'e ro#ect #s <o$a%ed5 4<< bonds s#gned b, an agen% mus% be a$$om;an#ed b, a $er%#f#ed and $urren% $o;, of %'e au%'or#%, %o a$%5 If %'e sure%, on an, bond furn#s'ed b, Subcontractor #s de$<ared ban3ru;%2 be$omes #nso<&en%2 #s %erm#na%ed from #%s r#g'%s %o do bus#ness #n an, s%a%e -'ere an, ;ar% of %'e ro#ect #s <o$a%ed2 or $eases %o mee% %'e reIu#remen%s of %'#s ;aragra;'2 Subcontractor s'a<< -#%'#n f#&e (5+ Da/* of su$' e&en%2 subs%#%u%e ano%'er bond or sure%, bo%' of -'#$' mus% be a$$e;%ab<e %o Contractor and C"ient5 !'e ;rem#um for %'ese bonds #s #n$<uded #n %'e Subcontract rice5 No $'ange2 re&#s#on2 a<%era%#ons2 or mod#f#$a%#on %o or de&#a%#on from %'e Subcontract2 %'e dra-#ngs2 ;<ans2 s;e$#f#$a%#ons2 or o%'er sub$on%ra$% do$umen%s2 -'e%'er made #n %'e manner ;ro&#ded #n %'e Subcontract or no%2 s'a<< re<ease or e?onera%e2 #n -'o<e or #n ;ar%2 an, bond or an, sure%, on an, bond g#&en #n $onne$%#on -#%' %'e Subcontract= and no no%#$e #s reIu#red %o be g#&en %o su$' sure%, of an, su$' $'ange2 a<%era%#on2 mod#f#$a%#ons2 or de&#a%#on5 In %'e e&en% Subcontractor fa#<s %o ;ro&#de %'e bonds -#%'#n %'e %en ( 0+ Da/ ;er#od s%a%ed abo&e2 Contractor ma, %erm#na%e %'#s Subcontract and 'a&e %'e Subcontract Wor$ e?e$u%ed b, ano%'er sub$on%ra$%or and a<< Contractor $os%s and e?;enses #n$urred %'ereb, s'a<< be ;a#d b, Subcontractor5



Artic"e 37' Waiver of Con*e@uentia" Da!a&e* 9?$e;% as o%'er-#se ;ro&#ded #n %'e Subcontract2 ne#%'er ;ar%, 'ere%o s'a<< be <#ab<e %o %'e o%'er for an, s;e$#a<2 #nd#re$% or $onseIuen%#a< damages2 #n$<ud#ng bu% no% <#m#%ed %o <oss of ;rof#%2 <oss of ;rodu$%#on or <oss of bus#ness2 'o-soe&er ar#s#ng and -'e%'er or no% based on $on%ra$%2 %or% (#n$<ud#ng a$%#&e neg<#gen$e and s%r#$% <#ab#<#%,+5

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

Page 7 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

Artic"e 38' Ter!ination for Defau"t 265 If Subcontractor defau<%s #n ;erform#ng #%s ob<#ga%#ons2 and fa#<s -#%'#n %'ree (0+ Da/* af%er -r#%%en no%#f#$a%#on b, Contractor %o $ommen$e and $on%#nue d#<#gen% $orre$%#on of %'e defau<%2 %'en Contractor s'a<< 'a&e %'e fo<<o-#ng r#g'%s2 among o%'ers: a5 Su;;<, -or3ers2 ma%er#a<s2 eIu#;men% and fa$#<#%#es as Contractor deems ne$essar, %o ma#n%a#n %'e order<, ;rogress of %'e Subcontract Wor$2 #n$<ud#ng %'e r#g'% %o %a3e and use an, ma%er#a<s or %oo<s furn#s'ed b, Subcontractor and <o$a%ed a% %'e Site= b5 Se<f-;erform %'e Subcontract Wor$ or $on%ra$% -#%' add#%#ona< sub$on%ra$%ors %o ;ro&#de %'e mos% e?;ed#%#ous $om;<e%#on of %'e Subcontract Wor$2 and dedu$% or ba$3 $'arge an, su$' $os%s %o Subcontractor= and $5 1#%''o<d an, ;a,men%s due %o Subcontractor ;end#ng $orre$%#&e a$%#on #n amoun%s deemed suff#$#en% b, Contractor %o ;ro%e$% Contractor and #%s C"ient2 and d5 !erm#na%e %'e Subcontract5 Subcontractor s'a<< be <#ab<e for %'e ;a,men% of an, amoun%s b, -'#$' su$' e?;enses ar#s#ng from 4r%#$<e 265 abo&e ma, e?$eed %'e un;a#d ba<an$e of %'e Subcontract rice5


Artic"e 3:' Ter!ination for Convenience 275 Contractor reser&es %'e r#g'% %o ;ar%#a<<, or $om;<e%e<, %erm#na%e %'#s Subcontract for #%s $on&en#en$e a% an, %#me5 Subcontractor s'a<< ;rom;%<, %'ereaf%er: (a+ d#s$on%#nue a<< -or3 so %erm#na%ed= (b+ #mmed#a%e<, $ease a<< ;ro$uremen%2 ;rodu$%#on and s'#;men% of ma%er#a<= and ($+ ;reser&e and ;ro%e$% ma%er#a<s on 'and2 -or3 #n ;rogress2 and $om;<e%ed -or3 -'e%'er a% %'e ro#ect Site or #n Subcontractor.* or #%s Sub(Subcontractor.* fa$#<#%#es (-'e%'er ;ermanen% or %em;orar,+ or #n %rans#% ;end#ng Contractor.* -r#%%en #ns%ru$%#ons5 Contractor agrees %o ;a, on<, %'e Co*t,*-2 -'#$' are a%%r#bu%ab<e %o Subcontract Wor$ $om;<e%ed u; %o %'e da%e of %erm#na%#on5 4<< ma%er#a<s and -or3 of e&er, na%ure for -'#$' Subcontractor re$e#&es ;a,men% s'a<< be$ome %'e ;ro;er%, of Contractor5 Subcontractor and #%s Sub(Subcontractor* s'a<< no% be en%#%<ed %o an, <oss of ;ros;e$%#&e ;rof#%s or $on%r#bu%#on %o o&er'ead be$ause of su$' %erm#na%#on5 If Subcontractor f#<es a ;e%#%#on see3#ng ;ro%e$%#on under %'e .an3ru;%$, Code2 Contractor ma,2 a% #%s o;%#on2 %erm#na%e %'#s Subcontract5


Artic"e 3;' Su*+en*ion Contractor ma, order Subcontractor #n -r#%#ng %o sus;end a<< or an, ;ar% of %'e Subcontract Wor$5 P'ased Subcontract Wor$ or #n%erru;%#ons of %'e Subcontract Wor$ for s'or% ;er#ods of %#me s'a<< no% be $ons#dered a sus;ens#on5 Subcontractor s'a<< no%#f, Contractor #n -r#%#ng -#%'#n %en ( 0+ Da/* of %'e effe$% of su$' order u;on %'e Subcontract Wor$5 Contractor s'a<< adBus% %'e Subcontract rice or Sc1e0u"e b, a C'ange 8rder for an, ma%er#a< #n$rease #n %'e %#me or Co*t,*- of ;erforman$e of %'e Subcontract $aused b, su$' sus;ens#on5 Ne#%'er %'e Subcontract rice nor %'e Sc1e0u"e s'a<< be adBus%ed for sus;ens#ons $aused b, %'e fau<% or neg<#gen$e of Subcontractor or #%s Sub( Subcontractor*5 Artic"e 3<' Force Ma#eure 295 AFor$e MaBeure* s'a<< mean an e&en% be,ond %'e $on%ro< and -#%'ou% %'e fau<% or neg<#gen$e of %'e ;ar%, unab<e %o ;erform #%s ob<#ga%#ons under %'#s Subcontract #n$<ud#ng bu% no% <#m#%ed %o: -ar= $#&#< d#s%urban$e= f<oods= f#res= e?;<os#ons= e?;ro;r#a%#on or $ondemna%#on of fa$#<#%#es= a$%s of >od or %'e ;ub<#$ enem, or $'anges #n a;;<#$ab<e /a-5 Inab#<#%, %o ;a, s'a<< no% be $ons#dered a For$e MaBeure e&en%5 Fa#<ure of ;erforman$e resu<%#ng from For$e MaBeure s'a<< no% be $ons#dered a defau<% under %'#s Subcontract5 Subcontractor s'a<< g#&e #mmed#a%e no%#$e %o Contractor and s'a<< %a3e a<< reasonab<e s%e;s %o m#%#ga%e %'e effe$%s of %'e For$e MaBeure e&en% and resume ;erforman$e as Iu#$3<, as ;oss#b<e5 Subcontractor.* so<e remed, for a For$e MaBeure e&en% s'a<< be an eIu#%ab<e adBus%men% %o %'e da%e for Co!+"etion of t1e Subcontract Wor$ se% ou% #n %'e Sc1e0u"e5
Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009 Page 8 of 2


Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

Artic"e 4=' A++"icab"e LaB !'e Subcontract s'a<< be $ons%rued #n a$$ordan$e -#%' %'e <a-s of 4<ber%a Canada2 -#%'ou% referen$e %o %'e ru<es ;er%a#n#ng %o %'e $onf<#$% of <a-s5 Artic"e 4)' Co!+"iance Bit1 LaB* Subcontractor s'a<< $om;<, -#%' a<< Federa<2 S%a%e and /o$a< <a-s2 ord#nan$es2 ru<es and regu<a%#ons a;;<#$ab<e %o %'e Subcontract Wor$5 Artic"e 43' Bu*ine** Et1ic* 025 Subcontractor re$ogn#Ges %'a% Contractor or #%s aff#<#a%es ma, be subBe$% %o %'e Fore#gn Corru;% Pra$%#$es 4$% of 9772 as amended2 of %'e Un#%ed S%a%es of 4mer#$a (%'e )4$%*+ and o%'er <a-s ;er%a#n#ng %o e%'#$s5 Subcontractor re;resen%s and -arran%s %'a% as of %'e da%e of e?e$u%#on of %'#s Subcontract and dur#ng %'e %erm of %'#s Subcontract: ,a+ ne#%'er Subcontractor nor an, of #%s d#re$%ors2 off#$ers or em;<o,ees #s or -#<< be$ome: (#+ an off#$er2 em;<o,ee or a$%#&e member of %'e armed ser&#$es of an, Bur#sd#$%#on #n -'#$' %'e ;roBe$% re<a%ed %o %'#s Subcontract #s <o$a%ed2 -'o ;ossesses ;ro$uremen% au%'or#%, for %'e armed ser&#$es= (##+ an off#$er or em;<o,ee of an, go&ernmen% or go&ernmen%a< de;ar%men%2 agen$, or #ns%rumen%a<#%, #n %'ose Bur#sd#$%#ons= (###+ an off#$#a< of a ;o<#%#$a< ;ar%, or $and#da%e for ;o<#%#$a< off#$e #n an, of %'ose Bur#sd#$%#ons= or (#&+ an off#$er2 d#re$%or2 em;<o,ee or )aff#<#a%e* of %'e C"ient= (b+ no off#$#a< of an, go&ernmen% or go&ernmen%a< de;ar%men%2 agen$, or #ns%rumen%a<#%, #n an, of %'ose Bur#sd#$%#ons #s or -#<< be$ome asso$#a%ed -#%'2 or ;resen%<, o-ns or -#<< o-n an #n%eres%2 -'e%'er d#re$% or #nd#re$%2 #n Subcontractor or 'as or -#<< 'a&e an, <ega< or benef#$#a< #n%eres% #n %'#s Subcontract or #n %'e ;a,men%s made b, Contractor 'ereunderC and ($+ Subcontractor 'as no% and -#<< no% d#re$%<, or #nd#re$%<, ma3e or au%'or#Ge an, ;a,men%s2 g#f%s or offers or ;rom#ses %o ;a, or %o g#&e an,%'#ng of &a<ue %o a fore#gn or ;o<#%#$a< ;ar%, off#$#a<2 ;o<#%#$a< ;ar%, or $and#da%e #n an, of %'ose Bur#sd#$%#ons %o ass#s% #n ob%a#n#ng or re%a#n#ng bus#ness or d#re$%#ng bus#ness %o o%'ers -'#$'2 #f done b, Contractor or #%s aff#<#a%es2 -ou<d &#o<a%e an, a;;<#$ab<e <a- re<a%#ng %o e%'#$s #n$<ud#ng bu% no% <#m#%ed %o %'e 4$%5 0252 Subcontractor s'a<< #n$<ude #n #%s sub$on%ra$%s and ;ur$'ase orders a <#3e ;ro&#s#on2 res%r#$%#ng #%s Sub( Subcontractor* and &endors from engag#ng #n $ondu$% -'#$' #f engaged #n b, Contractor or #%s aff#<#a%es -ou<d &#o<a%e a;;<#$ab<e <a-s re<a%#ng %o e%'#$s #n$<ud#ng2 bu% no% <#m#%ed %o2 %'e 4$%5 Contractor ma, aud#% an, re$ords of Subcontractor %o de%erm#ne $om;<#an$e -#%' %'#s 4r%#$<e5 Subcontractor s'a<< #mmed#a%e<, no%#f, Contractor of an, &#o<a%#on of %'#s 4r%#$<e5 Subcontractor s'a<< defend2 #ndemn#f, and 'o<d Contractor and #%s aff#<#a%es 'arm<ess from and aga#ns% a<< $<a#ms2 <oss and e?;ense ar#s#ng ou% of an, brea$' of %'#s 4r%#$<e #n$<ud#ng bu% no% <#m#%ed %o refund (-'e%'er b, offse% or o%'er-#se+ of %'e &a<ue of an, ;a,men%s2 g#f%s or offers or ;rom#ses %o ;a, or %o g#&e an,%'#ng of &a<ue made #n brea$' of %'#s 4r%#$<e5

Artic"e 44' er!it*9 Fee*9 Licen*e*9 an0 TaDe* Subcontractor s'a<< be res;ons#b<e for %#me<, $om;<#an$e -#%' a<< ;erm#%s2 fees2 <#$enses2 assessmen%s2 #ns;e$%#ons2 %es%#ng and <e&#es2 du%#es and %a?es of e&er, na%ure ne$essar, %o $om;<e%e %'e Subcontract Wor$5 Subcontractor s'a<< de<#&er a<< reIu#red ;erm#%s2 <#$enses2 and $er%#f#$a%es of #ns;e$%#on2 %es%#ng or a;;ro&a< %o Contractor5 Subcontractor s'a<< %#me<, ;a, a<< $on%r#bu%#ons or %a?es measured b, -ages2 sa<ar#es or o%'er remunera%#ons ;a#d %o ;ersons em;<o,ed b, Subcontractor or #%s Sub(Subcontractor*5 Subcontractor s'a<< #ndemn#f,2 defend and 'o<d 'arm<ess Contractor and C"ient from <#ab#<#%, on a$$oun% of a<< su$' %a?es and assessmen%s des$r#bed #n %'#s 4r%#$<e5 Artic"e 45' Non(Waiver !'e fa#<ure of e#%'er ;ar%, %o #ns#s% on %'e ;erforman$e of an, ;ar% of %'#s Subcontract s'a<< no% a$% as a -a#&er of an, %erm2 $o&enan%2 $ond#%#on or r#g'% -#%' res;e$% %o fu%ure ;erforman$e2 -'e%'er of a same or s#m#<ar %,;e5
Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506 Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009 Page 9 of 2

Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

Artic"e 47' Confi0entia"it/ Subcontractor s'a<< ma#n%a#n #n $onf#den$e an, and a<< Infor!ation ;ro&#ded b, Contractor or C"ient d#re$%<, or #nd#re$%<, or $on%a#ned #n %'e #nIu#r, andMor %'e Subcontract %oge%'er -#%' a<< #nforma%#on de&e<o;ed or ar#s#ng from %'e ;re;ara%#on of %'e b#d or %'e ;erforman$e of %'e Subcontract or Subcontract Wor$5 !'e Infor!ation s'a<< rema#n %'e ;ro;er%, of Contractor and C"ient and Subcontractor ma, on<, d#s$<ose %'e same #f and %o %'e e?%en% a;;ro&ed b, Contractor and af%er ob%a#n#ng from an, %'#rd ;ar%, a;;ro;r#a%e ;ro%e$%#on a$$e;%ab<e %o Contractor as %o $onf#den%#a<#%, bu% #n an, e&en% su$' d#s$<osure #s s%r#$%<, <#m#%ed on<, %o %'e e?%en% ne$essar, %o effe$% %'e ;re;ara%#on of %'e b#d or %'e ;erforman$e of %'e Subcontract and %'e Subcontract Wor$5 Subcontractor agrees no% %o use for ;ub<#$#%, ;ur;oses an, ma%er#a<s #n $onne$%#on -#%' %'e ;erforman$e of %'#s Subcontract -#%'ou% %'e ;r#or -r#%%en $onsen% of Contractor5 U;on Co!+"etion of %'e Subcontract Wor$2 Subcontractor s'a<< re%urn %o Contractor a<< ma%er#a< and #nforma%#on ;ro&#ded %o Subcontractor #n ;erforman$e of %'e Subcontract and %'e Subcontract Wor$5 Subcontractor s'a<< ensure %'a% %'e ;ro&#s#ons of %'#s 4r%#$<e are #n$or;ora%ed #n an, sub$on%ra$% or ;ur$'ase order and %'a% %'e Sub(*ubcontractor*2 off#$ers2 em;<o,ees and agen%s of Subcontractor $om;<, -#%' %'e same5 Artic"e 48' Severabi"it/ !'e #n&a<#d#%, of one or more ;ro&#s#ons of %'#s Subcontract s'a<< no% affe$% %'e &a<#d#%, or $on%#nu#ng for$e and effe$% of an, o%'er ;ro&#s#on and %'#s Subcontract -#<< $on%#nue #n fu<< for$e -#%'ou% %'e #n&a<#d ;ro&#s#on5 Artic"e 4:' Surviva" !'e ;ro&#s#ons of %'e Subcontract -'#$' b, %'e#r na%ure are #n%ended %o sur&#&e %'e %erm#na%#on2 $an$e<<a%#on2 $om;<e%#on or e?;#ra%#on of %'e Subcontract2 s'a<< $on%#nue as &a<#d and enfor$eab<e ob<#ga%#ons of %'e ;ar%#es no%-#%'s%and#ng an, su$' %erm#na%#on2 $an$e<<a%#on2 $om;<e%#on or e?;#ra%#on5 Artic"e 4;' Re!e0ie* Contractor.* r#g'%s and remed#es under %'e Subcontract are $umu<a%#&e and are #n add#%#on %o an, and a<< of Contractor.* r#g'%s or remed#es a% <a- or eIu#%,5


Prof#% - 4r%#$<e 5 0 9ffe$%#&e 6a%e - 4r%#$<e 57 7e%en%#on Per$en%age - 4r%#$<e 95 .onds O 4r%#$<e 2@ (4;;end#? 8 O .an3 >uaran%ee for Performan$e+
Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506 Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

NM4 00%' June 20 0 No% 4;;<#$ab<e D520002000500

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Project Number: 166750 Subcontract Number 166750-SC-SM-005

Project Name: Kearl Oil Sands Project Subcontract Title: Scaffolding

6efe$%s /#ab#<#%, Per#od - 4r%#$<e 5 P<a$e of 4rb#%ra%#on 4;;<#$ab<e /a- - 4r%#$<e 00

No% 4;;<#$ab<e 4<ber%a Canada Canada

Form Number: CMS-70-00-FM-00506

Issued for Use: 08 Jan 2009

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