Yeshurun International 15

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Shabbat 22/11/5991 (23
Jan 2014) Study Ex 20:3-! 23:13! "#$ %:1&.
Isa 42:8 I AM YH'H: that is my name my !"#ry I sha"" n#t !i$e t# an#ther% neither my &raise !i$en t#

But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven..
We are going to cover the changing of the second commandment in the Catholic Church, even though the bible is
still very clear that God is AGAINST having any type of idol near the worship place of the One True God, and His
Son, Jesus Christ. The queen of heaven is a deity which the Jews began to worship and burn incense to, and has
sadly been incorporated into the Catholic Church. Never did the apostles of Jesus Christ command their followers to
say prayers to Jesus mother, no matter how much favour she had from God, prayer requests were only to be said to
God The Father in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
This is in no way an attack on anyones faith, but this is meant to help people understand how to walk in faith,
rather than walk in error (and therefore against God) and develop resentment for Christianity. Gods message is: Jn
3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should
not perish, but have everlasting life.
The frst thing we should realise is that God is merciful, and if we repent by acknowledging what Jesus Christ did
for us on the cross, and believe he is the Son of God, and was risen from the dead, we shall be saved. The second
thing we should realise is that when we receive Gods forgiveness and the Holy Spirit, we should live according to
His commandments- but what if these commandments were changed? The apostle Paul & John taught about
turning from idols, which proves it is still something we should do today:
1 Th 1:9 For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God
from idols to serve the living and true God 1Jn 5:21 !ittle children, "eep yourselves from idols. #men.
The enemy of God, satan, will always try to teach people it is ok to disobey God. His soul is already condemned by
God, and he is trying to take as many human beings as possible with him to the lake of fre (see Rev 20:10). God has
already provided the atonement for our souls from breaking His commandments, but it is then up to us to make sure
we are not grieving the Holy Spirit by breaking them again. (download:
Hitler: Swastika from Hindu/Buddhist Idols
Here is a list of the commandments, frst in the King James Version, and second in the Douay
Rheims version. You can clearly see, that the second commandment has been DELETED:
(Ask for free KJV) The 10 Commandents according to:-
Exodus 20:1-17 (KJV)
"The Teaching of the Catholic Church
A New Catechism of Christian Doctrine"
by Herbert McCabe OP
Imprimatur: Maurice Couve de Murville
And God spake all these words, saying, I am the LORD thy God,
which have brought thee out of the land of gypt, out of the house of
God said" I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of slavery"
#hou shalt have no other gods before me!
$ou shall have no gods e%cept me
&#he above is exactly what is contained in 'The Teaching of the
Catholic Church', complete with ellipses!(
#hou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of
any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or
that is in the water under the earth! #hou shalt not bow down thyself
to them, nor serve them" for I the LORD thy God am a )ealous God,
visiting the ini*uity of the fathers upon the children unto the third
and fourth generation of them that hate me+ And shewing mercy unto
thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments!
$ou shall not speak the name of the Lord to misuse it+
#hou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain+ for the
LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain!
,eep the -abbath day holy+
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy! -i% days shalt thou
labour, and do all thy work" .ut the seventh day is the sabbath of the
LORD thy God" in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son,
nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle,
nor thy stranger that is within thy gates" /or in si% days the LORD
made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the
seventh day" wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and
hallowed it!
0onour your father and mother+
0onour thy father and thy mother" that thy days may be long upon
the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee!
$ou shall not kill+
#hou shalt not kill!
$ou shall not commit adultery+
#hou shalt not commit adultery!
$ou shall not steal+
#hou shalt not steal!
$ou shall not testify falsely against your neighbour+
#hou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour!
$ou shall not covet your neighbour1s wife+
#hou shalt not covet thy neighbour1s house, thou shalt not covet thy
neighbour1s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his
o%, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour1s!
$ou shall not covet your neighbour1s possessions!
It is clear from the above that the two sets of commandments are
different! #here is a plain attempt to hide the commandment against
making graven images 2 a sin so grave as to re*uire repeated
warnings throughout -cripture! /or e%ample"
"Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a
standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your
land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God." - Leviticus
#here are also strong warnings in God1s 3ord against changing it!
/or e%ample"
"Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall
ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of
the LORD your God which I command you." - Deuteronomy 4:2
But the Council of Trent decreed:
'#he images of 4hrist and the 5irgin 6other of God, and the other
saints, are to be had and to be kept, especially in 4hurches, and due
honour and veneration are to be given them!'
Overview of how Catholic faith contradicts the Bible ((()*I*+,)-A
1. C+,,-./ t0# P$-#1t1 23+t0#$2 -1 4o$5-dd#.
3ACT: -ath#"i.s are
ta/!ht t# .a"" their
&riest% 01ather0% as a
re"i!i#/s tit"e #2
res&e.t) -hristians in
the 3rst .ent/ry ne$er
.a""ed their "eaders%
02ather0) 4his 3rst
ha&&ened h/ndreds #2
years "ater)
6u#1t-o. 51: 6#es Jes/s a&&r#$e #2 .a""in! the
"eaders #2 the .h/r.h% 01ather07
A.17#$: Matthe8 23:9 9,S :;
06# n#t .a"" any#ne #n earth y#/r 2ather 2#r ;ne
is y#/r 1ather% <e 8h# is in hea$en) Matthe8 23:9
2. P$+y-./ $#8#t-t-9# 7o$d1 u1-./ Ro1+$y
5#+d1 -1 4o$5-dd#..
3ACT: -ath#"i.s &ray re&etiti$e 8#rds 8ith
=#sary *eads that 8ere 3rst in$ented in 1090
A6% by 0>eter the <ermit0 and made &#&/"ar by
St) 6#mini. in 1208 A6) -ath#"i.s be"ie$e that
Mary a&&eared t# St) 6#mini. in 1208 A6% at the
.h/r.h #2 >r#/i""e and re$ea"ed the =#sary
*eads t# him) 1r#m this time% -ath#"i.s &rayed
15 sets #2 10 .#nse./ti$e 0hai" Marys0 in a r#8
(150 times)% in the =#sary) <#8e$er% in 2003 A6%
>#&e J#hn >a/" added a ne8 set #2 Mysteries% s#
n#8 it is 20 sets #2 10 0<ai" Marys0% (200 times
in the =#sary% in t#ta")) -ath#"i.s 8i"" $ain"y
a&&ea" t# >sa"m 13? that a"ternates the same
&hrase 2? times 8ith 2? di@erent b"essin!s A#d
!i$es /s) It is n#t 2? in a r#8 as 8ith the r#saryB
4his is a"s# a s#n!% n#t a &rayer) =e$e"ati#n 4:8
has 0an!e"s sin!in!0 n#t 0men &rayin!0)
Historical note: Roman Catholics borrowed the
idea of praying with beads from the pagan
religions who were already using them hundreds
of years before: In 456 AD, indus are thought to
ha!e introduced the concept of praying with
beads to the world" #he earliest reference to a
rosary $bober%has& is in their '(ain Canon' $456
AD& #hese bober%has had !arious numbers of
beads 6,),*+,*,,-6 $any sub.multiple of */,&
Islam $6*/ AD& uses a rosary of )) beads, one for
each of the names of 0od" 1uddhists ha!e */,
prayer beads on the string" #he Rosary is of
pagan origin and no Christian prior to */// AD
used beads to pray"
6u#1t-o. :1: 6id Jes/s 2#rbid re&etiti$e &rayer
/sin! =#sary *eads7
A.17#$: Matthe8 ?:C 9,S :;
0And 8hen y#/ are &rayin!% d# n#t
/se meanin!"ess re&etiti#n as the
Aenti"es d#% 2#r they s/&&#se that
they 8i"" be heard 2#r their many
8#rds) Matthe8 ?:C

3. )-$/-. *+$y
3ACT: =#man -ath#"i.s are ta/!ht the $ir!in Mary ne$er had
seD a2ter Jes/s 8as b#rn and that Jes/s had n# br#thers and
sisters) 4he >#&e tea.hes that Mary is the mediat#r bet8een
A#d and man) -ath#"i.s a"s# en!a!e in m#re &raisin! #2 Mary
than Jes/s -hrist himse"2 and a.t/a""y &ray t# her t# ha$e their
>rayers ans8ered) =#sary *eads !ra&hi.a""y re&resent h#8
=#man -ath#"i.s hea& 10 times m#re &raise /&#n Mary than
A#d himse"2) ;2 the 59 t#ta" beads #2 the =#sary% 53 beads are
0<ai" Marys0% b/t #n"y ? beads are 0;/r 1ather0) 4he =#sary
m#st #2ten ends 8ith a 0<ai"% <#"y E/een0 &rayer t# Mary%
n#t A#d)
-"i.F here 2#r &r##2 Mary had #ther .hi"dren)
6u#1t-o. :1: 6id Jes/s ha$e br#thers and sisters 2r#m
the 8#mb #2 Mary7
A.17#$: Matthe8 13:55G5? 9,S :;
0Is n#t this the .ar&enterHs s#n7 Is n#t <is m#ther
.a""ed Mary% and <is br#thers% James and J#se&h
and Sim#n and J/das7 0And <is sisters% are they
n#t a"" 8ith /s7 (here then did this man !et a""
these thin!s70 Matthe8 13:55G5?
6u#1t-o. :2: 6id J#se&h be!in n#rma" seD/a" re"ati#ns
8ith his 8i2e a2ter Jes/s 8as b#rn7
A.17#$: Matthe8 1:24G25 9,S :;
0And J#se&h a8#Fe 2r#m his s"ee& and did
as the an!e" #2 the +#rd .#mmanded him%
and t##F Mary as his 8i2e% b/t Fe&t her a
$ir!in /nti" she !a$e birth t# a S#n and he
.a""ed <is name Jes/s)0 Matthe8 1:24G25
6u#1t-o. :3: 4he *ib"e says there is #n"y #ne mediat#r bet8een A#d and man) Is mary that #ne
A.17#$: 1 4im#thy 2:5 9,S :;
01#r there is #ne A#d% and #ne mediat#r a"s# bet8een A#d and men% the man -hrist Jes/s)0
1 4im#thy 2:5
6u#1t-o. :: -ath#"i.s en!a!e in end"ess &raise #2 Mary) (hen a 8#man &raised Jes/sH m#ther t# his
2a.e% did Jes/s .#mmend en.#/ra!e this 8#man t# .#ntin/e &raisin! Mary7
A.17#$: +/Fe 11:2CG28 9,S :;
0(hi"e Jes/s 8as sayin! these thin!s% #ne #2 the 8#men in the .r#8d raised her $#i.e and
said t# <im% 0*"essed is the 8#mb that b#re 9#/ and the breasts at 8hi.h 9#/ n/rsed)0 */t
<e said% 0;n the .#ntrary% b"essed are th#se 8h# hear the 8#rd #2 A#d and #bser$e it)00
+/Fe 11:2CG28

. E9#$y C0$-1t-+. d$-.;1 o4 t0# <o==u.-o. <u8
3ACT: 1r#m 1200G19C0 A6% =#man -ath#"i.s "aity 8ere 2#rbidden t# drinF the b"##d) 4his is Fn#8n as
.#mm/ni#n /nder #ne Find% #r .#mm/ni#n #2 #ne s&e.ies) 6/rin! this time% =#man -ath#"i.s are
&ermitted t# eat the bread (b#dy) #2 the +#rdHs S/&&er% they are !enera""y n#t a""#8ed t# drinF the 8ine
(b"##d) #2 the +#rdHs S/&&er% as any -ath#"i. Fn#8s 2r#m his #8n eD&erien.e 2r#m attendin! Mass) (,D.e&t
#n rare s&e.ia" #..asi#ns)) 4he "aity (the &e#&"e in the &e8s) are 8ithhe"d the ./& #2 the +#rd and it is
/s/a""y reser$ed 2#r .h/r.h "eaders #n"y) 9es there are den#minati#ns 8ithin the =#man -ath#"i.
0.#mm/ni#n0 8here s#me =- se.ts a.t/a""y #@er the I/i.e% b/t m#st Mass attendin! -ath#"i.s Fn#8 they
rare"y drinF the ./& #2 8ine)
Historical note: #wo early popes condemned withholding the cup, $2ope 3eo I 4died 46* AD5 and 2ope
0elasius 4died 4)6 Ad56 but in the *+th century the practice was begun, and formally appro!ed by the
Catholic Council of Constance in *4*5 AD" 7o for the 8rst */// years, the Catholics in the 2ews drin% the
cup, then the 2ope changed this apostolic tradition" 9nder the reforms of :atican II, the laity were once
again permitted to ha!e 'communion under both %inds;species'" #oday many Roman Catholics are
unaware that for almost )// years, the a!erage members were forbidden to drin% the blood" <hile
Catholics ha!e restored their practices bac% to the original 8rst century tradition which they call,
'communion under both %inds', it illustrates the e!er shifting and changing doctrinal e!olution that is
present in the Roman Catholic church"
6u#1t-o. :1: 6id -hrist and the a&#st"e >a/" .#mmand that e$ery -hristian sh#/"d drinF #2 the
.#mm/ni#n ./&7
A.17#$: Matthe8 2?:2?G28 1 -#rinthians 11:23G28 9,S :;
4# the dis.i&"es: 0>$-.; 4$o= -t! +,, o4 you2 Matthe8 2?:2C
4# the 8h#"e .h/r.h in -#rinth: 2-. 1o do-./ 0# -1 to #+t o4 t0# 5$#+d +.d d$-.; o4 t0# <u8)0 1
-#rinthians 11:28
0(hi"e they 8ere eatin!% Jes/s t##F s#me bread% and
a2ter a b"essin!% <e br#Fe it and !a$e it t# the
dis.i&"es% and said% 04aFe% eat this is My b#dy)0 And
8hen <e had taFen a ./& and !i$en thanFs% <e !a$e
it t# them% sayin!% 0>$-.; 4$o= -t! +,, o4 you 2#r
this is My b"##d #2 the .#$enant% 8hi.h is &#/red #/t
2#r many 2#r 2#r!i$eness #2 sins)0 Matthe8 2?:2?G28
01#r I re.ei$ed 2r#m the +#rd that 8hi.h I a"s#
de"i$ered t# y#/% that the +#rd Jes/s in the ni!ht in
8hi.h <e 8as betrayed t##F bread and 8hen <e
had !i$en thanFs% <e br#Fe it and said% 04his is My
b#dy% 8hi.h is 2#r y#/ d# this in remembran.e #2
Me)0 In the same 8ay <e t##F the ./& a"s# a2ter
s/&&er% sayin!% 04his ./& is the ne8 .#$enant in My
b"##d d# this% as #2ten as y#/ drinF it% in
remembran.e #2 Me)0 1#r as #2ten as y#/ eat this
bread and drinF the ./&% y#/ &r#."aim the +#rdHs
death /nti" <e .#mes) 4here2#re 8h#e$er eats the
bread #r drinFs the ./& #2 the +#rd in an /n8#rthy
manner% sha"" be !/i"ty #2 the b#dy and the b"##d #2
the +#rd) */t a man m/st eDamine himse"2% and -.
1o do-./ 0# -1 to #+t o4 t0# 5$#+d +.d d$-.; o4
t0# <u8)0 1 -#rinthians 11:23G28
3ACT: 4he >#&e says #n"y $ery s&e.ia" dead -ath#"i.
&e#&"e J/a"i2y t# be .a""ed 0saints0) 1#r eDam&"e% >#&e
J#hn >a/" II .#/"d n#t maFe M#ther 4eresa a saint
(#K.ia" .an#niLati#n) /nti" a2ter she 8as dead) 4he
a$era!e -ath#"i. in the &e8 is ne$er .a""ed a 0saint0
dead #r a"i$eB In 2a.t i2 a &e8 d8e""in! -ath#"i. started
.a""in! himse"2 a 0saint0% he 8#/"d be reb/Fed by the
&arish &riestB
5. A,, C0$-1t-+.1 +$# 1+-.t1
6u#1t-o. :1: (as e$ery "i$in! -hristian in the .h/r.h
in -#rinth .a""ed a saint7
A.17#$: 1 -#rinthians 1:2 9,S :;
04# the .h/r.h #2 A#d 8hi.h is at
-#rinth% t# th#se 8h# ha$e been
san.ti3ed in -hrist Jes/s% saints by
.a""in!% 8ith a"" 8h# in e$ery &"a.e .a""
#n the name #2 #/r +#rd Jes/s -hrist%
their +#rd and #/rs0 1 -#rinthians 1:2
6u#1t-o. :2: 6id >a/" 8rite the b##F #2
,&hesians t# dead saints7
A.17#$: ,&hesians 1:1 9,S :;
0>a/"% an a&#st"e #2 -hrist Jes/s by the 8i"" #2 A#d% 4# the saints 8h# are at ,&hes/s and 8h#
are 2aith2/" in -hrist Jes/s0 ,&hesians 1:1
6u#1t-o. :3: (as the a$era!e -hristian in the
.h/r.h at >hi"i&&i .a""ed a saint% in distin.ti#n t#
bish#&s and dea.#ns7
A.17#$: >hi"i&&ians 1:1 9,S :;
0>a/" and 4im#thy% b#ndGser$ants
#2 -hrist Jes/s% 4# a"" the saints in
-hrist Jes/s 8h# are in >hi"i&&i%
in."/din! the #$erseers and
dea.#ns0 >hi"i&&ians 1:1
6u#1t-o. :: (as e$ery -hristian "i$in! in =#me
.a""ed t# be a saint7
A.17#$: =#mans 1:C 9,S :;
0t# a"" 8h# are be"#$ed #2 A#d in
=#me% .a""ed as saints: Ara.e t#
y#/ and &ea.e 2r#m A#d #/r 1ather
and the +#rd Jes/s -hrist)0 =#mans
?. A,, C0$-1t-+.1 +$# 8$-#1t1
3ACT: 4he >#&e de.ided t# reser$e the tit"e #2
0&riest0 t# 8#rn by .h/r.h "eaders #n"y) 4he
a$era!e &e8 d8e""in! -ath#"i. ne$er re2er t#
themse"$es as 0&riests0) In 2a.t i2 a "ay -ath#"i.
started .a""in! himse"2 a 0&riest0% he 8#/"d be
reb/Fed by 0the &arish >riest0B
6u#1t-o. :1: 6id Jes/s maFe a"" -hristians t# be
&riests% in."/din! the a$era!e member in the
A.17#$: 1 >eter 2:5%9 =e$e"ati#n 1:? 5:10
9,S :;
0y#/ (a"" -hristians) a"s#% as "i$in!
st#nes% are bein! b/i"t /& as a
s&irit/a" h#/se 2#r a h#"y
&riesth##d% t# #@er /& s&irit/a" a..e&tab"e t# A#d
thr#/!h Jes/s -hrist) 0 1 >eter 2:5
0*/t y#/ (a"" -hristians) are a
.h#sen ra.e% a r#ya" &riesth##d% a
h#"y nati#n% a &e#&"e 2#r 0od=s #8n
&#ssessi#n% s# that y#/ may
&r#."aim the eD.e""en.ies #2 <im
8h# has .a""ed y#/ #/t #2 darFness
int# <is mar$e"#/s "i!ht 0 1 >eter
0Jes/s has made /s (a"" -hristians)
t# be a Fin!d#m% &riests t# <is A#d
and 1atherMt# <im be the !"#ry
and the d#mini#n 2#re$er and e$er)
Amen)0 =e$e"ati#n 1:?
09#/ ha$e made them (a""
-hristians) to be a Fin!d#m and
&riests t# #/r A#d and they 8i""
rei!n /&#n the earth)0 =e$e"ati#n
%. B-10o81 =u1t 5# *+$$-#d.
3ACT: In 10C9 A6 .e"iba.y 8as 3rst en2#r.ed 2#r
&riests and bish#&s by >#&e Are!#ry NII) *e2#re
this time% they 8ere &ermitted t# marry)
6u#1t-o. :1: 6#es the *ib"e tea.h that a bish#&
(#$erseer) m/st be married AN> ALSO 0+9#
<0-,d$#. as #ne #2 the .#nditi#ns #2 bein!
J/a"i3ed t# be a bish#&7
A.17#$: 1 4im#thy 3:2G5 9,S :;
0A bish#&% then% m/st be ab#$e
re&r#a.h% the h/sband #2 #ne 8i2e%
tem&erate% &r/dent%
h#s&itab"e% ab"e t#
tea.h% n#t addi.ted
t# 8ine #r
&/!na.i#/s% b/t
!ent"e% &ea.eab"e%
2ree 2r#m the "#$e #2
m#ney) <e m/st be #ne 8h#
mana!es his #8n h#/seh#"d 8e""%
Fee&in! his .hi"dren /nder .#ntr#"
8ith a"" di!nity (b/t i2 a man d#es
n#t Fn#8 h#8 t# mana!e his #8n
h#/seh#"d% h#8 8i"" he taFe .are #2
the .h/r.h #2 A#d7)0 1 4im#thy 3:2G
6u#1t-o. :2: In the $ery neDt .ha&ter #2 the
*ib"e a2ter bish#&s are t#"d they m/st be married
8ith .hi"dren% d#es the <#"y S&irit 8arn that
02#rbiddin! t# marry0 is a 0d#.trine #2 dem#ns07
A.17#$: 1 4im#thy 4:1G3 9,S :;
0*/t the <#"y S&irit eD&""y says
that in "ater times s#me 8i"" 2a""
a8ay 2r#m the 2aith% &ayin!
attenti#n t# de.eit2/" s&irits and
d#.trines #2 dem#ns% by means #2
the hy&#.risy #2 "iars seared in
their #8n .#ns.ien.e as 8ith a
brandin! ir#n% men 8h# 2#rbid
marria!e and ad$#.ate abstainin!
2r#m 2##ds 8hi.h A#d has .reated
t# be !rate2/""y shared in by th#se
8h# be"ie$e and Fn#8 the tr/th)0 1
4im#thy 4:1G3
&. P#t#$ 7+1 =+$$-#d
3ACT: M#st -ath#"i.s be"ie$e that A&#st"e >eter
8as the 3rst >#&e and 8as n#t married) As #ne
=#man -ath#"i. "eader said% 0i2 >eter had a 8i2e
8hen he 3rst met Jes/s% he !#t rid #2 her J/i.FB0
6u#1t-o. :1: 6id >eter ha$e a 8i2e7
A.17#$: MarF 1:30 9,S :;
0:#8 Sim#nHs m#therGinG"a8 8as
"yin! si.F 8ith a 2e$er and
immediate"y they s&#Fe t# Jes/s
ab#/t her)0 MarF 1:30
6u#1t-o. :2: 6id >a/" say a"" the a&#st"es
in."/din! >eter had a ri!ht t# be married7
A.17#$: 1 -#rinthians 9:5 9,S :;
06# 8e n#t ha$e a ri!ht t# taFe
a"#n! a be"ie$in! 8i2e% e$en as the
rest #2 the a&#st"es and the
br#thers #2 the +#rd and -e&has70
1 -#rinthians 9:5
@. L+t-. *+11 4o$5-dd#.
3ACT: 1#r #$er 1000 years% the =#man -ath#"i.
.h/r.h #2ten .#nd/.ts their mass ser$
entire"y in the +atin "an!/a!e% 8hen n# #ne
sittin! in the &e8s /nderstands the +atin
"an!/a!e) M#st =#man -ath#"i.s 8h# ha$e sat
thr#/!h s/.h a +atin Mass ser$i.e ha$e 8#ndered
8hat is !#in! #n) It 8as n#t /nti" 19?5 A6 that
the >#&e 3na""y /nderst##d 1 -#r 14:19 and
a""#8ed masses t# .#nd/.ted in the same
$erna./"ar "an!/a!e #2 the "#.a" &e#&"e) (,n!"ish
in :#rth Ameri.a)
6u#1t-o. :1: Is +atin Mass 2#rbidden in the *ib"e
8hen n# #ne in the &e8s /nderstands +atin7
A.17#$: 1 -#rinthians 14:19 9,S :;
0in the .h/r.h I desire t# s&eaF 3$e
8#rds 8ith my mind s# that I may
instr/.t #thers a"s#% rather than ten
th#/sand 8#rds in an /nFn#8n
t#n!/e)0 1 -#rinthians 14:19
10. O51#$9+.<# o4 18#<-+, d+y1 <o.d#=.#d
3ACT: 4he =#man -ath#"i. .h/r.h has in$ented an entire year"y
.a"endar #2 n#n *ib"i.a" h#"y 6ays "iFe +ent% ,aster% -hristmas)
Historical note: >o one prior to --5 AD
celebrated the birthday of (esus" #he word
'Christmas' $Christ ? @ass& was 8rst used in
*/-, AD" 1efore --5 AD, the pagan cult of
@ithra, the Iranian 'god of light', had long
celebrated December +5 as @ithra=s birthday"
December +*, being the winter solace, mar%ed
the beginning of days with increasing amount of
light, hence December +5 celebrated @ithra=s
triumph o!er dar%ness" 1ecause the pagan
festi!al that celebrated @ithra=s birthday was so
popular, the Roman Catholic church adopted the
day, but changed the meaning from the birthday
of @ithra, the 'god of light', to Christ=s birthday,
0od the son, 'light of the world'" #he old
meaning of December +5 was connected with
@ithra=s triumph o!er physical dar%ness" #he new
meaning celebrated (esus triumph o!er spiritual
dar%ness" A!entually Christmas became
dominant, the @ithra cult went eBtinct and today
this origin is not widely %nown among Roman
Catholics" >one of the apostles or the early
church celebrated the birthday of (esus"
6u#1t-o. :1: 6id the ear"y -hristians .e"ebrate
-hristmas% +ent and ,aster7
A.17#$: Aa"atians 4:10G11 9,S :;
09#/ #bser$e days and m#nths and
seas#ns and years) I 2ear 2#r y#/%
that &erha&s I ha$e "ab#red #$er
y#/ in $ain)0 Aa"atians 4:10G11
6u#1t-o. :2: Are -hristians t#"d t# remember
the +#rdHs 6eath e$ery S/nday7
A.17#$: A.ts 20:C 9,S :;
0;n the 3rst day #2 the 8eeF
(S/nday)% 8hen 8e 8ere !athered
t#!ether t# breaF bread% >a/"
be!an ta"Fin! t# them% intendin! t#
"ea$e the neDt day% and he
&r#"#n!ed his messa!e /nti"
midni!ht)0 A.ts 20:C
11. 'o$10-88-./ -do,1! -<o.1 +.d -=+/#1
9-o,+t#1 t0# 2.d <o==+.d=#.t.
3ACT: -ath#"i.s re!/"ar"y b#8 d#8n t# id#"s%
i.#ns and ima!es #2 Jes/s% Mary and the a&#st"es%
Fissin! the 2eet #2 the stat/es and &rayin! t#
them) :#8 -ath#"i.s !et $ery /&set 8hen y#/
a../se them #2 8#rshi&&in! Mary) 4hey deny they
are 8#rshi&&in! Mary 8ith "#/d i""#!i.a" and
irrati#na" &r#tests) (hat these need t#
/nderstand% is that the *ib"e tea.hes that (,
;:+9 >=A9 4; 6,I49 and -hristians .#nsiders it
&a!anism and &#"ytheism t# &ray t# any#ne
,O-,>4 the 1ather% S#n #r <#"y S&irit) S# 8hi"e
-ath#"i.s &ray t# Mary% they 2ai" t# .#m&rehend
that #n"y deity is t# be &rayed t#% and this is the
/nder"yin! reas#n 8hy n#nG-ath#"i.s .#rre.t"y "ay
the .har!e they 8#rshi& Mary A:6 A++ 4<,
SAI:4% they &ray t#) 4he *ib"e ."ear"y tea.hes
that a"" dead h/mans% th#/!h .#ns.i#/s in the
s&irit 8#r"d% are /nab"e t# Fn#8 anythin!% m/.h
"ess hear &rayers addressed t# them) *#8in!
d#8n t# i.#ns and Fissin! them et.) s# ."#se"y
resemb"e id#" 8#rshi& it is a.t/a""y sh#.Fin! that
any =#man -ath#"i. 8#/"d attem&t t# de2end the
&ra.ti.e) */t a!ain% they sim&"y d# the &ra.ti.e
b/t deny it is 8#rshi&) 4# i""/strate the &#int%
M/s"im deny they are 8#rshi&&in! the m##n !#d
as their 0A""ah0 as m##n 8#rshi& is e$en
.#ndemned in the P#ran) */t the 2a.t #2 hist#ry is
that M/hammad rid the Paaba in Me..a #2 the
3?5 !#ds inside the ./bi.a" b/i"din!% b/t retained
the #ne #n the r##2 Fn#8n as the m##n !#d
0</ba"0) M/hammad sim&"y t##F the m##n !#d
2r#m the r##2% denied it 8as the m##n !#d and
.a""ed </ba" 0A""ah0) 4he hist#ri.a" $esta!e #2 this
#ri!in is .#n3rmed in that e$ery m#sJ/e in the
8#r"d has a .res.ent m##n #n the r##2Q I/st "iFe
the #ri!ina" </ba" m##n !#d #n the r##2 #2 the
Paaba) M/s"ims !et mad 8hen y#/ &#int #/t that
A""ah is rea""y the m##n !#d and -ath#"i.s !et
mad 8hen y#/ &#int #/t they are 8#rshi&&in! the
Mary and the saints 8hen they &ray t# them)
(hen a .hi"d stands in the midd"e #2 a r##m and
&/ts his hand #$er his eyes and says% 0y#/ .anHt
see me0% that d#esnHt mean they are in$isib"e%
eD.e&t in the mind #2 the .hi"d) =#man -ath#"i.s
&/t their hands #$er their eyes and say% 0(e d#
n# 8#rshi& id#"s and 8e d# n#t .#nsider &rayin!
t# Mary and a.t #2 8#rshi&0) Sayin! s# d#esnHt
maFe it s#) =#man -ath#"i. a&#"#!ists 8h#
harsh"y .riti.iLe &r#testants 8h# a../se them #2
8#rshi&&in! id#"s and Mary need t# taFe a ."#se
"##F in the mirr#r and be h#nest 8ith rea"ity) At
the $ery "east% they .#/"d t#ne d#8n their rantin!
a!ainst &r#testants 0misre&resentin! -ath#"i.
2aith0 8ith a bit #2 se"2GreRe.ti#n and a !##d
hist#ry "ess#n)
Historical note: #he 2ope deleted the +nd of
the */ commandments so they could use statues
C images in worship" #hey split the */th
commandment on co!eting into two
commandments so they could still ha!e */ in
number" Don=t belie!e thisD 3oo% at the list of */
commandments published by the Roman Catholic
churchE #he issue here is not how the #en
Commandments are numbered, rather the issue
is that most published lists of the */
commandments do not include the words, 'you
shall not for yourself an idol'" Fpen your Catholic
1ible and loo% for yourselfE
6u#1t-o. :1: 6#es the 2nd .#mmandment
a&&r#$e #2 b#8in! d#8n and Fissin! id#"s7
A.17#$: ,D#d/s 20:4 9,S :;
09#/ sha"" n#t maFe 2#r y#/rse"2 an
id#"% #r any "iFeness #2 8hat is in
hea$en ab#$e #r #n the earth
beneath #r in the 8ater /nder the
earth) 9#/ sha"" n#t 8#rshi& them
#r ser$e them)0 ,D#d/s 20:4G5

12. B+8t-1= -1 4u,, -==#$1-o. -. 7+t#$! .ot
3ACT: 4he -ath#"i. .h/r.h ba&tiLes babies by s&rinF"in! a "itt"e
8ater #n them)
Historical note: Greek work for baptism literally means immersion.
There are separate words in Greek for sprinkling, pouring and
immersion. Only the Greek word for immersion is ever used for
Baptism in the Bible. The rst recorded case of sprinkling was
in !"# $% to someone on a sick&bed. 't was then an e(ception
to the rule and brought about erce opposition from the whole
church. )ot until #"# $% did the church accept sprinkling in such
sick&bed cases of necessity. 't wasn*t until +,++ $%, when the
-atholic council of .avenna, declared that sprinkling was and
acceptable substitute for immersion and from that time forward
sprinkling replaced immersion in the .oman -atholic church.
The Orthodo( church refused sprinkling and still immerses to this day.
6u#1t-o. :1: (as Jes/s ba&tiLed by 2/"" immersi#n in the J#rdan =i$er7
A.17#$: Matthe8 3:1? 9,S :;
0A2ter bein! ba&tiLed% Jes/s .ame /& immediate"y 2r#m the 8ater and beh#"d% the hea$ens
8ere #&ened% and he sa8 the S&irit #2 A#d des.endin! as a
d#$e and "i!htin! #n <im0 Matthe8 3:1?
6u#1t-o. :2: (hen >hi"i& ba&tiLed the ,/n/.h% did b#th #2 them !# int# the
A.17#$: A.ts 8:38G39 9,S :;
0And he #rdered the .hari#t t# st#& and they b#th 8ent d#8n int# the
8ater% >hi"i& as 8e"" as the e/n/.h% and he ba&tiLed him) (hen they .ame /& #/t #2 the 8ater% the S&irit #2
the +#rd snat.hed >hi"i& a8ay)0 A.ts 8:38G39
6u#1t-o. :3: -an babies be ba&tiLed sin.e they d# n#t 3rst be"ie$e7
A.17#$: MarF 1?:1? A.ts 8:3?G3C 9,S :;
0<e 8h# has be"ie$ed and has been ba&tiLed sha"" be sa$ed b/t he 8h# has disbe"ie$ed
sha"" be .#ndemned) MarF 1?:1?
0As they 8ent a"#n! the r#ad they .ame t# s#me 8ater and the e/n/.h said% 0+##FB (aterB
(hat &re$ents me 2r#m bein! ba&tiLed70 And >hi"i& said% 0I2 y#/ be"ie$e 8ith a"" y#/r heart%
y#/ may)0 A.ts 8:3?G3C
6u#1t-o. :: -an babies be ba&tiLed sin.e they d# n#t 3rst re&ent7
A.17#$: A.ts 2:38 9,S :;
0*rethren% 8hat m/st 8e d#70 >eter said t# them% 0=e&ent% and ea.h #2 y#/ be ba&tiLed in
the name #2 Jes/s -hrist 2#r the 2#r!i$eness #2 y#/r sins and y#/ 8i"" re.ei$e the !i2t #2 the
<#"y S&irit) A.ts 2:3CG38

13. O$-/-.+, 1-. -1 4+,1# do<t$-.#
3ACT: -ath#"i.s say that in2ants inherit their &arentHs sin at .#n.e&ti#n and are there2#re s&irit/a""y
.#ndemned and t#ta""y 8i.Fed)
6u#1t-o. :1: Is the d#.trine #2 inherited #ri!ina" sin 2#/nd in the *ib"e7
A.17#$: ,LeFie" 18:20 9,S :;
04he &ers#n 8h# sins 8i"" die) 4he s#n 8i"" n#t bear the &/nishment 2#r the 2atherHs iniJ/ity%
n#r 8i"" the 2ather bear the &/nishment 2#r the s#nHs iniJ/ity the ri!hte#/sness #2 the
ri!hte#/s 8i"" be /&#n himse"2% and the 8i.Fedness #2 the 8i.Fed 8i"" be /&#n himse"2)0
,LeFie" 18:20
6u#1t-o. :2: 6id Jes/s say "itt"e .hi"dren are better m#de"s #2 &/rity and .#nd/.t than ad/"ts7
A.17#$: Matthe8 18:2G3 9,S :;
0And <e .a""ed a .hi"d t# <imse"2 and set him be2#re them% and said% 04r/"y I say t# y#/%
/n"ess y#/ are .#n$erted and be.#me "iFe .hi"dren% y#/ 8i"" n#t
enter the Fin!d#m #2 hea$en)0 Matthe8 18:2G3
3ACT: -ath#"i.s are ta/!ht that #n"y the &riests .an /nderstand the *ib"e and the .#mm#n man in the &e8
.ann#t /nderstand the *ib"e 8ith#/t the &riests he"&)
1. E9#$y C0$-1t-+. <+. u.d#$1t+.d t0# B-5,# 5y =#$#,y $#+d -t.
6u#1t-o. :1: 6# the s.ri&t/res say that 8hen any#ne reads the *ib"e% they .an /nderstand 2#r
A.17#$: ,&hesians 3:4 9,S :;
0*y re2errin! t# this% 8hen y#/ read y#/ .an /nderstand my insi!ht int# the mystery #2
-hrist0 ,&hesians 3:4
15. C+t0o,-<1 +$# u.7-,,-./ to d#4#.d t0#-$ 4+-t0
3ACT: (hen =#man -ath#"i.s are .ha""en!ed 2r#m the *ib"e t# de2end their 2aith% they are /n8i""in! #r
/nab"e t# de2end 8hat they be"ie$e and say the &riest has the ans8er and ne$er sear.h the tr/th #/t 2#r
themse"$es) >riests and *ish#&s ne$er !et &ermissi#n t# ha$e #&en &/b"i. *ib"e dis./ssi#ns 8ith h#nest
*ib"e st/dents "iFe #/rse"$es) Ima!ine a "#.a" &arish &riest &/b"i."y de2endin! in2ant ba&tism a!ainst a
-hristian 8h# ta/!ht the &ra.ti.e .#ntradi.ted the *ib"eB It ne$er ha&&ensB 1#r!et 8hat the *ib"e says% I/st
tr/st the &riestB
6u#1t-o. :1: Sh#/"d a -hristian be /nab"e t# de2end 8hat they be"ie$e 2r#m the *ib"e 8ith#/t the he"& #2
A.17#$: 1 >eter 3:15 9,S :;
0san.ti2y -hrist as +#rd in y#/r hearts% a"8ays being ready t# maFe a de2ense t# e$ery#ne 8h# asFs y#/ t#
!i$e an a..#/nt 2#r the h#&e that is in y#/% yet 8ith !ent"eness and re$eren.e0 1 >eter 3:15
1?. Hu=+. t$+d-t-o. +.d =+. =+d# do<t$-.# -1 +8o1t+1y
3ACT: 4he >#&e tea.hes that he .an .han!e 8hat is in the *ib"e i2 he 8ants)
6u#1t-o. :1: 6id Jes/s say it 8as ;P 2#r man t# .han!e 8hat the 8#rd #2 A#d tea.hes 2#r manGmade
-ath#"i. d#.trine7
A.17#$: MarF C:CG9 9,S :;
0H*/t in $ain d# they 8#rshi& Me% 4ea.hin! as d#.trines the &re.e&ts #2 men)H 0:e!"e.tin!
the .#mmandment #2 A#d% y#/ h#"d t# the traditi#n #2 men)0 <e 8as a"s# sayin! t# them%
09#/ are eD&erts at settin! aside the .#mmandment #2 A#d in #rder t# Fee& y#/r traditi#n)0
MarF C:CG9
Co.<,u1-o.: Ho7 t0# C+t0o,-< <0u$<0 9-#71 t0# B-5,#:
B#,o7 +$# t0# ;-.d1 o4 $#8,-#1 you <+. #x8#<t 4$o= +
C+t0o,-< 8$-#1t -4 you +1; 0-= +5out t0# <o.t#.t1 o4
t0-1 B-5,# 1tudy
1) 9es I Fn#8 Matthe8 23:9% seems t# .#ndemn .a""in!
me 01ather0% b/t y#/ are n#t ab"e t# /nderstand the
*ib"e "iFe I d#)
2) 9es I Fn#8 is a&&ears "iFe Jes/s .#ndemned the
re&etiti$e &rayer #2 the =#sary beads in Matthe8 ?:C%
b/t Mary a&&eared t# St) 6#mini. in 1208 A6 and
re$ea"ed t# him the =#sary *eads herse"2B
3) 9es Matthe8 13:55G5? seems t# indi.ate that Jes/s
had br#thers and sisters% b/t these 8ere the .hi"dren
#2 J#se&h 2r#m a &re$i#/s marria!e #r I/st .#/sins)
4) 9es% I a!ree that 1 4im#thy 2:5 s#/nds "iFe Jes/s is the
#n"y mediat#r bet8een !#d and man% b/t the >#&e
de.ided she 8as indeed a"s# a mediat#r bet8een A#d
and man
1) 9es -hrist and >a/" did .#mmand e$ery
-hristian t# drinF #2 the .#mm/ni#n ./& in
Matthe8 2?:2?G28 1 -#rinthians 11:23G28) And
9es I Fn#8 that t8# ear"y &#&es .#ndemned
8ithh#"din! the ./&% (>#&e +e# I Sdied 4?1 A6T
and >#&e Ae"asi/s Sdied 49? AdT b/t in the
12th .ent/ry the &ra.ti.e 8as be!/n% and
2#rma""y a&&r#$ed by the -ath#"i. -#/n.i" #2
-#nstan.e in 1415 A6) 9es I Fn#8 that in 19C0
the &#&e rest#red the ./& t# the "aity)
2) (as e$ery "i$in! -hristian in the .h/r.h in
-#rinth .a""ed a saint7
9es I Fn#8 that in the *ib"e (1 -#rinthians 1:2
,&hesians 1:1 >hi"i&&ians 1:1 =#mans 1:C)
e$ery -hristian 8as a saint and e$ery saint 8as
a -hristian) 9es I a!ree% the *ib"e /ses the 8#rd
saint as inter.han!eab"y syn#nym#/s 8ith
bein! a -hristian% b/t the =#man -ath#"i.
.h/r.h has the &#8er t# .han!e the *ib"e)
4) 9es I Fn#8 that in the a&#st#"i. .h/r.h (1 >eter
2:5%9 =e$e"ati#n 1:? 5:10)% e$ery -hristian
8as a &riest and the t8# terms are /sed
inter.han!eab"y syn#nym#/s 8ith bein! a
-hristian% b/t the =#man -ath#"i. .h/r.h
de.ided that #n"y "eaders sh#/"d be .a""ed
5) 9es I Fn#8 that the *ib"e a&&ears t# tea.h that
1 4im#thy 3:2G5 bish#&s m/st be married 8ith
be"ie$in! .hi"dren% b/t y#/ .anHt e$en
/nderstand the *ib"e any8ay% 8hy d# y#/ asF7
J/st tr/st me be.a/se #n"y -ath#"i. &riests .an
/nderstand the *ib"e)
?) 9es I ha$e read 1 4im#thy 4:1G3% and is seems
t# .#ndemn 2#rbiddin! the marria!e #2 -ath#"i.
&riests% b/t the >#&e de.ided that /nmarried
men are m#re h#"y than married men)
C) 9es I Fn#8 that MarF 1:30 1 -#rinthians 9:5
say that >eter had a 8i2e 23 years a2ter -hrist
died #n the .r#ss (53 A6)% b/t >#&e Are!#ry NII
de.ided in 10C9 A6 2r#m that time #n8ard%
that .h/r.h "eaders .ann#t marry)
8) 9es I Fn#8 that sittin! thr#/!h a +atin Mass
ser$i.e .an be $ery b#rin! 2#r many -ath#"i.s
in the &e8s) And yes I Fn#8 that 1 -#rinthians
14:19 .#ndemns .#nd/.tin! a .h/r.h ser$i.e in
a "an!/a!e the a$era!e member d#es n#t
/nderstand% b/t the >#&e de.ided that +atin
s#/nds rea" h#"y and has b#th hist#ri.a" and
mysti.a" J/a"ities)
9) 9es I Fn#8 the ear"y .h/r.h did n#t be!in t#
.e"ebrate -hristmas /nti" the 4th .ent/ry) And
yes I Fn#8 that Aa"atians 4:10G11 .#ndemns
the Fee&in! #2 s/.h h#"y days n#t 2#/nd in the
*ib"e% b/t the .h/r.h at =#me needed a 8ay t#
.#n$ert the &a!an 8#rshi&&ers #2 Mithra% the
!#d #2 "i!ht))) and it 8#rFedB
10) 9es I Fn#8 that A.ts 20:C .#mmands -hristians
t# ha$e 8eeF"y .#mm/ni#n ser$ and that
the ear"y .h/r.h did n#t .e"ebrate ,aster as is
d#ne t#day% b/t ha$in! a year"y .#mm/ni#n
ser$i.e 8as s#methin! "ater .h/r.h "eaders
8anted t# add t# 8#rshi&)
11) 9es I Fn#8 that the =#man -ath#"i. .h/r.h
de"eted the 2nd .#mmandment (,D#d/s 20:4)
in #rder t# hid 2r#m the masses A#dHs
.#ndemnati#n #2 b#8in! d#8n and Fissin!
ima!es #2 Mary and >eter% b/t Mary re$ea"ed
herse"2 t# /s in a $isi#n)
12) 9es I Fn#8 that Jes/s 8as ba&tiLed by 2/""
immersi#n in the J#rdan =i$er (Matthe8 3:1?)%
and that s&rinF"in! 8as n#t #K.ia""y a&&r#$ed
/nti" 1311 A6% b/t it s/re is m#re .#n$enient)
13) 9es I Fn#8 that babies ha$e n# 2aith and .ann#t
re&ent% and are there2#r n#t rea""y $a"id
.andidates 2#r ba&tism (MarF 1?:1? A.ts 8:3?G
3C A.ts 2:38)) */t the >#&e in$ented the idea
#2 8here the 2aith and re&entan.e that the
in2ant "a.Fs% is eD.han!ed 2#r the 2aith and
re&entan.e #2 a 0A#d >arent0) 9es I Fn#8 n#ne
#2 this is in the *ib"e% b/t the >#&e is the 0h#"y
see0 and he m/st Fn#8 8hat he is d#in!B
14) 9es I Fn#8 ,LeFie" 18:20 &r#$es the d#.trine #2
t#ta" hereditary de&ra$ity (inherited #ri!ina"
sin) .#ntradi.ts the *ib"e% b/t y#/ .ann#t
/nderstand the *ib"e any8ay% #n"y the &riest
.an .#rre.t"y inter&ret it)
15) 9es I Fn#8 that Matthe8 18:2G3 tea.hes that
.hi"dren are better m#de"s #2 &/rity and
.#nd/.t than ad/"ts% b/t the >#&e tea.hes that
in2ants are 8i.Fed de3"ed sinners .#ndemned
t# he"" /nti" a -ath#"i. &riest ba&tiLes them and
rem#$es the ./rse #2 #ri!ina" sin)
1?) 9es I Fn#8 ,&hesians 3:4 &"ain"y seems t# say
that 8hen y#/ read the *ib"e by y#/rse"2% y#/
.an ha$e the same insi!ht that the a&#st"e >a/"
had int# s&irit/a" thin!s% b/t 8e -ath#"i. &riests
.ann#t tea.h a"" #/r 2a"se d#.trines that
.#ntradi.t the *ib"e /n"ess 8e .#n$in.e y#/
that y#/ .anHt /nderstand the *ib"e /n"ess the
&riest he"&s y#/)
1C) 9es I Fn#8 that 1 >eter 3:15 tea.hes e$ery
-hristian sh#/"d be ab"e t# de2end 2r#m the
*ib"e 8hat they be"ie$e% b/t isnHt that 8hat /s
=#man -ath#"i. &riests are s/&&#sed t# d#7 6#
y#/ 8ant t# &/t /s #/t #2 I#b and r#b /s #2 a""
#/r &#8er and .#ntr#"7
18) 9es I Fn#8 that h/man traditi#ns that
.#ntradi.t the *ib"e are .#ndemned in MarF
C:CG9% b/t a"" the d#.trines that .#ntradi.t the
*ib"e 8hi.h the >#&e thr#/!h /& 8ere re$ea"ed
t# him dire.t"y by -hrist and there2#re%
a"th#/!h they .#ntradi.t the *ib"e% they are
di$ine"y a&&r#$ed by -hrist himse"2)
19) 9#/ rea""y sh#/"dnHt be readin! the *ib"e
any8ay) And 8hi"e 8e are ta"Fin! ab#/t it% 8hat
e"se d# y#/ 8ant me t# tea.h y#/ ab#/t 8hat
the *ib"e says7

Is the =#man -ath#"i. .h/r.h the .h/r.h y#/ read
ab#/t in the *ib"e7
9,S :;
*y Ste$e =/dd

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