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Video Case 2.1 Starbucks: Staying Local While Going Global Through Marketing Research 1.

Students should search an Internet database using the key words coffee, coffee shops, coffee consumption, etc. to identify the relevant data. They should also visit Starbucks web site !http"$. %. Starbucks can determine the answers to such &uestions by conducting &ualitative research. 'oth focus groups and depth interviews can be useful. (ocus groups can generate new insights and ideas, while depth interviews can uncover hidden motives, values, and beliefs. )sing &ualitative research, the company found that consumers are looking for a coffee house e*perience that elevates coffee drinking to an art form and coffee houses to the place where +mericans choose to rela* and sociali,e. Through e*tensive marketing research studies, Starbucks created a place where you can meet and drink good coffee that did not resemble work or home, but fell somewhere in between. -. .ersonal interviews at representative coffee shop locations of Starbucks and other chains could be used to determine the image coffee drinkers have of Starbucks and other coffee shop chains. This method offers several advantages" comple* &uestions can be asked/ it is very good for the use of physical stimuli/ very good sample control/ high &uantity of data/ and very good response rate. 0. .ersonal observation method could be used at a sample of Starbucks coffee shops where the new coffee is available for purchase. + trained observer records the reactions of those customers who order and drink the new coffee brand. 1. + semantic differential scale would be appropriate for measuring the image of Starbucks. .remium 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 3ommodity 4ela*ed 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Tense 3o,y 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 )ncomfortable (ancy 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 .lain .leasant 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 )npleasant +rtistic 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 5ot +rtistic 6elicate 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 4ugged 7u*urious 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Thrifty Informal 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 (ormal Soft 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 8ard 3olorful 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 3olorless 3lassic 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 3ontemporary Target population" :a;or coffee shop customers in +tlanta in the current year Sampling frame" 7ist of coffee houses in +tlanta Sampling unit" 3offee houses in +tlanta and then customers in the selected coffee houses Sampling techni&ue" <uota sampling by age, gender, and income level Sample si,e" 1== >*ecution" ?isit the selected coffee houses and interview customers by &uota


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Video Case 2.2 ike: !ssociating !thletes" #er$or%ance" and the &rand 1. :anagement 6ecision .roblem" @hat should 5ike do to increase its share of the athletic shoe marketA %. :arketing 4esearch .roblem" The marketing research problem is to determine consumer preferences for athletic shoes. :ore specifically" a. @hat criteria do consumers use for evaluating athletic shoesA b. 8ow do consumers evaluate the various brands of athletic shoes in terms of the choice criteriaA c. +re the consumers willing to pay a premium price for high performance shoesA d. @hat is the demographic and psychographic profile of customers loyal to 5ikeA e. @hat demographic, psychographic, and product usage characteristics differentiate 5ike loyalists from consumers loyal to other brandsA

?3% 2 %


.urchase of +thletic Shoes

5ame 'rand

.rivate 7abel# Store 'rand

3hoice 3riteria




Bther (actors

Selection of a 'rand#:odel

?3% 2 -

0. (ocus groups with consumers in the target market would be very helpful to identify the salient image characteristics and the general perceptions of 5ike s image. 6epth interviews with top athletes would be useful to identify how athletes define performance in sport shoes and what emotions, attitudes, and beliefs are associated with high performance shoes. 1. + mall2intercept survey can be used to determine if 5ike should invest by opening more upscale company retail outlets such as 5ike Town. :all shoppers can be regarded as representative of 5ike s target consumers for regular 5ike shops as well as the upscale 5ike Town. This method offers several advantages" comple* &uestions can be asked/ it is very good for the use of physical stimuli/ very good sample control/ high &uantity of data/ and very good response rate. 9. 7ikert Scale" Strongly Strongly 6isagree 6isagree 5eutral +gree +gree 5ike running shoes are durable. 1 % 0 1 Semantic 6ifferential Scale" 6urable C C C C Stapel Scale" 5ike running shoes D1 D0 DD% D1 6urability 21 2% 220 21 E.

C 5ot durable

?3% 2 0

!T'L(T)C S'*(S +,(ST)* #!RT ! <1. 8ow often do you wear athletic shoesA a. Bne a month or less often CCCC b. Two or three times a month CCCC c. Bnce or twice a week CCCC d. Three or more times per week CCCC


<%. .lease rate the importance of the following factors in your selection of an athletic shoe brand. 5ot at all Important 1 1 1 1 1 1 ?ery Important 1 1 1 1 1 1 ?ery :uch .referred 1 1 1

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Image .erformance 3omfort .rice 6urability Style

% % % % % %

0 0 0 0 0 0

<-. .lease rate your preference for the following brands of athletic shoes. 5ot at all .referred a. 5ike 1 % 0 b. 4eebok 1 % 0 c. +didas 1 % 0 <0. .lease rate the following brands of athletic shoes in terms of Image. .oor Image a. 5ike 1 % b. 4eebok 1 % c. +didas 1 % -

0 0 0

>*cellent Image 1 1 1

<1. .lease rate the following brands of athletic shoes in terms of .erformance. .oor .erformance a. 5ike 1 % 0 b. 4eebok 1 % 0 c. +didas 1 % 0

>*cellent .erformance 1 1 1

?3% 2 1

<9. .lease rate the following brands of athletic shoes in terms of 3omfort. .oor 3omfort a. 5ike 1 % 0 b. 4eebok 1 % 0 c. +didas 1 % 0 <E. .lease rate the following brands of athletic shoes in terms of a value .rice. .oor .rice a. 5ike 1 % 0 b. 4eebok 1 % 0 c. +didas 1 % 0 <F. .lease rate the following brands of athletic shoes in terms of 6urability. .oor 6urability a. 5ike 1 % 0 b. 4eebok 1 % 0 c. +didas 1 % 0 <G. .lease rate the following brands of athletic shoes in terms of Style. .oor Style a. 5ike 1 % b. 4eebok 1 % c. +didas 1 % -

>*cellent 3omfort 1 1 1 >*cellent .rice 1 1 1 >*cellent 6urability 1 1 1 >*cellent Style 1 1 1

0 0 0

<1=. @hich of the following brands of athletic shoes do you ownA .lease check as many as apply. a. 5ike CCCC b. 4eebok CCCC c. +didas CCCC d. Bther CCCC #!RT & In this part we would like to ask you some &uestions for classification purposes. <11. <1%. Hour gender" 1. :ale CCCCC

:arital Status" 1. :arried CCCCC %. 5ever :arried CCCCC -. 6ivorced#Separated#@idowed CCCCC (amily Si,e


?3% 2 9

1. %. -. 0. 1.

Bne Two Three (our (ive or more


<10. Hour age" 1. 1F2%0 %. %120= -. 0129= 0. 9=D

<11. Hour formal education 1. 7ess than 8igh School %. 8igh School Iraduate -. Some 3ollege 0. 3ollege Iraduate <19. @hat is your occupationA CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC


<1E. @hat is the appro*imate combined annual income of your household before ta*esA 1. %. -. 0. 1. 9. J-=,=== or less J-=,==1 to 1=,=== J1=,==1 to E1,=== JE1,==1 to 1==,=== J1==,==1 to 11=,=== J11=,==1 and over CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC

Thank you for your participation. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC E. Target population" :all shoppers in the )nited States in the current year Sampling frame" 7ist of :alls in the )S Sampling unit" :all Shoppers Sampling techni&ue" Kudgmental sampling Sample si,e" 1=== >*ecution" Kudgmentally select a set of shopping malls across the )nited States. Interview shoppers using the mall2intercept method.

?3% 2 E

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