Nov 12 Newsletter

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The Aerie

November 2013 The News From Above Volume 2 Issue 3

The Mavericks vs. Indiana Game By: Terence Carraway As Mr. Douglas says, Performance has privileges, and it was a privilege to attend this game, with over 100 students in attendence. Everyone who made either A or B honor roll were able to attend the game. If you want to get opportunities like this, make sure youre passing your classes and do not have any behavioral problems. Some of the seats brothers had were awesome as low as the ground level.
Warriors Only By Austin Davis Interested in battling your friends and vanquishing your foes? During the next Saturday school come on down to Ms. Olalokos room (room 153). You can bring any kind card game or battle game, such as Pokmon, Yu Gi Oh, Beyblade. As long as you play by the rules you can fight not only with your brothers, but bring down friends and try to beat them. Remember its only a game so be sure to be a good sport when battling and try your best. The next Saturday school, November 9, 2013, join the battle club and start your title as a battler.

The Eagles Visit the Longhorns By Kendell Long This school year many colleges and universities have come to visit BOMLA; however, for the fist time this year brothers went on a college visit. To start the year off six brothers, under UT Outreach, visited the University of Texas at Austin. The day long trip offered invaluable experience and information helpful to all students, even if the University of Texas appeals to one. The visit encompassed more than the average college visit. Brothers attended sessions on admissions, STEM related UT programs, and college tours. For an experience as an actual college student, attendees sat in on an actual college class, Race in the Obama Age, in addition, attendees also toured a UT residence Hall; Jester Hall, the second largest college dormitory in the nation, which houses over 3,000 UT students.

Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion ~George Hegel

BOMLAs Featured Writer By Kendell Long As a writing-focused campus we like to highlight students work. We are introducing, a new component of our newsletter where students work will be highlighted, BOMLAs featured writers. Our first feature work is by Brother Osvaldo Jaimes: Football Game Complaint 91-0 By Osvaldo Jaimes Despite the fact the final score was so high, how good or how bad was the losing team? It certainly could have not been bullying because you never know the statistics of both teams. Here are the reasons why I disagree on why the football game was not or could not be bullying. First of all, in any sport there has to be a winner and a loser no matter what. So why complain? Although the score was so high, there had to be a winner either way. Aledo must be very good and Fort Worth may not have been so good. So in what case can this football game be bullying? Blow outs like this always happen in the big leagues. Secondly, if the game was a case of bullying, wouldnt the ref or coach be able to notice? Also Fort Worth has lost 60 something to 0 before and no complaints were filed. Whats the difference this time? Fort Worth only needs to step up their game and stop making excuses. Lastly, the statistics. Which team has won more games and which has played better? Apparently Aledo High School. Fort Worth has been blown out before so why complain now. Football is a sport and one team must win. As I come to my conclusion, I disagree with the fact that it was not bullying because there always has to be a winner, the stats of both teams, and lastly the fact that no one noticed the bullying, if there was any. Fort Worth should only get back on track and

The Kings Game By Hebrews Campbell This year as an addition to our wide variety of clubs here at BOMLA, we have a chess club. The chess club is run by the Latin/Spanish teacher Mr. Mitchell. This club has been in existence since the first year this school has opened. Chess is a game where you must strategize your way to victory by thinking 2 to 5 steps ahead of your opponents. So if you really want to challenge yourself, throw away the checkers and play the kings game. Robot Games By Austin Davis On October 19th, BOMLAs robotics team ,the pengWINs, went to Eastfield College to place their robot in the B.E.S.T. competition. The result was a great learning experience for all team members. At the competition the team was able to see their mistakes and learn from others successes. The team placed 19 out of 25 competitors with a score of 34 points. If you are interested in working with the pengWINs, you can find out how to join by reading about it in Robotics Rumble listed here in the Aerie. The Art of the Future By: Hebrews Campbell This year for the first time ever at the Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy we have a coding club. This club is being led by the one and only Mrs. Keeter. All the students in this club are being taught their skill on a website called All lessons are free and give the students a real coding experience. This a great skill for brothers to have and use in the future because coders will be wizards of the future in their
The iPad Air With the release of the iPad Air on October 22, 2013, during Apples press conference, Apple claims they have revolutionized the way we think of tablets. Often in the past people have complained about the weight and size of the iPad, but now the iPad Air is said to only weighs 1 pound! Along with the weight decrease, the iPad Air is 20% thinner than the previous iPads, with a width of only 7.5 millimeters. Before we thought about what goes in it, we thought about what youll get out of it, stated an Apple spokesperson. Along with the new weight you also get the all new A7 chip. The A7 chip is the most powerful chip we have ever built, and will help the iPad Air run up to 2x faster. You can get the all new iPad Air starting at $ 499.99, at an Apple store near you.

The Amazing PI Lovers By Terence Carraway We all know Mr. Shelton, right? Well he is the amazing sponsor of the P.I Lovers Club. For those who dont know what the P.I. Lovers Club is, it is a club for math enthusiast. Students play this game called Dimension-U. Dimension-U is an online math game that test you on your math skills on many levels, but at the same time its fun. It doesnt matter if you know math or not, you can still come and join the club to learn the areas you dont know. Sometime this school year, there will be a house competition to see who has the best math skills on Dimension-U. So if you want to be ready for this competition, I suggest you come to the PI Lovers Club. Robotics Rumble By Austin Davis Recently the BOMLA pengWINs attended to B.E.S.T. Robotics competition, therefore the robotics club isnt in session during Saturday school. When the next competition starts brothers who are interested can qualify, in order to join one must have one of Ms. Kellys class. Brothers that love to craft and explore possibilities of materials will have a blast working with the team. In order to be on the team you must be flexible; team members often stay until 7:00 p.m. When the new competition starts in January, those who qualify can come to the robotics lab and volunteer to help in crafting and brain storming the new robot. Introducing Letter to the Editor By Kendell Long You all have been contributing invaluable suggestions for the newsletter; so, the newsletter staff decided to bring life to some suggestions. One of which being weekly letters to the editor. Letters to the editors are student submitted letters to the editor and chief of the newsletter. Letters can be on any topic of your desire; including but not limited to controversial topics, questions, or tips. Letters can be submitted by clicking here. Each publication the editor will select a few letters and respond to them. The editor and the newspaper staff reserve the right to include or not include letters. From time to time we will have guest writers to respond to letters submitted. We encourage every brother to submit a letter sometime during the school year.

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