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Advanced Beneficiation Techniques for DRI, Sinter and Pellet Feed Dr.-Ing.

Heribert Breuer

Scenario of the Indian Iron Ore Industry


- Indian crude steel capacity is projected to reach 200 mtpy in 2020

- Such capacity would require > 300 mtpy of high grade iron ore - Actually approx. 200 mtpy are produced of which 60 mtpy are exported, i.e. 140 mt are available for the local steel industry - Based on the above figures anual production has to be increased by > 150 mt - Not only quantity but also quality has to be improved as steel producers are demanding low contamination mainly low SiO2 and Al2O3 - Ressources of DSO of such qualities are very limited, i.e. low grade ores have to be upgraded.

Solutions for the Indian Iron Ore and Steel Industry : 1. Iron ore I Advanced Beneficiation processes I General
- all depends on the ore characteristics, but produce High Grade Concentrates as coarse as possible - The finer the feed the higher Capex and Opex, i.e. if feasable producing coarse concentrates is the most economical way - If High Grade lumps can be produced, at least for this portion no sintering resp. pelletizing is required - Grinding of coarse material from which High Grade products can be processed to complete liberation size in a first step generates more ultrafines and lowers the possible yields

- As long as liberation is sufficient to produce High Grade concentrates, do it, no matter if its at a size of 30, 10 or 1 mm and then - Crush resp. grind the rejects of these steps to the next liberation size and consequently optimize your yields and costs

Solutions for the Indian Iron Ore and Steel Industry 1. Iron ore I Advanced Beneficiation processes I Specific I Density : 1.1 Jigging of > 1 mm
- because its relatively simple and cheap compared to Heavy Media Processes and - any high density cut can be selected, typically > 4,0 g/ cm

1.2 Upstream classifier for < 1 mm

- High capacity units of up to 400 tph, i.e. again low Capex and Opex
- Automatically controlled, i.e. variations in feed composition do not affect product quality - No manual adjustments required as with spirals for example - Typically up to 40 % can be product, which reduces the load for the following separation processes substantially - generates two more intermediate products which can be processed separately for optimized settings and performance of + and - 0,1 mm

Solutions for the Indian Iron Ore and Steel Industry 1. Iron ore I Advanced Beneficiation processes I Specific I Magnetic
1.3 Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separation [ WHIMS] :
- Again, high capacity units for up to 800 tph for optimized economics with the advantages of :

- Low specific costs per ton of feed

- Much less ancillary equipment like pumps, screen etc. - Small footprint, i.e. less building costs - Easier operation

Solutions for the Indian Iron Ore and Steel Industry 1. Iron ore I Advanced Beneficiation processes I

1. - 4 Practical examples, from small to huge

alljig - applications | more than 450 units worldwide

for: - coal - iron ore

- sand | gravel
- rubble

- contaminated soils
- metal-slag

- non ferrous minerals

- diamonds - salt and others

alljig | up gradation of low grade iron ore | 1 - 40 mm

alljig | for iron ore beneficiation

Example 01 Janki Corp. Ltd. Bellary | India

Scope of Work Basic Engineering & Detailed Engineering Manufacturing | Supply of proprietary equipment i.e. 1 x alljig, 1 x scrubber Supervision of erection & commissioning Complete Project Execution
Highlights Plant Capacity Fe Upgradation Input feed size Application Yield

0.8 MTPA 64% 4 - 18 mm DRI up to 80%

alljig | for iron ore beneficiation

Example 02 Kamaljeet Singh Ahluwalia Barbil | India

Scope of Work Basic Engineering & Detailed Engineering Manufacturing | Supply of proprietary equipment i.e. 2 x alljig, 2 x scrubber Supervision of erection & commissioning Complete Project Execution
Highlights Plant Capacity Fe Upgradation Input feed size Application Yield

1.6 MTPA 63% 5 - 18 mm I 18 - 40 mm DRI up to 70%

alljig | for iron ore beneficiation

Example 08
Sree Metalliks Ltd. Keonjhar | India
Scope of Work Test Works | Flow sheet Development Basic &Detailed Design & Engineering Manufacturing & Supply of proprietary equipment i.e., alljig, allflux & gaustec WHIMS Supervision of erection & commissioning Highlights Plant Capacity Fe Up gradation Input feed size Application Yield

500 t|h 57.4 - 62.7% 0 - 10 mm Pellet | Sinter 82%

alljig | for iron ore beneficiation

Example 05 Sarda Mines Pvt. Ltd India Iron ore processing 6 x alljig 5 x alljig 1500 t|h

G - 2200 x 3000 F - 2500 x 3000 5 - 30 mm 1 - 5 mm

December 2010

start up

alljig | for iron ore beneficiation

Example 01 24 of more than 450 alljigs worldwide Sishen Mine | South Africa iron ore separation 24 x alljig 8 GUB 4000 x 3000 8 MUB 3500 x 3000 8 FUB 2200 x 3000 0 - 30 mm mid 2007

4.000 t|h start up

allflux | Technology more than 120 installations worldwide

The allflux separator is a round, center feed process vessel that is sized according to the hydraulic load. The process uses a unique combination of rising current and fluidized bed techniques and can be divided into three stages. The principle of an allflux separator is schematically shown in the following illustration.

allflux | up gradation of iron ore fines | 0 - 1 mm


allflux | Installations for iron ore beneficiation

Fortescue Metal Group (FMG) Cloud Break | CSI Christmas Creek I Australia Iron ore separation

6 x allflux 1.100 t|h start up

4 x allflux 1.100 t|h start up

750 0 - 1 mm 2008

750 0 - 1 mm 2011

allflux | Installations for iron ore beneficiation

Example 03
Brahmani River Pellets Barbil | India
Scope of Work Test Works | Flow sheet Development Manufacturing & Supply of proprietary 2 x allflux | 3 x gaustec WHIMS Supervision of erection & commissioning Highlights Plant Capacity Feed Product Input feed size Application Yield

4 MTPA 55.6 - 57.5% 62.5 - 63.6 % 0-2 Pellet 70 %

allflux | Installations for iron ore beneficiation

Example 04
Essar Steel Orissa Ltd. Dabuna | India
Scope of Work Test Works Manufacturing & Supply of 4 x allflux Supervision of erection & commissioning Highlights Plant Capacity Feed Product Input feed size Application Yield

8 MTPA 53.7 - 54.0 % 60.6 - 62.5 % 0-2 Pellet 53 - 67 %

Sree Metalliks Ltd. | allflux installations | India

gaustec | Technology

Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separator

More than 80 installations in less than 8 years

gaustec | up gradation of iron ore fines | < 0.1 mm

gaustec | Unique Advantages

Larger distance between poles makes maintenance a simple job

Adjustment of effective magnetic area of the pole to achieve energy economy & higher magnetic inductions

Specific Power Consumption is minimum

gaustec | Installations | Sarda Mines Pvt. Ltd.

gaustec - GX | for iron ore processing

Example 01 ITAMINAS Minerao Brazil Iron ore processing 1 x gaustec GX3600 1 - 0 mm 700 t|h July 2010 start up

Feed Product Tailings

54% Fe | 23% SiO2 66% Fe | < 3% SiO2 18% Fe | 60% SiO2

gaustec - GX | Installations | Usiminas Mines

Sarda Mines Pvt. Ltd. | iron ore processing plant | India

Scope of Work Basic Engineering & Detailed Engineering Manufacturing | Supply of proprietary equipment i.e. 11 x alljig, 4 x gaustec WHIMS Supervision of erection & commissioning Complete Project Execution

Highlights Plant Capacity Fe Up gradation Alumina reduction Input feed size Beneficiation sizes Application Yield

11 MTPA 61.7 - 64.1% 3.4 - 1.9 % 0 - 30 mm 0 - 1 | 1 - 5 | 5 - 30 Pellet | Sinter I DRI 85%

Integrated Flowsheet | SMPL


JSPL Barbil m%

Mass- balance Fe % Al2O3 %

Feed 100,0 61,8 3,4


< 1 mm 40,0 59,9 5,2 20,0

1 - 5 mm 62,8 2,6 40,0

5-30 mm 63,2 2,0

allflux/ WHIMS 35,2 63,9 Pelletfeed 2,5 20,8

Jigging 64,1 Sinterfeed 1,7 30,0

Jigging 64,5 1,4 Blastfurnace/ DRI

Products 86,0 64,1 1,9 14,0

Rejects 47,3 12,4

Sarda Mines Pvt. Ltd. | iron ore processing plant | India

allmineral | worldwide I Iron Ore Equipment

2 alljigs 2 gaustec 34 alljigs 16 allflux 21 gaustec 14 alljigs 56 gaustec 38 alljigs 29 allflux 1 gaustec

25 alljigs 7 allflux
allmineral wherever you are, worldwide!

On every continent you will find competent assistance from the experts at allmineral, who will provide you with advice and support for your questions. Please let us know if you need brochures, would like to arrange a visit, or if you have questions or comments. Or simply give us a call. We'll find a solution.

2. Coal - a scarce raw material

-- how can DRI survive !!!!

At present, India is able to produce 450 MTPA of raw coal as against national demand of 550 MTPA India is compelled to import 100 MTPA of coal to meet its domestic demand Captive power plants are mostly depending on imported coal from Indonesia Steep increase in prices of this imported coal is forcing the domestic consumer to depend on E-auction, which in turn causing further price rise of domestic coal. Viability/sustainability of DRI and Captive Plant is becoming a question in this scenario

It is very important to consider use of DRI waste ie., Dolochar after beneficiation

Generation,Composition of Dolochar
A 100 TPD DRI Kiln produces approximately 40 TPD of dolochar. A typical composition of dolochar is presented in the following table
Serial No. 1 2 3 4 5 Constituents Carbon Ash Volatile Matter Sulphur Hydrogen Composition (Mass %)* 14-16 82-85 <1.0 0.53

7 8

Moisture Oxygen

4.2 2.42

Gross Calorific Value (kcal/kg)


Way to utilize ..... !

It has notified by MoEF that under no circumstances the industry shall store any dust, coal char, coal fines etc. in open space. Either use char for their in- house consumption in boilers as fuel OR provide the char to other industries in the region who have commissioned AFBC/CFBC boilers using dolochar as fuel. ABFC boiler using dolochar as fuel are designed for a gross calorific value (GCV) of 2100-2200 kCal/kg. It is difficult to use raw char directly in AFBC boiler because of the presence of mineral matters like silica, iron particle which enhance clinker formation in bed resulting in reduced boiler efficiency. For using Dolochar and upgrading GCV up to 2100-2200 Kcal/Kg, allmineral introduced an unique Dry washing technology called Allair. The allair has a remarkable achievement in char beneficiation for removing iron bearing material and other mineral matters. The CAPEX & OPEX can be optimized for DRI/Power industries to beneficiate the char and make it usable in AFBC Boiler. By blending the char and washery rejects the raw material cost to AFBC boiler can be reduced substantially, resulting overall cost reduction.

allair | for dry coal / char beneficiation


air exhaust

pulsed airflow

constant airflow

heavy particles light particles

allair jig results of Char



85 74.88 92.2 82.65 70.07 91.55 80.82 69.03 95.2

0.8 3.82 0.3 1.49 5.82 0.2 1.81 5.72 0.93

14.2 21.3 7.5 15.86 25 8.25 17.37 25.25 3.87 11.79 7.88 12.58 9.14 10.12 7.1

allair jig results of Char



80.6 69.79 91.63 80.64 65.4 92.35

2.71 6.03 0.12 1.76 6.24 0.4

16.69 24.18 8.25 17.6 28.36 7.25 15.24 10.76 10.81 7.49


71.5 95.28

4.25 0.23

24.25 4.56 11.19 7.82

allair | for coal / char beneficiation I more than 30 installations in India

Example 01 SCAN STEELS LTD. India 1 x allair 50 t|h start up 4 x 8 0 - 30 mm 2008

allair | for coal / char beneficiation

Example 02 JANKI CORP LTD. India 1 x allair 50 t|h start up 4 x 8 5 - 20 mm 2008

2. Coal I Summary :
Dry coal/ char beneficiation is an unique technology for Indian power plants Utilization of Dolochar in AFBC/CFBC Boiler, to reduce fuel cost and make-up for the coal shortages. Reduced environmental hazard. Techno economic feasibility for the dry char beneficiation plant.

Optimized OPEX with Dolochar and coal mix in boiler.

Less generating cost of electricity in captive power plant using dolochar as a fuel. Ground water conservation achieved by Dry Process.

allmineral | India allmineral | Germany Baumstrae 45 allmineral | Poland Ul. Powstacw l. 5

D-47198 Duisburg T_ +49 (0) 20 66 . 99 17 - 0 F_ +49 (0) 20 66 . 99 17 - 17

53332 Wrocaw T_ +48 (0) 71 . 7 83 70 11 F_ +48 (0) 71 . 7 80 44 18

Eco Space Business Park | 6th Floor Block-B | Premises No.II F/11 Action Area-II | New Town | Rajarhat Kolkata 700 156 T_ +91 . 33 . 4017 . 4100 to 4109 F_ +91 . 33 . 4017 . 4110

allmineral | USA Suite 1-F, 1360 Union Hill Road Alpharetta, Georgia 30004 T_ +1 . 7 70 . 4 10 02 20 F_ +1 . 7 70 . 4 10 08 07

allmineral | South Africa P.O. Box 73171 Fairland 2030, Johannesburg T_ +27 (0) 11 . 4 78 53 80 | 81 F_ +27 (0) 11 . 4 78 53 88

allmineral | Australia Unit 3 | 36 Millrose Drive Malaga | WA 6090 T_ +61 (0) 8 . 6240 6400 F_ +61 (0) 8 . 9249 6456

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