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Unit 1 Test Instructor's Edition

Use the following to answer questions 1-6: Read this passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. In-Line Skates People think of in-line skates as a modern invention, but they actually enjoy a long history. Roller skating probably evolved when frustrated recreational ice skaters tried to find a way to pass the time during the warmer months. It was also a way for professional skaters to practice year-round. For the first 100 years of roller skating, skates were designed with the wheels positioned in a straight line, like the blade of an ice skate. There was an inherent problem, though. It was very hard to turn in these skates. In 1863, James Plimpton finally invented a skate that included four wheelswo side by side in the front and two side by side in the back. This design remained the favorite for many years because it provided excellent maneuverability. In-line skates, however, never went away. Several versions were created in the early 1900s. The big revolution in skating occurred when Scott and Brennan Olson founded Rollerblade, Inc., in 1980. They began marketing in-line skates primarily as fitness equipment. The new design was much more maneuverable, and the marketing team focused on exercise in addition to the social aspects of the sport. Bladers, as in-line skaters were called, could get in shape while enjoying time with friends. Today, Rollerblade has become a household name, like Kleenex or Band-Aid. People refer to inline skating as ollerblading.?This is only true, however, if they are wearing the Rollerblade brand skates. Manufacturers of other brands try to remind skaters that they are n-line skating?rather than ollerblading.?Either way, the design was improved, and now skaters can enjoy the speed and maneuverability that in-line skates provide. This, in addition to the fitness benefits, makes it extremely popular in modern society. 1. The first roller skates included two wheels in front and two in back. A) True B) False 2. Today, in-line skating is a popular sport and method of fitness. A) True B) False 3. Roller skating developed a long time ago because ___. A) ice skaters wanted more maneuverability than ice skates allowed B) people who didn't like to skate on the ice wanted an alternative C) ice skaters wanted a way to skate in warmer months D) professional ice skaters wanted a better form of exercise

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4. The earliest roller skates ___. A) were easy to maneuver B) were designed with the wheels in a straight line, like ice skates C) were designed with two wheels in front and two wheels in the back, side by side D) had excellent brakes 5. Rollarblade, Inc. was extremely successful in the 1980s for all of the following reasons except ___. A) they marketed their blades as a type of fitness equipment B) the new design was more maneuverable than previous designs C) the new design was more attractive than the ide by side design D) they marketed lading as a social activity 6. People refer to in-line skating as ollerblading because ___. A) all manufacturers of in-line skates refer to it this way B) Rollerblade, Inc. is the most famous producer of in-line skates C) Rollerblade, Inc. is the only producer of skates that are fast and maneuverable D) competitive in-line skaters refer to it this way 7. Mr. Lee has to ____ one part of the design before he sends the plans to the factory. A) alteration B) alter C) altered 8. The designers are making a few ____ before the manufacturers begin the construction. A) alterations B) alter C) altered 9. Although they are _____, the twins find that many times people treat them like one person. A) individuals B) individual C) individually 10. The company ____ wrapped the delicate glasses to protect them during shipping. A) individuals B) individual C) individually

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11. The ____ police officer identified the criminal who attacked him. A) injury B) injure C) injured 12. Because he didn't want to ____ his sore back, the athlete wore a brace and didn't play for two weeks. A) injury B) injure C) injured 13. The team ___ many of the metal parts with plastic parts to increase buoyancy. A) substituted B) minimized C) designed D) altered 14. The ___ function of the handrail is to protect people from falling as they walk down the steep steps. A) individual B) primary C) subsequent D) revolutionary 15. The new invention was designed to ___ the amount of time spent on repetitive tasks. A) minimize B) injure C) revolutionize D) substitute 16. The ___ has been postponed indefinitely, and the workers have been sent home. A) alteration B) design C) job D) injury 17. Our first meeting will focus on deciding on the ___ for the project; we will begin developing the specifics for the project at our bimonthly meetings, beginning in January. A) framework B) job C) revolution D) alteration

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18. Please sign each of the ___ pages of the contract, and then give it to our lawyer on your way out. A) fee B) framework C) substitute D) individual 19. A small ___ was charged to each participant to recover the cost of supplies. A) job B) substitution C) alteration D) fee 20. Please ___ the proposal, and incorporate the comments from the factory manager. A) design B) injure C) alter D) substitute Use the following to answer questions 21-28: Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. Use each word one time. subsequent inherent revolutionary overseas minimal substitution design injury

21. The first design didn't work; _______________ designs have been much better. 22. We plan to ship thousands of boxes _______________. 23. Please make one _______________: use the monitor with the 18-inch screen, not the one with the 20-inch screen. 24. The _______________ was complicated, but the engineers were sure it would work. 25. In order to avoid _______________, the hot-air balloon tests used a life-size doll instead of a human being.

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26. The software proved to be _______________ in the area of medical recording because it allowed doctors in different cities to share information. 27. Even with a small budget and with _______________ support from his family, George was able to create a computer game that was successful in the market. 28. There were no _______________ problems with the theory, but the committee was skeptical that it could be put into practice. 29. Not many inventions make the journey from a person's head to the shelf of a store. Why do you think this is so? What might an inventor have to do in order to see his or her invention made into reality. 30. As a child, did you ever imagine inventing a unique or special device? What was it, and how did it work? If you did not have such an idea as a child, think of one now. What marvel of engineering is needed by our society today erhaps moving sidewalks along downtown streets, or a machine that will bathe and feed you in the morning? Be creative.

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Answer Key
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. B A C B C B B A A C C B A B A C A D D C subsequent overseas substitution design injury revolutionary minimal inherent

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