GSM Weather Monitoring System

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Abstract of the Microcontroller base !eather station" Intro #ction$% The &ro'ect (!eather )onitorin* station+ is base on the a&&lication of ,-./ )icrocontroller (an0 )icrocontroller of ,-./ fa)il0 can be #se +" The ata lo**er etects the en1iron)ental con itions 2 *i1es the rele1ant infor)ation to the #ser abo#t the !eather con itions s#ch as te)&erat#re3 h#)i it03rain fall le1el (etc+" The infor)ation can be of *reat #se for the )onitorin* of !eather for the a*ric#lt#ral an in #strial &#r&oses" The infor)ation can be recei1e b0 the #ser b0 1ario#s )eans s#ch as irect is&la0 o1er lc !hich is in b#ilt in the )o #le itself3 thro#*h the s)s 2 thro#*h the !eb" The ata lo**er can be #se for the in #strial a&&lications" It )onitors the te)&erat#re 2 etects the other &ara)eters of !eather &resent at the &artic#lar &lace on real ti)e basis" The infor)ation of the sa)e is for!ar e b0 the ata lo**er itself as a s)s to the s#&er1isor infor)in* on his cell&hone abo#t the rise in te)&erat#re or in so)e cases the chna*e of &ara)eters" This econo)ical e1ice ()icrocontroller base + is of *reat #se for in #strial &#r&oses" The MA4IM /5, A6D con1erter is #se to con1ert the analo* si*nals fro) the sensors to i*ital si*nals that are #se for inter&retation !ithin the )icrocontroller ,-./" Sensor #se in this &ro'ect are $ i" Te)&erat#re sensors ii" H#)i it0 sensors iii" Win s&ee an irection sensors

i1" Tri&&in* b#c7et rainfall sensors

i" Te)&erat#re sensors$ There are )an0 t0&es an 7in s of Te)&erat#re sensors #se in ifferent a&&lications" in o#r &ro'ect !e !ill #se LM8. te)&erat#re sensor3 !hich analo* te)&erat#re sensor an eas0 to #se in a&&lication li7e this" The )icrocontroller has o little in the re*ar " ii" H#)i it0 sensors Relati1e h#)i it06te)&erat#re an relati1e h#)i it0 sensors are confi*#re !ith inte*rate circ#itr0 to &ro1i e on%chi& si*nal con itionin*" Absor&tion%base h#)i it0 sensors &ro1i e both te)&erat#re an 9RH (Relati1e H#)i it0+ o#t&#ts"

iii" Win s&ee an

irection sensors

Ane)o)eter an !in 1ane !ith crossar) an &o!er s#&&l0" Desi*ne for e)an in* !in )eas#re)ent a&&lications" :aisala Win Set WA/. or :aisala Win Set WA;. or :aisala Win Sensor WM8- Co)bine )echanical !in s&ee an irection sensor" The WM8- is co)&act an li*ht3 ri*i an affor able" Lo! &o!er cons#)&tion )a7es it i eal also for )obile a&&lications"Meas#res the hori<ontal !in s&ee #sin* a Ree %contact !hich is acti1ate b0 the re1ol#tion of the c#&%star" =est &rice 6 &erfor)ance%ratio for basic re>#ire)ents3 incl# es ;- ) cable" Meas#res hori<ontal !in irection" The )eas#rin* 1al#es are o#t&#t as oh)ic resistance si*nals" i1" Tri&&in* b#c7et rainfall sensors DRD//A Rain Detector Rain Detector DRD//A feat#res fast an acc#rate &reci&itation etection (ON6O??+" The sensor o&erates 1ia ro&let etection rather than b0 si*nal le1el threshol " The ca&aciti1e &rinci&le #tili<es the RainCa& sensor &late"

The LCD is&la0 is is&la0in* the )ain &ara)eters of !eather )onitorin* station !hich incl# es rainfall3 air irection3 soil )oist#re an h#)i it0" As !e alrea 0 isc#sse The entire ata is analo*3 these ata is con1erte to i*ital ata b0 ADC" The fo#r channel i*ital si*nals are co)&are bet!een e@it an &resent ata #e to the e)be e co eA it is store into flash )e)or0 of the )icrocontroller" The con ition of the &ara)eter is in1ali then the )icrocontroller control )otor an s&ra0erA it is e&en on the !et or r0 of soil an cli)ates of the s70 or hea1en"

Block Diagram: Power Supply

Rain all GSM MODULE RECE!"ER #umi$ity Bo$y %emp &in$ 'pee$

GSM Network

Micro Controller

RECE!"ER %emp


GSM Net!or7


The Ane)o)eter Ane)o)eter is an i)&ortant &art of an0 !eather )onitorin* station" The ane)o)eter )eas#res !in s&ee an irection" The ane)o)eter !in s&ee o&eratin* ran*e is #& to /;. )iles &er ho#r an has a acc#rac0 resol#tion of B6% (&l#s or )in#s+ -"C)&h" In stea 0 !in con itions the ane)o)eter trans)its ne! rea in*s to the is&la0 #nit once e1er0 )in#teA in *#st0 con itions3 *#st #& atin* occ#rs e1er0 /C%secon s" Win irection o&eratin* ran*e is -o? to 8.Do?" Data trans)ission to the is&la0 #nit occ#rs e1er0 .%secon s" The ane)o)eter is &o!ere b0 a solar cell !ith batter0 bac7#&"

PC !nter(ace wit) GU!

GSM Mo$ule

The Rain Ga#*e Rain Ga#*e is an i)&ortant &art of an0 !eather )onitorin* station"

The Rain Ga#*e )eas#res rainfall in )illi)eter incre)ents reflectin* c#rrent rainfall or acc#)#lation of ata fro) &re1io#s last reset" The Rain Ga#*e feat#res a self%e)&t0in* rain collection #nit" Dail0 rainfall sa)&lin* rate is e1er0 ;C%ho#rs

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