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With all of the snow and cold this year, streets have become narrower, so please avoid parking along the road whenever possible and stick to one side of the street. It is essential that roads are clear enough for emergency vehicles, school buses and garbage trucks to pass through. When snow is forecast, no overnight parking is permitted on any street and its smart to keep vehicles off the road in the winter. Pedestrians have a particularly di icult ti!e in c"ld winter c"nditi"ns# as sidewal$s and pathways are slippery and visi%ility reduced as they %undle up. Give the! space# "%ey cr"ssin& &uards# st"p at st"p si&ns and d" n"t pass any sch""l %us with its li&hts lashin&# n" !atter what directi"n y"u are &"in&.


at ( p! at the RR)K# *+,+ Inn"vati"n- Pu%lic c"nsultati"n "n issues al"n& Ayt"n Lane . and in "r!ati"n a%"ut h"w and when y"u can add par$in& "n y"ur pr"perty. /ince par$in& issues "ccur al"n& !any streets# residents r"! "ther streets are welc"!e. I have arran&ed "r a 0ylaw 1 icer t" attend t" answer y"ur 2uesti"ns and t" hear su&&esti"ns.


G3I4E 51R /ER6I)E/ 51R /ENI1R/

!he "ity of #ttawa $uide to %ervices and &rograms for #lder 'dults has been prepared to put information on a wide variety of services at your finger tips. (ou can dow nl"ad the %""$let in the seni"rs7 secti"n " "r c"ntact !y " ice and we will &et a c"py t" y"u. /"!e " the in "r!ati"n y"u7ll ind includes )elp 'round the )ome supports to help you remain in your home *ibrary services, including home delivery, talking books + large print books )ealth + %ocial %upports )ousing for seniors ,ecreation for adults &rograms /olunteering #pportunities 'nd more !he 0anata %eniors "entre and the 0anata %eniors "ouncil provide a wealth of activities in our own community. 'n annual membership at the "entre is only 123 4which includes activities5 and membership in the 0anata %eniors "ouncil 4a voluntary organi6ation that runs the coffee shop, travel program, computer training, newsletter, and more5 is free. *ocated at the west end of the 7lacak "entre 42899 "ampeau5, the %eniors "entre is a bustling place with activities for everyone. It operates from :;<9 am to 3 pm 7onday to =riday and 19 am 3pm on %aturday. %o if you know seniors in the community who havent yet tried out the "entre, have them drop by. Its a great way to make friends, keep fit and avoid loneliness.

T1WN HALL 'EETING 8 !uesday, January 21st, at > pm, ,,"0, 3191 Innovation.
=ind out about 0londike ,oad construction, plans for a new development on 7arch ,oad at %tation ,oad, provide your input on the ?arl of 7arch ?@tension plans, be updated on issues about the new public school location and on 2913 construction activities. If you havent seen our new "entre, come early and look around. "ontact me to add your issues and check my website near the date for a full agenda.


!he #ttawa &ublic *ibrarys annual 'wesome 'uthors (outh Writing "ontest is now underway. !he contest, for aspiring poets and short story authors, is open to writers between the ages of A and 1> who are invited to submit poems and short stories in ?nglish andBor =rench. !he deadline is =ebruary A, 2913. 'wesome pri6es will be awarded in the spring, and the winning items will be published in Pot-pourri, an anthology published by the =riends of the #ttawa &ublic *ibrary . 5"r c"ntest details visit www.Ciblio#ttawa*ibrary.caB'wesome'uthors "r c"ntact In "/ervice at :+; <=,8>?*,.

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