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OffIine exercises

Exercise 1
Here is an interview with Ringo Starr, the drummer for the BeatIes. The questions
and answers have been mixed up. Match the questions 1 - 10 on the Ieft with the
answers A - J on the right.
1. What do you miss about John Lennon and A. We were always pop. "'m a
George Harrison now that they have passed That was one of the lines in the film
on? ___ A Hard Day's Night. 'm a popper
2. How has the music industry changed over B. Rock came from America first, and
with the
the past 40 years? ___ Beatles, it started going back there.
So, a lot of British bands are still
trying to conquer
America, producing a lot of good
3. Did John and Paul tell you how to play the C. Friendship. Hanging out. Working
drums, or were you able to experiment? ___ The love miss that. t was like
4. You often have guest artists join you in the D. f you are in a band, it hasn't
changed much.
studio to record with you. Who was the most But the thing is that now, nobody
who really
memorable? ___ cares about music is running the industry.
t's all accountants!
5. The Beatles made you famous. What would E. Well, would have to say the newest
your life have been like without them? ___ Liverpool 8. t's always the new one,
know? Like the new baby. But
Ringo was
also a huge album for me.
6. Are you still a "mocker a fusion of mod F. Well, first let me say that don't ask
them to
and rocker? ___ on because of their name, but because
love them as musicians. But really
remember Hoyt Axton. We had so
much fun
doing the No No Song.
7. What are the odds that you and Paul G. was blessed with great timing.
Also, 'm
McCartney will apppear together onstage ambidextrous throw with my left
hand, but
again? ___ write with my right hand. That
makes my
style really personal.
8. Why do you think so much rock 'n' roll talent H. truly believe that would still have
been a
has come from Britain over the decades? ___ musician, because love it so much.
probably have been drumming in
some club
somewhere. But who knows?
9. You have had a successful solo career. I. Well, have to say that was blessed to be
Which album are you most proud of? ___ working with two songwriters who
had very
specific ideas, but if changed
something to
the way thought it should be, they
along with that.
10. How would you describe your drumming J. Oh, would say the chances are fifty-fifty.
style? __
Exercise 2.1
Add one of the foIIowing prepositions: in, on, under, in front of, behind, at.
1. He works __________ a bank.
2. The lamp is __________ the table.
3. sleep __________ my bedroom.
4. He lives __________ 27 Rosewood Street.
5. She lives __________ a farm.
6. The store is __________ the library. (The library is on the street.)
7. The car is __________ the house. (The car is parked on the street.)
8. We eat breakfast __________ home.
9. They swim __________ the ocean.
10. live __________ Green Street.
Exercise 2.2
UnscrambIe the foIIowing sentences. Put in the correct punctuation.
1. my computer is my desk on ___________________________________________
2. friend my is hospital in _______________________________________________
3. books table on are the the ____________________________________________
4. tigers in Africa live don't ______________________________________________
5. you home at are? ___________________________________________________
6. cat the in front is of fire the ____________________________________________
7. cookies are the plate on the ___________________________________________
8. buy you food a supermarket in _________________________________________
9. next it is to office post the? ____________________________________________
10. Road 32 Park at lives London he _______________________________________
Exercise 3
Decide what preposition shouId go in the spaces.
Exercise 4.1
Do the foIIowing exercises to practice using reIative pronouns and reIative cIauses.
Write the correct reIative pronoun in the space.
1. The woman _______ is sitting at the desk is Mr Winter's secretary.

2. cannot remember the reason ______ he wanted us to leave.

3. Jane, _______ mother is a physician, is very good at biology.

4. She didn't see the snake _______ was lying on the ground.

5. Do you know the shop _______ Andrew picked me up?
Exercise 4.2
Combine the sentences with reIative cIauses. (Decide whether to use commas or
6. A monk is a man. The man has devoted his life to God.

7. have a black cat. His name is Blacky.
8. A herbivore is an animal. The animal feeds upon vegetation.
9. Carol plays the piano brilliantly. She is only 9 years old.
10. Sydney is the largest Australian city. t is not the capital of Australia.
Exercise 5
BeIow is information from a website caIIed Read the
Information and then choose True, FaIse, or Doesn't Say for each sentence.
Our Commitment to the Environment
At Organic Pharmacy, we understand and appreciate the impact that businesses can have
on the environment and our society. We believe that it is important for businesses to
conduct themselves in ethical and environmentally responsible ways.
That being said, we have made a commitment to the planet and its people by engaging in
ethical and environmentally sound practices wherever possible.
Our Products .
Whenever possible, we offer products which are certified organic, which means they are
produced completely without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, chemical
preservatives, or genetic modification. Certified organic products are becoming
increasingly available as the public interest grows and demand increases, and we are
excited to see more and more on the market every day. f you know of high quality certified
organic products which we do not currently carry, please contact us, we would love to know
about them!
Our Employees .
Our employees are paid a good salary, and are rewarded with promotions within the
company for hard work and dedication. From desks filled with plants, to the time-out Zen
Zone complete with fish tank, our work environment is relaxed, open air and personalized
you won't see a cubicle in our offices.
Chef Nicole can often be found preparing vegetarian snacks and meals for us with locally
grown, organic foods, and Kevin can be seen dusting, sweeping and tidying up our work
areas using only the finest non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning products. We value our
employees and their feedback and are continually striving to meet their unique and
individualized needs while maintaining the harmony of the team as a whole.
Our Materials .
The majority of the paper purchased by our company is 100% recycled, and the packing
materials used in the boxes are either reused from our manufacturers or are made from
100% biodegradable, petroleum-free corn starch. We often reuse our suppliers' boxes,
packing materials and inserts. We also actively recycle any materials we can (such as
glass, paper and plastic) that are used throughout our work day.
We also strongly believe in the positive impact of supporting locally owned, independent
businesses, and buy local products whenever practical. n fact, we proudly offer Cosmic
Essences, Gaia Herbs, and Day's Pharm products, all made right here in Western North
1. Organic Pharmacy thinks that some businesses are not conducted ethically.
True ___ FaIse ___ Doesn't Say ___
2. Organic Pharmacy always engages in environmentally sound practices.
True ___ FaIse ___ Doesn't Say ___
3. Customers are invited to give information to Organic Pharmacy.
True ___ FaIse ___ Doesn't Say ___
4. t is becoming more and more expensive to grow organic food products.
True ___ FaIse ___ Doesn't Say ___
5. Employees can take a break and go fishing in the Zen Zone.
True ___ FaIse ___ Doesn't Say ___
6. Ken does the cleaning up at Organic Pharmacy.
True ___ FaIse ___ Doesn't Say ___
7. Workers can make suggestions to the management.
True ___ FaIse ___ Doesn't Say ___
8. Organic Pharmacy uses only recycled paper.
True ___ FaIse ___ Doesn't Say ___
9. Empty boxes from the suppliers are sent to the nearest recycling centre.
True ___ FaIse ___ Doesn't Say ___
10. Organic Pharmacy is located in the state of North Carolina.
True ___ FaIse ___ Doesn't Say ___
Exercise 6
Read the articIe beIow about endangered species. Put one of the words beIow into
space. There are four words which don't go into any of the spaces.
fallen planet ideas risen
dead habitat parts warming
weight impact law horns
increase extinct reduced behaviour
Endangered species
The 1. __________ humanity is having on the environment is rarely out of the news these
days, with the subject of global 2. __________ receiving an especially large amount of
Another important, but perhaps less well-known environmental issue is that of endangered
species. These are groups of animals which are so low in number that they could become
3. __________ . n most cases this is largely because of human activity.

Some scientists have suggested that at least 10% of the world's birds, 30% of amphibians
and 25% of mammals are endangered, with the latter group including some very well-
known animals. The total number of tigers, for example, has 4. __________ by more than
90% in the last hundred years. There are now fewer than 7,000, all living in southern and
eastern Asia. The decline has been mainly due to illegal hunting, with hunters selling the
tigers' bones and body 5. __________ for use in traditional medicines.
The number of rhinoceroses in the world has also fallen dramatically, and for similar
reasons. They are illegally hunted for their 6. __________ , which are believed to be a vital
ingredient in some traditional medicines. There are now fewer than 10,000 rhinoceroses

Elephants are also an endangered species. They are illegally hunted for their ivory tusks,
and their area of habitat is being 7. __________ as the human population increases rapidly
around them. Recent history has shown, however, that the populations of endangered
species can 8. __________ if human 9. __________ changes.
A good example is a mammal that can grow to a length of more than 30 metres and a
10. __________ of more than 180 tonnes, and is believed to be the largest animal that has
ever lived on our 11. __________ : the blue whale. As a result of hunting, blue whales
were very close to becoming extinct during the first half of the twentieth century, but in the
1960s they began to be protected under international 12. __________ . Since then their
total population has increased, although it is still probably less than 5% of what it once was.
Exercise 7.1
yet, stiII, aIready, just, for/since
CompIete the sentences with the most suitabIe word reIated to present perfect.
1. Have you finished your homework ? That was quick !
2. s your grandmother alive ?
3. She hasn't decided what to wear for the party .
4. We are late. The film has started.
5. haven't seen that film
6. have seen it twice
7. have been to China, but would like to go.
8. Have you seen a famous actor or actress?
9. They have lived there they were born.
10. We were in the camping a week and then moved to a hotel.
11. Has Mary arrived ? Not .
12. 've told you. They are doing the exam and you cannot go in.
13. Look, George has arrived. You can go and talk to him.
14. have seen anything like that. t's incredible.

Exercise 7.2
just, yet, aIready, ever, never, stiII
compIete with the most suitabIe word reIated to present perfect.
've seen your teacher, and he's told me that you haven't finished your
assignments .
2. Have you travelled to Australia ?
3. No, 've been there.
4. Have you called your father ? Yes, 've told him that we are
5. We are living in the same place. n fact, we've moved
6. We've bought a new tent, so we can all sleep inside.
7. Have you finished eating ? No, not yet.
8. This book has arrived. s it the one you wanted?
Exercise 7.3
present perfect and adverbs
CompIete with the present perfect and the adverb given between parentheses.
1. Mr Jones (not arrive/yet) .
2. (call/just) the police. heard a very strange noise outside.
3. (be/never) to Disneyland, but would like to.
4. you (see/ever) a white elephant? No one. (see/never)
5. She (not finish/yet), but she me (just/phone) saying that
she will be home soon.
6. She on holiday (just/go) and (not leave) any message for you.
7. you (tell/already) that do not want an encyclopedia.
Exercise 8
The six steps in making a paper airplane are illustrated below. The instructions are mixed
up. Read them and write which step each one describes. Then, follow the instructions and
make a paper airplane.
Step ___: Fold the two edges toward the center line, as indicated.
Step ___: Fold the wings down, beginning at the nose of the airplane.
Step ___: Fold down the top corners as indicated by the arrows.
Step ___: Form a 3-dimensional shape as shown in figure. Bend up the tailing edge of the
wings for
lift if it has a tendency to nose-dive.
Step ___: Take a sheet of paper, fold it in half lengthwise, and run your thumbnail along
the fold to
crease it sharply. Now, unfold the paper.
Step ___: Make a fold from left to right as shown in the illustration.
Exercise 9
BeIow there is an articIe about dictionaries. FiII in the missing word for each space.
There is an exampIe at the beginning (0).
Exercise 10
BeIow are five questions about money, but the answer to each question is out of
order. Reorder the sentences so that the answer makes sense. Put a number in the
space before each sentence.
Question 1: Have you bought anything on the Internet recentIy?
a___ So now often buy things on the nternet, especially books and CDs.
b___ You know, some people say that your credit card number can be stolen.
c___ t was a birthday present for my mother.
d___ used to be worried about buying anything online.
e___ But then found out that the chances of that every happening are quite small.
f___ The last thing bought online was a book about digital photography.
Question 2: Have you ever Iost your waIIet?
a___ t had my credit cards and money in it.
b___ t still had all my cards and the money in it.
c___ was amazed.
d___ lost my wallet a few years ago.
e___ t fell out of my pocket in a train.
f___ But somebody found it and took it to a police station.
g___ But the person didn't leave their name, so couldn't thank them.
h___ The police phoned me and went to get it.
Question 3: Have you ever Ient money to anyone?
a___ t wasn't very much, but he didn't pay me back.
b___ The last time did was when was at school.
c___ One of my friends asked me to lend him some money.
d___ We never spoke to each other again.
e___ haven't lent anybody money for ages.
Question 4: Have you saved up to buy something recentIy?
a___ But having said that, do remember one time.
b___ had a summer job, and saved as much as could to buy a new stereo.
c___ f can afford something want, 'll buy it.
d___ t was when was a teenager.
e___ 've never been very good at saving money.
f___ f can't, won't.
Question 5: Have you ever been robbed?
a___ But didn't have any.
b___ was walking in the city centre late one night coming back from a party.
c___ He wasn't too happy about it, but at least he let me go without hurting me.
d___ Someone tried to steal money from me a few years ago.
e___ He made me empty all my pockets to show him that didn't.
f___ A big guy stepped out of a doorway and told me to give him all my money.
Exercise 1
1. C
2. D
4. F
5. H
6. A
7. J
8. B
9. E
10. G
Exercise 2.1
1. at
2. on
3. in
4. at
5. on
6. behind
7. in front of
8. at
9. in
10. in or on
Exercise 2.2
1. My computer is on my desk.
2. My friend is in hospital.
3. The books are on the table.
4. Tigers don't live in Africa.
5. Are you at home?
6. The cat is in front of the fire.
7. The cookies are on the plate.
8. You buy food in a supermarket.
9. s it next to the post office?
10. He lives at 32 Part Road, London.
Exercise 3
1. for 21. on
2. out 22. into
3. up 23. out
4. up 24. up
5. on with 25. out
6. back, back 26. up
7. out 27. away
8. away 28. down
9. up 29. out
10. after 30. up
11. off 31. up
12. off 32. down
13. up 33. into
14. up 34. forward to
15. in 35. out
16. up 36. away
17. back 37. out
18. off 38. on
19. up 39. down
20. up 40. in
Exercise 4
1. who (or that)
2. why (or that)
3. whose
4. which (or that)
5. where
6. A monk is a man who (or that) has devoted his life to God.
7. have a black cat whose name is Blacky.
8. A herbivore is an animal which (or that) feeds upon vegetation.
9. Carol , who is only 9 years old, plays the piano brilliantly.
10. Sydney , which is not the capital of Australia, is the largest Australian city.
Exercise 5
1. doesn't say
2. false
3. true
4. doesn't say
5. false
6. true
7. true
8. false
9. false
10. true
Exercise 6
1. impact 9. behaviour
2. warming 10. weight
3. extinct 11. planet
4. fallen 12. law
5. parts
6. horns
7. reduced
8. increase
Exercise 7.1
1. already
2. still
3. yet
4. already or just
5. yet
6. already
7. never
8. ever
9. since
10. for
11. yet / yet
12. already or just / still
13. just
14. never
Exercise 7.2
1. just / yet
2. ever
3. never
4. yet / already or just
5. still / never
6. just
7. yet
8. just
Exercise 7.3
1. hasn't arrived yet
2. have just called
3. have never been
4. Have you ever seen / have never seen
5. hasn't finished yet / has just phoned
6. has just gone / hasn't left
7. have already told
Exercise 8
1. Step 3
2. Step 5
3. Step 2
4. Step 6
5. Step 1
6. Step 4
Exercise 9
1. When
2. had
3. great
4. as
5. Although / Though
6. have
7. in
8. each
9. At
10. make
11. not
12. to
13. well
14. way
15. whether
Exercise 10
(note: some variations could be possible)
Q1: (a4 b2 c6 d1 e3 f5)
used to be worried about buying anything online. You know, some people say that your
credit card number can be stolen. But then found out that the chances of that every
happening are quite small. So now often buy things on the nternet, especially books and
CDs. The last thing bought online was a book about digital photography. t was a
birthday present for my mother.
Q2: (a3 b6 c7 d1 e2 f4 g8 h5)
lost my wallet a few years ago. t fell out of my pocket in a train. t had my credit cards
and money in it. But somebody found it and took it to a police station. The police phoned
me and went to get it. t still had all my cards and the money in it. was amazed. But the
person didn't leave their name, so couldn't thank them.
Q3: (a4 b2 c3 d5 e1)
haven't lent anybody money for ages. The last time did was when was at school. One
of my friends asked me to lend him some money. t wasn't very much, but he didn't pay
me back. We never spoke to each other again.
Q4: (a4 b6 c2 d5 e1 f3)
've never been very good at saving money. f can afford something want, 'll buy it. f
can't, won't. But having said that, do remember one time. t was when was a
teenager. had a summer job, and saved as much as could to buy a new stereo.
Q5: (a4 b2 c6 d1 e5 f3)
Someone tried to steal money from me a few years ago. was walking in the city centre
late one night coming back from a party. A big guy stepped out of a doorway and told me
to give him all my money. But didn't have any. He made me empty all my pockets to
show him that didn't. He wasn't too happy about it, but at least he let me go without
hurting me.

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