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Two Harbors Investment Corp.

Completes Public Offering of Common Stock

NEW O!"# $anuar% &'# ()&( Two Harbors Investment Corp. (NYSE: TWO; NYSE Amex: TWO.WS) today announced the completion of it pu!lic offe"in# of $%&'''&''' ha"e of it common toc( and i uance of an additional )&*''&''' ha"e of common toc( pu" uant to the unde"+"ite" , full exe"ci e of thei" o-e".allotment option. The total offe"in# of $/&*''&''' ha"e p"oduced net p"oceed of app"oximately 0$)%.) million& afte" deductin# unde"+"itin# di count and e timated offe"in# expen e . The company expect to u e the net p"oceed f"om thi offe"in# to ma(e additional ac1ui ition of "e idential mo"t#a#e.!ac(ed ecu"itie & "e idential mo"t#a#e loan & "eal e tate and othe" "eal e tate."elated a et & and fo" othe" #ene"al co"po"ate pu"po e . 2"edit Sui e Secu"itie (3SA) 442 acted a the lead !oo(."unnin# mana#e" fo" the offe"in#. 5a"clay 2apital 6nc. and 7.8. 9o"#an Secu"itie 442 acted a !oo(."unnin# mana#e" . 798 Secu"itie 442 and :eefe& 5"uyette ; Wood & 6nc. acted a co.mana#e" . Thi p"e "elea e hall not con titute an offe" to ell& o" a olicitation of an offe" to !uy& no" hall the"e !e any ale of the company, ecu"itie in any tate o" <u"i diction in +hich uch an offe"& olicitation o" ale +ould !e unla+ful p"io" to "e#i t"ation o" 1ualification unde" the ecu"itie la+ of uch tate o" <u"i diction. *bout Two Harbors Investment Corp. T+o =a"!o" 6n-e tment 2o"p.& a 9a"yland co"po"ation& i a "eal e tate in-e tment t"u t that in-e t in "e idential mo"t#a#e.!ac(ed ecu"itie & "e idential mo"t#a#e loan & "eal e tate and othe" financial a et . Cautionar% Notice !egar+ing ,orwar+-.ooking Statements Thi "elea e may include tatement and info"mation that con titute >fo"+a"d.loo(in# tatement ? +ithin the meanin# of ection @AA of the Secu"itie Act of */$$& a amended& and ection @*E of the Secu"itie Exchan#e Act of */$%& a amended& and +e intend uch fo"+a"d.loo(in# tatement to !e co-e"ed !y the afe ha"!o" p"o-i ion the"ein and a"e included in thi tatement fo" pu"po e of in-o(in# the e afe ha"!o" p"o-i ion . Bo"+a"d.loo(in# tatement include tatement +ith "e pect to ou" !elief & plan & o!<ecti-e & #oal & ta"#et & expectation & anticipation & a umption & e timate & intention and futu"e pe"fo"mance. The fo"+a"d.loo(in# tatement made in thi "elea e include& !ut may not !e limited to& expectation "e#a"din# u e of p"oceed . Bo"+a"d.loo(in# tatement a"e not #ua"antee & and they in-ol-e "i ( & unce"taintie and a umption . The"e can !e no a u"ance that actual "e ult +ill not diffe" mate"ially f"om ou" expectation . We caution in-e to" not to "ely unduly on any fo"+a"d.loo(in# tatement and u"#e you to ca"efully con ide" the "i ( identified unde" the caption >Ci ( Bacto" &? >Bo"+a"d.4oo(in# Statement ? and >9ana#ement, Di cu ion and Analy i of Binancial 2ondition and Ce ult of Ope"ation ? in ou" pu!lic filin# +ith the SE2& +hich a"e a-aila!le on the SE2, +e! ite at +++. ec.#o-. All +"itten o" o"al fo"+a"d.loo(in# tatement that +e ma(e& o" that a"e att"i!uta!le to u & a"e exp"e ly 1ualified !y thi cautiona"y notice. We exp"e ly di claim any o!li#ation to update the info"mation in any pu!lic di clo u"e if any fo"+a"d.loo(in# tatement late" tu"n out to !e inaccu"ate.

Contact 2h"i tine 5atti t& 6n-e to" Celation & T+o =a"!o" 6n-e tment 2o"p.& (E*@) E@/.@)'A& ch"i tine.!atti tFt+oha"!o" in-e

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